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Infrared Focal Plane Array Technology


Invited Paper

lnfrareclfiml plane arrays (IRFPA 'si are a criricul coinponcwt iieeded
for adt.ciiicerl infrared imaging s ~ s t e m s . Major udtzriices in infrared
detectors cind inicroelectroriics have led to the development of lurgr oreu
arrays of detectors fabricated usitig intrgruted cirwit techniques.
Requireineiits for IRFPA 's lire di.scussetl and an oi,ert?eil,i.! g i t m ofclf-
ferent IRFPA architectures. Trudirionnll~,IRFPA '.T were rither hybrid or
nionolithic architec.tures, but innot,crtiorisin epirccriul groir~thof thin jilnis
noio alloiv a nuinbcr of useful i.ariarions.
Iinportunr IR detector structures are reifeicwi including phorocniiduc-
such as vidicons and plumbicons. Silicon CCD imaging devices
operating in the visible spectrum have been intensively developed
over the past 20 years and advances in VLSI technology have
made feasible 600 x 600 pixel arrays for commercial applica-
tions [I]. Specialized scientific CCD image sensors of 2048 X
2048 are currently being fabricated and even larger arrays being
planned [ 2 ] . Throughout this period parallel efforts in the infrared
(MIS), cind Schorrliy
t i i v , photovoltnic, inc~tal~iiisulator-seinic~~ii~luct~~r community have employed similar techniques to obtain infrared
barrier. Infrared detector inaterials and reluted c.ry.stal gro>vth re& focal plane arrays (IRFPA's) which are integrated two-dimen-
niques are also discussed. I n all cusc.s the enip/icisi.\ is on applic~ubilit~ to sional arrays of detectors on the focal plane with multiplexed
IRFPA clesigns and performance. An iinportont ospecr of h!brid array.,

is the coupling of the detector t o the reudour circuitn. This is u(ro~?i-

plisked through an input circuit-three c.xartip1e.c are discussed, iianielx There are several major differences between visible CCD imag-
direct injection, buffued direr/ injection, and gute modulation. ing devices and IRFPA's. First, visible CCD's have been devel-
A riirrnber of readout techniques tiut7e been dei,eloped to rtiulripler the oped using silicon as both the detector and multiplexer. High sen-
signal and reduce the nurnber of signal leads Iea1irig the array. An oi'cr- sitivity IRFPA applications, operating in the 3-5 and 8-12 pm
viebt, is given of several readout techniques, includiiig the CCD. MOSFET
switch. CID, and CIM. Also discussed (ire related on-chip .tignu1 pro- atmospheric transmission bands, require detectors with nominal
cessirig topics as )vel1 as ynesrions regarding producibilitx crncl crrrux bandgaps of 0.25 to 0.1 eV. Therefore, IRFPA's have typically
imipler~ieritatiori. been fabricated with narrow bandgap semiconductor detectors and
silicon multiplexers. This has resulted in very challenging inter-
connect and materials problems. Secondly, the infrared image of
a typical terrestrial infrared scene has very low contrast (unlike
The discovery of infrared radiation occurred in 1800 when Sir the visible) and has a very high background pedestal which is
William Herschel essentially repeated Newton's famouh prism fundamentally limiting in terms of photon noise. As a result of
experiment and detected heat in the region just above the visible the small bandgap and the need to obtain the lowest level of elec-
spectrum. The Planck radiation formula was derived in 1900 and tronic noise possible to approach the photon noise limit, it is nec-
quantitatively predicted the amount of energy radiated from a essary to cryogenically cool the IRFPA. Therefore, any IRFPA
blackbody as a function of temperature and wavelength. The years device must address additional questions conceming electronic
preceding and during World War I1 saw the origins of modem design of low temperature high performance analog circuits [3].
infrared imaging technology. IRFPA system configurations must also address questions of
During the 1950's and 1960's infrared sensors were built using mechanical packaging and electrical integrity in dewars with cry-
single element cooled lead salt detectors primarily for anti-air ogenic cooler interfaces.
missile seekers. At the same time, rapid advances were being There are a number of IRFPA detector configurations possible.
made in narrow bandgap semiconductors that would later prove These are compared with some conventional discrete infrared
useful in extending wavelength capabilities and improving sen- detector configurations as shown in Fig. 1. Two major advantages
sitivity. These developments paved the way for the highly suc- of IRFPA's are immediately obvious. First, they provide an eco-
cessful forward-looking infrared (FLIR) airbome systems devel- nomical method for high density packing of detectors. Second,
oped in the 1970's. they allow signal processing to take place on the focal plane. Both
In 1970, the charge-coupled device (CCD) was invented and of these advantages permit design tradeoffs of system parameters
was immediately recognized as a means of obtaining a solid state such as smaller optical apertures, reduced spectral bandwidths,
imaging system that could replace vacuum tube imaging devices and faster frame rates. Furthennore, other advantages are obtained
in terms of eliminating much of the conventional processing cir-
cuitry required in current systems (primarily involving preampli-
Manuscript received April 5 , 1990; revised October 9, 1990
The authors are with the Naval Research Laboratory. Washington, DC fiers and multiplexers attached to discrete detectors) and reducing
IEEE Log Number 9041045.

the number of signal leads through the dewar. When the multi-
plexing function is performed within the dewar, the overall sys-

0018-9219/91/0100-00b6$0l 00 L 1991 IEEE



(a) (b)


. .... ........

Fig. 1. Comparison of conventional discrete detector configu- Fig. 3. Development milestones in IR imaging device technol-
rations versus IRFPA's. (a) Single element detector with dedi-
cated preamp performing a sequence of horizontal scans. (b) Mul- ogy'
tiple detectors, each with a dedicated preamp performing a parallel
scan. (c) Linear array with CCD multiplexer and preamp perforn-
discussed in Section 111. The interface between the detector and
ing parallel scan. (d) TDI array with multiplexer and preamp per-
forming parallel scan. (Horizontal delay devices not shown.) (e) readout mechanism and the different types of readout mechanisms
Staring detector array. (Horizontal and vertical charge transfer will be discussed in Sections IV and V . Because of the current
devices not shown.) advances in microelectronic design rules, increasingly sophisti-
cated signal processing functions can now be incorporated onto
tem design becomes much simpler than one involving discrete
the focal plane and are reviewed in Section
detectors and associated components.

High density detector configurations lead to higher image res- 11. THE FOCALPLANEARRAYCONCEPT
olution as well as greater system sensitivity. This will be dis- The objective of focal plane array technology is to satisfy the
cussed in Section I1 which gives an overview of the focal plane

requirement for very large detector arrays by means of the IC
array concept. The trend toward higher numbers of detectors per approach. The invention and development of the CCD [SI was
chip is shown in Fig. 2 where the exponential rate of growth for the technological breakthrough that initially made this possible.
By the mid-1970's a number of concepts for IR CCD's had been
explored [6]. It is important to keep in mind that prior to the
CCD, the only altemative for large arrays was to configure each

detector connected to a single wire (and probably an individual
t, preamplifier) which would all need to be packaged in a small

dewar. For a large number of detectors this would obviously cre-
ate an unmanageable maze of wires and processing electronics
and require an unacceptably large cooler.

A. Specific Advantages of IRFPA 's

As mentioned in Section I, the advent of IRFPA's has brought
about many new possibilities for IR systems with increased sen-
'72 '76 '80 '84 '88 '92 sitivity and spatial resolution. Aside from these immediate ben-
YEAR OF INTROOUCTION efits, a number of other important advantages are accrued in terms
Fig. 2. Trends in staring IRFPA development in terms of the of simplicity, reliability, and reduced costs. Just as IC technology
number of pixels per chip compared to the number of DRAM chips has revolutionized many areas of electronics, the fabrication of
bits per chip. detector arrays and multiplexers using IC techniques has the
potential to dramatically reduce IR system complexity and costs.
several types of arrays (PtSi, InSb, and HgCdTe) is compared A few years ago, high quality single element detectors often were
against the evolution of dynamic RAM IC's which have had a priced over $2000, but now, some current IRFPA production costs
doubling rate of approximately 18 months. IRFPA's have nomi- are less than $1 per detector and even greater reductions are
nally the same growth rate but lag behind in size by about 5-10 expected in the future. Multiplexing on the focal plane also greatly
years. Large area PtSi IRFPA's have been fabricated as part of reduces the number of signal leads through the dewar. When the
standard silicon processes and completely operational IRFPA's multiplexing function is performed within the dewar, the overall
have been produced with 5 12 X 5 12 detectors [4] and even larger system design also becomes much simpler: packaging can be
anays of 1024 X 1024 are expected by 1991. HgCdTe and InSb miniaturized and the FPA and dewar treated as separate modules
IRFPA's are currently being fabricated at the size of 256 x 256. thus reducing system costs and improving maintainability and
Although the development of IRFPA's using IC techniques reliability.
began only about 15 years ago, a great deal of progress has been
B. Overview of Focal Plane Array Architectures
made, especially in terms of applying new material growth tech-
niques and microelectronic innovations as shown in Fig. 3. The A wide variety of architectures have been used in the devel-
detector structures, materials and new growth techniques will be opment of FPA's as shown in Fig. 4. In the past, these approaches








zyxwvutsr (d) (e)
Fig. 4. IRFPA architectures. For hybrid arrays: (a) flip-chip; (b) Z-technology. For pseudo-
monolithic arrays: (c) xy-addressable. For monolithic arrays: (d) All-silicon; (e) heteroepitaxy-on-
silicon; (f) non-silicon-based (e.g., non-silicon CCD),

have generally been described as either hybrid or monolithic. but

these distinctions are often not as important as proponents and
critics state them to be. The central design questions involve per-
formance advantages versus ultimate producibility . Each appli-
cation may favor a different approach depending on the technical INDIUM
BUMPS tS*/////$?%&/$?%%%%% MUX
requirements, projected costs, and schedule.
In general each FPA design must consider several major func-
tions: photon detection, charge storage, and multiplexed readout.
Monolithic devices perform all these functions on the same chip (a) (b)
which allows fabrication using silicon-like wafer processing and Fig. 5. Hybrid IRFPA interconnect techniques between a detec-
ultimately very low cost devices. Hybrid devices typically per- tor array and a silicon multiplexer. (a) Indium bump technique.
form the photon detection process in a narrow bandgap semicon- (b) Loophole technique.
ductor material (detector array) and then transfer the signal to a
silicon multiplexer (one contact per detector). The hybrid minating from the multiplexer side means the photons must pass
approach has the distinct advantage of storing charge and per- through the three semiconductor surfaces, only two of which can
forming multiplexing functions in conventional analog silicon be properly coated with antireflection (AR) films. When the struc-
devices. ture is illuminated through the backside of the detector array only
Hybrid Arrays: The two hybrid architectures that are currently one surface needs to be AR coated and this surface does not con-
the most developed are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b). The so-called tain any microelectronic devices or require any special process-
flip-chip shown in Fig. 4(a) involves mating the detector array to ing. In fact the backside of the detector array can be thinned to a
a silicon multiplexer where the front side of the detector array is few microns to improve transient radiation hardness.
aligned with the multiplexer and one contact for each detector is The same type of backside illuminated detector array can also
made using a previously deposited set of indium bumps fabricated be hybridized in what is known as a Z-plane structure [lo], [ 11)
on both the detector array and on the silicon multiplexer [7]-[9], as shown in Fig. 4(b). The process of stacking integrated circuit
as shown in Fig. 5(a). The detector array can be illuminated from chips one on top of another creates a third dimension of electronic
either the frontside (with the photons passing through the trans- real estate, and thus the name Z-plane. The detector array is
parent silicon multiplexer) or backside (with the photons passing hybridized to the edges of the stacked IC chips which have one
through the transparent detector array substrate). In general, the channel per detector. The large increase in additional real estate
latter approach is most advantageous as the multiplexer will typ- thus allows many FPA signal processing functions to be per-
ically have areas of metallizations and other opaque regions which formed on the focal plane, for example, preamplification, band-
can reduce the effective optical area of the structure. Also, illu- pass filtering, gain and offset correction, analog-to-digital con-


__- ~~
version, as well as some image processing functions. To achieve unit cell design is shown in Fig. 4(d). The disadvantage with this
very small detector sizes however, the silicon IC chips must be type of monolithic design is that the detectors must be either sil-
thinned to very small dimensions. Current technologies for thin- icides or extrinsic-Si which have several limitations as will be
ning are limited to 50-75 pm thereby limiting the ultimate reso- discussed in Section 111.
lution of the IRFPA. It is interesting to note, that although other As an alternative to monolithic silicon devices, some devel-
electronics technologies (for example, high density RAM’S) are opmental efforts have focused on fully monolithic arrays using
also being developed using 3-D packaging approaches, the narrow bandgap semiconductors such as HgCdTe or InSb in a
infrared Z-plane efforts seem to be the most ambitious 3-D pack- CCD structure. In this case the photons are detected and trans-
aging efforts in microelectronics today. In this regard, Z-plane ferred in a series of metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) struc-

technology will certainly be more difficult to develop than other tures as shown in Fig. 4(f). Used as part of a charge transfer
competing IRFPA technologies. Nevertheless it does hold great device (like a CCD), an MIS gate has several fundamental limi-
promise for many advanced applications needed in the long term tations. Although most IR imaging applications tend to require
and interest seems to be growing. In fact, an entire conference high charge handling capabilities in the unit cells, an MIS gate
was recently dedicated to materials, devices, technique, and fabricated in a narrow bandgap semiconductor material will have
applications for Z-plane technology [ 121. a limited charge capacity because of its low breakdown potential
In both the flip-chip and Z-plane architectures the conventional as well as more severe problems involving noise and charge trap-
approach to detector/multiplexer interconnects is the indium bump ping when shifting charge through the narrow bandgap CCD to
technique which can be problematic. During the hybridization accomplish the readout function.
process, mechanical damage can occur to the detector due to the Several other pseudomonolithic readout mechanisms have been

pressure required to cold weld the indium bumps. After hybrid- devised to avoid the long shift registors inherent in CCD’s. In
ization, any mismatch in the coefficients of thermal expansion particular, two readout mechanisms (the CID and the CIM) have
between the silicon multiplexer and the detector array material been designed so that a minimum number of charge transfers are
(for example, InSb or HgCdTe) will cause shearing mechanical required in the narrow bandgap semiconductor. These two read-
strain on the bumps as the array is cooled to cryogenic tempera- out mechanisms are discussed in Section V . In both cases, the
tures. Special designs of the indium bumps along with highly con- current designs are such that a two-dimensional array would need
trolled processing and selection of detector substrates that have to be addressed with one contact for each row and each column
thermal expansion properties well matched to the multiplexer will as shown in Fig. 4(c). Thus an M x N staring array would need
greatly reduce these problems. It now appears that indium bump a minimum of M + N contacts (or wire bonds as shown in Fig.
technology may be suitable for fabricating array designs as large 4(c)). In most of these so-called XY-addressable configurations
as one-half inch square capable of sustaining several hundred all of the charge storage takes place in the narrow bandgap semi-
thermal cycles if the thermal expansion coefficient of the detector conductor material whereas part of the multiplexing functions and
substrate is close in value to that of the readout (silicon). Never- all of the preamplification functions take place in ancillary silicon
theless, the unit cell dimensions may be difficult to reduce below chips mounted directly adjacent to the detector array on a ceramic
25 pm and the hybridization process is an extra cost in terms of chip carrier.
producibility . Another approach to a monolithic IRFPA involves heteroepi-
An alternative to indium bump is the loophole or via-hole tech- taxial growth of a narrow bandgap detector material on a silicon
nique [13] shown in Fig. 5(b). Fabrication involves highly pol- substrate which also contains a multiplexer as shown in Fig. 4(e).
ishing the detector chips and silicon readout surfaces to a precise This approach combines the best features of silicon IC technology
level of flatness and parallelism ( < 1 pm tolerance) and then with high quantum efficiency narrow bandgap semiconductors in
gluing them together thus forming a single chip (or possibly a a fully monolithic design. The heteroepitaxial technologies that
full-size wafer) that can be processed in a silicon-like fashion. could make this possible are only now reaching marginal levels
The pv diodes are then formed by ion implantation or diffusion of maturity, but progress is being made rapidly. Other possibili-
on the detector array (in alignment with the multiplexing elements
in the silicon readout). Loopholes are then drilled by ion milling
through the centers of the detectors, doping the exposed detector
materials in each hole and back-filling with metallizations thus
connecting the detectors to the multiplexer. A final step involves
passivating the processed detector surface. The resulting struc-
tures have been reported to be mechanically and thermally stable
but extensive thermal cycling test results are unavailable. Unit
ties involve the use of GaAs as a substrate and high speed mul-
tiplexer instead of silicon [ 141.

C. Operational Requirements f o r FPA ‘s

In the design and development of a FPA, an important step is
to determine the operational requirements of the intended appli-
cations. This involves an analysis of the IR radiance levels of the
cell sizes can be made as small as 40 pm. One problem is reduced expected imagery and generic descriptions of anticipated optics

fill factor due to the via hole. The loophole technique, although (aperture and focal length) and cold shielding. Choice of spectral
considered a hybrid architecture, retains some of the advantages band is important in achieving good contrast between objects of
of silicon-like processing but scaling-up to full size wafers for interest and background clutter. Sometimes emissivities of the
manufacturing has not yet been optimized. Similarly, reliability objects of interest or the expected transmittance of the atmosphere
of these devices needs to be more fully evaluated and optimized. will dictate a specific spectral band. Background levels may have
Monolithic Arrays: Several IRFPA architectures are currently large variations in terms of the standard deviation of the radiance
being developed which are either fully or partially monolithic. [15] within a given scene (intrascene variation). As the scene
Fully monolithic IRFPA’s that are comparable in design to visible changes over time, for example, due to motion or panning of the
CCD’s have been fabricated with PtSi or extrinsic Si detectors. sensor, the apparent mean background radiance may vary dra-
Obviously, the silicon-based nature of these detector types makes matically (interscene variation). In all cases, the IRFPA must be
it possible to fabricate the array as part of a silicon multiplexer/ capable of supplying continuous imagery of high dynamic range
substrate configuration. An example of a fully monolithic silicon without saturating or staring. Many applications require detection


of point sources or edges while others involve targets with various range. but at the expense of further complicating the FPA design.
levels of detail and scene contrast. This will dictate specific res- Subframe integration is achieved by reading out the array several

olution and sensitivity requirements for the sensor which in turn times faster than the desired frame time and then summing the
specify detector sizes and noise levels. individual subframes off the focal plane. Again, the dynamic range
Sensor resolution and sensitivity are also dcpendent on the opti- can be increased but with the disadvantages of faster clock rates
cal parameters-usually the aperture is limited by size and weight and increased system complexity due to the addition of off-focal

constraints or the practical limitations of cost for fabricating large plane summing electronics. Somc IRFPA’s avoid saturation by
IR lenses using special optical materials [ 161. The optical reso- making the integration time less than the frame time (reduced

lution is determined by the point spread function of the optics. duty cycle) causing a loss of sensitivity.
For the diffraction limited case, the radius of the central Airy disk Nonuniformiry: Because all of the detectors and much of the
(containing 84% of the light from a point source) is r = 3.832 multiplexing electronics are fabricated collectively on single sub-
( X / a ) (F-number) where X is the wavelength of the light [17]. strates, no post-processing adjustment of the individual pixels is
In practice, the actual b/ur circle is usually considerably greater possible. Nevertheless, the response across the entire array still
than the diffraction limited prediction. Obviously, the detector needs to be inherently uniform. With conventional discrete detec-
size must be at least as small as the blur circle or overall system tor technology, uniformity is not as great a problem because indi-
resolution will be degraded even more. If the detector sizc is made vidual detectors can be selectively chosen and further matched
smallcr than the blur circle. then some over-sampling and signal for uniformity by adjusting the electronics dedicated to each
processing advantages can be obtained [ 181, but these advan- channel. The uniformity problem is compounded by the desire to
tages, of course, dictate smaller and more densely packed detec- fabricate increasingly larger area arrays on single-crystal semi-
tors. It is clear from this brief discussion that operational require- conductors which are typically grown from newer, and conse-
ments for IRFPA’s such as detector size and flux handling quently less developed, nonsilicon materials such as HgCdTe.
capabilities are strongly dependent on the overall sensor designs Charge Transfer Eficiency, Noise, and Crosstalk: These prob-
and the specific applications. lem areas often are discussed together. Charge transfer efficiency
describes the overall efficiency of the FPA’s readout mechanism
to transfer signal camers (generated in the detector) off the focal
D. FPA Development Problems
plane. A major consideration in designing a high-efficiency read-
It is important to note that IRFPA development efforts continue out mechanism is the amount of noise introduced into the output.

to place very demanding requirements on both materials and fab- Often the signal being readout from the detector is picked up
rication technology. The IRFPA development issues will be dis- (crosstalk) by an adjacent or nearby readout circuit in a poorly

cussed in greater detail in the following sections but a brief over- designed IRFPA.
view of the general problems most encountered in IRFPA Producibiliry: One of the basic goals of all IRFPA develop-
development is shown below in Table 1. ment is to use a technology similar to that of silicon integrated
circuits to produce a low cost detector module. Until recently,
IRFPA’s have been produced only for one-of-a-kind development
Table 1 Test Issues for Starting IR Arrays demonstrations or for high-priority low-volume applications. At
Detectors Input circuits Readouts this time, IRFPA’s, such as PtSi, are based on highly developed
quantum efficiency charge storage charge handling silicon material and are more producible than those based on InSb
spectral response uniformity transfer efficiency or HgCdTe. In addition, SWIR and MWIR HgCdTe arrays are
noise spectrum linearity data rate more producible than LWIR. The maturing of IRFPA technology
uniformity noise spectrum cross talk has lead to efforts aimed at developing manufacturing technolo-
injection efficiency
gies needed to produce IRFPA’s for high-volume low-cost appli-
FPA Operability cations. The current goal is to reduce the cost of an IRFPA to a
performance efficiency nonuniformity correctibility reliability level comparable to that of the other system components (for
dead pixel count dynamic range hardness
temporal noise intrascene example, the optics, the cryogenic cooler, and the dewar).
saturation level - interscene
Saturation: IRFPA’s, for use in high sensitivity systems, gen- An infrared detector is used to convert incident radiation, either
erally strive for collecting the maximum number of photons using directly or indirectly, into an electrical signal. We will primarily
the largest practical optical aperture and longest possible integra- discuss only that class of devices known as photon detectors which
tion time. Both large-aperture optics and long integration times convert photons directly into free carriers in a semiconductor by
will tend to saturate IRFPA charge storage wells when viewing photoexcitation. A second class is thermal detectors in which
intense backgrounds. In IRFPA’s the signal camers are stored on incident radiation is absorbed by the lattice increasing the lattice
the focal plane and the charge storage capacity becomes critical temperature and changing the electronic properties of the detec-
1191. In the case of conventional IR systems, saturation is not as tor. Thermal detectors are significantly less sensitive than photon
severe a problem because the collected charge is stored off the detectors but have the advantage of operating at room tempera-
focal plane, where space is not at such a high premium. ture. For the purposes of this paper we will limit our discussion
The saturation problem in IRFPA’s is usually addressed by to four major classes of photon detectors; photoconductive, pho-
instituting various forms of dc suppression or subframe integra- tovoltaic, MIS, and Schottky bamer.
tion. In dc suppression, extra circuitry is added to the IRFPA to The focal plane array concept requires densely packing detec-
remove the dc contribution from the ambient background radia- tors on the focal plane with eventually as many as IO6 or more
tion. The extra circuitry in the IRFPA thus increases the dynamic elements. To be practical these designs must employ extremely


- ____ ~~ ~~
small detectors (with dimensions < 25 wm) and be fabricated by
a high-yield low-cost approach. Performance parameters for a
detector array include all the traditional measures for a discrete
detector such as quantum efficiency, spectral response, and noise
photons (assumed to be incoherent). The theoretical D*bl,p
expressions [22] for an ideal detector under given backgrounds
and cold shielding conditions is
I /z
levels as well as a number of array-specific parameters such as
detector-to-detector uniformity, overall power consumption, dead
D*bl,p= -
pixel count, fill factor, and stability. The choice of a specific
detector structure and detector material is highly dependent upon where f y is the quantum efficiency, h is Planck's constant, c is
the application. Operational requirements usually dictate a spe- the speed of light, and Q,, is the photon flux from the background
cific spectral band and sensitivity level. Other practical consid- incident on the detector for a given spectral bandwidth which has
erations in choosing a detector structure and material include a peak wavelength Ap. It should be noted that (1) refers to a detec-
operating temperature, compatibility with desired FPA architec- tor that produces generation noise only (e.g., a PV detector-
tures, and cost. discussed below). Whereas a detector operating in an equilibrium
Any discussion of detectors would not be complete without mode (e.g., a PC detector-discussed below) produces both gen-
mentioning figures-of-merit used to make detector performance eration and recombination noise and D*bllpis then reduced by a
comparisons. Because infrared radiation levels incident on the factor ofA. Traditionally, Q B in ( I ) is for a 2 a steradian FOV
focal plane of MWIR and LWIR sensors are characterized by a [23], however, it has become an informal practice to let Q B rep-
large, predominant component of ambient background radiation, resent a pre-spec@ed photon flux on the detector based on
most IR images have a high background pedestal and a low con- assumed cold shielding ( < 2 a steradian FOV), background tem-
trast signal. Note that this is the opposite of near IR and visible perature and spectral bandwidth.

images where there is very little background radiation and very For a non-BLIP detector, with non negligible levels of elec-
high contrast. Thus IR imagery under ideal conditions is limited tronic noise, the detectivity is
by the fluctuations in the rate of arrival of background photons
(photon noise). The photon noise level is often used as a point of
reference for comparing noise levels of detectors.
Quantitative comparisons of detectors are usually given in terms
where Q , is the equivalent photon flux which would generate a
of noise equivalent power (NEP) or normalized detectivity (D*).
noise level equal to the electronic noise level from sources other
NEP is simply the required level of radiation (within a specified
than the background photon flux [24]. Typically measured D*
spectral band given in watts) incident on the detector to obtain a

values for flux levels corresponding to 3-5 and 8-12 pm spectral
photon signal level equal to the electronic noise level. Because
bands with ambient temperature backgrounds, conventional
NEP is usually a very small number and is directly proportional

F-numbers and cold shield efficiencies are on the order of 10"

to the electronic noise level, a second figure-of-merit has been
cm . Hz'/'W-' and cm . Hz'/'W-', respectively. D* com-
devised which gets larger for decreasing levels of electronic noise.
parisons can often be difficult to make because flux levels are
The detectivity D is the inverse of the NEP. Normalizing D with
inadequately specified. In the two subsections that follow, we first
respect to the detector area and bandwidth gives D* (traditionally

give an overview of detector structures used in IRFPA's and then
referred to as D - s t a r ) .
discuss the status of relevant IR materials.
To measure the sensitivity of a single detector [20], [16, pp.
11-40 - 11-41], the detector is configured to view a small chopped
blackbody source embedded in a uniform background. A square A. 1R Detector Structures
wave electrical output signal V, is generated by the detector, and The IR detector structures most commonly used in arrays are
the NEP is given by shown conceptually in Fig. 6. Several excellent reviews of these
devices exist in the literature [25], (261, [20]. In our discussion
of detectors, we will only briefly review the various device struc-
tures but emphasize those characteristics important for FPA's.

where d is the signal irradiant power on the surface of the detector
(in watts) and V,, is the rms noise level of the detector. This leads

to the detectivity D and normalized detectivity D*

D = I / N E P and D* =
(Ad Af 1I 'z

where Ad is the detector area ( cm2) and Af is the electrical band-
width (Hz). For a sample-and-hold-circuit, the bandwidth is
For example, photoconductive detectors, using intrinsic semicon-,
ductors can be fabricated with very simple structures and without
limitations of forming junctions or insulator layers. Nevertheless,
photoconductive detectors have the distinct disadvantage that they
must carry a primary current I, through a generally low resistance
R detector, and therefore generate 12R of electrical power. This
creates an intolerable heat dissipation problem for large numbers
of detectors densely packed on the focal plane.
approximately ( 2 ~ ~ " [ ) -where
' 71,t is the integration time. It is Photovoltaic detectors can be fabricated with relatively high
important to note that IC# is dependent on the background temper- resistances and operated at zero and near zero bias voltages. Thus,

ature, spectral band, and aperture (combined F-number and cold heat generation in the detectors is typically not a problem. How-
shield efficiency [18, p. 1771). Thus D* is always highly depen- ever, for LWIR devices, the fabrication of low noise detectors
dent on these operating conditions. has proven to be very challenging for narrow bandgap materials
The ultimate performance of an ideal detector under prescribed such as HgCdTe.
flux conditions is known as background-limit-IR-performance The MIS detector (sometimes referred to as a photocapacitor)
(BLIP) [21]. In this case the dominant noise source is the photon has a very simple structure that lends itself immediately to mono-
noise-all other noise sources being negligible in comparion. The lithic array designs, for example, a CCD. It has the disadvantage
photon noise is calculated based on the arrival statistics of the that a fairly high potential is needed on the gate to create a sig-

d zyxwvutsrqpo
zyxwvutsr 6

Fig. 6 . Four common IR detector structures and their related energy band diagrams. (a) Photo-
conductive. (b) Photovoltaic. (c) Metal-insulator-semiconductor. (d) Schottky barrier.

nificant charge storage well. High potentials in the narrow band- the detector, the modulation in the current through the detector is
gap detector material tend to cause significant increases in the proportional to the change in photon flux incident on the detector.
number of charge carriers excited into the semiconductor’s con- Photoconductive detectors can exhibit gain which is the ratio

duction band thus increasing noise and decreasing usable storage of the mean carrier lifetime to the transit time of the higher mobil-
capacity. Material requirements are usually more demanding for ity free carrier across the detector between the two ohmic con-
MIS detectors than for PV detectors. tacts. The gain may have a value from zero to greater than unity.
Silicide Shottky barrier devices (primarily using PtSi) can be In the latter case, the lifetime is greater than the transit time.
fabricated using technologies identical to, or compatible with, Physically, this can be thought of as the free carriers transversing
existing silicon processes. Very large arrays (512 X 512) have the detector (and the extemal circuit) several times before recom-
been monolithically incorporated on conventional silicon readout bining.
chips (for example, CCD’s) using 1.25 pm design rules making For intrinsic photoconductors the bandgap of the semiconduc-
this a very powerful approach in terms of producing working, tor must be less than the energy of the incident photon energies.
high density FPA’s. Nevertheless, PtSi detectors have very low For a pseudobinary semiconductor like Hg, - ,Cd,Te the com-
quantum efficiencies and spectral responses limiting them to the position (described by the mode fraction x ) can be controlled to
3-5 km range as will be shown below. obtain the precise bandgap desired. By achieving the maximum
Thermal detectQrs (e.g., pyroelectrics and bolometers) [27] possible bandgap, the operating temperature can be maximized
have the highly practical advantage that they can be used at thus decreasing the complication and cost of the cooling system.
ambient temperatures thus eliminating the need for cryogenic If the bandgap were too small, then increased cooling would be

cooling systems. Although thermal detectors have poor sensitiv- required to minimize the number of thermally excited carriers
ities and response times compared to photon detectors (typically which increases the noise level. Since intrinsic photoconductors
two orders of magnitude lower D*), they have been developed as exhibit relatively high conductivities, severe heat dissipation
arrays for use in staring applications where integration times can problems occur when large numbers of detectors are densely
be long, and moderate overall sensitivities can still be achieved packed together on the focal plane.

[28]-[31]. Extrinsic detectors using silicon or germanium can be fabri-
Photoconducrive Defectors [32]:This is the simplest detector cated with large internal resistances under ambient background
structure using direct photon capture (as opposed to thermal illumination levels. However, because the photon capture process
detection). It can use either an intrinsic or extrinsic semiconduc- involves an impurity center rather than an intrinsic material, the
tor as shown in Fig. 6(a). The photon energy, hv, must be greater absorption coefficient is low unless the material is very heavily
than the energy gap, E,, of the intrinsic semiconductor in order doped. If the impurity concentration is increased too much the
for the detector to absorb the photon. This photoelectrically performance is degraded by the increase in impurity band con-
excites an electron from the valence band into the conduction band duction. Thus trade-offs are made when specifying impurity lev-
leaving a hole in the valence band. Typically electrons have much els in an extrinsic detector. The effective lifetime can be increased
higher mobility values than holes in IR detector materials and by significantly lowering the operating temperature. As a specific
hence, determine the photoresponse. In the case of an extrinsic example, extrinsic LWIR silicon detectors are operated in the 10-
semiconductor a photon is absorbed by an impurity (with an 20K range in order to freeze-out such impurities as boron.
impurity ionization energy E , << hv) and a free electron is cre- In general, the LWIR intrinsic photoconductive detectors can
ated in an n-type semiconductor and a free hole in a p-type semi- be operated at higher temperatures than extrinsics because extrin-
conductor. Through this absorption process the number of free sics are limited by a spectral band tail which has a low thermal
charge carriers is changed resulting in a change in the conductiv- activation energy [33]. At very low temperatures extrinsics offer
ity of the semiconductor. When a constant bias is placed across better performance than intrinsics while dissipating less power


_ _ -
and consequently the responsivity [34].

because intrinsics become sweepout limited thus reducing the gain

Photovoltaic Detectors ( p - njunction): This structure shown in

Fig. 6(b) is based on the p-n junction device concept. Incident
and material parameters at o r beyond the current state of the art.
The RoA for PV detectors used in hybrid FPA’s must be partic-
ularly good, not only for sensitivity, but also for coupling to the
input circuit, as will be discussed in Section IV. The BLIP noise

photons generate electron-hole pairs by intrinsic photon absorp- performance of a PV detector compared to a comparable BLIP
tion and minority carriers diffuse to the junction where they are PC detector is a factor of f i better because the PC detector has
swept across by the built-in electric field in the reverse current both generation and recombination fluctuation, while the PV
direction. Because they are junction devices, they exhibit recti- detector sweeps carriers across the junction before recombination
fication and IR detectors have I ( V ) curves similar to a typical p-n occurs. Typically. RoA values in HgCdTe are lo5 for the 3-5 pm
junction rectifiers. Thus the basic theory of ideal photovoltaic band and I O for the 8-10 pm band.
detectors can be developed based on traditional models for p-n In the fabrication of PV detectors, a theoretical advantage is
junction devices [35]. For high quantum efficiency detectors, the obtained from having the photon capture (and creation of an elec-
optical absorption of photons must occur very near the junction tron-hole pair) very close to the junction with respect to the rel-
(i.e., within the diffusion length of the minority carriers). Unlike evant diffusion length as this allows reducing the thickness of the
photoconductors there is no current gain. Actually the term pho- device and thus a decrease in the diffusion current [25, p. 7751.
tovoltaic in its strictest sense implies that the bias on the detector Heterostructures are also being developed for reducing diffusion
is zero. It has become common usage to use the term photovoltaic current as will be discussed in the next subsection.
to refer to all p-n junction detectors even though they are typically Metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) Detectors: The MIS
operated at small reverse biases. A photovoltaic detector operat- stmcture shown in Fig. 6(c) consists of a transparent metal gate,
ing in the short circuit current mode is very linear with respect to a thin insulator layer and a doped semiconductor. Because of its
optical irradiance. Operation in the open-circuit voltage mode with inherent simplicity and its successful use in visible imaging CCD’s
charge stored on the photodiode causes changes in the junction (fabricated as silicon devices), significant efforts have been made
capacitance which can lead to nonlinear saturation effects. Thus to use this technology with infrared detector materials. The device
the preferred operating mode is to measure the photogenerated is operated by applying a voltage pulse to the gate which creates
signal in terms of the photocurrent rather than the change in the a depletion region in the semiconductor that acts as a potential

photovoltage. well. Incident photons passing through the transparent gate and
Analysis of thi: noise performance of p-n junction infrared insulator are captured by the infrared semiconducting material
detectors generally involves modeling of the diffusion current producing electron-hole pairs. The minority carriers remain in the
across the junction and g-r current in the space-charge region [36], potential well near the surface while the majority carriers are
[37]. An important measure of performance is the incremental forced into the neutral bulk region by the surface potential.
resistance at zero bias voltage, that is Ro-’ = ( d I / d V ) , , = oBecause
. The surface potential of the semiconductor is controlled by the
the value for Ro is inversely proportional to area, it often nor- voltage difference between the gate and the semiconductor sub-
malized for purposes of comparison to RoA. For the case of the strate. This structure is often analyzed as a one-dimensional
ideal p-n junction, it can be shown that Ro is inversely propor- potential 4 ( x ) , where x is the distance from the surface [35, p.
tional to the diffusion current. At elevated temperatures this is 3621. Knowing the insulator parameters and the electrical char-
typically the limiting noise mechanism. Diffusion current can be acteristics of the semiconductor (that is, carrier concentrations
estimated as a function of material parameters such as carrier life- and dielectric constant) the space-charge density under the gate
times, mobilities, and intrinsic carrier concentrations. In the limit can be estimated. For large bias values and consequently high
of zero bias voltage, the ideal p-n junction resistance due only to surface potentials, the minority camer concentration is much
diffusion current reduces to the Johnson noise limit [38]. In the greater than the unbiased majority camer concentration. HOW-
case where the Johnson noise is the dominant noise source, the ever, the capacitance of the space-charge region of the semicon-

detectivity is ductor becomes smaller for stronger surface potentials. The com-

bined capacitance of the device due to the insulator capacitance
C,, and the space charge capacitance C, is a series combination,
that is, C = Ci,C,/(C,, + C,). The change in capacitance as a
where e is the electron charge, ks is Boltzmann’s constant, and function of voltage (measured at various frequencies) has become
To is the temperature of the detector [20, p. 811. Thus in the a standard method for characterizing MIS detectors [43] (and
Johnson noise limit, D* 0: (RA)’”. Although diffusion current semiconductor doping profiles) [44] by plotting the resulting
can theoretically be reduced by decreasing temperature, diode capacitance-voltage ( C - V ) curves.
performance at low temperature is usually set by the g-r statistics For IR semiconducting materials, MIS characteristics are often
which limit carrier lifetime and thus dominate noise performance. limited by surface states which can exist in the thin insulator or
Whereas diffusion-limited performance is theoretically best at a at the semiconductor insulator interface [45]. Band-to-band tun-
reverse bias voltage away from zero, g-r noise can be reduced by neling currents are typically much less significant but represent
operating at zero bias. It is also worth noting that 1 lfnoise, which the theoretical limit of performance for all narrow bandgap devices
can be found in all PV detectors (391, [40] can be reduced by [46]. Fixed insulator charge can cause flat-band conditions well
operating at zero bias [41], [42]. An optimum reverse bias con- away from the zero gate bias condition. Fast and slow interface
dition therefore, depends on many detector factors as well as the states can both exist. Slow interface states can cause hysteresis
characteristics of any coupling circuitry to preamplifiers or IRFPA effects in the C-V curves due to trapping near the interface. Fast
readouts. interface states can cause large dark currents that are essentially
BLIP performance implies that all of the above mentioned noise due to generation-recombination through Shockley-Read centers.
sources can be reduced below the photon noise level. In certain Dark current can also exist due to minority carriers generated in
applications this can place extremely low limits on the internal the neutral bulk and diffusing into the depletion region as well as
detector noise levels, which as a consequence requires junction minority carriers generated in the depletion region or carriers tun-


~ ~
zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqpon
neling directly across the bandgap. The dark current level limits
the storage time particularly for LWIR devices. Although MIS
detectors are essentially capacitors, their dark current levels can
be compared with dark current levels in photovoltaic detectors
x = 32)

allowing a reference to R,A product. Recently studies have been

made of MIS detector structures using HgTe-CdTe superlattices



Silicide Schottky Barrier Detectors: The Schottky barrier struc-
ture is shown in Fig. 6(d) and has been studied extensively by
Shepherd [48]. Photons enter the structure from the backside of
the substrate and are absorbed in the silicide electrode. A small
fraction of the excited carriers are emitted over the Schottky bar- COOLER
rier (that has a potential $,,,,) and into the semiconductor. Before 0 I 1

0 5 10 15 20 25
carriers are emitted into the semiconductor they can give up part
of their kinetic energy through scattering processes with the sili-
Fig. 7. 1R detector materials; cutoff wavelengths and nominal
cide lattice. grain boundaries and the electrode walls. These pro- operating temperatures for imaglng systems.
cesses are not well understood and methods for optimizing per-
formance have been mostly empirical, but some modeling has
been attempted [49]. As camers are emitted into the semicon-
ductor. charge builds up on the silicide electrode which has a the MWIR region, InSb has previously been one of the most
metallic character (recombination is prevented by the Schottky widely used and sensitive materials. Recently, advances in
barrier). The charge can be transferred into a readout structure, HgCdTe (which has a variable bandgap depending on composi-
for example, a CCD. through a diffusion formed in the semicon- tion) have not only made it a practical alternative to InSb in the
ductor below the silicide. MWIR region, but offer the potential for higher operating tem-
Silicide films with suitable bamer heights for IR detectors can peratures and LWIR PV applications. Before that, extrinsic sili-
be fomied by vacuum evaporation on to a patterned silicon sub- con PC detectors, cooled to a very low temperature, were the only

strate using a number of different metals. Platinum has been suc- viable choice for LWIR arrays.
cessfully used for the MWIR band (where the long wavelength Within the area of materials research, epitaxial growth tech-
cutoff is A,,, = 6.0 pm) but other metals for silicides are also niques 1.511 such as liquid phase epitaxy (LPE), metal-organic
being investigated such as palladium (A,,, = 3.5 pm). iridium chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). and molecular beam epi-
(A,,, = 10 p m ) . and nickel (A,,, = 2 p m ) . It should be noted that taxy (MBE) are being employed to fabricate detectors with
upper cutoff wavelengths quoted for silicides are for the ;ero improved performance over previous bulk material approaches
response poir7t instead of the 5 0 % rcsponse point as quoted for such as solid-state recrystallization. Primarily these techniques
other detectors. The lower wavelength cutoff for all silicides is at offer higher punty materials, thin layers with well controlled sur-
1 . 1 pm due to optical absorption in the silicon substrate. faces, improved (as well as novel) device structures, and larger
The spectral quantum efficiency of the detector as a function area wafers for lower cost production. Epitaxy is the growth of
of wavelength can be estimated by the expression semiconductor films in which the substrate determines the crys-

where C , is the Fowler emission coefficient, h v is the photon
energy, $,,,, the Schottky bamer potential and A,,, is the cutoff
wavelength whose energy corresponds to $,,,,. For the case of
PtSi. currently achievable values are C , = 0.25 ( 1 / e V ) . Some
tallinity and orientation of the grown layer. When thin films are
grown with dissimilar semiconductors from the substrate, this is
called heteroepitaxy . The development of these advanced crystal-
growth techniques for IR detectors has dramatically increased the
quality and size of detector materials and made possible many
exciting new monolithic heterostructures 1521. Some techniques
also offer precise iti situ control for sharp interface formation and
doping profiles making possible advanced heterojunction diodes
improvements in quantum efficiency can be achieved by fabricat-
and superlattices.
ing the detector as part of an optical cavity wherein an antireflec-
Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) is accomplished by bringing a
rive coating is added to backside of the silicon substrate and a
heated liquid solution (of the constituents of the film to be grown)
transparent dielectric and aluminum coating (mirror) is added to
in contact with the substrate. The actual growth is done by tip-
the front side [SO]. Nevertheless, quantum efficiency tends to be
ping, sliding, or dipping the substrate into the melt. The concen-
very low for PtSi devices, on the order of 2 % at 4.0 pn.
trations and temperature are ad.justed for growing the epitaxial
In spite of the poor quantum efficiency for these detectors. they
film to a desired composition. LPE requires relatively simple
have several advantages over high quantum efficiency detectors
equipment and procedures making it a fairly inexpensive growth
when used in FPA’s. First. they are fabricated in silicon using
technique but temperature gradients limit its ability to provide
conventional processing techniques. Second. photo absorption in
highly unifonn layers and precisely controlled compositions.
a silicide film leads to extremely uniform detector arrays with
Consequently. it is not suitable for growing superlattices and other
good yields.
specialized structures. Another problem with this technique is that

the required growth temperatures can be high and problems can
B. IR Detector M m r r i a l s
occur in terms of voids, inclusions, and poor surface morpholo-
Quality detectors are available across a broad IR spectrum gies.
because of advances in the development of detector materials. Vapor phase epitaxy (VPE) methods have the potential for large
Fig. 7 shows the spectral range and r 7 0 t ~ 1 i operating
~~/ tempera- area and highly uniform films which ultimately could provide a
tures of those materials most commonly used in IRFPA’s. For high production capability. Because VPE growth temperatures can


be kept considerably lower than LPE, higher quality films are C , to 0.3/eV. Other research in IrSi [58] and PtIrSi [59] is also
possible because fewer impurities are activated. One form that underway with the goal of extending IRFPA cutoff wavelengths
has been used extensively for IR materials has been metal-organic into the 8-12 pm band. But IrSi fabrication has proven to be more
chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). In this approach, a stream difficult than other silicide technologies as IrSi tends to bond to
of gaseous elements or compounds are carried into the growth silicon dioxide as well as silicon which complicates processing
reactor by a complex metal-organic molecular compound. Once [48, P. 31.
in the hot reactor the compounds disassociate allowing the desired In the last few years, MBE growth techniques have been used
detector elements to condense onto the substrate. to fabricate a-Sn,Gel - - x alloys [60], [61]. This is an attractive IR
Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) is an ultra high vacuum growth detector material because of the a-phase of tin (Diamond struc-
method that involves the reaction of collimated beams of atomic tured) is a semimetal and when combined with Ge should result
species with a crystalline substrate surface held at an appropriate in a narrow bandgap material. Several major problems have pre-
temperature. The beams originate in specialized chambers that viously prohibited preparation of this alloy. First, bulk a-Sn is
vaporize elemental constituents and control beam intensities by not stable above 13.2”C as it goes through a phase transition into
shutters. The clean environment combined with the slow growth P-Sn. Second, Sn in nearly immiscible in Ge. Both of these prob-
rate and the independent control of the individual beam sources lems may be overcome by MBE growth techniques and a number
allows precise fabrication of heterostructure layers and doping of research efforts are in progress to grow alloys that would be
profiles. The ability to control layer thickness and abruptness of stable above 100°C.
growth interfaces make superlattice structures possible. III-V Compounds: The primary 111-V compound used as an
The ultimate performance of IR detector arrays is dependent infrared detector is InSb which has a cutoff wavelength of 5.5
on the same material parameters as required for discrete single pm. InAs has also been used but its cutoff wavelength of 3.5 pm
element detectors. Electronic properties of detector materials are makes it of limited utility for the MWIR band even though it

dependent on carrier concentration, mobility, and lifetime. Fur- could theoretically be operated near 190K. Developmental work
thermore, device performance can depend on control of dopants, for InAs has been limited by growth and passivation problems.
impurities and defect levels, and surface properties. However, InSb, on the other hand, has been highly developed and has been
compared to single element detectors, array fabrication involves one of the most sensitive and widely used MWIR detectors [62].
additional materials requirements that can be very demanding. Bulk InSb MIS detectors have been typically operated in the 77-
Obviously large area wafers with epitaxial detector layers must 90K, range but recent results have shown that LPE devices may
have very stringent uniformity requirements and good surface allow operating temperatures above 100K. LPE wafers of InSb
morphology for processing. In addition, the IRFPA requirement have been grown as large as 2 inches in diameter with minimum
that the readout and detector interface be small and low power, carrier concentrations of 3 X IOl3 cm--’ [63].

usually demands that detectors be higher quality to compensate Recently, development of superlattice structures has provided
for the less efficient preamps. Other material parameters for arrays new possibilities for extending 111-V materials into the LWIR
include crystallinity (grain boundaries, twinning, etc.), mechan- region. One is the GaAs/AIGaAs multiquantum well PC detector
ical properties (such as hardness and brittleness as in the case of that has demonstrated good sensitivity with LWIR cutoff wave-
hybrid bump bonding), interface properties (as they pertain to lengths operating at 77K [64]. The initial limitations of the cur-
heteroepitaxial IRFPA’s), producibility , cost and surface passi- rent approach are that the spectral band must be fairly narrow and
vation. The latter is required not only for simple mechanical pro- the quantum efficiency tends to be somewhat low. A second pos-
tection, but more importantly passivation is needed to prevent sibility is either the strained-layer superlattices (SLS)

chemical and electrical changes to the surface that could cause InAsSb/InSb [65] or InGaSb/InAs. The InAs, -,Sb, alloy f o r x
unwanted surface states and degrade performance. In certain = 0.6 has a bandgap of approximately 0.14 eV (equating to over

device structures, passivants serve as antireflection coatings. 8 pm) at 77K. This is a narrower bandgap than either InAs or
Below we discuss the various classes of semiconductor materials InSb because of a strain-induced shift. This effect can be accen-
either being used or considered for IRFPA’s. tuated using thin altemating layers in the periodic structure of a
Group IV Semiconductors: Both silicon and germanium have superlattice. Ultimately, devices could be fabricated out to 12 pm
been used as extrinsic photoconductors [ 3 2 , p. 241 for discrete and beyond. Currently, test structures for SLS PV detectors have
detectors and exhibit both gain and large intemal resistances, but been fabricated and cutoff wavelengths of 7 pm have been
require relatively low operating temperatures. In the early years achieved with D* values only an order of magnitude less than
of semiconductors, Ge could be made purer than Si, but today Si comparable HgCdTe devices. A third possibility which also uses
can be made very pure and has the additional advantages of better either of the materials InSb or InAs is the nipi superlattice which
can be grown by MBE or MOCVD [66].

solubilities of dopants and a lower dielectric constant. Si is the

preferred material for extrinsic IR detector arrays because of the II-IV Compounds: The most extensively studied infrared mate-
obvious benefits of compatibility with conventional silicon pro- rial at this time is the Hg, -,Cd,Te alloy system [67]-1701 which
cessing technologies. Some of the dopants possible for achieving is a pseudobinary crystal of HgTe and CdTe where x represents
specific spectral cutoffs are shown in Fig. 7 along with their nom- the mole fraction of CdTe. This alloy system is of extreme inter-
inal operating temperatures [53], [54]. Note that for the LWIR est because the energy gap varies with the compositional value x.
band, there is no known dopant that provides a cutoff of exactly By combining the widegap CdTe ( .Eq= I .6 eV ) and the zero gap
12 pm. Technical issues involving optimization of detector per- HgTe, the energy gap of the resulting material can be tailored by
formance with respect to material parameters have been discussed controlling the composition over the full range of x from 0 to 1.O.
by Marsh [55] and concepts for monolithic extrinsic silicon The resulting alloys have well-defined band structures that vary
IRFPA’s have been described [56], [57]. continuously with composition instead of being fixed like ele-
Silicide research has been continuously increasing over the past mental and normal compound semiconductors. Obviously this
decade with emphasis on PtSi Schottky barrier detectors. Future makes HgCdTe a very versatile material for infrared detector
PtSi work is aimed at extending the Fowler emission coefficient technology. For example, tailoring the bandgap to the desired

SCRIBNER cf d . : IRFPA T E C H N O L O G Y 15
cutoff wavelengths can allow elevated operating temperatures for
thermoelectric or passive space cooling. Other 11-VI pseudobi-
nary alloys have been studied including HgZnTe, and CdZnTe,
the latter also being of recent interest as a substrate material for
MOCVD and MBE have caused these low temperature growth
techniques to be applied to HgCdTe. Both techniques have poten-
tial advantages in heterojunction and multilayer structures because
interfaces of 5 1 pm are possible. MBE has sharper interfaces

HgCdTe to achieve better lattice matching than commonly used than MOCVD as well as good surface morphology. Growth tem-
CdTe substrates. Still other compounds similar to HgCdTe are peratures for MBE ( 180-200°C) are slightly lower than MOCVD

possible where Mn is substituted for some or all of the Cd and Se (200-250°C). The potential advantages of MBE are the inher-
can be substituted for Te. In spite of the interesting possibilities ently straightforward controls for growing very high quality diodes
with these other materials, it is generally accepted that HgCdTe (doped in siru ), heterojunctions, superlattices, and passivation
will continue to offer the most advantages and highest perfor- layers. The disadvantages of MBE are the high cost of machines
mance. (current research systems cost $1-2 M) and the low throughput
Before the initial development of HgCdTe in the late 1950's, due to the slow growth rate. An alternative to MBE is the
the only suitable LWIR material was extrinsic Ge:Hg which had MOCVD approach which should be cheaper to implement and
several limitations as discussed previously. The need for an provide higher throughput. Recent results have shown that
intrinsic LWIR material with a higher operating temperature has MOCVD may have potential to provide HgCdTe films with basic
focused development almost entirely on HgCdTe ever since. electronic properties competitive with MBE, but improved pro-
Although superlattice structures (using both 111-IV materials and cesses will be necessary to fabricate interfaces suitable for super-
HgTe-CdTe) [71] may hold great potential for higher D* and lattice structures. Currently, both MOCVD and MBE have pro-
higher operating temperature, HgCdTe will most certainly con- duced HgCdTe films that have electronic properties slightly
tinue to be an important infrared material. We limit the remainder inferior to state-of-the-art bulk HgCdTe but this situation is

of our comments to a few remarks concerning recent IRFPA changing rapidly and many IRFPA developers are anticipating
developments related directly to HgCdTe [72]. expanded use of these growth techniques.

The specific advantages of HgCdTe include: low camer con- One subtle, yet highly problematic area of HgCdTe develop-
centration; long minority camer lifetime; high mobility; and good ment has been passivation which is critical to device performance
ability to control epitaxial growth and surface properties. In addi- as it can greatly affect surface leakage currents and 1/ f noise
tion, HgCdTe is known to have a low dielectric constant and an levels. Passivation techniques are often so crucial to good per-
extremely small change in its lattice constant with compositional formance that most commercial developers treat it as a proprie-
changes (x value). When used in IRFPAs. the requirements for tary process. Generally, passivation techniques have included
large area wafers ( 3 inches or larger for silicon-like processing), native oxide, ZnS. anodic sulfides, SiOz, and heterostructures
good uniformity, and highly reproducible processes put great involving HgCdTe or CdTe [77].
demands on this material. Bulk growth techniques have been lim- IV-VI Compounds: The compounds PbS. PbSe, and PbTe all
ited by radial and axial composition variations and much of the have a rock salt lattice structure and direct energy band gaps with
current work on HgCdTe detector arrays focuses on epitaxial cutoff wavelengths of 3.3, 4.8, and 4.1. respectively (measured
growth [73], [74]. Epitaxial detector structures only require at 300K). These detectors were the primary materials used in sin-
approximately 5-20 pm of a HgCdTe layer. gle element IR systems in the 1950's. In the late 1950's and early
A necessary requirement for epitaxial growth of any thin film 1960's Pb, Sn, Te and Pb, L. Sn, Se compounds were devel-
- ~ -

is a high quality substrate. Any defects or crystalline imperfec- oped [78]. These compounds have the advantage of variable
tions in the substrate are replicated into the epitaxial layer. CdTe bandgaps as a function of x-value just like the previously dis-
which has a fairly good lattice match to HgCdTe ( 0 . 3 % lattice cussed Hg, ,Cd,Te compounds. In PbSnSe for x > 0.43 the
mismatch ) has previously been the prime substrate for epitaxial lattice structure is no longer rock salt, but below this value it
growth. But the limited quality, small size (areas typically < 10 behaves much like PbSnTe. A common property of lead salt
cm') and high cost of substrates have limited detector array devel- detectors is that their dielectric constants are anomalously high,
opment. Other materials are currently being investigated includ- ranging from 170 for PbS to over 400 for PbTe. For detector
ing CdZnTe, CdSeTe. sapphire, InSb, GaAs, and Si using epi- array designs where charge storage takes place in the detector
taxial buffer layers. One interesting result with long range structures, this could be advantageous. For scanning IRFPA's, a
implications is that good pv HgCdTe detector structures appear high dielectric constant can be a severe detriment in that it limits
possible on a CdTe/GaAs/Si layered structure where the sub- high frequency performance and causes amplifier matching diffi-
strate material is Si which could also serve as the multiplexer in culties. Such high dielectric constants would also prevent the ulti-
a monlithic IRFPA architecture [75], [76]. mate use of lead salts in monolithic CCD designs as the charge
A number of groups have successfully grown high quality LPE transfer efficiency would be very poor at conventional FPA data
HgCdTe under laboratory conditions. and these processes are rates. Another limiting factor is the large thermal expansion coef-
currently being transitioned into production. LPE materials have ficient which is a poor match with silicon, making it impractical
been demonstrated with low carrier conccntrations ( 1014-10's for conventional FPA structures.
cm-') but problems with voids. inclusions. and twinning tend to In spite of these limitations. the lead salts are particularly easy
limit current production efforts of LWIR material. LPE layer materials to fabricate either by vacuum evaporation or chemical
interfaces are on the order of 2-3 pm in width making the process deposition. For example. high resistivity PC detectors can be fab-
inadequate for superlattice and quantum well applications. Scv- ricated using these techniques in PbS and PbSe with moderate
eral problems with LPE HgCdTe arc: composition and conduc- performance even though they tend to have highly granular struc-
tivity type are difficult to control at the interfaces: the stoichi- tures and high carrier concentrations which are typical of many
ometry of the melt is difficult to maintain due to the high growth lead salt crystals making BLIP performance usually unachieva-
temperature (400-500°C ); and good surface morphology is dif- ble. Work on PbSnTe and PbSnSe advanced fabrication tech-
ficult to achieve. niques has been performed on bulk. LPE, VPE. and MBE growth
Recent successes in other materials (like GaAs) grown by techniques and very sophisticated device structures have been


demonstrated with excellent uniformity and material stability [8,
p. 2271. Passivation of lead salt surfaces appears to be well under-
component count [82]. The design and fabrication of these analog
circuits must be suitable for cryogenic operation as well.

stood. Monolithic arrays may also be of interest. Recently, a Swiss Because the input circuit is so very critical to high performance
research group demonstrated moderate performance pv PbTe in hybrid FPAs, many array developers treat their designs as pro-
detectors grown heteroepitaxially on silicon substrates with an prietary. In the two subsections below we first present three

intermediate buffer layer of CaF2/BaF2 [79]. examples of simple input circuits that have been used over the
past decade and then discuss overall design considerations for
INPUTCIRCUITS input circuits which are dependent on specific applications.
In an IRFPA, after the detectors convert the incident photons
A. Conventional Input Circuits
to electrical charge, the resulting signal must be injected into a
readout for output multiplexing. In present hybrid configurations, Three examples of input circuits that have been studied and
VLSI multiplexers are fabricated on silicon chips which can then used to a great extent (and serve as the basis for more sophisti-
be bump bonded to the detector arrays, as shown previously in cated designs) are shown in Fig. 8. For the purpose of this dis-
Fig. 5(a). In a monolithic design using MIS detectors, the mul- cussion, we will assume that a PV detector is to be coupled to a
tiplexer and detector can be coupled directly to transfer charge CCD readout device. Coupling to other types of readouts, for

(e.g., a visible CCD) thus eliminating the need for an input cir- example, a switch array, would involve nearly the same design
cuit. For present monolithic designs, this has the disadvantage of considerations with some exceptions which will be mentioned in
transferring charge through a device structure fabricated in a nar- the next subsection. Note that in all three configurations the input

row bandgap material. diffusion and gate GI are identical to a MOSFET source and gate.
Although input circuits for hybrid IRFPA's must be designed In studying these input structures, G, is then treated like a virtual
to meet a number of requirements and constraints as shall be dis- drain and this segment of the input is modeled as a MOSFET.
cussed below, it is often of critical importance that they have The gates 4, and 4, are the CCD transfer and phase one gates.
lower noise than the detectors so as to meet BLIP requirements. Direct Injection: The direct injection input circuit shown (831
Many high performance preamplifier designs have been devel- in Fig. 8(a) has an input gate GI which is held at a fixed potential
oped in the past for coupling to discrete IR detectors [80], how- and fulfills the function of reverse biasing the PV detector. The
ever, such designs cannot practically be fabricated in a silicon charge carriers generated by the detector are directly injected into
integrated circuit geometry with the small unit cell area con- the input diffusion and potential well under the storage gate G,
straints of current IRFPA designs. Some linear IRFPA designs where it is accumulated. The potentials supplied to the transfer
are exceptions for which there is enough area for a transimped- gate GI and storage gate G, are applied to all unit cells simulta-
ance amplifier (TIA) [81] which is a near ideal circuit for cou- neously from common bias lines. The exact bias on each detector

pling an IR detector to a multiplexer. However, most IRFPA array is thus dependent on the common bias voltage as well as the spe-
designs have unit cells too small to accommodate all the TIA cific threshold voltage of the gate GI. The operating point of the
components. Thus input circuits for advanced staring and TDI coupled detector and input circuit is found by constructing a load
FPA's must be designed with very specialized input circuits that line for the I ( V ) characteristics of the detector and input MOS-
meet stringent high performance specifications yet have very little FET. The direct injection approach has the advantage of simplic-
available area for complex circuitry and a commensurate high ity (small area) and high injection efficiencies, which in the low


iD l m : l C H , , ,

(1 AVs

Fig. 8. Input circuits for hybrid IRFPA's. (a) Direct injection. (b) Buffered direct injection.
(c) Gate modulation.

SCRIBNER er al IRFPA TECHNOLOGY zyxwvutsrqpon ~~

frequency limit is Gate Modulation 18, p . 2241: For those applications where very
high photon flux becomes a problem in terms of saturating the

available storage well capacity, the gate modulation circuit shown

in Fig. 8(c) can be employed. It essentially suppresses dc back-
where g,,, is the transconductance of the MOSFET and R , the ground current by directly coupling the detector output to the
intemal resistance of the detector at the operating voltage. The transfer gate G, which then modulates the current flowing into the
highest injection efficiency is obtained for large g,,, and R,, that storage well in proportion to the ac component of the signal. Good
is, g,,,R , >> 1, In addition, if g),, is too low the maximum fre- injection efficiency of the ac signal requires a high value for RD.
quencyf,,,, of the input circuit will begin to fall off as Also the load resistor R, must have a value greater than the detec-
tor resistance R, in order to maximize the injection efficiency and
minimize added thermal noise. For some applications where RD
is fairly high (for example, in MWIR detectors) the required
resistance for RL becomes so high that resistors may be difficult

where C , is the capacitance of the detector. Generally, this is not
a problem for MWIR staring designs where R , is large, but it can to fabricate using standard silicon technology.
be very important for LWIR scanning designs where R, is small. Another problem with gate modulation is that the threshold
The added noise from the input circuit is simply that associated variations of the MOSFET input cause serious problems with
with the MOSFET as shown in the equivalent circuit diagram of nonuniformity of response across the IRFPA as compared to direct
Fig. 8(a). Although this noise can be kept fairly low, the back- injection inputs. Linearity of response is also inferior to direct
biasing condition needed to operate the MOSFET (typically in injection. Nevertheless. the ability to suppress very large IR
the subthreshold condition) can cause levels of dark current that backgrounds has been demonstrated and is particularly useful in
degrade sensitivity and also result in a loss of usable storage well certain applications.
capacity. A simple variation of this circuit is to store charge on
the detector thus eliminating the need for the transfer gate G, and B. Requirements and Constraints f o r Input Circuii
the storage well G,. Thus bias on the detector generally needs to
be higher in this mode and the charge storage is now in the narrow Design constraints for input circuits are shown in Fig. 9 and
bandgap detector material which will have a dramatically lower can be quite severe. As mentioned previously, unit cell dimen-
charge storage capacity than the previous silicon MOS capacitor
configuration. As mentioned in Section 111, there is also a poten-
tial problem of a nonlinear response when storing charge in the
Buffered Direct Injection 1841, fS.51: One approach to improv- REQUIREMENTS CONSTRAINTS

ing the direct injection current is to use feedback as shown in Fig. R d LOW NOISE UNIT CELL AREA
8(b). The detector is connected to both the input diffusion and the IN) CURVE BACKGROUND SUPPRESSION THRESHOLC SENSlTlVlTY
input of a simple amplifier whose output is then used to control UNIFORMIW BLWMING CONTROL FABRICATION YIELD
the potential on the transfer gate. In this configuration, the trans-

fer gate G, is no longer held at a constant potential, but varies in UNIFORMITY

proportion to the photogenerated current of the detector. Analysis Fig. 9. Requirements and constraints for input circuits as well as
of this circuit shows that it operates like the previously described related considerations for detectors and readouts.
direct injection circuit but with an effective g,,, that is increased
by a factor of ( 1 + A ) where A is the gain of the amplifier. The
improvemcnt in effective x,,~thus increases the injection efficiency sions are typically 25 to 50 pm or less. In terms of power dissi-
and extends the maximum frequency response of the circuit. Fur- pation, arrays operating at 77K should be designed with heat loads
thermore. if' the gain of the amplifier in the buffered direct injec- on the order of < 0 . 2 5 W in order to meet practical cryogenic
tion circuit is high, then improved noise performance can be cooling limits. Thus for an array with IO 000 detectors, each input
obtained over a comparable direct injection circuit provided the circuit must dissipate less than 25 pW of power. Also, it is impor-
feedback amplifier noise is kept low.

tant to note that any design, no matter how ingenious or clever

Another advantage of the buffered direct injection circuit is that must be producible and capable of high yield when fabricated in
the amplifier operating voltages can be controlled, allowing some a conventional silicon process or the production cost will be pro-

flexibility in the level of reverse bias voltage applied to the detec- hibitive even in small quantities.
tor. Because the I / f noise levels in a PV detector is believed to As discussed above, even for simple input circuit designs, there
be proportional to current [4I ] . [42], biasing the detector at zero are many considerations and complications. With regard to high
volts minimizes the I / f noise contribution from the detector. injection efficiency, and low noise requirements for the input cir-
However. reverse biasing a PV detector tends to improve the RA cuit. this is very challenging in the case of LWIR PV IRFPA's
product (provided it is not biased into the breakdown rcgion) where the detectors have low R,,A values, typically 1-100 R .
which then improves injection efficiency and reduces the added cm. The detector can be represented by an equivalent circuit with
noise level from the amplifier. Therefore, an optimum bias level a current source, a resistor and a capacitor all in parallel. If the
for reduced noise performance probably occurs at a reverse bias input circuit impedance is significantly greater than the detector
voltage slightly below zero. impedance, then the injection efficiency of the photogenerated
The buffered direct injection circuit achieves improved injec- signal will be very low. That is. the photogenerated current is
tion efficiency, better frequency response and lower noise at the essentially shunted through the intemal detector impedance and
expense of increased circuit complexity. Because all the photo- injection efficiency is reduced. If the input impedance of the input
generated charge is injected (just like direct injection). back- circuit is too low the current through the detector would become
ground suppression is still lacking. unacceptably high increasing the Johnson noise level. Therefore,


a practical design rule is to nominally match the input circuit
impedance to that of the detector.
A . CCD Readouts
The CCD readout has been extensively developed for use in

As discussed in Section 11, background flux levels and the
visible camera systems and a number of excellent review articles
resulting irradiance on the focal plane can vary by several orders
exist [89], [90]. For infrared devices, CCD’s have been used in
of magnitude. Thus background suppression to meet dynamic
hybrid and monolithic structures. The readout is composed of MIS
range requirements can be unnecessary in some applications and

gates that shift analog charge packets systematically as shown in
highly demanding in others. For example, a CCD gate can hold
Fig. 10. A number of CCD structures are possible including one-,
approximately 10” camers/cm’. This implies that 50 x 50 pm
unit cell, with only part of the area dedicated to charge transfer,
can only handle on the order of IO7 camers before saturating. UNIT CELL

Presently, CCD’s for IRFPA’s have dynamic ranges less than

lo4. Additionally very intense sources within an image (e.g., a
fire or exhaust plume) may cause intense saturation and bloom-
ing. Although some input circuits such as gate modulation are
inherently tolerant to blooming, other input circuit designs may
need additional anti-blooming circuitry [86]. In Section VI we
will discuss the importance of linearity and uniformity in terms
of making corrections to the output video to achieve very high

levels of performance. I
t tt
A number of readout mechanisms have been developed for
IRFPA’s. The most common types currently in use are the CCD, Fig. 10. Operation of a three-phase CCD.
charge injection device (CID), charge imaging matrix (CIM), and
MOSFET switch. Each will be discussed individually below. The

CCD or the MOSFET switch are the obvious choices for use in
hybrid arrays where the readout mechanism can be fabricated in
silicon. Fabricating high performance readout mechanisms in
materials other than silicon is a technological challenge. Never-
theless CCD devices have been fabricated in InSb and HgCdTe.
To avoid the large number of charge transfers associated with a
CCD, the CID and CIM approaches have been developed.
The major design requirements for readout mechanisms [ 19, p.
two-, three-, and four-phase gate configurations and in some cases
altemative clocking waveforms can be used. For an imaging
CCD, photogenerated charge at the detector is transferred
sequentially along individual CCD rows to a fast output CCD
column at the side of the array as shown in Fig. 11.

1121, [87], [88] are high charge capacity, high transfer efficiency, TOR CIRCUITS
low noise, and low power dissipation. Other technical issues that
need to be addressed are antiblooming control and crosstalk

reduction. For readout mechanisms fabricated in narrow bandgap
semiconductors the charge capacity is significantly less than a

comparable silicon device. The bulk breakdown voltage Vbd of a
semiconductor has been empirically related to the semiconduc-
tor’s bandgap energy E, as Vb, 0: E:” [8, p. 2181. The bandgap
of silicon is 1.1 eV. The bandgap of InSb (cutoff length, A,, =
5.5 p m ) is 0.23 eV and the approximate bandgap of an LWIR

Fig. 11. Operation of a two-dimensional imaging CCD.
material (A,, = 12 p m ) is 0.1 eV. Therefore, the nominal break-

down voltage of InSb is about 1 / 10 of silicon, whereas an LWIR
The charge-transfer efficiency of an ideal CCD is unity, that
detector is about 1/30, Charge storage is also dependent upon
is no loss of signal. A typical efficiency per transfer for a well
the dielectric constant of the insulator thickness. Although very
developed visible CCD is around 0.999 99 per phase. This is
impressive charge storage capacities have been achieved for InSb
sometimes expressed as charge inefficiency e (in this case E =
and MWIR HgCdTe, silicon readout devices have an undisputa-
0.000 01). For m transfers (where m is the number of phases
ble advantage in this area.
times the number of pixels), the total loss (or inefficiency) is
The charge transfer efficiency quantifies the performance of the
readout to move charge from the storage well to the IRFPA out-
put. Retention of charge in the storage well or other transfer losses
a = 1 - (1 - ET = me, for small E

of signal can reduce performance. In some cases, the charge Thus a poorly designed three-phase CCD with E = 0.0001 and
transfer efficiency sometimes decreases (droops) from one side of 512 pixelslrow would have a loss of 15% for the pixels at the far
the array to the other. Although a slight degree of droop can be side of the CCD. The dynamics of the charge transfer processes
corrected off the focal plane with nonuniformity correction elec- involve solving the continuity equation and Poissons equation with
tronics, too much droop can cause problems with loss of sensi- appropriate boundary conditions. The charge transfer losses gen-

tivity and may require increased resolution in the accompanying erally involve two drift current mechanisms. The first is caused
AID signal conditioning. by the electrical field due to nonuniform distribution of electrons
In the discussion below we briefly review the most important under two adjacent electrodes at the same potential. This is known
charge transfer devices used in IRFPA’s and comment on their as self-induced drift. The second is caused by a field due to the
developmental status. potential difference between electrodes. This is called fringe-field

SCRIBNER et zyxwvutsrqponml


drift. Still another phenomenon that contributes to losses in charge
transfer efficiency is trapping at the semiconductor-oxide inter-

There are a number of possible random noise sources in a CCD

including thermal noise, charge trapping, and reset noise. There
charge storage. This factor combined with relatively good noise
performance leads to very high dynamic range capabilities. The
silicon processing technology is highly standardized for MOS-
FET designs, leading to high yields and low costs. Finally, the
readout can be designed with very simple interface requirements
are also correlated sources of noise that are also present due to as some of the clocking and switching circuitry can be incorpo-
cross talk, clocking, and EMI. rated onto the side of the chip. This can reduce the number of
The most successful use of CCD technology in large area clock waveforms that need to be supplied through the dewar wall.
IRFPA’s has probably been the PtSi CCD. Another important
implementation has been with hybrid arrays that use CCD’s as C. CID Readouts

the readout mechanism. For the PtSi IRFPA’s the advantage is
The CID was originally fabricated as a MOS silicon device to

that they are highly producible, being very similar to fabricating
reduce the number of transfers needed for readout (as compared
a visible silicon CCD, the only major difference being the incor-
to a CCD) [95]. Shortly thereafter CID devices were fab-
poration of a short series of Pt deposition steps. Other advantages
ricated using narrow bandgap semiconductor materials to form
of the CCD are: the response is highly linear and uniform: the
InSb and HgCdTe monolithic IRFPA’s [96], [91, p. 1341. In a
random noise is low and the 1/f noise is low leading to good
CID, the detection process occurs within the unit cells which are
stability; and the ability to fabricate large area arrays with very
comprised of two MIS structures that are readout in an x-y
small unit cells is well demonstrated.
addressable manner as shown in Fig. 13. The structure is some-
However, CCDs require custom fabrication processes that are
not commonly available at commercial silicon foundries. In addi-
tion, CCD’s are limited to those applications which require only COLUMN SCAN REGISTER

moderate charge handling capabilities per unit area. Charge han- OUTPUT
dling in a CCD increases with gate voltage but higher gate volt-
ages present problems with waveform generation and noise 99
crosstalk. * ov
Development of monolithic CCD imaging devices in narrow

bandgap infrared materials has been of great interest since the
early 1970’s. A number of small working test arrays have been
fabricated and demonstrated [91], [92]. More work needs to be
performed to achieve dynamic range levels that will be competi-
tive with existing large area IRFPAs such as current hybrid arrays.

B. MOSFET Switch Readouts

The basic structure of the MOSFET switch readout [93], [94] COLUMN SWITCH
is shown in a very simplistic form in Fig. 12. Each photodiode
Fig. 13. Simplified schematic of a CID showing a 3 X 3 array

detector is shown connected in parallel to a storage capacitor with row and column scanners.

what similar to the MOSFET switch readout discussed above, but


A =
4 0
o z
E 4
with extra switches on the row and column lines to control the
charge transfers needed within the unit cells. For IRFPA’s, the
CID readout has been designed typically as a pseudomonolithic
array with the MIS detector structures fabricated on narrow band-
gap semiconductor material and the row scanner and the column
scanner fabricated as silicon chips which are bonded to row and
column input pads on the detector array. The advantages of this
configuration are that no diodes or transistors need to be formed
in the narrow bandgap semiconductor and the entire device can
I , , be epoxied on a ceramic carrier for mounting inside the dewar.
: : I
A number of different readout methods have been devised for
Fig. 12. Simplified schematic ot a MOSFET switch readout the CID. In the early CID’s (fabricated as MOS silicon devices)
rudimentary readouts were sequenced by selecting a pixel (after
integrating the optical signal) in such a manner that the photo-
located in the unit cell. A digital horizontal scan register (usually generated charge is stored completely under the column gate
fabricated on the chip) is shown at the top of the figure and a which is biased into deep depletion to form a potential well (the
multiplexer is shown on the left. A column of diodes and storage row gate is set to zero volts). All other pixels in the selected
capacitors is selected one at a time by the scan register. Simul- column have charge stored under both the row gate and the col-
taneously, a row bus is selected by the vertical scan register. In

umn gate. The voltage on the column gate is then removed and
this manner, each pixel can be addressed individually in sequence. the potential well under the selected pixel collapses and the stored
The signal charge removed from the individual pixels is trans- charge is injected into the bulk semiconductor. These carriers
ferred into the multiplexer for readout. recombine causing a proportional displacement current which can
The MOSFET switch readout has several desirable properties. be sensed by the external circuitry. The major problem with the
First, the circuit density can be quite high leaving more room for read-on-inject approach is that the potential well under the col-


~ -~ ~~ ~~
umn gate does not immediately retum to the substrate potential
after injection because of charge trapping. Furthermore, sensing
injected current from an interconnect to the bulk substrate is an
inherently noisy process. Both these problems are particularly
more acute in narrow bandgap semiconductor CID’s than in com-

parable silicon devices.
To avoid the problems of read-on-inject sensing schemes, the
signal can be detected by sensing the column line voltage before
and after injection while the voltage on the column line is allowed
to float. This is called the ideal mode scheme [97] and is shown

in Fig. 14(a). In other readout schemes, the injection pulse is not



Fig. 15. Charge imaging matrix consisting of an M X N MIS

detector array.

(a) zyxwvutsrqp
Fig. 14. Sequencing of CID potential wells for (a) the ideal mode
readout and (b) the SRI mode readout.

Detector Gate
senre Diode

reduced completely to a zero voltage value; instead an intetme-

diate bias level is used during injection to provide just enough
potential well depth to avoid dropping below the MIS strong
inversion threshold potential. As a result, a bias charge is always
present under the column gate which serves to saturate the MIS
surface states thus improving charge transfer speeds and noise
levels. Another problem with the ideal mode readout scheme is
that the charge storage capacity of either the row or the column
Transfer Gate /
gate must have a large enough capacity to store the entire pho-
togenerated signal charge (plus any dark current).
The sequential row inject (SRI) readout shown in Fig. 14(b) is : i e l d Plarc D e t e c t o r Gate T r a n s f e r Gate

one approach to overcoming the limitations of the ideal mode

readout discussed above. It uses the same techniques of voltage
sensing before and after injection as well as charge sharing
between the two gates to make better use of available charge stor-
age capacity.
In general, well-designed CID’s have the inherent advantage n+ Sense Diode

of rapid readout because charge is sensed as a change in potential Fig. 16. Plan view and cross-sectional view of a CIM device

at each site and large numbers of charge transfers are avoided.
On the other hand, sensing of changes in column potential can
limit the ultimate size of the array. Because a large number of

pixels increases the node capacitance of the column line, this tinuous linear columns beside the MIS detectors. The diode col-
increases the kTC noise level during the sensing process. Also, umns are used as output nodes for draining charge collected in
with an increase in node capacitance (and no change in the num- the individual MIS detectors. The controlled flow of charge from
ber of photon generated charge carriers), there would be an asso- under the MIS detector gate into the diode column, is by a trans-
ciated decrease in the output voltage. fer gate. The full device can also be designed with a field plate
to control the surface potential and electric field at the edges of
the MIS detectors and the diode columns.
D. CIM Readouts
In operation, an MIS detector is biased into deep detection to
The CIM [98] consists of an array of MIS photodetectors as create a potential well in which incident photons are captured and
shown in Fig. 15 wire bonded in a pseudomonolithic design to the resulting photogenerated charge carriers are stored. After an
silicon processing chips. A plan view and cross sectional view of appropriate integration time the transfer gate is biased into slight
an individual pixel is shown in Fig. 16. The individual pixels are depletion and the diode column of the selected pixel is reverse
composed of semitransparent electrodes for collecting the photon biased (using off chip electronics) and allowed to float. Next, the
generated charge during an optical integration period. Narrow voltage on the detector gate is tumed off and the potential well is
diode channels are formed (typically by ion implantation) as con- collapsed and the stored charge is drained under the transfer gate


-~ ~-
into the diode column. Because the diode is in the float mode. a In the charge skimming approach [ 1021, suppression is accorn-
measurable potential change on the diode occurs proportional to plished by controlling the gate voltages so that only a fraction of
the collected charge. The change in potential of the diode is sensed the integrated charge in the storage well is transfered to the read-
with an off-chip voltage amplifier in the form of a source follower out CCD. The maximum amount of charge that can be skimmed
and preamp. is limited by the nonuniformity of the individual elements and the
Because of inherent charge storage limitations in MIS detec- intrascene dynamic range.
tors, the design must carefully take into account the projected flux Another on-chip technique to alleviate the charge capacity

levels which the MIS detector will need to handle for a given problems with the CCD multiplexer is charge partitioning [ 1031.
integration time. A related factor is that the design and operation In this approach the storage area is contained undcr three gates
of the diode column must be such that it can be reverse biased a which integrate the photocurrent. After charge integration, the
few tenths of a volt so that when the photogenerated charge is center gate (which is very narrow) is raised to separate a smaller
transferred into the diode it does not shift into the forward bias charge packet under the smaller gate near the CCD multiplexer
region. This is of course dependent upon the I( V ) characteristics from the larger charge packet contained under the larger gate near
of the diode and the degree to which it can be reverse biased the detector. The charge is divided according to the area of the
before leakage currents become a limiting factor. gates and the smaller packet is read out while the larger packet is
The readout sequence of a CIM device is generally performed discarded using a drain. The same drain often performs anti-

by electronically scanning the MIS detector rows while synchron- blooming charge control.
ously sensing and multiplexing the output voltages of the diode Charge coupled computing devices have been demonstrated
columns. The majority of developmental work performed on the [ 1041 to perform general purpose arithmetic functions such as
CIM concept has been aimed at HgCdTe devices using p-type addition, subtraction, and amplitude comparison. This requires
bulk or LPE starting material. CIM devices have recently been the use of three-dimensional charge coupling. which involves
fabricated as large as 128 X 128 element MWIR staring arrays vertical coupling between the charge on the electrode and the
and 480 X 4 element LWIR arrays 1991. These designs are very charge in the channel. Although charge coupled computing
demanding in terms of obtaining successful yields. The starting devices have interesting processing characteristics, and relatively
material must by very pure (to minimize leakage in the MIS low noise and power. little area is available in the unit cell of a
detectors and the diode columns) and the insulator materials must high density IRFPA device.
be highly controllable to support multilevel gate structures with- The ability to have a large amount of real estate per unit cell
out breakdown or catastrophic shorts. Ultimately the CIM con- for low power circuit designs is realized more readily with a
cept has good potential for fabricating very large area arrays, Z-technology architecture as was discussed in Section 11. Devel-
however. improved interface techniques are necessary beyond its opmental IC test chips are being fabricated with amplifier, low
present configuration as a pseudomonolithic device with wire bond pass anti-aliasing filter, and a 13-bit analog-to-digital convertor
interconnects. per detector channel [ IOS]. Transimpedance amplifiers with a
100-dB dynamic range have been fabricated with a chopper sta-
bilized design. These amplifiers are highly desired for detector
readouts but require more real estate than is available in most
Generally, IRFPA signal processing for advanced IR systems IRFPA architectures. They dissipate about 3 pW per detector
includes nonuniformity correction [ IOO]. [ IOI]. gain control, spa- channel at a frame rate of 1000 Hz. CID and CIM architectures
tial filtering for point or edge enhancement, thresholding, motion allow similar designs of the amplifier. filter, and other on-focal-
detection, and image segmentation. These signal processing func- plane signal processing with one channel per column of detectors
tions require that arithmetic operations be applied to every pixel instead of one per detector [98, p. 691.
and often include local neighborhood operations. The number of The desire to develop lower cost more producible silicon read-
operations for even a very simple signal processing system work- outs with higher dynamic range has generated a movement toward
ing with a 256 X 256 array at a 100-Hz frame rate can exceed CMOS readout circuits. This approach is an extension of the
IO9 arithmetic operations per second. switch readout in Section V . Another possible analog VLSI tech-
Analog sampled outputs from an IRFPA are usually multi- nique includes the JFET-CMOS technology for on-chip signal
plexed through the dewar walls in a serial fashion and the serial processing to achieve lower noise and power dissipation, as well
processing which follows often causes a processing bottleneck. as higher density fabrication.
Because the information is integrated on the focal plane array in Development of most on-chip signal processing is still in the
parallel fashion, many workers have been interestcd in perform- conceptual stage and requires additional engineering to yield
ing some of the processing directly on the focal plane before leav- producible IRFPA’s. There is. however, interest in even more

ing the dewar. The size, weight, and power (cooling) constraints advanced circuits such as neural networks or two-dimensional fil-
require very innovative designs. ters that might be implemented on chip. This area is expected to
Because CCD’s are used extensively for signal processing in grow rapidly once the accepted techniques for IRFPA readouts
many applications and also for readouts in IRFPA applications. are established.
one approach has been to explore CCD’s to perform spatially par-
allel image preprocessing on the focal plane in the analog charge
domain. Because the charge handling capacity of most CCD’s is The emphasis of future IRFPA development will continue to
limited to about IOh to IO7 carriers per pixel. the signal from an be for larger area. smaller pixel, higher sensitivity devices which
IR scene with its characteristic high background and IOW contrast will serve as the basic components for advanced imaging sys-
can easily exceed the maximum capacity. To alleviate this prob- tems. Future developmental progress will be achieved primarily
lem, various forms of gain control have been attempted. As was by incorporating advances in materials growth technologies and
discussed in Section IV, on-chip signal processing functions (other innovations in microelectronics. Even though considerable prog-
than multiplexing itself) often involve background suppression. ress has been made in IRFPA fabrication, some of the more excit-

82 P R O C E E D I N G S OF THE IEEE. VOL 7Y. NO I . J A N U A R Y 1991

ing new technologies such as heteroepitaxy of narrow bandgap [4] M. Kumata, M. Densa. N. Yutani, and N. Tsubouchi, “A 512
semiconductors and submicron lithography are only now entering x 512 element PtSi Schottky-barrier infrared image sensor.”
IEEE J. Solid-Stare Circuirs, vol. SC-22, Dec. 1987.
into future design considerations.
[ 5 ] W. S . Boyle and G. E. Smith, “Charge coupled semiconductor
In the first two decades of IRFPA development, researchers devices,” Bell Syst. Tech. J . , pp. 587-593. Apr. 1970.
have explored advanced detector concepts, novel materials, and [6] A. J. Steckl, R. D. Nelson, B. T. French, R. A. Gudmundsen,
array architectures. The next decade will focus on process and D. Schecter, “Application of charge-coupled devices to
improvement and producibility of demonstrated IRFPA’s and infrared detection and imaging,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 63, pp. 67-
74, Jan. 1975.
development of larger arrays using smaller feature sizes and [7] D. H. Pommerenig, D. D. Enders, and T. E. Meinhardt. “Hybrid

advanced heteroepitaxial materials. Although progress has been silicon focal plane array development: An update,” in Proc. Soc.
somewhat slow on LWIR HgCdTe material, it continues to offer Photo-Opt. fnsrrum. Eng., vol. 267, pp. 23-30, 1981.
the most advantages and highest performance. Hybrid and mon- [8] J . T. Longo, D. T. Cheung, A. M. Andrews. C. C. Wang, and
J. M. Tracy. “Infrared focal planes in intrinsic semiconductors.”
olithic architectures will still compete but both will rely heavily
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on advanced material growth techniques (LPE, MOCVD, and 1978.
MBE) to obtain larger areas and better uniformity. In the case of [9] S . E. Botts, “Design and performance of a SWIR HgCdTe hybrid

hybrids, altemate detector substrates (in particular, Si) will help module for multispectral linear array/Landsat applications,” fEEE

reduce previous thermal mismatch problems between the detector Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-32, pp. 1584-1591, Aug. 1985.
[IO] J. C. Carson, “Application of advanced “Z” technology focal
array and the multiplexer. Growth of narrow bandgap semicon-
plane architectures,” in Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng.,
ductors as isolated detectors on combined Si multiplexer sub- vol. 930, pp. 164-182, 1988.
strates promises to provide new monolithic arrays that would have 1111 J. Y. Wong and J . P. Rode, “The advent of three-dimensional
many advantages in terms of large area ( >25* mm2) and pro- imaging array architectures: A perspective,” in Proc. Soc. Photo-
ducibility. Z-plane architectures will continue to be of interest for Opt. Insrrum. Eng., vol. 501, pp. 128-135, 1984.

[ 121 J. C. Carson (Chairman), Conference title “Materials, devices,
their long term potential to perform on-chip signal processing and techniques, and applications for Z-focal plane array (FPA) tech-
will benefit from all improvements in conventional flip-chip hybrid nology,” in Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng., vol. 1097,
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con hybrid focal planes,” in Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng.,
the fabrication of superlattice devices. The early III-V superlat- vol. 510, pp. 121-129, 1984.
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by adjusting layer thickness. Increasing the effective mass reduces 16) W. L. Wolfe and G. J. Zissis (Eds.), The Infrared Handbook.
dark current and tunneling thus increasing sensitivity. Higher Ann Arbor, MI: ERIM, 1985, chap. 9, 19.
operating temperatures should therefore be possible. 171 R. Kingslake, Optical System Design. Orlando, FL: Academic,
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are available with high detector density and very high quantum 1975, chap. 9.
efficiency. Nevertheless, PtSi arrays with very low quantum effi- 191 A. F. Milton, “Readout mechanisms for infrared focal plane
ciency are attractive because of their excellent uniformity, good arrays,” in Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng., vol. 443, pp.
linearity, and low cost. Their overall performance for ambient 112-1 19, 1983.
[20] E. L. Demiak and D. G. Crowe, Optical Radiation Detectors.
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[23] R. C. Jones, “Proposal of the detectivity D** for detectors lim-
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ity. The availability of high-performance low-cost arrays will [24] H. Barhydt, “Performance of nearly BLIP detectors in infrared
make possible many new applications of advanced IR imaging sensors,” Opt. Eng.. vol. 15. pp. 498-509, NovJDec. 1976.
[25] C. T. Elliot, “Infrared detectors,” in Handbook on Semiconduc-
systems in astronomy [106], remote sensing [107], (1081, space tors, vol. 4, C. Hilsum. Ed., New York: North Holland, chap.
sciences [109], meteorology [110], military [88, p. 1841, medical 6B, pp. 727-798, 1981.
[ l l l ] , and industrial systems [112]. Based on the trend lines [26] D. Long, “Photovoltaic and photoconductive infrared detec-
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[27] E. H. Putley, “Thermal detectors,” in Oprical and Infrared

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verter,” Infrared Physics, vol. 19. pp. 507-522, 1979.
[I] R. P. Khosla and T. J. Tredwell, “Solid state image sensors [29] R. Watton. P. Manning, and D. Burgess, “The pyroelectric /
steadily advancing,” Laser Focus/Electro-Optics, pp. 113-1 18, CCD focal plane hybrid: analysis and design for direct charge
Sept. 1988. injection,” Infrared Physics, vol. 22, pp. 259-275, 1982.
121 J. Janesick and T. E. Elliott, ”Recent developments in large area 1301 S . E. Lang and S . Iwasa, “PyroelectriclCCD hybrid focal plane,”
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tors: An overview," Opt. E i i g . . vol. 14. pp. 21-30. Jan.-Feb.
B.-Y. Tsaur, M . M. Weeks, and P. W. Pellegrini, "Pi-lr silicide
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P . Migllordto and C. T. Elliott. "Sulphur doped silicon IR detec- H. Hochst. M . A. Englehardt, and D. W . Niles, "The MBE
tors." Solid Srute Electroiiics. vol. 21, pp. 443-447. 1978. growJthand electronic structure of a-Sn,Ge, alloys," in Pruc.
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A. Rogalski, "Analysis ofthe R,,A product in n + - p Hg, ,Cd,Te
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R. Borrello. "HgCdTe charge-coupled device technology." See the Proc. "U.S. Workshops on the Physics and Chemist? of
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1461 W. W . Anderson. "Tunnel current limitations of narrow bandgap pp, 1587-1764. Jul.-Sept. 1983; vol. 3, pp. 55-284, Jan.-Feb.
infrared charge coupled devices." lilfrured Ph?..sics. vol. 17. pp. 1985: vol. 4. pp. 1965-2238. Jul.-A~g.1986; vol. 5 . pp. 2995-
147-164, 1977. 3210. Sept.-Oct. 1987: vol. 6. pp. 2597-2840, Jul.-Aug. 1988;
(471 M. W . Goodwin. M. A. Kinch, and R. J . Koestner. "Metal- vol. 7. pp. 269-554. Mar.-Apr. 1989; pp. 996-1259, Mar.-Apr.
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[491 J . M . Mooney and J . Silverman, "The theory of hot-electron "Evolution of a new semiconductor product: Mercury cadmium
photoemission in Schottky-barrier 1R detectors," / E € € Trarls. telluride focal plane arrays," Opt. D i g . , vol. 26. pp. 191-200.
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W . F. Kosnocky, F. V . Shallcross. T. S. Villani, and J. V. J . D. Murphy, "Jnfrared detector materials research-A view-
Groppe. "160 X 244. element PtSi Schottky-barrier. IR-CCD point," Soc. Photo-Opr. Itisfrum. Etig., vol. 659. pp. 2-9, 1986.
image sensor." IEEE Trans. Elecfroii. Dei,ices. vol. ED-33. pp, R. A. Reynolds, "11-VI compounds: 30 years of history," J.
1564-1573. Aug. 1985. Vac. Sci. Technol. A., vol. 7, pp. 269-270, Mar./Apr. 1989.
A. Lopez-Otero, "Growth of some important narrow gap semi- K . R. Zanio and R. C. Bean, "HgCdTe photovoltaic detectors
conductors," in Proc. Fourth bit. Cot$ on Physics of Ncirrobt, on Si substrates," Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng.. vol. 930, pp.
Gap Seniicond., New York: Springer, 1982, pp. 17-29. 44-55, 1988.
M. A. Herman and M. Pessa. "Hg, -,Cd,Te-Hg, _?Cd!Te 1761 D. D. Edwall. L. 0. Bubulac. J. Bajaj, R. Zucca, and E. R.
( 0 5 X. Y, 5 I ) heterostructures: properties, epitaxy, and appli- Gertner, "Material characteristics of MOCVD Hg, ,Cd,Te/ -

cations," J . App2. Phys., vol. 57. pp. 2671-2694, Apr. 1985. GaAs/Si," J . Vuc. Sei. Techno/., 1989.
(531 N. Sclar, "Extrinsic silicon detectors for 3-5. 8-14111 pm." Y . Nemirovsky and G. Bakir. "Passivation of mercury cadmium
Infrured Physics, vol. 16, pp. 435-448, 1976. telluride surfaces." J . Vac. Sri. Technol. A . , vol. 7. pp, 450-
1541 -, "Temperature limitations for IR extrinsic and intrinsic pho- 459. Mar./Apr. 1989.
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109-1 18. Jan. 1980. cogenides." Seniicondrrctors urid Seriiiruetuls. vol. 5 , pp. I I I -
0. J. Marsh, R. Baron. J . P. Baukus. M . H. Young. and G. D. 172. 1970.
Robertson. "Extrinsic silicon focal plane arrays-influences of 1791 C. Maisson. J. Masek. H. Zogg. and S . Blunier. "Photovoltaic
material properties." Soc. Photo-Opt. Iiistrunr. €rig.. vol. 285. infrared sensors in heteroepitaxial PbTe on Si." Appl. Plixs. Lett.,
pp. 136-142. 1981. vol. 53. pp. 1608-1610. Oct. 1988.
D. K. Schroder, "Extrinsic silicon monolithic focal plane arrays," W . W. Sloan. "Detector-associated electronics." in The Itlfrared
in Proc. IEDM Coif. pp. 548-55 1. 1979. Huiidhook, W . L. Wolfe and G. J. Zissis. Eds.. Ann Arbor.
R . D. Nelson. "Infrared charge transfer devices-The silicon MI: ERIM. 1985. chap. 16.
approach." Opt. € i f c ? . . vol. 16. pp. 275-283. MayiJune 1977. C. L. Wyatt. D. J. Baker. and D. G . Frodsham. "A direct cou-
E.-Y. Tsaur. M. J. McNutt. R. A. Bredthauer. and R. B. Matt- pled low-noise preamplifier for cryogenically cooled photocon-
son. "128 x 128-element lrSi Schottky-barrier focal plane arrays ductive 1R detectors." Irifrured Physics. vol. 14. pp. 165-176.
for long-wavelength infrared imaging." IEEE Elecm,i Dc,i,icc, 1974.
Left.. vol. IO. pp. 361-363. Aug. 1989. 1821 W . S . Chan. "Detector-charge-coupled device (CCD) interface


- -

methods,” Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng., vol. 244, pp. 81-96,
P. Felix, M. Moulin, B. Munier, J. Portmann, and J. P. Reboul, [I091
sensing of the Earth,” Proc. IEEE. vol. 73, pp. 950-969, June
J . A. Cutts. “Focal plane array technologies for NASA space


“CCD readout of infrared hybrid focal-plane arrays,” IEEE systems,” in Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. E n g . . vol. 868. pp.
Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-27, pp. 175-188, 1980. 104-106, 1987.
[84] N. Bluzer, “Buffered direct injection of photocurrents into charge- [ I IO] R . P. Corbell, C. J. Callahan, and W. J. Kotsch, The GOES/SMS
coupled devices.” f E E E Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-25, Users Guide. National Earth Satellite Service, 1976.
pp. 160-166, Feb. 1978. [ I 1I ] M. Abemathy and S . Uematsu, Medical Thermology. Washing-
[85] N. Bluzer and A. S . Jensen. “Current readout of infrared detec- ton, DC: American Acad. of Thermology, 1986.
tors,” Opt. Eng., vol. 26, pp. 241-248, Mar. 1987. [ 1121 See the Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng.: Thermosense 111,
[86] H. Takigawa. M. Dobi. and R. Ueda, “Hybrid IRCCD imaging vol. 254, 1980; Thermosense IV, vol. 313. 1981; Thermosense
array,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices. vol. ED-27, pp. 146-150, V. vol. 371, 1982; Thermosense VI, vol. 446, 1983: Thenno-
Jan. 1980. sense VII, vol. 520, 1984; Thermosense VIII, vol. 581, 1985:

[87] D. J . Burt. “Readout techniques for focal plane arrays,” Soc. Thermosense IX. vol. 780, 1987: Thermosense X , vol. 934, 1988:
Photo-Opt. fnstrum. Eng.. vol. 865, pp. 2-16, 1988. Thermosense XI, vol. 1094, 1989.
[88] M. R . Kruer. D. A. Scribner, J. M. Killiany. “Infrared focal
plane array development for Navy Applications,” Opt. Eng., vol.
26. pp. 182-190, Mar. 1987.
[89] J. A. Hall, “Arrays and charge-coupled devices,” Appl. Opt.
Opt. Eng., vol. VIII, pp. 349-400, 1980.
[90] D. F. Barbe. “Imaging devices using the charge-coupled con- Dean A. Scribner received the B.S. degree
cept,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 63, pp. 38-67. Jan. 1975. from Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, and

[91] R. A. Chapman, S . R. Borrello, A. Simmons, J. D. Beck, A. J. the M.S. degree from Fordham University,
Lewis, M. A. Kinch. J. Hyenecek, and C. G. Roberts, “Mono- Bronx, NY, both in physics. In 1982 he received
lithic HgCdTe charge transfer device infrared imaging arrays,’’ the Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University,
lEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-27, pp, 134-145. Jan. Washington, DC where his research included

1980. the effects of heavy doping on the electronic
[92] R. D. Thom, T. L. Koch, J . D. Langan, and W. J. Pamsh, “A propertied of narrow band semiconductors.

fully monolithic InSb infrared CCD array,” IEEE Trans. Elec- Since 1983 he has been a Research Scientist
Iron Devices, vol. ED-27. pp. 160-170, Jan. 1980. in the Optical Sciences Division of the Naval
R. A. Ballingall, I. D. Blenkinsop, C. T. Elliott, I . M. Baker, Research Laboratory. His current research
and D. Jenner, “Electronically scanned CMT detector array for interests are in infrared detectors, focal plane arrays, and associated image
the 8-14 pm band,” Electron. Lett., vol. 18, pp. 285-287, 1982. processing techniques.
G. C. Bailey. C. A. Niblack, and J. T. Wimmers, “Recent devel-
opment of a 128 X 128 indium antimonide/FET switch hybrid
imager for low-background applications,” in Proc. Soc. Photo-
Opt. Instrum. Eng., vol. 686, pp. 76-83, 1986.
H. K . Burke and G. J. Michon, ”Charge-injection device imag-
ing: operating techniques and performance characteristics.” IEEE Melvin R. Kruer received the B.A. degree
Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-23, pp. 189-195, 1976. from Bellarmine College in 1964 and the M.Sc.
J. C. Kim, “InSb charge-injection device imaging array,’’ IEEE and Ph.D. degrees from The Catholic Univer-
Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-25, pp. 232-241, Feb. 1978. sity of America in 197I , all in physics.
S . C. H. Wang. C. Wei, H. H. Woodbury, and M. D. Gibbons, After completing the Ph.D. degree he joined
“Characteristics and readout of an InSb CID two-dimensional the optical sciences division of the Naval
scanning TDI array.” lEEE Trans. Electron. Devices, vol. Research Laboratory. His research interests are
ED-32, pp. 1599-1607, Aug. 1985. in the areas of infrared focal plane arrays,
S . R. Borrello, H. B. Moms, R. A. Schiebel, andC. G. Roberts, advanced sensor concepts, and optical counter-
“Charge imaging matrix for infrared scanning,” Soc. Photo-Opr. measures against infrared components and sys-
Insrrurn. E n g . , vol. 409, pp. 69-75, Apr. 1983. tems.
E. Esposito, W. F. Keenan, R. B. Gamer, and S . R. Borrello,
“Charge imaging matrix arrays for advanced IR focal planes,”
in Proc. CLEO, Apr. 1988.
D. A. Scribner, M. R. Kruer, J. C. Gridley, and K. Sarkady,
“Physical limitations to nonuniformity correction in IR focal plane
arrays.” Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng., vol. 865, pp. 185-202, Joseph M. Killiany (Member, IEEE) received
1987. the Ph.D. degree in physics from Georgetown
A. F. Milton, F. R. Barone, and M. R. Kruer, “Influence of University, Washington, DC, in 1973.
nonunifonnity on infrared focal plane array performance,” Opt. In 1972 he joined the Functional Devices
E n s . , vol. 24, pp. 855-862, 1985. Section of the Naval Research Laboratory as a
K. Chow, J . D. Blackwell, J. P. Rode, “Source-coupled HgCdTe staff physicist, where he worked on radiation
staring hybrid focal planes for tactical applications,” Soc. Photo- effects and hardening of charged coupled
Opt. Instrum. Eng., vol. 267. pp. 12-17, 1981. devices. In 1979 he became Head of the Section
S . S. Bencuya and A. J. Steckl, “Charge packet splitting in charge and manager of the Infrared Focal Plane Array
domain devices,” fEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-3 I , Exploratory Development Project. Since 1984
pp. 1494-1501, Oct. 1984. he has been Head of the Solid State Devices
E. R. Fossum, “Charge-coupled computing for focal plane image Branch in the Electronics Science and Technology Division. He is respon-
preprocessing,” Opr. Eng.. vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 916-922, Oct. sible for the in-house execution of a multidisciplinary program of basic
1987. and applied research in infrared materials and detectors, radiation effects
[I051 D. E. Ludwig. N . D. Woodall. and M. M. Spanish, “On-focal and hardening of silicon integrated circuits, silicon-based MBE materials
plane analog to digital conversion with detector gain and offset and devices, and integrated signal processing circuits. He serves as the
compensation,” Soc. Photo-Opt. fitstrum. Ens., vol. 1097, 1989. Subblock Manager for the Navy’s principal exploratory development pro-
[I061 C. G. Wynn-Williams and E. E. Becklin, Eds., fnfrared Astron- gram in Infrared Focal Plane Arrays. He is the Navy’s Technical Director
omy with A r r a y . Honolulu, HI: Univ. of Hawaii Press (Inst. for the DARPA IR Focal Plane Array Producibility Program. He has 25
for Astronomy), 1987. technical publications.
[ 1071 S . G . Bumay, T. L. Williams. and C. H. Jones. Applications of Dr. Killiamy is a member of the Navy’s Member on Group B of the
Thermal fmaging. Bristol. UK: Adam Hilger. 1988. Advisory Group on Electron Devices (AGED). He is also Chairman of
[ 1081 A . F. H. Goetz. J . B. Wellman. W. L. Barnes. “Optical remote the IRIS Infrared Detector Specialty Group.



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