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First Voyage around the world

Antonio Pigafetta

Antonio Pigafetta

● He is also known as Antonio Lombardo or Francisco Antonio Pigafetta

● He studied geography, astronomy and cartography
● Famous traveler, Italian scholar and explorer from the republic of Venice,
● He joined the expedition to the Spice Islands led by explorer Ferdinand

Summary of Content and Context Analysis

● The author of the journal penned it from memory or experience during

Ferdinand Magellan's expedition to the world, particularly in the islands of the
● The primary source is a narrative account of the events that happened
● His work "Report on the First Voyage around the World" includes the earliest
documents available on the language and culture of the islands of Samar and
● It includes vivid depictions of the lives and civilizations of the pre-colonized
Filipinos, including their food, wealth of natural resourcess, appearance, way
of life, and religion. It simply serves as proof that civilizations and political
structures existed long before they arrived in the Philippines.
● Some of the natives were converted to Christianity by Magellan and his crew.
They also were also in command of celebrating the first Mass in the Philippine

First Voyage around the world (summary)

Ferdinand Magellan

● He moved to Spain after his request to explore the world got denied.
● He was the commander of the first ship to sail around the world
● He led the Magellan Expedition

PROPOSITION: To go to the East Using West

● In September 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain in an effort to find a
western sea route to the rich Spice Islands of Indonesia. In command
of five ships ( Trinidad, San Antonio, Conception, Victoria and
Santiago) and 270 men

● On October 21, 1520 after wandering for about a year in south

america he finally discovered the strait he had been seeking which is
now called Strait of Magellan(38 days to cross) (until he went to pacific
ocean/mar pacifico-peaceful sea. - Ferdinand Magellan named the
pacific ocean The strait is considered the most important natural
passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Upon reaching the
pacific they only had 2 ships the first one got broken and the other go
back to spain )-- they only have 3 boats left
● On March 6 1521 he landed on Guam and an unfortunate event
happened. ( ninakawan sila and in return sinunog nila yung bahay ng
mga natives and umalis sila and they call that island as ladrones
island , As they moved away from that place in which they called Island
of ladrones or island of thieves and on(ten days)

● March 16 1521 he reached the philippine archipelago and they

passed by the long island of zamal (samar) and spotted a new island
named Homonhon where they decided to rest. Days later a boat
approached them bearing the inhabitants.. He met Rajah humabon and

● March 31 1521 - On March 31, 1521, Easter Sunday, the Philippines

held its first known Catholic Mass.along the coast of the area known as
"Mazaua" or what we called limasawa

● in Antonio Pigafetta's Document (he agreed to be a catholic together

with other natives and serve under the flag of spain in wish to compete
with Lapu-Lapu, raja of mactan,Chieftain and ruler of Mactan in the
Visayas region of the Philippines).
● Magellan promised to deal with lapu lapu and convince the king of
spain. Magellan ask lapu lapu to be part of the colonization and
conquest that is happening during that time in the philippines)
Lapu lapu refused and when magellan found out that, this triggered
and angered him and this was the beginning of the
Battle of Mactan
● April 27 1521, Magellan brought 49 men to fight with the group of lapu
lapu..while lapu lapu had 1500 natives with him. Magellan thinks that if
he burns the native’s house they will get scared and will run but they
get shocked when the natives get angry and kill their people,
apparently during that Magellan got hit by the poisonous arrow and left
to die by his retreating. At the end of the voyage, Antonio Pigafetta the
author of the book was on the ship Victoria which is the only ship that
able to return in spain upon arrival in the europe, pigafetta presented
the copies of his account to several high personages, apparently his
original diary was lost and it is not know in what language it was written
but survives 4 manuscript1 in italian and 3 in french

Examination of the author's point of view and argument

● The First Voyage Around the World is according to Antonio Pigafetta Point of
● His book entitled The First Voyage Around the World is a personal diary. (It
contains Pigafetta’s knowledge of the natural world and lets the readers
experience his impression when he was able to locate valuable natural
resources and spices that were available when he first got to the Philippines.)
● Aside from telling the story of their adventure with Ferdinand Magellan, the
main point of view of his book is for this book to serve as a travelogue that
people get to read and feel (as if they are the one who were exploring the
Philippines for the first time, their encounter with the Filipinos as the local
leaders back then, the death of Magellan because of losing the battle
between him and the Lapu-Lapu’s forces, and many more ever since they
discovered that this country is full of spices that they could use for selling and
for trade and barter in the market.)
● In the most important note, this book serves not only as a travelogue but most
especially, this serves as a reference and the most notable and most
important primary source available to use for studying the pre-colonial era in
the Philippines.
● In this case, personal documents as a primary source of information is the
most reliable and credible source when it comes to fact-checking and most
especially, when spreading one of the most remarkable and historical events
of a country, particularly when Spaniards directly colonized the Philippines
after their discovery that our country is rich for food spices and other natural

● A primary source account assisted and helped in understanding and giving a

glimpse how early Filipinos lived
● We were able to understand how Filipinos engaged with Magellan and his
crew after they arrived in the Philippines
● We learn the earliest religion practiced by Filipinos as well as the history of
how Catholicism spread throughout our country.
● Contains the first vocabulary of Visayan words ever presented by a European
● The only known record or document about Lapu-Lapu’s life. (The report of
Antonio Pigafetta is the only primary source that has been found that
specifically mentions him.)
● It highlights the natives' friendliness and compassion toward the expedition
team. (After all, if the inhabitants of Homonhon Island had not provided the
Europeans with food and water, and if the ships' supplies had not been refilled
from local sources, there might not have been a circumnavigation).
● This book assists today's researchers and students in
comprehending the context of the Magellan expedition.

(3 G)


By: Juan de Plasencia

Historical Context
⮚ During the first century of Spanish rule, the colonial government had difficulty
in running local politics because of the limited number of Spaniards who
wanted to live outside of Intramuros.
⮚ This situation forces Spanish officials to allow Filipinos to hold the position of
● Gobernadorcillo- A municipal judge who was in charged or
responsible for leadership, economic, and judicial administration in a
⮚ To ensure that the gobernadorcillos would remain loyal to the Crown, the
friars assigned in the parishes were instructed to supervise and monitor the
activities of the former.
⮚ Hence, the friars ended up performing the administrative duties that colonial
officials should have been doing at the local level.
● Supervised the election of the local executives
● Helped in the collection of taxes
● Involved in educating the youth
● Performed other civic duties
⮚ The friars became the most knowledgeable and influential figure in the
● Pueblo- Spanish word for “town” or “village”.
- Comes from the Latin root word populus meaning “people”.
⮚ The friars who were assigned in mission territories were required to inform
their superiors so they prepared report about the number of natives they
converted, the people’s way of life, their socio-economic situation, and the
problems they encountered.
⮚ They also shared their personal observations and experiences. Plasencia’s
Relacion de las Costumbres de los Tagalogs (Customs of the Tagalogs,
1589) is an example of this kind of work.
● Contains numerous information that historian could use in
reconstructing the political and socio-cultural history of the Tagalog
● His work is a primary source because he personally witnessed the
events and his account contained his observations.
⮚ Other friars and colonial officials who also wrote about the Filipinos during the
early part of the Spanish period.
● Miguel de Loarca – an encomendero of Panay wrote his Relacion de
las Islas Filipinas (1582) and described the Filipinos’ way of life in the
Western Visayas area.
● Lieutenant Governor Antonio de Morga – wrote Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas which provides information about the state of the Philippines in
the latter part of the 16th century.
● Other Spanish Missionaries
- Fr. Pedro Chirino S.J. (Relacion de las Islas Filipinas, (1604))
- Fr. Juan Delgado S.J. (Historia General (1751))
- Fr. Francisco Colin S.J. (Labor Evangelica (1663))
- Fr. Francisco Ignacio Alcina S.J. (Historia natural del sitio,
fertilidad y calidad de las Islas e Indios de Bisayas (1668))
⮚ Most of what we know about Philippine history during the first century of the
Spanish period were derived from the accounts of the Spanish Friars.

About the Author

⮚ Juan de Plasencia
● Born to the illustrious family of the Portocarreros in Plasencia in the region
of Extremadura, Spain in the early 16th century.
● Real name is Juan de Portocarrero.
● Illustrious- well-known, respected because of past achievements
● Grew up during the period of Siglo de Oro or Golden Age when arts and
literature flourished in many parts of Spain.
● He wrote Doctrina Cristiana- unang libro na nailimbag sa Pilipinas
● Member of the Fransican Order who came together with the first batch of
missioners to the Philippines in 1578.
● Juan and Fray Diego de Orpesa were assigned to do mission in works in
the Southern Tagalog area.
● He helped in the foundation and organizations of numerous towns in
Quezon, Laguna, Rizal and Bulacan.
● Unang pari ng Pila, Laguna
● His pledge, leading a lifestyle devoid of any luxury and in constant contact
with the people he was trying to convert to Christianity.
● His continuous interaction with the people he converted to Christianity
engaged him to write Custom of Tagalogs (1589), where he vividly
described the political, social, economic, and cultural practices of the
Filipinos before they were Christianized.
● His biggest challenge at the time was how to make the articles of faith
comprehensible to people who have never heard of Christ or the Catholic
● Juan de Plasencia died in Liliw, Laguna in 1590.
Excerpts from Customs of the Tagalogs
● The chiefs who governed them were captains in their wars, and whom they
obeyed and reverenced.
● Chiefs ruled over a few people; sometimes as many as a hundred houses, or
even less than thirty.
● Tribal gathering is called in tagalog a “barangay” and they are the leaders of
● Datus who correspond to our knights.
Three Castes:
⮚ Noble/Maharlika
● Freeborn or they call free people.
● They do not pay tax or tribute to the datu.
● Must accompany the datu in war.
● They can also be called protectors of the community.

⮚ Commoners/Aliping Namamahay
● They can be married.
● Serve their master whether he be a datu or not.
● Live in their own houses and lords their property and gold.
● Cannot be made slaves (sa guguilid) nor can either parents or children be

● Serve their master in his house and his cultivated lands and may be sold.
● They cannot be married
Difference Between the Aliping Namamahay and Aliping sa Guiguilid
⮚ Aliping Namamahay are not slaves while Aliping sa Guguilid are slaves that
can be sold.
⮚ Of these two kinds of slaves the sa Guigilar could be sold but not the
Namamahay and their children nor they are transferred however they could
be transferred from barangay, provided they remain in the same village.
⮚ Commoners can’t be treated as commodities but they have the freedom to
live an ordinary life.

⮚ If two persons married, of whom one was a maharlica and the other a slave
(namamahay or sa guiguilir) the children were divided. Odd birth order
(1st,3rd,5th) belongs to the father. Even the birth order (2nd, 4th, 6th) belongs
to the mother. Only child half free, half slave.
⮚ Made of wood,bamboo and nipa palms.
⮚ Nipa huts were the native houses of the indigenous people of the Philippines
before the Spaniards arrived.
⮚ They were designed to endure the climate and environment of the Philippines.
⮚ These structures were temporary, made from plant materials like bamboo.
⮚ The accessibility of the materials made it easier to rebuild nipa huts when
damaged from a storm or earthquake.
⮚ Male
● Headgear is called Putong (symbolizes the number of persons the wearer
had killed) which also tells the social status/ achievement of the individual
wearing it.
● Jacket with short sleeves called Kanggan (upper) the color of the kanggan
indicates rank (red - for the chief and black or blue - for the commoners)
● Bahag (lower)(loincloth)
⮚ Female
● Baro or Camisa jacket with sleeves (upper)
● Saya or patadyong a long skirt(lower)
● Some women wore additional pieces of red or white cloth on top of their
skirt or wrapped around the waist called tapis.
⮚ A decorative object or detail that adds quality or distinction to a person, place,
or thing.
⮚ Usually used by the people belonging to the upper class or royal families it
can be either man and women wore ornaments to look attractive.
⮚ Wear kalumbiga, are the pendants, bracelets, armlets, rings and leglets also
these ornaments were made of gold.
⮚ Some of them wore gold fillings between the teeth.
⮚ Also, pintados was practiced before, the early Filipinos adorned their bodies
and faces with tattoos. were also fashionable for some pre-colonial Filipinos,
they also exhibit a man’s war record by putting tattoos on body and now it’s
familiar with the term “mambabatok”.
⮚ Unit of government called barangay
⮚ Ruled by the chieftain or Datu.
⮚ Chiefs ruled over few people sometimes as many as hundreds and
sometimes even less 30 to 100 families together with their relatives and
⮚ Tribal gathering is called in Tagalog a barangay.
⮚ Datu was assigned to collect the taxes to all the properties and his the one
who was assigned to sell land in their community.
⮚ That is why datu has a big responsibility in community
⮚ They are the one who decide the punishments for all the people who did
some crime events in their community.

⮚ Datu implements laws
⮚ The Datu’s executive function includes implementing laws, ensuring order and
giving protection to his people.
⮚ Court consisting of Datu and council of elders.
⮚ Disputes between individuals were settled by court.

⮚ The first son of the Datu inherits the position.
⮚ If there is no male heirs the eldest daughter becomes the chieftain or Datu.

⮚ A person become a slave by:
● Captivity in war
● Reason of debt
● Inheritance
● Purchase
● Committing a crime
⮚ Pagbabayarin ka pag di nakapagbayad magiging alipin din.

⮚ Slaves can be emancipated through:

● Forgiveness
● Paying debt
● Condonation
● Bravery
● Marriage


⮚ Men were general monogamous.

⮚ Wife called Asawa.
⮚ Courtship begins with Paninilbihan
⮚ Prior to marriage the man requires to give dowry:
● Bigay-kaya – a piece of land or gold.
● Panghihimuyat- a gift for the bride’s parents.
● Bigay-suso- groom had to compensate the mother of the bride.
⮚ If the parents of the bride were both alive they would enjoy the dowries.
⮚ At their death, provided the dowry has not been consumed, it is divided like
the rest of the state, equally among the children.
⮚ If the wife, at the time of her marriage, has neither father, mother, nor
grandparents, she enjoys her dowry.
⮚ Unmarried women cannot own any property, for the result of all their labors
accrues to their parents.
⮚ Several grounds of divorce are:
● Adultery
● Abandonment on the part of the husband
● Cruelty
● Insanity
⮚ If the wife left the husband before the birth of the children to marry another
man, all her dowry and an equal additional amount fell to the husband.
⮚ If the wife left the husband before the birth of the children but didn’t marry
another man, the dowry was returned.
⮚ When the husband left his wife he lost half of his dowry.
⮚ If he possessed children at the time of his divorce, the whole dowry and the
fine went to the children, and was held for them by their grandparents or other
responsible relatives.
⮚ Marriage between couples belonging to lower classes were not common.

⮚ Pandot
● Term used for worship
Place of Worship
⮚ The place of worship was called “temple”
⮚ Since there are no temples consecrated for the performance of these rights, it
is usually held in a large house of a chief.
⮚ Sibi- A temporary shed on each side of the house to shelter the gathered
⮚ Sorihile- small lamps on the posts of the house.
- They worshipped this god specially.
- He was said to be the “all powerful” and “maker of all things.”
- They worship the sun for its beauty
• They worship the moon especially when it’s new.
• - they held rejoicing and adoring it and bid welcome.
• They also worship the stars, especially the morning star which they called
Seven Little Goats (The Pleiades) (star constellation)
• God of Seasons
● Greater Bear (star constellation)

⮚ Lic-ha - Were images with different shapes
⮚ Little Trifles - which they adored like the Romans, some particular dead man
who was brave in war.
⮚ Dian Masalanta - the patron of lovers and of generation.
⮚ Lacapati and Idianale - patrons of cultivated lands and of husbandry.
- Husbandry- the activity of raising plants or animals
for foods
⮚ Buaya (crocodiles) - throwing offerings into the water, or placing it upon the
⮚ Sidarapa - God of Death
⮚ Agni - God of Fire
⮚ Barangaw - God of Rainbow
⮚ Mandarangan - God of War
⮚ Lalahon - Goddess of Fire and harvest
⮚ Siginarugan - God of Hell

Tagalog Omens
⮚ They believed that rats, snakes, the bird (tigmamanugin) – good and bad
omen dipende sa kanta
⮚ or if they pass by someone who sneezed they think of this as a bad omen and
that they should go back home for evil will befall them if they continue their
⮚ Divination- to see whether weapons, such us dagger or knife were useful and
lucky for the possessor.

⮚ In the case of young girls who had their first monthly period, their eyes were
blindfolded four days and four nights; and, in the meantime, the friends and
relatives were all invited to partake of food and drink. At the end of this period
the catolonan took the young girl to the water, bathed her and washed her
head and remove the blindfold from her eyes.

Manner of Burying the Dead

⮚ Pag hindi ka datu, ililibing lang yung katawan mo sa tabi ng iyong bahay.
⮚ Datu naman mas espesyal kase bago siya ilibing paglalamayan muna siya for
4 days. And after that ilalagay siya sa isang bangka na magsisilbing kabaong
or ataul.
⮚ nililibing sila sa ibaba ng isang maliit na bahay o kaya naman ay silong na
ginawa para talaga sa kanila. Where guard was kept over him by a slave.
⮚ Warrior pag naman warrior yung namatay, ang nangyayari is may isang alipin
na kinukuha tapos igagapos sa katawan nila sa namayapa nang warrior
hanggang sa mamatay na rin na yung alipin.

⮚ Maca- “paradise”, “village of rest”.

⮚ Casanaan- “place of anguish”, dwelt the demons whom they called sitan.

⮚ The natives have no established division of years or months, instead they
base time or season on their cultivation of soil, counting the moons, or the
different produce of trees and flowers. These help them make up a year.
⮚ The winter and summer are distinguished as sun-time and water-time.

⮚ Their manner of offering sacrifice was to proclaim a feast and they also offer
food to the devil.
⮚ They did those in front of the idol and they put fragrant perfumes like musk,
civet, or gum of the storax-tree and other odoriferous woods.
⮚ They praise their idols by singing poetic songs sung by the officiating priest,
male or female, who is called catalonan. The participants also response to the
song because they need or want something.
⮚ Some idolatries need to wrap a good place of cloth to the idol and over it was
a chain or large gold ring.
⮚ Objects of sacrifice: goats, fowls, and swine
⮚ Purpose of offerings:
● Healing of the sick
● Prosperous voyage of those embarking on the sea
● A good harvest
● Propitious result in wars
● Successful child birth
● Happy outcome of married life
⮚ Festivities last 30 days

⮚ Agriculture in the plane lands: planting of rice, corn, banana, coconut,
sugarcanes, and other kinds of fruits and vegetables.
⮚ Hunting animals in the high lands
⮚ Fishing in the river banks and seas
⮚ They also did shipbuilding, weaving, poultry, mining, and lumbering.
⮚ Domestic trading by boats
⮚ Foreign trading in the country of China, Japan, Cambodia, Indonesia, and
⮚ Major Languages: Tagalog, Ilocano, Pangasinan, Pangpangan,
Sugbuhanon, Hiligaynon, Magindanaw, Samarnon
⮚ Originated from Malayo-Polenisian Language
⮚ Alphabets consisting 3 vowels and 14 consonants called Baybayin
⮚ They used tap of trees as ink and pointed stick as pencil.
⮚ They wrote on large plant leaves, bark of trees or bamboo tubes.

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