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Once upon a time, a young boy named Jack was fascinated by
simple machines. He is the middle child in their family. He
loved experimenting with pulleys, levers, and inclined planes
and often built his inventions at home.
One day, Jack decided to build a simple machine using a lever
to lift a heavy object. He gathered all the necessary materials
and began constructing the machine. However, he forgot to
take some basic safety precautions.
As he was testing the lever, he suddenly lost his focus and the
heavy object fell on his foot, causing a painful injury. Her
mother taught her to follow the precautionary measure in
handling simple machines. While they are talking about it, his
siblings joined their conversation and also taught Jack some
lessons about it.

His older sister Tyn said, “You should wear protective gear
such as gloves, goggles, and closed-toe shoes to prevent
While his older brother said” Keep the work area clean and
tidy to prevent accidents and always have a first aid kit nearby
in case of emergencies.
And lastly, his younger sister Krizaline said” Always read the
instructions carefully and follow them closely, Ok?

Jack laugh and said” Ok, thank u for that advice, I appreciate
it so much.

By taking these simple precautions, Jack was able to continue

experimenting with simple machines safely and without
further incident. He realized that while simple machines may
seem easy to handle, they still require careful attention and
respect to avoid potential harm.

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