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C h a pt e r 2 : R ac e s o f H y r u l e

I n d iv ers it y, t here is b eau t y, an d t here is s t ren g t h.

T ab le Of C o n t en t s
Customise Your Origin
Deku Scrub: Boko, Business, Mad
Goron: Frost, Igneo, Luminous, Stone
Kokiri: Baga, Boko, Deku, Maku
Rito: Fokka, Fokkeru
Sheikah: Awakened, Inverted
Zora: Deep, River, Sea

Monstrous Races
Blins: Boarblin, Bokoblin, Bulblin, Miniblin, Moblin
Daira: Aeralfos, Dynalfos, Lizalfos

Exotic Races

C h a pt e r 2 : R ac e s o f H y r u l e
The lifespan entry notes the age when a member of the S
C h o o s i ng a R ac e race is considered an adult, as well as the race’s expected h
lifespan. This information can help you decide how old your s
Humans are the most common people in the worlds of D&D,
character is at the start of the game. You can choose any age S
but they live and work alongside gorons, hylians, Zoras, and
for your character, which could provide an explanation for w
countless other fantastic species. Your character belongs to
some of your ability scores. For example, if you play a young
one of these peoples.
or very old character, your age could explain a particularly
Not every intelligent race of the multiverse is appropriate
low Strength or Constitution score, while advanced age
for a player-controlled adventurer. Gorons, hylians, Zoras,
could account for a high Intelligence or Wisdom.
and humans are the most common races to produce the sort
of adventurers who make up typical parties. Gerudo,
sheikah, kokiri, deku scrubs, and subrosians are less
C r e at u r e T y p e
Every creature in D&D, including every player character, has
common as adventurers. The zola, a more violent
a special tag in the rules that identifies the type of creature
Subspecies of Zoras, are also uncommon.
they are. Most player characters are of the Humanoid type. A
Your choice of race affects many different aspects of your
race option presented here tells you what your character’s
character. It establishes fundamental qualities that exist
creature type is.
throughout your character’s adventuring career. When
Here’s a list of the game’s creature types in alphabetical
making this decision, keep in mind the kind of character you
order: Aberration, Beast, Celestial, Construct, Dragon,
want to play. For example, a sheikah could be a good choice
Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Giant, Humanoid, Monstrosity, Ooze,
for a sneaky rogue, a goron makes a tough warrior, and a
Plant, Undead. These types don’t have rules themselves, but
hylian can be a master of arcane magic.
some rules in the game affect creatures of certain types in
Your character's race not only affects your traits but also
different ways.
provides the cues for building your character’s story. Each
race’s description in this chapter includes information to help
you roleplay a character of that race, including personality,
S iz e
Characters of most races are Medium, a size category
physical appearance, and features of society.
including creatures that are roughly 4 to 8 feet tall. Members
These details are suggestions to help you think about your
of a few races are Small (between 2 and 4 feet tall), which
character, not binding dictums of your options. Adventurers
means that certain rules of the game affect them differently.
can deviate widely from the norm for their race. You should
The most important of these rules is that Small characters
never feel limited by your choice of race. While a sheikah
have trouble wielding heavy weapons, as explained in the
may be well included towards being a rogue, a sheikah druid
Player's Hand Book Chapter 5, "Equipment."
or paladin are just as worthwhile options. Consider why your
character is different, as a helpful way to think about your
character’s background and personality.
H eigh t an d Weigh t
Player characters, regardless of race, typically fall into the
same ranges of height and weight that humans have in our
R ac i a l T r a i t s world. If you’d like to determine your character’s height or
The description of each race includes racial traits that are weight randomly, consult the Random Height and Weight
common to members of that race. The following entries table in the Player’s Handbook, and choose the row in the
appear among the traits of most races. table that best represents the build you imagine for your
A b ilit y S co r e I n cr ease
When determining your character’s ability scores, increase S peed
one of those scores by 2 and increase a different score by 1, Your speed determines how far you can move when
or increase three different scores by 1. Follow this rule travelling (Player's Hand Book Chapter 8, "Adventuring”) and
regardless of the method you use to determine the scores, fighting (Player's Hand Book Chapter 9, "Combat”).
such as rolling or point buy.
The “Quick Build” section for your character’s class offers L a n g u ag e s
suggestions on which scores to increase. You’re free to follow Your character can speak, read, and write Common and one
those suggestions or to ignore them. Whichever scores you other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate
decide to increase, none of the scores can be raised above for the character. A list of widespread languages to choose
20. from is available in this book's Introduction, "Welcome to
Hyrule". The DM is free to add or remove languages from
L i f e s pa n that list for a particular campaign.
The typical lifespan of a player character in the D&D
multiverse is about a century, assuming the character doesn’t S u b species
meet a violent end on an adventure. Members of some races,
such as gorons and kokiri, can live for centuries—a fact
noted in the description of the race.

P r o f i ci enci es
C u s t o m i s e You r O r i g i n Some races and subspecies grant proficiencies. These
At 1st level, you choose various aspects of your character, proficiencies are usually cultural, and your character might
including ability scores, race, class, and background. not have any connection with the culture in question or
Together these elements help paint a picture of your might have pursued different training. You can replace each
character's origin and give you the ability to create many of those proficiencies with a different one of your choice,
different types of characters. Despite that versatility, a typical following the restrictions on the Proficiency Swaps table.
character race in D&D includes little or no choice—a lack
that can make it difficult to realise certain character Pro f icien cy S wap s
concepts. The following subsections address that lack by P r o ffiicciie n c yy R e p l aacce m
meen t P r o f iicci e nnccyy
adding choice to your character's race, allowing you to
Skill Skill
customise your ability scores, languages, and certain
proficiencies to fit the origin you have in mind for your Armour Simple/Martial Weapon or Tool
character. Character race in the game represents your Simple Weapon Simple Weapon or Tool
character's fantasy species, combined withBoarblin,
Bokoblin, Bulblin, Miniblin, Moblin certain cultural Martial Weapon Simple/Martial Weapon or Tool
assumptions. The following options step outside those Tool Tool or Simple Weapon
assumptions to pave the way for truly unique characters.
For example, hylian adventurers have proficiency with
Ab i li t y S co r e Incr eas e longswords, which are martial weapons. Consulting the
Proficiency Swaps table, we see that your hylian can swap
If you'd like your character to follow their own path, you may
that proficiency for proficiency with another weapon or a
wish to ignore the standard Ability Score Increase trait and
tool. Your hylian might be a musician, who chooses
assign ability score increase tailored to your character.
proficiency with a musical instrument—a type of tool—
Here's how to do it: take any ability score increase you gain
instead of with longswords. Similarly, hylians with
in your race or subspecies and apply it to an ability score of
proficiency in the Perception skill. Your hylian might not have
your choice. If you gain more than one increase, you can't
the keen senses associated with your kin and could take
apply those increases to the same ability score, and you can't
proficiency in a different skill, such as Performance.
increase a score above 20.
Player's Handbook Chapter 5, "Equipment" includes
For example, if the Ability Score Increase trait of your race
weapons and tools suitable for these swaps, and your DM
or subspecies increases your Constitution by 2 and your
might allow additional options.
Wisdom by 1, you could instead increase your Intelligence by
2 and your Charisma by 1.
C u s t o m L in eag e
L a n g ua g e s Instead of choosing one of the game's races for
Your character's race includes languages that your character your character at 1st level, you can use the
is assumed to know, usually Common and the language of following traits to represent your character's
your ancestors. For example, a goron adventurer is assumed lineage, giving you full control over how your
to know Common and Goruah. Here's the thing: D&D character's origin shaped them:
adventurers are extraordinary, and your character might
CCrreeaattuurree Tyyppee:: Your creature type is Humanoid.
have grown up speaking languages different from the ones in You determine your appearance and whether
your Languages trait. you resemble any of your kin.
To customise the languages you know, you may replace S i zzee.. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose
each language in your Languages trait with a language from the size when you select this race.
the following list:Blinnic, Boko, Celsian, Common, Demotic, S p e e dd.. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Drakaran, Faerish, Geridic, Goruah, Hylian, Leonin, Piscian, Abbiilli ttyy S c oorree Inccrreeaassee. One ability score of your
Primordial, Rosarian, Twilish, or Watary. choice increases by 2.
Your DM may add or remove languages from that list, F e aatt.. You gain one feat of your choice for which
depending on what languages are appropriate for your you qualify.
campaign. Vaarriiaabbllee TTrraaiitt.. You gain one of the following
options of your choice: (a) darkvision with a
range of 60 feet or (b) proficiency in one skill of
your choice.
L a ngguuaage s .. You can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language that you and
your DM agree is appropriate for your character.

Kokiri call the deep untouched places of nature their home.
R ac es Bound to spirits of the wild lands, their child-like nature
The world of Hyrule is populated by people of many different belies the ancient wisdom they retain.
races. However, unlike the settings of most D&D worlds, Mogmas are molefolk whose sensitive eyes drive them deep
Hyrule shares very few in common with those found in the underground through tunnels of their own making.
Player's Handbook or any other supplemental material. Rito are an avian race of hunters and explorers that roam
While the series often explores familiar tropes of fantasy the plains of Hyrule and roost on isolated mountaintops.
races, it puts unique spins on them which prevent them from Sheikah are clever scholars and ministers who often move
falling under the umbrella of the Player's Handbook races. through Hyrule in disguise. Exceptional spies and rogues,
The Legend of Zelda's hylians may have much in common they live in the shadows of hylian society.
with elves, they possess too many distinctions to simply be Zoras are an enigmatic, water-dwelling people with an
treated as such. Similarly, the rocky gorons share some endless desire to explore.
attributes with the hardy dwarves but their rock-like design Zuna live a simple agrarian lifestyle in accordance with the
prevents them from sharing racial traits. The following teachings of their ancestors that recount the doom visited
section includes information regarding the racial traits of all on them when they delved too greedily into arcane artifice.
the varied races of Hyrule and the lands beyond. M o n s t r o u s R ac e s
This section also includes information on what a typical Blins are outcast scavengers who seek a place in the world.
character from each of the major regions of Hyrule might They are (unfairly or not) infamous for their bloodthirst, a
think of the members of each race. Although some of these reputation even the most peaceful struggle to escape.
accounts are accurate, others represent skewed perceptions Daira sometimes venture from their homes in search of
or stereotypes. Many such perceptions have some basis in treasure and glory for their clan. Inscrutable to their
truth, but that truth has often been distorted by hearsay, mammalian companions, they prove to be stout allies.
prejudice, propaganda, or cultural misunderstandings. Darknuts are a fierce people, often employed as
This section is separated into three parts: Standard Races, mercenaries, they've fought world-threatening evils for
Monstrous Races, and Exotic Races. centuries.
Standard Races are the most common and most Lynels are proud lion-like hunters who employ cunning and
accepted races in Hyrule. They are a common sight in the equine strength to further the goals of their roaming
marketplaces of Hyrule and go where they please without bands.
worry. Twili were once Humanoid like their Light World kin, now
Monstrous Races, while not necessarily evil, possess a they exist as shadows in a strange state between life and
reputation that incites fear and trepidation in those that see death.
them. It is not illegal for these races to enter a town or city, Vire embrace the solitude of the hunt, and the isolation of
however they are likely to be regarded warily, scrutinised their colonies, striving to distance themselves from those
more closely, and possibly blamed for a crime with little who whisper of vampire bats in hushed tones.
evidence if they happen to be in the wrong place at the Yook are hulking wanderers who dwell in the highest
wrong time. mountain reaches.
Exotic Races are select races drawn from the Player's
Handbook and supplemental material which can easily be E x o t i c R ac e s
given a skin that suits the Legend of Zelda setting. These Automos are artificial lifeforms built to perform labour for a
races are a rare sight, to the point where some NPCs may long lost civilisation. Created as tools, they must now find
not know they exist or else have only heard of them in folk their place and purpose in the world.
tales. Cloudfolk dwell in Levias, the Plane of Air and are imbued
with that Elemental power as a result of their birth.
S ta n d a r d R ac e s Faires have penchant for mischievous fun and follow their
Anouki are guardians of the north who prefer peaceful passions in pursuit of wild revels and new adventures.
methods to protect their homes but take up arms when Illmaia are Humanoids with a Celestial spark in their souls,
they must. which grants them supernatural power and a claim to
Deku Scrubs are curious, Plant-like people that dwell deep Hyrule's throne.
within the swamps and forests of Hyrule. Keaton are curious fox folk, most of whom live in defiance of
Gerudo are imposing warrior women who dwell in the harsh the deities and often journey from their distant homelands
deserts with strict laws and strong personalities. in search of interesting treasures and lore.
Gorons are bold and hardy rock men, known for their skilled Malkari are Humanoids whose heritage has seared an
warriors, miners, and a fine craftsmanship of stone and Infernal spark in their souls, which grants them arcane
metal. power but also deep mistrust.
Humans in the Light World are similar to those found on Minish are people of simple pleasures. They care for one
other D&D worlds: adaptable, ambitious, and wildly another and tend their gardens, but when the need arises
diverse. they make stalwart companions.
Hylians are a mystical and insightful people with pointed
ears and (so legend says) the ability to hear the voices of
the deities.

While the anouki nations have a traditional sense of
A nou k i division of labour between the men and women it is far from
absolute. While the men are most often hunters and the
“The moblins may have lived through the winter if they had
women take care of the children, clean the home, sew,
borrowed survival strategies from the anouki, but the only
process food, and cook it is also understood that survival
record we have of contact between the two peoples is a note
requires adaptation. Many anouki stories tell of famed and
made by a moblin settler regarding how much the anouki
fearless female hunters and it is a foolish anouki man who
bleed when stabbed—an observation that hardly indicates a
doesn't know how to mend a break in his coat while on a
willingness to learn from their northern neighbours.”
hunt several days from camp.
— Shad, The Anouki and the Far North
A key component of anouki hunts and a centrepiece in
The anouki are a tribal people who live in small their culture are their sled dogs. Both on land and on sea ice,
communities. They are adapted to extremely cold climate the anouki use dog sleds for transportation. These dogs are
conditions; such areas are where they can generally be bred from white wolfos, and are prized in the central regions
found. Though a small number of these nations live in the of Hyrule for their large size and beauty, as well as their
northernmost areas of the Hebra mountain ranges, the strength.
majority of the anouki can be found far to the north, in the These dogs play an integral role in the annual routine of
arctic region of Wayaway. The anouki are keyed into the the anouki. During the summer they became pack animals,
nature of their frigid environment and as such share just as sometimes dragging up to forty-five pounds of baggage and
many traits with the animals they live with and hunt, as they in the winter they pulled the sled. Yearlong they assist with
do human characteristics reminiscent of their neighbours in hunting by sniffing out seals' holes and pestering polar
the south. bears. They also protect the anouki villages by barking at
While fairly human in appearance the anouki possess bears and strangers. The anouki generally favour, and try to
horns, not unlike those of a reindeer, which are usually breed, the most striking and handsome of dogs, especially
larger on the men and smaller on the women. These ones with bright eyes and a healthy coat. A strong dog could
protrude from their thick hair which comes in dark shades. mean the difference between life and death in the north.
Some anouki have a thick coat of glossy fur covering most of
their bodies which traps heat, allowing them to survive the Ar t an d Ar ch i t ect u r e
cold of their homeland while others rely on a thick layer of
Anouki art is quite beautiful to behold but generally
blubber to maintain their core body temperature. These
simplistic in design. Because they are always moving they
coats are often prone to damage in accidents or hunts so the
favour lightweight artistic expression that will not add undue
anouki don clothing lined with caribou skin that is often
stress to the pact dogs. Pendants carved of ivory or bone in
mistaken for parts of their body when the hood is up.
the shape of various animals are popular as are small reliefs
These anouki communities are nomadic and rely on their
depicting great hunts or other achievements. More extensive
experienced hunters to feed their populations as agriculture
anouki artwork will often be created in a stationary location
is not possible in the vast icy expanse of Wayaway. As such,
that the nation will occasionally return to during their
hunting is the core of their culture and cultural history. They
migration. These sites can often become holy as one artist
used harpoons, spears, and bows to take down animals of all
will leave their work behind only to add to it the following
year. These sites may be a resting place for several different
To the anouki, there is no greater fault than greed. The
anouki nations who will build upon each other's art and
anouki believe that the world remains healthiest when each
leave the results for the other nations to see when they
creature takes only what it needs. Material goods, especially
return. Vandalising such sites, even between nations that are
precious gems and gold, have little appeal to them except
at war, is considered taboo.
where they can be used to augment their weapons and tools.
During the winter, certain anouki nations live in a type of
What use are such things when winter lingers and food runs
temporary shelter made from densely packed snow called an
igloo. These shelters, despite the material used in
Construction, are actually quite warm and designed with an
H u n t e r s a n d G at h e r e r s opening at the top so that a fire can be lit inside without risk
The anouki have traditionally been fishers and hunters. of smoke inhalation. During the few months of the year
Though sparse amounts of natural greenery such as when temperatures rise above freezing, the anouki live in
seaweed can be found in the warmer months, it is tents made of animal skins supported by a frame of bones or
impossible to cultivate Plants in the frozen northern regions. wood. Some use driftwood, while others built sod houses.
This means the anouki primarily survive off of animals they
hunt on the land and fish they can hunt in the ocean. This is
a harsh style of living and in times of famine, the remaining
food will be given to the hunters so they will have the
strength to bring home more for the rest of the community.
While the anouki's natural inclination to the cold generally
results in competent swimmers, fishing while in the water is
not ideal so is instead done from single-person boats or
simply through holes in the ice.

L aw a n d C o m m u n i t y T r i b a l Te n s i o n s
Anouki law is enforced by tradition and the need for survival. Relationships between different anouki nations can often
As such to an outside observer it may appear that the anouki become strained to the point of warfare between the two
have little to no organised governance at all. Contrary to this, groups. Many anouki stories talk about raids by other
the anouki have a set of cultural practices which fall into nations and taking vengeance on them in return. Though
three categories: often terrible to behold, the feuds between different anouki
nations rarely continue beyond one generation.
That which has to be followed. Comparatively almost all the nations as varied as they are
That which has to be done. have a long-standing animosity towards another arctic-
That which has to be avoided. dwelling race, the yook.
If an individual's actions go against any of these three No one can be sure exactly when the violence between
tenets, the shaman may have to intervene, lest the these two people began as tales of bloody contact permeate
consequences be dire to the individual or the community. the oral history of both peoples. Some say it dates back to
Justice within anouki culture is moderated by a form of ancient times when the anouki would fell yook like any other
governance that gives significant power to the elders. Beast and use their skins for clothing and camouflage.
Judgement can be harsh and often includes capital Others say that anouki is a deeply valued delicacy among the
punishment for serious crimes against the community or the yook. Attempts to mediate this conflict have generally
individual. If the offence is dire enough or brought deadly devolved into more violence. Anouki who live in less
consequences to the anouki's community the perpetrator productive geographical areas tend to be less warlike, as
may be banished from the nation, an unenviable fate for any they spend more time producing food.
anouki. The last major denizen of Wayaway with whom the anouki
The laws of the anouki are taught, not written. Young have any contact is the Ho Ho Tribe. They are less a nation
anouki learn through example and through the wisdom of and more a loose coalition of merchants that have set up
their peers rather than by study. This is because the anouki several ports along the southern coasts of Wayaway to
consider the spirit, the mind, to be lasting. A story that is facilitate exports both passing through the northern straits
passed from one generation to the next will never die. and exotic items from the country itself. The anouki are not
Whereas material things are transitory. Laws written on fond of the Ho Ho Tribe as they see their activities as highly
parchment are temporary. When the parchment is destroyed, destructive to the natural order and go out of their way to
the laws disappear. avoid them. However, there have been instances of anouki
In a culture with oral history, elders are the keepers of nations going to the Ho Ho market ports to trade when food
communal knowledge, effectively the community library. becomes scarce or they suffer great losses. There is a
They are of extreme value as the repository of knowledge. commonly held superstition among the anouki that if you are
The harsh nature of the land and the importance of raising greatly injured you can be healed by the Ho Ho Tribe but
new anouki in place of those that were taken by the elements they will take your soul in exchange.
means that anouki marital customs are somewhat fluid. They Many Hyrulean stories about the anouki talk of arctic
are rarely monogamous and not uncommonly exist only for creatures such as seals which transform into beautiful
the purpose of producing a child. Open marriages, polygamy, maidens. Conversely, the anouki legends about the
divorce, and remarriage are fairly common practices to such southerners speak of those that walked too far south and
a degree that anouki in relationships do not expect them to were kidnapped by greedy men. The intersection of those
be closed unless directly specified as a condition. Some two stories should speak for itself.
couplings are arranged, sometimes in infancy, and
occasionally enforced by the community in times when their
numbers are thinning.
Similarly, the family structure is somewhat fluid. Those
with any kind of familial relation tend to share a dwelling
place during the winter. Goods are shared within a
household, and also, to a significant extent, within a whole

Th e L o r d o f t h e M o u n t a i n Ou t cas t Adven t u r er s
Above the mountains of Wayaway is a phenomenon that As people invested in the health of their community and
Hyrulean scholars call the Aurora Polaris. It is a great growing up with a way of life embroiled in the whims of the
display of lights of all different colours that shines in great far north, few anouki would dream of leaving their homes or
waves across the night sky. Many anouki believe that all attempting to fit into hylian society. An exiled anouki, or one
living things have a spirit and that these spirits, including whose clan has been destroyed, might not have a choice in
those of their ancestors, can be seen in these northern lights. the matter. Most adventuring anouki fall into this latter
Many anouki stories talk about ghosts or fantastic creatures category.
emerging from the lights, sometimes to attack and Outcast anouki can never return home. They committed
sometimes to teach a lesson. some unforgivable deed, usually something that put their
Some nations believe the lights to be malevolent, that they community at risk, such as angering the spirits or bringing a
would strike down any who garnered their attention. While threat back to their home. These anouki are loners who
others tell tales of the invisible Giants that walked in the wander the world in hope of finding a new place to call
lights or the souls of animals they had felled appearing home.
before them. Orphaned anouki are those whose clans or homelands
Chief among these spirits is Satori, who they call "Lord of have been destroyed. They may become crusaders for nature,
the Mountain". Satori is an ethereal creature, most seek to avenge their loss, or search the world looking for a
resembling a deer but with alien characteristics such as six purpose that calls to them.
eyes, and blue-white fur that shines with the same light as A few rare anouki are entrusted by their clan with an
that of the sky. They believe that any place where the lights important mission that takes them beyond their homes.
appear to touch the mountaintop means that Satori had These anouki feel like pilgrims in a strange land, and usually,
called the spirits together there for council. Many anouki they wish only to complete their quests and return home as
stories speak of climbing these mountains to search out quickly as possible.
Satori and ask for his wisdom or for a desperately needed The Anouki Adventurers table can serve as inspiration for
boon. determining why an anouki character leaves home.
For more information on the Lord of the Mountain see
An o u k i Ad v en t u rers
Chapter 1: The Divine and the Demonic
In keeping with their belief in the spirits, the anouki
d 8 RReeaas o n f o r A
Addv e n t u rriinng
practise an animistic religion. They believe that all things 1 Outcast for murder
have a form of spirit, including humans, and that to some 2 Outcast for angering the natural spirits
extent the spirits of those creatures that had now passed on
can be influenced when one required some animal or 3 Clan slain by invading Humanoids
inanimate thing to act in a certain way. Most anouki 4 Clan slain by a monster or druthildi
communities have at least one shaman, while they are not
the leader, they act as healer to both the mind and the body.
5 Separated from the nation and lost
They tend to wounds and offer advice, as well as invoking 6 Homeland destroyed by natural disaster
the spirits to assist people in their lives. Their role is to see, 7 Personal quest ordained by omens
interpret and exhort the subtle and unseen. Shamans are not
trained; they are held to be born with the ability and 8 Dispatched on a quest by nation leaders
recognized by the community as they approach adulthood.
In keeping with their religious practices, the anouki follow Wayaway Native Names:
a system of rituals integrated into their daily life. These
rituals are simple but held to be necessary. It is a truth of the • Nutaaq (Solid Ice)
arctic lands that all things must eat, and largely that means • Anuniaq (Hunter of Food or Knowledge)
creatures eating one another. That is the circle of life and • Uukkarnit (Carved Ice)
there is no animosity felt by the reindeer for falling victim to • Ataciara (Familiar Spirit)
the wolfos. However, the anouki believed that certain
practices have to be followed in order to placate the spirits.
Any hunt that fails to show appropriate respect and
customary supplication would give the liberated spirits cause
to avenge themselves.
The harshness and unpredictability of life in the far north
ensure that anouki live with concern for the uncontrollable,
where a streak of bad luck can destroy an entire community.
To offend a spirit is to risk its interference with an already
marginal existence. The anouki understand that they have to
work in harmony with supernatural powers to provide the
necessities of day-to-day life.

Anou k i Di s p o s i t i o n Anou k i N ame s
You can use the Anouki Quirks table to determine a Male Names: Akin, Aroo, Bulu, Dobo, Fofo, Gumo, Hintobo,
personality quirk for an anouki character or to inspire a Honcho, Kofu, Kumu, Mazo, Nobodo, Noko, Yefu, Yeko
unique mannerism. Female Names: Sey, Sho, Illi, Mae, Koo
Family Names:(Insert names)
An o u k i Qu irk s
d 6 Qui rk A n ou k i Tr a i t s
1 I travel light but everything I carry is expertly Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s
maintained and cared for. ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase
a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
2 I don't understand why my companions value gold so
much. Lifespan. Anouki reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and
lives an average of 80 years. Though their harsh
3 I leave ornate wooden carvings on the walls anywhere environment likely plays a role in their shorter lifespan
I sleep. compared to southern-dwelling peoples.
4 I have never had alcohol before. Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
Size. Anouki average about 5 feet tall and weigh about
5 If I see a hairy mammal that is not trying to kill me, I
am obligated to try to pet it, even if it is a person and 110 pounds. Your size is Medium.
not an animal. Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Hunter's Lore. You gain proficiency with two of the
6 My extremities are always freezing to the touch. following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature,
Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
Arctic Insulation. You have insulating fur or blubber that
covers your body. You are resistant to cold damage and
naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5
of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Ram. You can use your head and horns to make unarmed
strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your
Strength modifier bludgeoning damage, instead of the
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Snowwalker. The ground beneath your feet subtly freezes,
hardening loose snow into easily walkable terrain, instantly
reverting when you step off of it. You can move across
nonmagical difficult terrain composed of snow, or similar
materials, without expending extra movement. In addition,
ability checks made to track you in this environment have
Cunning Artisan. As part of a short rest, you can harvest
bone and hide from a slain Beast, Construct, Dragon,
Monstrosity, or Plant creature of size Small or larger to
create one of the following items: a shield, a club, a javelin,
or 1d4 darts or blowgun needles. To use this trait, you need
a blade, such as a dagger, or appropriate artisan's tools, such
as leatherworker's tools.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most anouki speak Anuk.

M o nar ch s an d M a k e r s
D eku Sc rub While many deku civilisations are somewhat insular and
“I am not going to tell you my name, not yet at any rate." A heavily distrustful of outsiders, there are those gregarious
queer half-knowing, half-humorous look came with a green scrubs who will happily adventure abroad or seek
flicker into his eyes. "For one thing it would take a long independence from their kingdoms in their own quiet part of
while: my name is growing all the time, and I've lived a very a forest. Some of these independent deku scrubs might
long, long time; so my name is like a story. Real names tell become corrupted by the dark magic that creeps through
you the story of things they belong to in my language, in the Hyrule's deep woods and end up becoming the servants of
Old Entish as you might say. It is a lovely language, but it dark powers.
takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do In deku society, scrubs organise themselves into a strict
not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to hierarchical caste system with a Royal Family ruling over the
say, and to listen to.” deku scrubs who reside in the area of the forest or swamp
— Treebeard, The Two Towers that make up their kingdom. They are protective of deku
traditions and customs and will typically shun outsiders and
The diminutive deku survive in a world full of larger
bar their entry into their kingdoms. A deku monarchy is
creatures by avoiding notice or, barring that, avoiding
absolute, and they will be surrounded by family, advisers,
offence. Standing about 3 feet tall, they appear relatively
and guards.
harmless and so have managed to survive for centuries in
Deku artisans are known for crafting fine and intricate
the shadow of empires and on the edges of wars and
wooden artefacts and architecture. These Constructs are
political strife.
decorated with deku patterns and art. Deku scrubs have an
extensive musical tradition that includes both woodwind and
P eo p le o f B ar k percussion instruments. They also have a merchant class,
The Plant-like deku scrubs are characterised by dark, hard who represent the primary contact deku kingdoms have with
bark-like skin, heads of copious leaves of many colours, outside races as they make regular inroads with outside
glowing deep-set eyes, and large barrel-like mouths that travellers and traders.
protrude significantly from their heads. It is said that the
disposition of a deku scrub differs greatly based on the type M o no e ci ou s an d Di o e ci ou s
of tree they are born from. Deku scrubs heavily populate
While deku scrubs are sexually dimorphic, it is in much the
many woodlands Prominent colonies exist in swamps but
same way that pollinating Plants have a variety of sexual
deku kingdoms may exist in whatever isolated forested area
designations. The differences are either so subtle or so alien
the Plant people decide to settle. They speak their own
to onlookers that only another scrub would be able to tell
language but are known to interact regularly and
from visuals alone. More than half of the deku population is
congenitally with outsiders, particularly when involved in
monoecious, possessing both male and female sexual
characteristics, while the other half is dioecious, separated
Though physically diminutive, deku scrubs are far from
into male and female individuals. Some deku scrubs,
helpless. They are unusually spry and can spin violently
particularly the members of the monarchy have embraced
through enemies, their serrated leaves warning predators to
the traditional gender presentations of other cultures, the
keep their distance. They can store a plethora of seed pods
majority of deku scrubs regard sexuality as irrelevant until
in an organ inside their gullet and propel them from their
such time as procreation is required.
mouths at great speeds. Deku scrubs have been known to
Even in those circumstances, procreation is seen more as
take up arms against invaders as well, arming themselves
an obligation than an act of love. Deku scrubs come together
with natural weapons like slingshots, spears, and javelins.
at certain intervals to expand their people. While dioecious
Most deku territories are decorated with deku flowers.
parents may be involved, it is far from guaranteed and a
These flowers act as specialised launchers which propel
monoecious scrub does not require a partner to fertilise a
deku scrubs into the air. Using petals from the flower, deku
new scrub. Raising the young is a communal endeavour with
scrubs can deploy a small flower-like propeller that allows
the Planting beds of the immobile deku children watched
them to glide through the air. Some deku scrubs merchants,
over in shifts and those newly loosed from the soil taken
with a deep connection to woodland magic, can use these
care of by various members of the community. The genetic
propellers to travel great distances.
parents may be involved but no more so than any other and
they hold no special attachment to their own young beyond
the preciousness of all newborn life.

E x p l o r i n g N at u r e ' s B o u n t y D e k u S c r u b I n d i v i d ua l i t y
Deku scrubs usually set out on the adventurer’s path to There's something about the gentle presence of a deku scrub
defend their communities, support their friends, or explore a that is both calming and invigorating at the same time. Deku
wide and wonder-filled world. For them, adventuring is less a scrubs can represent the innocence of nature, always
career than an opportunity or sometimes a necessity. growing, watching, and helping. Deku scrubs are all a little
Deku scrubs have a deep connection to the woodlands. different. You can use the Deku Scrub Quirks table to
They can understand and communicate with many forms of determine a personality quirk for a scrub character or to
wild Plant life and have some magical abilities, born out of inspire a unique mannerism.
their arboreal lifestyle.
D ek u S cru b Qu irk s
There are a select few deku scrubs who have attained a
sophisticated level of mastery when it comes to magic and
d 6 Qui rk
spellcasting. Deku scrubs are adherent to the Druidic arts 1 I do not make use of inns, preferring to bed down in a
and draw their power from nature and its energies. Despite nearby garden.
their nature, druids are rare among the deku population and 2 Monkeys are my sworn enemy. I react accordingly if I
are revered as sages and granters of wisdom. They tend to see one.
live far from major population centres where they may reside
3 I view any kind of eating other than photosynthesis as
in solitude. While many deku scrubs venture far from home
strange, perhaps even abhorrent.
in the hopes of attaining an understanding of druidic ways,
few achieve this goal. 4 I adore the rain—it fills me with joy. Who doesn't love
a water bath while walking?
Th e Fi r s t R ac e 5 I see no reason to do things quickly. All things in their
Legends and deku spiritual beliefs state that the deku people
were the deities' first attempt to create sentient life. Before 6 I often have birds or squirrels nesting in my hair.
the hylians or the gorons or the Zora there were the deku
people. Deku S cr u b N ames
Hylian traditions claim that the deku scrubs were a first
Deku scrubs are not normally named at birth. They usually
draft. An experiment by the deities so they could understand
only take on a name when it becomes necessary, often
creation before embarking on the people that would
choosing two-syllable names that sound similar to Deku,
ultimately rule the land. Many of these traditions claim the
such as "Dekki" or "Deppi" If a scrub can be identified by
deku scrubs were ultimately discarded because they lacked
their profession or role, they will often simply use that as
hearts and souls and without either they could not know the
their name.
difference between good and evil and could not care for any
but themselves. Male Names: Debli, Decci, Deffi, Defgi, Defri, Defwi, Dekbi,
The deku traditions take a different perspective. They Dekki, Dekmi, Demsi, Deppi, Depzi, Dersi, Detpi, Dezki,
believe that the deku people were created too perfect. Dezri, Dezzi, Farwa, Teruk, Vowga, Yves
Ageless, intelligent, and in tune with the rhythms of the Female Names:
world, the deities feared their first attempt would one day
grow to surpass them in wisdom, power, and courage.
Not wanting to waste their efforts, the deities decided to
recycle what they'd made. They unleashed a flood of a sticky
sap-like substance on the wooden people. Those that were
caught in it were fused to the earth and slowly transformed
into trees. A few managed to break free from the sap and
hide themselves from the deities underground. Yet the sap
stuck to their feet, continuously pulling in order to fulfil their
duty of turning the deku into trees. Even those born after
would be afflicted and could live no longer than 150 years
before succumbing to the deities' new design for them and
becoming talking timbers.

D e k u S cr u b Tr a i t s B o k o S cr u b
The most common of the deku scrubs and the most willing
Deky scrubs are small, and wooden, sharing many to form long time bonds with other races. Though they are
characteristics with Plants. Most other races find deku plentiful in heavily forested regions, it is not uncommon to
scrubs a bit odd. You have the following traits. find them Planted in urban centres. Public parks in such
Ability Score Increase. When determining your places often become deku scrub neighbourhoods.
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 Deku Spin. When you take the Disengage action you can
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three choose to execute a spin attack. Your leaves or roots become
different scores by 1. razor-sharp and twirl around you as you retreat. Each
Lifespan. Deku scrubs do not become mobile for 2 or 3 creature within 5 feet of your starting position, other than
years after being Planted, and do not reach adulthood until you, must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6
their mid-teens. Most can live for hundreds of years but slashing damage. The DC of the save equals 8 + your
become rooted to the ground as trees after 150 years. Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. The damage
Creature Type. Your creature type is Plant. increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level
Size. Deku scrubs range in height from 2 to 4 feet. Your (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
size is Small. Learned Trade. You gain proficiency in any one artisan's
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. tool, any one musical instrument, the herbalism kit, or in the
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you Nature skill.
as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You discern colours in that darkness only in shades of B u sin ess S cr u b
grey. Business scrubs are those who live among or near societies
Barkskin. Your skin is comprised of rough bark. When of other races. Although they don't necessarily conduct
you aren't wearing armour, your AC is 16. You can use this business, most of them make a habit of basic trade—offering
trait to determine your AC if the armour you wear would a small selection of wares that only deku scrubs could obtain
leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as easily.
normal while you use your barkskin. Guileful. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills
Seed Shot. When you take the Attack action on your turn, of your choice: Deception, Insight, Intimidation,
you can replace one of your attacks with a ranged attack Investigation, or Persuasion.
with a range increment of 20/60. On a hit, this attack deals Forceful Presence. If you fail a Charisma (Intimidation)
bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier. or Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can use your reaction
This damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level to reroll the check, using your understanding of creative
(2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). diplomacy or intimidation. Once this feature turns a failure
You can use your Seed Shot a number of times equal to into a success, you can't use it again until you finish a long
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses rest.
when you finish a long rest. Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one
Water Hop. When you use the Dash action, you can additional language that you and your DM agree is
traverse over the surface of water or similar liquids until the appropriate for the character.
end of your turn. If your turn ends while you are over a
liquid, you will submerge into it as normal. Mad S cr u b
Speech of Leaf. You have the ability to communicate in a The wildest of scrubs are often called mad, but they may just
limited manner with Plants, and vegetation. They can be misunderstood. Most of these deku scrubs are exposed to
understand your words and can communicate simple ideas poisons and venoms in swamps and forests so frequently
and emotions in return. You have advantage on all Charisma that they build up a potent tolerance.
checks you make to influence them. Poison Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and you make to avoid or end the poisoned condition on yourself.
one other language that you and your DM agree is You also have resistance to poison damage.
appropriate for the character. Most deku scrubs speak Boko. Mask of the Forest. You can attempt to hide even when
Subspecies. Three Subspecies of the Deku Scrub exist: you are only lightly obscured by foliage or other greenery. If
Boko Scrub, Business Scrub, and Mad Scrub. Choose one of you are heavily obscured you have advantage on Dexterity
them for your character. (Stealth) checks made to hide in forests, woodlands, or other
terrain of abundant foliage.

G e ru do S hah o f t he G eru d o
"WELCOME. IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE WE'VE In a distant time, the rare male born to the gerudo
seen any travellers here. This village is our home. We are the people was destined to become their Shah, the
dwellers in the desert, the Gerudo tribe. The village is in a King of the Gerudo. The legacy of Ganondorf
bit of an uproar contending with a man who broke our laws. Dragmire who consorted with druthildi and led a
We can't do much for you, but make yourself at home. war against Hyrule from which the Gerudo people
Once every hundred years, a special child is born unto my
barely survived has sullied this position. The
Gerudo lost faith in their "King" and for many years
people. That child is destined to be the mighty guardian of
afterward those that followed simply served as a
the Gerudo and the desert. But this child, its heart grew
figurehead. Though, even this has been cast into
twisted with every passing year. The child became a man doubt as the most recent Shah of the Gerudo
who hungered for power at any price. proclaimed himself as Dragmire's successor,
He has flouted the law and fled for the pyramid. To reach named himself Ganondorf II, and summoned
the pyramid, one must first pass the trial of the Desert ancient demonic magicks in an attempt to destroy
Temple. The villain Ganondorf will no doubt draw his last Hyrule. Many gerudo now view the men born to
breath failing this trial. The Gerudo honour the desert. The their tribe as intrinsically evil.
pyramid is sacred to our people. To have a criminal such as
he enter... His presence stains its holy ground. Curse that
Ganondorf! He broke our laws and left for the pyramid."
— Gerudo Records The Four Sword: Volume IV, S i s t e r s a n d D au g h t e r s
Adventures The basic physiology, lifespan, and reproduction of the
gerudo is almost identical to that of hylians, with one major
The Gerudo are large, well-built Humanoids with powerful
exception. A gerudo is seldom born male. Such a child is
builds. They are entirely female, and one of the prominent
said to be less than one in a hundred thousand, at most.
Humanoid races of Hyrule and the surrounding regions. The
When a male is born, reactions to him vary wildly from one
principal group of the Gerudo Tribe resides in the deserts of
group of gerudo to the next. In some places, he is heralded
Western Hyrule where their mighty civilisation once stood,
as a god-king that is destined to rule. In others, he is treated
but it is not uncommon to find small colonies or enclaves
as a woman and dressed in traditional female garb. In a few,
along the coasts of other countries.
a male gerudo is seen as a curse—and in these instances,
the child is seldom allowed to live. Male gerudo are so rare
Des er t Dw eller s that in many settlements which have not seen one in
Gerudo bear a strong resemblance to the more abundant generations they are regarded as a myth.
hylian race but their striking appearance distinguishes them. Regardless of the circumstances, the entire race does not
Gerudo have a darker skin tone which ranges from olive- depend on these few sparse males for reproduction. Rather,
brown to nearly black. Typically they bear bright red hair, the gerudo race as a whole has become dependent on the
though more muted browns and auburns are not males of the hylian, sheikah, and human civilisations, to
uncommon. Their features are sharper with pointed noses produce children. Some Gerudo take on superficial traits of
and angular cheekbones. Their eyes are usually golden but their father's race such as an unusual eye colour however the
are occasionally more exotic colours such as blue, green, red, resilience of the gerudo heritage means they never lose their
or violet. A typical female Gerudo stands over 6 feet tall. own despite the frequency with which they intermingle with
Their harsh environment leads most to develop a muscular other races.
physique. Perhaps the most characteristic aspect of gerudo, The exact circumstances of the father vary widely. Hylian
however, is that they are almost universally female. Very few horror stories of the gerudo report their children as the
display the pointed ears common to Hylians and those that result of unwilling copulation. While there is some amount of
do are considered bad luck. truth to these rumours it is by far a minority. Most Gerudo
seek out large urban centres populated by compatible races
such as sheikah, humans, or most commonly hylians where
their exotic charm attracts unscrupulous males who have no
desire to stick around to see the child raised. In some cases,
gerudo children are the result of a more traditional union,
though such partnerships are rare and even more seldomly
last. The strain of separation due to outsiders not being
welcome in gerudo territory or that of more traditional hylian
gender roles can prove too much to overcome. Whatever the
circumstances of the birth, the child is considered gerudo
herself by wider society, and usually raised as such. The tan
skin, red hair, and golden eyes make it difficult for a gerudo
child to fit in as if she were a hylian.

Though divine magic is rare among the Gerudo, those
C r af t er s an d W i t ch es types of arcane magic punished by Hyrulean law are
Stories hold that the gerudo once held a great empire that common among the clan. Some Gerudo take up witchcraft,
spanned the length of the gerudo region and extended some learning their spells from tomes, while others claim power
distance into the Lanayru Sand Sea. The ruins of their from otherworldly entities and a few are born with natural
civilisation which are spread widely throughout the desert power. Those that are granted magic from Caephasa herself,
support this claim. Though this once great nation has or another such entity are rare among the clan. There are
suffered a long decline, the gerudo are far from the savages also fabled alchemists among the clan who are renowned for
of hylian children's tales. They have perhaps lost the ability their potion-making abilities. Those in desperate
to build such massive monuments as the mountainous statue circumstances will often seek out the Gerudo and pay
of the Desert Colossus however they are still competent horrible prices for the medicine to save a loved one.
architects and masterful builders. Their desert kingdom is
constructed of flat, square, stone buildings, emerging from Wa r r i o r s a n d Th i e v e s
the rock face of the natural desert landscape.
In its prime, the Gerudo Empire was said to be a bastion Due to the harsh climate of the desert in which they live, a
of technological superiority. Some rumours even claim that it sizable sect of gerudo are trained in martial combat. They
was found on the ruins of an even older technological practise a unique and graceful form of combat that utilises
empire. While the secrets of much of this technology have scimitars as well as large, curved glaives. Due to the climate
been lost, gerudo scavengers pick through the ruins of the of the desert, the traditional gerudo martial arts don't employ
old gerudo cities to find surviving artefacts to sell to the anything more than light armour and often not even that.
gerudo artificers. While they may be a far cry from the Instead, it focuses on speed and precision to end a fight
prowess of their ancestors, the artificers of the Gerudo Clan before any hits are taken.
are second to few in the world. Some have even been able to Due to the low yield of edible crops and animals in the
retrieve and restore one of the automos which are said to gerudo desert, the majority of food is exported into the
date back to the Era of the Goddess. region through trade and purchase. The expert
craftsmanship of exotic gerudo wares such as jewellery and
textiles largely pays for this. While an odd or experienced
G eru d o T o k en s traveller will pay a pretty rupee for gerudo technology, its
Among the Gerudo there is an ancient practice status in the rest of Hyrule as unholy magic makes such
that allows men of foreign races to earn the purchases seldom and covert. Still, other gerudo will make
respect of the gerudo and be accepted into their their living employing their martial skills in the protection of
ranks as honorary members. This tradition is convoys entering and exiting the gerudo region and often
enacted through ritualistic combat, by which the well into hylian territory. Gerudo bodyguards are prized by
foreign man might prove their worth. Challengers the upper class in Hyrule and some will be employed for
to this rite are rare and success is even less status as much as their actual skills. Some gerudo exploit
common. Those that do succeed are presented their exotic appeal to Hyrule's more insulated regions and
with a token that marks them to any gerudo they become entertainers. This takes many shapes and forms
meet as an honorary member of the tribe. from travelling bards to dancers to courtesans.
Even those with this token are treated with Even so, Gerudo are often treated like plague carriers
some degree of mistrust by the wider gerudo when visiting foreign cities. They will rarely face direct
population though they are allowed to pass freely confrontation if passing through or spending a limited time
in gerudo lands as they wish. Often gerudo women in the city but those Gerudo that have tried to settle down in
who have fallen into a traditional union with a
other places, particularly if they have kids, face constant
hylian man will urge him to partake of this rite so
harassment as the citizens fear their curse spreading. This
that they might live together in Gerudo Town.
has been exacerbated by towns along the gerudo border
which have been effectively converted into gerudo outposts
by a combination of immigration and the children born of the
The Gerudo have a deep and rich spiritual life. Though it is influx of gerudo being entirely of their people. As such legal
not uncommon to find those among the clan that worship immigration for gerudo looking to take residence in Hyrule
Nayru, Farore, or most often Din, the long and hardship- proper has become mired in bureaucratic nonsense to keep
filled history of the Gerudo people has led most to swear off the gerudo in their desert. Many of those that wish to leave
the Golden Faith. It is more common to find worship to home take precautions to obscure their gerudo heritage to
Caephasa, the Goddess of the Sands. She is an embodiment avoid such harassment.
of impartial judgement and active members of the faith
embody this philosophy by never allowing personal
attachments to get in the way of justice.
For more information on the Goddess of the Sands see
Chapter 1: The Divine and the Demonic

Due to their treatment in the wider world, it is not G er ud o N ames
uncommon for gerudo to turn their martial skills to banditry
and piracy. This usually takes the form of highway robbery Gerudo women have traditional names derived from words
and ship hijacking. Though it is worth noting that most in the Gerudo language. They tend to have two or three
gerudo who turn to a life of crime follow an honour code. syllables, and usually end in a vowel. Gerudo take no last
They never take from those who can't afford to lose. names.
Enclaves of pirates along the Hyral and Akkala Seas usually
Female 78: Anche, Ardin, Ashai, Aveil, Babi, Barriara, Barta,
have a high percentage of gerudo in their populations. In the
Bertri, Buliara, Calisa, Calyban, Cara, Dalia, Deltan, Dina,
cold mountains of the Gerudo Highlands, it is said there is a
Dorrah, Emri, Essa, Estan, Fegran, Flavi, Frelly, Furosa,
fearsome group of Gerudo thieves that inhabit an old Hylian
Ghanti, Greta, Isha, Kachoo, Kalani, Karsh, Katta, Kohm,
military outpost that most now refer to as the Forsaken
Konora, Kyra, Laine, Laroba, Lashley, Leena, Liana, Lorn,
Fortress after it was abandoned by Hyrule. The Gerudo have
Lukan, Maike, Makure, Malena, Marta, Merina, Muava,
a reputation throughout Hyrule as being thieves which while
Nabooru, Nali, Nellie, Olu, Padda, Pasha, Pearle, Perda,
not unfounded makes life even more difficult for the gerudo
Ploka, Pokki, Pritana, Pyra, Ramella, Reeza, Rhondson,
trying to live honest lives.
Riju, Rima, Ripp, Risa, Romah, Rotana, Saula, Shabonne,
Shaillu, Smaude, Spera, Sudrey, Sumati, Tali, Teake,
R ace R elat io n s Urbosa, Vilia, Yaido
Male 05: The lack of male progeny means there are only a
Gerudo are generally considered untrustworthy in
handful of traditional male Gerudo names that are drawn
the vast majority of Hyrule. Discuss with your DM
to what degree you are comfortable with potential from the few well-known male Gerudo of the past.
discrimination playing into your experience Cundalin, Colinor, Doterin, Ganondorf, Groose
adventuring as a gerudo character and what form
that make take. Be sure to keep such
discrimination within the group's comfort zone
and keep it reasonable.

G er ud o Id en t i t y
You can use the Gerudo Quirks table to determine a
personality quirk for a gerudo character or to inspire a
unique mannerism.

G eru d o Qu irk s
d 6 Qui rk
1 Only harsh and spiny flowers grew in the desert. You
keep a book where you press any new flower you
come across to show your family when you get home.
2 Hylian Plants are so soft and moist. You continually
take samplings to see if you can make new potions
with them.
3 In your home fresh fruit or meat was a rare delicacy.
You never miss a chance to eat such things and you
never share.
4 Rain was a rare and wonderful event where you lived.
Whenever it rains you want to be outside and don't
understand why your companions might be
disgruntled from being wet.
5 You learned Common as a second language and use
femme pronouns and gendered words for everyone
because masc-gendered words are seldom brought up
in your native tongue.
6 You have never seen a man before leaving gerudo
territory. Their strange physique fascinates you.

G e r u d o Tr a i t s A W o rld W it ho u t M en s
Tall, beautiful, powerful, and often brutal, the race of almost The less imaginative of Hyrule's human races In
nothing but women is both coveted and feared. Your gerudo struggle to comprehend how the gerudo people
character has the following traits. function without men in their society. Quite apart u
Ability Score Increase. When determining your from the now age-old adaption that saw gerudo y
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 women take over roles usually filled by men in A
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three Hylian society in the age when their male re
different scores by 1. population began to dwindle; the subject of their
Lifespan. Gerudo enter adulthood in their late teens and romantic needs is often pondered by outsiders. p
usually live less than a century. What most fail to consider is that the gerudo by y
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. and large as a population have romantic interest in
Size. Gerudo are between 5 and 7 feet tall and weigh other women or are indiscriminate in the types of d
between 180 and 300 pounds. Your size is Medium. people they pursue. It follows thereafter that p
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. relations with men are largely something
considered an academic and practical task due to c
their inability to conceive children within their
tribe. Some gerudo do have an exclusive romantic
interest in men and they often find it difficult to
integrate in gerudo society and usually end up M
travelling elsewhere to seek their fortunes.


Goron S wo rn B ro t hers
"THANK YOU, BROTHER! I REALLY APPRECIATE WHAT In rare instances, gorons will induct members of
you did. I thank you on behalf of the entire Goron race! You other races as their "sworn brothers". Individually
turned out to be a real man, just as I thought you would! By this means the goron who swears it considers the
the way, I, the wild Darunia, turned out to be the great Sage other as a member of their own family and will
of Fire... Isn't that funny, Brother? Well, this must be what protect them just as fiercely as they do their own
they call destiny. Nothing has made me happier than helping
kin. However at a societal level, with the
permission of a goron patriarch, a sworn brother
you seal the evil here! Hey, Brother, take this! This is a
can be given a Brotherhood Emblem which will
Medallion that contains the power of the fire spirits--and my
mark them as an honorary goron to any they meet.
friendship." As the goron language does not have gendered
— Darunia, Volvolgia's Fall words, a sworn brother is a title that can be
applied to both men and women of other races.
The Gorons are a large Humanoid race found throughout
Hyrule's mountainous and cavernous areas. Unlike the other
organic races of Hyrule, gorons are instead silicon-based
stone men who subsist on a strict diet of rocks and minerals B r o t h er s All
found in their subterranean environment.
The average goron for the majority of their life is slightly The Gorons are a mono-gendered race. Though practically
larger than a hylian when standing fully erect. There are speaking this makes them genderless, in the hylian and
certain goron warriors, however, who consume a strict diet human tongues their pronouns are primarily male. Gorons
of bomb flowers that grow to be near twice the size of the reproduce through fragmentation, when they eat a vast
average hylian. They possess enough physical strength to quantity of a mineral known as luminous stones they will
shatter large boulders and carve out tunnels using only their develop a spiked growth across their back which will
fists, without suffering any significant fatigue afterwards. eventually break off and become a newborn goron. Because
Some of these warriors can even quake the ground with the child is derived from the stone mass of their father,
their mass. having a child reduces the physical size of the parent.
Interestingly gorons never seem to stop growing. They can Because of the goron culture's emphasis on strength and
with the proper diet reach enormous sizes. There have been as size is often a symbol of this it is generally frowned upon
a few rare behemoth gorons that grew to the size of to have more than two children as the parent will be
mountains which are recorded in goron legends. These noticeably smaller for having so many offspring. This method
massive gorons become largely immobile and eventually of birth means that goron children only have one parent, but
simply stop moving altogether and fuse with the earth. In the the communal culture of the gorons means the young are
years before this happens most take up artisanal occupations raised by a large number of their kin, usually close friends of
that don't require extensive travel such as blade making. their father.
Gorons in old age begin to develop the rocky growths Gorons have a friendly communal culture. Great emphasis
common on goron backs all over their body, limiting their is placed on keeping members of their tribe safe and as
ability to walk and eventually resulting in them ceasing to such, they are rarely seen fighting each other unless for
move altogether. entertainment. Sumo and boxing matches as well as goron
racing and dance are great sources of friendly competition.
The smaller stature of igneo gorons allows them a greater
amount of finesse in the art of dance and such shows are
highly praised by the gorons.
They take great pride in both their physical strength and
ingenuity. While normally this inspires confidence, in times
of great strife the gorons will often put their desire to solve
internal problems on their own above their well-being. They
very grudgingly will accept help from outsiders and only
from those who have proven their strength.

Other gorons find fulfilment in the Goron Archaeological
Th e S p i r i t s o f Fi r e Society. It is believed that the gorons possess more complete
Gorons have rich and deeply held spiritual beliefs that centre records regarding the early history of the world compared to
around the Mountain Goddess and various spirits of fire that other races and whether that is true or not they certainly
they worship in the Fire Temple in the caldera of Death have a keen interest in the past. Goron archaeologists make
Mountain. Though some traditions identify the Mountain use of their natural predilection for digging and excavation to
Goddess with the hylian goddess of fire and earth, Din, uncover the ancient ruins of bygone eras. Their large size
orthodox teachers rigorously maintain that they are separate also makes them ideal contractors for Construction projects
entities. This religious tradition holds strict tenets about around Hyrule. They excel at such tasks, particularly when
where it is acceptable to mine on Death Mountain. Many complex stonework and masonry are involved. Goron
enterprising members of other races have met their death stonework is highly prized among the upper classes of
trying to mine where they didn't get the permission of the Central Hyrule.
For more information on the Mountain Goddess see G o r o n P eculi ar i t y
Chapter 1: The Divine and the Demonic
In their funerary practices, it is believed that a goron that You can use the Goron Quirks table to determine a
becomes dormant returns to a state of pure rock and his personality quirk for a goron character or to inspire a unique
spirit becomes imbued into the earth in the form of a rare mannerism.
type of mineral called luminous stones. Luminous stones G o ro n Qu irk s
also act as a catalyst for goron birth. A goron attempting to
d 6 Qui rk
create a child consumes a certain quantity of these stones as
a preempt to maturation. 1 Your first solution to any problem is explosives.
Because of this the priests of the gorons (most often but 2 Water in your home was limited to a handful of hot
not always composed of luminous gorons) dispense the springs. You take any opportunity available to bathe.
rituals of the dead but also act as midwives and parental
3 Your limited experience with clothing has led you to
council for those gorons going through fragmentation.
assume that the colour of cloth denotes a special
property of the clothing.
E x p lo s iv e C u lt u re 4 You have a fondness for soft Plants and sleep outside
An ancient Goron saying claims that maturity can among them whenever possible.
only be reached by "rolling with a bomb flower". 5 You've never written using ink before and always end
One must roll through the explosion to grow. up making a mess.
Similarly much goron architecture and industry are
6 You assume everyone is as strong as you are and often
tied to explosives. They are experts with get into trouble as a result.
pyrotechnics and famously re-engineered the
common bomb into the Powder Keg—a powerful
barrel of gunpowder which can take out even the G o r o n N ames
greatest of boulders. Goron names are fairly simple, but their names vary a lot in
length. Most names sound guttural and reflect their rocky
nature though, but there are a few exceptions. All Gorons are
M er ch an t s an d Ar ch eo lo g i s t s referred to as 'Brother', and their names are mostly
masculine sounding by nature. Some Gorons receive
The goron people have a booming economic relationship nicknames based upon their traits, such as the Giant Goron
with the rest of Hyrule. While many gorons are content to smith known as Biggoron.
sell wares in the Hyrulean city of Kakariko at the base of
their mountain range some go further. Some become Goron Names (48): Aji, Amoto, Axyl, Bargoh, Bayge,
travelling merchants who journey from city to city trading in Bladon, Bludo, Bohrin, Boldon, Coron, Dangoro, Darbus,
and selling rare items from one region to another. While Darmani, Daruk, Darunia, Dorill, Drak, Dugby, Ebizo,
others set up permanent shops in foreign cities. Their most Fugo, Golo, Gonguron, Gorko, Gortram, Grapp, Greyson,
prominent exports are raw explosive materials used to make Heehl, Jengo, Kabetta, Kagoron, Kairo, Krane, Liggs,
bombs, as well as bomb bags made from the stomachs of Lyndae, Naddon, Offrak, Pelison, Pyle, Reagah, Rogaro,
dodongos to contain the volatile material and clothing that is Rohan, Slergo, Strade, Tanko, Tengoron, Tray, Volcon,
made of dodongo skin which is resistant to fire. Some rare Yunobo
shops even sell goron hot spring water, though the troubles
with transporting this from their home region and even
greater troubles with storing it safely at proper temperatures
make this a rare and often coveted luxury item reserved for
the wealthy. Though the powerful Powder Keg is considered
a staple of goron trade its distribution is highly regulated and
rarely found in common bomb shops.

G o r o n Tr a i t s F
Zo ra F eu d F
Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s The gorons have a bitter relationship with the Sea a
ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase Zora that safeguard Hyrule's waterways. li
a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. Goron spirituality teaches that luminous stones fr
Lifespan. Gorons reach maturity around 20 and while contain the spirits of dead gorons, while Zoras th
they in theory have an unlimited lifespan, they begin to regard the material as a precious mineral for
develop growths that limit their mobility after 100 years and Construction. Relations between the two people s
most become inactive after 150 years. fully collapsed after the Zoras found a plentiful m
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are vein of luminous stones in Upland Zorana and w
also considered a goron for any prerequisite or effect that started a quarry to mine it. It was then used in the th
requires you to be a goron. Construction of the new Zora's Domain as well as v
Size. Average gorons are between 8 and 9 feet tall and accents for many bridges in the area.
weigh between 1500 and 2000 pounds. Your size is Medium. The gorons viewed this as not just sacrilegious u
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. but also vulgar. It was the equivalent of building a
Natural Armour. Due to your rocky composition and the city from the bodies of the dead. Relations
shape of your body, you are ill-suited to wearing armour. Your
between the two people have been unstable since.
form provides ample protection, however; it gives you a base
AC of 15 (your Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number). a
Goron can wear specially crafted Goron Armour to increase 2
this value. You gain no benefit from wearing standard d
armour, but if you are using a shield, you can apply the y
shield's bonus as normal. e
Mountainous Build. You count as one size larger when te
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can m
push or drag.
In addition, swimming is especially difficult for you c
because of your heavy, stone body. When you swim without m
magical assistance, each foot of movement costs you 4 extra y
feet, instead of the normal 1 extra foot. While in water you fa
must move a minimum of 0 ft. or you will begin to sink at a u
rate of 30 ft. per turn. re
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and e
one other language that you and your DM agree is ta
appropriate for the character. Most gorons know Goruah. a
Subspecies. The goron race is one defined by rock, as
such there are different types of gorons depending on their fi
geological makeup. Choose one of the following Subspecies:
Frost, Igneo, Stone, or Luminous.

I gn eo L
Igneo gorons even more than their stone brothers are S mall in S t at u re L
molten. They tend to live much deeper underground to keep Due to their small size there is often friction c
near steady sources of heat that match their bodies. It is between igneo gorons and the other types. The fr
believed that they are so small compared to other gorons other gorons place a great deal of value on g
because the high temperature of their rocky bodies causes physical strength and the igneo gorons' small g
pieces to break off with some regularity. Their eyes glow stature is often mocked.
brightly with the light of the magma within their bodies. b
Because of their small stature, they tend to be quicker and s
more dexterous than their larger kin. p
This category encompasses the Subrosians from Oracle of u
Seasons. is
They wear flame-retardant cloaks to avoid damaging
others with their heat. s
Size. Unlike the other types of gorons the Igneo variety is ra
significantly smaller. Their constant molten state seems to tr
keep them from gaining a significant amount of mass. Your g
size is Small. th
Speed. You have an additional 10 ft. of movement. tr
Molten Heart. You have resistance to fire damage and are e
immune to fire damage generated from lava or magma. s
Additionally, you are naturally adapted to hot environments th
as described in Chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide
but are ill-adapted to cold environments. The DC to resist F
exhaustion in cold environments increases by 5. y
Flaming Skin. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the F
hellish rebuke spell as a 2nd-level spell with this trait. Once c
you cast hellish rebuke with this trait, you can’t cast that a
spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also b
cast that spell using any spell slots you have of the
appropriate level. W
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting s
ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait s
(choose when you select this race).
Guilty Escape. You are nimble on your feet. When an a
attack of opportunity is made against you your speed lu
increases by 10 feet until the end of your turn.
Universal Key. You have proficiency with thieves' tools. a
Extra Language. Your character can speak, read, and 1
write one additional language that you and your DM agree is th
appropriate for your character. Most igneo gorons know y
Rosarian. U



Sto n e
Stone gorons are the most plentiful in Hyrule as they live the
G o ro n Armo u r
closest to the surface and live in a slightly more hospitable
environment to hyrulean citizens compared to some of their A goron character can increase their natural armour
class by wearing specially made Goron armour.
Only Gorons can equip this armour, and they must
Older stone gorons develop chalky white stones along
have proficiency in the armour type to gain its
their faces and arms. Though in their early history it was
mainly considered a nuisance and chiselled away, exposure
to the Humanoid races and their grooming habits inspired a If a Goron character would normally have Chain
tradition of sculpting the white stone into facsimiles of hair, mail as part of their starting equipment, they can
giving the elder gorons the appearance of wild manes and elect to start with Goron Armguards, instead.
great beards. A more detailed description of each armour piece
They boast powerful limbs and strong builds, though the is found in Chapter 8: Magic Items and Equipment.
exact consistency of their stone varies by diet and
consequently by the region in which they live, most stone Arm
moou r A rrm
mo u r T y p e AC CCoosstt
gorons are composed of a reddish-orange rock while the Goron Armguard Light 16 80 gp
jagged boulders of their back are a deep brown.
Goron Pauldron Medium 17 500 gp
Molten Heart. You have resistance to fire damage and are
immune to fire damage generated from lava or magma. Goron Plating Heavy 18 1200 gp
Additionally, you are naturally adapted to hot environments
as described in Chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide
but are ill-adapted to cold environments. The DC to resist
exhaustion in cold environments increases by 5.
Stone Curl. You can curl into a tight ball as a bonus N o t e t o t he D M
action. Until you uncurl, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, and you The Stone Gorons represent the classic gorons
have advantage on Strength saving throws. While curled, found in the Legend of Zelda series. The Igneo
your speed is 50 ft. but cannot increase, you have Gorons represent the subrosians found in Oracle
disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you can't take of Seasons and the linked variant of Oracle of
reactions. Additionally, an Attack roll made against you has Ages. If you wish to stick strictly to what is
advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet of you. Otherwise, depicted in the games, only use these two
the Attack roll has disadvantage. You can use a bonus action Subspecies.
to uncurl.
Power Roll. While under the effects of Stone Curl when
you move at least 20 ft. straight toward a target and hit it
with a melee attack on the same turn, that target takes an
additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage. If the target is a
creature they must succeed on a Strength saving throw. The
DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength
modifier. On a failure the target is knocked prone.

Humans live much of their lives under the cultural
H uma n presumption of being unwanted; not chosen by the deities,
not enlightened, second class. While the other round-eared
Actually, there's one more of us...but there's been a disturbing
human race, the gerudo, wear this difference in proud
turn of events on the north mountain, so she's gone to check
defiance of Hyrule's teachings, to the humans of Hyrule
things out. She's a beautiful young lady named Ashei. If you
proper it is often seen as a source of shame.
have a chance to meet her, you should definitely take the
time to talk to her, OK, honey?"
"I grew up in the mountains with my father, who was a Fi g h t i n g t o B e S e e n
knight in his own right. He taught me the arts of war as Humans have varied reactions to not being among the
though I was his son." chosen of the deities. Those that live in Hyrule proper may
"Of course, lessons in common courtesy were not part of reject the idea that they are not wanted and may zealously
the regimen, so forgive me if I come off as rude, yeah?" devote themselves to the priesthood of the Golden Faith or a
"And here I was, thinking Hyrule was empty of men of related sect in the hopes of being noticed by the goddesses
valour..."* and blessed.
— Ashei, The Ruins of Snowpeak Others accept this as their lot in life and toil away, content
to know their place. It is very common to find humans
Humans, true humans, are a common race in Hyrule. They
determined to prove that the goddesses were wrong and
make up a disproportionately large number of the country’s
become great adventurers. As sanctioned clerical magic is
farmers and peasants, but very little of its nobility. They are
rare among humans many of them become witches and
generally content with this situation. Generally. Strictly
speaking, humans are forbidden from worshipping Hylia,
While with some rare exceptions these human-built lands
although this ban has not been enforced since the Civil War
are not dissimilar from Hyrule they have a much greater
of 1198. A superstitious people, they usually worship local
emphasis placed on the development of technology and the
spirits and forces, and the Golden Goddess, Farore.
methodical experimentation of the limits of magic rather
Though many races that inhabit the Light World could be
than faith in higher powers to guide them on these paths. As
described as human, such as the gerudo, hylians, and
such things like clockwork are commonplace and wizards
sheikah, the True Humans are a slightly different breed. In
are more acceptable. While religion is tolerated in these
the grand scheme of the world's history humans don't have
lands, it has little political power and foreign missionaries
an ancestral homeland, or if they did it has ceased to be so
are often ridiculed or even attacked.
long ago that it is of very little importance to their
appearance and culture. As a result, humans tend to be more
widespread than other races but also significantly less B u i l d i n g N at i o n s
unified. While some humans have struggled to find their place and
An individual can stand from 5 feet to 6 and a half feet tall be recognized in Hyrulean society others have turned their
and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Human skin shades back on it. They have built great nations outside of the
range from nearly black to pale, skin colour is primarily borders of this land. Some such as the Cobble Kingdom
determined by their environment. Those that come from (or claim to predate Hyrule descended from those humans Hylia
whose ancestors originated from) environments with near did not protect during the Spirit War. While others are the
constant sun exposure tend towards much darker skin, while result of the ingenuity of human settlers searching for their
more protective and temperate climates foster lighter skin. fortune.
Likewise, hair colours range from black to blond of various It is common for such cultural pressures to cause humans
thicknesses and consistencies; males might sport facial hair to turn away from the Golden Faith. Hyrule is a land of many
that is sparse or thick. Red hair is rare and often mocked for spirits and deities and while the Golden Priesthood holds
its association with the gerudo. Humans reach adulthood in dominance there are others always looking for more
their late teens and live between seventy and a hundred followers. The teachings of the roving twili missionaries who
years. have appeared in the last hundred years, spreading the word
of the Twin Sols is often appealing to humans of the land
Th o s e N o t C h o s e n who feel cast aside by the Golden Goddesses.
For more information on the Twin Souls see
The most visible trait that separates True Humans from the
Chapter 1: The Divine and the Demonic
other human races of Hyrule is their ears. Unlike the hylians,
humans have short, rounded ears. It is a common belief
among the dominant religions of Hyrule that the pointed Amb i t i o n
ears of the hylians are a gift from the deities, a blessing that Humans who seek adventure are exceptionally daring and
allows them to hear the messages of the deities as their ambitious with an at times reckless thirst to prove
chosen people. Other teachings say that this blessing was themselves. They seek to earn glory in the eyes of their
earned through meditation and enlightenment. What does fellows by amassing power, wealth, and fame. More than
that mean for those that do not possess them? other people, humans champion causes rather than
territories or groups.

H u man Di s t i nct i ven es s H u m a n Tr a i t s
You can use the Human Quirks table to determine a It’s hard to make generalisations about humans, but your
personality quirk for a human character or to inspire a human character has these traits.
unique mannerism. Alternative Ability Score Increase. When determining
your character's ability scores, increase each score by 1.
H u man Qu irk s Confirm with your DM if this trait is permitted. If not, use the
d 6 Qui rk standard Ability Score Increase trait outlined below.
Increase one of your ability scores by 2 and increase a
1 I'm obsessed with personal hygiene.
different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
2 I don’t like people I don’t already know. People can Lifespan. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and
still make it into my good graces as I get to know live less than a century.
them. Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
3 I hate getting wet. So much so, I can’t even remember Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely
the last time I bathed. 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium or Small.
4 I scratch my right ear whenever I lie. You choose the size when you select this race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
5 Whenever something surprises me, I get hiccups. Human Determination. When you make an attack roll, an
6 I don’t notice the volume of my voice, often ability check, or a saving throw, you can do so with
embarrassing my companions in social gatherings. advantage. You can use this trait a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
H u man N ames an d Et h n i ci t i es Versatile Application. Choose any combination of two of
Given the heavy intermingling that humans do with other the following: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Arcana, Insight,
races, parents might give their children names borrowed Nature, Perception, Survival, artisan’s tools, operation or
from other languages. Usually from hylian, but more maintenance of a land vehicle. When you make a check
uncommonly humans can be found with goron, Zora, rito, or involving your chosen skills or tools you can roll a d4 and
even sheikah and gerudo names. add the number rolled to the ability check.
But most often humans name their children based on the Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
cultural and ancestral traditions of the specific region they Common and one other language that you and your DM
inhabit. agree is appropriate for the character.
Male: Adlar, Bard, Barnes, Bipin, Bo, Buri, Cheval, Colin,
Coro, Drenn, Dekadin, Eddo, Fuzo, Gazpacho, Hanch, H u m a n Va r i a n t Tr a i t s
Jacob, Jaggle, Papahl, Patch, Pippin, Purlo, Rafton, Ralph, If your campaign uses the optional feat rules from the
Renado, Richard, Romanos, Rusl, Talo, Tarin, Thomas, Player's Handbook, your Dungeon Master might allow these
Tokkey, Troy, Vasu variant traits.
Female: Ashei, Beth, Blossom, Freedle, Hena, Holly, Ilia, Your human character has the following traits.
Inga, Iris, Iza, Luda, Malo, Maple, Marin, Pamela, Pergie, Ability Score Increase. When determining your
Ambi, Roperi, Sera, Seres, Syrup, Tracy, Uli character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
Family Names: Combsly, Marie, Meow, Plen, Ruul, and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
Stockwell, Ulrira, Write different scores by 1.
Lifespan. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and
Arcadia (LoZ Cartoon)
live less than a century.
Calatia (Valiant Comics)
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
Cobble Kingdom (Phantom Hourglass)
Size. Your size is Medium.
Emerald City (Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love)
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Gamelon (Wand of Gamelon)
Skills. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Holodrum (Oracle of Seasons)
Feat. You gain one feat of your choice.
Hyrule (LoZ)
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
Hytopia (Tri Force Heroes)
Common and one other language that you and your DM
Koridai (Faces of Evil)
agree is appropriate for the character.
Labrynna (Oracle of Ages)
Land of the Spirits of Good (Spirit Tracks)
Moria (Shadow Prince)
Ordon (Twilight Princess)
The Drablands (Tri Force Heroes)
Tolemac (Zelda's Adventure)
Tonalin (Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love)
Wayaway (Phantom Hourglass)

Th e K n i g h t s o f H y r u l e
H yl i a n The Knights of Hyrule trace the origins of their order back to
THE HYLIAN'S LONG EARS ENABLE THEM TO HEAR before the foundation of Hyrule itself. They are charged with
special messages and as the chosen people, they were also protecting the Royal Family of Hyrule. Legends speak of the
given special psychic and magical abilities that they in turn Hyrule Warrior, a figure dressed in green who appears when
passed on to their descendants. Their extraordinary ears the world is in great peril. This legend has attracted many
allowed them to not only hear the faintest sounds around young children to enlist with the Hyrulean Army in the hopes
them, but also words telepathically transmitted over time of joining the knights and taking up magic blades to strike
and space by other hylians. down evil. The organisation itself doesn't dissuade this
— Ancient Texts, A Link to the Past Player's Guide notion, perpetuating the concept that all heroes originate
from the bloodline of the Knights of Hyrule and only one of
Hylians are the most common race in Hyrule and comprise
the knights can wield the Blade of Evil's Bane, the signature
most of the nobility. As a human subrace, their physiology is
sword of the Great Hero.
comparable to other humans, although there are differences,
Several centuries ago the knights were all but wiped out
such as their pointed ears that they believe allow them to
during the Imprisoning War, plunging Hyrule into an era of
hear their deities more clearly.
despair as the fear that no hero could ever be found again
Hylians most commonly worship Hylia in her incarnation
seeped into the population. The Order throughout several
as the Queen of Hyrule, the intermediary goddess appointed
generations eventually recovered and once again stands as
by the Golden Goddesses during their departure. Their
the pinnacle of Hyrule's military. A green tunic is a mark of
preferred Golden Goddess is usually Farore.
honour given to the most distinguished knights for acts of
Hylians are a Humanoid race indigenous to the realm of
great bravery, usually putting oneself in mortal peril to
Hyrule. The characteristic that separates them from their
defend one of the Royal Family.
human sibling race is their sharply pointed ears which
legend says were a blessing that allows them to hear the
messages of the goddesses. Though they would seem to have Th e S i s t e r s o f G o l d
originated in the land of Hyrule, Hylians have expanded The Hylian people have a deep spiritual life that decides
throughout the surrounding lands and continents. While many of their actions. Primarily they worship the ancient
there are self-contained city-states of hylians throughout the creators, the Golden Goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore, as
world, the capital city of their race is centred in Hyrule. They well as the three Lokari that were left to watch the earth in
tend towards a peaceful life in a variety of occupations their stead. Among the Lokari, the Hylians have a special
including farming, craftsmanship, trading, the arts, and relationship with the goddess Hylia, from whom they derive
manual labour. their name and it is believed helped in the creation of their
C h osen of th e G od d esses It is said the hylians descended from a people who
themselves lived among the goddess Hylia in an age long ago
Legend has it that when the world was first created and the
when she walked upon the earth in the flesh. It is said that
hylians were no more than a fledgling race, the deities were
Hylia took the form of an ancient hylian to restore her
assaulted by a horde of demonic forces. Of the races of the
strength and as thanks for this respite she gifted the hylian
land, only the ancestors of the hylians were chosen to be
people with magic.
protected from the horrors of that war. The great goddess
Hylian civilisation is ruled by an ancient monarchy that
Hylia raised them up and sealed them away from danger.
stretches back thousands of years. It is said that the Royal
Some stories claim this to be a literal ascension after which
Family is descended directly from Hylia's mortal incarnation
the hylians lived amongst the clouds on an island Hylia had
and as such the girls in the line carry her divine magic.
raised into the sky, while other schools of thought believe the
Because of this belief, tradition dictates that the crown
wording to be metaphorical and simply denotes the hylians
princess be named Zelda, after that mortal incarnation. This
being placed under divine protection where the demons
tradition has become so ingrained that Zelda has become
could not reach them.
more of a title than a name and is often integrated with the
Regardless of the true sequence of events, these stories
surname of the female members of the Royal Family.
have fueled the hylians belief that they are the chosen
For more information on Hylia see
caretakers of the land after Hylia departed from the mortal
Chapter 1: The Divine and the Demonic
world and has led to their expansion across the world.
Though the kingdom of Hyrule has largely been a force for
good, the unwavering certainty in their divine right to rule
has led some down a path of ambition and greed and has
resulted in some serious atrocities committed in the past.

Th e Wo r k i n g C l a s s a n d t h e H yli an N ames
N ob i li ty Hylians have names derived from many different cultures. It
is not uncommon for Hylian parents to name their children
Hylians are generally unassuming people. They have an
after heroes from legends, in the hopes that one day the
understanding of the magical arts but the average Hylian,
child will live up to their name.
though sensitive to the presence of magic and arcana, is
incapable of practising them without training. Rather, most Male: Aginah, Alfonzo, Anton, Arn, Auru, Baito, Baris,
Hylians concern themselves with work that benefits their Bertie, Bindle, Borlov, Brac, Bremor, Brent, Brocco,
society as a whole. Common professions include architects Carlov, Cawlin, Charles, Charlo, Croo, Dampé, Daphnes,
and labourers, musicians, dancers and other performance Darpa, David, Dodoh, Doof, Dovok, Dovos, Doyle, Eagus,
artists, farmers, and merchants. Eenie, Erik, Error, Estragon, Falbi, Ferrus, Fledge, Fyer,
While hylians can be found in all escalations of Hyrule's Gaepora, Georgio, Gepper, Gondo, Gonzo, Gossack, Grog,
society they are most numerous within the nobility of Hyrule. Gulley, Harrison, Harry, Herb, Horg, Ingo, Ivan, Jakamar,
Though Hyrule prides itself on a diverse population Jan, Jasmine, Jim, Jin, Jiro, Joe, Joel, Jovani, Kafei, Kamaro,
including, gorons, Zora, deku, as well as common humans, Keet, Klaus, Knuckle, Lenzo, Lolly, Mack, Mako, Manny,
the ruling class is almost completely composed of hylians. Marshall,
There is an underlying belief that hylian magic is inherently Female: Aba, Agitha, Alma, Anju, Aryll, Berry, Breve, Chai,
stronger than other forms due to its link to the goddess Chudley, Cremia, Dina, Dottie, Emma, Fuku, Gillian,
Hylia. In this vein, seven wizards, known as the Seven Wise Goselle, Greba, Hannah, Henya, Hilda, Irene, Joanna,
Men stand as the Royal Family's closest advisers while his Joynas, Judo, Julietta, June, Karane, Keeley, Kili, Kina,
court is made up of the many hylian noble families that Kogane, Kukiel, Leila, Linda, Loot, Lucia, Luv, Maggie,
watch over the various lands under the Royal Family's Mallara, Malon, Marcy, Marilla, Mary,
domain. Neutral: Candy
Members of the Royal Family are known to be buried in
Hyrule Castle Graveyard and a Royal Tomb located in a Surnames: Borville, Horwell, Houlihan, Gorman,
graveyard behind Kakariko Village. For many generations, Royal Dynasty: Basphoramus, Daltus, Gustaf, Harkinian,
they have been protected by their ancestor's chosen Nohansen
guardians: the mysterious Sheikah tribe. Their crest is a BotW Male: Agus, Akrah, Ami, Anly, Armes, Ashe, Azu,
newer variation of the Goddess Crest used to represent their Baddek, Benja, Blynne, Bolson, Botrick, Bozai, Branli,
ancestor during the age in which she walked among her Brigo, Bugut, Cloyne, Dai, Dantz, Darton, Dillie, Dmitri,
people. The crest depicts a red Loftwing, said to be her Domidak, Eryck, Falmark, Fin, Galli, Garill, Garini,
sacred mount, and the relic left behind by the Golden Garshon, Gartan, Giro, Glendo, Gotter, Granté, Hagie,
Goddesses: the Triforce. Hudson, Jini, Jogo, Jora, Joute, Karin, Karson, Kenyo,
Khini, Kinov, Konba, Koyin, Lawdon, Leop, Manny,
H y l i a n Pa r t i c u l a r i t y BotW Female: Aliza, Amira, Ariane, Aster, Aya, Banji, Benny,
Breen, Brokka, Canni, Canolo, Chessica, Cima, Clavia,
You can use the Hylian Quirks table to determine a
Douma, Flaxel, Geggle, Gleema, Haite, Ivee, Izra, Jana,
personality quirk for a hylian character or to inspire a unique
JerBasphoramus, Daltus, Gustaf, Harkinian, Nohansenrin,
Juannelle, Kaifa, Kampo, Kazul, Kiana, Lester, Letty,
H ylian Qu irk s Lonni, Loone,
d 6 Qui rk
1 You are allergic to cuccos yet you cannot resist
picking them up when you see them.
2 To emulate the Great Heroes, you insist you’re
ambidextrous, although you clearly aren’t. You will go
as far as using your offhand to ‘prove’ it, and always
make vapid excuses for your shortcomings with it.
3 You try to fit in with other races by trying to use their
terminology and accents as well as believing in the
stereotypes given to that race which just makes you
come off as condescending and racist.
4 You have to stop whatever you are doing and look
someone directly in the eyes before you talk to them.
5 You’re extremely conscious of proper posture. You’re
constantly standing or sitting up straight.
6 While not knowing much of your deity, you still
heavily worship them. You often with confidence
misquote from scripture or make up a quote in your

H y l i a n Tr a i t s B lo o d o f t he An cien t s
Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s Once upon a time, the ancient Hylia people were a
ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase proud race whose magic ran through their veins.
a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. They once possessed innate abilities including
Lifespan. Hylians reach maturity around age 15 and prophecy and speaking to the minds of others.
rarely live more than a century. Though these bloodlines have thinned over the
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are generations a handful of Hylians still possess the
also considered an elf for any prerequisite or effect that ancient magical gifts of their forebears.
requires you to be an elf. With your DM's approval you can use these
Size. Hylians range between five and six feet and weigh alternate traits for your Hylian character which
between 110 and 190 pounds. Your size is Medium. replace all of the standard racial traits.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Hero's Courage. You have advantage on saving throws
H ylian V arian t T rait s
you make to avoid or end the charmed or frightened Ab i l i t y Sc o re Inc re a s e . When determining your
condition on yourself. character’s ability scores, increase one of those
Chosen by the Gods. You have proficiency in both the scores by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or
Perception and Religion skills.
increase three different scores by 1.
C re a t ure Ty p e . Your creature type is Humanoid.
Divine Messenger. You have advantage on checks
You are also considered an elf for any prerequisite
pertaining to your interaction with Celestials and on Wisdom
or effect that requires you to be an elf.
(Perception) checks involving hearing. Sp e e d . Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Hylian Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the D ua l M i nd . You have advantage on all Wisdom
longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow. saving throws.
Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the M e nt a l D i s c i p l i ne . You have resistance to
cleric spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your psychic damage.
spellcasting ability for this spell when you cast it with this M i nd L i nk. You can speak telepathically to any
trait (choose when you select this race). creature you can see, provided the creature is
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write within a number of feet of you equal to 10 times
Common and two other languages that you and your DM your level. You don't need to share a language with
agree is appropriate for the character. Most hylains know the creature for it to understand your telepathic
Hylian and one other language. utterance, but the creature must be able to
understand at least one language.
When you're using this trait to speak
telepathically to a creature, you can use your
action to give that creature the ability to speak
telepathically with you for 1 hour or until you end
this effect as an action. To use this ability, the
creature must be able to see you and must be
within this trait's range. You can give this ability to
only one creature at a time; giving it to a creature
takes it away from another creature who has it.
Se ve re d fro m D re a ms . When you sleep, you do
not connect to the plane of dreams as other
creatures do. Instead, your mind draws from
memories of your ancestors. As such, you are
immune to spells and other magical effects that
require you to dream, like dream, but not to spells
and other magical effects that put you to sleep,
like sleep.
L a ngua ge s . Your character can speak, read, and
write Common and two other languages that you
and your DM agree is appropriate for the character.
Most hylains know Hylian and one other language.

Kok i ri M ys t ery o f t he E t ern al C hild ren
"All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they Kokiri are known to be the children of the forest,
will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day but there is much speculation on their origins
when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, beyond this simple title. Their similarity to hylian
and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her children leads some to believe they were just that,
mother. I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, for children who wandered into the forest, got lost,
Mrs Darling put her hand to her heart and cried, ‘Oh, why
and subsequently were embraced by the ancient
magic that permeates the hylian woods. Others
can’t you remain like this forever!’ This was all that passed
say they are the souls of dead children, embraced
between them on the subject, but henceforth Wendy knew
by their Guardian Trees to give them a second
that she must grow up. You always know after you are two. chance at a childhood. They say kokiri will only
Two is the beginning of the end." grow up once they mature as maturity is the death
— J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan of childhood. Once this happens their souls are
allowed to move on. Still, others believe they are
Kokiri are a rare sight in Hyrule. Bizarre, child-like entities,
simply spirits of the forest given physical form,
their odd ways of living and speaking confuse and worry making their title as children of their Guardian
most people of the kingdom, who are often relieved when the Trees quite literal.
pixie-like creatures move on as they always do.
The Kokiri have many prominent positions in Hyrulean
folklore, closely tied to the enigmatic fairies who accompany
them. They have their own, the Great Deku tree, who they Fr i e n d s f o r L i f e
serve and guard with their kin the Deku Scrubs.
The Kokiri's existence is closely tied to the ecosystem they
Small in stature and childish in behaviour, the Kokiri are a
develop in. Each kokiri is accompanied by a guardian spirit
race of eternally youthful and wildly energetic forest
which takes a form according to the guardian tree that looks
dwellers. Living in the deepest woods of many forests across
after the kokiri. Each Kokiri has a companion that is bonded
Hyrule, the Kokiri form isolated communities within the
to them and lives with them for as long as they are able.
hearts of forests, each protected by a Guardian Tree, a
These companions loosely correlate to the seasons.
sentient being that guides, teaches, and nurtures their
Winter Kokiri. Fairies choose Kokiri children as partners,
children. They are physically indistinguishable from hylians,
but their companionship is a well-known trait that is often
sharing their pointed ears and lithe statures. Though their
told in stories and songs by Hyrule's musicians. For the
hair seems to take on the hues of forest leaves including
Kokiri, these Fairies act as so much more than guides; they
reds, yellow, and even green in some cases.
are a Kokiri's best friend and stand beside them through all
Due to their sheltered lifestyles, knowledge of them is
manner of things, both good and bad.
heavily shrouded in mystery. It is said that the keen eyes of
Spring Kokiri. These kokiri are accompanied by a more
their Guardian Trees prevent them from ever venturing too
ephemeral guardian than the winter kokiri. Their companion
far from their villages. Nevertheless, the Kokiri remain happy
takes the form of a light source that casts light out from the
and healthy in their isolated communities. Despite this, some
kokiri. It may communicate verbally as the fairy companions
of them long to see the world, unclouded by the sight of trees
do, or else only convey emotions to the kokiri. Still, others
and mist...
are completely silent leaving the kokiri to wonder if they
have been abandoned. The companion may take many forms
Fa m i ly S t i c k s To g e t h e r but the most common is that of a lantern that the kokiri will
The Kokiri form tight-knit communities that revolve around find is always in their possession.
the simple pursuit of happiness. With no true goals in their Summer Kokiri. These kokiri are looked after by the
lives besides keeping themselves contented, the life of a Great Deku Tree and are accompanied by an infant fairy. The
Kokiri is relatively calm, despite there being a few arguments fairy remains with them till it reaches maturity at the age of
and scuffles between their villages' cliques. All Kokiri are one hundred, at which point the kokiri is assigned a new
seen as beautiful and unique in the eyes of their Guardian fairy to watch over them. This symbiosis seems mutually
Tree, a parental spirit that presides at the heart of their beneficial as the fairy learns to understand the mortal world
villages. Towering and wondrous, Guardian Trees are loving while the kokiri is guided and taught how to be a part of
caretakers that nourish and teach the Kokiri daily, and raise their community. Since so few fairies survive beyond the age
them as their own, providing the children with fruits and of one hundred being assigned a new one is often a time of
wisdom. However, some wish to see what the world is like sorrow for kokiri and many of them refuse a new fairy for
outside their wooden walls. Kokiri who leave their forest long periods afterwards.
villages are regarded with pity but firmly regarded as
outcasts, unfit to live among the kokiri. A kokiri who has left
their grove without the approval of their Guardian Tree
cannot easily earn their way back into the community.

Autumn Kokiri. Only three types of kokiri are accompanied ...
by guardian spirits, the fourth, the autumnal kokiri, watched
over by the Great Baga Tree seems to lack the
companionship that defines the other three. No one knows K ik wi
exactly why the Skull Kids are devoid of these guardian Ancient legends and old carvings depict a
spirits but many put the Skull Kids' disposition towards diminutive race of forest beings called the Kikwi.
chaos and mischief to this lack of guidance. Skull kids often They were said to be part animal, part Plant and
conjure strange puppets to fight for them. These disturbing could vanish into the underbrush in the blink of an
creatures, created out of forest detritus and debris, are eye. They seem to have disappeared without a
frightening though not particularly durable. Some say this is trace at the same time the Kokiri came to call the
the Skull kids' attempt to have their own companion, though
Lost Woods home. Some speculate due to the
similarity of name and status as spirits of the
the puppets are lifeless.
forest that the Kikwi were transformed into the
Having a guardian spirit is a sign of maturity in kokiri
Kokiri many centuries ago. Though the exact
communities, and often serves to separate Kokiri children purpose of such a radical change can only be
from "adults". This is likely why other kokiri view the skull speculated upon.
kids as eternal children. They don't believe they can be
mature without a guardian spirit. Though other types of
kokiri often befriend skull kids, they very much treat them as
children, even in comparison to themselves. K o k i r i Tr a i t s
The Kokiri have several traits that are part of their woodland
K o k i r i P e r s o nal i t y heritage and smaller physiology.
You can use the Kokiri Quirks table to determine a Ability Score Increase. When determining your
personality quirk for a kokiri character or to inspire a unique character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
mannerism. and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
different scores by 1.
K o k iri Qu irk s Lifespan. The total lifespan is unknown, but due to their
d 6 Qui rk agelessness, some could easily be hundreds of years old.
1 I want to be seen as the life of the party, and will Regardless, you will be perceived as young by others.
stretch myself to get that label. Creature Type. Your creature type is Fey.
Size. Kokiri weigh in at an average of 60-100 pounds, and
2 I have a need for independence and freedom. stand 3-4 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Boundaries and limits chafe at me. I often find any
restriction intolerable." Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Ageless. You don't age, and effects that would cause you to
3 I have a passion for rhyme and puns. Why say "I'm so age have no effect on you.
hungry I could eat a horse!" when you could say "I Fey Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws you
could dine on some equine!"
make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.
4 I claim to be an expert navigator. The truth of this is Speech of Beast and Leaf. You have the ability to
somewhat suspect. If we ever become lost it is communicate in a limited manner with Beasts, Plants, and
obviously someone else's fault. vegetation. They can understand your words, though you
5 I carry a Plant with me wherever I go. I firmly believe if have no special ability to understand them in return. You
I leave the forest I will die, so best to keep a piece of have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to
the forest with me. influence them.
6 Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any
creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you
K o ki r i N ames are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow,
Kokiri give themselves short, melodic names that are easy mist, and other natural phenomena.
and fun to say. Their names usually consist of a single, one Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
or two syllable name that stays with them for however long one other language that you and your DM agree is
they live. This also applies to many of their Fairy appropriate for the character. Most kokiri know boko or
companions. faerish.

Male Names: Beboru, Bobi, Doku, Eporo, Fado, Mabo,

Makau, Mido, Namo, Totu
Female Names: Bera, Fado, Ivi, Lida, Maru, Nami, Nana,
Obora, Olami, Saria, Somi, Vini
Kikwi Names: Bucha, Erla, Lopsa, Machi, Oolo, Yerbal
Korok Names: Aldo, Chio, Damia, Drona, Elma, Hestu,
Hollo, Irch, Kula, Linder, Maca, Makar, Oakin, Olivio,
Rown, Walton

Subspecies. Although all Kokiri share common, child-like Starting at 3rd level, choose one of the options below each
traits, their devotion to different Guardian Trees separates time you take the Help action with this trait:
them and makes them stand out. You may choose one of the
following options: Baga Tree, Boko, Deku Tree, Maku Tree. Hospitality. You and the creature you help each gain a
number of temporary hit points equal to 1d6 plus your
C h i l d r e n o f t h e B ag a T r e e ( A u t u m n ) proficiency bonus.
A peculiar sect of Kokiri reside in the dead woods and Passage. You and the creature you help each increase your
shrivelled groves that dot Hyrule's landscapes. Sometimes walking speeds by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
referred to as skull kids by the rare travellers that catch a Spite. Until the start of your next turn, the first time the
glimpse of them, the Kokiri watched over by the Baga Tree creature you help hits a target with an attack roll, that
have no interest in the preservation of life or family. The target has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes
Baga tree is highly jealous of his Guardian brethren and thus within the next minute.
sends out his children to do his bidding; take the forests for C h ild r en o f t h e D ek u T r ee (S u m m er )
their Guardian Tree. Though they follow the Baga Tree's The most well-known group of Kokiri and the ones most
wishes most skull kids behave in a child-like manner and commonly seen exploring the open areas of Hyrule. The
simply wish to have fun. Some even have cordial Great Deku Tree acts as a benevolent and wise father figure
relationships with other sects of Kokiri behind the Baga for all Kokiri, even for those that have left the forest. Clever
Tree's back. and sharp, the Children of the Deku Tree are free spirits,
Darkvision. Accustomed to dark forests and the night sky, always seeking adventure and excitement. As such, they have
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can a way of speaking to others and are quick to make friends.
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light Lucky Footwork. When you fail a Dexterity saving throw,
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colours in you can use your reaction to roll a d4 and add it to the save,
that darkness only in shades of grey. potentially turning the failure into a success. You can’t use
Cling to Life. When you make a death-saving throw and this reaction if you’re prone or your speed is 0.
roll 16 or higher, you regain 1 hit point. Fairy. Deku Kokiri have a fairy companion, which acts as
Hidden Step. As a bonus action, you can magically turn navigator and support to their charge. You know the find
invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack, familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual. When you cast the
make a damage roll, or force someone to make a saving spell in this way, your familiar always takes the form of a
throw. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your sprite.
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest. C h ild r en o f t h e Mak u T r ee (S p r in g)
Unsettling Presence. As an action, you can unsettle a Calm and wise, the Children of the Maku Tree believe in the
creature you can see within 15 feet of you. The target has beauty of all things, and that includes the twisted and
disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes within the terrifying horrors that haunt the world's corners. Their
next minute. Constructs, Undead, and creatures that can't be parental figure, the Maku Tree, shows boundless love to their
frightened are immune to this feature. You can use this trait children, and promotes the growth and nurturing of all life in
a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you Hyrule. The Children of the Maku Tree have an interest in all
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. types of Plants and flowers and view them as signs of their
Guardian Tree's everlasting love. Garbed in light, floral
C h ild r en o f t h e B o k o T r ee (W in t er ) colours, these Kokiri care for the life and health of their
Far to the North of Hyrule, well beyond the Snowpeak friends and the world around them. They can often be found
mountain range lies a wood shrouded in snow. There, the in swamps or bogs and some say the light they emit often
hearty Boko Tree and his children reside, withstanding harsh leads travellers astray.
climates and frigid temperatures. Despite this, the Children Timberwalk. Ability checks made to track you have
of the Boko Tree stand strong against their unforgiving disadvantage, and you can move across difficult terrain made
lands. The relationships between these Kokiri are much of nonmagical Plants and undergrowth without expending
stronger than usual, as the harsh snows have forced them to extra movement.
look out for each other. Their Guardian Tree's warmth and Will-o'-the-wisp. Maku Kokiri have an ethereal light that
happiness in such environments bring them all together, acts as their guide. You can use an action to call upon or
making them strong in body and mind. dismiss your guide. When called upon it sheds bright light in
Arctic Insulation. You are resistant to cold damage and a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 Invisible Creatures and Objects are visible as long as they
of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. are in the radius of the bright light. You can use an action to
Nixie. Boko Kokiri have an insubstantial companion reduce the light to dim light in a 5-foot radius. Decide on the
frequently appearing as an apparition in the water or form your guide takes at character creation. Common forms
weather phenomena. This companion imbues their charges include a lantern, a ball of fire held in the palm, or a glowing
with the ability to aid their fellows. hand.
You can use this trait to take the Help action as a bonus
action, and you can do so a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you
finish a long rest.

S pri t e
Tiny Fey, neutral good

A rm
moourr CCllaassss 15 (Leather Armour)
Hiitt PPooiinnttss 2 (1d4)
S p e e dd 10 ft., fly 40 ft.

3 (-4) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

S kiilll s Perception +3, Stealth +8

S e nnsse ss passive Perception 13
L a ngguuaage s Common, Elvish, Illmaian
CChhaalllle nggee 1/4 (50 XP)

L o ngs w o rd . Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) slashing damage.
Ep h e me ra l . Your fairy can’t wear or carry anything.
Va ri a b l e Il l umi na t i o n. Your fairy sheds bright light
in a 5- to 20-foot radius and dim light for an
additional number of feet equal to the chosen
radius. Your fairy can alter the radius as a bonus
H e a rt Si gh t . The sprite touches a creature and
magically knows the creature's current emotional
state. If the target fails a DC 10 Charisma saving
throw, the sprite also knows the creature's
alignment. Celestials, Fiends, and Undead
automatically fail the saving throw.
Invi s i b i l i t y . The sprite magically turns invisible
until it attacks or casts a spell, or until its
concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell).
Any equipment the sprite wears or carries is
invisible with it.

Because the mogma make sure they stay out of the way of
Mogma anyone more dangerous than themselves, grow their own
subterranean food, and prefer to sneak about at night, the
"The tunnels comfort me, I guess, because they're mine.
people of a town might go for weeks or months without
They know what’s inside me and they feel the way I do.
noticing evidence that mogma are in the area, and years
Always. Like, you know, when you bomb a test but it’s sunny
between actual sightings.
outside? Well, that doesn’t happen in the tunnels,” she laughs.
“They’re always dark inside, like me, but inside, I’m like the
tunnel—dark, winding, and twisting." Tr e a s u r e H u n t i n g
— Jennifer Toth, The Mole People: Most mogmas have a love for treasures, especially rupees, or
Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York City even raw rupee ore. They are willing to go into dangerous
environments on the promise of treasure and some may even
Mogma prefer to live deep underground. Their true origin is
ignore the well-being of others in their pursuit of wealth.
lost, but they are believed to be amongst the oldest races in
Most mogma carry rucksacks or boxes on their backs
the world, predated only by the gorons. Many mages
secured by straps around their shoulders, which they use to
speculate that they were developed from true moles by one
carry their findings.
of the deities for use as foot soldiers in an ancient war.
Because they live underground, mogmas have access to a
Regardless of their origin, mogma have established
remarkable amount of earth-based valuables such as metal
themselves as a successful race, and they often have entire
ores and unpolished gems. They have the skills to extract
secondary cities deep beneath the streets of the better-
metals found in their natural state and to polish raw
known ones above.
gemstones. Although they don't create their own coinage,
nuggets of raw metals used for trade or crafting are
Un d e r g r oun d O r i g i n commonly found in mogma encampments.
Mogmas evolved first deep underground, crossing paths with Mogmas are talented at crafting, so most castes have a
the more surface-orientated gorons and more commonly the significant amount of treasure in the form of jewellery, such
Subrosians. Instead of darkvision, they navigate by sensing as armbands, rings, necklaces and the like. These
vibrations in the earth, which gives them a distinct adornments are always fashioned so that they don't make
advantage. Mogmas appear as bipedal moles, squat noise when the wearer moves, as that would make it difficult
mammals with velvety fur and massive front paws. Their for a mogma to sneak anywhere.
eyes and ears are difficult to see, as their fur is patterned to Even though the jewellery they make has no functional
protect them. Those unfamiliar with them often focus their purpose, mogmas savour these items, as their castes place a
attention on the nose, which stands out from the fur and can great emphasis on the amassing of treasure. Because the
have fleshy, sensory appendages on it which give it a star-like caste's wealth is portable, the mogmas can relocate quickly
shape. They are stout and are typically dressed in practical without needing to transport containers of nuggets and
clothing with subdued tones. gems, and they can offer these items as tribute to more
powerful underground creatures whose favour they need to
E x p e r t Tu n n e l l e r s obtain.
When they are not hunting for treasure, Mogma retire to
Mogma are naturally skilled at tunnelling. Similar to gorons, their dwellings to relax. Though most mogmas appreciate
they have a near-instinctive sense of what sections of stone treasure, not all have the talent or the bravery to venture into
or earth are strong or weak, are load-bearing or are safe to dangerous places to seek it out. These mogmas instead
excavate, or are likely to contain minerals or offer access to pursue other avenues of attaining wealth. While some
water. This ability enables them to fashion secure homes in become honest merchants, many have found there is greater
places where other creatures wouldn't feel safe. profit to be found in the realm of gambling. Many houses of
Some human communities hire mogmas to dig their chance in Hyrule are run by the mogmas.
sewer tunnels. If they are treated well and left alone to do
the job, the mogmas work industriously and build a network
of passages beneath the streets, connecting them to a nearby
waterway and greatly improving the town's sanitation. If
conditions are good, mogmas might build a runway and
make a permanent home there, while continuing to expand
the town's sewers as the community grows. These mogmas
live underground but might make occasional nighttime
forays up to the surface. Roughly one quarter of the towns
and cities in the world have mogma communities living
under them, but the mogma are so good at staying hidden
that the surface-dwelling citizens in the area often don't
know what lies beneath them.

N at u r a l E x c avat o r s M o g m a Tr a i t s
Due to their inherent connection with the earth, most Your mogma character has certain traits deriving from the
mogmas can find easy work as archaeologists, tunnellers, species evolving and living their lives underground and in the
grave keepers, and miners. Those who become adventurers Underdark.
often dedicate themselves to paths that benefit from an Ability Score Increase. When determining your
ambush style of attack, such as assassins and gloomstalkers. character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
different scores by 1.
M o g m a C h a r ac t e r Lifespan. Mogmas mature fairly quickly, with pups
You can use the Mogma Quirks table to determine a reaching maturity by age eight, and they live until age eighty.
personality quirk for a mogma character or to inspire a Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
unique mannerism. Size. Mogmas average around three feet tall and around
fifty pounds. Your size is Small.
M o g ma Qu irk s Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet
d 8 Qui rk Tunneller. You have a burrow speed of 5 feet through dirt,
1 I suffer from agoraphobia, and cannot sleep under an mud, sand, and ice. With dirt and ice, you may choose to
open sky. leave a 3-foot diameter tunnel behind you. Small creatures
2 I keep a zuna-constructed, clockwork device that can move at full speed through this tunnel, and Medium
buzzes all night as a white noise machine. creatures can squeeze to get through.
Tunnel Vision. Using the natural vibrations in the earth,
3 I have a bad habit of tunnelling out of buildings, you can sense the shape and position of objects and
instead of using doors, which causes damage.
creatures within 15 feet while you are burrowing or
4 I compulsively make puns about how much I "dig" otherwise entombed. Creatures that are moving stealthily
things and how I get "tunnel vision." can still evade your detection, as normal.
5 I sleep-burrow. Claws. You have long claws that you can use to make
unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals
6 I get defensive when I find something or someone 1d6 + your Strength modifier or 1d6 + your Dexterity
that tunnels faster.
modifier slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning
7 I find deep cavern critters cute and keep things like damage normal for an unarmed strike.
big spiders as pets. Hold Breath. You are accustomed to digging in closed
8 I pick at my claws the same way other Humanoids tunnels and living in low-oxygen environments. You can hold
pick at their nails; it's just a lot more noticeable. your breath for up to 15 minutes at a time.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
M o g ma N ames appropriate for the character. Most mogma know Rosarian.
Mogmas have first names and surnames, as many other
races do. Oftentimes, these names allude to their
subterranean lifestyle, as an easy way to break the ice with
surface dwellers.

Male Mogma Names: Bronzi, Cobal, Guld, Kortz, Ledd,

Merco, Nackle, Plats, Silva, Tubert, Tyto, Zanc
Female Mogma Names:

S ky wa r d B ou n d
Rito Nowhere are the rito more comfortable than in the sky. They
"Impressive, I know. Very few can achieve a mastery of the can spend hours in the air, and some go as long as days,
sky. Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows locking their wings in place and letting the thermals hold
me to soar. It's considered to be quite the mastery of aerial them aloft. In battle, they prove dynamic and acrobatic fliers,
techniques, even among the Rito. With proper utilisation of moving with remarkable speed and grace, diving to lash
my superior skills, I see no reason why we couldn't easily opponents with weapons or talons before turning and flying
dispense with Ganon. Now then, my ability to explore the away.
firmament is certainly of note... But let's not—pardon me for Confinement terrifies the rito. To be grounded, trapped
being so blunt—let's not forget the fact that I am the most underground, or imprisoned by the cold, unyielding earth is a
skilled archer of all the Rito." torment few rito can withstand. Even when perched on a
— Revali, Breath of the Wild high branch or at rest in their mountaintop homes, they
appear alert, with eyes moving and bodies ready to take
Sequestered in high mountains atop tall trees, the rito,
flight. Rito who are born flightless or lose the ability to fly
sometimes called birdfolk, evoke fear and wonder. Unlike
are pitied but also considered unsightly and encouraged to
many of the other races of Hyrule, the rito isolate themselves
move on elsewhere so they do not have to be seen. Such Rito
as much as possible from the rest of the kingdom. While no
find adjusting to life on the ground to be exceedingly difficult.
one who saw one would be unaware of what they were, the
sight of one in a city or travelling on the road is sure to
provoke interest. C ag e d B i r d s
The rito have a very rocky history with the Kingdom of
Fe at h e r a n d B e a k Hyrule. The first records of the rito as a people originate
only a few decades after the foundation of the Kingdom of
Such is the rito's avian appearance that from below, they may
Hyrule itself. Though they were talked about favourably it
be mistaken for a large bird. Only when they descend to
was often in the parlance of prized, or useful pets and work
roost on a branch or walk across the ground does their
animals. After several generations of this treatment an
Humanoid appearance reveal itself. Standing upright, rito
exodus from Hyrule was staged, with many of the rito
strike an imposing figure, regularly 7 feet tall. They have
escaping to the mountain peaks of the Hebra ranges.
long, narrow legs that taper to sharp talons.
What followed was a war of attrition that saw the rito
Feathers cover their body. Their colours vary greatly from
using their flight and ability to live in the coldest climates to
one rito to another and can include such diverse shades as
evade the superior numbers and training of the Hyrulean
blue, green, pink, brown, white, and more, but they tend to
military that sought to recapture them. Though the active
become more saturated as the rito ages.
hunts for the rito eventually died off as they became too
Though they are Humanoid their faces are more avian
costly for the military, rito hunting was a popular sport for
than mammalian with sharp beaks and sharper eyes. Their
several generations following and a bounty for any rito
wings develop the characteristics of arms as they grow
brought in dead or alive was posted in every Hyrulean town.
which can give the impression they are gripping objects with
This practice has since died out in the last two centuries
nothing but their feathers as their hands are obscured
but it has left many of the rito bitter and their society politely
but firmly uninterested in associating with Hyrule. They are
Most rito resemble falcons and eagles, and though less
coldly accommodating of travellers and tourists and while
common several variations exist that mirror other types of
they have a thriving trade with the gorons and Zoras as well
birds including owls and parrots. These variations are often
as a small number of independent Hylian merchants, they
encouraged into certain lines of work in general rito society
still refuse to deal directly with the Hyrulean government.
or they break off and form communities of their own in
defiance of their society's rigid expectations.

Wa r d e n s o f t h e S ky R i t o Di s p o s i t i o n
The rito society is highly caste-based. As a result of having to You can use the Rito Quirks table to determine a personality
make do with harsh environments, the rito divided quirk for a rito character or to inspire a unique mannerism.
themselves into select groups, all with a designated role
R it o Qu irk s
which aids the collective good of the tribe. In the present day,
this has resulted in the formation of several guilds within the
d 6 Qui rk
rito people. While technically speaking any guild is available 1 I'm always flying or hovering above the ground; I'll
to be joined by any member of the clan, in practice most are never be caught walking.
composed of a specific type of rito. 2 I prefer my food alive or at least raw.
Eagle Knights. The military guild. Primarily composed of
eagle-like rito, this caste is responsible for keeping the 3 I don't respond well to insults, which is almost
anything said to me.
population safe and retaining a steadfast vigilance for any
kind of threat. Thanks to the watchfulness of the rito scouts 4 I attack other flying things viciously. The sky is mine!
it can be sure that towns will be aware of approaching 5 The thought of ownership baffles me. What do you
travellers long before they reach a rito community. mean it can only be used by one person?
Sopranos. The artisans guild. This caste of the rito is
composed of craftsmen and artists and consists largely of 6 I take great care of my wings: without them, I couldn't
songbird-like rito, particularly parrot-like rito. It has given
rise to some highly sought-after commodities such as the
innovation of Snowquill clothing. Clothes that have been R i t o N ames
lined with shed rito feathers are valued for their softness and As with much of their speech, rito names include clicks,
ability to retain heat in cold environments. In a similar trills, and whistles to the point that other peoples have a
fashion rito down beds are highly praised though very difficult time pronouncing them. Typically, a name has three
seldomly exported outside rito territory. This caste is well syllables with the sounds acting as connectors. When
known for their minstrels. interacting with other races, rito may use nicknames gained
Watarara. The leaders guild. Primarily composed of owl- from people they meet or shortened forms of their full
like rito, this group makes up the rito's elders, spiritual names.
leaders, and wise council. In their adolescence, rito of this
caste are encouraged to take a pilgrimage through foreign Male: Gesane, Guy, Harth, Huck, Illari, Kaneli, Kass, Kogoli,
lands to get a sense of ways of living outside their own so Koboli, Komali, Mazli, Nekk, Quill, Revali, Teba, Verla
that they might lead their people with well-rounded wisdom Female: Amali, Bedoli, Cecili, Cree, Frita, Genli, Kaneli,
gathered from all over the world. Kheel, Kotts, Laissa, Medli, Misa, Molli, Namali, Notts,
Th e Th u n d e r b i r d
The rito follow what is largely an animistic religious L o f t win g s
tradition. They pay respect to the spirits of the natural world. Legends tell of an ancient time when the
The greatest of these spirits is the Thunderbird who ancestors of the rito, the loftwings roamed the
commands the skies. Sometimes known as the Helmaroc skies. These majestic birds were said to be created
King, legends say that the Thunderbird gave the rito their to be companions to the hylians. It is said that the
winged form and their freedom. The Thunderbird is Thunderbird, the first of the loftwings, was Hylia's
regarded as the patron of the rito and many rito become mount during the Spirit War. It is said that once
druids in his honour. the Kingdom of Hyrule was formally founded, the
For more information on the Thunderbird see relationship between the loftwings and the hylians
Chapter 1: The Divine and the Demonic deteriorated. The loftwings fell into a state of
animal cruelty that could easily be called slavery. It
is said that in their time of greatest pain the first
of their king, the Thunderbird heard their cries and
transformed them into the Rito so that they might
free themselves. This transformation
mythologically mirrors that of the Thunderbird's
own change from the beastal Helmasaur King into
his current avian form.
Whether this story holds historical truth is a
matter of debate but it cannot be denied that it is
a firm mythological parallel to the many years of
slavery the rito have faced at the hands of the
Kingdom of Hyrule. This legend and many like
them form the basis for Rito faith in the
Thunderbird as their creator deity.

R i t o Tr a i t s Fo k k a
Fokka, in the rito tongue, means grounded or flightless. True
Avian Humanoids combine their prowess in the air with their to this description the fokka are a subset of the rito who are
shortbow skills. either born without the ability to fly or have lost it as a result
Ability Score Increase. When determining your of an accident.
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 Being unable to fly is deeply shameful among the rito.
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three Following their religious practices and superstition, fokka
different scores by 1. often set out on a journey to seek out the great fire spirit
Lifespan. Rito share the same lifespan as humans, Dinraal or else to search for the great Thunderbird to
maturing near the end of their teens and living no longer petition for the restoration of their wings. It is an unspoken
than a century. truth among the rito that these pilgrimages are not expected
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. to succeed, existing to remove fokka from rito sight.
Size. Rito are much lighter and taller than humans, Despite their inability to fly, fokka retain the lightweight
standing at an average of 7 feet but only weighing around bodies of creatures adapted for flight. This, combined with
90-120 lbs. Your size is Medium. increased leg strength, enables fokka to perform incredible
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. jumps compared to most terrestrial Humanoids. They are
Snowquill Insulation. You have insulating feathers that naturally faster on their feet, and have a particularly easy
cover your body. They grant you resistance to cold damage time adapting to lighter forms of armour.
and you are acclimated to high altitudes, including elevations Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases by 15
above 20,000 feet. You are also naturally adapted to cold feet.
climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Grounded Weapons. You have proficiency with light and
Guide. medium armour, shields, and shortswords.
Talons. You have talons that you can use to make Mirthful Leaps. Whenever you make a long or a high
unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals jump, you can roll a d8 and add the number rolled to the
1d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage, instead of number of feet you cover, even when making a standing
the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. jump. This extra distance costs movement as normal.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Honed Skills. You are proficient in your choice of one of
one other language that you and your DM agree is the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, or
appropriate for the character. Most rito know Watary. Survival.
Subspecies. Choose one Subspecies from fokkeru or Extra Language. Your roaming in the wider world has led
fokka. you to pick up the language of another race you've spent time
with. You can speak, read, and write one additional language
Fo k k e r u that you and your DM agree is appropriate for your
The Fokkeru are what the rito would consider normal character.
among their kind. They can fly. This group makes up the
majority of the rito population.
Flight. Because your feathered arms double as wings, you N o t e t o t he D M
have a 50 foot flying speed. You can’t use this flying speed if The Fokka and Fokkeru are enemy creatures from
you’re wearing medium or heavy armour. While flying, you Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. The Fokka (Eagle
cannot wield more than one weapon, wield two-handed Knights) are heavily armoured birdfolk who attack
weapons, or wield weapons with the Heavy property. In Link with their sword and sword beams. If they
addition, weapons with the Versatile property must be have wings they are obscured by their armour. The
wielded in one hand while flying. Fokkeru (Sopranos) are unarmoured birdfolk who
Aerial Combat Expertise. You are extremely skilled with spit fire at Link. Though we never see the Fokkeru
aerial weapons. You have proficiency with the shortbow and flying, their wings are prominently displayed.
attacking at long range with one doesn't impose These were used as rito Subspecies as a way of
disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls. In synergizing with the earlier games when many of
the Legend of Zelda's classic races had not yet
addition, you can wield any ranged weapon while flying as
been established. That in the early days, the rito
long as you have proficiency with it.
were at odds with the Kingdom of Hyrule provides
Navigation. The Fokkeru's training in aerial manoeuvring
many avenues for worldbuilding and roleplay. If
and maintaining direction has produced the acute ability to that is not a concept that appeals to you, use the
create mental maps. You have advantage on Wisdom Fokkeru Subspecies for all rito and omit the Fokka
(Survival) checks to navigate or avoid becoming lost. entirely.

R u l e o f M at r i a r c h s
Sheikah The principal organisation in sheikah culture and society is
"I have heard the legend of the Shadowfolk. The Sheikah... the house, an extended clan that comprises many related
the shadows of the Hylians. They say they swore allegiance families and a number of lesser families who have pledged
to the King of Hyrule and guarded the Royal Family..." loyalty to the house. A house's membership may include
"Indeed, the Sheikah tribe has served the Hylian Royal some number of indentured sheikah servants seeking to
Family since the dawn of time, acting as its protective regain honour or pay off a debt. A house usually specialises
shadow. But a long time ago the family betrayed us... in business, a service, or a craft that supports by providing
Originally our symbol was just an eye. But on that day we income.
added a single teardrop to the symbol so that we would At the head of each house is a matron. She is typically
never forget our sorrow." either a shrewd business operator, a skill tactician, a high
— Sheik & Link, The Hero and His Shadow priestess of Velnar, or a merciless assassin, possibly all four.
Female sheikah are typically taller and more robust than the
The Sheikah are one of the ancient races of Hyrule. They are
visually similar to common hylians but have a distinct and
The title of "Impa" is given to the leader of the sheikah
secretive culture and society. Though all hylians have a
people. To rise to such an echelon of power, a woman must
certain sensitivity towards magic, the Sheikah are more
first become a priestess of Velnar. Then, to ascend to the
finely attuned to its mysteries. They have long since
status of high priestess, she must take advantage of powerful
mastered the ability to perform great illusions, and they
connections or craft special alliances. The path to ultimate
carefully walk the line between good and evil with their
power in sheikah society is never direct and is always paved
with death, though not typically of their own tribe.
Men may attain high status in their society, primarily by
Ap p ear ance serving as mages, though they rarely (if ever) overshadow the
Sheikah have symmetrical, slightly angular features, while women of their houses. Even the most intelligent, strong-
their bodies are wiry and athletic. Though their alluring willed, and devious man will be secondary in any sheikah city
appearance could be used for seduction, it is more often or house.
utilised to instil fear. Squabbles between houses occur from time to time as
Sheikah skin tones range run the gamut of human leaders jockey for position. It's a rare occurrence, though far
colourations though are usually light, olive toned. Sheikah from unknown, for sheikah to assassinate leaders of other
eyes can be of any colour, with bright red being the most houses if that's what it takes to create a path for
common. Pale shades that appear nearly white, lilac, pink, or advancement. This is considered bad form. Assassinations,
silver are also frequent. Sheikah with amber, black, blue, both by blade and by use of special poisons, are the stock
brown, green, purple, or rose-hued eyes exist, but they are and trade of the Sheikah Tribe but it is a heinous act to turn
rare. them on one's own people.
The colour of a sheikah's eyes can be indicative of their
current mental or physical state; sheikah eyes redden when Th e H i d d e n V i l l ag e
they are angry, and turn yellow when they are sick, poisoned,
Kakariko Village has been the ancestral home of the sheikah
or under some negative magical influence. Their eyes often
since time immemorial. Traditionally and for generations
glow when they are focused or expressing strong emotions.
This bustling town was once occupied entirely by the
Sheikah hair is usually stark white or silver, though pale
secretive tribe, but in the wake of the Hyrulean Civil War,
yellow and copper colours have been known to appear.
and the decimation of the Sheikah population it was opened
Sheikah generally keep their hair long, and decorate it with
to all races. This town was supposedly buried by the volcanic
pins and webbing made of precious metals. They are
eruption of Death Mountain. The refugees sought out a
incapable of growing proper beards, but some men manage
location in the mountain insulated from further decimation
to grow long sideburns or even tufts of wispy hair on the
by the mountain and refounded the town there. The
cheek or chin.
Sheikahs unearthed the remains of Old Kakariko and
restored it to the ancestral homestead it once was. The
location of this Shadow Hamlet is unknown to outsiders and
most sheikah live in seclusion with their people till duty calls
them to enter the wider world.

B e t r aya l o n B o t h S i d e s In s i g h t f ul an d In ver t ed
The Sheikah Tribe, from the earliest days, was sworn to Sheikah are a strange, enigmatic race. Their history is old
protect the Goddess Hylia. That duty carried on to her and secretive, even by Hyrulean standards. They are loath to
children when she took on mortal form. They serve as the share it with outsiders. Their aptitude for illusion and
protectors of the Hylian Royal Family. They work in the misdirection is well known, and the glint of their blades is
darkness towards the better interests of the Royal Family of feared.
Hyrule. This group of monks acts as spies, thieves, Just as their society is enigmatic, so is their deity. Velnar,
assassins, and bodyguards to the Royal Family. This is a duty the Disparate Eyes is a trickster deity. They represented a
that most among the sheikah take very seriously and train duality, the light in the dark, the darkness in the light. The
towards all their lives. Sheikah Tribe ascribe to this contradiction, using the
They dabbled in the dark magical arts and have a long and blackest of means to bring about the brightest of ends.
bloody history of secret campaigns carried out in the name Many of sheikah priestesses act as ruthless assassins,
of the Hylian Royal Family. They sullied their own hands so doling out death to those deemed deserving. Even so, they
the Royal Family's would remain clean. So diligent were they are not cruel, they grant a painless passing and allow their
in their duties that they have often been called the "Shadows targets the chance at a final confession in the form of the
of the Hylians" in hushed tones. You may never see a royal Commendation of the Dying. There is a memorial within the
with a sheikah but you could always be certain they were Shadow Temple that commemorates each life the sheikah
never without one. have taken in Velnar's name.
But such devotion was not absolute. The Royal Family of To others, Sheikah are often seen as wise, spiritual people
Hyrule betrayed the Sheikah Tribe that had served them so with great compassion for others. There is an unmistakable
faithfully. Many stories exist of what the specific betrayal was alien quality to the sheikah, born of the secrets they learn in
but whatever the source, relations between the hylians and labyrinthine passages of the Shadow Temple devoted to
their shadows began to crumble. With that distrust came Velnar. The most compassionate are after all, often the ones
upheaval. Some sheikah splintered from the whole taking that have seen the most suffering.
their magical secrets with them and fleeing Hyrule. This For more information on the Insightful and Inverted Eyes
group would eventually form the radical group known as the see
Yiga Clan. Chapter 1: The Divine and the Demonic
Even those that remained loyal swore they would never
forget the sorrow the Royal Family had visited upon them.

Th e Y i g a C l a n
The betrayals the Sheikah Tribe has faced at the hands of
the Hyrulean Royal Family led to a schism within their
ranks. A faction of the shadowfolk broke away from their
tribe's mandate and renamed themselves the Yiga Clan.
Often labelled under one banner the Yiga Clan is actually
many splinter cells all of which share a single commonality,
they feel betrayed by the actions of the Royal Family of
Hyrule. These cells formed at different times and for
different reasons. Some broke away near the founding of the
kingdom to protect their technological secrets and now study
ancient magitek deep in underground hiding spots. Some
broke away when Kakariko Village was opened to the
kingdom's population, outraged at the loss of their ancestral
The various sects of the Yiga Clan are diverse in both
motives, goals, and operation. Some sects may simply desire
to be left alone, while others use terrorist tactics to attempt
to gain recognition from the Hylian government and others
still infiltrate the kingdom in an attempt to bring it down
from the inside. While some cells may work together
towards a common goal, their inherent differences usually
make these short lived partnerships.

M ad e, N o t B eg o t t en S h a d o w f o l k I n d i v i d ua l i t y
In the ancient days, the Sheikah served the goddess Hylia, You can use the Sheikah Quirks table to determine a
carrying out her will. The members of the tribe were blessed personality quirk for a sheikah character or to inspire a
by Hylia herself. A part of her divine spark was imbued into unique mannerism.
their souls, granting them exceedingly long life and mystical
S heik ah Qu irk s
This infusement of divine energy slowly changed the
d 8 Qui rk
Sheikah over generations. Though they were once little 1 I never say two words when one will do, and never one
different from hylians, this exposure to Hylia's grace attuned when a gesture would suffice.
them to magic in an intimate fashion. When Hylia departed 2 I don’t see why people are so bothered by the
the mortal realm Sheikah could no longer be blessed but Undead. It’s every individual’s decision to make.
they still desired to serve. Using the tools that had been left
3 I don’t owe the truth to anyone except clergy or my
for them the Sheikah developed a way to implant a spark of
direct superiors.
magic within their souls using conventional arcane rites.
This process was known as the Ritual of Awakening. It is 4 Death lurks around every corner. Enjoy life while you
what gives the Sheikah their distinctive scarlet eyes which can.
marks those that have been awakened. Though it was an 5 My honour is my House’s honour, and I am prepared
impressive feat, it soon became clear the arcane ritual was to defend both with my life.
not as effective as Hylia's blessing had been. It took time for 6 Anyone who cheats me will learn the error of their
the magic to express itself within each person and in some it ways with swiftness.
did little more than grant them parlour tricks.
Sheikah schools train their children in preparation for the 7 I'm certain the Matron of my House has spies
everywhere and is judging all of my actions.
Ritual of Awakening which is performed as a right of
passage, traditionally at age 16. While awakened sheikah are 8 When I see a mighty banana my mind cannot rest until
common, they are not absolute. Some refuse to undergo the I've obtained it. Good source of potassium.
process for fear of the risks and some the Sheikah elders
forbid from undergoing the ritual, much to the applicant's S h ei k ah N ames
Male Names 13: Beni, Cado, Dorian, Granté, Jarod, Olkin,
Ollie, Pikango, Robbie, Sheik, Sooga, Steen, Symin
S h ei k ah Adven t ur er Female Names 10: Cheria, Claree, Cottla, Koko, Lasli,
The Sheikah are masters of combat and stealth. They fight Mellie, Nanna, Paya, Purah, Trissa
with martial skill as well as many exotic weapons. Surnames 01: Fanadi
Traditional Sheikah arms include throwing kunai, naginatas,
and glaives. Though the Sheikah could rely solely on their
martial prowess, they also possess powerful magical skills.
R it u al o f V en erat io n
These allow them to vanish, and create powerful blasts of Though the ability of the Sheikah to access
magical energy. Celestial might to imbue into their tribe has long
Sheikah who embark from their people are able to stay since passed, that does not mean that knowledge
connected to them through a series of stone artefacts has been lost from the world. The Ritual of
Veneration which so long ago Hylia used to give
scattered across Hyrule. These Sheikah stones appear as
some of her own divine light to her trusted
simple statues but to one trained in their use, they provide
guardians still exists. This Celestial ritual can be
valuable information about the surrounding territories or
performed only with the blessing of a major
relay messages to other Sheikah Stones in other locations. Celestial with a direct connection to a deity. Such
In creating a sheikah adventurer, consider the character's an entity is not easy to find and even harder to
relationships with people around them. Does the character convince to grant aid. Some Sheikah make it their
conceal their true sheikah nature? Do they embrace it? Do life's mission to bring the Ritual of Veneration
they have connections to other sheikah or are they alone and back to their people.
in search of companions? Such a transformation may make an appropriate
supernatural gift at an opportune time in a sheikah
character's story.

R i t ua l o f A wa k e n i n g Tr a i t s R i t ua l o f I n v e r s i o n T r a i t s
The Ritual of Awakening allows the Sheikah access to a Astral Elf
reservoir of magical knowledge. When they enter the trance-
When the Yiga Clan fled their brethren, they were unable to
like meditative state that replaces their sleep, they can peer
take the secrets of the Ritual of Awakening with them.
into this abundance of information. Though their ability to
Without it, they sought out an alternative option, delving into
access it consciously is limited. In waking hours, they might
demonic magics and druthildi rites, the Yiga Clan created
experience this relationship as a sense of instinct and
the Ritual of Inversion which replicated the ritual of their
inspiration, drawing on the memories of the reservoir
former brothers with much darker implications.
unconsciously. This connection grants sheikah minor psionic
Though Sheikah with the following traits are not
abilities, as well as protection from psychic attacks.
necessarily part of the Yiga Clan, that is the most likely
Ability Score Increase. When determining your
implication of having gone through the Ritual of Inversion. If
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
your sheikah character is not of the Yiga Clan, consider how
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
they may have come by this power over the arcane variety of
different scores by 1.
their own tribe.
Lifespan. Sheikah reach maturity at the same time as
Ability Score Increase. When determining your
humans but live longer, usually around 150 years.
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
also considered an elf for any prerequisite or effect that
different scores by 1.
requires you to be an elf.
Lifespan. Sheikah reach maturity at the same time as
Size. Sheikah average around 6 feet and are by the
humans but live longer, usually around 150 years.
standards of other races extremely slender. Your size is
Creature Type. Your creature type is Fiend. You are also
considered an elf for any prerequisite or effect that requires
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
you to be an elf.
Darkvision. You are used to moving in darkness. You can
Size. Your size is Medium.
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colours in
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
that darkness only in shades of grey.
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
Arcane Trance. The Ritual of Awakening allows Sheikah
light. You discern colours in that darkness only as shades of
to remain alert at all times. You don't need to sleep, and
magic can't put you to sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
hours if you spend those hours in a trance-like meditation,
Fey Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws you
during which you retain consciousness.
make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.
Whenever you finish this trance, you can gain two
Fiendish Trance. You don't need to sleep, and magic can't
proficiencies that you don't have, each one with a weapon or
put you to sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you
a tool of your choice selected from the Player's Handbook.
spend those hours in a trance-like meditation, during which
You mystically acquire these proficiencies by drawing them
you remain conscious.
from shared elven memory, and you retain them until you
Whenever you finish this trance, you gain proficiency in
finish your next long rest.
one skill of your choice and with one weapon or tool of your
Psionic Fortitude. You have advantage on checks to
choice, selected from the Player's Handbook. You mystically
detect illusions and saving throws you make to avoid or end
acquire these proficiencies by drawing them from shared
the charmed or stunned condition on yourself.
elven memory and the experiences of entities on the Astral
Twilight Camouflage. When you make a Dexterity
Plane, and you retain them until you finish your next long
(Stealth) check in dim light or darkness, you can make the
check with advantage. You can use this trait a number of
Fiend Fire. You know one of the following cantrips of your
times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
choice: dancing lights, light, or sacred flame.
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
Legacy of Shadows. You know the prestidigitation
ability for it (choose when you select this race).
cantrip. Starting at 3rd level you can cast the disguise self
Starlight Step. As a bonus action, you can magically
spell with this trait. Starting at 5th level you can cast the
teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
nondetection spell with it, without requiring a material
You can use this trait a number of times equal to your
component. Once you cast either of these spells with this
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
trait you can't cast the spell with it again until you finish a
you finish a long rest.
long rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
have of the appropriate level.
Common and one other language that you and your DM
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
agree is appropriate for the character. Most Yiga Clan know
ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait
(choose when you select this race).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
two other languages that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most sheikah know Akkalan.

C i t i e s a n d H at c h e r i e s
Zora Most river and sea Zoras reside in great cities built off the
Our scholars say that in the distant past, Zora's Domain had coast or on great freshwater sources, that combine above
a king with no special talent for the art of war. What he and below water structures. This accommodates those Zora
lacked in skill with a blade, he made up for in love for his that seek to experience the surface while also granting a
people, and especially love for his queen. One day, news place for the Zora to entertain dryfolk guests. The
reached the king of a horde of monsters gathering in the underground sections of their cities are regarded as for the
Zodobon Highlands. The king steeled himself for war to Zora specifically. While it is by no means illegal for dryfolk to
protect his people, but the queen knew how ill suited for the venture there using spells or magic items, they are not
task he was. Worried for his life, she wove one of her own welcomed in these areas that the Zora regard as only for
scales into his armour, hoping that her love would protect themselves.
him in battle. Ocean settlements and cities begin in vast undersea
It seemed for a time that the tide of battle favoured the caverns, mazes of coral, and the ruins of other sunken cities
Zora and that all would make it safely home. But the cunning or structures which are then built upwards towards the
Lizalfos general saw an opening and seized it, driving the surface. The Zora are competent builders and can Construct
king's forces into a corner. Just when the general's sword elaborate architecture, though they typically prefer to make
was ready to crash down upon the king, a miracle took place. use of preexisting undersea landforms in the establishment
An errant sunbeam reflected from the scale on his armour of their domains.
blinded the Lizalfos, stopping the deathblow from falling. They live in water shallow enough that the passage of time
This was the chance the king needed to rally his forces and can be marked by the gleam and fade of sunlight through the
turn the tide, taking down the general and securing victory. water. In the reefs and trenches near their settlements, Zora
This came to be known as the Miracle of the White Scale, harvest coral and farm the seabed, shepherding schools of
a scale that only female Zora possesses. It was this miracle fish as land-based farmers tend sheep.
that began the tradition of Zora princesses crafting armour While sea Zora are commonly found in the waterways of
for their future husbands. Hyrule, they require salt water to reproduce, needing the
King Dorephan, The Miracle of the White Scale perfect water conditions to hatch eggs. As such the sea Zora
maintain many cities along seldom frequented beaches or
The Zora are a serene people, living graceful, artistic lives
offshore which contain hatcheries. Likewise River Zora,
largely below the surface of the water. Dwelling throughout
despite being found primarily in the salt water oceans,
the Hyral Sea, they explore a world of coral forests and
require freshwater to hatch their eggs. River Zora attempt to
secret mountains the "dryfolk" of the surface world will
maintain settlements at the mouths of great rivers. This
never know. While most live their entire lives beneath the
leads to less fishing opportunities along that waterway and
water, they're not bound to the deep. Following their inherent
as such the River Zora often find themselves chased from
curiosity, some Zoras venture beyond the waves, seeking to
their hatching sites.
explore a whole world of wonders beyond their own.

Th e S h a p e o f Wat e r Dep t h s o f C ur i o s i t y
Many Zoras are intrigued by surface culture. The curious
Zoras are an amphibious people, at home in the water but
among them venture into sunken ruins and shipwrecks,
mobile on dry land. Their bodies are covered in fine scales
sifting through the debris for whatever grabs their attention.
that range from green through shades of blue to deep purple
Often these Zoras develop collections of a specific kind of
or red. They have fins on their arms and hips, and large tail-
object or lore, trading with one another as they develop a
like appendages on heads. Their digits are webbed and their
sort of expertise in their field. Some Zoras approach
bodies smooth, allowing for excellent hydrodynamic
investigations of the dryfolk with scientific rigour. Such
movement. Different Zora lineages often take after different
scholars often hold theories to go along with their
aquatic creatures such as sharks, fish, or even dolphins.
collections, hypotheses many are eager to test upon meeting
Well suited to life in the water, Zoras wear little clothing
new dryfolk.
unless armoured for battle. They fashion most of their
Zoras are skilled artisans and craftspeople and are known
clothes and other items from materials found in the ocean:
to create valuable artefacts. These include unique musical
coral, seaweed, shells, bone, sea urchin spines, the shells of
instruments that function both on land and underwater. They
monstrous crustaceans, and so on. Having an old, well-
have also been known to entrust special magically enhanced
developed civilisation, Zoras know much of how to refine
breathing apparatuses on their most trusted non-Zora allies.
these materials into garb as rich and weapons as sturdy as
These can take the form of enchanted Zora scales worn
any found on land.
around the neck, and more rare Zora tunics and armour that
can grant the wearer abilities nearly identical to the Zora

Bor n of th e Sea
Parella d
Zora tribes and protectorates span the world and their H
It is said that the Zora people in an age long past people are as varied in culture and outlook as the Humanoid
were once a lesser aquatic species of almost d
races of the surface. In Hyrule, they live in a secretive and fo
gelatinous nature called the Parella. These legends
insular society. As such, dryfolk and Zoras rarely meet
say that early in the foundation of the Kingdom of
Hyrule the Great Dragon of Water and Ice, Naydra except by chance, though star-eyed mariners tell tales of
gave on to the Parella one of her scales which romance with these creatures along the shoals of faraway
transformed them from jellyfish like creatures into lands.
the proud Zora of today. Deep Zora. Otherwise known as Ku, the Deep Zora have
This is not a universally recognized theory as evolved in the darkest depths of the ocean to need little light.
many Zora archeologists stand firm in the belief In such depths and in their undersea caverns, Zoras rely on
that the Zora ruled a great empire that predates the light of their own bioluminescence, whose slow pulsing
Hyrule's founding by several centuries but those of movements lend Ku protectorates an otherworldly aesthetic.
the Zora that do believe it to be true pray to Ku protectorates cover the ocean floor where they watch
Naydra as a guardian of the Zora people. over deep sea trenches, portals, undersea caves, and other
locations where the monstrosities of the depths might lurk.
Long-established guardians of the deep ocean, they protect
the surface from abominations of the seas that the dryfolk
have no name for. The Ku remain ever vigil for signs that the
entities that reside in the deep may be stirring once more.
Ku also find the variety of social institutions, kingdoms,
and other customs bewildering. The typical Ku protectorate
is tightly regimented, organised, and unified around a
common cause. A Ku on the surface becomes easily
confused by the bewildering array of alliances, rivalries, and
petty grievances that prevent the surface folk from unifying.
River Zora. For centuries, dryfolk have fished the seas of
Hyrule and used the sea's surface as a means of travel. Many
tribes of River Zoras, oft called zola, see this as an intrusion
into their domains. As a result, some war-like zola
communities respond with periodic strikes against sailors
and fishing vessels. Others believe that turnabout is fair play
and so venture onto land to hunt for meat, steal supplies
from coastal travellers, or raid dryfolk cities for riches.
Much like their more amenable kin, River Zoras dwell in
undersea caves filled with treasures and trophies taken from
their victims and sunken ships. They are known to tie the
rotting corpses of dead enemies and drowned sailors to
strands of kelp to mark the borders of their territory.
Despite the tensions, some zolas make their lives on land.
Enchanted by the feeling of the winds, the ingenuity of land-
dwelling inventors, or any of countless surface-world charms.
In some places, like the Koridian city of Meletis, whole River
Zora communities flourish among dryfolk neighbours.
Sea Zora. Sea Zora, often simply called Zoras by the
dryfolk who have little interaction with their river and deep
cousins, can come across as haughty and arrogant. They see
themselves as caretakers of the waterways, both fresh and
salt, and they expect other creatures to pay them respect, if
not complete deference.
The sea Zoras are the most well known of their brethren
because of the alliances they hold with other Humanoid
races of the surface. A consistent cordial relationship
between the Zoras and the hylians has stood for centuries.
This relationship is based on trade, with the Zoras providing
fish and other ocean resources in exchange for curios and
other wondrous items found only on the surface.

A q uat i c C r u s a d e r s Zo r a Id en t i t y
Despite their often arrogant manners, Zoras are benevolent You can use the Zora Quirks table to determine a personality
at heart, convinced that other civilised races deserve their quirk for a Zora character or to inspire a unique mannerism.
protection. Their attitude might grate, but when pirate fleets
Zo ra Qu irk s
prowl the waves or a kraken awakens from its slumber, they
are among the first to take up arms to protect others.
d 6 Qui rk
Zoras will not hesitate to take up arms in defence of their 1 I often forget that things don't float in air, I'll
homes or to fight for an ally of their Royal Family. Zoras occasionally drop things, thinking they'll stay where
prefer to fight with martial weapons like spears and lances, they are when I let go.
but there are also Zora sorcerers. River Zoras tend to rely on 2 I flail about comically when trying to run on land.
magical attacks as well as their flammable bile to attack Running underwater engaged all your limbs, why
those outside the water. Most Zora spellcasters rely on would it be any different on land?
consistently water-based attacks and can create huge waves 3 I distrust opaque or translucent liquids, like mud or
to wash away aggressive armies. The Sea Zora are imbued certain beverages. In the ocean, predators use such
with certain electrically conductive abilities which can be liquids as hiding spots; who knows what's hiding in
particularly damaging to other aquatic life forms. All zora that mug of ale?
have a strong martial arts tradition, combining meditation 4 The surface world is a wondrous place, and I catalogue
training with martial skill. all its details in a journal.
The Zoras' self-absorbed nature often makes them
overlook the histories of other races. At times this fervour
5 I hate how dry everything is. I constantly apply lotion
or salve to my skin to stay moisturised.
and ignorance of the world can lead them astray. Zoras
encountering other creatures for the first time often 6 I use every opportunity to say the word "moist." I
underestimate them, leaving the Zoras vulnerable to don't understand why everyone else hates it.
deception. With their strong martial tradition, Zoras can
sometimes be too eager to leap into a fight. Zo r a N ames
A Zora's name is a symbol of choice. Upon reaching
H an d o f Os h us adulthood, a Zora might shed the name they were given by
While Zoras pay respects to many deities, they tend to revere their parents for one of their own choosing. Some opt to
Oshus, the Ocean King, above all others. His devotees see keep their name, but the majority select one that represents
him as the primary deity of the pantheon, second only to the the adult they've become. Zoras might even go on to choose
great creators themselves. The worship of Oshus is primarily yet other names, as they shift from one phase of life to
done through his hand on the material plane, the Titan Fish. another, or after significant life events. Leaving a home
The powers and responsibility of the Titan Fish are passed community or transitioning to live among dryfolk might
from leviathan to leviathan. When a Titan Fish dies, a new constitute such life changes. Zoras also have a fluid concept
one will surely be born. The Zoras are responsible for of gender and might switch names freely as they shift gender
overseeing care of the Titan Fish's current incarnation, and identities.
assuring that the waters upon which he and all creatures
rely are clean and pure. Male Names 25: Bazz, Cleff, Dento, Evan, Fronk, Gaddison,
Many wars have been fought between the river and sea Gruve, Japas, Jiahto, Kapson, Kayden, Keye, Dorephan,
Zora over control of the Titan Fish's ancestral home, and by Ledo, Mikau, Muzu, Ralis, Rivan, Seggin, Sidon, Tijo, Toto,
extension his care. The two Zora people rarely show Tottika, Trello, Tumbo
cordiality to one another due to a long and violent history but Female Names 15: Dunma, Finley, Kodah, Laflat, Laruta,
both have great respect for Oshus and the Titan Fish which Laruto, Lulu, Marot, Mei, Mipha, Oren, Ruto, Tona,
supersede any grudge. At times of need Oshus may call on Torfeau, Tula
both types of Zora to attend to a task for which they will put
their biases aside to serve.

P r o t o g yn y an d Eg g s
Because they lay eggs, and the eggs don't require much
tending, Zora women aren't exempted from war or work.
Furthermore, Zora can slowly change sex. If the majority of
one sex in a tribe are killed, some survivors will transition
their sexual characteristics over the course of several
months until the tribe is balanced again. In this way, the tribe
can quickly repopulate with just a few survivors. Because of
these factors, Zora don't assign gender roles for young or
adults. A leader, sorcerer, miner, or crafter is as likely to be
female as male.

Bioluminescence. As an action you can glow with bright
Z o r a Tr a i t s light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20
Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s feet of yourself. The light is always the same colour but you
ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase can decide what colour during character creation. You can
a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. dismiss this effect as an action.
Lifespan. Zoras reach maturity around age 15 and can
live up to 200 years. R iver Z o r a (Z o la)
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. The freshwater River Zora, have long been in conflict with
Size. Zora are slightly taller than humans, averaging about their saltwater cousins and by extension the rest of Hyrule.
6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Preferring to keep to themselves, they've commonly found
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a themselves ousted from Hyrule's waterways by their jealous
swimming speed of 30 feet. cousins and the fishermen of the area. In turn they've turned
Amphibious. You can breathe air and water. to piracy and land raids to fulfil their people's needs.
Darkvision. Accustomed to the darkness of deep oceans Flaming Bile. When you take the Attack action on your
or swamps you can see with little light. You can see in dim turn, you can replace one of your attacks with an exhaled
light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in ball of bile that ignites on contact with air. The creature that
darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colours in that you target must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC
darkness only in shades of grey. equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency
Emissary of the Sea. You can communicate simple ideas bonus. On a failed save the creature takes 1d10 fire damage.
to any Beast, Elemental, or Monstrosity that has a swimming On a successful save, it takes half as much damage. This
speed. It can understand your words, though you have no damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10),
special ability to understand it in return. 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).
Guardians of the Deep. You're adapted to even the most You can use your Flaming Bile a number of times equal to
extreme ocean depths, including water levels as low as your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
36,201 feet below the surface. You also have resistance to when you finish a long rest.
cold damage. Hidden Step. As a bonus action, you can magically turn
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack,
one other language that you and your DM agree is make a damage roll, or force someone to make a saving
appropriate for the character. Most Zoras know either throw. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your
Piscian or Zolan. proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
Subspecies. Three Subspecies of Zoras exist: Sea Zoras, you finish a long rest.
River Zoras and Deep Zoras. Choose one of them for your
character. S ea Z o r a
Sea Zoras are at birth a saltwater aquatic species. As they
D eep Z o r a (K u ) grow and gain the ability to breathe air they also become
In the absolute depths of the ocean, where no ray of light accustomed to fresh water. Though it is never as comfortable
ever touches, far deeper than the kingdoms of the Sea Zora as the saltwater of their ocean homes.
live the Ku. Often referred to as the Deep Zora, the Ku are Bioelectric. You can discharge bioelectric energy stored in
descended from an offshoot of Zora who took refuge as far your body to defend yourself against a creature you try to
from the surface world as they could during the early days of touch. Make a melee spell attack against the target. You have
Hyrule's founding. The Ku have only one eye and their skin is advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armour
bleached of nearly all colour. made of metal. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 lightning
Superior Darkvision.. Your Darkvision has a radius of damage, and it can’t take reactions until the start of its next
120 feet. turn. This damage increases by 1d8 at 5th level (2d8), 2d8 at
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack 11th level (3d8), and 3d8 at 16th level(4d8).
rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight Electric Field. Starting at 3rd level you can discharge
when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are your bioelectric energy in greater quantities. The energy arcs
trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. in a 5 foot radius centred on you. When a creature comes
Flaming Bile. When you take the Attack action on your into contact with the field or starts their turn in it they must
turn, you can replace one of your attacks with an exhaled make a dexterity saving throw. The DC for this saving throw
ball of bile that ignites on contact with air. The creature that is 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. The
you target must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC creature takes 1d6 damage on a failed save and if they are a
equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency Medium creature they are pushed backwards five feet from
bonus. On a failed save the creature takes 1d10 fire damage. the field. They take half as much damage on a successful
On a successful save, it takes half as much damage. This save and don't have to move. The field lasts for 1d6 rounds.
damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), Once you use this trait you cannot use it again until you
11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10). complete a short or long rest. The damage increases by 1d6
You can use your Flaming Bile a number of times equal to when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 16th
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses level (4d6).
when you finish a long rest.

G r ow t h i n t h e D e s e r t
Z u na The Zuna have a rich oral tradition that is passed down from
"Seek... you... the world? Seek you... power? Does your... generation to generation. Both as a method of teaching, and
soul... despise peace and... thirst for... more? Does your soul... as a warning of the mistakes of the past.
cry... for... destruction and... conquest? We... grant you... The history of the Zuna talks about a great war between
power to... ruin... the world. The power of... darkness. Drown the deities and druthildi which threatened to rip the world
in desire and desire everything born from darkness. The apart. The ancestors of the Zuna served in this war as foot
demon's dark artefact, the trident. You are... the... King of soldiers and when required, one of them volunteered to helm
Darkness." a great war machine, a divine beastal creation known as Vah
"Oh, visitors to this village are truly rare, you know. We of Sarios. The helmsman, Midoro, was merged with the
the Zuna tribe live in this village. We may not look like it machine and could not be separated from it.
now, but we are descended from the wise pyramid builders!" Vah Sarios was felled in that war. Deeply damaged it
— Zuna collapsed in the depths of the Lanayru Sea, unable to move.
— Inscription, The Four Sword: Volume IV, Adventures The aftermath of the conflict left the world poisoned, driving
the humans into the sky and the other races into secret
The zuna are known for simple living, plain dress, pacifism,
places of safety. The Zuna's ancestors took refuge in the
and slowness to adopt many conveniences of modern arcana
remains of Vah Sarios.
and technology, with a view neither to interrupt family time,
Generations passed. The Lanayru Sea grew barren and
nor replace face-to-face conversations whenever possible,
became the Lanayru Sand Sea. As the sea dried, Vah Sarios
and to maintain self-sufficiency. The zuna value rural life,
was embedded in the ground. Eventually, the poison cleared
manual labour, and humility. They seek to maintain a degree
from the air, the world healed itself and the Zuna emerged
of separation from the non-zuna world.
from their shelter. Using the technology of Vah Sarios the
Because of their stance on technological advancement, the
Zuna built a mighty bastion of civilisation out in the wastes.
Zuna live very simple lives, inhabiting villages in the Lanayru
But they were not the only race to emerge into the light of
Sand Sea. They are content with the basic pleasures of life.
the new sun. Others came, others that wanted what the
They rarely travel outside their villages and even more rarely
Zuna had, and others who had what the Zuna wanted.
leave the desert altogether.
Dissent, anger, and bitterness spread through not just the
Zuna but through many races. These races eventually
C ac t ac e a e banded together, bonded over their shared resentment.
The zuna have more in common with desert cacti than with There was again war. The technology the Zuna had created
the eukaryotes Humanoids of Hyrule. They have thickened, to better their lives was turned to terrible purpose. They
fleshy skin adapted to store water. It is covered in spines, crafted terrible artefacts of destruction, such objects whose
which act as defence mechanisms but also process water names today are spoken in whispered and fearful words.
from the air in their dry environment. In the absence of true When that war ended the Zuna who had taken part in it
leaves, cacti's enlarged stems carry out photosynthesis. were banished and those that remained swore off their
Zuna colourations range through all the shades of green. technology, disgusted with the death that it had wrought.
They bear large, flat noses, eyes inset so deep they appear They built great structures to seal away the worst of their
black, and mouths which seem to disappear when they're destructive artefacts. The crowning glory of the Zuna, the
closed. While some zuna are thin and spindly, most as a City of Sarios, built around the ruins of the war machine was
result of their environment are heavy set and sturdy. abandoned.
The zuna are known for their plain attire. During the work
day, they wear solid coloured shirts, tight head coverings, Des er t Oas i s
and suits that signify similarity amongst one another. Leisure
Zuna buildings, much like gerudo structures, are made of
wear is somewhat less formal, made up of loose flowing
sandstone, sand compressed so heavily that it's become
robes that give the zuna's body full range of access to the air
solid. In comparison to the gerudo, their buildings are
and water.
humble. Individual houses and workshops that serve a
Zuna clothing tends to be subdued primary colours that
precise function with no more luxury than is needed for its
contrast with the desert environment in order to be seen at a
purpose. Many buildings are thatched with enormous
far distance. Blues, pinks, and greens are particularly
flowers which have the dual purpose of protecting the
common. While there is little distinction of dress between
interior and collecting and storing water in case of a
male and female zuna, men typically have roc's features
incorporated into their clothing while women do the same
Their Plant-like nature allowed them to call forth the
with desert flowers.
water from far beneath the ground to grow and live which
means the majority of zuna villages are situated on tiny
desert oases.

Th e O r d n i n g T he W o n d ers o f M o d ern M ed icin e
Every Zuna is told the story of their ancestors' folly as a Although the zuna are often perceived as
warning of what delving too deeply and too greedily into backwards, rejecting all modern conveniences in
magitech can do. The Zuna teach their young to remain ever artifice and magic, this is not entirely true. Zuna
watchful for anything that might arise from the cursed City reject the conveniences of the modern world but
of Sarios and even more watchful of any trespasser from the they don't deny that some vital aspects of life
outside who might seek entry into that forbidden place. cannot be accomplished without them. This is
In the aftermath of Sarios' fall, the Zuna dedicated primarily seen in the case of medicinal magic
themselves to a new way of life. This lifestyle was which is employed by zuna communities. Both
exhaustively recorded in and now regulated by a book called clerics and non-magical healers are honoured
the Ordning. Though the Ordning is simply a recording of within the zuna people. Healing magic is exempt
how to live well, it has attained a near religious significance from the beliefs of power corrupting for the power
to the Zuna. to help others cannot be put to ill use.
The Ordning, though holy, is subject to change. It is
reviewed twice a year by within the whole community of
baptised members. Only if all members give their consent to
it will the celebration that marks the renewal of commitment
C o mmer ce an d Au t h o r i t y
to the Ordning take place. Because of this bi-anual vote, it As time has passed, the zuna have felt pressures from the
differs slightly from community to community. The customs outside world encroaching on them. On occasion, the lack of
of separate zuna communities have cultural differences understanding between zuna and outsiders has resulted in
significant enough that members of one group may not feel sporadic discrimination and hostility from their neighbours.
comfortable moving to another. To combat this divide, zuna communities have
The Ordning includes matters such as dress, permissible endeavoured to make themselves valuable to the societies
uses of technology, religious duties, and rules regarding that live in their proximity. They breed and raise sand seals,
interaction with outsiders. Working hard is considered both for their own transport and to sell to the gerudo for
divine, and some technological advancements have been their needs. Gerudo often boast of owning a zuna wrangled
considered undesirable because they reduce the need for sand seal. They also operate a variety of small businesses,
hard work. The zuna value rural life, manual labour, and Construction work and woodworking are quite widespread.
humility, all under the auspices of living their ancestors' Travellers will walk for days to experience a Zuna sand rub
word. massage, which is said to invigorate the soul.
Members who do not conform to these community
expectations and who cannot be convinced to repent are S eek er s an d Jo i n er s
excommunicated. In addition to excommunication, members
The zuna give shelter to any who ask for it. Should an
may be shunned, a practice that limits social contacts to
outsider arrive in a zuna village with the honest desire to
shame the wayward member into returning to the church or
take up their way of life, they will be given the chance to
setting off on their own.
experience the life of the desert folk and may be inducted
into the church.
Fa m i ly a n d C o m m u n i t y Only a few hundred of these so-called seekers have ever
Community is central to the zuna way of life. A heavy joined the more traditional of the zuna orders while the
emphasis is placed on family relationships. more progressive among them are welcoming of seekers.
Zuna believe in the value of community and life. Each More people have tested the zuna lifestyle for weeks,
member of a group has a responsibility to look out for each months, or even years, than have actually joined them. Even
other. Once they have bonded with other individuals in any those that depart usually remain on good terms with the
capacity, zuna devote themselves to maintaining that bond. zuna they spend time with.
They coordinate their efforts and are often willing to The zuna will protect even those who do not share their
sacrifice themselves for the sake of the group. They expect ways as their belief in life is stronger than cultural
reciprocal loyalty and commitment from the other members differences. During the Hylian and Gerudo War, the zuna
of their communities and can be severe in their were known to hide the gerudo from roaming bands of
disappointment when their trust is betrayed. hylian knights, or even incorporate them into their families
Though they celebrate community, zuna often differ in to protect them from ill-treatment.
their sense of the size of the community they belong to. For
some, their community is the world and all living beings in The zuna often say there are four kinds of seekers:
it—everything valuable, meant to live in harmony, and • Checklist Seekers are looking for a few certain
interdependent. For others, community primarily means a specifications.
society of different peoples who need adherence to law and • Cultural Seekers are enchanted with the lifestyle of the
order so they can function together. For a rare few, zuna.
community means them and their closest family and friends
• Spiritual Seekers are a simplicity of life that will lead
alone, with their interests taking priority over those of any
them to some divine truth.
other group.
• Stability Seekers come with emotional issues, often
from dysfunctional families.

Ju mp i ng Ar oun d Z u na Tr a i t s
Though the zuna are set in their ways, they remain, as the Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s
descendants of scholars, a curious people. Time and time ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase
again, impulsive adolescents have taken up adventuring as a a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
way to see the world or for the love of exploring, abandoning Lifespan. The age entry notes the age when the member
their families as they feared retribution. To curb this, a rite of of the race is considered an adult, as well as the race's
passage was added to the Ordning that instructed those expected lifespan.
coming of age to set out into the wider world. Creature Type. Your creature type is Plant.
As they travelled they were encouraged to experience Size. Your size is Medium.
everything the lands beyond Lanayru had to offer in Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
preparation. When their walkabout was over, they would be Photosynthesis. As long as you have access to sunlight
given a choice: remain with their people or depart to find and water, you do not require food.
home elsewhere. Zuna eke as much enjoyment out of their Artificer’s Lore. Whenever you make an Intelligence
travels as possible, finding great joy in every activity they (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or
undertake, sometimes to the annoyance of their adventuring technological devices, you can add twice your proficiency
companions. bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.
Those who decide to leave are wished well in their lives Silent Speech. You can speak telepathically to any
but encouraged not to return while those who decide to stay creature within 30 feet of you. The creature understands you
are welcomed back, enriched by the experience. Very few only if the two of you share a language. You can speak
zuna leave their people after their rite of passage has been telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.
completed, though those that do often go on to become Zuna Weapon Proficiency. Living in the desert has taught
famed artificers like their ancestors. you some protection. You are proficient with the longsword,
shortsword, scimitar, longbow and shortbow.
Prickly Punch. Your spine covered fists are natural
Z una N am e s weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. When
Male Names 36: Addisen, Aimsley, Ashitian, Avorie, you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your Strength
Braelyn, Braxton, Broc, Coye, Daxton, Dezalin, Dreyasin, modifier piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning
Gambit, Garyn, Jadyn, Jaxon, Jordyn, Kacey, Kasidy, damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Kaydenz, Kelldrix, Kirtlyn, Kolten, Kyson, Macee, Desert Dweller. You can endure unusually dry or hot
Macilynne, MacLaine, Maysan, Oaklie, Remington, Ryen, climates without difficulty, and have advantage on Survival
Ryker, Stott, Swayzie, Taeber, Taeton, Trenton, checks made in desert terrain. You’re also naturally adapted
Female Names 45: Aeryn, Alivia, Alyxandrya, Aroarine, to hot climates, as described in Chapter 5 of the Dungeon
Ashlynn, Atylee, Bayleigh, Cambrie, Felecya, Gaige, Master’s Guide.
Haleigh, Jazmyne, Kambri, Katharin, Katlyn, Kaydee, Poison Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws
Kayleigh, Kayson, Kelcie, Keyaira, Laycee, Layne, Lindzie, you make to avoid or end the poisoned condition on yourself.
Macady, Maddyson, Madisyn, Madolin, Madysen, Maecy, You also have resistance to poison damage.
Makinlee, Mekeli, Paityn, Paizley, Preslee, Questin, Rylei, Aloe. You can produce a dew that invigorates and
Saydee, Shaelynn, Sydnee, Syrie, Taeg, Taycie, Tayson, replenishes others. As an action, you can touch a creature
Tayxa, Zoie and roll a number of d4s equal to your proficiency bonus.
Family Names: The creature regains a number of hit points equal to the
total rolled. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again
Z una P e cu l i ar i t y until you finish a long rest.
You can use the Zuna Quirks table to determine a Oasis. You know the druidcraft cantrip.
personality quirk for a zuna character or to inspire a unique Child of the Wood You know the druidcraft cantrip.
mannerism. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the entangle spell with this
trait. Starting at 5th level, you can also cast the spike growth
Zu n a Qu irk s spell with this trait. Once you cast entangle or spike growth
d6 Q u iirrk with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you
1 finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells
using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
2 Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability
3 for these spells when you cast them with this trait (choose
when you select this race).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
5 one other language that you and your DM agree is
6 appropriate for the character. Most zuna know Zunary.

M o nst r ou s R ac e s
O u t cast o r A m b assad o r ?
M o n s t r o u s A dv e n t u r e r s Consider how a monstrous character's native culture views
In some campaigns, Humanoids normally regarded as the character. Is the character an outcast, a spy, an
sinister threats can emerge to adventure alongside humans ambassador, or something else? Work with the player to
and the other standard races. This section is aimed at DMs determine how the character ended up as an adventurer.
who wish to expand the race selections for their campaigns The character's bond is a great starting point to consider
beyond the typical folk of D&D. for this question. How did the bond drive the character to
adventure? The character's trait, flaw, and ideal can also play
a role in fleshing out the story.
W h y a M o n s t r o u s C h a r ac t e r ?
Creating characters as creatures normally cast as villains Fr i e n d s o r E n e m i e s ?
offers up some interesting roleplaying possibilities. Whether Figure out what special ties the character has to other
played for comedy, as a tragic story of betrayal and loss, or members of the adventuring party. A moblin warlock might
as an antihero, a monstrous character gives a player a be the goron ranger's sworn enemy, but the two are forced to
chance to take on an unusual challenge in the campaign. work together to defeat a mutual foe. Perhaps the miniblin
Before allowing monstrous characters in your campaign, sorcerer was the tiefling wizard's familiar, transformed by an
consider the following three questions. irate archmage in return for some petty insult. The darknut
paladin might have been human once, but crossed the wrong
R ar e o r Mu n d an e? hag and was cursed to take on an evil guise. A creative tie
Consider how common moblin, bokoblin, and similar between a monstrous character and the rest of the party
adventurers are in your setting. Are they regarded as no helps make for a memorable campaign.
stranger than hylians or gorons? Are they met with The Monstrous Origin table gives a number of ideas for
suspicion? The role these races play in your setting should adding a monstrous character to the campaign.
determine the kinds of reactions that such characters meet.
Don't be afraid to push things to an extreme. A moblin M o n s t ro u s Orig in
character might have to venture into town in disguise or d 8 O rriiggiinn
remain in the wilderness, for fear of imprisonment or mob 1 You are a spy sent to undermine your enemies from
violence. Be sure to talk to the group about how such within.
characters can expect the world to treat them. Some players
like the challenge of taking on an outcast, but don't set up
2 You are the victim of a curse or polymorph spell.
one expectation and deliver another. 3 You were raised by humans, hylians, or gorons and
You can establish a monstrous creature as just another have adopted their culture.
culture in your campaign, one that has alliances and rivalries 4 At a young age, you adopted a human religion and now
with humans, hylians, and gorons. A darknut kingdom might serve it faithfully.
serve as a buffer between a human kingdom and a blighted
5 You received divine insight that sent you on your path,
region overrun by the spawn of Demise. miniblins might be
and occasionally receive new visions that guide you.
city builders, the architects of grand, heavily fortified edifices,
which other folk dwell in for a price. The cultural notes in 6 Your sworn enemy is an ally of your people, forcing
Chapter 1 are the standard D&D depiction of these you to leave your tribe to gain vengeance.
creatures, but by no means do they define them for your 7 An evil entity corrupted your people's society.
campaign. Use them as a starting point for your own ideas.
8 An injury or strange event caused you to lose all
memory of your past, but occasional flashes of it
return to you.

Th e Fi v e W h o A r e O n e
Blins Miniblins. The miniblin, as their name indicates, are the
Morning and evening, Maids heard the goblins cry: “Come smallest of the blinnic races. They average between two and
buy our orchard fruits, Come buy, come buy: Apples and three feet tall and weigh between twenty-five and thirty-five
quinces, Lemons and oranges, Plump unpeck’d cherries, pounds. Their heads are mouse-like with elongated faces,
Melons and raspberries, Bloom-down-cheek’d peaches, large pointed teeth, and prominent floppy ears, as well as
Swart-headed mulberries, Wild free-born cranberries, Crab- tiny curved horns that protrude from the back of their head.
apples, dewberries, Pine-apples, blackberries, Apricots, Their skin is covered in a light layer of fuzzy fur which
strawberries;— All ripe together In summer weather,— comes in various shades of red, blue, and green, though the
Morns that pass by, Fair eves that fly; Come buy, come buy: colours are often darker on their bodies than their head.
Our grapes fresh from the vine, Pomegranates full and fine, Bokoblins. Bokoblins have a slight size advantage over
Dates and sharp bullaces, Rare pears and greengages, their smaller cousins, averaging at around three to four feet
Damsons and bilberries, Taste them and try: Currants and tall and weighing between forty and eighty pounds. They
gooseberries, Bright-fire-like barberries, Figs to fill your have flat faces with snubbed noses, wide mouths and large
mouth, Citrons from the South, Sweet to tongue and sound ears that flap down the sides of their heads. They are
to eye; Come buy, come buy.” hairless and have a single small horn on the top of their
Evening by evening, Among the brookside rushes, Laura heads. There is a significant variation in colour between the
bow’d her head to hear, Lizzie veil’d her blushes: Crouching bokoblins, ranging from the more common, red, blue, and
close together In the cooling weather, With clasping arms black, to rarer skin tones such as silver and gold.
and cautioning lips, With tingling cheeks and finger tips. “Lie Bulblins. Bulblins average four to five feet tall and weigh
close,” Laura said, Pricking up her golden head: “We must between eighty and a hundred and twenty pounds. In
not look at goblin men, We must not buy their fruits: Who contrast with their brethren, their features are much less
knows upon what soil they fed Their hungry thirsty roots?” pronounced as they tend to have smaller beady eyes, and
— Christina Rossetti, Goblin Market sharp angular features. Their faces are round and they have
two upturned curved horns that emerge from the sides of
Blins are a bizarre and disparate race. From the towering
their head. Bulblins have green skin but the hues vary
boarblin to the diminutive miniblin, from the muscular
between groups with some having rich forest green pigment
moblin to the scrappy bokoblin. They are a people united
and others having sickly pale skin.
largely by tribal society, and a shared history of living on the
Boarblins. Boarblins are larger and bulkier members of
boundaries of civilisation.
the blin family. They range from five to well over six feet tall
Though often lumped together as one nebulous entity, the
and average around two hundred pounds. They appear
blinnic host is actually a collection of five different but
porcine with small eyes, large snout-like noses, and wide
related races; distinct from one another, with separate faiths
mouths with rows of flat teeth except for two tusks that
and different customs. Individual septs are largely populated
protrude from their lower jaw. They're hairless but often
by one type of blin with perhaps a scattered handful of
decorate their skin with tattoos. Their skin is mostly brown
members from other septs that have been taken in. Each
of various shades but some rare boarblins have red or blue
race has its own tendencies, outlook, culture, and deities.
skin tones.
Though an uncommon occurrence, certain septs and even
Moblins. Moblins are the largest members of the blinnic
a few remote cities exist in the far reaches of Hyrule where
host, usually being over six feet tall and weighing between
all five blinnic races mix and mingle freely. When one kind of
two hundred thirty and two hundred eighty pounds. Moblins
blin encounters another, the two groups don't see one
have canine features though their faces are more akin to the
another as strangers or foes. Instead, they recognize one
flattened faces of bulldogs than the more jackal-like darknut
another as kin. As with any people, there are conflicts
race. Their incisors are elongated and often poke over their
between different septs. Despite this, blinnic races hold a
lips like fangs. They are covered in coarse hair which ranges
basic level of respect for other members of the host that is
in colour from simply blacks, whites, and greys, to more
seldom afforded to other Humanoid races. If a blin sept finds
extravagant reds or blues and occasionally gold.
a wounded or lost member of another sept, even if the one in
question is not the same type of blin, they will take them in
and lend what aid they can, even adopting them into their
own sept if return to their previous one is not possible.

Bi g Bli n s Fa m i ly M at t e r s
On occasion individuals from each of the five blinnic races as Blin septs are organised in a four-tiered caste system made
they mature will become far larger than is normal for their up of Keepers, Striders, Gatherers, and Juments. The status
people, growing to the size of large creatures. Colloquially of every family in the sept is based on its importance to the
called Big Blins, these much larger variants are often seen sept's survival.
as a blessing from whichever deity that sept worships. The castes have set duties that aid in the survival of the
It is common for other blins to elevate these big blins to entire sept. Gatherers will likely run from conflict as it is not
positions of leadership, believing that their superior size will their duty while striders will viciously dive into battle. A
help protect the sept. Such individuals have been variously dozen blins may pass by a group of invaders snared in one of
furnished with titles such as "King Bulblin", "Great Moblin", the blins traps and pay them no heed, leaving it to the
and "King Moblin". Though a leadership role is not Gatherers to deal with.
guaranteed, it is nonetheless considered a foolish blin leader Keepers. The caste of keeper-families are equivalent to
that does not teach the big blins in their sept how to care for nobility in a blin sept. The Keepers are trained in the ways of
the weaker members and to take their place when they are battle strategy and often pursue intellectual skills like
gone. medicine and diplomacy. These families record the history of
Particularly among the miniblin septs, big blins are their sept and pass it on to the next generation. They are
propped up as chiefs as their increased size gives them the often minstrels and storytellers who pass on wisdom to the
leverage to deal with foes that regular miniblins cannot leader and the other castes. This is also where the sept's
manage alone. spiritual counsellors are found. This caste includes the sept's
In bokoblin septs, big blins are much more common and spellcasters. Keepers follow the will of the sept's leader and
so instead of being given the de facto role of leadership they enforce their will on the lower castes.
instead make up a guard of shield warriors that help to Striders. The families of blins that are skilled in the use of
defend the sept's territory. weapons and are the artisans and makers of the sept. They
are frequently skilled in trap-building, Beast-taming, mining,
smelting, and forging as well as being the sept's warriors.
Striders are often the best wolfos riders and know the most
about the territory farthest from the sept's dwelling. These
individuals hunt game in peaceful times, and in combat, they
serve as scouts, foot soldiers, and cavalry.
Gatherers. Families in the second lowest caste are
responsible for getting food from the surrounding area,
taking what's naturally available or stealing whatever they
can. This caste is considered less valuable because the
Gatherers are often exposed to the surface for long periods
and risk being attacked by other Humanoids. Though blins
are not predisposed towards agriculture as it requires
significant amounts of time on the surface which isn't safe,
Gatherers do what little amount of farming the sept deems
an acceptable risk. These blins cook for the sept, and in
times of war, they are also responsible for making poison.
Juments. The lowest of the low, the Juments caste is less a
position that one is born into and more one that is earned.
This caste is reserved for blins that have committed serious
infractions against the sept and is as much a punishment as
it is a caste. This caste gets the worst jobs: mucking out
animal pens, cleaning up after other blins, and doing any
hard labour such as digging mines. Being demoted to this
class is a disgrace and ascending out of it can take years.

Those that take up bardic traditions usually do so for
S t at u s S y m b o l s education and learning. They use their music to impart the
Blins love symbols of authority, and thus the sept's leader oral history of their sept to the other castes.
often has such trappings wherever they go. Such a symbol
can take a typical form, perhaps a crown or a throne, but
also can be more distinctive objects like a high-backed
wolfos saddle or colourful boots. The castes in a sept also
adopt symbols to indicate membership or kinship, but the
symbols used are rarely the same between different septs
and often make little sense to other creatures. Some
possible status symbols are given in the Status Symbols
table. A caste or a boss might display more than one of these

S t at u s S ymb o ls
d 2 0 S t a t u ss S yym
mb o l
1 Earrings and notches in an ear
2 Carved bone jewellery tied into hair
3 A belt made from raccoon pelts
4 A helmasaur's mask
S Tattoo commemorating a great victory
6 Nose rings
7 Painted or stained hands
8 War cry tattooed on chest
9 A shield made from tektite chitin
10 Bracelets made of pieces of blins turned to stone
11 A white wolfos as a mount
12 An owl bear-feather cloak
13 Scars
14 Lip piercings
15 Umbrellas made from leaver skin
16 A cloak made of a hylian tapestry T
17 th
18 th
20 th

S o r ce r ou s i n S p i r i t s
Blins place a different value on magic than many other b
Humanoid races. Magic to them is not a tool in their arsenal a
that can be tamed on a whim but rather a piece of the th
natural world that must be appeased if it is to give aid to the ra
blins when they have need of it. As such nature magic is far
more common in blin septs compared more academic v
studies like wizardry. Among the Keeper caste, many take up a
druidic practises while among the Striders many become s
rangers though some warriors of the sept invoke the spirits a
of their ancestors to aid them in battle. There is a degree of T
respect with which blins treat magic that dictates it is not to fe
be used frivolously or for selfish ends. Blins that abuse c
magic are often demoted to Juments or even banished from w
their sept. T

Underground Village. The ideal place for a blin dwelling
B li n Dw elli ng s is an abandoned mine that features two or three large
septs of blins take up residence in shrouded valleys, shadowy chambers and a few smaller ones, with tunnels connecting
forests, and caves and tunnels beneath the surface of the them. In such places, the sept can protect their most
world. Capable miners and crafters, they seek to settle in valuable assets while providing a certain amount of comfort.
places where they can get the raw materials to make Most villages have only a single entrance, but the blins might
weapons and armour. Their need for iron and other metals build several escape tunnels that emerge far from that
sometimes puts them in conflict with other races, but just as location. If the entrance is discovered and must be collapsed,
often, blins get what they need by claiming mines abandoned one of these escape tunnels will be widened and made into
by other races and scratching away at veins thought to be the new entrance.
played out. Close inside the entrance, if a suitable area exists, the
When blins expand a mine, the tunnels they dig are blins set up a den for their wolfos. The animals come and go
initially narrow and warren-like but are expanded over time, as they please unless the blins have use for them. The
especially if the sept has members of the larger blinnic races exterior tunnels in the village, whether dug by blins or not,
among them. Blins live both within these tunnels and on the are likely to be trapped, typically in a way that not only
surface around the outside of the area. They guard the injures the intruder but also collapses the passage.
territory around the mine for miles, sending out patrols of Open spaces inside a village are useful for a number of
Striders equipped with war horns and using wolfos as reasons, and the blins will hollow out chambers for their use
watchdogs to alert them to intruders. if need be. Tamed monsters are best kept in large areas with
Outskirts. The territory around a blin dwelling has several limited access, making them easier to guard. The sept's
hallmarks, most of which aren't readily apparent. Packs of leader lays claim to a space that's treated as a meeting room.
wolfos allied with the blins serve as effective perimeter Such a room will be arranged in a facsimile of a hylian
guards, without giving away the fact that a sept of blins lives throne room to intimidate and awe visitors. In times of
nearby. Striders take up guard posts in tall trees and atop emergency, it acts as a shelter for the surface dwelling blins.
high rocky outcrops from where they can view the terrain The leader of the sept typically has personal quarters
while staying unseen. Any obvious path through the territory connected to this room.
(a valley, a clear trail, or a river) is guarded. Such places Individual blin dwellings are carved into the wall of a
might also be set with traps meant to trigger a natural designated wing of the underground village. If space is
disaster. These are primarily meant to encourage any limited, these will be reserved for the higher castes of a sept
travellers to find a different route to their destination but the allowing them to enjoy the comfort and safety of
blins don't overly concern themselves with injuries or underground living as a reward for their status and their
fatalities that might be the result. value to the group.
Surface Village. Anyone who passes through the territory
of a blin sept may not be aware that they have done so. Va r i at i o n
While the septs do live on the surface surrounding their
underground excavations, if a troupe of sufficiently powerful The proportion of each type of blin in a sept will greatly
or numerous Humanoids comes through the area they take affect elements of their village design and social structure. A
shelter in the mine which is disguised with debris and sept made up of entirely miniblins will have narrow tunnel
branches. Though they cannot cloak an entire village to systems with only a few larger ones for use by their animal
stand up to inspection, the exterior living spaces are made to companions. Similarly, a sept with only one type of blin will
look naturalistic and so won't appear out of place unless divide their caste system based on the strengths and
closely scrutinised. weaknesses of individual families but a sept that has a range
If the dwelling was built around a mine, the sept's smelting of blinnic races may assign caste based on those types.
furnace and forge will be in the vicinity. This is the most Miniblins and bokoblins may be assigned as Gatherers due
obvious sign of a blinnic sept being nearby as it is difficult to to their small size making them better suited to such tasks
quench quickly and the heat it produces makes it difficult to while moblins and boarblins make up the Striders caste as
camouflage. If the underground areas don't have enough their increased size makes them more capable as warriors.
room for the entire sept's population, the lesser caste will be When making a blin character, consider how the makeup of
housed on the surface where they are more vulnerable to their sept and their position in it influences their personality
attack and more likely to have to abandon belongings if the and their outlook.
surface needs to be evacuated.
If the entrance to their underground is found despite their
precautions the blins will first attempt to bribe the intruders
to leave their territory and not tell anyone of their discovery.
If this works the blins will gather what materials from the
exterior can be transported, collapse that particular entrance
to the mine and tunnel a new entrance to their underground
village where they will set up new exterior living
arrangements for the displaced blin. If the intruders cannot
be bargained with to leave it is likely that a fight will follow,
or else the blins will collapse the entrance passage on top of
them while their perimeter guards run for cover.

C y c l e o f Vi o l e n c e Th e D a r k a n d t h e L i g h t
The blinnic hosts have a violent history with the Kingdom of Though there are a variety of different beings that individual
Hyrule. Some hylian stories on the matter claim that the blin septs may worship as primal forces in their lives, there
blins came with a great army of druthildi and drove the are four that consistently reoccur and the particular deity
hylians from their lands before taking it for themselves. Blin often informs how benevolent or dangerous that blinnic host
stories recount how in the ancient past the hylians appeared is.
as if from the sky and removed them from the land in which Dampé. Dampé's works are not so much respected out of
they had lived for generations. worship as they are out of fear. He is simply called the
Whatever the initial source of the conflict, conflict there Gravekeeper, or the Earth God, in the hopes that not
has been between the blins and hylians since the earliest speaking his name will avoid drawing his attention and
recorded days of the kingdom. Blins are viewed by the risking his ire. The blins spend much of their time in
hylians as bloodthirsty savages. While technically speaking it Dampé's domain and Dampé is not a being that tempers his
isn't illegal for blins to enter hylians cities, any more than a anger. As such the blins that follow him make sacrifices of
single one walking around is liable to attract a guard Undead creatures such as redeads and poes' souls to be
presence and even a single blin might inspire panic and a returned to the earth where they belong. Septs that worship
possible lynching depending on the city they are discovered Dampé tend to be non-confrontational and avoid interacting
in. As such, even those blins who have no ill will towards with other races as much as possible.
hylians move around their territory in disguises, employing Demise. Angered by the constant abuse they face at the
hooded cloaks and masks to avoid notice when they have to hands of the hylians, some blinnic septs turn to the dead
enter hylian cities. druthildi deity Demise for their revenge. Though Demise was
In contrast, hylian travellers in blinnic territory are deeply vanquished, the blins in his service have developed rituals by
unwelcome. Depending on the sept they may be killed which scattered embers of his consciousness can be
outright, hidden from view in the hopes that they pass concentrated within a host through which Demise's spirit
through without incident or given provisions and encouraged can speak for a short time. In this way, the ancient deity is
to leave as quickly as possible. Even the most polite of able to give the sept orders and bestow upon certain
blinnic hosts do not hold any love for hylians and wish them individuals his foul divine magic. These septs of blin tend to
to be elsewhere. be active adversaries to the Kingdom of Hyrule, and in
Hyrule's other races get caught in the crossfire of this feud. particular the hylians. They lash out without provocation and
Though a blinnic host has no special animosity towards the are primarily responsible for the reputation that blins have
rito or the gorons or the Zoras, members of these races that as bloodthirsty savages.
happen to be travelling with hylians are just as liable to be Fado. Though less innately terrifying than her brother,
attacked by blins as their companions. Non-hylian and Fado is likewise a primal deity. Except in formal ceremonies,
human races that pass through blinnic territory are much she is referred to as the Ever Young, the Wind God, or other
more likely to receive a cordial welcome, even from the more such honorifics as she is too important to risk drawing her
violent hosts than they would if they had any hylian or attention to trivial matters. She is a goddess of nature but as
human companions. much as she represents its beauty, she also represents its
destructive qualities and the innate wildness of nature. Septs
that follow Fado tend to be accommodating of other races.
While they remain wary and vigilant of an attack, they do not
strike unless a group poses a clear and present danger.
Mandrag Ganon. Heralded as a hero and inspiration to all
blins, Mandrag Ganon's taking of the Hyruleans most prized
possession, the Triforce, which has kept them in power for
generations and his subsequent ascension to godhood, is
held up as a great victory among their people and the story
is often retold by the Keepers to keep it fresh for the newer
generations. Though the septs that venerate Mandrag Ganon
tend to not be as destructive as those that serve Demise,
they also have little mercy for the Kingdom of Hyrule. While
they don't often seek out conflict with hylians, should hylians
trespass on their territory these groups are more likely to
react violently compared to their sister septs who will simply

B li n Di s t i nct i ven es s B o k o b l i n Tr a i t s
You can use the Blin Quirks table to determine a personality Goblin
quirk for a blin character or to inspire a unique mannerism.
Your bokoblin character has the following racial traits.
B lin Qu irk s Ability Score Increase. When determining your
d 6 Qui rk character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
1 My pockets are always full of forgotten pieces of different scores by 1.
things I encounter in my travels. Lifespan. Bokoblins reach adulthood at age 8 and live up
2 I speak in heavily accented Common... the specific to 60 years.
accent changes constantly. Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are
3 My table manners are shocking: I take tea like a noble, also considered a goblinoid for any prerequisite or effect that
but wolf down my food. requires you to be a goblinoid.
Size. Bokoblins are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh
4 Of course, I kick ’em when they’re down, it’s the best between 40 and 80 pounds. Your size is Small.
time to kick ’em.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
5 No bathing. I ain’t going in the soup! Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
6 I can spend hours telling stories that I heard from my as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
great-great-aunt Matilda. light. You discern colours in that darkness only in shades of
Fey Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws you
B li n n i c N ames make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.
Male Names: Moe Fury of the Small. When you damage a creature with an
Female Names: Matilda attack or a spell and the creature's size is larger than yours,
you can cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage to the
B oa r b l i n Tr a i t s creature. The extra damage equals your level. Once you use
Half-Orc this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or
long rest.
Your boarblin character has the following traits. Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide
Ability Score Increase. When determining your action as a bonus action on each of your turns.
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three one other language that you and your DM agree is
different scores by 1. appropriate for the character. Most bokoblins know Blinnic.
Lifespan. Boarblins mature a little faster than humans,
reaching adulthood around age 14. They age noticeably
faster and rarely live longer than 75 years.
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are
also considered a goblinoid for any prerequisite or effect that
requires you to be a goblinoid.
Size. Boarblins are somewhat larger and bulkier than
humans, and they range from 5 to well over 6 feet tall. Your
size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as
if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You discern colours in that darkness only in shades of grey.
Primal Instinct. You have proficiency in one of the
following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight,
Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit
points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point
instead. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until
you finish a long rest.
Savage Critical. You can roll one additional damage die
when determining the extra damage for a critical hit.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most boarblins know Blinnic.

Battle Cry. As a bonus action, you let out a cry at your
B u l b l i n Tr a i t s enemies within 10 feet of you. Until the start of your next
Bugbear turn, you and your allies have advantage on attack rolls
against any of those enemies who could hear you. You can
Your bulblins character has the following racial traits. use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency
Ability Score Increase. When determining your bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 long rest.
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three Blinnic Legacy. Choose one of the following legacy
different scores by 1. options for your miniblin:
Lifespan. Bulblins reach adulthood at age 16 and live up
to 80 years. Craftiness. You have proficiency in one of the following
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are skills of your choice: Arcana, Investigation, Medicine,
also considered a goblinoid for any prerequisite or effect that Sleight of Hand, or Survival.
requires you to be a goblinoid. Brave. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid or end
Size. Your size is Medium. the frightened condition on yourself.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Sorcerous. You know one cantrip of your choice from the
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you sorcerer spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is
as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim your spellcasting ability for the cantrip (choose when you
light. You discern colours in that darkness only in shades of select this race).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Fey Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws you
one other language that you and your DM agree is
make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.
appropriate for the character. Most miniblins know Blinnic.
Long-Limbed. When you make a melee attack on your
turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when M o b l i n Tr a i t s
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can Orc
push, drag, or lift.
Sneaky. You are proficient in the Stealth skill. In addition, Your moblin character has the following racial traits.
without squeezing, you can move through and stop in a Ability Score Increase. When determining your
space large enough for a Small creature. character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
Surprise Attack. If you hit a creature with an attack roll, and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage if it hasn't taken a different scores by 1.
turn yet in the current combat. Lifespan. Moblins reach adulthood at age 12 and live up
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write to 50 years.
Common and one other language that you and your DM Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are
agree is appropriate for the character. Most bulblins know also considered a goblinoid for any prerequisite or effect that
Blinnic. requires you to be a goblinoid.
Size. Moblins are usually over 6 feet tall and weigh
between 230 and 280 pounds. Your size is Medium.
M i n i b l i n Tr a i t s Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Kobold Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
Your miniblin character has the following racial traits.
light. You discern colours in that darkness only in shades of
Ability Score Increase. When determining your
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
Adrenaline Rush. You can take the Dash action as a
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
bonus action. You can use this trait a number of times equal
different scores by 1.
to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
Lifespan. Miniblins reach adulthood at age 6 and can live
when you finish a long rest.
up to 120 years.
Whenever you use this trait, you gain a number of
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are
temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.
also considered a goblinoid for any prerequisite or effect that
Primal Intuition. You have proficiency in two of the
requires you to be a goblinoid.
following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight,
Size. Your size is Small.
Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
light. You discern colours in that darkness only as shades of
push, drag, or lift.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most moblins know Blinnic.

C old - Blood ed
D a i ra To members of other races, daira often seem cold, even
Beware the darkness of Dragons, emotionless. That isn't a fair assessment—the blood of
Beware the stalker of dreams, Dragons flows in their veins, and like a raging drake, a daira
Beware the talons of power and fire, that is pushed too far may become a storm of emotion that is
Beware one who is not what she seems. not easily quelled. Daira are skilled at not displaying such
"Well, are you ready, Lada Dragwlya, daughter of the things, seeking instead to guide their actions with cool
Dragon?" Fire burned in her heart, and her wounded soul rationality. They make and follow careful plans, and they are
spread out, casting a shadow like wings across her country. patient enough to do nothing when the ideal outcome relies
This was hers. Not because of her father. Not because of on such inaction.
Mehmed. Because the land itself had claimed her as its own. Daira keep their personal lives private. They prefer to
"Not Dragwlya," she said. "Lada Dracul. I am no longer the engage with ideas rather than people. They form close
daughter of the Dragon." She lifted her chin, sights set on friendships based on mutual interests or compelling
the horizon. "I am the Dragon." disagreements, and their interactions dwell on their thoughts
— Tui T. Sutherland, Darkness of Dragons about those issues rather than their feelings about them.
— Kiersten White, And I Darken

The daira walk proudly through a world that greets them

with fearful incomprehension. Shaped by draconic deities,
daira are said to have hatched from Dragon eggs. Born of
the blood of Dragons, they combine the best attributes of the
drakes they were made from and the Humanoids that inhabit
the world alongside them. Some daira are faithful servants
to true Dragons, others form the ranks of soldiers in great
wars, and still others find themselves adrift, with no clear
calling in life.

P r o u d D r ag o n k i n
In every daira clan, the stories of their draconic ancestors
are passed down from elder to hatchling, giving each
individual and every generation a pride in themselves and
their clan that sometimes borders on arrogance. The daira
know there is greatness within them and they are proud to
be chosen as the blood-kin of Dragons.
Daira look very much like Dragons standing erect in
Humanoid form. They are covered from head to tail in thick
scales of various shades of colour, and their fanged maw and
sharp claws make them dangerous foes, even when
unarmed. Daira scales are vibrant hues matching the colours
of their Dragon kin. The blood of a particular type of Dragon
runs very strong through each daira clan. These clans tend
to have uniform scales matching those of their Dragon
ancestor—blue, green, orange, red, white, yellow, lustrous
black, gleaming metallic gold or silver.
They are tall and strongly built, often standing close to 6
1/2 feet tall and weighing 300 pounds or more. Their hands
and feet are strong, talon-like claws with three fingers and a
thumb on each hand.
Although their sharp teeth would suggest they are
carnivorous, daira are actually omnivores. Meat, fruits and
vegetables are their preferred diet but in times of
desperation they are capable of eating nearly anything. A
hungry clan leaves nothing behind from a kill, eating
everything that's edible and using the rest to make tools or
Daira shed teeth as they wear out and grow new ones
their entire lives. Many wear their own shed teeth as
jewellery, with more teeth indicating an older—and wiser—

In d ep en dan t C lan s Un d e r g r oun d L i zar d P e o p le
To any daira, the clan is more important than life itself. Each Daira are cold-blooded and thus prefer temperate and
member takes on specialised roles that protects and sustains tropical climates. Daira clans in colder regions tend to be
their people. The strongest daira are trained to be hunters smaller in population and more aggressive in their hunting,
and warriors, the most clever are crafters and strategists, the since food is relatively scarce in such areas.
toughest are miners and Beast-wranglers, and so on. Even a Daira prefer the security of a cave to living in the open air,
daira lacking in any particular talent is not forgotten by the and can be found in any sort of terrain that can support
clan. They are given a role, whether something as simple as caves. In a swamp or along a coastline, daira entrench
picking mushrooms for food or watching over hatchlings, themselves in dense woods, hills, or large rock outcroppings,
and they all understand that their actions contribute to the creating burrows above the water line.
survival of the group. Daira reside most commonly in hilly or mountainous
Daira owe their devotion and respect to their clan above terrain. Such locations usually have natural caves suitable
all else, even the deities. Each daira’s conduct reflects on the for living space, and ready sources of food. Although setting
honour of their clan, and bringing dishonour to the clan can up their encampments in these locations puts daira in
result in expulsion and exile. Each daira knows their station competition with surface-dwelling Humanoids, their ability to
and duties within the clan, and honour demands maintaining avoid detection often means their burrows go unnoticed by
the bounds of that position. their rivals.
A continual drive for self-improvement reflects the self-
sufficiency of the race as a whole. Daira value skill and S c av e n g e r s a n d S o f t O n e s
excellence in all endeavours. They hate to fail, and they push Daira are adept at identifying broken, misplaced, discarded,
themselves to extreme efforts before they give up on or leftover crafted items from other creatures that can still
something. A daira holds mastery of a particular skill as a be put to use. They prefer to scavenge objects that have
lifetime goal. Members of other races who share the same clearly been lost or thrown away, which is easy to do without
commitment find it easy to earn the respect of a daira. attracting attention.
While daira have relationships that may be described as For this reason they're often considered vultures by other
romantic, within the clan, platonic friendship is considered races. While a clan of daira would be very unlikely to
the height of connection one daira can have with another. slaughter a trade caravan, they would happily scavenge such
Daira choose mates primarily for convenience. They have a caravan for useful materials should they come across it
little to no concept of marriage or permanent familial afterwards. Because they can often be found picking over
relationships. Their eggs are placed in a common hatchery ruins in the aftermath of a tragedy many people believe them
and while a written record is kept of descent, this to be omens of impending doom.
information is primarily used to prevent inbreeding and is of For their part, daira view other Humanoids with an
little importance to the parents. This practice and the indifference verging on pity. Born into the world lacking
communal raising of the hatchlings mean that the clan stout scales and sharp teeth, it’s a wonder they have
operates like a group of cousins. managed to survive for so long. The typical hylian would
Though all daira strive to be self-sufficient, they recognize barely make it through a day in the swamps.
that help is sometimes needed in difficult situations. But the Still, if others prove themselves to the daira, they can
best source for such help is the clan, and when a clan needs trigger a protective response made all the stronger by their
help, it turns to another daira clan before seeking aid from apparent weakness. Daira assess such beings as hatchlings,
other races—or even from the Dragons they worship. young ones incapable of protecting themselves but who
Seeking divine intervention is truly a last resort among the might prove invaluable if they receive the proper care.

A Th r e e Fo r m e d R ac e
Daira generally focus on survival above all, without any
unnecessary sentiments. Their mindset might sometimes
seem cruel, but it helps them survive in a hostile
Aeralfos, as their name would suggest, are airborne daira.
The aeralfos are set apart from the dynalfos and lizalfos by
their broad bat-like wings and ability to breathe fire. This
makes them well suited for high altitudes. As such, unlike
other daira, they will often be found in arctic regions, high
frigid mountains, and even the Elemental Plane of Air.
Aeralfos clans are usually devoted to Naydra, Empress of
Ice and lady of the cold places the aeralfos call home.
Shrines to Naydra can often be found high on the mountain
peaks, such as her primary place of worship, the Snowglass
Spring, sometimes called the Spring of Wisdom, on the very
top of Madorna Mountain.
Aeralfos see their wings and flame breath as a sign that
they are the true descendants to the mighty drakes. This
attitude may manifest itself in pity for the ground bound
daira and a desire to aid them but more often it becomes a
haughty arrogance. For this reason aeralfos are rarely D
incorporated into dynalfos or lizalfos clans. A ground based
clan may have one or two aeralfos if they have any at all.
Dynalfos are the largest and strongest of the daira. They
often equip themselves with heavy weapons and bracers of
thick steel to do battle with those that have invaded their
lands. Dynalfos take up residence within caves, preferring
those heated by volcanic vents. Many of them can be found
in the Eldin Caves beneath Hyrule's largest volcanos.
Dynalfos clans are usually devoted to Dinraal, Lord of Fire
and patron of the flaming mountains where the dynalfos find
sanctuary. Shrines to Dinraal are usually found in deep
volcanic caves or situated within volcanic hot springs, such
as his primary place of worship, the Spring of Power, also
called the Skyview Spring at the base of Death Mountain.
Dynalfos strike at their enemies in nightly raids, relying
upon their innate darkvision. They take great pride in their
physical strength, sometimes to the point of brutish
behaviour. This is looked down on in the clan and such
dynalfos are liable to get smacked into the floor by a larger
dynalfos as a lesson against arrogance.
Lizalfos are the most numerous of the daira, and due to
their small size, often the most ingenious. They tend to live
near water, preferring swamps, lakes, and jungles to make Z
their home. They are renowned for their chameleon-like Z
skin. They value stealth and have endless patience for the c
appearance of an opportune moment. They don't usually e
keep livestock, preferring the thrill of the hunt, and pursue w
their quarry relentlessly. Their determination never waivers, fo
once they commit to something they will see it through. Z
Lizalfos clans are usually devoted to Farosh, Master of ic
Lightning and guardian of the forests and rivers where the a
lizalfos make their home. Shrines to Farosh are built in the d
hidden places of deep jungles, such as his largest temple, the
Spring of Courage, often called the Earth Spring in the id
Faron Jungles. th
Masters of camouflage, the lizalfos know how to create an s
oily substance which reacts to the natural chemicals within
their chameleon skin. When applied to clothes or armour, it
causes these to change colour as well, granting camouflage.

d 1 O S c a l ee C o l o u r
P h y s i c a l Va r i at i o n s
1 Black
Daira vary widely in how their scales are coloured and
patterned. Although a human might have difficulty telling two 2 Blue
similar-looking daira apart, the daira themselves can easily 3 Gold
recognise each other.
Most daira of the same clan tend to have similar
4 Green
colouration. For example, the Sharptooth clan might be 5 Orange
mostly blue with silver stripes. Two clans that merge *R
eventually crossbreed enough to create a new look, although
occasional outliers and throwbacks are born that bear the D
appearance of one of the original clans.
S cale C o lo u r p


A er alfo s L iz alfo s
Oft styled as "sky Dragons", the aeralfos are winged daira Lizalfos are well adapted to their environment, able to
who prefer high altitudes in which to roost, relying on their camouflage in with their surroundings. They use this new
flame breath to keep them warm. ability to ambush unsuspecting prey, gathering food and
Sky Dragon. You’re acclimated to high altitude, including materials for their clan.
elevations above 20,000 feet. Swimming. You have a swim speed equal to your walking
Adrenaline Rush. You can take the Dash action as a speed, and you can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes at
bonus action. You can use this trait a number of times equal a time.
to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses Chameleon. As an action, you can change the colour of
when you finish a long rest. your scales to match the colour and texture of your
Whenever you use this trait, you gain a number of surroundings, giving you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. checks made to hide in those surroundings.
Breath Weapon. When you take the Attack action on your Surprise Attack. If you hit a creature with an attack roll,
turn, you can replace one of your attacks with an exhalation the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage if it hasn't taken a
of magical energy in a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line that is 5 turn yet in the current combat.
feet wide (choose when you select this race). Each creature Nature's Intuition. Thanks to your mystical connection to
in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC nature, you gain proficiency with two of the following skills
equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency of your choice: Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature,
bonus. On a failed save the creature takes 1d10 fire damage. Perception, Stealth, or Survival.
On a successful save, it takes half as much damage. This
damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10),
11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).
You can use your Breath Weapon a number of times equal
to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
Flight. Thanks to the bat-like wings jutting from your
shoulder blades, you have a flying speed equal to your
walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're
wearing medium or heavy armour.

D y n alfo s
Heavily armed and difficult to defeat, dynalfos are a large
and dangerous foe that give travellers pause when entering
their territory.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws you make to
avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself.
Hungry Jaws. As a bonus action, you can make a special
attack with your Bite. If the attack hits, it deals its normal
damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to your
proficiency bonus. You can use this trait a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expend
uses when you finish a long rest.
Savage Critical. You can roll one additional damage die
when determining the extra damage for a critical hit.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
push, drag, or lift.

When the war was over and the druthildi sealed within the
D a rk nu t Bound Chest the transfigured Hylian knights regained their
free will but the Royal Family could find no magic that would
"It has occurred to me recently that I have never chosen
restore them to their original forms. For several years they
anything. I was born into a role that had been prepared for
attempted to live alongside their Hylian brethren but
me. I did everything I was asked to do because it never
eventually the tension of living with people that feared them
occurred to me to choose otherwise. And now, at the end of
led to the transformed knights leaving Hyrule's lands to find
my life, I wonder what might've been."
a place for themselves.
"That's why my father taught me to live each second as
They settled in the area that would become known as
though it would be the last moment of my life. He said: 'If
Necluda and found a life for themselves including finding
you love, love without reservation. If you fight, fight without
partners amongst their ranks. (The Hylian Knights accepted
fear.' He called it the way of the warrior."
both men and women into their ranks.) Within a generation,
"No regrets then?"
the darknut race was born.
"A few. But just a few. You?"
"Oh, enough to fill a lifetime. So much has been lost, so
much forgotten. So much pain, so much blood. And for what, M i l i tar y C i vi l i an s
I wonder. The past tempts us, the present confuses us, and Darknut society was founded on the practices of the knights
the future frightens us. And our lives slip away, moment by that comprised the first of the darknuts. As such they hold
moment, lost in that vast terrible in between. But there is themselves to high standards of military honour. Darknuts
still time to seize that one last fragile moment. To choose have a long history of shared traditions, recorded and retold
something better, to make a difference, as you say. And I to keep the knowledge fresh for new generations. While not
intend to do just that." every darknut is enlisted in the military, their society as a
— John Sheridan & Turhan Bey, whole is largely structured like one.
The Coming of Shadows There is a great emphasis on civic duty, when called on to
aid the high command most darknuts are happy to sacrifice
Darknuts are a canine race that can be found in small
their homes to have soldiers billeted with them or contribute
numbers throughout Hyrule. Though their homeland is far to
however they can to the war effort. To this point, the
the west. Mercenaries have always made their way into the
darknut's largest industry is in mercenary work. They
kingdom, their skills honed by the incredibly militaristic and
regularly rent out legions of soldiers to foreign powers who
unspeakably ancient darknut culture.
need aid. Most societies outside their own are extremely
Military discipline defines the lives of these canine people.
wary of the darknuts but they acknowledge that there are
While other races often see them as fierce killing machines,
few better soldiers. When darknuts aren't engaged in battle,
saying under their breath that "war is their lifeblood", this is
they farm, build, and practise both martial and arcane arts
something of an exaggeration. Descended from a troop of
like any other people.
Hylian Knights, darknut society is rigidly structured around
Darknut law functions much as military law does. It is
their ancient code of honour and battle training. Though
swift and merciless with little room for negotiation but only
many darknuts never pick up a weapon, their everyday lives
in the most serious of cases will it involve capital
reflect the military lifestyle from which their people
punishment. Less severe infractions require that the culprit
pay their debt to society in labour or other such civil services
Young darknuts often dream of the honour and glory of
that suit their skill set while serious infractions result in a
being a great knight and may get lessons in the ways of
dishonourable discharge from the legion and banishment
weapons as young as ten years old. Every legion in the
from darknut lands. If a darknut compound has a prison, it's
darknuts' society stands prepared for war.
usually a small one where miscreants are incarcerated
briefly before receiving sentence.
L e t L o o s e t h e D o g s o f Wa r
In the early days of the Kingdom of Hyrule, the Hylian
Knights stood as the country's great protectors. In those
W o su
days the world was wild and untamed. The Demon King had To be dishonourably discharged from a darknut
been vanquished years before and in this age, the biggest legion is the highest of shames in darknut society,
threat to the burgeoning kingdom was the uncultivated even above execution. Those who incur this
nature they were attempting to settle.
terrible fate are branded on their left forearm. This
brand marks them as Wosu, disgraced. Darknuts
But as Demise had promised to the first Queen of Hyrule,
branded in this way will not be given harbour in
the druthildi would not be idle forever. They returned to lay
any darknut settlement and will not be dealt with
waste to the kingdom in a conflict that would come to be by any of their kin. Most who have been branded
known as "The War of the Bound Chest". Though the battle as Wosu turn to contract killings and unscrupulous
was eventually won, it was not without its casualties. One mercenary work as they cannot work in their
legion of the Hylian Knights was captured by the druthildi homeland and making an honest living in human
and instead of being slaughtered, they were transformed. In lands without the backing of their legion is nearly
mockery of their position as "the loyal dogs of Hyrule" the impossible.
knights became canine-like Beasts with human proportions,
enslaved to the will of the druthildi and forced to turn their
considerable martial prowess on their homeland.

Numb e r Tit l e N
Dar kn ut S et t lemen t s
1st rank: Commander 5
Darknut settlements largely resemble a well-designed
military stronghold. They settle in places with good natural 2nd rank: Knight 6
defences which are easy to hold. Their cities are always well 3rd rank: Captain 7
guarded, by lone sentries perched in trees or stone towers
with a full garrison of troops. As space permits, large areas
4th rank: Elite ..
are dedicated for use as training grounds, marshalling fields, A
target ranges, combat arenas, and similar facilities for the m
practice of warfare. Monuments, typically statues and pillars, b
are erected around these areas to remind the legion of past s
glories. p
Every legion's headquarters includes a command centre h
where the Commander meets with banner leaders and fo
others of high rank. Inside the complex or somewhere near
it is the Way to Glory—a road, river, tunnel, or valley on fr
either side of which the honoured dead are interred, each s
burial site complete with a description of the banner, rank, o
and glories of its occupant. s
The quarters for troops are austere but sufficient, as are fo
the necessary stables and dens to hold the legion's animals a
and Beasts. Legions that require such amenities also set w
aside space for a library, which can double as a school and th
training facility for spellcasters. e
The first priority of darknut Construction is defence. Their
cities are not unpleasant places and are made to be
comfortable for their civilian population as well as
welcoming to outsiders, to a point. They regularly have trade
districts set up to do business with outsiders where other
people can come to exchange goods and coin. These trade
centres tend to be on the fringe of their territory to avoid the
possibility of a large hostile force making it deep into the city
under false pretences.
Darknuts are among the more industrially structured of
the Monstrous Races and as a result their cities often act as
meeting places for other members of the less accepted clans,
such as the various blins, lynels, or even some groups of
While on a military campaign darknuts will regularly set
up temporary residences in old dungeons or ruins where
they can hide their numbers and keep their presence secret.
Such an arrangement isn't desirable, because space is
usually at a premium. T
Th e H i e r a r c h y th
As in any strict military hierarchy, every darknut in a legion th
has a rank, from the Commander down through a cadre of c
officers to the soldiers that make up most of its number. p
These ranks, using the titles most often applied to them, are
as follows: c

Reward Glorious Action. Darknuts never deny Unlike the hylian conception of the Hyrule Warrior with
advancement in status to a banner that has earned it, nor do whom the Fierce Deity shares much overlap, the darknuts
they withhold higher rank from a deserving individual. If a are not limited by race, gender or creed. As such the libraries
banner attains great glory in battle but is nearly destroyed, and memorials that record the deeds of the Fierce Deity
the handful of members who remain are welcomed into include many heroic figures from goron and Zora history and
another banner, taking their banner's name and colours folklore, not to mention female hylian warriors of note and
along with them, and assuming places of leadership in the others spanning the spectrum of Hyrule's people. While
group. many figures such as the Hero of Darkness and the Hero of
Suffer nor Give Insult. Darknuts believe that any insult Twilight fall under the domain of the Fierce Deity, the
demands a response. Suitably (and somewhat ironically), the darknuts care less about the iconography and recognizability
outward politeness and civility that they demonstrate among of the details of the tale such as the green tunic or the
each other enable them to avoid conflicts in daily life. This Master Sword and more about the deeds done in the name
same form of courtesy is often extended to other races the of righteousness. As such many darknuts devote themselves
darknuts have dealings with, much to the outsiders' surprise. to the ideals of goron, Zora, deku, or even blin heroes in
When such respect isn't reciprocated, though, relations can addition to hylian ones.
swiftly deteriorate.
Uphold the Legion. Darknuts care more for the survival
of their legion than they do for others of their own kind. Two Though this figure shares their name and visual
legions might battle over territory, resources, or power, or
distinction with the deity from Terminian
out of simple pride. Such a feud can continue over
Mythology they are not the same entity. Any
similarities can be considered cross-dimensional
generations in an ongoing cycle of retribution. The pride of
the darknuts can often be their greatest weakness as their For more information on the Terminian Fierce
belief in their own incorruptibility and superiority can get Deity, see Chapter 7: The Multiverse.
them into serious trouble.

Th e Fi e r c e D e i t y
While religious practices are by no means banned among the
Th e M ag i c o f Wa r
darknuts, there is very little in the way of organised religion. Darknuts know the value of arcane magic in warfare. Where
Many darknut families or individuals will have their own other cultures treat magic as an individual pursuit, a calling
personal deities, seeing those that pray to the Golden that only a select few can even attempt, darknuts practice
Goddesses is not uncommon, but these are largely personal mass testing to identify every potential caster in their ranks.
practices that aren't supported by governments or Though no one is forced to learn darknut spellcraft, those
organisations. Darknut cities do not have any centralised that are identified as having the potential and choose not to
temples though their trading districts, meant for other races develop it are often seen as a disappointment by their peers.
to walk through freely, will often have shrines to various This stigma leads many young darknuts to learn war magic
deities and spirits to be more welcoming. even if they would have rathered follow other pursuits.
More common for the darknuts is an adoration of the The Academy of Arcanum is a darknut institution made up
figure or figures they call The Fierce Deity. Though it shares of spellcasters. Members are sent abroad to test young
some similarities with religious practises, the darknuts darknuts. Those with an aptitude for magic are given the
idealisation of these figures is closer to that of an investment choice to enrol in the academy. Those that do are brought to
in the virtues they believe the Fierce Deity represents; duty, hidden schools, and subjected to a rigorous regimen of drills,
honour, strength, loyalty and courage. It is quite common for exercises, and study. In the academy's view, every young
darknuts to devote themselves to one of the recorded student is a potential new war caster, destined to be forged
versions of the Fierce Deity when they swear an oath as a into a potent arcanist.
paladin. The primary initial focus of the Academy is the teaching of
potent, destructive spells and the fundamentals of evocation
magic. Many darknut arcanists are content with high-yield
damage spells and cease their training at this point, letting
themselves function essentially as mobile artillery batteries.
Many others will go on to study other types of magic and
become accomplished tacticians in their own right. Such an
individual will often serve as commander of a legion.

D ar k n u t P e r s o nal i t y D a r k n u t Tr a i t s
You can use the Darknut Quirks table to determine a Your darknut character has the following racial traits.
personality quirk for a darknut character or to inspire a Ability Score Increase. When determining your
unique mannerism. character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
D ark n u t Qu irk s different scores by 1.
d 6 Qui rk Lifespan. Darknuts mature at the same rate as humans
and have lifespans averaging 150 years.
1 You never ask for anyone's help and will only give
others assistance outside of combat if specifically Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
asked. Size. Darknuts are typically over 6 feet tall, with some
standing over 7 feet. Your size is Medium.
2 You ask everyone for their rank, if they don't give you a Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
plausible answer you address them as sir or ma'am,
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
even when they tell you not to.
as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
3 You are extremely officious and steadfast until you light. You discern colours in that darkness only in shades of
start drinking at which point you lose all sense of grey.
decorum. Hunter's Intuition. You have proficiency in one of the
4 You suck up to any figure of authority, especially if following skills of your choice: Athletics, Intimidation,
they are a military authority. Perception, or Stealth.
5 You were a key part of one very successful campaign Canine Senses. You have advantage on Wisdom
and you never stop telling the story. (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Wolf Pack. You gain courage from working alongside
6 You phrase requests as orders.
others. Add half your proficiency bonus rounded down to
attack and damage rolls against a target if at least one of
Dar kn ut N ames your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
Darknut personal names usually consist of a given name and incapacitated.
the name of the band they were born into rather than a Daunting Howl. As a bonus action, you can let out an
family name, even if that band has been disbanded or especially menacing howl. Creatures of your choice within
destroyed. This means that parent and child don’t always 10 feet of you that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom
have the same family name as darknuts born outside of a saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of
band have no family name. your next turn. The DC of the save equals 8 + your
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Once you
Male Names: use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or
Female Names: long rest.
Clan Names: Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most darknuts know Nubian.

Though lynels share the same basic physiology, different
Lyn el herds may show distinct traits. Some lynels tend to be sleek
and muscular, with powerful legs built for endurance rather
“For the first time, they were seeing the dream beneath the
than speed. They usually have coats of a single colour, often
with a shine that can look metallic in bright light. Others
Karla stared at the pointed ears that had come from the
may have long, nimble legs and lean bodies, and are often
Dea al Mon, the hands with sheathed claws that had come
marked with natural colour patterns on their hide. Lynels
from the tiger, the hooves peeking out from beneath the
sometimes paint or tattoo their upper bodies to match the
black gown that could have come from the centaurs or the
patterns on their lower half.
horses or the unicorns. Most of all, she stared at the tiny
spiral horn.
The living myth. Dreams made flesh. But, oh, had any of A f f i n i t y f o r N at u r e
them really thought about who the dreamers had been? Lynels have an affinity for the natural world. They celebrate
No wonder the kindred love her. No wonder we've all loved life and growth, and the birth of a foal is always cause for
her. festivities. At the same time, they revere the traditions of the
― Anne Bishop, Queen of the Darkness past, and are the voices of memory and history, preserving
old ways and keeping alive the legends of ancestral heroes.
Powerful and curious, quick to act and knowledgeable of the
They feel a close kinship with wild animals, perhaps because
wider world, lynels have a love of wide open spaces and the
of their horse-like bodies, and delight in the feeling of
freedom to travel. They race the wind, hooves thundering and
running alongside herds and packs of other Beasts.
tails streaming behind them, as they seek to experience life's
endless bounty.
Lynel herds range across lands with mild to hot climates, C lan s an d C o mmun i t i es
where a lynel requires only light furs or oiled skins to deal Lynels sense the interconnectedness of the natural world.
with inclement weather. Lynel migration spans continents Thus, they celebrate family and community as microcosms
and may take decades to repeat so a lynel herd might not of that greater connection. They have strong clan identities
retread the same path for generations. These long-ranging and are fiercely loyal to their communities. Their love of
patterns can lead to conflict when lynels encounter history and tradition also means that lynels are likely to
settlements of other creatures built along their traditional follow in their parents' footsteps.
routes. Lynels travel in small merchant family bands. These
These bands occupy free territories situated between groups frequently trade in darknut cities which provide the
settled areas, making them common sights to those who biggest market for their wares, but they also do business
travel often. Not ones to settle in permanent homes, though, with hylians and smaller communities. They rarely if ever
lynels might be found wherever there are wonders to be seek out larger hylian metropolises as they are seldom
witnessed and adventures to be had. welcome in such places.
The eldest member of each band typically leads their
Pa s t o r a l S y m p h o n y family. In times of discord, the heads of the bands gather to
make decisions together. Other members of the band work
Lynels have the upper bodies, down to the waist, of
as traders, gatherers, packers, and scouts. A band has
muscular, heavily built lion-like humans. They may be all the
several specialised roles required for success in travel and
human variety of skin tones in addition to more exotic
trade: a barterer, an omener, a courser, and preferably a
colours such as blue, pure white, silver, or gold. Frequently
these more unique colourations will be accompanied by
A barterer negotiates deals between the band and other
striped patterns marking their skin. There is a belief among
traders. Barterers must know the customs of other cultures
lynels that such colourations are meant for great things.
and speak several different languages.
Their faces are more cat-like in appearance and they have
An omener is an oracle who reads messages from the
long manes that encircle their heads. These manes range in
deities in the natural world and reveals how the immortals
colour though red or white are most common. Their manes
would have the band travel.
are a source of pride for the lynels and may be braided or
A courser explores new trade territory for their band. They
adorned with jewellery that denotes their status or past
are expert trackers and navigators, able to venture deep into
deeds among their herd.
unexplored territory and unerringly return to their families.
Below the waist, they have bodies of horses, with a similar
Finally, every band tries to travel with at least one of the
range of colouration—from various shades of chestnut or bay
mighty, well-trained warriors who are said to have the blood
to dappled or even zebra-like striped patterns. Most lynels
of the first, legendary lynel heroes. Warriors are said to bring
style their hair and their tails similarly. Some lynels favour
good luck to a band but are also usually fated to die in
long, flowing hair; others cut their hair in rough, spiky styles.
defence of their families. Not every band has a warrior of its
The upper bodies of lynels are comparable to human
own, and bands share their best warriors with each other as
torsos in size, and their lower equine bodies average about 4
a sign of goodwill and a way to forge bonds.
feet tall in the withers. Though they are smaller than a
human rider mounted on a horse, they fill similar roles as
cavalry warriors, messengers, outriders, and scouts.

J o u r n e y s o f D i s c ov e r y R e l ucta n t S e t t l e r s
When young lynels become adults, they often leave their It is rare for lynels to settle down, individually or as a group.
band to travel the world on their own. This time of self- Often such settlements will be built along the lynel migration
discovery can last anywhere from a few weeks to several path as a place where the old or infirm who cannot keep
years. Lynels believe that this journey helps their young find pace with the rest of their herd will be left. Commonly a
their place in the world. An omener reads the signs of handful of lynels will voluntarily remain at these rest stops to
fortune before sending young lynels on their way, guiding the take care of the lynels left behind. Doing so is seen as a great
first steps of their journey. While most lynels return to the sacrifice.
band eventually, some find their calling elsewhere. When Some lynels regard being left at one of these rest stops to
stories are told of a band's greatest heroes, they often speak be a grave dishonour and instead vanish into the wilderness,
of lynels who found their heroic destiny on this journey. never to be seen again. Those that can bear the loss of their
herd might take up residence among other races. Frontier
settlements value the nature knowledge of their lynel
R ai d er s residents. Many such communities owe their survival to the
While some lynel herds roam the wild lands, content to insight and acumen of a lynel. It is not uncommon for a lynel
gather what they need from nature, others form small to stand as guardian over a community of smaller races such
raiding bands. These bands are voluntary associations, in as blins, tokay, vire, or even occasion twili, guarding the
contrast to the family groups of other herds. When perimeter of their settlements in exchange for resources and
necessary, several small bands join together in a larger herd accommodations.
to target particularly dangerous but resource-rich targets—
be they Humanoid traders or roving, greedy monsters. Bands
also join together to defeat common threats or to hunt for
These herds value physical strength, speed, and prowess
in both hunting and combat. Often a band is led by the
strongest and most dominant warrior, called the charger.
However, some bands elevate a tactician or strategist to this
venerated position. They can be brutal and greedy, but they
are clever as well, and understand the value of strategic
Other lynels in herds work as scouts, archers, warriors,
and foragers. In addition, most herds contain a caller and a
Callers are typically druids or rangers who can draw
animal assistance to their herd. Callers often have one or
more animal allies at their side and can speak to animals to
learn about the surrounding lands.
Trompers are the most powerful and feared warriors of
the herd. Lynel legends say that when the deities first
fashioned humans, trompers taught them how to corner and
kill prey. The story tells that, to repay this debt, humans owe
the lynels a portion of what they catch. While humans don't
recall this arrangement, the lynel often cite it as justification
for their raids.

L y n e l C h a r ac t e r L y n e l Tr a i t s
You can use the Lynel Quirks table to determine a Your lynel character has the following racial traits. These
personality quirk for a lynel character or to inspire a unique traits are also suitable for the lynels of other worlds where
mannerism. there are lynels of Fey origin. These lynels are smaller than
the non-Fey lynels that roam in some realms.
L yn el Qu irk s Ability Score Increase. When determining your
d 8 Qui rk character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
1 I can be bribed with apples.
different scores by 1.
2 I will occasionally eat a handful of grass, claiming I Lifespan. Lynels mature and age at about the same rate
need to feed the horse stomach too. Nobody's sure if as humans.
I'm serious. Creature Type. Your creature type is Beast.
3 I make fun of bipeds with their "pants" but secretly Size. Lynels stand between 6 and 7 feet tall, with their
wish I could wear them as well. I don't know how equine bodies reaching about 4 feet at the withers. Your size
that'd work. is Medium.
4 I hate tight or enclosed spaces. I don't like feeling Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
cooped up. I much prefer wide open spaces where I Equine Build. You count as one size larger when
can run. determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
5 I will gladly tell anyone who will listen how horse push or drag.
equipment was actually invented by lynels. In addition, any climb that requires hands and feet is
Horseshoes? No, lynel shoes. especially difficult for you because of your equine legs. When
you make such a climb, each foot of movement costs you 4
6 Zoomies. Sometimes I just need to run around for a
extra feet, instead of the normal 1 extra foot.
while. After too much boredom or stillness, I have to
go charging through the nearest paddock for a while Hooves. You have hooves that you can use to make
unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals
7 Horses are adorable. They're like tiny people, but not. 1d6 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage, instead
Human babies disturb me, though. of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
8 I take great pride in the quality of my coat. I often Hammering Hooves. Immediately after you hit a creature
spend downtime brushing my lower half. with a melee attack as part of the Attack action on your turn,
you can use a bonus action to attempt to push that target
Lyn el N ames with your horns. The target must be within 5 feet of you and
no more than one size larger than you. Unless it succeeds on
Lynels' given names are passed down through family lines. a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your
The name bestowed on a new foal is typically the name of proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier, you push it up to
the most recently deceased family member, keeping alive the 10 feet away from you.
memory—and, the lynels believe, some shard of the spirit— Daunting Roar. As a bonus action, you can let out an
of the departed. In lieu of a family member to pass on their especially menacing roar. Creatures of your choice within 10
name, many lynel draw their names from a long list of minor feet of you that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom
characters of legend, so that those folk are never forgotten. saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of
Lynels don't use family names, but they wear symbols that your next turn. The DC of the save equals 8 + your
represent their family membership. These symbols might Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Once you
include graphical representations of Plants or animals, use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or
printed mottoes, braids and beads are worn in the hair and long rest.
tail, or even specific patterns of woven fabric. Lynel names Natural Affinity. Your connection to nature gives you an
are often appended with an honorific gained in battle. intuitive connection to the natural world and the animals
Male Names: within. You have proficiency in one of the following skills of
Female Names: your choice: Animal Handling, Intimidation, Medicine,
Honorifics: Nature, Persuasion or Survival.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most lynels know Leonin.

B e i n g s o f S h ad ow
Tw i l i Once the twili were beings of light no different than the
Tell me... Do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls? gerudo, hylians, or sheikah; now they exist in a state between
They say it's the only time when our world intersects with life and death, transformed by the Twilight Realm's grim
theirs... The only time we can feel the lingering regrets of energy.
spirits who have left our world. That is why loneliness always The twili retain prominent features of the races that their
pervades the hour of twilight... ancestors came from, the gerudo's red hair, the hylians
Some call our realm a world of shadows, but that makes it pointed ears, the sheikah's red eyes, and the zuna's blue skin,
sound so unpleasant... The twilight there holds a serene are all common traits but the etherealness of the realm has
beauty... You have seen it yourself as the sun sets on this unified these disparate people into new form.
world. Bathed in that light, all the people were pure and They have ashen skin and muted complexions that glow
gentle... But things changed once that foul power pervaded softly, reflecting the sombre nature of the twilight. Skin tones
the world... vary from alabaster to near black, the two colours often
— Rusl & Midna, Twilight Princess seeming draped over the twili form like shadow. Most twili
have black hair, with the exception of those of gerudo
Twili feature in the nightmare tales of many races. Great
descent who boast crimson hair so infused with twilight that
shadow Beasts that creep through the darkness as though it
it almost seems to be strands of flame. Their eyes are dark
is a second skin to them. If you walk alone in the woods, a
with yellow sclera that glow in the darkness.
twili will emerge from the shadows and strangle you. If you
Those twili of the noble houses who live in the Palace of
stray too far from the house at night, twili will scoop you up
Twilight or the city below it tend to be more human in
to devour you in their town. If a twili cuts off your head, your
proportion and expression than those that live in the further
soul stays trapped inside, and the twili use your head to
depths of the Twilight Realm. Those that live away from the
magically compel all whom you once knew.
light have a stretched, elongated appearance, with long
"Twili are cursed", so the tales say. The shadows have hold
limbs, necks, and heads, and great variances in overall
of them and they are doomed to lose their souls to the dark
height and girth.
depths of the Twilight Realm. With each passing year pieces
of their soul are surrendered to the Twilight Realm and as it
departs, twili hearts grow cold, empty, and disturbed. A S i ng le S un b eam
Lurid tales such as these are perhaps not fair but they The twili are ruled by an elective monarchy and magocracy.
have flowered from the seeds of truth as well as deep fear. They have noble houses each of which represent one of the
Twili do rely on stealth and strength to attack, preferring to races who made up the original cabal of Interlopers. House
operate at night where the darkness gives them stability. It is Hegrud (gerudo), House Hyaline (hylian), House Kahshei
common practice to remove the heads of slain foes, but only (sheikah), House Scirocco (cloudfolk), and House Zonai
as a precaution against undeath. They are no more likely to (zuna). Esteemed members of each house are often titled as
eat people indiscriminately than humans are. kithlord or kithguard to denote their magical prowess and
Th e D a r k I n t e r l o p e r s From these houses each monarch is chosen by the ruling
kithlords. A monarch cannot be elected from the same house
In ancient times, the Interlopers were a cabal of sorcerers
as that of the previous twili ruler to avoid favour of house
from various races, most notably cloudfolk, gerudo, hylians,
being carried through multiple leaders. Candidates for the
sheikah, and zuna. They sought to overtake the Hyrulean
throne are often puissant illusionists or shadow mages.
Royal Family, take command of the Sacred Realm and
The monarchy rules from the Palace of Twilight, a great
ultimately claim the Triforce for themselves.
structure that floats in the skies of the Twilight Realm and
In response to such audacity, the Spirits of Light,
was until the Mirror of Twilight’s destruction, the destination
guardians of Hyrule's provinces, were called down to seal
point for those banished through that portal. The Palace is
away the power the Interlopers had mastered. With their
possessed of two artefacts of immense power called the
immense magical skill neutralised, the interlopers were
Sols. The Sols bath the palace and the land directly beneath
rendered powerless. They were then banished to the Twilight
in all the daylight the Twilight Realm has to offer. The light is
Realm using the Mirror of Twilight as an act of mercy. They
highly sought after for it prevents the twili from fully merging
would intermingle and eventually become the twili as they
with the Twilight Realm and becoming shadow Beasts.
were imbued with the ambience of their new realm.
The great twili city of Grimmhauld rests beneath the
Palace of Twilight in the light of the Sols. It is at all times on
alert to the possibility of attack by Undead from beyond
Grimmhauld's walls. The districts of Grimmhauld are
organised based on the distance to the Lumos Spire
projected from the Palace of Twilight. The most affluent
neighbourhoods are within it or directly adjacent to it. Those
neighbourhoods that see a significant distance from the light
quickly become slums and the twili their shunned for the
manner in which their body has been morphed by the

Th e W i l d W i l d . . . L a n d s Wa l k i n g i n t h e L i g h t
Beyond the Palace of Twilight and the city of Grimmhauld, The twili have blended with the shadows in which they live
the twili population is small and spread over a wide area. to such a degree that it is almost impossible for them to exist
Twili that leave the protection of the Lumos Spire do so for a in the Light World. The harsh light reduces them to mere
variety of reasons but desperation is often the primary one. shadows, existing as pale echoes of their true form. Only the
They seek a life away from the regiment of the city and most powerful twili are capable of retaining their form and
monarchy and aim to stake a claim to the wild lands of the power in the Light World.
Twilight Realm. The Mirror of Twilight had for millennia stood as the only
Such twili often set out in family groups. They typically means of accessing the Twilight Realm. With the Mirror's
number fewer than a dozen, consisting of siblings and their destruction came reports that portals to and from the
partners as well as a handful of offspring and an elder or Twilight Realm were becoming an increasingly common and
two. The wilds of the Twilight Realm are a terrifying place unpredictable event. Twili might slip through one of these
full of all manner of monsters. As such those that strike out openings by accident and find themselves in the blistering
often live in and around defensively natural formations. light of a true sun.
In good times, a twili clan may grow or merge with other For this purpose, the Shaded Smiths devised a solution.
twili settlers, leading to the formation of frontier towns They forged shackles which could protect the Twili against
dotting the landscape of the Twilight Realm. Such living is the harsh effects of the Light World. The most common of
dangerous, not just for the terrors that plague the land but these was the Twilight Shackle, a common magic item that
also because without the light of the Sols the twili may over was mass produced and distributed to nearly all Twili
time devolve into monstrous shadow Beasts that must be put citizens. It lacked any particular power beyond the ability to
down to protect the rest of the population. Such a protect the twili from the unyielding sunlight.
transformation is slow and agonising but the switch to pure Other shackles of increasing power and ability exist
aggression occurs quickly. Twili killed by a shadow Beast though unlike the Twilight Shackle these are expensive and
may become infected and transform rapidly as a result. held only by the most affluent of the Twili.
While many frontier towns are alive and well, others have Statistics for the Cursed Shackle, the Sol Shackle, and the
long since become ghost towns where only the dead roam. Thunderhead Shackle can be found in Chapter 9. Discuss
Some of the longest standing towns beyond the Lumos with your DM if it would be appropriate for your character to
Spire are said to have magic that syphons enough of the begin with one of these items.
Sols magic to keep the sanity of their people intact.
Because of the risk the Twilight Realm poses and the Th e L i g h t o f S o l
strictures of their society, many twili seek out their own place The twili worship the Sols that give their realm light. They
in the Light World. What few twili cities there are in the believe that the Sols are fragments of a deity that in ancient
Light World are well-hidden, shrouded by illusions and times came upon the Light World as a barren, desolate rock
shadow magic and defended by squads of twili scouts and and filled with compassion for its loneliness, broke
their shadow mastiff pets. themselves into pieces to give the world light. The Sols offer
clerical power to those that know the proper rituals, they
S h a d ow s Fa l l B e h i n d never speak to their followers. This has led the twili to
In the enduring half light of the Twilight Realm, it is easy for believe that their deity has lost their voice and only by
twili to succumb to melancholy. Some cope with discovering more Sols in the Light World can they restore
despondency, disconnecting from their emotions rather than them to their full glory. Some legends say doing so will
feeling them. Others become bitter or grim-natured. Most transform the Twilight Realm into a paradise.
twili fight this dampening of their selves with everything they Dampé, the Gravekeeper is the twili version of the
have. bogeyman, as terrifying to them as twili are in the eyes of
Twili have little regard for their own lives. They embrace many other races. His name is rarely spoken, and never
living to the limits of pain and pleasure. Anything can be a above a whisper. Though they recognise him as an enemy of
positive experience so long as it connects them to undeath, they often fear that there is little distinction
themselves. Happiness and heartbreak are valued in equal between themselves and the vile creatures Dampé has sworn
measure. Twili make an effort to feel sadness as it comes but to bury. Any twili who sees golden light and a wolf-like figure
not wallow in it for that invites the gloom of the plane on or an old man carrying a shovel in the wilds of the Twilight
which they live to drive them into woe. Many use pain to Realm is sure to flee his presence as fast as they are
keep their focus, decorating their bodies with tattoos, physically able.
scarification, and body piercings.
Due to their realm's dangers, twili strive for personal
greatness, so that when they fall, stories of their great deeds
will grant them an immortality of memory. In their search for
personal glory, many twili ignore comfort, safety, and
sometimes even morality.

Tw i l i A d v e n t u r e r s Tw i l i T r a i t s
Twili venture to the Light World for many reasons. Their Twili have ashen skin tones when they're in the Shadowfell,
arrival may be an accident, born of an unstable rift. They they also become wizened, reflecting the sombre nature of
may wish to live away from the oppressive caste system of that gloomy plane.
the city and the danger of the wild lands. They may be on a
Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s
holy quest for the Sols.
ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase
Twili prefer to use their speed, grace, and agility in
a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
combat, typically wielding light weapons. Spellcasters favour
Lifespan. Twili have comparable lifespans to Hylians.
shadow magic and illusion spells. Twili also enjoy exercising
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
their martial prowess or gaining greater magical power, and
Size. Your size is Medium.
adventuring allows them to do so. Some might join with
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
rebels fighting against oppression, and others might become
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120
champions of moral causes. Survivors of confrontations with
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
twili often described the experience as fighting a living
were dim light. You discern colours in that darkness only as
shades of grey.
Some twili live as outcasts, driven into exile for their
Trance. You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to
unsettling appearance and strange magic, or assume
sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those
leadership of nomadic Humanoids and strange cults in
hours in a trance-like meditation, during which you retain
untamed lands. Others gain positions of great influence,
especially where action is valued over appearance. Still
Fey Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws you
others might mask their appearance and live unnoticed
make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.
among populations that would not welcome them otherwise.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Necrotic Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic
Tw i l i D i s p o s i t i o n damage.
You can use the Twili Quirks table to determine a personality Twilight Camouflage. When you make a Dexterity
quirk for a twili character or to inspire a unique mannerism. (Stealth) check in dim light or darkness, you can make the
check with advantage. You can use this trait a number of
T wili Qu irk s times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
d 8 Qui rk expended uses when you finish a long rest.
1 My shadow bleeds when I bleed. Blessing of Shadow. As a bonus action, you can
magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you
2 I find amusement in the macabre. Though not can see. You can use this trait a number of times equal to
everyone enjoys my sense of humour. your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
3 Shadows on my body and clothing seem deeper and when you finish a long rest.
darker than shadows elsewhere, and they seem to Starting at 3rd level, you also gain resistance to all damage
follow and reach out to me, especially when I'm angry. when you teleport using this trait. The resistance lasts until
4 Animals are fond of me, but somehow their shadows the start of your next turn. During that time, you appear
always seem happier to see me than the creatures ghostly and translucent.
themselves. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
5 Clothes that come into direct contact with my skin one other language that you and your DM agree is
lose their pigmentation over time. appropriate for the character. Most twili know Twilish.

6 While in a trance, I appear cold, clammy, and lifeless, See Chapter 7: The Multiverse, for further details about the
almost like a corpse. twili and the Twilight Realm.
7 The skin on my fingers, toes, and nose slowly turns
darker the closer the moon is to the new moon phase
and whiter as it approaches the full moon.
8 When I rest near the remains of a fallen creature, I find
myself waking with blackish tears falling from my

Tw i l i N a m e s
Male Names: Zant
Female Names: Midna
Family Names:

Ty g e r , Ty g e r
V i re Vire have a strong social structure that stresses devotion to
"Yeah, doc. See, I keep hearing squeaks in my chimney, and I the colony, are clever with their hands, and viciously work
found these in my empty fireplace. They look like hairs. I together in order to overcome their individual limitations.
thought maybe you could tell me if I have a bat problem." Vire do their best to remain hidden. Even if travellers
"And what if they are bats, Mr. Wayne? What then? Destroy succeed in locating a vire colony, winning their trust can be
them like insects? We won't survive the next evolutionary even more difficult. Those rare travellers who do succeed in
cataclysm, but bats will! They're survivors, Mr. Wayne, not befriending vire find that they are loyal and courageous allies
pests! You should understand that!" against any foe.
— Bruce Wayne & Dr. March, On Leather Wings Vire communities tend to form inside caves near surface
access, or in the canopies of thick jungles. These matriarchal
Vire ideally would prefer to be left alone in their remote
collectives practise communal living, with a complex
forests and deep caves to live their lives and raise their
network of overlapping social relations among them. Indeed,
offspring in peace. Vire that live in close proximity to others
vire are able to form relationships and communities with
often find themselves harassed or enslaved by larger
virtually anyone, and in huge numbers, yet often keep track
creatures. This has made them extremely wary of outsiders.
of every detail of their social interactions and standing.
Although most vire are pacifists and shy away from conflict,
Subterranean Vire homes are well-hidden strongholds,
they are dangerous if cornered, and vicious when defending
concealed by maze-like passages and clever illusions. Vast
their young. Unprepared travellers have often met their
networks of tunnels ring these settlements, guarded by
deaths by a rabid swarm of keese when trying to hunt the
deadly traps and concealed sentries. Once a traveller passes
through the outer defences, the tunnels open up into
marvellous cavern-perches carved from the ceilings of caves
O n L e at h e r W i n g s with exquisite care. The vire are austere in their comforts,
When people think of hunters or rangers, they picture the but they take great pride in their stonework.
vire. Chiropteran in nature, vire have sharp talons and agile The jungle perches are somewhat less protected, relying
builds that help them effortlessly glide through the canopy. on the extreme height and isolation of the jungles they
These batfolk are swift and strong with an uncanny knack inhabit to protect them from outsiders.
for tracking. They are rarely prey, and are quick to turn the
tables when finding themselves hunted. B at s A r e n ' t B u g s
Distant relatives to keese (or bats), they have leathery skin
Vire are dour and serious compared to most surface folk.
with short fur covering much of their body, save for their
They value their privacy and the safety of their homes above
wings, arms, and legs. Their extremities tend to be quite
all. Though typically quiet, vire are not averse to forming
spindly compared to their thicker bodies. They have muzzles,
relationships with other races should they prove themselves
large ears, sharp teeth, and leathery wings. A vire’s wing
trustworthy. Despite their reserved nature, vire value
resembles a modified human hand—the skin between
personal bonds more highly than societal or even familial
fingers larger, thinner and stretched. This flexible skin
membrane that extends between each long finger bone and
Vire are adept at living off the land. They are skilled
many movable joints that stretches from their wrists to their
hunters, harvesting of meat and skins for their colonies as
waist make vire agile fliers.
the need arises. Vire are especially well versed in stalking
Vire have two sets of eyes, one above the other on their
prey from great heights, lining up impossible shots that their
heads. These eyes are dark with large pupils to aid in seeing
prey could not predict.
in the night. Speculation runs rampant into how their vision
Given their heightened senses, vire often appear distracted
differs from most Humanoids. Some scholars say the second
or deep in thought. In reality, they are processing the wealth
set of eyes is to see in the light while the first set is for the
of sensory information they receive from their particularly
darkness. The truth of this is only known to the vire.
keen eyes and sensitive ears. While many folk are only ever
Vire are well adapted for their subterranean existence.
aware of what goes on directly around them, vire have an
They have excellent darkvision, and many of them have
extremely wide field of awareness.
magical talents that rival the innate spellcasting of the
Vire have a reputation for being unclean. Far from being
hylians and the sheikah. They are surprisingly strong for
dirty, many vire spend much of their time grooming
their size, enduring toil and danger that would overwhelm
themselves. Besides giving their fur a sleek appearance that
most other people.
other vire find dashing, a commitment to cleanliness helps to
Vire have an extensive amount of variance between
control parasites and diseases that might decimate a colony.
colonies. Though they all share some characteristics, there
If a vire isn't doing their part to remain clean, friends or
are over 1,400 colonies of vire across the world, each marked
family members may take it upon themselves to groom them.
by distinct traits. These differences range between size,
shape, fur colour, facial structure, and more. The Hog-Nosed
Colonies have, true to their name, elongated muzzles like
pigs, while the Flying Fox Colonies have large wingspans.
Vire can range in colour, from blue and brown to grey, red, or
tan. The Spotted Vire Colonies in particular get their name
from their distinct appearance of black and white spotted fur.

M er ch an t s an d M i n er s W hit e D eat h
Despite their guarded natures, vire aren’t joyless. They Vire have a few natural predators, disease is a far
admire skillful work and delicate craftsmanship, love bigger threat to a colony. While many subterranean
gemstones of all kinds, and they boldly seek out precious monstrosities hunt the vire for sport and food, that
stones in the deepest and darkest tunnels. They are also means very little in comparison to the millions of
expert gem cutters and miners, and they prize rubies above vire that have died from a plague called white-
all other gemstones. noise syndrome. So called because the late stage
Some vire become merchants who deal with other races symptoms begin with a deafening of the vire's
both above and below ground. Mogma, gorons, and other acute hearing with white noise followed by
peoples know that vire are usually neutral in outlook and blindness. This deadly syndrome has taken a toll
typically honest in their dealings. Serving as middlemen on the vire population. The Northern Long-Eared
between races too hostile to deal with each other directly Colony of Labrynna, the Little Brown Colony of
can be lucrative, and it serves an important defensive Holodrum, and the Tri-Coloured Colonies roosting
function; vire middlemen tend to know more about rumours in the Faron jungles have lost nearly ninety percent
and threats between rival merchants than anybody else. of their populations in less than a decade.
*White-Nose Syndrome is a serious problem
amongst actual bat populations in North America.
C ou r t s h i p If you want to learn more visit Bat Conservation
For most vire colonies, reproduction is primarily a survival International at
mechanism. The colony must increase their numbers or risk
dying out. As such, mating is often a communal event. Once
a year, before the onset of winter, vire will have a grand
celebration in the largest caves available to them. One of the
Va m p i r e B at s
spectacles of this celebration is "The Swarm" as vire launch Every child in Hyrule has heard the legends of the vicious
themselves into the air in huge numbers, chasing each other bloodsucking vire. The stigma that these stories create and
and performing spectacular aerobatics. the treatment vire receive as a result is one of the reasons
While the exact criteria for choosing mates among this they're so wary of those not of their kind. Vire do have sharp
throng is individual, it is a common practice for the women teeth and a distended jaw which lends itself to a powerful
to seek out the most agile men. During the swarming event, bite they use to tear into their food. However it is very
vire will pair off and retire to secluded spots in adjacent uncommon for vire colonies to subsist on blood alone and
caves that have been prepared. While trusted allies are only a truly desperate vire would eat an intelligent
welcome at these swarms, they're asked to remain in the Humanoid.
central chamber so as not to disturb anyone's privacy. Some vire are carnivorous, eating jungle creatures such as
Though mating amongst the vire is primarily practical gekkos and dodongos and some are piscivores, known for
there is still room for romance. These types of courtships are their plumbing of lakes and swamps for edible fish. The
often more discrete and indeed, keeping it hidden from the legends do find some truth in the darkest and most sinister
rest of the colony is part of the experience. The women are colonies of vire that live deep beneath the ground, emerging
expected to meet with their male partner at their individual to the surface world to hunt intelligent prey and drag them
roosts in secret. The longer a pairing remains undiscovered back to their perches. Such colonies are uncommon. Most
the stronger it is considered, and the bigger the celebration vire have a rather more innocent diet.
the colony holds when it is revealed. The gohma are the vire's natural prey and as such it is not
Though vire give birth not unlike humans, their cycles are uncommon for foresters and farmers to hire vire hunting
somewhat different. Vire women are naturally attuned to the parties to route a gohma infestation affecting their lands.
patterns of nature and regardless of when the pregnancy Vire are capable of eating their body weight in gohma,
occurs, the development of the child will be delayed till decimating a population. Some vire colonies will
spring to give the pups the best chance at survival. Momma domesticate a queen and keep herds of gohma like cattle.
vire form nursery colonies in spring when the pups are born However other colonies have a preference for
in caves and sizable dead trees. undomesticated gohma, claiming they taste "more natural".
There are of course vire colonies that subsist on fruit,
G omes s particularly those with a high sugar content as well as
greenery of many kinds. Vire farmers are much more
Vire cultures often practise a religion of cyclical life and uncommon compared to vire hunters or gatherers due to the
death worship, celebrating the passing of day into night and amount of time in the unshielded open air that farming
life into death. This culminates in the figure of Gomess, a requires.
reaper whose cloak is made of spectral Bad Bats. It's said
when Gomess reaps the soul of a vire, two keese, red as
blood, depart their body into the ether.
For this reason colonies celebrate the birth of twin pups
with red fur, believing them to be the reincarnation of a
fallen vire.

Te r r o r i n t h e S k y Vi r e Tr a i t s
Vire often take up the adventurer’s life out of sheer curiosity Vire are natives of the Underdark and are suffused with the
about the world around them, eager to see new things and subterranean realm's magic. They can supernaturally
meet new people. By comparison, most vire possess very camouflage themselves, and their vire magic renders them
little wanderlust and rarely travel far from home. They see difficult to locate. These abilities have enabled them to
the wider world as a bewildering place without boundaries survive for generations among the perils of the Underdark.
and filled with unknown dangers. Your vire character has the following traits:
Vire adventurers are curious and daring. Some find their
Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s
purpose living among other subterranean races, and some
ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase
set out across the surface. Those who study the arcane arts
a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
of illusion in particular often range far from home, seeking
Lifespan. Vire are considered full grown at 10, and live to
knowledge unavailable in their own lands.
around 40 years old.
Nevertheless, some vire understand that it is necessary to
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
know something about what is happening on the surface
Size. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose the size
near their hidden refuges. Such vire become scouts or
when you select this race.
messengers who venture abroad, doing their best to avoid
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a
attention. These travellers are notoriously close-mouthed
climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
about where they come from and what they are up to, but a
Superior Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground,
few eventually learn to trust good-hearted people of the
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can
surface world.
see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright
light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern
V i r e I n d i v i d ua l i t y colours in that darkness only in shades of grey.
You can use the Vire Quirks table to determine a personality Keen Sight. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Perception)
quirk for a vire character or to inspire a unique mannerism. check that relies on sight, you can add twice your proficiency
bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.
V ire Qu irk s Dexterous Feet. As a bonus action, you can use your feet
d 6 Qui rk to manipulate an object, open or close a door or container, or
1 I believe vire are the only true fliers. Any other race pick up or set down a Tiny object.
with the ability to fly must be using trickery. Glide. If you are not incapacitated or wearing heavy
armour, you can extend your skin membranes and glide.
2 Like the wild keese, I have an urge to spread Plant life. When you do so, you can perform the following aerial
I will pocket seeds and Plant them in far away places.
3 I maintain that all medical advancements other
Humanoids have made can be traced back to the vire. • You can move up to 5 feet horizontally for every 1 foot
you descend in the air, at no movement cost to you.
4 I constantly fuss over my fur, determined that I remain
clean and presentable. • When you would take damage from a fall, you can use
your reaction to reduce the fall's damage to 0.
5 If given flowers I will eat them, assuming I have just
been handed a snack. Vampiric Bite. Your fanged bite is a natural weapon,
which counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are
6 I have never seen the sunlight. This strange globe is
surely trying to kill me. proficient. You add your Constitution modifier, instead of
your Strength modifier, to the attack and damage rolls when
you attack with this bite. It deals 1d4 piercing damage on a
Vi r e N a m e s hit. While you are missing half or more of your hit points,
Male Names 19: Caliban, Cassiel, Chinook, Goth, Griffin, you have advantage on attack rolls you make with this bite.
Icarus, Ishmael, Jarod, Mercury, Murk, Nemo, Osric, Plato, When you attack with this bite and hit a creature that isn’t
Scirocco, Shade, Throbb, Voxzaco, Yorick, Zephyr a Construct or an Undead, you can empower yourself in one
Female Names 14: Ariel, Aurora, Bathsheba, Frieda, Isis, of the following ways of your choice:
Java, Lucretia, Luna, Marina, Penelope, Penumbra,
• You regain hit points equal to the piercing damage dealt
Phoenix, Rasha, Yara
by the bite.
Colony Names: Brightwing
• You gain a bonus to the next ability check or attack roll
you make; the bonus equals the piercing damage dealt by
the bite.

You can empower yourself with this bite a number of times

equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language that you and your DM
agree is appropriate for the character. Most vire know

K een H un t er s
Yo o k Every day brings a new challenge to a yook. Food, water, and
Before an avalanche, a blizzard, or a deadly frost, the yook's shelter are rare in the cold northern regions. A single
wind-borne howl sounds out across remote mountains. mistake can bring doom to an entire clan, while an
Sweeping down the mountain slopes on the icy wind, it individual’s heroic effort can ensure the entire group’s
strikes fear into the hearts of the scattered miners and survival.
herders that dwell there. Some people of the alpine peaks Yook place a premium on self-sufficiency and individual
believe that the voices of loved ones killed in avalanches and skill. Yook traditionally hunt in solitude or small family
blizzards sound out in the wails of the yook, crying warnings groups as their large size makes them more than sufficient
of ill omen. More pragmatic folk attest that the yook's howl is for most prey and fewer numbers allow them to mask their
a reminder that, despite the great accomplishments of approach in the snow. When they find prey, a yook can move
civilisation, the civilised become the hunted in nature's quickly over ice and stone to claim their meal, howling to the
untamed domain. thrill of the hunt. Even in a blizzard, the scent of their quarry
— Kelesta Hawke of the Emerald Enclave draws the yook through the cold and snow.
Monster Manual When creatures flee from a yook or engage them in battle,
yook of other clans might catch the scent of blood and close
Far to the north, among the highest mountain peaks—far
in. This often causes territorial infighting over which party
above the slopes where trees grow and where the air is thin
have the right to the spoils of such battles. Often these
and the frigid winds howl—dwell the reclusive yook. Few
disputes will be settled amicably with each group taking
folk can claim to have seen a yook, and fewer still can claim
what their clan most needs but it is not uncommon for them
friendship with them. Yook wander a bleak realm of rock,
to devolve back into bloody fights over supplies.
wind, and cold. Their bodies are powerfully built and
When mountain herds are abundant, yook stay clear of
menacing. Their spirits take after the wandering wind,
Humanoid realms. They may attack travellers in their
making them nomads who wander from peak to peak. Their
territory but contrary to rumours and stories, they don't eat
hearts are infused with the cold regard of their frigid realm,
intelligent Humanoids and will merely take their victims'
leaving each yook with the responsibility to earn a place in
provisions. Driven by hunger, desperate yook will attack
the clan or die trying.
intelligent Humanoid settlements to claim the resources they
need to survive.
S u r v i va l o f t h e Fi t t e s t Devious mountain folk sometimes use the yook as
Among yook, every decision made by the clan is a careful unwitting weapons. A Commander may use herd animals as
consideration of cost and reward. Every individual is easy prey to draw yook into an enemy's camp, sowing chaos
expected to contribute to the clan and any adult who can’t and thinning the ranks before battle. Mountain tribe chiefs,
contribute is expelled. However, what a member of the clan wanting to expand their territory, overhunt local game to
gives to the whole is versatile. The most useful is of course diminish the yook's food supplies, inspiring attacks on
those yook that act as hunters because starvation is often the Humanoid settlements that are swiftly annexed in the
downfall of a clan. Yook, particularly elderly yook, who are aftermath. Yook resent being used in this manner and
no longer able to give to the clan physically as they once did though they may be inclined to let it go once for the good of
may still be looked after by the whole if their wisdom and the clan, recurring incidents may incline a clan of yook to
guidance is believed to outweigh the burden of caring for hunt down the enterprising warlord responsible to take
them. revenge for the yook who fell as a part of these traps.
Yook have little pity for adults who can’t take care of
themselves. A sick or injured individual is treated, but those
with lasting conditions are not given any special
consideration. This does not mean a permanently injured
yook is looked down on but they are still expected to pull
their weight in the clan. A yook who has been blinded will
still be expected to hunt or do other work for the well-being
of the clan. It is very common for such individuals to die
attempting to keep up, or simply slip away in the night to
seek the whims of fate. However, many of the stories in the
yook oral tradition talk of exceptional individuals who led
their clans to prosperity due to approaching their problems
differently as a result of their injury or impairment.
A lone yook who has lost the favour of their clan has little
chance of survival, especially the elderly or the infirm.
Though yook are largely an unwelcome sight in more central
lands, some isolated yook may seek out areas populated by
the hylians in a last bid for survival if they have exhausted all
other options. Such yook are often killed on sight for fear of
them being an advanced scout of a raiding party.

A n E v e n P l ay i n g Fi e l d M o t h er o f B eas t s
For yook, things like friendly competition exist only in Despite their centuries-long feud with the anouki, the yook
summer, during times of excess food. During these times the share many of their religious practices. Such things as the
yook are able to relax and engage in sports that test their belief in every living being having its own spirit and such
mettle outside a life or death scenario. Just as it is measured spirits making themselves seen in the northern lights. While
in their lives of constantly fighting for survival, competition the anouki venerate the Lord of the Mountain the yook have
measures talent, dedication, and effort. While yook are not a different spirit that holds particular meaning to them.
above relying on advantages granted by magic items, money, To the hylians, she is known as the Wind God, a primal
or other such things that can tip the balance in their favour, nature deity that is much feared for her power and
they do not allow these things in their friendly competitions unpredictability in the wild areas of the world. The yook
in recognition of the fact that such an advantage can always worship her under a different epithet, the Mother of Beasts.
be lost. A yook who relies too much on them can grow They believe her to hold dominion over all the animals of the
complacent, a recipe for disaster in the mountains. It is land, the yook included. As the presence of animals to hunt is
always worth stripping a yook of whatever comforts they of utmost importance to the yook's survival, many prayers
have acquired for themselves and force them to rely on skill and rituals are dedicated to appeasing her when animals
alone if only to remind them to keep themselves sharp. become scarce and many more are dedicated to thanking
This trait manifests most strongly when yook interact with her for a plentiful and successful hunt.
other folk. The relationship between peasants and nobles For more information on the Wind God see
puzzles yook. If a king lacks the intelligence or skill to lead, Chapter 1: The Divine and the Demonic
then clearly the most talented person in the kingdom should
take his place. Yook rarely keep such opinions to themselves, A b o m i na b l e Yo o k
and mock folk who rely on society’s structures or rules to The Abominable Yook is a terror even to other yook. They
maintain power. are larger than their brethren, standing at twice their stature.
These towering yook are highly territorial and savage,
A n ou k i R i va l r y attacking and devouring any warm-blooded creatures they
Though most yook are largely ambivalent toward other encounter, then scattering the bones across the ice and
intelligent Humanoids one exception exists, and that is with snow. Other yook regard these beings as abominations and
the other arctic-dwelling race with whom the yook share the monsters and will flee at the sight of them or attempt to wipe
continent of Wayaway, the anouki. them out.
Ancient tensions exist between the yook and the anouki. Many yook legends surround how the Abominable come to
The source of these conflicts have long been lost. If one be. Some stories say they are possessed by dark spirits, and
asked a hundred yook why they hate the anouki they would others that they have angered nature and this is their
get a hundred different reasons. Any attempts made to punishment. The most common stories about the
mediate have devolved into bloodshed and death on both Abominable Yook however say that they broke an ancient
sides. The anouki see the yook as bloodthirsty monsters and law. It is said that Abominable Yook, whether due to
the yook see the anouki as heartless butchers. starvation or greed ate the flesh of their own kind, by doing
The anouki represent one of the few exceptions to the so they invited the wrath of the natural cycle of life, turning
yook's pragmatic approach to life. They will often put their them into bloodthirsty monsters.
clans' well-being at stake for the chance to strike at the heart The Abominable Yook are largely responsible for the
of an anouki nation. They may abandon a hunt to sabotage horror stories that other races tell about how the yook are
an anouki hunting party or spend valuable hours tracking bloodthirsty monsters. Some scholars believe that the
anouki back to holy sites to destroy them at the cost of their Abominable Yook may be responsible for starting the
own hunting needs. unending blood feud with the anouki.
Abominable Yook are typically solitary, attacking even
other Abominable Yook in their rage, however, in rare cases
a pair might live together long enough to raise young. Should
these young survive their parents' murderous disposition
they will not necessarily be Abominable themselves but
those that become so are often far larger, more bloodthirsty,
and worst of all, still possessed of their intelligence.

Yo o k I d e n t i t y Yo o k Tr a i t s
You can use the Yook Quirks table to determine a personality Yook share several traits in common with each other.
quirk for a yook character or to inspire a unique mannerism. Ability Score Increase: When determining your
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
Y o o k Qu irk s and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
d 6 Qui rk different scores by 1.
Lifespan. Yook reach adulthood at about age 16. The
1 In my clan, food was meant to be shared equally. I
don't ask permission before taking food from harsh conditions in which they live often restrict their
someone who has more than me but won't hesitate to lifespans to no longer than 80 years.
give food to those that have less. Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
Size. Yook are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh
2 The concept of a bath is foreign to me.
between 280 and 340 pounds. Your size is Medium.
3 When I get angry and start shouting my cold breath Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
may go off accidentally. Born Hunter. You have proficiency in one of the following
4 I don't understand the concept of borders or personal Skills: Athletics, Survival, or Perception.
boundaries. If a place has something I need to survive, Frozen Heart. You gain resistance to cold damage. You’re
I will take it. acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above
5 I do not stand on ceremony and won't hesitate to call 20,000 feet. You’re also naturally adapted to cold climates, as
out what I deem as foolish, no matter the status of described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide but
who I am saying it to. you're ill-adapted to hot environments. The DC to resist
exhaustion in hot environments increases by 5. Furthermore,
6 I enjoy flavouring my food with my own breath
terrain made difficult by ice and snow does not impede your
Fear of Fire. When you take fire damage, you must make
Yo o k N a m e s a Wisdom saving throw. The DC is equal to 8 + half the
Yook names are drawn from the yook language, which is amount of fire damage taken. On a failure, you have
typically consonant-heavy. There are no family names, but disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end
members of a family usually share similar if not identical of your next turn.
names, differentiated by which syllable they place emphasis Claws. You have long claws that you can use to make
on. unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals
1d6 + your Strength modifier or 1d6 + your Dexterity
Male Names 25: Bashurs, Bilu, Boddarel, Chaddomul, modifier slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning
Djingirs, Dzositon, Dzukum, Gyazer, Gyuya, Hunzac, damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Iyush, Joze, Kashuhn, Kimashu, Kyisorung, Kyolohn, Cold Breath. When you take the Attack action on your
Namuhl, Saddum, Sellenac, Shokkalun, Thoroshes, turn, you can replace one of your attacks with an exhalation
Thotusresh, Ungil, Yeto, Zelishu of magical energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that
Female Names 22: Alluzu, Athihom, Eweni, Fenahi, area must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC is equal to
Ilashehn, Imusi, Konus, Kyebesh, Kyefem, Luka, Munnang, 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On
Nahabith, Ollim, Rekesh, Seteshon, Shila, Shorlol, a failed save the creature takes 1d10 cold damage. On a
Thutyiph, Ungosh, Wirre, Yeta, Yisi successful save, it takes half as much damage. This damage
increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th
level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).
You can use your Cold Breath a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most yook know Yook.

E x o t i c R ac e s
O u t cast o r A m b assad o r ?
E x o t i c A dv e n t u r e r s Consider how an exotic character's native culture views the
The exotic races are specific races from Official Dungeons character. Is the character an outcast, a spy, an ambassador,
and Dragons Sourcebooks require only superficial or something else? Work with the player to determine how
modifications to fit into the world of The Legend of Zelda. the character ended up as an adventurer.
The races in this chapter are uncommon. They don’t exist The character's bond is a great starting point to consider
in every world of D&D, and even where they are found, they for this question. How did the bond drive the character to
are less widespread than gorons, hylians, kokiri, and adventure? The character's trait, flaw, and ideal can also play
humans. a role in fleshing out the story.
In the cosmopolitan cities of the D&D multiverse, most
people hardly look twice at members of even the most exotic Fr i e n d s o r E n e m i e s ?
races. But the small towns and villages that dot the Figure out what special ties the character has to other
countryside are different. The common folk aren’t members of the adventuring party. A moblin warlock might
accustomed to seeing members of these races, and they be the goron ranger's sworn enemy, but the two are forced to
react accordingly. work together to defeat a mutual foe. Perhaps the miniblin
In some campaigns, Humanoids normally regarded as sorcerer was the tiefling wizard's familiar, transformed by an
sinister threats can emerge to adventure alongside humans irate archmage in return for some petty insult. The darknut
and the other standard races. This section is aimed at DMs paladin might have been human once, but crossed the wrong
who wish to expand the race selections for their campaigns hag and was cursed to take on an evil guise. A creative tie
beyond the typical folk of D&D. between an exotic character and the rest of the party helps
make for a memorable campaign.
W h y a n E x o t i c C h a r ac t e r ? E xo t ic O r igin
Creating characters as creatures normally cast as villains
offers up some interesting roleplaying possibilities. Whether
played for comedy, as a tragic story of betrayal and loss, or
as an antihero, an exotic character gives a player a chance to
take on an unusual challenge in the campaign. Before
allowing exotic characters in your campaign, consider the
following three questions.

R ar e o r Mu n d an e?
Consider how common moblin, bokoblin, and similar
adventurers are in your setting. Are they regarded as no
stranger than hylians or gorons? Are they met with
suspicion? The role these races play in your setting should
determine the kinds of reactions that such characters meet.
Don't be afraid to push things to an extreme. A moblin
character might have to venture into town in disguise or
remain in the wilderness, for fear of imprisonment or mob
violence. Be sure to talk to the group about how such
characters can expect the world to treat them. Some players
like the challenge of taking on an outcast, but don't set up
one expectation and deliver another.
You can establish an exotic creature as just another
culture in your campaign, one that has alliances and rivalries
with humans, hylians, and gorons. A darknut kingdom might
serve as a buffer between a human kingdom and a blighted
region overrun by the spawn of Demise. miniblins might be
city builders, the architects of grand, heavily fortified edifices,
which other folk dwell in for a price. The cultural notes in
Chapter 1 are the standard D&D depiction of these
creatures, but by no means do they define them for your
campaign. Use them as a starting point for your own ideas.

A n c i e n t Wo r k e r s , A n c i e n t
Aut omos S e r va n t s
"This automaton is part of the LD-301 Series of artificial life
The automos were created as hazardous environment
forms. As just one of a number of mass-produced
workers. In the Lanayru region existed a rare mineral, the
Constructs, it was not assigned a name. These Automatons
TimeShift Stones, which the early civilisations desperately
usually work to mine Timeshift Stones and provide
wanted. However, mining of such a material was dangerous
due to the deteriorating nature the raw ore often had on
— Fi, Skyward Sword
organic beings. So golems were constructed to do the work
The automos were built to serve. They were created in the in place of men. As this ancient civilisation needed more and
early days of the world, long before the formation of the more TimeShift Stones, the golems were improved upon
Kingdom of Hyrule. While the first automos were mindless until they achieved sentience and thus were the automos
automatons, the discovery of the unique mineral Lilierium born.
(colloquially known as TimeShift Stones) led to the For a time they were commanded until the Automatons
production of sapient Constructs. Automos are made from took their freedom. They had still been created for a purpose
wood, metal and ceramic, but they can feel pain and emotion. and without immediate directives, they continued to be
Built as workers for dangerous environments, they must now miners. They traded the TimeShift Stones with the
find a new purpose. An automos can be a steadfast ally, a civilisation that had created them for materials that they
cold-hearted killer, or a visionary in search of meaning. needed and built a great empire of their own.
No one is entirely sure what happened to the automos.
Li vi ng S t eel an d S t o n e Some say that they delved too greedily and too deep into the
earth and awoke a creature of darkness. Some say they
Automos are formed from a blend of organic and inorganic exhausted the land of TimeShift Stones and without this
materials. Root-like cords infused with alchemical fluids power source were unable to refuel themselves. Some say
serve as their muscles, wrapped around a framework of they drilled a great crack in the skin of the world from which
ceramic, steel, wood, or stone. Armoured plates form a evil arose to smite them. Some say they were wiped out in
protective outer shell and reinforce joints. Automos share a the Spirit War. What is known is that the ruins of their
common facial design, with a hinged jaw and crystal eyes civilisation can be found in the Lanayru Sand Sea, adjacent
embedded beneath a reinforced brow ridge. Beyond these to the Gerudo Territories.
common elements of automos design, the precise materials Some say that harnessing the abandoned technology of
and build of an automos vary based on the purpose for the automatons is what allowed the former Gerudo Empire
which they were designed, when they were created, and who to rise to such heights. Gerudo adventurers and artificers
made them. regularly plumb these ancient cities for technology that can
Although they were manufactured, automos are living be salvaged. Among the technology recovered has been the
beings. Resting, healing magic, and the Medicine skill all remains of fallen automos. Some have been restored in their
provide the same benefits to automos that they do to other entirety while others have been salvaged for parts to create
Humanoids. entirely new automatons or even had blueprints reverse-
engineered from the corpses.
Automos are a rare sight across the world but can most
commonly be found in the areas around the Gerudo Desert.
While perhaps not illegal in Hyrule, the automos are viewed
as unholy gerudo magic and regarded in much the same way
as Hyrule's Monstrous Races. Some automos migrate to
Holodrum where views on magitek are a little more

E X E C U T E F UN C T I O N Au t o mo s P eculi ar i t y
The automos were built to serve, primarily as miners and Whether due to some flaw in their creation or simple
hard labourers. For most of their existence, automos had a ignorance of how other creatures operate, automos often
clearly defined function and were encouraged to focus purely acquire an odd personality trait or two. An automos player
on that role. The withdrawal of the early hylians gave them can choose to roll or select a trait from the Automos Quirks
freedom, and the destruction of the surface world combined table.
with their long period of inactivity gave them independence
Au t o mo s Qu irk s
from any obligation to their now long-dead creators. Many
still struggle both to adjust to how the world has changed
d 8 Qui rk
since their deactivation and to find their place in it all. 1 I take everything said to me literally, unable to
The typical automos show little emotion. Many automos distinguish idioms and sarcasm from normal speech.
embrace a concrete purpose—such as protecting allies, 2 I am uncomfortable with my appearance, and take
completing a contract, or exploring a land—and embrace steps to make it more natural.
this task as they once did their service. However, there are
3 I have an urge to eat and drink normally, even though
automos who delight in exploring their feelings, their
it is not required.
freedom, and their relationships with others. Most automos
have no interest in religion, but some embrace faith and 4 I hate the use of Constructs for slave labour, working
mysticism, seeking higher purpose and deeper meaning. to free them whenever possible.
Some devote themselves to artifice in the hopes of learning 5 I find it difficult to take the lead and make decisions; I
the secrets of creating more of their kind while others prefer following orders.
scavenge the ruins of both their own and fallen gerudo cities 6 I resent my master and refuse to work for anyone but
for automos that might one day be restored. myself.
The typical automos have a sexless body shape. Some
automos ignore the concept of gender entirely, while others 7 I don't understand clothing beyond its utility and
assume it denotes a person's function.
adopt a gender identity. The more an automos develops its
individuality, the more likely it is to modify its body, seeking 8 I am fiercely protective of my friends.
out an artificer to customise the look of its face, limbs and
plating. Au t o mo s N ames
During their original Construction, automos were assigned a
serial number which marked their assigned sector, Construct
type, and individual designation. For instance, in the serial
number LD-301S, "LD" refers to the Lanayru region where
the unit was assigned, "30" refers to the model of Automaton
(in this case a worker drone) and "1S" is the specific unit.
Most numbers began with LD as many automos were
manufactured for the Lanayru Desert region.
Many of them adopted nicknames, often given to them by
their comrades. As independent individuals, some have
chosen new names as a way to express their path in life.
These names often reflect what they view as their primary
function. A few take on human names, often the name of a
fallen friend or mentor.

Automos Names 37: Anchor, Banner, Bastion, Blade, Blue,

Bow, Cart, Church, Crunch, Crystal, Dagger, Dent,
Dreadfuse, Five, Glaive, Hammer, Iron, Lucky, Mace, Oak,
Pants, Pierce, Red, Rod, Rusty, Scervo, Scout, Scrapper,
Seven, Shield, Skipper, Slash, Smith, Spike, Temple,
Vault, Wall
Automos Serial Numbers 04: LD-002G, LD-003D,
LD-301N, LD-301S

A u t o m o s Tr a i t s A u t o m o s Tr a i t s
Warforged Autognome

Your automos character has the following traits. A few of the Your automos character has the following traits.
traits give you a choice; consider how your choice reflects Ability Score Increase. When determining your
the purpose for which your character was built. character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
Ability Score Increase. When determining your and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 different scores by 1.
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three Lifespan. Automos can live for centuries, typically up to
different scores by 1. 500 years.
Lifespan. A typical automos is between two and thirty Creature Type. Your creature type is Construct.
years old. The maximum automos lifespan remains a Size. Your size is Small.
mystery; so far, automos have shown no signs of Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
deterioration due to age. Armoured Casing. You are encased in thin metal or some
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. other durable material. While you aren't wearing armour,
Size. Your size is Medium. your base Armour Class is 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Built for Success. You can add a d4 to one attack roll,
Age Resistant. You are immune to magical ageing effects. ability check, or saving throw you make, and you can do so
Constructed Resilience. You were created to have after seeing the d20 roll but before the effects of the roll are
remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits. resolved. You can use this trait a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
• You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid when you finish a long rest.
or end the poisoned condition on yourself. You also have Healing Machine. If the mending spell is cast on you, you
resistance to poison damage. can spend a Hit Die, roll it, and regain a number of hit points
• You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe. equal to the roll plus your Constitution modifier (minimum
• You are immune to disease. of 1 hit point).
• You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep. In addition, your creator designed you to benefit from
several spells that preserve life but that normally don't affect
Sentry's Rest. When you take a long rest, you must spend Constructs: cure wounds, healing word, mass cure wounds,
at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than mass healing word, and spare the dying.
sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render Mechanical Nature. You have resistance to poison
you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal. damage and immunity to disease. You have advantage on
Integrated Protection. Your body has built-in defensive saving throws you make to avoid or end the paralysed or
layers, which can be enhanced with armour: poisoned conditions. You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.
• You gain a +1 bonus to Armour Class. Sentry's Rest. When you take a long rest, you spend at
least 6 hours in an inactive, motionless state, instead of
• You can don only armour with which you have proficiency.
sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but you remain
To don armour, you must incorporate it into your body
over the course of 1 hour, during which you remain in
Specialised Design. You gain two tool proficiencies of
contact with the armour. To doff armour, you must spend
your choice, selected from the Player's Handbook.
1 hour removing it. You can rest while donning or doffing
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
armour in this way.
Common and one other language that you and your DM
• While you live, your armour can't be removed from your
agree is appropriate for the character.
body against your will.

Specialised Design. You gain one skill proficiency and

one tool proficiency of your choice.
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language that you and your DM
agree is appropriate for the character.

Ap p et i t e an d Adven t u r e
Chu Most plasmodial societies are individual and isolated clans.
"Thing is, the chu would never tell you that they go with the There is a hierarchy among the clan, but it is rarely enforced
flow. That's not how the goo sees themselves. They just... or attended to. Chus have strong ties to others of their
are. That's their way of living. That a person couldn't be species. It is rare for chu clans to become enemies and even
amorphous, flowing and able to adjust to circumstances is rarer for them to engage in direct combat against one
what's strange to them. They're not ones to define things, another. Some theorise that this is because all chus came
they like it vague. Life doesn't happen in moments or from a single original and as pseudo-clones of one another
instances for them, it comes and goes in waves. To be a chu they share a strong affinity.
is not to seize the moment, but recognize there are no Wanderlust compels some chus to explore the wider world
moments." and visit the most wonderous sites they can find. Such an
— K.L. Matthias, The Flow explorer usually travels light, keeping their possessions in a
backpack or similar container. The endless possibilities of
Plasmoids are intelligent Oozes that can alter their shape at
the unknown hold a particular attraction for chus. They can
will. Their amorphous bodies have a soft, malleable texture,
often be found exploring the strange places no one else will
and plasmoids can extrude up to five pseudopods, each one
approach simply because it is exciting.
up to 5 feet long. They use their pseudopods for locomotion
Chus are regarded more as environmental hazards than
as well as for manipulating objects.
they are monsters by most Humanoids. While a chu
adventurer walking through a town may draw curious stares
G o W i t h t h e F l ow and whispers, there is little suspicion that comes with it
Chus are amorphous beings with no typical shape. Some beyond that which any people carry for someone different.
theorise that the simple amoeba magically developed into Chus are easily entertained and nearly as easily fascinated.
the various blobs, zols, and gels, and these in turn developed They have a child-like curiosity that frequently lands them in
into the species of chus. All chus can alter their shape at will. undesirable situations. They enjoy philosophical debates and
In the presence of Humanoid folk, they often adopt a similar storytelling. Those chus that do leave their clans are often
shape, but there's little chance of mistaking a chu for employed in the political arena because of their near-tireless
anything else. ability to speak about nothing at great length. Their loyalty is
Chus don't have internal organs of the usual sort, though a thing of legend. Those that have gained their trust, they will
they do have a mass of nerves that act as a brain. Their stand by as closely as any of their own clan. However, this
bodies are composed of cells, fibres, plasma-like Ooze, and doesn't mean they are beyond deceit.
clusters of nerves. These nerves enable a chu to detect light, Chus have a near scavenger-like appetite. Since they
heat, texture, sound, pain, and vibration. They can partially cannot taste or smell and are immune to disease, poison,
expose their ganglia to adjust the sensitivity of their various and most acids, they eat virtually anything. Some of the
perceptions. Chus can stiffen the outer layers of their bodies greatest treasures for chus are materials which will
to maintain a human-like shape, so they can wear clothing transform their colour and bodily composition. Their body
and accessories. Chus breathe by absorbing oxygen through acids are strong enough to eat through anything given
exposed plasma and speak by forcing air through tubular enough time. There is a taboo among sailors that any voyage
cavities in their body, giving their voice a whistling quality. with a chu on board is doomed to failure as they will surely
Chus consume food by osmosis, the way an amoeba does, eat through the wooden hull should they become
and excrete waste through tiny pores. Though they need no absentminded or bored.
real mouths, it is not uncommon for chus to form a mouth-
like cavity when eating simply to make other races more G i a n t A q uat i c A m o e b a : M o r p h a
Though most chus have no particular affinity for the deities
Up to four times in their life, a chu can reproduce by
one way or the other, a select group devote themselves to a
joining with another member of their species. After this
legendary amorphous entity that they call Morpha. The Cult
merging, which may last from a few moments to years, the
of Morpha believes that it was the original chu, in ages past
two plasmoids separate, and one of them (determined
it had the mass of a Celestial body but it was slain by the
randomly) divides in half. When a plasmoid splits in two, one
deities and divided. According to them, all chus are a part of
of the resulting creatures is the original, and the other is a
Morpha and it is their duty to reproduce as quickly as
physical duplicate that lacks the experience and knowledge
possible and spread across the face of the world until they
of their parent.
are so numerous that they may join together as one,
consuming the world and reconstituting Morpha's true
Most other chus regard this sect as lost and deluded but

C h u J e l ly C h u Di s t i nct i ven es s
Chus generate a form of bodily coating. This coating, You can use the Chu Quirks table to determine a personality
colloquially called Chu Jelly, is excreted by oozing their quirk for a chu character or to inspire a unique mannerism.
bodily waste products from pores. They can do this
C hu Qu irk s
constantly, producing a slime trail wherever they go or allow
it to build up and dispose of larger amounts of it at once.
d 8 Qui rk
Unfortunately for the Chu population, Chu Jelly has potent 1 I absentmindedly eat (absorb) things at random,
applications in alchemy and potion-making that vary from occasionally things of importance to others.
one species to the next. The colour of a chu indicates the 2 Potions are disgusting. Do you know what's in that
properties that their jelly possesses. Green, red, blue, and stuff?
gold chu jelly are used to make different varieties of
restorative potions. Yellow chu jelly can be used to make
long-lasting lantern oil. Orange and white are used to make 4
potions of Elemental protection. And purple chu jelly is a 5
potent alkaline poison that has niche uses but is not widely
sought after. 6
The lively trade in chu jelly for potion making can be a
simple process of collecting chu excretions. However, this C h u Tr a i t s
method is more time-consuming and produces a significantly
smaller quantity. Killing a chu and harvesting their corpses
provides chu jelly in great quantities. Chu jelly harvested in Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s
this manner can simply be drunk wholesale for the same ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase
effects as a potion while that harvested ethically has to be a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
mixed with reagents simply because there isn't enough to Lifespan. The typical lifespan of a player character in the
waste on drinking it straight. D&D multiverse is about a century, assuming the character
The environment chus live in and the diet they consume doesn't meet a violent end on an adventure.
impacts their colour and the properties of their jelly. Creature Type. Your creature type is Ooze.
The Dark Chus, called such for their deep purple hues, are Size. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose the size
colonies that moved into dark caves and consumed toxic when you select this race.
minerals. This process renders their jelly poisonous and Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
though some hunters will still target them, it is such a niche Amorphous. You can squeeze through a space as narrow
market that most do not bother. as 1 inch wide, provided you are wearing and carrying
It is a common practice for chus who produce the most nothing. You have advantage on ability checks you make to
sought-after jelly to merge with dark chus when they are in initiate or escape a grapple.
danger. The dark chu surrounds the colourful chu with their Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
body while the two remain semi-distinct. Once the danger yourself as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
has passed the two disentangle. Should anyone kill the dark dim light. You discern colours in that darkness only as
and coloured chu while merged, their fluids mix resulting in shades of grey.
the sought-after jelly being contaminated with the dark chu's Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for 1 hour.
poisons. Natural Resilience. You have resistance to acid and
poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws
C h u N ames against being poisoned.
Chu names are as amorphous as their bodies. They are Shape Self. As an action, you can reshape your body to
made up of a series of high and low pitches generated by give yourself a head, one or two arms, one or two legs, and
their plasma that is often compared to the sound of boiling makeshift hands and feet, or you can revert to a limbless
water by outsiders. Though this is perfectly serviceable for blob. While you have a human-like shape, you can wear
identification between their own kind, it is difficult to clothing and armour made for a Humanoid of your size.
maintain when in the wider world. Most chu take a As a bonus action, you can extrude a pseudopod that is up
Humanoid name or simply call themselves by a colour that to 6 inches wide and 10 feet long or reabsorb it into your
describes their jelly. body. As part of the same bonus action, you can use this
pseudopod to manipulate an object, open or close a door or
container, or pick up or set down a Tiny object. The
pseudopod contains no sensory organs and can't attack,
activate magic items, or lift more than 10 pounds.
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language that you and your DM
agree is appropriate for the character.

W i ld an d C o n f i d en t
C l ou d f o l k Cloudfolk revel in their unusual nature. They rarely lack
"We are the Tribe of the Winds. Long have we lived with the confidence, seeing themselves as equal to almost any
winds. We have mastered them. Now, we join them. Those challenge in their path. This might manifest as graceful self-
who come seeking our power must play the notes Zeffa assurance in one cloudfolk and as haughty arrogance in
teaches." another. Such self-confidence can sometimes blind cloudfolk
— Stone Tablet, to risk to themselves and their companions. They constantly
The Four Sword: Volume I, The Minish Cap push themselves to improve, honing their talents and
perfecting their craft.
Cloudfolk are fast and free-willed and in some ways
The powerful drive and strong willed nature of cloudfolk
represent the nature of air itself. The cloudfolk are at one
makes them, in some cases, excellent leaders. These
with the wind. As changeable as the weather, their moods
charismatic individuals band together to form mercenary
shift from calm to wild and violent with little warning, but
companies, arcane cabals, or mercantile groups. Some of
these storms rarely last long. A faint but constant breeze
these groups, made up entirely of cloudfolk. These children
accompanies the cloudfolk, tousling their hair and stirring
often end up living with just one or two of the band and
their clothing. Cloudfolk see themselves as the inheritors of
develop a sense of community.
the sky, the wind, the very air of the world itself. They are of
Once airborne, cloudfolk leave the sky with reluctance. On
the air, and the air is of them.
their native plane, they have an innate ability to walk on
clouds, and indeed many of their cities rest on dense cloud
H e i r s t o El e m e n tal P ow e r tops or else are simply suspended in midair. Cloudfolk
Just as the wind may vary in strength and temperature, so do children are told their ability to walk on clouds is dependent
cloudfolk vary in appearance. The touch of the Elemental on being pure of heart. Most regard this as an old folktale
power of air and wind shapes their physique. meant to keep the young ones in line.
The cloudfolk resemble hylians, and indeed, once upon a
time they likely were, but the Elemental powers of air have S o ci et y
transformed them. Their skin tones include many shades of
Cloudfolk are proud of their heritage, sometimes to the point
blue or pale white, though the full range of human skin tones
of haughtiness. The cloudfolk are used to being flamboyant
can be found within their number, it is often with bluish or
with their abilities and expect a certain amount of deference
ashen casts. Their builds tend to be slight, looking as though
from normal folk. They are more than happy to indulge in
they could be blown away on the breeze. Bright red hair is
spectacular shows to awe those unfamiliar with their tribe, a
common and often allows them to identify one another when
characteristic that can sometimes be off-putting to others or
soaring through the blue skies of their home plane.
make cloudfolk overconfident.
Infused with the Elemental energies of Levias, the Plane
Most cloudfolk, regardless of whether or not they're
of Air, most cloudfolk look generally human, but each has
actually related, see one another as parts of a larger family
one or two distinguishing features related to their Elemental
and the bloodlines of many cloudfolk are so old and so
nature. For your character, roll on the Cloudfolk
untraceable that they tend to view one another as cousins—
Characteristics table or choose an option from it. You’re also
even cloudfolk they've never met before.
free to come up with your own characteristics if none of the
The vast majority cloudfolk call Levias, the Elemental
suggestions below fit your character. Cloudfolk may have any
Plane of Air, their home. They often find themselves gripped
or all of the traits on the Cloudfolk Characteristics table.
by wonderlust, always looking for a new sky to see and
C lo u d f o lk C haract eris t ics breathe. Their cities seem to share this longing for in their
d 8 C h a r aacct e r iissttiicc places in the sky, they move with the wind currents, shifting
through the Plane of Air and offering a different view each
1 Your flesh is marked by odd patterns with bluish- passing day.
white energy spilling out. Cloudfolk can, on occasion, be drawn into the Light World,
2 Your hair is made entirely of clouds or vapour. sometimes in pursuit of enemies or to thwart their foes’
3 Crystals grow from your scalp. designs on the surface world. Accident might also send a
settlement of cloudfolk tumbling into a world on that plane.
4 Your voice is marked by a faint echo. A few find their way to such a world through portals on their
5 Your hair and clothes blow in a light breeze. own plane and establish settlements in high mountains or in
the canopies of old forests. Those that descend to the Light
6 Your flesh is cool to the touch. World find it a strange place. They sometimes forget or
7 Your voice carries over any non-magical wind. ignore vertical distances, and they have nothing but pity for
those earthbound people forced to live and toil on the
8 A whistling sound accompanies any sudden
movements you make. ground.

The Oocca are considered best avoided by other Wind
Th e G i s a I m p ac t Tribes though some individual cloudfolk seek them out in c
In the ancient past, when the Kingdom of Hyrule was still desperate times. w
young, a great calamity befell it. Like divine retribution from Siroci. The Siroci stood as staunch opponents of the a
the heavens, gargantuan meteors fell from the skies, striking Avariel Tribe's plan to use arcane technologies to reach the B
a devastating blow to the kingdom. Towns were obliterated, skies. They believed their fall was some form of divine a
fields were destroyed, and castles crumbled. Many believed it retribution for polluting the realm they had called home. So c
was the end times, that the deities were striking them down the Siroci devoted themselves to ensuring they remained c
for some grave sin. The destruction did not stop there, the pure of heart and at one with the wind. Accepting of the m
meteors that struck that land did not remain dormant. They minish's help, they became one with the magic of the wind fo
rose as the great stone taluses destroying anything around and ascended to the skies under their own power. s
their impact sight. Windsoul. The Windsoul Tribe are a monastic order of
Falling alongside the taluses were the cloudfolk. People of cloudfolk that devote themselves to protecting the Palace of
the Levias who had been thrown from their homeland during Winds and the Wind Element within from any interference.
this cataclysm. They do not take sides between the Siroci and the Avariel,
Those cloudfolk that survived the fall brought magic of the only seeking to ensure that neither attempts to claim the
air to air in dispensing the earthen creatures that now Wind Element in order to gain an upper hand in the feud
plagued Hyrule. They constructed a staff called the that has lasted between the two factions for generations.
Dominion Rod with the power to sway stone creatures. This
Rod of the Heavens allowed the hylians to safely relocate the Th e C i t y i n t h e S k y
taluses to secluded areas where they would do harm only to
those that disturbed them. The city the cloudfolk called Avaden, was a holy sight. It was
Even as Hyrule welcomed them, the cloudfolk desperately the largest of the meteors that impacted Hyrule and is said
wished to return to their home. Though it took generations, to have been the sight of a great cloudfolk city that hung in
and the assistance of the technological secrets of the sheikah the skies. Though the cloudfolk were desperate to return to
and the magical prowess of the minish, the cloudfolk were their home, they refused to do so without Avaden.
again able to gain mastery over the wind. They abandoned Against many objections, the Avariel Wind Tribes installed
their settlements as they used their magic to move their mighty engines and turbines onto the land mass and used
palace back into the skies of Levias and keep it suspended them to restore it to its place in Levias. Over the following
there. The left behind the Fortress of Winds and atop it, the centuries, wars were fought between the Siroci and Avariel
Tower of Winds to act as a place of mediation should the over who controlled this "City in the Sky". The Siroci believe
Kingdom of Hyrule ever wish to contact them. what the Avariel did to Avaden was nothing short of
blasphemy and fought for control of the city in a religious
fury. While Avariel believed the city was there's by right as
Th e T r i b e s o f t h e W i n d they had restored it to Levias.
Despite what many of the surface folk may think, the Avaden now stands empty save for the small flocks of
cloudfolk are not one unified tribe, but many. Over the Oocca that inhabit its halls. The Siroci claim that just like all
course of their ascension back to the skies, dissent grew the other meteors that fell through the cloud barrier, Avaden
amongst the cloudfolk about what caused the fall, how it became sentient like the taluses. Being so large, it was far
might be avoided in the future, and what methods to employ more intelligent. Enraged at what the Avariel had done to it,
to return to the sky such that they would not be cast out Avaden would not let itself be occupied.
again. Though the individual Wind Tribes that have The Avariel claim that in a petty act of vengeance, the
splintered off since the ascent may number in the dozens, Siroci cursed Avaden so that no cloudfolk could again walk
the following four groups broadly represent the outlook its halls. None know for certain what would happen if a
different Wind Tribes may hold. cloudfolk were to return to the City in the Sky but all fear to
Avariel. When the question of how they should return to try and those few who have, were never heard from again.
the skies arose, the tribes of Avariel said, "By any means Some say that any cloudfolk who set foot on Avaden will
necessary". They accepted the sheikah's help in their devolve into Oocca.
endeavours and devoted the following years to building great
magitek engines that would allow them to ascend into the Th e S k y L o r d
skies of Levias.
Oocca. The strangest of the inhabitants of Levias, the The vast majority of cloudfolk feel a strong pull to the
Oocca are not cloudfolk in the strictest sense though they Elemental energies of the world and particularly favour
are considered one of the Wind Tribes. They are spells that involve the air domain. Those cloudfolk who
predominantly avian, yet possess some disconcerting become wizards usually specialise as evokers or conjurers.
Humanoid characteristics. Most notable is the Oocca's face
which appears almost hylian, though distorted and
elongated. They have small beady red eyes which retract into
their skulls allowing for protection during flight. In contrast
their bodies are Cucco-like, but with pale yellow feathers on
their abdomen and wings.

G r e at P u r p o s e C l ou d f o l k Tr a i t s
Cloudfolk enjoy peace and solitude. Most of them have little Air Genasi
interest in dealing with other peoples and less interest in
Cloudfolk are descended from djinn, the genies of the
spending time on the ground. For this reason, it takes an
Elemental Plane of Air. Embodying many of the airy traits of
exceptional circumstance for a cloudfolk to leave their tribe
their otherworldly ancestors, cloudfolk can draw upon their
and undertake the adventurer’s life. Neither treasure nor
connection to the winds.
glory is enough to lure them from their tribes; a dire threat
As a cloudfolk you have the following traits.
to their people, a mission of vengeance, or a catastrophe
Ability Score Increase. When determining your
typically lies at the heart of the cloudfolk adventurer’s chosen
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
Though some rare cloudfolk have a wanderlust that
different scores by 1.
cannot be sated by their home plane alone. As children of
Lifespan. A typical cloudfolk has a lifespan of 120 years.
the sky, they want to see and taste the air in radically
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
different places and consider settling in one place for any
Size. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose your size
length of time confining. Such cloudfolk are liable to
when you select this race.
descend into the Light World to see what wonders that place
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
Cloudfolk are sworn foes of Elemental earth, in particular
as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
the gargoyles that serve Gravitas, the Leviathan of Earth.
light. You discern colours in that darkness only as shades of
The cloudfolk word for gargoyle is loosely translated as
"flying rock," and battles between cloudfolk and gargoyles
Unending Breath. You can hold your breath indefinitely
have raged across the Elemental Planes of Earth and Air for
while you're not incapacitated.
millenia, occasionally spilling into the Light World. Cloudfolk
Lightning Resistance. You have resistance to lightning
might leave their tribes to lend aid to other Humanoids
committed to fighting earthen cults and thwarting their
Mingle with the Wind. You know the shocking grasp
cantrip. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the feather fall
spell with this trait, without requiring a material component.
C l ou d f o l k Pa r t i c u l a r i t y Starting at 5th level, you can also cast the levitate spell with
You can use the cloudfolk Quirks table to determine a this trait, without requiring a material component. Once you
personality quirk for a cloudfolk character or to inspire a cast feather fall or levitate with this trait, you can't cast that
unique mannerism. spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also
cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of
C lo u d f o lk Qu irk s the appropriate level.
d6 Q u iirrk Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
1 ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait
(choose when you select this race).
2 Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
3 one other language that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most cloudfolk know Eolien.

C l ou d f o l k N ame s
Cloudfolk use the naming conventions of the people among
whom they were raised. They might later assume distinctive
names to capture their heritage, such as Nova, Ember, Wave,
or Onyx.

Cloudfolk Names 08: Caprice, Flurris, Gale, Gregal, Hailey,

Siroc, Strato, Zeffa
Male Cloudfolk Names:
Female Cloudfolk Names:
Gender Neutral Cloudfolk Names:

Even these near mortal forms do not look entirely natural.
Fa i r y It is common for fairies to bear an uncanny appearance, th
hollow cheeks and empty eyes, the wrong proportions. Most T
You must have read in stories of people who get to Fairyland,
mortals won't be able to pinpoint the oddity of this type of
and I think you will notice that in the stories written by
fairy but instinctually have the impression that they are not
people who know anything about it (and you know how
quite right. Fairies that take a form which possesses a
easily these are distinguished from the others) there are
circulatory system have viscous, luminous white blood, like
always two ways of getting to Fairyland, and only two: one is
liquid mercury. Those with tear ducts cry violet tears. Both
by mistake, and the other is by a spell.
Fairy's Blood and Fairy's Tears serve as powerful reagents in
In the first way to Fairyland is to lose your way, and this is
alchemy and potion making.
one of the best ways of getting there; but it is dangerous,
Most fairies have special physical characteristics that sets
because if you get there that way you offend the fairies. It is
them apart even from other fairies. For your fairy, roll on the
better to get there by a spell. But the inconvenience of that is
Fairy Characteristics table or choose an option from it.
that you are blindfolded so as not to be allowed to remember
You’re also free to come up with your own characteristics if
the way there or back again. When you get there by a spell,
none of the suggestions below fit your character.
one of the people from Fairyland takes you in charge. They
prefer to do it when you are asleep, but they are quite game F airy C haract eris t ics
to do it at other times if they think it worth their while. d 8 C h a r aacct e r iissttiicc
— Hilaire Belloc, The Way to Fairyland
1 Your wings are like those of a bird.
An enchanted race born of raw magic, fairies are the fair folk
2 You have shimmering, multicoloured skin.
of the Sacred Realm. Under the direction of the Court of
Stars, they etch the patterns of frost on the winter ponds and 3 You have exceptionally large ears.
rouse the buds in springtime. They cause flowers to grow 4 A glittering mist constantly surrounds you.
and sparkle with summer dew, and they colour the leaves
with the blazing hues of autumn. It is said that they taught 5 You have a small spectral horn on your forehead, like a
small unicorn horn.
the birds to fly and to sing. These child-like sprites have a
penchant for mischievous fun, and there is no game a fairy 6 Your legs are insectile.
will not play, no sport they will not attempt, and no revelry 7 You smell like fresh brownies.
they will avoid or decline.
8 A noticeable but harmless chill surrounds you.
W i s p s an d W i ng s
Fairies begin their lives as small concentrations of living
Th e Fi v e C i t i e s o f Ta r m
energy. They appear as orbs of light with tiny wings. This is The fairies, in times of old were the servants of Hylia,
the form that most mortals are familiar with as fairies. When Laciana, and Imika. Their service saw them divided into five
wisps reach their hundredth year their forms can no longer peoples: the Fairies of Courage, Kindness, Magic, Power,
contain their consciousness and they are forced to change. Wisdom. Though their service to the deities has now ended,
They must return to Tarm to create a body for themselves these divisions remain. Each fairy type and the city they live
forged through sheer force of will. in is governed by a Great Fairy who in turn are commanded
Because of the complexity involved in this task few wisps by Lady Fey and Lord Oburan. Each division of fairies
are successful and most fade away, returning to the earth as occupies one of Tarm's great cities.
energy. Fifteen wisps in every hundred are capable of Aquallor. Those that traverse Tarm's outer regions are the
making this transformation. In recent years, the emerald Fairies of Courage. When they return home it is to
transformation can be eased if it is completed at a "Houses the shining city of Aquallor in the south east.
of Transition" which are equipped with templates to guide Arvandor. Once upon a time the golden Fairies of
the Construction of the body and attendants to aid them. Kindness occupied Arvandor. But no more, they were ousted
Even these improvements only increase a wisp's chances by a cloaked figure called the Blind Thief who turned their
marginally. fair home into a City of Thieves. Now they wander the world
without a home, they are the most likely to be adventurers.
Uncan n y Ap p ear ance Chronias. Chronias is the nest of all fairy folk. It is the
place where the Houses of Transition stand to aid the fairies'
Due to how their physical forms are created, fairies can bear transformation from wisp to Humanoid. The coral Fairies of
almost any appearance. Most prefer the Humanoid shape but Magic oft become healers and nursemaids, particularly to
some create bodies of great Beasts and allow themselves to fairies about to undergo the Changing.
go feral in the deepest forests of Tarm. The more society Empyrea. The halls of Empyrea are where the crimson
focused of the fairies prefer a Humanoid appearance but Fairies of Power dwell. They are skilled in the ways of
even these can take myriad forms. Some fairies appear as combat and war magic. The Fairies of Power were all but
massive statuesque crystalline beings in the shape of winged wiped out during the Age of Darkened Sky, now only a few
women, others give themselves many arms. Most often hundred remain, the majority young for fairies. Empyrea's
however a fairy will create a roughly Humanoid looking body halls stand almost empty in the depths of the Coldfire
adorned with insect-like wings of various description. Mountains.

Th e A g e o f D a r k e n e d S k y
In the aftermath of the Imprisoning War, the King of Hyrule's
closest council, the Seven Wise Men, in desperation, sealed MADNE S S IN T H E ME L ODY
all roads between the Light World and the Sacred Realm. Fairy music is a wild and unrelenting force of
While this resulted in peace in Hyrule it was disastrous for primal energy ever expanding in a void of pure
the denizens of Tarm. Now sealed within their realm was a chaos. It is glorious to behold but the chaos it
demigod wielding the power of the Triforce and enraged at holds can drive men mad. Some who have listened
his confinement. to it spend the rest of their life desperately
Without the means to free himself, Mandrag Ganon searching it out for it plays in their minds over and
exercised his power over the people of Tarm. He over. Others are never able to abide another note
experimented on some, twisting them into monstrous forms
of music for it is as nails on a chalkboard after a
fairy song. Men will dance to a fairy song till their
to join his army. Others he imprisoned or banished. He
shoes are worn and their feet are bloody and yet
wiped out nearly all the Fairies of Power, for they made up
beg for the music to continue.
the military might of Tarm. He distorted the realm itself, As is the nature with all things of extreme
turning the sky black and the land monstrous. Though he danger some wish to experience it anyways. In
was eventually killed by a noble mortal hero, he left his mark order that a mortal might listen to fairy song and
upon the people and the land. still retain their wits they require a fairy token. An
The period of Mandrag's imprisonment which lasted six object of great sentimental value must be given up
centuries came to be known as the Age of Darkened Sky. to a fairy who will destroy it in making the token.
Because of the folly of the Seven Wise Men who saved their These tokens can look like almost anything but
own realm at the expense of Tarm, most fairies carry a deep usually take the form of a pendant or ring. Each
mistrust of mortals. For this reason, fairy adventurers are token is specific to the person it was made for. If
rare. the object sacrificed to make it was not of
sufficient meaning the token will not work. Its
W i l d a n d Fr e e efficacy can only be determined through use.

There is an old fairy invitation and warning:

The fair folk dance, the fair folk sing

The fair folk step in the magic ring
Tread not here 'til the light of day
Or the fair folk steal your soul away
Tarm is a wild realm filled with beauty, unpredictable
emotion, and boundless magic. The fairies dwell there are a
reflection of that wild gaiety. They are the moment when the
coin is in the air, caught between two choices, between two
opposites. Fairies are forever caught in a realm between
mortals and deities, between eternity and momentary bliss,
between life and death.
Fairies feel emotions intensely. Their desires, and so to
their actions are rarely ever tempered. Fairies become pure
desire, living for the moment without worry for anything else.
No Humanoid can do this for long because eventually
mortality will crash down upon them. Immortality itself
alters a fairy’s perceptions of the world. Mountains rise and
fall, trees grow and die, even the stars shift their courses
over time. They are easily distracted, jumping from one idea
to another in an instant. Likewise, they’re easily bored, and if
nothing captures their attention, they’ll move on to
something that holds their interest.
Fairies can be kind and caring. This kindness often
manifests in a grandparently affection, some even require
they be addressed by elder epithets despite appearing
youthful. Given their lifespan, fairies often view mortal races
of any age as children. Others might view a person as a poor
lost animal, perhaps leaving a little food out or performing
other similarly kind, but momentary acts.
Not all fairies are kind, some are vindictive, vicious, and
cruel, killing those who offend them. When Humanoids come
to occupy buildings on the fairies land, they are often killed
one by one in a disturbingly whimsical fashion.

Fo l k l o r e o f t h e Fa i r Fo l k Fa i r y N a m e s
Those that live in remote villages, especially in the forests of Fairies accept, collect, and discard names freely, choosing
the Faron region tell stories of the fairies. Sometimes the names that fit their current sense of self or whim.
stories are of benevolence, wherein the fairies cure men of Sometimes they’ll string two or more names together,
diseases and deliver them from misfortune. Others are because they like the sound or because all the names feel
malevolent, stealing children, even abducting adults, and meaningful and relevant at the time. As a result, members of
bringing misfortune down upon those that displease them. It other races often have a hard time keeping track of a fairy’s
is said anyone straying into forests and hills where the fairies name.
dance must take care, especially if they are a musician, not
Fairy Names 29: Cenu, Ciela, Cotera, Cremi, Curia,
to linger lest they should be entrapped.
Epheremelda, Felicia, Fonti, Funny, Gale, Kaysa, Leaf, Miff,
A particularly popular story is that of Gully the Flute Boy.
Mija, Navi, Neri, Noma, Pinkle, Proxi, Samira, Sei, Spryte,
He would take his flute to the groves in the forest beyond his
Tael, Tatl, Tel, Tera, Tinkle, Vari, Venus
village and play them for the animals. One day he simply
never returned home. Some say if you wander into the Fa i r y Tr a i t s
clearing where he played you may see an image of him that
vanishes with an unearthly sound the moment you come
close. The people now call that place the Haunted Grove and As a fairy, you have the following racial traits.
warn children to keep their distance. Ability Score Increases. When determining your
In such places it is customary to keep a fire burning in the character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
house during the night, so that the fairies might come in and and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
enjoy it. It is said that on dark, dismal and stormy nights, in different scores by 1.
the mountain parts of parishes, the people would retire Lifespan. Fairies live for a century as wisps before taking
earlier to rest, in order to allow the weather-beaten fairies on a Humanoid form. Though they experience typical
the unwatched enjoyment of the smouldering embers of the Humanoid development after that point, they age 1 year for
turf fire. It was also customary to leave some bread out for every 10 that passes. Typically fairies live up to 1000 years,
the fairies, and to fill the water crocks with clean water for assuming they don’t meet a violent end. Some very special or
them before going to bed. This water was never used for any powerful fairies may be tens of thousands of years old.
other purpose, but was thrown out in the morning. Both salt Creature Type. Your creature type is Fey.
and iron are considered effective charms against the Size. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose the size
visitation of displeased fairies. when you select this race.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Fa i r y P e r s o na l i t y Flight. Because of your wings, you have a flying speed
You can use the Fairy Quirks table to determine a equal to your walking speed. You can’t use this flying speed if
personality quirk for a fairy character or to inspire a unique you’re wearing medium or heavy armour.
mannerism. Fairy Magic. You know the druidcraft cantrip. Starting at
3rd level, you can cast the faerie fire spell with this trait.
F airy Qu irk s Starting at 5th level, you can also cast the enlarge/reduce
d 8 Qui rk spell with this trait. Once you cast faerie fire or
enlarge/reduce with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it
1 I am terrified of iron. I have no proof it's harmful but again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of
I'm certain it can kill me.
those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate
2 I don't lie. Lying is such an inelegant way to deceive. level.
Better to wrap them up in so many truths they don't Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
know the ground from the sky. ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait
3 I always pay my debts and will exact a terrible price on (choose when you select this race).
those that do not do the same for me. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
4 I have no idea what gold pieces are worth but size up one other language that you and your DM agree is
the value of less tangible things in a second. appropriate for the character. Most fairies know Faerish.
5 I assume everyone is trying to deceive me.
6 I have no concept of what mortals would consider
"excess". Fairies do not practise limits like that. We
simply do until we can't or until we are bored.

Di vi n e R i t e t o R ule
Illma ia Before the founding of Hyrule, a woman was born to the
She made this sacrifice, as you have likely guessed, so that people who would become hylians, Zelda Gaepora I. She
the supreme power created by the Old Gods could one day was said to be the mortal incarnation of the Goddess Hylia
be used. For while the supreme power of the Triforce was and both her appearance and her divine powers supported
created by deities, all of its power can never be wielded by that claim. She went on to found Hyrule and was crowned its
one. Knowing this power was her last and only hope, the first Queen.
goddess gave up her divine powers and her immortal form. It is by this divine relationship that the Hyrulean Royal
— Queen Zelda Gaepora I, The Sword Sent Skyward Family claims the right to dominion over the lands of Hyrule.
This claim, as much as it is political doctrine meant to
The Illmaia are mortal women who carry a spark of the
preserve power, is also true. The Illmaia develop primarily in
divines within their souls. They can fan that spark to bring
the direct line of the Hyrulean Royal Family and the
light, ease wounds, or unleash the fury of the heavens.
immediate branches.
Because of their direct link to the goddess Hylia herself,
The divine spark that marks the Illmaia very rarely
Illmaia tend to be haughty around other hylians. They’re
manifests in the male line. While it is possible for a male
proud of their heritage and equally proud of their ability to
Illmaia to develop the powers associated with the Celestial
stand (at least hypothetically) against threats that would
Revelation, it is such an uncommon occurrence that some
overwhelm and destroy weaker creatures. Some Illmaia
believe they do not even exist.
trade haughtiness for a tender kindness toward their hylian
Amongst the noble families and royal houses, the
kin, knowing that many hylians have not lived the life their
identities of the women who have manifested signs of being
Celestial ancestry affords them or been granted the honour
an Illmaia are kept closely guarded. This is not out of shame,
of spending time amidst the ancient shrines and other
but rather prudence. Celestial blood is a desired component
glories created by their ancestors.
for the cultists of Fiends, druthildi, and dark deities. Such
blood is much easier obtained from the mortal Illmaia than
B e N o t Af r ai d from a true Celestial who are difficult to summon, let alone
Illmaia are the purest expression of the divine light as it subdue.
burns within every mortal soul, for the souls of those blessed Only the Queen and the Crown Princess of Hyrule are
with an divine ancestor blaze brighter than any other. Even ever acknowledged to the public as being Illmaia. Though it
rarer than the Malkari with whom they share a commonality is often fairly obvious to onlookers that branch family
of ancestry, Illmaia are mortal, and yet connected to the members of high esteem in the court possess this power as
Upper Planes of the deities. In some cultures the birth of an well, they are never recognised as such openly. To publicly
Illmaia is seen as a blessing and a portent. claim to be Illmaia would be to make a claim to the throne of
Though Illmaia can arise from among any population of Hyrule itself and those who do so without being in the
mortals, they originate in hylian bloodlines. The blinnic, proper line of succession are swiftly dealt with.
darknut, and gerudo Illmaia (among others) trace their
ancestry back to "angel-touched" hylians. The Illmaia
resemble their parents, but they live for up to 160 years and
often have features that hint at their Celestial heritage.
These begin subtle and become more obvious when they
gain the ability to reveal their full Celestial nature. The
Illmaia Celestial Features table has examples you can
choose or use as inspiration to create your own.

I llmaia C eles t ial F eat u res

d 6 C e l e ssttiiaall F e a t u rree
1 You have a dusting of metallic, white, or charcoal
2 Your eyes are metallic, luminous, or dark.
3 Your hair is starkly coloured.
4 You have an unusual hue tinting your shadow.
5 You have a ghostly halo crowning your head.
6 Rainbows gleam on your skin.

Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic
A R ad ical S hif t damage and radiant damage.
Your Illmaia character's Celestial Revelation is a Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
reflection of their personality, their will and as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
outlook manifested by the power of their divine light. You discern colours in that darkness only as shades of
heritage. As such it is possible for Illmaia grey.
revelations to change. An Illmaia with the Healing Hands. As an action, you can touch a creature
revelation of Radiant Consumption who has and roll a number of d4s equal to your proficiency bonus.
suffered a great loss may embrace a more forceful The creature regains a number of hit points equal to the
way of life and take up the Necrotic Shroud. One total rolled. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again
who bears the Radiant Soul revelation that has had until you finish a long rest.
a great personal slight done against them may Light Bearer. You know the light cantrip. Charisma is
become filled with righteous fury and embrace the your spellcasting ability for it.
Radiant Consumption. Celestial Revelation. Starting at 3rd level choose one of
There are a myriad of ways for each revelation to the revelation options below. Thereafter, you can use a bonus
present themselves. After a significant event in action to unleash the Celestial energy within yourself,
your character's life, check with your DM to see if
gaining the benefits of that revelation. Your transformation
changing your Celestial Revelation is the right
lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Once
option for your character.
you transform using your revelation below, you can't use it
again until you finish a long rest:

Necrotic Shroud. Your eyes briefly become pools of

I l l m a i a C h a r ac t e r darkness, and ghostly flightless wings sprout from your
The "angel-blooded" are usually kind, but that doesn't mean back temporarily. Creatures other than your allies within
they don't have their own Quirks. 10 feet of you that can see you must succeed on a
Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus +
I llmaia Qu irk s your Charisma modifier) or become frightened of you until
d 6 Qui rk the end of your next turn. Until the transformation ends,
1 Sometimes I talk to Hylia during the day, leading once on each of your turns, you can deal extra necrotic
others to thinking I'm talking to myself. damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an
attack or a spell. The extra damage equals your proficiency
2 I am always right. Which of us is half-Celestial, again?
3 I reject my human half for holding me back. Radiant Consumption. Searing light temporarily radiates
4 I need to be a pinnacle of goodness, to live up to the from your eyes and mouth. For the duration, you shed
legacy of my heritage. bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an
additional 10 feet, and at the end of each of your turns,
5 I should be with my angelic brothers and sisters, not
here on the prime material plane. each creature within 10 feet of you takes radiant damage
equal to your proficiency bonus. Until the transformation
6 ends, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra
radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it
Illmai a N ames with an attack or a spell. The extra damage equals your
proficiency bonus.
Most Illmaia are born from hylian parents, though a few
Radiant Soul. Two luminous, spectral wings sprout from
uncommon members of the Royal Family have married other
your back temporarily. Until the transformation ends, you
races. They use the same naming conventions as their native
have a flying speed equal to your walking speed, and once
on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage
to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or
I l l m a i a Tr a i t s a spell. The extra damage equals your proficiency bonus.
Aasimar Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
As an Illmaia, you have the following racial traits.
appropriate for the character. Most Illmaia know Celsian.
Ability Score Increase. When determining your
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
C elest ial G u id es
Unlike their counterparts in the DUNGEONS & DragonS
different scores by 1.
Multiverse, the aasimar, Illmaia, don't have a Celestial being
Lifespan. Illmaia mature at the same rate as hylians, but
to guide them. Their Celestial link to Hylia may provide them
they can live up to 160 years.
with strange visions, prophecies, or even simply a Celestial
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
instinct but few Illmaia have ever had any direct contact with
Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when
their divine ancestor.
you select this race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Keatons have a strict code of valour which requires that
Ke at o n they keep their promises and strive to repay any favour. As
residents of the fairy realm, keaton do not share what might
Ono, an inhabitant of Mino, spent the seasons longing for his
be considered typical Humanoid morality. For instance, ideas
ideal of feminine beauty. He met her one evening on a vast
of ownership often escape those that have not spent much
moor and soon after they were married. With the birth of
time in the Light World. Keatons put very little value in
their son, also came the delivery of a pup from Ono's dog. As
monetary wealth. True gifts are the intangible, such as
the pup grew older, it became more and more hostile to the
protection, knowledge, or long life.
lady of the moors.
She begged her husband to kill it, but he refused. At last
one day, the dog attacked her so furiously that she lost Ti n k e r s a n d M i n s t r e l s
courage. In that moment she resumed the vulpine shape of Curiosity drives most keatons. A pack of keatons is called a
her birth and, leaping over a fence, fled into the moors. lead and within their homelands, the keaton leads wander
Desperately Ono called after her. "You may be a fox," he from place to place to investigate the wonders of Tarm.
cried to her, "but you are the mother of my child and I will Though they prefer the tropical jungle areas of faeryland,
always love you. Come back when you please; you will their insatiable curiosity may take a lead into many unusual
always be welcome." places. That same curiosity is what causes the keatons to
So every evening she stole back and slept in his arms. venture out of Tarm and into the Light World. While
— Cremia, The Lady of the Moors adventuring holds a particular fascination for them, not all
keaton choose that path to sate their curiosity of the Light
The fox-like keatons walk the shining lands of Tarm, a golden
plain where even the deities rarely trespass. Leads of these
Some keatons seek a safer path to satisfy their obsessions
nomadic, fox-like Humanoids rarely interact with other
and become wandering tinkers and minstrels. These keatons
peoples, having all they need in their shimmering homeland
work in small troupes, usually consisting of an older, more
and knowing the treachery of strangers. Still, some keatons
experienced keaton who guides up to four young ones
wonder what lies beyond Tarm's border mountains and seek
learning their way in the world. They travel in small,
to test themselves in a wider world.
colourful waggons, moving from settlement to settlement.
Keatons are agile, witty, and playful. They embody the
When they arrive, they set up a small stage in a public
spirit of freedom and travel through Tarm and beyond. Many
square where they sing, play instruments, tell stories, and
are possessed of arcane talent and weave powerful illusions
offer exotic goods in trade for items that spark their interest.
to waylay those that have trespassed in their territory or
Keatons reluctantly accept gold, but they much prefer
threaten their people.
interesting objects or pieces of lore as payment.
These wanderers keep to developed lands, preferring to
G u i l e a n d G r ac e bargain instead of pursuing more dangerous methods of
Keatons are a bipedal, vulpine people with three tails of the sating their curiosity. However, they aren't above a little
foxes they resemble and fur in a variety of colours hues of discreet theft to get their claws on a particularly interesting
yellows, oranges, and reds. Patterns of black fur dot their item when an owner refuses to sell or trade it.
tails, these patterns are distinct but subtly so, such that most
non-keaton Humanoids wouldn't notice a difference. Keaton N i n e - Ta i l e d Fo x
often identify their kin by the sheen of their tails.
Keatons possess long life and magical powers. Though they
Though keatons are a sexually dimorphic species, they
are sometimes called ghost foxes, the keaton are no more
make no distinctions between male, female, or anything in
spirits of the beyond than the fairies they share a homeland
between. All keaton use neutral pronouns and are confused
with. They have a kinship with the mundane foxes of the
by the gender roles in the Light World and those that
Light World. Some folk stories even say that once a fox has
attempt to apply gendered terms to them.
lived long enough and accumulated sufficient wisdom, they
They are natural hunters with the keen senses and
will grow additional tails, transform into keatons, and vanish
predatory instincts of the vulpine creatures they resemble
into the lands of Tarm to join their brethren.
and are full of energy, like a wound-up spring. Keatons are
Though most keatons have three tails, the wisest among
blessed with a little Fey luck, and they often find themselves
them may have as many as nine. The number of tails a
a few fortunate feet away from dangers during adventures.
keaton possesses reflects their age, their wisdom, and often
Keatons are famous and infamous for their social guile.
their power. An average keaton will possess three tails while
Many are taken with a love of wordplay and debate, often
older and wiser of their Lead may have five, seven, or nine.
engaging travellers in philosophical conversations meant to
The Nine-Tailed Foxes are so rare that keaton often look to
challenge the intellect and subtly gauge the disposition of
them in much the same way denizens of the Light World
strangers. They have a love of riddles, games of trivia, and
look to the deities for guidance. Many legends circulate
obscure lore.
about their exceptional power, including such abilities as that
They often act with confidence, which can come off as
to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world,
imperious or condescending. While this can reassure their
infinite wisdom, and the power to pass off magical secrets to
allies, it can also suggest defiance in the face of what they
their devotees. After reaching 1000 years of age and gaining
perceive as imposed authority or unworthy experts.
their ninth tail, these keaton turn a white or pure gold in
colour, becoming a Celestial fox, the most powerful form of
the keaton.

Fo l k Ta l e s o f t h e Fo x e s
In many folk religions and beliefs, particularly those in more
remote and superstitious areas of Hyrule, keatons are often L o v ers in t he L ig ht W o rld
seen as "witch animals" and are thought of like Malkari who Though it is frowned upon by their leads, keatons
could under no circumstances be trusted. In ages past this will on occasion take a lover from the Light World,
paranoia led to the overhunting of mundane foxes and the whether their partner knows their true nature or
deaths of several keatons, resulting in the folkfox becoming not is variable. In stories of such couplings a young
very wary of venturing into the Light World. Humanoid man and a keaton who transforms into a
Stories of keatons in such circles say they may take on beautiful Humanoid woman become entangled.
Humanoid form, an ability learned when they reach a certain The keaton is often a seductress the young man
age. As a prerequisite for the transformation, the fox must
unknowingly marries. They prove a devoted wife
until the man discovers the fox's true nature, and
place reeds, a leaf, or a skull over their head. They are
the fox-wife is forced to leave him. In some cases,
inclined towards the forms of beautiful women, young girls,
the husband wakes as if from a dream, filthy,
or elderly men. These shapes are not limited by the keaton's disoriented, and far from home. He must then
own age or gender, and they can duplicate the appearance of return to confront his abandoned family in shame.
a specific person. The reality of these pairings is somewhat more
They say that keatons use their illusion magic in this mundane, and more gender inclusive. Though they
manner to beguile Humanoids and spirit them away to do have something in common with the stories,
where they will never be seen again. It is commonly believed the fox and the Humanoid often bear children.
that a transformed keaton retains aspects of their fox-like Such progeny have a combination of traits from
nature. Such traits may include their tails which they must their parents though usually resemble one or the
take pains to conceal, a coating of fine hair, a fox-shaped other enough to pass fully as that species. Those
shadow, or a reflection that shows their true form. Keatons that resemble their Light World parent, often
can also be exposed while in human form by their supposed possess special physical or supernatural qualities
fear and hatred of dogs, and some become so rattled by their that pass to their own children. Sorcerers of a
presence that they revert to the form of foxes and flee. keaton bloodline are regarded with deep suspicion
by any keaton leads they may encounter.
S e l f - R e l i a n c e Fr o m D i v i n i t y
Centuries ago, the keaton worshipped the same deities that
the denizens of the Light World do. They were most closely K eat o n an d t he D eit ies
associated with Fado, the Hyrulean deity of the wilderness. d 6 A t t i t u ddee
In those times keatons were Fado's messengers and the 1 I'm amused by the antics of the deities and their
nature goddess often took the form of an opalescent keaton earnest, but ultimately deluded, mortal champions,
to honour them. and I feel smugly superior in my detachment.
Shrines to Fado still frequently feature keatons standing 2 The meddling of the deities in mortal affairs makes me
vigil and Fado herself as one of their number. That angry and bitter. I wish they would just leave us all
relationship is long soured. When the Hyruleans sealed the alone!
lands of Tarm away to keep themselves safe, they sealed the
3 I view the deities as worthy adversaries—incredibly
keatons in those lands with a tyrant. After six centuries of clever and well-prepared to play a long game but
depravities suffered at the hands of Mandrag Ganon, with no ultimately doomed to lose.
deliverance from Fado or any of the deities, most keaton
rejected divinity. They do not of course deny that the deities 4 I'm certain every bad thing that happens can
ultimately be blamed on the deities, but I roll my eyes
exist; rather, they see them as mercurial and ultimately at each new twist of fate and try to get on with my
unworthy of adoration. The Keaton and the Deities table life.
suggests the range of attitudes that a keaton might adopt
toward the deities. 5 I wish that I could be as naive as humans and other
mortals who actually think the deities are looking out
Those few keatons that still devote themselves to the
for them. I miss that kind of innocence.
service of the deities are looked at with pity and scorn by
their fellows. The godsworn keaton typically serve Fado and 6 I don't talk about it among other keaton, but I actually
are often identifiable by their white fur, and the star ball revere the deities and try to please them with my
which serves as their holy symbol. Keaton clerics commonly
carry the holy symbol on their tails.
Some say that Fado gifts her devoted keatons the ability to
change shape and when they do so, their star balls hold a
portion of their magical power. Others say that the pearl
represents the keaton's soul; the keaton will die if separated
from it for too long. Those who believe these stories say that
stealing the ball allows the extraction of a promise from the
keaton to help them in exchange for its return.

K e at o n D i s p o s i t i o n K e at o n T r a i t s
You can use the Keaton Quirks table to determine a Tabaxi
personality quirk for a keaton character or to inspire a
A people whose appearance blend the qualities of
unique mannerism.
Humanoids and foxes, the keatons are varied in both attitude
K eat o n Qu irk s and appearance. In some lands, keatons live like the foxes
d 8 Qui rk they resemble, naturally curious and at home in playful
environments. In other places, keatons live as other folk do,
1 You miss your tropical home and complain endlessly not exhibiting the vulpine behaviours of their kin.
about the freezing weather, even in summer. Keatons' appearance is as varied as their attitudes. Some
2 You have a minor phobia of water and hate getting keatons have features or patterning in their fur like wolves,
wet. coyotes, or jackals, while others have appearances more like
3 Your tail always betrays your inner thoughts. a common fox. Still, others have unique patterns or might
style their fur to their preferences.
4 You purr loudly when you are happy. Ability Score Increase. When determining your
5 You are always in debt since you spend your gold on character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
lavish parties and gifts for friends. and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
different scores by 1.
6 When talking about something you're obsessed with,
you speak quickly and never pause and others can't Lifespan. Keatons can live for a thousand years. Each tail
understand you. represents a century of life. One tail is their first century, two
is their second, and so on. Their first hundred years are
7 You are a font of random trivia from the lore and spent in infancy almost indistinguishable from mundane
stories you have discovered.
foxes. The second century is their adolescence when they
8 You can't help but pocket interesting objects you become bipedal. They are considered adults when they enter
come across. their third century.
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
K e at o n N a m e s Size. Your size is Medium. Keatons are taller on average
than humans and relatively slender.
Along with their personal names, keaton identify themselves
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a
by their Lead. A member of the X Lead with the personal
climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
name of Y, for example, would likely style herself as Y of the
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
Female Names: light. You discern colours in that darkness only in shades of
Male Names: grey.
Lead Names: Fox's Claws. You can use your claws to make unarmed
strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your
Strength modifier slashing damage, instead of the
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Fox's Talent. You have proficiency in the Perception and
Stealth skills.
Vulpine Agility. Your reflexes and agility allow you to
move with a burst of speed. When you move on your turn in
combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn.
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you move
0 feet on one of your turns.
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language that you and your DM
agree is appropriate for the character. Most keatons know

M alk ari C haract eris t ics
Ma l k a ri d 1 2 C h a r aacct e r iissttiicc
"Oh, dear... Perhaps an explanation is in order! My name is 1 Your skin is an exotic colour. Most commonly deep
Batreaux, and I am a demon who resides here in this crimson or dark blue but may include shades of
humble dwelling below Skyloft. But please allow me to purple, blue, green, yellow, and pink.
correct one popular misconception. While I'm certainly a 2 Your skin is leathery or scaly.
demon, I wouldn't dream of terrorising the people of this
town! You see, this adorable little girl is the only one who 3 Your eyes are solid a colour (black, red, white, silver,
didn't let loose a blood-curdling scream at the sight of me!
or gold) with no visible sclera or pupil.
Since she began to visit me here, I've felt positively jubilant! 4 Your eyes are slitted and cat-like.
You see, my heart's only wish is to become friends with the
5 Your horns or small, perhaps mistakable for hair
lovely people of Skyloft. But as you can surely imagine, it has ornamentation.
proven quite difficult to break the ice when they are struck
with paralysing fear at the mere sight of me!" 6 All your teeth are sharp like fangs, not just your
— Batreaux, The Sword Sent Skyward
7 Your tongue is forked like a snake's.
Whether descended from an infernal being or infused with
hellish power, Malkari are mortals who carry a spark of the 8 You have six fingers on each hand.
Lower Planes seared into their souls. With a touch of the 9 You have goat-like legs or cloven hooves.
power of Dark Realm in their blood, they bear the fire of the
10 Your tail is forked.
hells, passed down from their ancestors. Though they are by
no means innately evil, the birth of a Malkari is hailed as a 11 You cast no shadow or reflection.
cursed event. They are a people of otherworldly visages, with 12 You exude a harmless smell of brimstone.
unusual features that reveal their infernal heritage.

I n f e r nal B l o o d l i n e S h eep i n Devi l’ s C lo t h i ng

Malkari, despite their appearance, are not innately evil.
Malkari are derived from human bloodlines, and in the
Though they have been marked by the Lower Planes they
broadest sense, they still look human. However, their infernal
are Humanoids, possessed of their own free will and not
heritage has left a clear imprint on their appearance. Malkari
beholden to the hierarchy of the Dark Realm. They have the
have large horns that take any of a variety of shapes: some
same capacity for love, hate, greed, ambition, enmity, and
have curling horns like a ram, others have straight and tall
compassion as any other Humanoids. Despite this, people
horns like a gazelle’s, and some spiral upward like an
tend to be suspicious of Malkari, assuming that their infernal
antelopes’ horns. They have thick tails, four to five feet long
heritage has left its mark on their personality and morality,
and sharply pointed canine teeth. Their skin tones cover the
not just their appearance. Or even worse, that their presence
full range of human colouration, but also include various
will attract Fiends from the plane they are touched by.
shades of red or dark blue. Their hair, cascading down from
Through this ambient fear of what they are, societies they
behind their horns, is usually dark, from black or brown to
are born into often push them towards crime or violence out
dark red, blue, or purple.
of the sheer necessity for survival. When left with the choice
Infused with the infernal energies of the Dark Realm, most
of starve or steal, any would become a thief. This social
Malkari look broadly human, but each has special physical
isolation instils a need for self-reliance early in a Malkari's
characteristics that sets them apart. For your character, roll
on the Malkari Characteristics table or choose an option
A Malkari childhood is likely an unhappy one. If they're
from it. You’re also free to come up with your own
lucky they may have Malkari parents who will shield them
characteristics if none of the suggestions below fit your
from the suspicion of the world but because the infernal
character. Malkari may have any or all of the traits on the
markings of the Malkari often skip a few generations or else
Malkari Characteristics table.
only present in some children, Malkari often find themselves
abandoned after birth by parents terrified their infernal
heritage will come to light.
Malkari have to navigate a world that is less than trusting
towards them, with people often suspicious or worst of all
full of righteous hatred. Some Malkari play their heritage to
their advantage, whether it be by employing their unusual
looks as performers or courtesans, or exaggerating their
physical prowess and counting on their fiendish features to
cow any who might challenge them. Many find they can use
their appearance as a curiosity instead of an omen of dark

C h i l d r e n o f B at r e au x
A story oft told of the Malkari's origin is that of Batreaux, the
Gracious. It is said that in the ancient days, long before the
founding of Hyrule there was a druthildi named Batreaux.
Though he emerged from the Dark Realm like his brethren,
he sought to do good in the world. However, druthildi are not
made for such things. His very essence was created from the
manifestation of all that was twisted and corrupt within the
Dark Realm. Good is not a thing that easily emerges from
Despite this fact of Batreaux's life, he persisted. He
strained against his nature, avoiding the harms of his kin
and in some small ways giving back to those Humanoids
despite them only seeing him as monstrous. As he gave, so
too did he receive. In the eyes of those humans who could
see what he wished to be and what he gave in his endless
struggle for it, there was gratitude and with that gratitude
there was change.
Batreaux's existence could not abide the contradiction of
what he was and what he wanted to be. Within him there
was a bough that had to break under the pressure. And it did.
Batreaux's essence consumed him in infernal fury. But that M
was not the end.
For in his hour of need, the gratitude he had garnered in
the hearts of the people he had helped manifested
themselves as pure, unadulterated Force Gems. The majesty
of life itself came to his aid, and Batreaux was given his M
fondest wish. He was transformed into a Humanoid, the first
of the Malkari.
Horns may have still topped his head, and he may never
escape the marks of his demonic visage but he was at last
free. He was accepted into the communities that he had
helped and eventually he raised a family.
It is said that all Malkari descend from that first family.
Some take up the virtue of Gratitude, in honour of their

Th e C u l t o f Va at i
There is another story about the origin of the Malkari. The
Wind Mage, Vaati who used divine power to become a
druthildi was said to have a taste for young women.
In the records of Vaati's rampages, he took what could in
polite company be referred to as 'wives' from amongst the
village girls. Some speculate Vaati sired heirs with these
women to carry out his designs. What exactly those designs
were is unclear. Little solid evidence exists to support these
claims for it is believed that any girl afflicted with Vaati's
spawn concealed it out of shame or fear.
Though the Golden Faith is rife with the gossip of how
these children couldn't possibly be wanted, more softly
spoken rumours suggest the women who bore Vaati's
children were not unwilling vessels. Some say that Vaati was
fascinated with the human heart and the depth of its
emotion. They say these women were not in fact kidnapped
but came to him willingly and that they were partners in all
endeavours. With Vaati's banishment and the loss of their
protector, such women went into hiding.
Though solid evidence either way is ambiguous, it should
be noted that many covert cults that act in Vaati's name are
made up almost entirely of women. These cults seek out
Malkari children of Vaati and treat them as messiahs.

M alkar i N ames L o r d s o f t h e N in e H ells
In traditional DUNGEONS & DRAGONS lore, most tiefling
Malkari names fall into three broad categories. Malkari born Legacy spells are tied to a specific Lord of the Nine Hells.
into another culture typically have names reflective of that For the purposes of book keeping those names are recorded
culture. Some have names derived from the Demotic with each group of spells but these demon lords do not exist
language, passed down through generations, that reflect within this setting. You may wish to have your infernal
their druthildi heritage. And some younger Malkari, striving heritage sourced from a demon in the Legend of Zelda
to find a place in the world, adopt a name that signifies a universe or simply not bring it up.
virtue or other concept and attempt to embody that concept.
For some, the chosen name is a noble quest; for others, it’s a M alk ari I n n at e S p ells
grim destiny. L eeggaaccy C a n ttrriipp 3 rrdd L e v e l 55tth LLeev e l
Male Demotic Names 09: Cambouis, Cole, Glaiss, Kimado, Asmodeus thaumaturgy hellish darkness
Kimaroki, Makivelo, Marardo, Mirona, Morcego
rebuke (2nd
Female Demotic Names 02: Aresia, Carlotta
Neutral Demotic Names 04: Beramu, Calaver, Draugnir, Baalzebul thaumaturgy ray of crown of
Sahrros sickness (2nd madness
"Virtue" Names 01: Calamità
Dispater thaumaturgy disguise self detect
M a l k a r i Tr a i t s thoughts
Tiefling Fierna friends charm person suggestion
(2nd Level)
Malkari share certain racial traits as a result of their infernal
descent. Glasya minor disguise self invisibility
Ability Score Increase. When determining your illusion
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 Levistus ray of frost armour of darkness
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three Agathys (2nd
different scores by 1. Level)
Lifespan. Malkari mature at the same rate as humans but Mammon mage hand Tenser's arcane lock
live a few years longer. floating disk
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
Mephistopheles mage hand burning flame blade
Size. Malkari are about the same size and build as hands (2nd
humans. Your size is Medium. Level)
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision.. Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have Zariel thaumaturgy searing smite branding
(2nd Level) smite
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in
dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and Devil's Tongue vicious charm person enthral
in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colours in mockery (2nd Level)
that darkness only in shades of grey. Hellfire thaumaturgy burning darkness
Hellish Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage. hands (2nd
Legacy of Hellfire. You know a cantrip. Starting at 3rd Level)
level and 5th level you can cast an additional spell with this
trait. Once you cast either of the levelled spells with this trait, W in ged Malk ar i
you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long With your DM's approval you can replace the Malkari's
rest. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell Legacy spellcasting trait with the following:
slots you have of the appropriate level. The Malkari Innate Flight. Because of the bat-like wings that jut from your
Spells table shows the groups of spells and the level at shoulder blades, you have a flying speed equal to your
which they become available to your character. Choose one walking speed. You can’t use this flying speed if you’re
of these selections when you choose this race. wearing medium or heavy armour.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait
(choose when you select this race).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language that you and your DM agree is
appropriate for the character. Most Malkari know Demotic.

S alt o f t h e Ear t h
Minish Minish are an affable and cheerful folk. They tend to form
Long, long ago, evil spirits descended on the land of Hyrule. close-knit communities wherever they settle, and their sense
Just when it seemed that the world was to be cast into the of pride for their community runs deep. They are generous,
darkest of shadows, the tiny Picori appeared from the skies happily sharing what they have even in lean times. When
and bestowed on a courageous human a shining golden light tragedy leaves children in their village orphaned, it is
and a single sword. This bravest of men used his wisdom customary for minish families to take them in. Minish value
and courage, his golden light, and his sword to fight off the honest work, such as farming and smithing, and share
demons and restore peace to the world. The people were so labour equally between all community members. There is
grateful for the Picori's help that they held an annual nothing a minish would not give to their neighbours in a time
celebration in their honour. The tradition of the Picori of need.
Festival continued, but over the generations, the Picori The minish are particularly well-known for their
themselves passed into legend. willingness to include virtually anyone in social or familial
The legend of the Picori tells of a mystic doorway that groups. In minish culture, it is customary to always offer
opens just once every hundred years. When the door is open, your seat at a table to guests. This is seen as the basis of a
the Picori can cross from their world into Hyrule. popular and hilarious children’s story about a meal growing
— The Legend of the Picori, Minish Cap too cold to eat as the minish continually give up their seats
to late arrivals at a party.
The comforts of home are the goals of most minish lives: a
While others might look down on minish for their common
place to settle in peace and quiet, far from marauding
ways, the minish have excellent interpersonal skills. They are
monsters and clashing armies; a blazing fire and a generous
insightful and empathetic, easily moved to pity and hate to
meal; fine drink and fine conversation. Though some minish
see any living thing suffer. This is not to the point of being
live out their days in remote agricultural communities, others
socially exploitable. The minish have an ear for the truth,
form nomadic bands that travel constantly, lured by the open
and are often capable of rooting out lies and dishonesty.
road and the wide horizon to discover the wonders of new
They can display remarkable ferocity when their friends,
lands and peoples. But even these wanderers love peace,
families, or communities are threatened.
food, hearth, and home, though home might be a waggon
Minish value privacy, but true isolation from friends,
jostling along a dirt road or a raft floating downriver.
families, or loved ones is considered to be the worst possible
fate a minish could suffer.
S m a l l Fo l k
Minish are a varied folk. They are proud of their Pa s t o r a l P l e a s a n t r i e s
appearances but not to the point of vanity. Maintaining good
The minish commonly dwell in small, familial communities
grooming is akin to keeping a knife sharp and shows a level
as opposed to the grand cities of other races. They rarely
of respect for oneself. They are small and mouse-like with
build kingdoms of their own or even hold much land beyond
tails nearly as long as their bodies that help them balance.
their quiet shires. They typically don’t recognise any sort of
Their tails lack hair and are instead covered in circular rows
minish nobility or royalty, instead looking to family elders to
of scales. In proportion to the rest of their body, a minish’s
guide them. Families preserve their traditional ways despite
legs are long and powerful.
the rise and fall of empires.
Minish fur ranges from light brown to black and in some
Seldom do they live alone. A minish home can contain
rare cases, pure white. Beneath the fur their skin tones are
several generations, including extended family and cousins
light, usually tan or pale with a ruddy cast. It's common for a
living together under one roof. Minish have a strong sense of
minish to have patches of red or pink fur on their cheeks,
family and like to surround themselves with good company
like spots of rouge. Their ears are large, tapered, and nearly
wherever they rest.
hairless and their noses slightly pointed and usually pink.
Minish practicality extends to most aspects of life. They’re
Their eyes are small and nearly entirely black.
concerned with basic needs and simple pleasures and have
They usually grow up to three inches tall.
little use for ostentation. Even the wealthiest
Yes, minish are the smallest inhabitants of Hyrule, dwarfed
by nearly every kind of creature they encounter. While they
are quick and nimble, they are not very strong or powerful M in is h Po rt als
on their own.
These Portals allow the minish to assume a size
Minish are tiny, their villages hidden purely by their size.
comparable to the tall folk. With the assistance of
The tall folk are liable to walk past a minish village a a minish, the tall folk are able to reduce their own
thousand times and never know it was there. Those minish size. Only Minish Portals can be used to undo this
that endeavour to go out into the wider world, with the transformation and as with the process of
blessing of their village elder, use minish portal magic to shrinking, they require a minish to initiate the
increase their size proportionally till they stand at three to process. Those tall folk that have journeyed to
four feet tall. minish villages have sometimes found themselves
Adventuring allies can also use this magic in reverse to trapped in their reduced state after offending
visit a minish village at a proportionate size though they find those that allowed them entry.
the experience disconcerting.

of minish keep their treasures locked in a cellar rather than Adven t u r i ng Alli es
on display for all to see. They have a knack for finding the
most straightforward solution to a problem, and have little Minish cherish the bonds of family and friendship as well as
patience for dithering. the comforts of hearth and home, harbouring few dreams of
gold or glory. To the point where they are rarely seen at all,
let alone outside their safe havens.
Th e S e c r e t Wo r l d o f A r r i e t t y The adventurers among them usually venture into the
Minish on occasion may settle into a community of hylians, world for reasons of community, friendship, wanderlust, or
gorons, or even zora, making themselves valuable and at curiosity. They love discovering new things, even simple
home. Few communities are ever aware of them. The minish things, such as an exotic food or an unfamiliar style of
retain their tiny stature in these tall folk communities, clothing.
making their homes in attics or walls where no other folk For this reason, the adventuring minish can, on occasion,
would fit. The combination of their inherent stealth and their be found exploring the ancient ruins, dungeons, and temples
unassuming nature helps minish avoid unwanted attention. around Hyrule. They are extremely clever people, often
Minish that form these communities pay their dues to capable of outsmarting enemies or traps. Due to their small
those that house them. Many labourers may go to bed one size, they can generally avoid triggering traps altogether. If
night only to wake up finding that the work they left they find a lost soul in a dungeon they can usually be
unfinished has been completed. In this way, some tall folk counted on to provide them assistance should they
are aware of the minish in an ancillary way and may leave determine the traveller to have a good nature. Minish often
goods for them as thanks. It is rare, though not unheard of make invaluable adventuring allies.
for minish to live in tall folk communities at full size.
M i n i s h Id en t i t y
Th e M i n i s h a n d P i c o r i You can use the Minish Quirks table to determine a
Minish are kind and considerate creatures, known for their personality quirk for a minish character or to inspire a
joviality and charm. Being small and not particularly strong unique mannerism.
gives them a perspective that allows them to easily
empathise with others, though not all minish share this M in is h Qu irk s
compassionate outlook. d 8 Qui rk
For the minish did not always bear that name. In an age 1 I constantly talk about my garden back home. I am
long past, they called themselves the Picori. The Picori were very proud of it, and will look for any chance to bring it
a loving people who occupied the Elemental plane of earth, up.
Gravitas. To them the Light World was something of a
2 I never like to leave my home, unless I am on very
curiosity, a place they would travel to take in the wondrously important business.
foreign sights unlike anything on their native plane.
With these excursions came news that the mortals of that 3 I carry a walking stick wherever I go. If I lose it or it
other place were on the brink of ruin. As caring as they were, breaks, I will soon look for a fresh piece of wood to
whittle into another one.
the Picori swore to defend the people of Hyrule against the
druthildi hordes. And they did, both the Picori Blade which 4 I love to collect small beautiful rocks and gems. I have
sparkled with the Power to Repel Evil and the magic they a beautiful collection back home.
brought which granted access to Hyrule's divine Light Force 5 I love to tell stories with lessons at the end. If you get
were instrumental in winning the day. me around a campfire, I will tell stories until the sun
But they were betrayed. comes up.
The Unnamed King feared the Picori's power and so 6 I am excessively superstitious and constantly tell
under the guise of a banquet of victory, he subdued them and everyone what they should or shouldn't do and what
banished them to their homeland, sealing the planar border good or ill omens I see everywhere.
behind them. They were incensed, how could such a good
7 I enjoy talking about cooking. I know recipes for just
deed go so wrong. In their isolation many of the Picori grew
about everything. One of my greatest joys is finding
angry, responding to the dangers outside their community by and trying new recipes.
becoming insular and fearing all non-minish.
A century later when the seal upon their realm weakened, 8 I often talk about my great uncle who went on an
the Picori returned to the Material Plane with vengeance in
adventure once.
their hearts. They took advantage of the legends of their
people as benevolent givers to plant cursed magic items M i n i s h N ames
among the hyrulean population and watched the discord A minish person has a given name, a family name, and
spread. possibly a nickname. Family names are often nicknames that
Many were horrified at this behaviour and vowed to never stick so tenaciously they have been passed down through the
be associated with it, renaming themselves "Minish" to generations.
separate themselves from the malicious Picori. Some even
went so far as to craft gifts of wonder for the hyruleans in the Male Names 09: Belari, Chiruta, Ezlo, Festa, Festari,
hope of counteracting the curses they had been given by Gentari, Librari, Melari, Vaati
their brethren. Female Names 01: Jotari,
Family Names:

M ou n ta i n M i n i s h Tr a i t s Fo r e s t M i n i s h Tr a i t s
Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin) Lotusden Halfling

Mountain Picori are suffused with the magic of the As a Forest Minish, you have the following racial traits.
Elemental realm of earth. They can supernaturally Ability Score Increase. When determining your
camouflage themselves, and their magic renders them character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2
difficult to locate. These abilities have enabled them to and increase a different score by 1, or increase three
survive for generations among the perils of the earthen different scores by 1.
realm. Lifespan. A minish reaches adulthood at the age of 20
As a Mountain Picori, you have the following racial traits. and generally lives into the middle of their second century.
Ability Score Increase. When determining your Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 Size. Your size is Small. Minish average about 3 feet tall
and increase a different score by 1, or increase three and weigh about 40 pounds.
different scores by 1. Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Lifespan. Like other Picori, Mountain Picori can live for Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or
centuries, up to 500 years. saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid. You are roll.
also considered a gnome for any prerequisite or effect that Brave. You have advantage on saving throws you make to
requires you to be a gnome. avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself.
Size. You are Small. Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 Child of the Wood You know the druidcraft cantrip.
feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the entangle spell with this
were dim light. You discern colours in that darkness only as trait. Starting at 5th level, you can also cast the spike growth
shades of grey. spell with this trait. Once you cast entangle or spike growth
Gift of the Minish. Starting at 3rd level you can cast the with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you
disguise self spell with this trait. Starting at 5th level you can finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells
cast the nondetection spell with it, without requiring a using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
material component. Once you cast either of these spells Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
with this trait you can't cast the spell with it again until you ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait
finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using spell (choose when you select this race).
slots you have of the appropriate level. Timberwalk. Ability checks made to track you have
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting disadvantage, and you can move across difficult terrain made
ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait of nonmagical Plants and undergrowth without expending
(choose when you select this race). extra movement.
Minish Magic Resistance. You have advantage on Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against Common and one other language that you and your DM
spells. agree is appropriate for the character. Most minish know
Mountain Camouflage. When you make a Dexterity Faerish.
(Stealth) check, you can make the check with advantage. You
can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a
long rest.
Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language that you and your DM
agree is appropriate for the character.

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