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1.The quality that I have that I am most proud of is my great sense of humor.

Despite all the challenges that I go through I

always don't forget to make someone smile even if it costs me being laughed at and sometimes it makes me happy too.

2. For me ,kindness is the most important value. There is a saying that “Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are
all alone in this world.” “Kindness is seeing the best in others when they cannot see it in themselves.” “Kindness is
something anyone can give without losing anything themselves.” “Kindness is not what you do, but who you are.” Kindness
can help me deal with my life challenges this is because it allows me to pay less attention to myself and my problems. The
moment I focus on doing good to others, enables ME to get a break from my own problems.

3. My family motivates me. All of their sacrifices for my support are something I will remember for the rest of my life. The
unconditional affection that they showed me will drive my ambition to become a PNPA Cadet in the near future so that I
can encourage others to obey the law.

4. Love isn't all about sparks and happiness. It involves sadness, sacrifices and more. Love is when you're by someone's side
no matter how thin or thick the life is. You have each other's side throughout the journey and will understand and support
each other. Helping and accompany. Love has only four letters yet it's complicated to describe.

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