ECH6-1-Week-5 Term 1

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Term - 1 ECH6-1-5

Section: Spelling
Spelling Box

birthday receiving complications pinpoint

whether awkward compliments stressing
considering reminded

1. Choose the correct spelling from the 4 options given below.

complicatioms b) complicetions c) complications d) conplications

awakward b)
awkaward c) awkward d)

compliments b) complimeints c) ciompliments d) conpliments

considering b) considerimg c) comsidering d) consideiring

2. Write the meaning of any 5 words from the spelling box and form a sentence.

(a) Word:



(b) Word:



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Term - 1 ECH6-1-5

(c) Word:



(d) Word:



(e) Word:



3. Write any 6 words from the spelling box and write their Synonyms and Part of Speech.

Word Synonym Part of Speech







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Term - 1 Comprehension RC6-1-7


Do you prefer to give or receive gifts?

As a child, getting gifts was the best thing in the world.
This is probably largely due to the fact that, as a child,
I didn’t have that much money, and birthday gifts,
Christmas gifts, and all types of gifts in general meant
that I could get my dirty little hands on the things
I wanted. It was amazing to be able to ask for things
you wanted, and to then get them!
However, growing up, the ritual of gift giving and receiving took on a lot more complications.
Sadly, though growing up means that you’re able to buy a lot more of those things that you
wanted yourself, it makes receiving presents a lot less fun.
Part of this can be due to the fact that a lot of people no longer know what you would want as a
present. Sometimes, this applies to yourself as well. It feels a lot more difficult to pinpoint what
you would want as a present when you know you could get a bunch of things yourself, and asking
for money as a present can often feel just… well, you know. As a result, you tend to both give and
receive a lot more gifts along the lines of candles or soaps.
This applies to giving gifts as well. For example, have you ever asked what your parents wanted
for their birthdays? Personally, I get a lot of vague answers there, and gradually, I started to
understand why a lot more.
(Still though, if any parents out there are reading this, asking for your child to “study more” isn’t
helpful when they’re trying to get you something for Christmas!)
It’s still a work in progress, but I’m beginning to wonder whether the whole gift giving process can
be a lot less awkward if we don’t put the emphasis on the actual gift part. After all, though a lot of
companies and ads push for you to buy, buy, buy in order to show someone that you care about
them, there are many ways to show someone that you care about them. Making something
yourself, giving compliments, or just spending time together can all be forms of gifts you could
give to someone without stressing over how much money you need to spend on them.
Viewed in this light, both gift giving and gift receiving seems to become a much less stressful
subject. After all, gift receiving can now be seen merely as someone showing you that they care
about you. And have you ever gotten something you really wanted, whether that be bought or
made? To know that someone spent some of their time considering what you would want is
lovely. And giving gifts becomes a great little reminder that you can make someone else happy,
whether that be through buying them something, or making them something beautiful that they
can be reminded of you by.

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Term - 1 Comprehension RC6-1-7


Ultimately, though, I think I prefer giving gifts a little more than getting gifts, even though both
are pretty great. This may be because I like the act of being nice, or just because I like being able
to buy or make something without having to worry too much about where I’m going to have to
keep it. Let’s pretend it’s the first reason, though.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the effect of the phrase “dirty little hands” in paragraph 2?
a) It creates a sense of humour
b) It describes how the author has changed
c) It conveys that the author now likes being clean
d) It conveys that the author believes gifts given to children will be ruined

2. The use of the ellipsis and “well, you know” in paragraph 4 conveys
a) anger b) impatience
c) embarrassment d) happiness

3. What do the speech marks in paragraph 6 signify?

a) that the quote inside is used very often
b) that the quote may be something the author has heard
c) that the quote is meant to be read with a sarcastic tone
d) that the quote has been said by the author

4. Which of these is not a reason the writer provides for preferring to give gifts?
a) it’s a good feeling to make someone else happy
b) the writer enjoys being nice
c) the writer never gets gifts they want
d) it’s a chance to buy things without worrying about where to put it

5. What is referred to by “vague answers” in paragraph 5?

a) people asking for soaps or candles
b) people hinting that just making them something would be ok
c) people asking for things they don’t actually want
d) people asking for things that can’t really be gifted
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Term - 1 Comprehension ECH6-1-5


6. What is the effect of the rhetorical question in paragraph 5?

a) it leads the reader to an obvious answer
b) it urges the reader to remember similar experiences
c) it shows that the question does not have a concrete answer
d) the question is meant to be answered aloud

Short Answer Questions:

1. Explain why the writer may have chosen to repeat the word “buy” in paragraph 7

2. What does the writer pose as the main reason for gift giving?

3. How has the writer’s opinion on getting gifts changed?

4. What are some of the “complications” referred to in paragraph 3?

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Extended Response Question:

Do you prefer to give or get gifts? Explain why.

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Term - 1 comprehension ECH6-1-5

The most popular breeds of dogs

There are many different dog breeds. Whether

it be a classic breed like the Golden retriever,
the German shepherd and the Beagle, or a
more adventurous breed like the Rottweiler,
every dog plays a special role in the lives of
its owners. In some cases, dogs are chosen
as pets to improve home security. Others
prefer having a dog as a member of the family,
bringing fun to children’s lives especially. The
following piece describes a few of the most
popular dog breeds in society.

Labrador retriever

Labradors are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Lovers of this breed appreciate
the dog’s trusting nature and its medium size, as well as its high level of intelligence which makes
it an excellent guard dog. Another remarkable characteristic is its ability to seek and detect
items. Therefore, it is one of the top candidates for accompanying hunters and helping in military

German shepherd

Although their large size and intimidating appearance may scare people, their intelligence and
gentle nature make them one of the most preferred dog breeds in the world. German shepherds
have a reputation for being hardworking and loyal. With their high level of intelligence, curious
nature and keen sense, they are very popular. They are also one of the best breeds for home
security. While at home, they can be very fierce in declaring their territory, even towards

Golden retriever

Golden retrievers resemble Labrador retrievers. However, Golden retrievers are more well-known
for their friendly natures. They are also very smart and cooperative. Thanks to their intelligence
and wonderful memories, they are often selected to be guide dogs. On top of this, their calm
natures make them great company for kids and families.

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Term - 1 comprehension ECH6-1-5

How Social Media Has Changed Our World


Beagles are some of the cutest dogs in the world. They have compact bodies and even-tempered
natures. They were originally bred as hunting dogs, as they have a great sense of smell. Beagles
are also renowned for their ability to warm up quickly to strangers, as they are very friendly
animals, especially with their owners.


Bulldogs tend to be more obedient and laid-back. They also play a role in strenuous exercises
during military training. These dogs are docile and friendly, making them ideal for owners with
small homes and backyards.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which dog breed is mentioned in the first paragraph but is not described later in the passage?
a. Golden retriever b. German shepherd
c. Beagle d. Rottweiler

2. According to the passage, why do some people love the Labrador retriever?
a. Its trusting nature b. Its soft fur
c. It’s clean and well-behaved d. It’s good with kids

3. Which dog breed has a reputation for being hardworking and loyal?
a. Beagle b. Bulldog
c. German shepherd d. Labrador retriever

4. Why were Beagles originally bred as hunting dogs?

a. Fierce and protective b. Great ability to sniff out prey
c. Good with children d. High endurance

5. Among the following, which is not a use for dogs?

a. Throwing stones at them b. Companions to children
c. Agents of security d. Guide dogs

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Term - 1 comprehension ECH6-1-5

The most popular breeds of dogs

6. Which word is a synonym for ‘intimidating’?

a. Caring b. Fluffy
c. Easygoing d. Frightening

7. Among the following, which phrase refers to dogs?

a. Green thumb b. Rose-coloured glasses
c. Man’s best friend d. Saving for a rainy day

Short Answer Questions

1. Which feature makes Labrador retrievers popular among hunters and in the military?

2. Which behaviour shows that German shepherds are very protective?

3. Which dog breed is suitable for those with small homes and backyards?

4. List two traits that make Golden retrievers suitable as guide dogs.

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Term - 1 comprehension ECH6-1-5

How Social Media Has Changed Our World

5. Which dog breed is renowned for being able to warm up quickly to strangers?

6. Why are Beagles the ideal pet for family homes?

Extended Response Question

Which breed is your favourite? Explain why.

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