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Group : 2

- Delsa Ardianti (A1C020001)

- Lucya Maharani Vevryothama (A1C020007)
- Weni Oktaviani (A1C020011)
- Selly Sindiyani (A1C020025)
- Epi Ratna Sari (A1C020049)
- Ovan Muhammad Ferdaus (A1C020057)
Class : VIA
Subject : Pembelajaran Matematika Berbahasa Inggris

Dictionary About Sets

Symbol In English In Indonesia Example & Speak
{} Sets Himpunan A = { 1,2,3,4 }
∪ Union Gabungan M∪N
Union of set M and set
∩ Intersection Irisan M∩N
Intersection of set M
and set N
⊆ Subset Himpunan bagian M⊆N
Set M is a subset of
and may be equal to
Set N
⊂ A proper subset of Himpunan bagian M⊂N
sejati Set M is a subset of
and may not be equal
to Set N
⊄ Not a subset Bukan himpunan M⊄N
bagian Set M is not a subset
of Set N
⊇ Superset Superset M⊇N
Set M contains or is
equal to Set N
⊃ Proper superset Superset sejati M⊃N
Set M contains Set N
⊅ Not a superset Bukan superset M⊅N
Set M is not a superset
of Set N
❑c Complement Komplemen Mc
Complement of the set
❑' Complement Komplemen M

Complement of the set

∈ Element Elemen x∈ M
x is an element of the
set M
∉ Not element of Bukan elemen x∉ M
x is not an element of
the set M
P() Power set Himpunan kuasa P( M )
|| Cardinality Kardinal himpunan |M |
¿ Such that Sedemikian [ x∨s( x )]
sehingga The class of all
objects x which satisfy
s of x
: Such that Sedemikian [ x : s(x )]
sehingga The class of all
objects x which satisfy
s of x
−¿ Difference Selisih M −N
Complement of set N
in set M
¿ Same sets Himpunan sama M =N
Set M is equal to Set
Equivalent sets Himpunan M N
ekuivalen Set M is equivalent to
Set N
Open interval Interval terbuka (a , b)
Closed interval Interval tertutup [a , b]
∀ For all Setiap
∃ There exists Terdapat
∴ Therefore Oleh karena itu

Macam-macam Himpunan
Symbol In English In Indonesia
∅ Empty set Himpunan kosong
U Universal set Himpunan Semesta
Finite set Himpunan terhingga
Infinite set Himpunan tak terhingga
Countable set Himpunan terhitung
Uncountable set Himpunan tak terhitung

Himpunan Bilangan
Symbol In English In Indonesia
N Natural numbers Himpunan bilangan asli
Z Integers Himpunan bilangan bulat
Q Rational numbers Himpunan bilangan rasional
A Algebraic numbers Himpunan bilangan aljabar
R Real numbers Himpunan bilangan riil
I Imaginary numbers Himpunan bilangan imajiner
C Complex numbers Himpunan bilangan kompleks

Diagram Himpunan
In English In Indonesia
Venn diagrams Diagram venn
Line diagrams Diagram garis
Cartess diagrams Diagram cartess

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