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POOCH – Risk and Decision Making

Problem Options – Work through Outcomes – What are the Choice – Identify the nest How to minimise risk
all the possible options possible outcomes of each choice to minimise the What other actions
option, are they positive risk could be taken to
or negative? minimise the risk? E.g
talk to a trusted adult

What is the problem? 1. She could say she has She misses out on the She should stay away 1. Talk to a trusted
 To go to the party and another commitment party and feels sad from the party because it adult
participate in the risky if she doesn’t feel She finds something else is easy to be peer
activities or to stay comfortable to go to to do which makes her pressured and find
home. the party happy something else to do.
She isn’t invited to the
party next time 2. Find other friends
Everyone respect her hang out with
Identify the risks: decision and leave her instead of going to
 Peer pressured into alone the party
illegal activities which 5. If she chooses to go to People are mean to her
she does not want to the party she can because they think that
do refrain from she is lame
 Turning into someone participating in the She is safe and stays away
she doesn’t want to illegal activities from doing something she
3. Stay away from the
be will regret
drugs and vapes at
She finds other people to the party
connect to at the party
She feels left out
9. Find other people at She makes new friends
What decisions need to the party to hang out who make her feel safe
be made: with who won’t and comfortable
POOCH – Risk and Decision Making

 Whether or not she pressure her into the She has a good time at the
goes to the party drugs etc party
 If she decides to go to She is distracted so she
the party will she will stay away from the
participate in the drugs and vapes
drugs She stays sober so she can
help out if needed
13.Consult her parents She can take a moment to
about what she think before making the
should do decision
Her parents will know
where she is so they can
help out if necessary
She won’t need to hide
information from her
She can hear what her
parents would think is the
best decision

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