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William Carroll

Professor Monica
Narrative and Resume Response for Brittany Alvarado
January 30, 2023

Blake Bruin Response

After reading your email response for this individual, I instantly felt a connective and
easy-going energy. You had a nice formality within your response, however, it wasn’t to the
degree like you were talking to a professor. It had a nice balance of interest, respect, and
charisma that balanced the entire response and quickly conveyed your personality and intention
to the recipient. If I had to step into the shoes of the recipient and had no prior knowledge of who
you are now, I would get the sense that you were a chill and expressive person, ready to instigate
a good relationship with anyone that you may come across. Overall, I really enjoyed your
response to this individual. It definitely revealed, and affirmed, a lot of who you are and the state
of your personality. In comparison to my response to the same prompt, I think I should’ve had
this special balance of easy-goingness and formality that instantly conveyed a sense of
outgoingness and expressiveness.

Professor Gradesalot Response

I think it’s really interesting how your tone changed in comparison to your first response
with Blake Bruin. This email was very formal, very punctual, and was very straight to the point.
Although, it did have this sense of easy-goingness that was apparent within your first email.
From this response, it was interesting how I could pick up generalities about how you conduct
yourself with professors and what your learning qualities are. For instance, you stated in the
latter half of the response that you were a visual learner. Additionally, you also state that you
concentrate your work throughout the later hours of the day; pulling from your response with
Blake Bruin. Essentially, within your responses from Blake Bruin and Professor Gradesalot, I
can tell that you are a very outgoing individual, who prefers hands-on visuals to aid their
learning, and who prefers to concentrate their work towards the later hours of the night to
efficiently work with your schedule.

Dr. Payroll Response

Something that I would like to note is that this document is organized by formality. This,
I felt like, was your most formal response. It was straight to the point, like your last response
with Professor Gradesalot, and it was engrossed with information. There wasn’t a dead sentence
or anything that could’ve been conveyed with a shorter amount of words. All of your information
was there and present. Additionally, there was a lot of personality presented within your
response. I could still feel this sense of personability that I felt within your first response with
Blake Bruin, however, you just changed the formality of it to better go with the situational
context of this email. I’ve also really enjoyed the sympathetic side of this response. It was
William Carroll
Professor Monica
Narrative and Resume Response for Brittany Alvarado
January 30, 2023

apparent that you were eager to learn through the opportunities that Dr. Payroll was offering, and
you didn’t come off as too demanding or anything of that sort.


I would first like to say that I absolutely enjoyed the organization of your resume, it was
very easy to read and all of the information was categorized and demarcated by color. The
typeface that you used is very punctual and adds to the legibility of your entire document. It’s
apparent that you possess a lot of relevant skills within the profession you're about to go into and
portray them punctually within your skills section. If you have room within your education
section, I would like to see how that education is equipping you skills that will be beneficial to
the workplace. Essentially, I would like to see a description below your listed education.
Additionally, I believe that we’re simply obtaining a B. Arch, therefore, it wouldn’t be
considered a “Bachelor of Arts”. I personally love your personal summary, it’s very punctual
and highlights your strengths very well. I love that each sentence starts with a commanding word
like “dedicated” and “motivated”. You definitely utilized your “Non-Work related experience”
very well and listed a variety of experiences. A change I would suggest making though is
categorizing them by date or by strength to add a sense of flow to that category. Overall, I really
enjoyed reading your resume. I feel like it accurately portrays who you are as an emerging
professional and I will definitely edit my short bio within my resume to make it sound more

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