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The selection, testing and application of terrestrial insects as bioindicators


Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society / Volume 73 / Issue 02 / May 1998, pp 181 - 201
DOI: null, Published online: 08 September 2000

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MELODIE A. McGEOCH (1998). The selection, testing and application of terrestrial insects as bioindicators. Biological Reviews
of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 73, pp 181-201

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Biol. Rev. (1998), 73, pp. 181–201 Printed in the United Kingdom # Cambridge Philosophical Society 181

The selection, testing and application of

terrestrial insects as bioindicators
Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa

(Received 4 September 1996 ; revised 3 November 1997 ; accepted 4 November 1997)


Although the uses and merits of terrestrial insects as indicators have been extensively discussed, there is a lack
of clear definition, goal directedness and hypothesis testing in studies in the field. In an attempt to redress
some of these issues and outline an approach for further studies, three categories of terrestrial insect
indicators, corresponding to differences in their application, are proposed, i.e. environmental, ecological and
biodiversity indicators. The procedures in terrestrial insect bioindicator studies should start with a clear
definition of the study objectives and proposed use of the bioindicator, as well as with a consideration of the
scale at which the study is to be carried out. Bioindication studies are conducted at a variety of spatial and
temporal scales within the context of earth-system processes, but the objectives of the study will largely
determine the scale at which it would be optimally conducted. There is a tendency for studies to be
conducted below their space-time scaling functions, giving them apparent predictability. The selection of
potential indicator taxa or groups is then based on a priori suitability criteria, the identification of predictive
relationships between the indicator and environmental variables and, most importantly, the development
and testing of hypotheses according to the correlative patterns found. Finally, recommendations for the use
of the indicator in monitoring should be made. Although advocating rigorous, long-term protocols to identify
indicators may presently be questionable in the face of the urgency with which conservation decisions have
to be made, this approach is critical if bioindicators are to be used with any measurable degree of confidence.

Key words : bioindicators, biodiversity indicators, environmental indicators, ecological indicators, monitoring,
terrestrial insects.


I. Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 182
II. Definitions................................................................................................................................. 183
(1) Environmental indicators ................................................................................................... 183
(2) Ecological indicators .......................................................................................................... 183
(3) Biodiversity indicators ........................................................................................................ 184
(4) Definition : biological indicator .......................................................................................... 185
(5) Monitoring ......................................................................................................................... 185
III. The objectives of terrestrial insect bioindicator studies............................................................. 186
(1) Environmental indicators ................................................................................................... 186
(2) Ecological indicators .......................................................................................................... 186
(3) Biodiversity indicators ........................................................................................................ 187
(4) Monitoring ......................................................................................................................... 188
IV. Methodology............................................................................................................................. 188
(1) Preliminary approach ........................................................................................................ 188
(2) Scale................................................................................................................................... 189
182 M. A. McGeoch

(3) Criteria for the selection of potential indicator species ...................................................... 189
(a) General criteria............................................................................................................ 189
(b) Individual species and species groups as bioindicators ................................................ 193
(4) Data collection and interpretation ..................................................................................... 195
(5) Hypothesis testing .............................................................................................................. 195
(6) Status quo............................................................................................................................. 195
V. Conclusion – ‘ Catch-22 ’ ........................................................................................................... 197
VI. Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................... 197
VII. References................................................................................................................................. 197

I. INTRODUCTION taxa against this list of a priori selection criteria.

Guideline criteria merely minimize the chance from
Insects constitute a substantial proportion of ter- the outset of spending time and energy studying
restrial species richness and biomass, and play a species that are unlikely to be successful candidates.
significant role in ecosystem functioning. This re- Whatever the criteria for selection used, once
alisation has led to extensive discussion and evalu- identified as potentially suitable, taxa have seldom
ation of the use of terrestrial insects as bioindicators, been formally tested for indicator value, let alone
and the concept has been applied to a variety of applied as such, and only very recently have more
taxa, habitats and environmental scenarios rigorous studies begun to appear. There is thus an
(Holloway, 1980 ; Rosenberg, Danks & Lehmkuhl, imbalance between the considered ‘ potential value ’
1986 ; Kremen et al., 1993). Studies have included and well-propounded a priori criteria for suitable
the use of single species, higher taxa, assemblages terrestrial insect indicator taxa, and the actual
and communities of, for example, dragonflies, testing and application of these taxa as indicators.
ground beetles, tiger beetles, moths, butterflies, Bioindication is essentially a subdiscipline of
sawflies and ants, in habitats such as forests, conservation biology, and its primary goal is,
grasslands, sand dunes, soils, urban areas and mine- therefore, the application of scientific knowledge to
sites. the management of ecological relationships, i.e. to
In spite of the apparent wide range of terrestrial maintain particular relationships between species
insect indicator studies, little attention has been and their distributions and abundances (Caughley
given to the definition or implicit goals of ‘ bio- & Gunn, 1996). Research is not conservation biology
indication ’ using terrestrial insects. The term is often if it has no practical implications for conservation
used loosely and has been adopted in a broad range (Murphy, 1990, 1992) and, likewise, studies on the
of contexts, including the indication of habitat relationships between terrestrial insects and biotic
alteration, destruction, contamination and rehabili- and abiotic variables are not bioindication unless the
tation, vegetation succession, climate change and potential applications of these relationships are
species diversity (and even to non-conservation elucidated. As a result of undefined endpoints to
related issues such as indicating past climates : indicator identification and selection (i.e. failure to
Coope, 1979 ; Coope & Lehmdahl, 1996). identify and elucidate the specific applied value of a
Questions concerning the protocols that should be nominated indicator), there has often been a lack of
used to identify indicator taxa and whether or not rigorous testing of hypotheses and of the implicit
they can be designated objectively have also been assumptions made when a species, or group, of
raised (Stork & Samways, 1995). On more than one terrestrial insects is selected as a bioindicator.
occasion it has been suggested that the basis for The use of bioindication in terrestrial systems,
insect indicator selection is often merely favoured or particularly using invertebrate indicators, has only
convenient taxa (Soule! & Kohm, 1989 ; Woiwod & gained momentum within the last two decades
Thomas, 1993 ; Williams & Gaston, 1994). Nu- (Holloway, 1980). Aquatic macroinvertebrates, how-
merous authors have listed a priori criteria for the ever, have frequently been highly recommended as
selection of potentially effective insect indicator taxa indicators of water quality (Hellawell, 1986). The
and many studies have applied these to justify the recommendation and use of aquatic invertebrates in
suitability of particular taxa as indicators (e.g. both freshwater and marine systems dates back a
Holloway & Stork, 1991 ; Pearson & Cassola, 1992 ; number of decades and the literature in this field is
Pearson, 1994). However, there is little to be gained extensive (see e.g. Hellawell, 1986 ; Rosenberg &
from ‘ testing ’ the suitability of potential indicator Resh, 1993). Although biological indicators have
Terrestrial insects as bioindicators 183

been used for far longer and far more extensively in are environmental indicators, ecological indicators
aquatic than in terrestrial systems, the significant and biodiversity indicators.
differences between aquatic and terrestrial eco-
systems to some extent divide the fields of aquatic
(1) Environmental indicators
and terrestrial bioindication. Terrestrial systems
tend to be more complex (e.g. have greater species An environmental indicator is a species or group of
richness) and variable, and terrestrial abiotic factors species that responds predictably, in ways that are
(e.g. air pollution, humidity) are often more difficult readily observed and quantified, to environmental
to quantify than aquatic abiotic ones (Steele, 1991). disturbance or to a change in environmental state
Nevertheless the basic principles and methods used (see e.g. Hellawell, 1986 ; Paoletti & Bressan, 1996).
in terrestrial bioindication have their origin in the This would include, for example, the types of
aquatic literature (e.g. Winner, Boesel & Farrell, indicators distinguished and defined first by Jenkins
1980 ; Hellawell, 1986 ; Rosenberg & Resh, 1993 ; (1971) and later by Spellerberg (1991) as follows : (i)
Clarke & Warwick, 1994 ; Chessman, 1995). Sentinels : sensitive organisms introduced into the
Thus, although the definitions and problems environment, for example, as early-warning devices
discussed here may have broader application, for or to delimit the effect of an effluent. (ii) Detectors :
example to the use of other taxa as bioindicators (see species occurring naturally in the area of interest and
e.g. Landres, Verner & Thomas, 1988), and may in which may show a measurable response to en-
some instances stem from aquatic bioindication vironmental change, e.g. changes in behaviour,
literature, I have sought to answer the following mortality and age-class structure. (iii) Exploiters :
questions in an attempt to redress the lack of species whose presence indicates the probability of
definition and direction in the field of terrestrial disturbance or pollution. (iv) Accumulators : organisms
insect bioindication : what is a bioindicator in the that take up and accumulate chemicals in measur-
context of terrestrial insect fauna, what are the able quantities. (v) Bioassay organisms : selected
immediate and ultimate goals of the identification organisms used as laboratory reagents to detect the
and use of terrestrial insects as bioindicators, and presence and}or concentration of pollutants, or to
what steps are necessary for the rigorous advance- rank pollutants in order of toxicity.
ment of the field, i.e. the use of terrestrial insects in
bioindication ?
(2) Ecological indicators
Indicator taxa are now used far more frequently to
demonstrate the effects of environmental change
II. DEFINITIONS (such as habitat alteration and fragmentation and
climate change) on biotic systems, rather than
The Oxford Dictionary of Zoology (Allaby, 1992) functioning merely as gauges of changes in en-
defines an ‘ indicator species ’ as ‘ a species that is of vironmental state. Meffe & Carroll (1994) discuss
narrow amplitude with respect to one or more the necessity of focusing on the ‘ management of
environmental factors and that is, when present, indicator species that act as surrogates for the larger
therefore indicative of a particular environmental community ’. In this context they refer to ‘ species
condition or set of conditions ’. The original usage of that are known to be sensitive to habitat frag-
the term ‘ biological indicator ’ in aquatic systems mentation, pollution, or other stresses that degrade
referred to the detection and monitoring of change in biodiversity ’. These species represent the response of
biota to reflect changes in the environment (e.g. at least a subset of other organisms to such stresses
Wilhm & Dorris, 1968). More recently, and in and thus are, as defined here, ecological indicators
terrestrial systems, the concept has been used in ways (Noss, 1990). Meffe & Carroll (1994) define an
that include a far broader range of applications for indicator species as ‘ a species used as a gauge for the
the term ‘ bioindicator ’. There has also been a condition of a particular habitat, community, or
proliferation of synonyms and related terms (see, for ecosystem ’. As pointed out above, ecological in-
example Spellerberg, 1991 ; Hammond, 1994 ; New, dicators are, however, more than ‘ gauges ’ of
1995). However, bioindication, and the variety of environmental state, because the response and
terms used in relation to the concept, can be condition (e.g. population decline or size, changes in
apportioned into three categories corresponding to spatial distribution) of the ecological indicator itself
the three main applications of bioindicators. These is of intrinsic conservation interest or concern. The
184 M. A. McGeoch

second part of Meffe & Carroll’s (1994) definition is biodiversity indicators, based on their application,
more in line with what is meant here by an ecological from which ratio-based extrapolations are made,
indicator, i.e. ‘ a characteristic or surrogate species that he defines as follows : (i) Reference group, used as
for a community or ecosystem ’ (see also Dufre# ne & a basis for extrapolation to a group for which less full
Legendre, 1997). data are available. (ii) Key group, whose principal
An ecological indicator is thus a characteristic role is to provide a focus for efforts made to document
taxon or assemblage that is sensitive to identified and estimate species richness in a given arena. (iii)
environmental stress factors, that demonstrates the Focal group, performs a ‘ reference ’ role, but rep-
effect of these stress factors on biota, and whose resents a subset of a larger group of interest selected
response is representative of the response of at least a specifically for its qualities as a predictor set (see also
subset of other taxa present in the habitat. Ryti, 1992). Somewhat different uses of this term are
found in, for example, Kitching (1996) where
according to the definitions provided here,
(3) Biodiversity indicators
Kitching’s groups would be ‘ target groups ’ rather
Insect indicator taxa have also been used recently in than ‘ focal groups ’. Lambeck (1997) uses ‘ focal
a third context, namely as ‘ indicators of biodiversity ’ species ’ to mean those species that encapsulate the
(e.g. Noss, 1990 ; Gaston & Williams, 1993 ; Flather needs of other species. Lambeck’s (1997) ‘ focal
et al., 1997 ; Prendergast, 1997) (also sometimes species ’ are conceptually similar to umbrella species
termed ‘ surrogates of biodiversity ’, see e.g. Vane- (Murphy & Wilcox, 1986), and in the scheme
Wright, Smith & Kitching, 1994). Indeed, the provided here ‘ ecological ’ rather than ‘ biodiversity ’
current literature is dominated by discussion of this indicators. (iv) Target group, merely a group that is
category of bioindication. A biodiversity indicator is under investigation or the object of attention [a
a group of taxa (e.g. genus, tribe, family or order, or somewhat different definition to Kremen’s (1994)
a selected group of species from a range of higher ‘ target taxa ’].
taxa), or functional group, the diversity of which The term ‘ biodiversity indicator ’ has been used
reflects some measure of the diversity (e.g. character when referring to measurable parameters, or vari-
richness, species richness, level of endemism) of other ables, of biodiversity (Noss, 1990 ; Reid et al., 1993 ;
higher taxa in a habitat or set of habitats (Gaston & Meffe & Carroll, 1994). These included, for
Blackburn, 1995 ; Gaston, 1996 a). Here, the species example, species richness and endemism, genetic
richness (or other diversity measure) of a particular parameters (such as allelic diversity and hetero-
indicator taxon or functional group is used to zygosity), population-species parameters (such as
estimate the species richness of other (closely and population dynamics factors and community com-
sometimes even distantly related) taxa (Noss, 1990 ; position variables), community-ecosystem par-
Ryti, 1992 ; Gaston & Blackburn, 1995 ; Vane- ameters (such as diversity and distribution range),
Wright, 1996). Williams (1996) describes bio- and landscape parameters (such as patch size and
diversity indication as the use of species, higher shape and rates of energy transfer). These variables
taxon richness, or environmental or habitat classifi- are certainly indicative measures of biodiversity (in a
cation as a surrogate of character (genetic) richness similar way to which market indicators reflect the
(see also Margules & Redhead, 1995). Biodiversity state of an economy). However, the original defi-
can thus be evaluated at a number of levels of nition, and more common use, of the term indicator
organisation including genetic (character), species in biology refers to taxa as the unit of bioindication,
or ecosystem levels (Noss, 1990). Energy-flux and and uses measurable variables associated with the
ecosystem approaches have also been used as bioindicator to establish baseline value systems and
predictors of biodiversity (see e.g. Turner, Gatehouse to monitor changes in them. The hierarchy of
& Corey, 1987 ; Currie, 1991), but these approaches measures presented by Noss (1990) and the list
are not based primarily on taxic measures (Vane- recommended by Reid et al. (1993) provide an
Wright et al., 1994). Kremen (1994) discusses ‘ target extremely useful approach to measuring biodiversity.
taxon analysis ’ which involves the inventory of However, to avoid possible semantic confusion I
‘ biogeographically informative ’ taxonomic groups recommend that these parameters, or measurable
that are likely to represent environmental gradients variables, of biodiversity be referred to as such and
and the distribution patterns of species in other that the term bioindicator be used to refer to the
unrelated taxonomic assemblages. Hammond (1994) taxon or group of taxa for which these variables are
makes a further distinction between groups of to be measured.
Terrestrial insects as bioindicators 185


Indicator used to:
detect a change in environmental state
monitor changes in environmental state

demonstrate the impact of a stressor

on biota
monitor longer term stressor-induced
changes in biota

identify diversity of taxa in a specified

monitor changes in biodiversity

Fig. 1. The functions of bioindicators in each category of bioindication.

(4) Definition : biological indicator With respect to bioindication, monitoring is thus

the repeated application of bioindicator taxa to
A loose, all-encompassing definition of a biological
provide information on the environmental con-
indicator would therefore be a species or group of
ditions, or effects thereof, to which they were initially
species that readily reflects : the abiotic or biotic state
identified as suitably sensitive and for which baseline
of an environment ; represents the impact of en-
standards, thresholds or relationships have already
vironmental change on a habitat, community or
been determined. Hawksworth & Ritchie (1993)
ecosystem ; or is indicative of the diversity of a subset
actually define biomonitors (‘ species in which
of taxa, or of wholesale diversity, within an area.
changes in numbers or distribution over time are
studied and compared with baseline data ’ (Hawks-
(5) Monitoring
worth, 1993)) as being distinct from bioindicators,
A term often used in close association with ‘ in- which they refer to merely as organisms that indicate
dicator ’ is ‘ monitoring ’ (e.g. Kremen, Merenlander (usually qualitatively) environmental state.
& Murphy, 1994 ; Pearson, 1994). Although the Monitoring is usually, although it need not
term ‘ monitoring ’ is often used in a very broad necessarily be, the endpoint of all categories of
sense, a clear definition of the term is necessary to bioindication studies. Bioindicators can be used for
facilitate the design of monitoring programmes single, once-off assessments or, repeatedly, for longer
(Hellawell, 1991). Hellawell (1991) makes the term monitoring of the scenario of interest (Fig. 1).
following distinctions between monitoring and re- Hinds (1984) makes a useful distinction between
lated activities : (i) Survey : an exercise in which a set what he terms ‘ biological ’ and ‘ ecological ’ moni-
of qualitative or quantitative observations are made, toring. Biological monitoring uses taxa as ‘ surrogate
usually by means of a standardized procedure and filters to be analysed to indicate environmental
within a restricted period of time, but without any quality ’, whereas ecological monitoring is the ‘ pur-
preconception of what the findings ought to be (see poseful and repeated examination of the state or
also Haila & Austin, 1996). (ii) Surveillance : an condition of specifically defined biotic groups in
extended programme of surveys undertaken in order relation to external stress ’ (Hinds, 1984). This
to provide a time series, to ascertain the variability distinction compares well with the difference drawn
and}or range of states or values which might be here between the traditional interpretation of the
encountered over time (but again without pre- term ‘ bioindicator ’ (referred to above as an en-
conception of what these might be). (iii) Monitoring : vironmental indicator) that would be used in
intermittent (regular or irregular) surveillance car- ‘ biological monitoring ’ programmes and the more
ried out in order to ascertain the extent of compliance recent application of bioindicators (referred to above
with a predetermined standard or the degree of as an ecological indicator) in ‘ ecological moni-
deviation from an expected norm. toring ’.
186 M. A. McGeoch

The different uses of insects (or other biota) in vegetation, when the changes can be measured
bioindication and monitoring programmes as en- directly and far more accurately using instrumen-
vironmental, ecological or biodiversity indicators tation, or by other means, is futile (Kremen, 1992).
can thus be included in a single, clearly defined Also, when subtle, complex environmental changes
concept of biological indication (bioindication), and occur, direct measurement of the stressor is often
the taxa used collectively referred to as ‘ bio- more useful because it may be difficult to distinguish
indicators ’. biotic changes as being either a direct consequence of
anthropogenic influence or merely part of the
inherent dynamics of the system being examined
III. THE OBJECTIVES OF TERRESTRIAL (Underwood, 1989 ; Stork & Samways, 1995).
INSECT BIOINDICATOR STUDIES In certain instances, however, insect indicators
remain potentially useful as signallers of change in
Article 7 of the Convention on Biological Diversity environmental state (Zonneveld, 1983). Direct meas-
(1992), to which over 157 countries are signatory, urement of disturbance often requires sophisticated
states that each contracting party shall, as far as procedures and equipment that are expensive to
possible and as appropriate identify components of purchase and run. Environmental indicators may
biological diversity important for the long-term then be a more feasible alternative. In other
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity instances, environmental changes in terrestrial eco-
(Glowka et al., 1994). Among the recommended systems may be subtle and a result of complex
categories of such listed components are those with interactions between abiotic and biotic components
‘ importance for research into the conservation and that cannot be measured directly (e.g. Zonneveld,
sustainable use of biological diversity, such as 1983 ; Spellerberg, 1992 ; Stewart-Oaten, 1993 ;
indicator species ’. Worthen, Mayrose & Wilson, 1994). Occasionally,
Independently of the mandate set by the Con- environmental changes can also be detected in biota
vention, bioindicators have in the past and continue long after physical or chemical traces of the impact
to be used today to determine the state of en- are no longer directly measurable, or the biological
vironmental health and to be tested as potential indicator may reflect more accurately the presence
predictors of biodiversity and of the impact of and extent of a disturbance (e.g. Dallinger, Berger &
environmental change on natural systems. Birkel, 1992 ; Spellerberg, 1992).

(1) Environmental indicators (2) Ecological indicators

The traditional approach to indicator studies, where Using species or groups of taxa as indicators of the
the indicator taxon is monitored so that changes in impact of environmental stressors on biotic com-
environmental condition can be detected (i.e. en- munities (ecological indicators) is arguably perhaps
vironmental indication), has most commonly been the more critical objective in the field of bio-
applied using soil invertebrates as bioindicators of indication. Ecological understanding of anthropo-
soil fertility and pollutant levels (such as pesticides, genically induced effects on biota is essential if an
heavy metal and acidic pollutant levels) (see Paoletti attempt is to be made to ameliorate the impact of
& Bressan, 1996). In comparison with aquatic human activity and conserve biodiversity. This
environmental indication, this approach has seldom should be the primary goal of all conservation
been applied using insects in terrestrial systems, with efforts. Studies on the impact of particular en-
the exception of the use of pedofauna (Paoletti & vironmental stressors generally focus on single
Bressan, 1996). species, single assemblages or communities, or single
Possible reasons for the above include that the groups of closely related taxa. Such bioindication
type and degree of environmental change (such as studies serve two purposes. They indicate that a
air pollution, habitat alteration and fragmentation, particular stressor does (or does not) have a biotic
invasions of exotic organisms) is commonly known impact, and they provide critical information for the
prior to investigation in terrestrial insect indicator conservation of the indicator taxa or group, par-
studies (e.g. Jones, 1987 ; Kroupa, Spitzer & Novak, ticularly when the species are known to be rare and
1990 ; Davies, Davidson & Port, 1992 ; Steenkamp & endangered (e.g. Butterfield, et al., 1995). However,
Chown, 1996). Using biota to indicate changes in only restricted, indicator-related interpretations can
physical or chemical environmental conditions, or be made from the results of single taxon or
Terrestrial insects as bioindicators 187

assemblage studies. The utility of ecological indi- predetermined degree of accuracy, represent whole-
cators would be substantially greater if their represen- sale biodiversity (Savage, 1982 ; Vane-Wright et al.,
tativeness of other taxa could be demonstrated 1994 ; Williams, Gaston & Humphries, 1997). This
(Noss, 1990 ; Dufre# ne & Legendre, 1997). Further concept may then be applied by using biodiversity
relational studies are thus required to determine indicator groups to identify priority areas for
whether the sensitivities demonstrated by the in- conservation. Biodiversity indicators save the time
dicator reflect trends in related and unrelated taxa and expense that would be necessary for com-
within the ecosystem or habitat. Few studies have prehensive biodiversity surveys (if such surveys were
progressed to this stage and there is presently little at all possible).
evidence to suggest that any taxon or group of The identification of priority areas for conser-
organisms can be expected to qualify as an ecological vation based on bioindicator testing and application
indicator in this sense. Indeed, although groups of has been and continues to be dealt with extensively
terrestrial taxa have been identified as potential in the literature (see e.g. Humphries, Williams &
indicators of climate change (Holloway, 1990 ; Vane-Wright, 1995). Here, I merely extract the
Holloway & Stork, 1991 ; Kremen, 1992), evidence principal objectives of biodiversity indication and
shows that the response of late Quaternary plant highlight some of the key literature.
communities to global warming was individualistic Several studies, including both insect and other
and that communities of species did not shift as taxa, have examined the possible indicator value of
tightly linked assemblages in response to this change particular taxa for predicting the richness of one or
in environmental state (Woodward, 1987 ; Graham more other taxa (Gaston, 1996 a, b ; Williams, 1996).
& Grimm, 1990). Perhaps Hammond’s (1994) An example is the study by Beccaloni & Gaston
‘ shopping basket of taxa ’ approach may prove (1995) where the Ithomiinae (Nymphalidae, Lepi-
successful here if the responses of carefully selected, doptera) were identified as a biodiversity indicator
different taxa, which each represent the response of on the basis of their representativeness of the diversity
a limited set of other taxa (perhaps most closely of forest-dwelling neotropical butterflies. Conversely,
taxonomically or functionally related taxa, rather Prendergast et al. (1993), using high species richness
than communities), are investigated. In combi- and rare species as criteria for site selection, found
nation, the taxa in this ‘ shopping basket ’ may then low coincidence of species-rich areas (hot-spots) and
provide an adequate representation of the response areas harbouring rare species for either plants, birds,
of the community, habitat or ecosystem of interest to butterflies or dragonflies. These studies (see also
the stressor of interest. While the urgency of taking Oliver & Beattie, 1996) are based on the so-called
conservation measures may demand that decisions ‘ hot-spot ’ approach (Mittermeier, 1988) and do not
be made on the basis of single taxon, limited- address the critical issue of complementarity that has
relational studies, such action should not deter been recognized as an integral component for
biologists from extending studies by this further step markedly improving the efficiency of site-selection
to determine the representativeness of selected procedures (Kirkpatrick, 1983 ; Ackery & Vane-
ecological indicators. Wright, 1984 ; Collins & Morris, 1985 ; Vane-
Wright, Humphries & Williams, 1991).
Considering complementarity, Vane-Wright
(3) Biodiversity indicators
(1996) summarizes the objectives of biodiversity
The urgent need for the prioritization of areas for indicator studies as being founded on the following
conservation has been necessitated by intense com- three principles : (i) Complementarity and efficiency.
petition for land by agriculture, industry and urban Efficiency is achieved by maximising complement-
development. Areas for conservation are prioritized arity, defined as the degree to which a single area or
by identifying optimal sets of viable but threatened subset of areas represents the total number of
areas for maximizing overall diversity (Margules, attributes found in the whole system, or adds
Nicholls & Pressey, 1988). Our knowledge of the unrepresented attributes to one or more specified
taxonomy and distribution of invertebrates is, how- areas. Here, the identity of component biodiversity
ever, poor and we are thus unable to provide attributes is critical, without which area selection
detailed systematic evaluations of the group (Vane- based on minimum taxon sets cannot be optimised.
Wright et al., 1994). The only alternative is to use (ii) Vulnerability. Action (i.e. selection of areas for
taxa (groups of invertebrates or other organisms) conservation) should be directed at areas that are
that are better known and that will, with some most threatened and at the same time that are most
188 M. A. McGeoch

likely to benefit from the action taken. (iii) Viability. biodiversity predictor sets (Cousins, 1991 ; Gaston,
Areas chosen for conservation action should not only 1996 c).
contain the optimal attributes for conservation
determined according to the previous two principles (4) Monitoring
but, based on ecological principles of viability, must
The objectives of monitoring programmes are to
be capable of sustaining their biodiversity subsets in
evaluate the changes over time in habitat structure,
the forseeable future.
function and composition in response to natural
Complementarity analysis is thus a component of
factors, human activity or management practices
site-selection procedures (e.g. Nicholls & Margules,
(Noss, 1990 ; Spellerberg, 1991) (Fig. 1). Hellawell
1993 ; Pressey et al., 1993 ; Margules, Creswell &
(1991) defines three general categories that sum-
Nicholls, 1994). An assessment of complementarity,
marize the motivations for instituting a biological
in terms of reserve selection, requires the identity of
monitoring programme and that are relevant here to
species to be known. Biodiversity indicator measures
the use of bioindicators : (i) assessing the effectiveness
(e.g. species richness of taxon or groups) may,
of policy or legislation, e.g. long-term survival of rare
however, be used in complementarity analyses. The
or endangered species in designated conservation
complementarity value of an area is given by the
areas ; (ii) regulatory (performance or audit func-
number of so-far unrepresented indicator species,
tion), e.g. monitoring levels of soil pollutants ; (iii)
and the objective of maximum-coverage complemen-
detecting incipient change (‘ early warning ’), e.g.
tarity methods is to find the smallest possible set of
effects of development on biodiversity (see Kremen et
areas, or total land area, that represents each of the
al., 1994).
indicator species a prescribed number of times
To date, few terrestrial insect bioindicators have
(Vane-Wright et al., 1991 ; Church, Stoms & Davis,
been used in monitoring, and the potential for their
1996 ; Faith & Walker, 1996). The complementarity
future application rests on the outcome of bio-
value for an effective biodiversity indicator group
indicator selection procedures. Approaches to and
will predict that the set of areas species-rich for the
methods for these procedures are discussed below.
indicator group is species-rich in general (Faith &
Walker, 1996 ; although here a non-taxic approach is
adopted using environmental pattern as the in-
To fulfil the objectives of the three types of
The primary objective of biodiversity indication is
indication, and to reduce uncertainty concerning the
thus the use of insect indicator taxa in conservation
utility of terrestrial insects as bioindicators, a series of
planning (Pressey & Nicholls, 1989 ; Brown, 1991 ;
rigorous procedural steps for the selection of bio-
Kremen et al., 1993 ; Lees, 1996). During the
indicators is recommended (Table 1).
selection and design of nature reserves and the choice
of areas to be given conservation status, insect groups
(1) Preliminary approach
are used as biodiversity indicators to highlight areas
of maximum collective diversity (Humphries et al., Efforts directed towards sustainable development
1995 ; Lees, 1996), and are expected or hoped to be and the conservation of biodiversity arise from
indicative of total (unknown, unnamed or wholesale) common societal values (Williams, 1996). Irres-
biological diversity. pective of whether a society holds utilitarian or
General patterns are not evident from the bio- intrinsic values on attaining conservation objectives,
diversity indicator studies that have been conducted the bioindication of environmental disturbance,
and relationships found differ between taxa, region stress effects on biota, or of biodiversity, necessitates
and spatial scales (Gaston, 1996 c). Although the this shared appreciation for bioindication objectives.
relationships found between the species richness of Hereafter, the initial steps in a bioindication study
different taxa are mostly positive, statistically strong must involve a clear definition of the objectives and
correlations between taxa are rare (Gaston, 1996 b). endpoint of the proposed bioindicator selection
Further investigations of biodiversity indicator value process (Steps 1 and 2, Table 1). If the objectives
are necessary (such as those conducted by Balmford, and endpoint are not clearly defined, the field of
Green & Murray, 1996 a, and Balmford, Jayasuriya bioindication at best provides improved ecological
& Green, 1996 b) across both taxa and scales, as well understanding of the system and information for the
as investigations of the use of functional groups, or conservation of the chosen indicator or, at worst,
sets of diverse taxa, rather than taxonomic groups, as meaningless correlations of poorly defined variables.
Terrestrial insects as bioindicators 189

readily respond to the stressor (or in the case of

(2) Scale
biodiversity indicators reflect the diversity of other
The selection of potential bioindicators, the design of taxa).
sampling procedures and experiments, and the Bioindication studies can thus be conducted at a
analytical methods chosen to test relationships variety of spatial and temporal scale combinations
between indicators and abiotic or biotic environ- (Fig. 2 B). Biodiversity indication studies, for ex-
mental parameters are not only dependent on the ample, are conducted at all but the smallest spatial
objectives of the study, but also on the scale at which scales, and may yield utilisable results in the short
it must be undertaken to achieve these objectives. All term so that, for example, urgent reserve-selection
anthropogenically induced environmental changes decisions can be made. Alternatively, they may be
take place within the context of natural earth systems conducted on a long-term basis to monitor bio-
(Fig. 2 A). To distinguish human-induced from diversity turnover and the impact of landscape
natural processes, and to conduct indicator iden- alteration and other stresses on biodiversity patterns.
tification and selection studies at appropriate scales, However, at least initially biodiversity indication
it is necessary to view environmental changes in this tends to demand a higher spatial to temporal scale
context (Levin, 1992 ; Weaver, 1995 ; Gaston, 1996 b) ratio approach than either ecological or environ-
(Fig. 2 B). mental indication (Fig. 2 B). Conversely, environ-
On a temporal scale, stressors, or disturbances, mental indication studies are most usefully con-
have a time of incidence followed by a period during ducted at local and smaller spatial scales, but over
which the impact of the stressor is experienced by the short to indefinitely long time periods (Fig. 2 B).
biota that are exposed to it. The incidence of a Long-term monitoring will of course shift all in-
stressor may be a single rapid event (e.g. an dicator studies along the temporal axis of Fig. 2 B.
accidental pollutant spill), episodic, intermittent or Ecological indication studies may span any of these
continuous (e.g. climate change), and the temporal scales (Fig. 2 B), although they should preferably fall
scale relevant to bioindication studies therefore within Wiens’ (1989) space-time scaling zone. As the
ranges from seconds to periods of over a century spatial scale of examination increases, the time scale
(Fig. 2 B) (e.g. Lancia, Adams & Lunk, 1986). of relevant mechanistic processes also increases
Because larger-spatial-scale stressor effects are (Wiens, 1989). Indicator studies conducted within
inclusive of the scales below them, stressors operating this space-time scaling zone (see shaded area of Fig.
at the greatest spatial scale can, potentially, be 2 B) will thus have high predictive power. Below, I
experienced by organisms at all lower scales. Thus, will show that this is one of the essential elements of
the impact of a stressor may be evident at the a successful bioindication study. In the face of the
smallest level of a single habitat unit of an individual current urgency of conservation actions and the
organism, in which case bioindication procedures present structure and financing of research pro-
may be macro-molecular or organ-based (e.g. heavy- grammes, ecological indicator studies tend to be
metal contents of insect tissues or numbers of executed well below their appropriate space-time
ovarioles in female individuals : Kroupa et al., 1990) scaling functions (May, 1993 ; Root & Schneider,
(Fig. 2). When stressors operate at larger local, 1993), giving them only apparent high predictability
regional or global scales, bioindication procedures (Wiens, 1989). Therefore, focusing on the objective
may also involve the measurement of parameters of the envisaged study, the scale at which the stressor
associated with species (population), communities or in question operates and the scale at which it is likely
higher level taxonomic groups (Noss, 1990). The to have an effect on the potential indicator taxon or
influence of spatial scale on species richness relation- group chosen, will reveal the most appropriate
ships is pervasive and biodiversity indication studies scaling zone within which the study should be
cannot afford to ignore scaling effects (Hammond, conducted.
1994 ; Rykken, Capen & Mahabir, 1997). The
spatial scaling restrictions on the choice of a (3) Criteria for the selection of potential
bioindicator are thus the distribution of the species indicator species
or group and the presence of suitable habitat within
(a) General criteria
the area in which it is required as an indicator. The
objective of bioindicator selection is then to identify After clarification of the objectives, endpoint and
the organism or group of organisms below this scale scale at which the bioindication study is to be
of stressor incidence, and at the scale of interest, that conducted (Table 1, Steps 1 & 2), potential
190 M. A. McGeoch

Table 1. Procedural steps in bioindicator studies involving terrestrial insects beginning with the categorization of the
objective of the study as being either environmental, ecological or biodiversity indication (Step 1)

Step 1. Determine broad Environmental Ecological indication Biodiversity indication

objective indication
Step 2. Refine objectives and To detect and identify To determine and be 1. To identify
clarify endpoint the nature of able to predict the biodiversity hot-spots
disturbances or changes impact of disturbance using an indicator.
in environmental (pollution, habitat 2. To assess and be able
quality or state (e.g. alteration, climate to predict biodiversity
pollutants, habitat change) on biota in selected areas using
alteration, vegetation (communities, habitats, an indicator
successional stage) ecosystems) using an
using an indicator indicator
Step 3. Select potential indicator Select a species, higher Select a species, higher Select a higher level
based on accepted a level taxon, assemblage level taxon, assemblage taxonomic group, or a
priori suitability criteria or community (decision or community (decision group containing an
partly scale dependent) partly scale dependent) array of selected taxa
Step 4. Accumulate data on Determine the response Establish pollutant Define geographic
indicator (for of the indicator to concentrations in the boundaries within
approaches see, e.g. disturbance organism, species which biodiversity is to
Margules & Austin, (environmental state) presence}absences, be assessed and
1991 ; Schneider & abundance}s, richness, quantify the diversity
Gurevitch, 1993 ; biomass, productivity, (richness and
Margules & Redhead, interactions, temporal abundance) of the
1995) changes of indicator selected indicator group
in selected subset areas
(scale dependent)
Step 5. Collect quantitative Measure levels of Measure levels of Determine the diversity
relational data disturbance : pollutant disturbance : pollutant (richness and
concentrations, altered concentrations, altered abundance) of selected
habitat parameters habitat parameters, taxa other than the
climatic variables indicator group in the
subset areas
Step 6. Establish statistically the Establish the relationship Establish the relationship Establish the relationship
relationship between between the between the between the diversity of
the indicator and the disturbance disturbance and the the indicator group and
relational data (see, e.g. (environmental state) contamination level, the diversity of other
Margules & Austin, and the contamination composition, structure, taxa
1991) level, composition, or function of the
structure or function of indicator
the indicator
Step 7. Based on the nature of Are there significant, Are there significant, Is there a significant,
the relationship, either strong correlations strong correlations strong, positive
accept (preliminarily) between the between the correlation between the
or reject the species, disturbance disturbance and diversity of the
higher level taxon or (environmental state) measured qualities of indicator group and the
assemblage as an and measured qualities the indicator ? YES : diversity of other taxa
indicator of the indicator ? YES : continue to step 8. NO : in the area ? YES :
continue to step 8. NO : either conclude that the continue to step 8. NO :
repeat procedure from disturbance has no repeat from step 3.
step 3. impact on the biota or
repeat procedure from
step 3.
Terrestrial insects as bioindicators 191

Step 8. Establish the robustness Ho : there is no Ho : there is no Ho : there is no

of the indicator by significant relationship significant relationship significant, strong,
developing and testing between the between the positive relationship
appropriate hypotheses disturbance disturbance and between the diversity of
under different (environmental state) measured qualities of the indicator group and
conditions (see, e.g., and measured qualities the indicator in other one or more other taxa
Murtaugh, 1996) of the indicator in other areas or at different in different
areas or at different times. Ho : the geographical areas
times relationship between
the disturbance and
other taxa is different
to the relationship
discovered in the
previous step
Step 9. If the null hypotheses Use the indicator to Use the indicator to Use indicator group to
are rejected make detect and monitor the monitor and predict the estimate or to monitor
specific presence and level of a impact of disturbance biodiversity in selected
recommendations, disturbance (or on communities, regions.
based on the original condition of an habitats and
objectives, for the use of environmental state). ecosystems.
the indicator.

indicators are selected according to appropriate stated objectives of individual bioindication pro-
characteristics of the species or group that are known grammes have to be conducted prior to their
a priori (Table 1, Step 3 ; Table 2). Although the implementation (Noble & Norton, 1991). In some
characteristics of a good indicator are almost entirely instances, the use of bioindicators is advocated for
dependent on the objectives of the environmental the very reason that expenditure is lower when using
issue being addressed, as well as on the spatial and a bioindicator than when using more direct or
temporal scale of the latter, suitable and effective comprehensive analytical procedures (e.g. Paoletti
indicators must generally fulfil criteria in two broad & Bressan, 1996).
categories. First, economic and logistic suitability Numerous authors have discussed biological and
(including financial cost, time efficiency and per- practical criteria for the selection of bioindicators
sonnel requirements) and second, biological efficacy (see e.g. Lenhardt & Witter, 1977 ; Holloway, 1980 ;
(including taxonomic, distributional, reliability, rep- Hellawell, 1986 ; Noss, 1990 ; Brown, 1991 ;
resentation and sensitivity criteria). It is essential Holloway & Stork, 1991 ; Spellerberg, 1991 ;
that any bioindication or monitoring programme Kremen, 1992 ; Pearson & Cassola, 1992 ; Kremen et
require the minimum time expenditure and be al., 1993 ; Hammond, 1994 ; Pearson, 1994) and
financially viable, particularly if it is to be executed these criteria are listed in Table 2. Some of the
on a long-term basis (Table 2, no. 1). The cost of an criteria are obviously applicable to either only one,
indicator selection or monitoring programme has to or more, categories of bioindication, whereas others
be weighed against the potential cost of failure to are scenario-specific, or optional. For example, it is
achieve the stated objectives (Noble & Norton, vital in all categories of bioindication that the
1991). Financial, personnel and time constraints will taxonomy of bioindicator species or higher taxa is
determine both the likelihood of the adoption of such sound and stable. The single greatest limitation to
a programme, as well as its long-term continuation. the use of terrestrial insect groups as indicators is the
Methods for reducing the cost of invertebrate state and difficulty of practical identification of
biodiversity indication surveys have been suggested, insect taxa (Vane-Wright et al., 1994) (Table 2, no.
e.g. the use of higher taxa (Balmford et al., 1996 b ; 6). As a further example, the wider the geographic
Williams, 1996) and morphospecies (Oliver & range and the more diverse the habitat types
Beattie, 1996). However, there is an inevitable occupied by a bioindicator taxon or group, the
compromise between reducing expenses and the loss broader the range of experimental design and
of resolution as a result of using taxonomically coarse comparison that can be made (Table 2, no. 28).
data (Balmford et al., 1996 a ; Williams, 1996). However, this criterion is not obligatory. Also, in
Therefore, cost–benefit analyses that consider the environmental and ecological indication, infor-
192 M. A. McGeoch

Global Carbon-dioxide Origin of
variations earth & life

10 000 km Climate
1000 km
Soil Extinction events
Soil moisture development

100 km Seasonal

10 km Nutrient

1 km Atmospheric
Second Minute Day Year Century Ten One One
thousand million billion
Spatial scale

years years years


Global Climate


Single event, Habitat alteration and destruction

point-source Pollutants
Second Minute Century
Temporal scale
Fig. 2. The space-time scales (A) of earth-system processes (modified from National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
istration, 1988), and (B) at which bioindication studies of particular environmental states and changes are conducted.
The shaded area is the space-time scaling zone within which investigations will produce relationships that are likely
to have high predictive power (after Wiens, 1989).

mation on the life-history characteristics of species Following guidelines such as these for the initial
and measured variables of a bioindicator group or selection of a potential bioindicator will minimise the
community should be easily accessible (if not already chance of proceeding with a study where the species
known), quantified and analysed to facilitate the or group chosen is rejected as a suitable bioindicator
rapid collection of large and reliable data sets that subsequent to a large capital and human resource
can then be interpreted in relation to the changes investment. In addition, if these guidelines are
being indicated and later monitored (Table 2, no. considered beforehand and the study proves suc-
11). This criterion is not always essential in bio- cessful, the chosen indicator will have comparatively
diversity indication (Kremen, 1992). Suitability low budgetary demands when later used in bio-
criteria are also not always assessable prior to indication programmes. Nonetheless, individual cri-
sampling or testing (Table 2). teria, such as those listed in Table 2, may be adopted
Terrestrial insects as bioindicators 193

Table 2. Suggested criteria for the selection of bioindicators. En, environmental indicators ; Ec, ecological indicators ; B,
biodiversity indicators. Criteria with an asterisk may be, or are usually, possible to determine before the selection of a
potential bioindicator. Other criteria are usually only assessable after testing the suitability of the selected potential
bioindicator. Ticks represent obvious criteria for consideration under each category of bioindication

Criterion En Ec B

1.* Cost efficient and effective (time, funds, personnel) (e.g. Noss, 1990) h h h
2.* Sampled and sorted easily (e.g. Hellawell, 1986) h h h
3.* Adequate representation in samples (e.g. Hammond, 1994) h h h
4.* Be abundant (e.g. Jenkins, 1971) h h h
5.* Ease and reliability of storage (e.g. Hammond, 1994) h h h
6.* Taxonomically well-known group, readily identified, taxonomic expertise readily available h h h
(e.g. Stork, 1994)
7.* Sampled individuals expendable (e.g. New, 1995) h h h
8.* Spatial and temporal distribution predictable to ensure long-term continuity (Holloway & h h h
Stork, 1991)
9. Relatively independent of sample size (e.g. Noss, 1990)
10. Changes visible by remote sensing (e.g. Jenkins, 1971)
11.* Baseline data on biology available (e.g. New, 1995) h h
12.* Abundant autecological data (e.g. Hellawell, 1986)
13.* Low genetic and functional variability (e.g. Hellawell, 1986) h
14. Sufficiently sensitive to provide early warning (e.g. Noss, 1990) h
15. Able to differentiate between natural cycles and trends and those produced by h h
anthropogenic stress factor (e.g. Noss, 1990)
16. Representative of critical components, functions and processes (e.g. New, 1995) h h
17. Show a well-defined response, i.e. either
(a) die or decrease,
(b) change or mutate,
(c) replace or be replaced by other species (e.g. Jenkins, 1971). h h
18.* Be non-target species if to be used to monitor pesticides (e.g. Jenkins, 1971) h h
19. Readily accumulate pollutants (e.g. Hellawell, 1986) h
20.* Easily cultured in the laboratory (e.g. Hellawell, 1986) h
21. Capable of providing continuous assessment over a wide range of stress (e.g. Noss, 1990) h
22.* Recognised importance to agriculture, environment etc. (e.g. Stork, 1994)
23.* Economic importance as a resource or pest (e.g. Hellawell, 1986)
24. Representative of all trophic levels and major functional guilds (e.g. Stork, 1994) h
25. Matching with target group (e.g. Hammond, 1994) h
26. Representative of related and unrelated taxa (e.g. Pearson & Cassola, 1992) h h
27.* Full range of body sizes and growth forms (e.g. Stork, 1994)
28.* Tend to be distributed over range of habitats or environments (e.g. Faith & Walker, 1996) h
29. Information rich : representative distribution (Kremen, 1994) h
30.* Group should have species that are disjunct, and environmentally dispersed, in their h
distributions (e.g. Ryti, 1992)
31.* Representatives from low-, medium- and high-diversity groups (e.g. Stork, 1994) h
32.* Wide range of host-specificities (e.g. Stork, 1994)

or disregarded in accordance with their relevance to include individual species as well as groups of species.
the particular bioindication programme being con- Indeed, one of the first applications of the bio-
ducted. indicator concept was to the lists of aquatic
organisms, rather than single species, character-
istically found under conditions of varying degrees of
water pollution (Kolkwitz & Marsson, 1908).
(b) Individual species and species groups as bioindicators
Kremen et al. (1993) also use a group-based
The levels of organization used as bioindicators definition of a bioindicator : ‘ suites of species that
194 M. A. McGeoch

respond to environmental change in ways that are rationale that the summation of different, well-
easily measured or observed ’. known, taxa may prove a better surrogate of total
The choice between the selection of a single diversity than the use of a single target taxon (Vane-
indicator species versus a group of taxa is relevant Wright et al., 1994).
only to environmental and ecological indication. The advantages of using groups of species (i.e. in
Biodiversity indication necessarily uses groups of environmental and ecological indication) rather
taxa because the variables of indication are always than single species have been stated as ‘ providing
numbers of species, numbers of functional groups, improved resolution and scale of inventory and
etc. In environmental or ecological indication, the monitoring ’ (Kremen et al., 1994). Groups of taxa
indication variables may, in contrast, be morpho- represent a wider array of taxonomic, functional and
logical, physiological or population characteristics of habitat diversity and increase the number and types
single species. of environmental responses that are perceived
Groups of bioindicators may also be selected on (Kremen et al., 1994). Twenty years of ecosystem
either a taxonomic or functional basis, or on some research on the effects of chemical stressors on lakes
combination of both. This therefore includes showed that the most sensitive biotic variables were
‘ natural groups ’, in the taxonomic sense such as species diversity, food-chain length, proportion of r
Kremen’s (1994) monophyletic ‘ target taxa ’, or strategists (selected for maximizing their biotic
subjectively delineated functional groups, or com- potential) and the sizes and life spans of organisms
binations of sets of diverse taxa. (Schindler, 1990). These include firstly and pre-
Taxonomic groups include groups of species that dominantly community and assemblage parameters.
may not necessarily have any taxonomic affinity In addition, attention is increasingly being directed
(Hammond, 1994), as well as higher level taxonomic towards the effects of disturbance and environmental
groups, e.g. tribes, genera, assemblages (e.g. change on interactions between species and it is on
Kremen, 1992 ; Samways & Steytler, 1996), families these interactions that climate-change effects are
(e.g. Luff & Woiwod, 1995) or even whole orders. predicted to have a major impact (Sugden, 1992 ;
Functional groups include, guilds, trophic levels and Carpenter et al., 1993 ; Ives & Gilchrist, 1993).
communities, e.g. the suggestion by Holloway & Cousins (1991) also highlights the potential use of
Barlow (1992) that the proportion of tree-feeding functional group variables as biodiversity measures,
versus herb-feeding Lepidoptera families may be e.g. size-based diversity distributions, species-rich-
indicative of forest disturbance. There are, however, ness relationships between trophic levels, correlations
potential problems with the delineation of groups at between numbers of species in different guilds and
levels of organization higher than species (e.g. Block, measurements of taxonomic distinctiveness. Here,
Brennan & Gutierrez, 1986). It has been shown, for the distinction is again made between bioindicators,
example, that species may be far better indicators of and variables, or measures, of ecological function or
total diversity than higher taxa (Prance, 1994). diversity (see above discussion of the definition of
Clear-cut or fixed boundaries for delineating these biodiversity indicators). Di Castri, Robertson-
units of biodiversity do not always exist, particularly Vernhes & Younes (1992) recommend the incor-
when such units incorporate complex arrays of poration of representatives of all major functional
interactions between their members (Reid et al., guilds into biodiversity indicator programmes.
1993 ; Williams et al., 1997). Hammond (1994) Williams (1996) also suggests that one of the
advocates the use of ‘ shopping baskets ’ of suitable advantages of using higher taxonomic level indi-
taxa when, as may often be true, it is difficult to cators (or ‘ surrogates ’) is the inclusion of a wider
identify a single taxon that fulfils all the criteria range of functional relationships.
necessary for the required bioindicator. In bio- The use of higher level taxa rather than species is
diversity indication, the choice thus lies between frequently also advocated because of the cost of
target (higher monophyletic) taxa or some sum- expert assistance with identification and the frequent
mation of not necessarily monophyletic groups of lack of taxonomic expertise (see e.g. Oliver &
species or higher taxa (Vane-Wright et al., 1994). As Beattie, 1996 ; Paoletti & Bressan, 1996). Iden-
an example of the latter, Humphries & Vane-Wright tification of bioindicator organisms to lower taxo-
(1992) suggest the use of 100 or more genera, tribes nomic levels also does not always improve the
or families (each of which should include approxi- resolution of the results obtained using higher
mately 200 species) of widely differing organisms for taxonomic level determinations (Oliver & Beattie,
a global biodiversity analysis. This is based on the 1996). Furthermore, Oliver & Beattie (1996) showed
Terrestrial insects as bioindicators 195

that acceptably accurate assessment of terrestrial p. 126). The predictive value of the relationship will
invertebrate biodiversity may be achieved with the even then often depend on the variability of the
use of morphospecies (see further arguments by relationship around the value of the predictor
Goldstein, 1997 ; Oliver & Beattie, 1997). However, (considering also that the data are usually trans-
the quality of the data on which bioindicator formed prior to analysis reducing apparent varia-
predictions and conservation decisions are made is bility) that is to be used in the prediction (Gaston,
ultimately fundamental to their accuracy 1996 a ; Flather et al., 1997).
(Hammond, 1994 ; Vane-Wright, 1996). The out-
come of monitoring activities could also be com-
(5) Hypothesis testing
promised if morphospecies are not assigned in the
same way during serial surveillance. This ultimately The initial relational patterns found between the
necessitates a species-level taxonomy. potential indicator and the stressor, or other taxa,
Although the use of groups of taxa rather than must then be used to develop hypotheses on the
individual species has apparent potential advan- response of the indicator to an environmental state,
tages, the choice between a single species or group of or on the relationship between the indicator and
taxa, as well as the particular type of group of taxa, other taxa in the community or habitat under
depends entirely on : (i) the category of indication examination (Treweek, 1996). The hypothesis is
being conducted (i.e. environmental, ecological or then tested and the bioindicator selected or rejected
biodiversity), (ii) the specific objectives of the study, based on the outcome of formal experimental design
and (iii) the finding, after adequate testing, that the procedures, or testing on an independent data set
particular species or group is suitably sensitive and (Step 8, Table 1) (see e.g. Green, 1979, 1993 ;
tractable to provide the information required. Hurlbert, 1984 ; Underwood & Peterson, 1988 ;
Underwood, 1991, 1993). This step will thus
establish the robustness of the correlative relation-
(4) Data collection and interpretation
ships. The need for ground-truthing biodiversity
Once the potential indicator taxon, or taxa, has been indicators is not always as critical as it is for
chosen, sampling procedures are designed to identify environmental and ecological indicators because of
relationships between the indicator and the en- the small variance around many multi-taxon species-
vironmental or biotic variables of interest (Steps 4 richness relationships and because of the large size of
and 5, Table 1). The essence of bioindication is these data sets used in biodiversity studies (Williams &
‘ correlative complexes’ that exist as a result of direct Gaston, 1994).
or indirect causal relationships between environ- Once an indicator has been accepted on the basis
mental parameters and the state and behaviour of of these procedures, concrete suggestions can be
biota (Zonneveld, 1983). These relationships have to made for its use, and it will yield results with a
be identified and their robustness, or causal nature, known degree of confidence when used in bio-
demonstrated (Steps 6–8, Table 1). indication and monitoring programmes (Step 9,
The utility of bioindicators lies in their predictive Table 1) (e.g. Margules & Austin, 1994).
ability, i.e. to accurately predict (or indicate) the
presence and extent of a disturbance (environmental
(6) Status quo
indicator), the impact of a stressor on biota (eco-
logical indicator), or the diversity of other taxa in an Although guidelines for comprehensive planning
area (biodiversity indicator) (Noss, 1990 ; Hum- approaches to the collection of ecological and
phries et al., 1995 ; Faith & Walker, 1996). An biodiversity data exist (e.g. Margules & Austin,
indicator’s predictive value is determined by its 1991 ; Hawksworth & Ritchie, 1993 ; Reid et al.,
sensitivity, specificity and by the prevalence of the 1993 ; Margules & Redhead, 1995), the majority of
response, or of the relationship, that it demonstrates publications on the utility of terrestrial insects as
(Murtaugh, 1996 ; Dufre# ne & Legendre, 1997). bioindicators are either largely anecdotal, or pre-
Therefore, the presence of significant correlations scriptive (for example, Holloway, 1980 ; Rosenberg
between indicators and the variable of interest is, in et al., 1986 ; Brown, 1991 ; Holloway & Stork, 1991 ;
itself, insufficient to be of practical value (Gaston, Stork & Eggleton, 1992 ; Kremen et al., 1993).
1996 b ; Flather et al., 1997). Statistically strong Of those studies that are broadly experimental,
correlations are usually necessary to provide pre- many do not progress beyond the point of estab-
dictive relationships (although see Hammond, 1994, lishing the form of the relationship between the
196 M. A. McGeoch

potential indicator and other biotic or abiotic relationship between Lepidoptera diversity and
variables (i.e. Step 6, Table 1). For example, grasslands under different management regimes.
Mossakowski, Frambs & Baro (1990) claim indicator Although Woiwod & Thomas (1993) progress little
status for carabid beetles based on a loose, qualitative further, they acknowledge their study as being
comparison of habitat quality and carabid diversity preliminary and rather than claiming indicator
data (i.e. Step 5, Table 1). Other studies claiming status for their study taxa, they choose to illustrate
indicator status for taxa (e.g. Majer, 1983 ; Maelfait the importance of using both local and regional data
& Desender, 1990 ; Maelfait, Desender & Baert, to understand patterns of distribution and abun-
1990) reach Step 6 (Table 1) but no further attempt dance. Kremen (1992) and Luff & Woiwod (1995)
is made to establish the robustness, or the represen- progress to Step 7 (Table 1) in their studies of the
tativeness, of taxa before giving indicator status to indicator properties of, respectively, a Lepidoptera
the species or group involved. assemblage and moths and ground beetles. Kremen
Pearson & Cassola (1992) conducted a wide- (1992) acknowledges the preliminary status and lack
ranging evaluation of the potential suitability of of statistical tests in her analysis of the indicator
tiger beetles (Coleoptera : Cicindellidae) as environ- properties of the Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) in
mental, ecological and biodiversity indicators based Madagascar. However, the suggestion is made that
on published a priori criteria for indicator selection. the Rhopalocera may be useful ecological indicators
Their study fails to make the distinction between of climate change because of their significant
selecting ‘ apparently ’ appropriate indicators and response, with no measure of the strength or
actually formally testing the validity of these hy- predictive value of the response, to topographic and
potheses. Although Pearson & Cassola (1992) find moisture gradients. Their correlation with plant
weak, positive large-scale correlations between tiger species richness and diversity was also poor. Once
beetle species richness and bird and butterfly species again, therefore, the potential utility of an ecological
richness (Step 6, Table 1), they conclude merely by indicator as being representative of the responses of
stating that giving conservation status to certain other taxa to the same stressor is not examined or
endemic cicindelid species will ‘ bring protection to acknowledged. This programme to document
other invertebrate and vertebrate species associated patterns of Madagascan butterflies and other fauna
with the habitats ’. These weak correlations were is, however, ongoing and has well-defined, long-term
later found to be explained by the general pattern of goals and in future is likely to provide the more
increasing diversity towards lower latitudes (Flather quantitative and directed approach to the selection
et al., 1997). Although the documentation of large- and use of bioindicators that is advocated here
scale patterns certainly has a place (May, 1993), the (Kremen, 1992 ; Lees, 1996).
large-scale comparisons used in Pearson & Cassola’s The studies mentioned above, and others like
(1992) study (land area squares of 275–350 km per them, nonetheless provide valuable information for
side) are likely to reveal relationships that may the conservation of their so-called ‘ indicator taxa ’.
disappear at finer scales (Wiens, 1989 ; Curnutt et al., They also provide invaluable baseline information
1994), i.e. the weak, broad correlations between for further studies that wish to confirm, or reject, the
tiger beetle and bird and butterfly species richness utility of the particular taxon or group as an
may not hold under locally heterogeneous conditions indicator (Steps 7–9, Table 1). Although successful
within the borders of conservation areas where bioindication studies, particularly environmental
bioindicators are likely to be used. The majority of indication studies (which have followed procedures
reserves and areas of land under conservation along the lines of those outlined here, Table 1), have
management, and those areas likely to become so, been carried out using other terrestrial invertebrates
are far smaller than the spatial scales used in Pearson (e.g. Dallinger et al., 1992), similarly successful
& Cassola’s (1992) study. This again emphasizes the examples are far less prevalent in the terrestrial
importance of formulating bioindicator study ob- insect indicator literature.
jectives with appropriate regard to the scales at A number of more recent publications, however,
which they are to be conducted. adopt the rigorous testing approach that has been
A number of studies on the use of Lepidoptera as advocated here [e.g. Paoletti, Schweigl & Favretto,
bioindicators (Erhardt, 1985 ; Erhardt & Thomas, 1995 (environmental indication) ; Samways &
1991 ; Woiwod & Thomas, 1993) also only reach Steytler, 1996 and Dufre# ne & Legendre, 1997
Step 6 (Table 1). Erhardt & Thomas (1991) do not (ecological indication) ; Balmford et al., 1996 a, b
go as far as formally testing the robustness of the (biodiversity indication)].
Terrestrial insects as bioindicators 197

Balmford et al. (1996 a, b) provide a good example with the choice and testing of appropriate bio-
of a well-planned and executed biodiversity in- indicators and variables, and the continual need to
dication study with explicit objectives. Rykken et al. consider scaling issues during the planning of
(1997) actually reject the use of ground beetles as programmes and the interpretation of results
indicators of land-type diversity in Vermont after (Flather et al., 1997). There are few cases where
the outcome of ordination and classification analyses. ecologists can provide decision-makers with tried
Samways & Steytler’s (1996) study on the use of and tested terrestrial insect indicators as tools for
Odonata species and assemblages as ecological conservation assessment and planning. To avoid the
indicators of land-use types along a river also indefinite continuation of this dilemma we should
provides clear objectives for the selection and use of not allow the urgency of conservation crises to
the proposed bioindicators, as well as documented dishearten or blind us to the importance of medium-
and tested species and assemblage patterns. The only to long-term research investments and a rigorous
potential addition to this study would be a general- research approach to support (or refute) the utility
ization of the results found (by testing on an and application of terrestrial insects as either
independent data set) and the provision of a environmental, ecological or biodiversity indicators.
geographical range estimate within which the selec-
ted bioindicators may be used. The latter also
applies to an otherwise comprehensive environ-
mental indication study by Paoletti et al. (1995) that I thank S. L. Chown, A. S. van Jaarsveld and S. Freitag
identifies soil organisms sensitive to heavy metals (University of Pretoria), and K. J. Gaston (University of
and organochlorine residues in orchards. Sheffield) for their suggestions and comments on the
The examples highlighted in this section show that manuscript, and P. Barnard (The Natural History
clear definition of the objectives of bioindicator Museum, London) for help with literature access. The
studies, formal testing of the robustness of insect manuscript was substantially improved by the refereeing
indicators, and making recommendations for their of R. I. Vane-Wright (The Natural History Museum,
use in detection and monitoring are the steps London). Financial assistance from WWF-South Africa
necessary to improve the utility and establish the and Research Support, University of Pretoria, is gratefully
credibility of terrestrial insects as bioindicators. acknowledged.


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