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The Competent Authrority cum Special Land Acquisition Officer,

Jeeypore NH By-PassProject ,Koraput:

Sub: Acquisition of private land for construction of Jeypore NH-26 By-Pass project
at village Jeypore in the district of Koraput.


I am to bnrin g to your kind noltice that the National High Way-26 By-Pass
project is going to be constructed and land acquisition proceedings have been
started for acquisition of land in different villages of Jeypore Tahsil. In this
connection I beg to submit that I have purchased land to an extent of Ac.0.082
from Khata No.263/5175 Plot Nos 558/9514 vide document No 1117150 and
the same has been mutated in my name vide Khata No.263/6961 of Jeypore

Unfortunately the land acquisition award has been passed in favour of the ex-
recorded tenant Sri Anand Kumar Patwania of Jeypore. I am submitting here
withg the detailed documents in support of my claime for passing the award and
payment of Compensation for which I shall ever remain grateful.

Yours faithfully,

19th January 2023.

( V.Srinivas Rao )


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