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does music influence people?

Tuesday, 21 March 2023 8:03 PM

In this essay I want to talk about the power that music has in people mostly positive, the
importance of listening to music because music is a complex system of sounds, melodies and
rhythms that man has been discovering and elaborating to obtain an infinity of different
possibilities where today he is very involved in our lives with which he became essential in
the lives of many of us. The utmost importance is that it is part of how we define ourselves as
human beings, it is part of our identity and our culture and beliefs.

Music and society have always been intimately related. Music reflects and creates social
conditions, including factors that facilitate or prevent transformations in society. Music is a
very powerful medium and in some societies it has even been tried to control its use: it is
powerful at the level of the social group because it facilitates communication, beyond words,
it allows to share feelings and meanings, it also promotes the development and maintenance
of group, cultural and national identities; it is a powerful medium at the individual level
because it can induce multiple responses whether physiological, movement In reality, there
are very few expressions with effects in such a wide range of human functions as that of

With regard to the power of music to act therapeutically, it has been recognized for quite
some time. Therapy can involve either listening to or actively playing music. It can also be
effective along with other interventions in order to promote relaxation, relieve anxiety or
pain, and promote the well-being of the body through the production of particular
It has also been used to promote appropriate behaviors in vulnerable groups and improve
the quality of life of those who cannot be helped medically.

Music can play an important role in human development in the early years, stimulating
fetuses and babies in such a way as to ensure their well-being. Early interactions between
mother and child have an essentially musical quality which helps in the development of
communicative skills. Listening to music does not seem to directly affect intelligence,
although active participation in music creation can improve self-esteem and promote the
development of a range of social and transferable skills. Listening to calm and relaxing sounds
can improve performance in a variety of academic tasks, while exciting music can interfere
with them. The considerable availability of current music seems to encourage people to use
this art in order to manipulate their own moods, reduce stress, relieve boredom while
performing tedious or repetitive tasks and create appropriate environments for certain types
of social occasions. In short, music is used by people to improve the quality of their lives and
add vitality to their individual or group moments.

In conclusion, music is part of the daily life of human beings in one way or another, and in
several circumstances it helps us to relax, to expel tensions, and it also excites us and brings
us memories and sensations. It may be that at a certain moment a song will lead us to a past
memory, to a moment of childhood, to a decisive situation for our lives. Music can also help
us relax in moments of tension, or even a chord or musical note, or the sound of an
instrument can generate sensations of pleasure. Finally, we can say that music is a
phenomenon that allows us to evoke experiences of great pleasure, joy or even sadness,
which are related to different stimuli that the brain receives through the activation of
neurotransmitters. Music is even used for therapeutic purposes in medicine to treat different

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