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Universiti Teknologi MARA

Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman

Collection System by Using Naïve Bayes

Nur Intan Syafiqah Binti Sanusi

Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements

for Bachelor of Information Systems (Hons.)
Information Systems Engineering
College of Computing, Informatics, and Media







This thesis was prepared under the supervision of the project supervisor, Madam Nur
Suhailayani Binti Suhaimi. It was submitted to the College of Computing,
Informatics, and Media and was accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Information Systems (Hons.) Information Systems

Approved by

Madam Nur Suhailayani Binti Suhaimi
Project Supervisor

FEBRUARY 27, 2023


I certify that this thesis and the project to which it refers is the product of my own
work and that any idea or quotation from the work of other people, published or
otherwise are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard referring practices
of the discipline.

Nur Intan Syafiqah Binti Sanusi

FEBRUARY 27, 2023


Alhamdulillah, praise and thanks to Allah for His Almighty and His most abundant
blessings, I was able to complete this research within the time frame specified. First
and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Madam Nur
Suhailayani Binti Suhaimi, for her unwavering support of the research. The
recommendations and suggestions have been key in completing my thesis

Next, I would like to thank and give acknowledgment to the owner of Nor Idaman
Collection who gave me full consideration during the interview session and
collection of the requirements for this project. The collection of all information is
essential for the project's completion.

Other than that, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude
to Dr. Edzreena, my CSP600 and CSP650 lecturers, for providing me with
continuous support and guidance throughout this semester in order for me to
successfully complete my thesis.

I would like to thank my family for their help with this project, both in terms of ideas
and money. Not to mention my friends' and others' suggestions and recommendations
throughout the process of finishing this thesis.

In a nutshell, this thesis would not have been possible without the consistent
assistance, support, and understanding of all parties. My gratitude and appreciation
also go to those who have directly or indirectly assisted me in completing this

Nurfaizah established Nor Idaman Collection, one of the clothing stores in Kulim,
Kedah, in 2013. This store ran its operations using a manual system. There was a lot
of stock and sales data that needed to be saved in a single day, especially during
holidays. They occasionally obtained customers through social media platforms such
as Facebook and Instagram. Current platforms for manually recording and storing
data in logbooks are too risky and can lead to data redundancy and a lack of
knowledge in prediction. The aim of this project is to provide a system that is able to
predict sales for Nor Idaman Collection to help the owner manage the business by
this prediction feature. Nor Idaman Collection needs to employ a computerized
prediction system to reduce and minimize the problem of strategizing business
marketing. Nor Idaman Collection System can predict the next sales when the next
celebration is approaching based on previous data and can improve business strategy.
The data mining techniques used for this prediction system is Naive Bayes, which
selects the product with the highest probability of sales and determines which
product should be prioritized when restocking. The output of this prediction system
is a list of predicted sales with the calculated probability and product to market-based
previous sales. It is suggested that in the future, it can include new features such as a
payment gateway, rating and review, and push notification.


1.1 Background of Study 1

1.2 Problem Statement 4

1.3 Project Aim 5

1.4 Project Objectives 5

1.5 Project Scope 6

1.6 Project Significance 6

1.6.1 Significance towards stakeholder 6

1.6.2 Significance towards customer 6
1.7 Outline of the Proposal 7

1.8 Summary 8


2.1 Sales Management 9

2.1.1 Conventional System 10

2.1.2 Online System 10
2.2 Knowledge Discovery 11

2.2.1 Knowledge Discovery Database 12

2.2.2 Data Mining 16
2.3 Data Mining for Prediction 18
2.3.1 Decision Tree 20
2.3.2 Artificial Neural Network 21
2.3.3 Naïve Bayes 23
2.3.4 Apriori Algorithm 24
2.4 Related Works 25

2.4.1 Taobao 25
2.4.2 Amazon 25
2.4.3 Alibaba 26
2.5 Comparison between Taobao, Amazon and Alibaba 26

2.6 Prediction System 27

2.6.1 Prediction for Sales Forecasting 28

2.6.2 Prediction for Stock Management 29
2.6.3 Prediction for Marketing Strategies 29
2.7 Discussion 31

2.8 Summary 32


3.1 Overview of The Methodology 33

3.2 Methodology Phases 33

3.3 Requirement Gathering 35

3.4 Analysis 36

3.5 Design 38

3.6 Implementation 41

3.7 Summary 43


4.1 Result of Gathering data and analyzing requirement 44

4.1.1 Result of Conducting an interview 44

4.2 Analysis Phase 45

4.2.1 Use Case Diagram 47

4.2.2 Activity Diagram 50
4.2.3 Domain Class Diagram 51
4.2.4 System Sequence Diagram 51
4.2.5 Data preprocessing 52
4.3 Design Phase 56

4.3.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram 60

4.3.2 Multilayer Sequence Diagram 61
4.4 Implementation Phase 62

4.4.1 User Interface of The System 62

4.5 Summary 74


5.1 Conclusion 75

5.1.1 Objective 1: To gather and analyzed data regarding Nor Idaman

Collection System 75
5.1.2 Objective 2: To design the prototype system for the Nor Idaman
Collection System based on analyzed data 76
5.1.3 Objective 3: To develop a system for sales prediction by using data
mining to ease the stakeholder 76
5.2 Project Limitation 77

5.3 Recommendation for Future Enhancement 77

5.4 Summary 79

1.1 Product Perspective 3

1.2 Product Functionality 4

1.2.1 Customer 5
1.2.2 Admin 5
1.3 Users and Characteristics 5

1.4 Operating Environment 6

1.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 6

1.6 User Documentation 7

1.7 Assumptions and Dependencies 7

2.1 Use Case Diagram 9

2.2 Use Case Description 10

2.2.1 Use Case Id & Name 10

3.1 Performance Requirements 18

3.2 Safety and Security Requirements 19

3.3 Software Quality Attributes 19

1. Business Activity Diagram 21

2. Class Diagram 25

3. System Sequence Diagram 26


1.1 Purpose 1

1.2 Scope 1

1.3 References 2

1.4 Document Structure 3

1.5 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 4

1.6 System Overview 6

2.1 Architectural Description 8

2.2 Block Diagram 8

2.3 Network Diagram 9

2.4 Design Rationale 9

2.5 Domain Class Diagram 11

2.6 Design Class Diagram 11

3.1 Database Description 12

3.2 Data Dictionary 13

4.1 Package Diagram 17

4.1.1 Package Functions 17

4.1.2 Package Content 18
5.1 Class ID & NAME 21

5.1.1 Class Attributes & Methods 22

6.1 Overview of the User Interface 26

6.1.1 Categories’ Functionality 26

6.1.2 Screen Images 27
7.1 Register Account 35

7.1.1 Detail Class Diagram 35

7.1.2 Multilayer Register Account 35
7.2 Login 36

7.2.1 Detail Class Diagram 36

7.2.2 Multilayer Login 36
7.3 Edit Account 37

7.3.1 Detail Class Diagram 37

7.3.2 Multilayer Edit Account 37
7.4 View Account 38

7.4.1 Detail Class Diagram 38

7.4.2 Multilayer View Account 38
7.5 Add Purchase 39

7.5.1 Detail Class Diagram 39

7.5.2 Multilayer Add Purchase 39
7.6 Edit Purchase 40

7.6.1 Detail Class Diagram 40

7.6.2 Multilayer Edit Purchase 40
7.7 View Purchase 40

7.7.1 Detail Class Diagram 40

7.7.2 Multilayer View Purchase 41
7.8 Manage product 42

7.8.1 Detail Class Diagram 42

7.8.2 Multilayer Manage product 42


Figure 1.1 Logbook used to record sales 3

Figure 2.1 Structure of Literature Review 9
Figure 2.2 An overview of the steps in KDD process 13
Figure 2.3 Data Mining Process 17
Figure 2.4 Processing in an Artificial Neuron 22
Figure 2.5 Application of Data Mining for Marketing 30
Figure 2.6 Schematics for DM Application in Marketing 31
Figure 3.1 Use Case Diagram 37
Figure 3.2 Storyboard for admin 40
Figure 3.3 Storyboard for customer 41
Figure 4.1 Use Case Diagram 48
Figure 4.2 Activity diagram for predict sale 50
Figure 4.3 Domain Class Diagram 51
Figure 4.4 System Sequence Diagram for Predict Sales 52
Figure 4.5 Result of cleaned data 53
Figure 4.6 Data integration 54
Figure 4.7 Data transformation 55
Figure 4.8 Login admin storyboard 56
Figure 4.9 View product 57
Figure 4.10 Add product 57
Figure 4.11 View purchase 58
Figure 4.12 Predict sales 58
Figure 4.13 Generate graph 59
Figure 4.14 Add purchase 59
Figure 4.15 Delete purchase 60
Figure 4.16 Entity Relationship Diagram 61
Figure 4.17 Multilayer sequence diagram for predict sales 61
Figure 4.18 Create an account customer 63
Figure 4.19 Add purchase 64
Figure 4.20 Customer view purchase 64
Figure 4.21 Admin view purchase 65
Figure 4.22 Manage Purchase 66
Figure 4.23 Create Account Admin 66
Figure 4.24 Edit account customer 67
Figure 4.25 Edit account admin 67
Figure 4.26 View account customer 68
Figure 4.27 View account admin 68
Figure 4.28 Add Product 69
Figure 4.29 View Product 70
Figure 4.30 Add and delete product 70
Figure 4.31 Predict Sales 71
Figure 4.32 Add new predict sales 71
Figure 4.33 Information page for prediction 72
Figure 4.34 Promotion Page 73
Figure 4.35 Generate graph 73
Figure 1.1 Block Diagram of SPFNICS 2
Figure 2.1 Use Case Diagram 7
Figure 1.1 Use Case 6
Figure 2.1 Block Diagram 8
Figure 2.2 Network Diagram 9
Figure 2.3 Domain Class Diagram 11
Figure 2.4 Design Class Diagram 12
Figure 4.1 Package Diagram 17
Figure 6.1 Homepage 27
Figure 6.2 Customer Login 27
Figure 6.3 Customer Register 28
Figure 6.4 Customer view product 28
Figure 6.5 Manage purchase 29


Table 3.1 Methodology phases used for the project 34

Table 3.2 Interview question and answer 35
Table 3.3 Hardware Specification 42
Table 3.4 Software Specification 42
Table 4.1 Interview question and the requirement 45
Table 4.2 Analyzed Requirement 46
Table 1.1 Use Case Details 7
Table 4.1 Package Functions 18
Table 4.2 Package Content 18
Table 5.1 Class Description 21

DCD Domain Class Diagram

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
KDD Knowledge Discovery Database
MLSD Multilayer Sequence Diagram
SDD Software Design Document
SDLC System Development Life Cycle
SRS Software Requirements Specifications

SSD Sequence Diagram

UCD Use Case Diagram
SPFNICS Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by Using Naïve
1 Introduction

This chapter provides a brief introduction on Nor Idaman Collection System by

using data mining analysis. It gives more information and understanding about this
project. This section focused on the background of the study, problem statement,
aim, the objective for this system to be developed, project scope, project
significance, and the outline of the thesis.

1.1 Background of Study

Living in a modern and technologically advanced era, a wide population of

society put hard work and effort into keeping track of new trends in fashion.
Nowadays, the major trend in the fashion industry is the utilization of
technology. As physical shops exist, society nowadays has a higher tendency
to seek brands that provide their products and services online. This is true as
the Internet is very accessible to everyone by the tip of their fingers. With that
being said, it can be concluded that online shopping is an effective tool for
brands to promote and sell their products and services to reach a wider
audience and increase their potential customers. There are clearly external
factors contributing to the increased interest in online shopping, such as rising
petrol prices, difficulty getting to physical stores, and the frustrations
commonly connected with shopping malls and other traditional retailers
(Sunitha & Gnanadhas, 2014).

Online merchants are required to conduct several forms of client data

analyses in order to improve their business. The application of various
Data Mining (DM) methods to investigate and detect hidden data, the

knowledge that was previously unknown but can be valuable to the business,
is one of the primary problems for the development of e-commerce. Unlike
data retrieval via database queries, knowledge extraction from data creates
unpredictable, previously unknown, but possibly beneficial information. The
researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed one of the
best definitions for DM that is utilized in the literature (MIT). They define it
as "the analysis of (sometimes enormous) observational data sets to discover
previously unknown associations and to summarize the data in unique ways
that are both accessible and beneficial to the data owner."(David Hand,
Heikki Mannila, and Padhraic Smyth, 2001).

Databases, data warehouses, the Web, other information repositories, and

data that is dynamically fed into the system are examples of data sources.
Data mining aids decision-making because each transaction data is kept in a
database, and data mining will discover the pattern as to which appropriate
method was employed in the search data. In this situation, the system
employs an apriori algorithm therefore the seller may view the percentage of
product sales and which products are the seller's most superior. María S.
Pérez, Alberto Sánchez, Víctor Robles, Pilar Herrero, and José M. Peña
(2007) stated that data mining is a popular method for transforming data into
meaningful patterns, which aids in the thorough knowledge of certain subject

According to Rygielski et al., (2002) data warehousing, data mining, and

campaign management software have transformed customer relationship
management into a new area where businesses can obtain a competitive
advantage. Organizations may discover important customers, forecast future
actions, and empower enterprises to make proactive, knowledge-driven
decisions by using data mining, and the extraction of hidden predictive
information from massive databases.

The stakeholder for this project is the Nor Idaman collection. Nor Idaman
collection was one of the clothing stores at Kulim, Kedah, and had been
established in 2013 by Puan Nurfaizah. This store used a manual system
(logbook) while running its business. There was a lot of stock and sales data
that needed have been stored in a day, especially during celebrations. They
sometimes also got customers through media social such as Facebook and
Instagram. The purpose of this project was to help the general staff and
owner to visualize and manage their sales data in the system. Nor Idaman
collection sells clothes with their own distinctive design and patterns that
followed nowadays’ trends. In order to help the shop in managing or
handling their customer more effectively, this project which was a web-based
system name Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection System by using
Data Mining Analysis was developed. Figure 1. 1 below was the logbook
used to record sales.

Figure 1.1 Logbook used to record sales

Orders for current information for online and walk-in purchases were entered
into a logbook or on paper forms. All orders and walk-in purchases will be
manually recorded in the logbook, including the date, kind of apparel, price, and

quantity. This shows the time-consuming problem, generates security issues
regarding financial record because of no proper platform, and lead to inaccurate
sales predictions.

1.2 Problem Statement

A couple of problems have been identified based on a personal interview with

Puan Nurfaizah Yusof who is the owner of the Nor Idaman Collection.

a) Time-consuming for the admin to navigate through WhatsApp looking

for orders, and also takes time for the customer to wait for a response on
product availability.
This issue arises when an admin member currently utilizes WhatsApp to
handle orders. Due to spam communication from customers, the admin
spends too much time scrolling WhatsApp (personal communication, March
2022). However, customers also have problems waiting for the admin’s
response to their questions before making any purchase. Due to the slow
response time, it is also difficult for customers to know the availability of the
clothing over WhatsApp. If you want to know the details of the product, as a
customer, you need a quick response from the seller before placing an order.

b) Current platforms for manually recording and storing data in logbooks

are too risky and can lead to data redundancy.
Nor Idaman Collection does not have a proper platform to manage their
customer’s orders or purchases. The current method of storing customer
purchase details at Nor Idaman Collection is physically stored constantly. All
customer order details via WhatsApp and walk-in purchases will be recorded
in the logbook or paper form. For the advertisement, Nor Idaman Collection
used Facebook as their main platform to advertise their product and on
Facebook, there are phone numbers that customer can directly WhatsApp
c) The manual prediction that Nur Idaman Collection used lacks of
accuracy as human prone to mistakes.
Since their sales were managed and predicted by humans, the prediction was
solely based on human judgement. Nur Idaman Collection must conduct daily
and monthly reporting to facilitate the process of determining which products
should be prioritised for sale in their business. According to the online
interview, Puan Nurfaizah stated that they occasionally refill a big number of
products, which has resulted in a loss (personal communication, March 20,
2022). Furthermore, Nor Idaman Collection does not adequately store all
sales data, which can result in noisy statistics. As a result of the missing data,
stakeholders are unable to make forecasts or manage their stock for future
outcomes. As a result of this difficulty, the stakeholder is unable to precisely
forecast their costs and revenues. A sales forecasting system is required to
address this issue.

1.3 Project Aim

The aim of this project is to provide a system that is able to predict sales and
manage their online sales for Nor Idaman Collection to ease the owner

1.4 Project Objectives

The main objectives of this project are:

a) To gather and analyzed data regarding Nor Idaman Collection System.
b) To design the prototype system for Nor Idaman Collection System based on
analyzed data.
c) To develop a system for sales prediction by using data mining to ease the

1.5 Project Scope

This proposed project focuses on developing a system of sales prediction and

marketing strategy by using data mining analysis for Nor Idaman Collection
System. The scope is intended for two types of users: customers and
employees or owners. This project focuses on managing data sales as well as
assisting customers with purchasing orders. This system does not include
payment within the system. The customer can make a payment outside of the
system and submit the receipt via the system's given page.

1.6 Project Significance

There are significances that can be obtained in this project that may benefit
the stakeholder and customer.

1.6.1 Significance towards stakeholder

a) The online sellers will manage the process of ordering products in more
efficient manner
b) This project will help the stakeholder by estimating the sales of new fashion
products by using sales prediction.
c) This system can help the stakeholder increase the prediction accuracy of sales
and help manage online sales.

1.6.2 Significance towards customer

a) This system can make it easier for customers to place orders on a platform
without having to navigate multiple platforms to avoid misunderstanding.
b) This system operates around the clock to provide customers with relevant
product information, product reviews, and product descriptions so that they
may make the best decision.
1.7 Outline of the Proposal

This proposal consists of five chapters which are an introduction, literature

review, methodology, results and findings, and conclusion and
recommendation for the Nor Idaman Collection System by using data mining
analysis. Chapter one explains the research background of the project. Things
that have been analyzed in this chapter are the problem statement and
objectives of this project. This chapter also provides information about the
scope of the project, its significance of the project, and the end of this project.

Chapter two is about the literature review of the Nor Idaman Collection
System by using data mining analysis. This chapter contains a variety of
system-related information, such as a discussion of electronic e-commerce
and the process of gathering, analyzing, recognizing, and dealing with issues
related to this project.

Chapter three is describing the outline of the methodology that is chosen for
this project which is the waterfall methodology and technique that will be
used to complete this project. This section also discussed briefly the phases,
activities completed, and deliverables required to meet the project objectives
using the waterfall technique. It also concentrated on requirement collecting
and analysis, as well as system design and implementation.

Chapter four presents the results and conclusions based on the activities
described in Chapter three. This chapter goes into detail about the results and

Chapter five offers the project's conclusion and recommendations. The

conclusion is made in this chapter, as are the project's strengths and
limitations. A recommendation for future improvements is also provided for
the project.
1.8 Summary

In a summary, this chapter discussed the background of the project and

business. This chapter also describes the problem statement that the
stakeholder faced. Aim and objectives are also defined in this chapter before
developing a project. The whole project must be solved by following a
predetermined objective. In the next chapter, there will be more explanation
of the literature review of the project.

2 Literature Review

This chapter discusses the project's literature review and background research. All
data and information were taken from books, journals, articles, and other sources and
were gathered using various methods used in the development of the Nor Idaman
Collection System. The information gathered was used to help and elaborate on the
strategy and methods that would be used in the development.

Figure 2.2 Structure of Literature Review

2.1 Sales Management

Sales management is the process of coordinating your organization's

salespeople to work toward a single goal. Sales management is developing
and implementing methods to assist your sales force in meeting and
exceeding revenue targets(Singh Kundu, 2017). An organization is driven by
income, sales, and cash sources, and the administration of that process is the

most significant role. In research by O.Loen, (2014) the simplest way to
understand what sales management comprises is to describe how a company
manages its salespeople by planning, directing, and supervising them. Based
on (Kundu, 2017) this process includes recruiting, equipping, assigning,
routing, supervising, paying, and encouraging salespeople. It is all about
human management with a lot of motivation including increasing the
dedication and passion of the salesperson towards their job so that they can
deliver their best to talk about the product and establish the relationship with
the customer. As a result, sales management must function in a larger and
newer context, alongside old lines. The current emphasis is on overall human
resource development.

2.1.1 Conventional System

In many B2B organizations, sales management software has replaced

traditional sales systems. The comprehensive sales software was primarily
created to ease commercial sales efforts and aid accelerate lead conversion
(Piercy & Lane, 2005) With this integrated sales system, you can simply sell
smarter, faster, and more effectively while increasing the productivity of your
sales staff. The whole concept of making an innovative product and
connecting it with the buyers starts with the right sales strategy that acts as
the bridge between the sellers and buyers. With the continual evolution of
innovative technologies seen in each decade, the old conventional sales
tactics are already outdated, and the current sales methods will be obsolete in
the future (Adamson, 2022).

2.1.2 Online System

A good sale system is network-based. That is, it is a mechanism for online

sales. This approach has the potential to benefit both the shop owner and the
customer. Hiring, training, and motivating the sales team, projecting sales and

setting sales targets, and devising successful tactics for managing leads and
growing sales are all part of sales management. In research from Hughes
(2014) sales managers may inspire lower-level managers to develop better
strategies by providing them with "template" disks with standardized analytic
approaches to typical field sales management difficulties. The majority of
sales management systems use microcomputers as they have a
microprocessor, program memory, data memory, and input- output (I/O). A
microcomputer may assist sales managers of all levels to make better use of
their time. Nutshell, Salesforce, Zoho, and other sales management software
tools are examples of tools that may improve application efficiently.

2.2 Knowledge Discovery

The knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD) discipline builds systems
that allow users to obtain insight from enormous data sets using discoveries
from statistics, databases, and artificial intelligence (Gama, 2010). Such data
sets are collected by people in industry, science, health, academia, and
government, and several commercial packages now provide general-purpose
KDD capabilities. Data is being collected and accumulated at an alarming
rate across several industries. A new generation of computational approaches
and tools to help humans extract usable information (knowledge) from
massive amounts of data is sorely needed. The emerging area of knowledge
discovery in databases focuses on these methodologies and tools (KDD).
Knowledge discovery is the creation of new tacit or explicit knowledge from
facts and information or the synthesis of prior knowledge. The finding of new
explicit information is primarily dependent on the combination, whereas the
discovery of new tacit knowledge is primarily dependent on socializing.
Knowledge discovery is the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously
unknown, and possibly beneficial information from data (Rose Dieng, Olivier
Corby, and St6phane Lapalut, 1993). According to Fayyad et al., (1996), data
mining (DM) is a phase in the KDD process that involves using

computational approaches to detect patterns in data. A data mining
algorithm's output is often a pattern or group of patterns that are valid in the
provided data.

Research from Vautier et al., (2007) define a pattern as a statement S in L that

specifies relationships among a subset FS of F with a confidence c, such that
S is simpler (in some sense) than the enumeration of all facts in FS, given a
collection of facts (data) F, a language L, and some measure of certainty C. A
pattern that is interesting (according to a user-imposed interest measure) and
certain enough (again according to the user’s criteria) is called knowledge.
The output of a program that monitors the set of facts in a database and
produces patterns in this sense is discovered knowledge. In research from
Tarud (2021), knowledge discovery can be used in app development to aid in
the development of more sophisticated Machine Learning tools. It may also
assist businesses in quickly parsing through massive amounts of data and
obtaining actionable insights that can enhance their operations in a variety of

2.2.1 Knowledge Discovery Database

The process of obtaining useful knowledge from a collection of data is known

as knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). This extensively used data
mining technique involves data preparation and selection, data cleansing,
applying prior knowledge on data sets, and interpreting accurate solutions
based on the observed results. Marketing, fraud detection,
telecommunications, and manufacturing are some of the major KDD
application areas. The primary goal of the KDD process is to extract
information from enormous databases of data. It achieves this by using Data
Mining techniques to decide what constitutes knowledge. The knowledge
discovery method is iterative and participatory, with nine steps (Fayyad et al.,
1996). The procedure is iterative at each level, indicating that returning to

past acts may be necessary. In the sense that one cannot give a single formula
or develop a thorough scientific classification for the proper judgments for
each phase and application type, the process contains numerous creative
features. As a result, it is necessary to comprehend the process as well as the
various requirements and options available at each stage.

Figure 2.3 An overview of the steps in KDD process

(Source: (Hendrickx et al., 2015)

Brachman and Anand (1996) present a realistic interpretation of the tile KDD
process that emphasizes the procedure's participatory character. Here are
some of the fundamental steps:

a) Building up an understanding of the application domain. This is the first

preliminary step. It sets the stage for comprehending what should be done
with various decisions such as transformation, algorithms, representation,
and so on. Individuals in charge of a KDD project must comprehend and
define the end-objectives users as well as the environment in which the
knowledge discovery process will take place (involves relevant prior
b) Choosing and creating a data set on which discovery will be performed.
Once the objectives have been identified, the data that will be used in the
knowledge discovery process should be determined. This includes
determining what data is available, getting significant data and then
integrating all of the data for knowledge discovery onto a single set,
which includes the attributes that will be examined for the process. This
method is critical because Data Mining learns and finds from available
data. This is the evidence upon which the models are built. If certain key
qualities are absent, the entire study may be ineffective in this regard,
since additional attributes are evaluated. On the other hand, organizing,
collecting, and operating advanced data repositories is costly, and there is
an arrangement with the greatest knowledge of the phenomenon. This
arrangement refers to a part of the KDD that is interactive and iterative.
This starts with the finest accessible data sets and then expands and
examines the influence on knowledge discovery and modeling cleaning
and preprocessing such as handling missing values and removing noise or
outliers. In this context, it may employ complicated statistical techniques
or a Data Mining algorithm. For example, if one predicts that a certain
property is low in dependability or has a large number of missing data
points, this feature may become the goal of the Data Mining supervised
method. Following the creation of a prediction model for these properties,
missing data may be forecasted. The extent to which one pays attention to
this level is determined by a variety of circumstances. Regardless,
examining the elements is important and frequently illuminating to
company data frameworks.
c) Data Transformation. This stage involves the preparation and
development of appropriate data for Data Mining. Dimension reduction
and attribute transformation are two techniques used here. This stage is
often project-specific and can be critical to the overall success of the
KDD project. In medical examinations, for example, the quotient of
qualities is frequently the most important component, rather than each one
individually. In business, we may need to consider external factors as well
as efforts and temporary concerns. Investigating the influence of
advertisement accumulation, for example. However, if we do not use the
correct transformation from the start, we may have an incredible result
that informs us about the transformation needed in the following iteration.
As a result, the KDD process reinforces itself and stimulates awareness of
the transformation necessary.
d) Prediction and description. Prepared to choose which type of Data Mining
to use, such as classification, regression, clustering, and so on. This is
primarily dependent on the KDD objectives, as well as the preceding
steps. Data Mining has two major goals which are prediction and
description. Prediction is commonly referred to as supervised Data
Mining, whereas descriptive Data Mining includes unsupervised and
visualization components of Data Mining. Most Data Mining approaches
rely on inductive learning, which involves intentionally or intuitively
building a model by generalizing from a sufficient number of prepared
models. The created model applies to future situations, which is the core
assumption of the inductive approach. The approach additionally
considers the amount of meta-learning for the unique collection of
available data.
e) Choosing the data mining algorithms is a selecting method to be used for
searching for patterns in the data. This step includes selecting a strategy to
be utilized for finding patterns with various inducers. For example, when
it comes to precision versus understandability, neural networks perform
better, while decision trees perform better. There are various ways in
which a meta-learning system might succeed. Meta-learning focuses on
determining what causes a Data Mining algorithm to be successful or
ineffective in a certain situation. As a result, this technique seeks to
comprehend the circumstances in which a Data Mining algorithm is most
appropriate. Each algorithm has its own set of parameters and learning
methodologies, such as tenfold cross-validation or another division for
training and testing.
f) Utilizing the Data Mining algorithm. The search for patterns of relevance
in a certain representational form or set of representations, such as
classification rules or trees, regression, clustering, and so on, is known as
data mining. By following the previous procedures correctly, the user may
considerably help the data mining technique.
g) Evaluation and interpretation. This stage may also include visualizing the
extracted patterns/models or visualizing the data given the derived
models. In this section, we look at the pretreatment procedures and how
they affect the Data Mining method outputs. For example, include a
feature in step 4 and then repeat. This stage focuses on the induced
model's readability and utility. The recognized knowledge is also
documented in this phase for future use. The final stage is to apply Data
Mining to obtain feedback and discovery outcomes.
h) Consolidating discovered knowledge involves either integrating it into
another system for further action or merely documenting it and
transmitting it to relevant parties.

Iterative loops between any two stages are allowed in the Tile KDD approach.
The basic sequence of steps is visualized in Figure 2.2. (but not the potential
multiplicity of iterations and loops). The majority of previous KDD work has
focused on step 7, data mining. The remaining steps, on the other hand, are
critical for the successful implementation of KDD in practice.

2.2.2 Data Mining

In general, data mining (also known as data or knowledge discovery) is the

act of examining data from many viewpoints and summarizing it into
valuable information that may be utilized to enhance revenue, reduce costs, or
both. Data mining software is one of the analytical techniques used to analyze
data. It enables users to evaluate data from a variety of dimensions or
perspectives, categorize it, and describe the links discovered (Piatetsky-
Shapiro et al., 1996). Enterprises may use data mining techniques and
technologies to forecast future trends and make better educated business
decisions. Data mining, which employs sophisticated analytics techniques to
identify meaningful information in data sets, is a critical component of data
analytics and one of the basic disciplines in data science (Stedman & Hughes,
2021). Data mining is a phase in the knowledge discovery in databases
(KDD) process, which is a data science approach for obtaining, processing,
and evaluating data. Data mining and KDD are occasionally used
interchangeably; however, they are more often regarded as different concepts.

Based on Fayyad et al. (1996), data mining is a stage in the KDD process that
involves applying data analysis and discovery algorithms to provide a
specific enumeration of patterns over the data under acceptable computing
efficiency constraints. The KDD process's data mining component typically
requires the iterative use of specific data mining tools. As illustrated in Figure
2.3, the data mining process is used to extract information from a data
collection and turn it into a comprehensible structure for subsequent usage
(Mariscal et al., 2010). The data mining component of the KDD process
typically involves the iterative use of certain data mining tools. It is
performed by employing application domains such as prior knowledge, user
goals, and so on to generate a target dataset that will be used in data mining
algorithms that analyze, assess, and present patterns as well as manage
obtained data (Fayyad et al., 1996).

Figure 2.4 Data Mining Process
(Source: Marisca et al., 2010)
The knowledge discovery goals are defined by the intended use of the system.
We can distinguish two types of goals. The first goal is verification, in which
the system is limited to proving the user's hypothesis, and the second is
discovery, in which the system discovers new patterns on its own. We are
particularly interested in discovery-oriented data mining in this study. The
following primary data mining methods are used to achieve prediction and
description goals:
a) Classification: learning a function for mapping (classifying) a data object into
one of several predetermined classes
b) Regression: learning a function that converts a data item into a real-valued
prediction variable and discovering functional relationships between variables
c) Clustering: identifying a finite set of categories or clusters to describe the
data. Closely related to clustering is the method of probability density
estimation which consists of techniques for estimating from data the joint
multi-variant probability density function of all of the variables/fields in the

d) Summarization: determining a concise description for a subset of data, such
as the development of summary or association rules and the application of
multivariate visualization techniques.
e) Dependency Modeling: discovering a model that describes considerable
interdependence between factors (e.g., learning of belief networks).
f) Change and Deviation Detection: identifying the most significant differences
in data from previously measured or normative values.

2.3 Data Mining for Prediction

Predictive data mining is data mining that is used to forecast or predict trends
using business intelligence or other data. This form of data mining can assist
company leaders in making better decisions and add value to the analytics
team's work (Techopedia, 2015). The application of statistics and modeling
tools to create predictions about future outcomes and performance is known
as predictive analytics. Predictive analytics examines current and past data
patterns to see if they are likely to repeat themselves (Halton, 2021). Edwards
(2019) supported the claim of predictive analysis can make predictions based
on past events. In most cases, historical data is used to create a mathematical
model that captures key trends (Lawton et al., 2022). This predictive model is
then used to current data in order to forecast what will happen next or to
advise actions to take in order to achieve the best results. Technology
management teams in marketing, finance, insurance, retail, tourism,
healthcare, pharmaceutical, and utility industries utilize predictive analytics to
plan for the future or improve the customer experience (Bhatt, 2021). Take,
for example, Netflix and Amazon. Netflix figures out which movies people
are likely to like.

A study in 2022 from Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies

have mentioned about, Amazon has patented "anticipatory shipping," which
would send products to a geographic location before a customer buys them.
China's e-commerce business has grown quickly over the last decade and
continues to rise. Using data from Alibaba and Amazon, two well-known e-
commerce companies in China and abroad, and comparing revenue and
revenue growth data as of March 31 from 2015 to 2020, it can be seen that
Alibaba's revenue has continued to grow from 76.20 billion in 2015 to 509.7
billion in 2020, and revenue growth from 2015 to 2019 has been stable and
on the rise (Huo, 2021). We live and operate in a data-driven society, so
gaining as many benefits as possible is critical. In this complex information
age, data mining gives us the tools we need to solve challenges and issues.
Patterns and trends in user behavior can be discovered through data mining. It
accomplishes this by looking for patterns in the data, such as instances of
specific purchases. This data can then be utilized to decipher trends, uncover
hidden patterns, and suggest new company ideas (Rawat, 2021). Although
predictive analytics typically rely on past data, it faces the risk of duplicating
and reinforcing previous practices, laws, and situations when applied to
industries with complex social contexts and histories (Richardson, 2020). For
example, your data may only cover one or two conditions of a wider set that
you're trying to model, such as when a model developed to examine stock
market performance only contains data from the previous five years, skewing
both the data and the model toward the assumption of a bull market (Bari et
al., 2016). The data mining method relies primarily on algorithms to evaluate
and extract information, which automatically discovers hidden patterns and
relationships in the data. This research compares three (3) techniques which
are Decision Tree, Artificial Neural Network, and Naïve Bayes.

2.3.1 Decision Tree

(Song & Lu, 2015) stated that decision tree mining is a data mining approach
used to create Classification Models. According to Sharma & Kumar (2016),
a decision tree is a flowchart-like tree structure in which each internal node
represents a test on an attribute, each branch represents a test outcome, and
each leaf node (or terminal node) represents a class label. It, like its name
suggests, constructs categorization models in the form of a tree-like structure.
This sort of mining is classified as supervised class learning. The desired
outcome is already known with supervised learning. Both qualitative and
numerical data can be used with decision trees. Gender, marital status, and so
on are represented by categorical data, whereas numerical data indicate age,
temperature, and so on. A decision tree is a predictive model that may be used
to describe both classifiers and regression models. Decision trees in
operations research refer to a hierarchical model of decisions and their effects
(Maimon & Rokach, 2014). In applied industries such as finance, marketing,
engineering, and medical, classification trees are often employed. In
operations research, decision trees refer to a hierarchical model of decisions
and their effects. A decision tree is a predictive model that may be used to
describe both classifiers and regression models. In applied industries such as
finance, marketing, engineering, and medical, classification trees are often

Decision Tree is easy to understand since it is similar to the human decision-

making process. It can handle problems with either discrete or continuous
data as input. When data does not provide benefits while splitting, the
execution is terminated. Rather to optimizing the entire tree at once, try to
locate one test at a time (Banu G. R., 2017). According to Priyam et al.,
(2013), the ID3 method is only simulated using the WEKA tool in terms of
Decision Tree features, and the data set type is just categorical. ID3 cannot
accept continuous data sets for simulation. Similarly, CART and C4.5 share
the same properties as ID3. The sole distinction is that C4.5 and CART can
both take continuous data sets as input for simulation.

One of Decision Tree's main advantages is its transparency. Another

significant advantage is the option to select the most biased feature and

comprehensibility nature. It is also simple to categorize and interpret. Also
used for both continuous and discrete data sets.

2.3.2 Artificial Neural Network

According to Kay (2001), the first artificial neural network was developed in
1958 by Frank Rosenblatt, a psychologist. The perceptron was created to
mimic how the human brain processes visual data and learns to distinguish
between items. Other researchers have since used similar ANNs to study
human cognition. An artificial neural network (ANN), sometimes known as a
"neural network"(NN), is a mathematical or computer model that is based on
biological neural networks or is a simulation of a biological neural system
(Sinkov et al., 2016). It is made up of an interconnected network of artificial
neurons that use a connectionist approach to computation to process data. The
majority of ANNs are adaptive systems that change their structure in response
to external or internal information that travels through the network throughout
the learning phase. Neural networks, in more practical terms, are nonlinear
statistical data modelling tools. They can be used to detect patterns in data or
to represent complicated interactions between inputs and outcomes. A neural
network is a linked set of nodes similar to the human brain's huge network of
neurons (Sinkov et al., 2016).

Figure 2.5 Processing in an Artificial Neuron
(Source: Sinkov et al., 2016)

Dendrites from Biological Neural Network represent inputs in Artificial

Neural Networks, cell nucleus represents Nodes, synapse represents Weights,
and Axon represents Output (Nagyfi, 2018)

Advantages of artificial neural network is parallel processing capability.

Artificial neural networks have a numerical value that can perform more than
one task simultaneously. Not only that, but for ANN to be able to adapt, it is
necessary to identify instances and stimulate the network based on the
intended output by displaying these examples to the network. The network's
succession is directly proportional to the selected instances, and if the event
does not appear to the network in all of its aspects, it may generate erroneous
output. Data used in conventional programming is saved on the entire
network rather than in a database. The absence of a few bits of data at one
location does not prevent the network from functioning.
2.3.3 Naïve Bayes

In research from Gandhi (2018) statistical classifiers are Bayesian classifiers.

They can forecast class membership probabilities, such as the likelihood that
a given sample belongs to a specific class. The Bayesian classifier is based on
the theorem of Bayes. Naive The influence of an attribute value on a
particular class is assumed to be independent of the values of the other
attributes by Bayesian classifiers (Leung, 2007). This is known as class
conditional independence. It is designed to simplify the computation and is
hence termed "naive."

Based on (Ray, 2021), there are three types of Naïve Bayes Model which are
gaussian. The Gaussian model is based on the assumption that characteristics
have a normal distribution. This means that if predictors accept continuous
values rather than discrete values, the model assumes these values are drawn
from the Gaussian distribution. Next is, when the data is multinomial
distributed, the Multinomial Nave Bayes classifier is utilized. It is typically
used for document categorization difficulties, indicating which category a
given document belongs to, such as Sports, Politics, Education, and so on.
The third form one is the Bernoulli. The Bernoulli classifier operates
similarly to the Multinomial classifier, except that the predictor variables are
independent Booleans variables. For example, whether or not a specific term
appears in a document. This approach is also well-known for performing
document categorization jobs.

Advantages of Naïve Bayes Classifier is Naïve Bayes is a quick and simple

ML technique for predicting a class of datasets (Vadapalli, 2022). It may be
used for both binary and multi-class classifications. When compared to the
other Algorithms, it performs well in Multi-class predictions. It is the most
often used method for text categorization issues.

2.3.4 Apriori Algorithm

Research from Jha & Ragha (2013) stated that R. Agrawa and R. Srikan
proposed the Apriori algorithm in 1994 as an originality method of boolean
association rules for mining frequent item collections (Yabing, 2013). Apriori
algorithm is a mining algorithm for frequent product sets and applicable
association rules. In general, the apriori algorithm runs on a massive database
of transactions. This theory's main assumptions are that subsets of frequent
item sets are frequent item sets and supersets of infrequent item sets are
infrequent item sets. This theory is consistently considered as the most
common data mining theory (Liao et al., 2012). According to the Apriori
principle, any subset of a frequently occurring itemset must also be often
occurring. For example, if XY is a frequent itemset, then A and B must also
be frequent itemsets. The Apriori algorithm works by making several runs
across the database. It traverses the search space using an iterative strategy
known as a breadth-first search (level- wise search), where k-itemsets are
utilised to investigate (k+1)-itemsets.

In the beginning, the set of frequent 1-itemsets is found. The set of that
contains one item, which satisfy the support threshold, is denoted by L1. In
each subsequent pass, we begin with a seed set of itemsets found to be large
in the previous pass. This seed set is used for generating new potentially large
itemsets, called candidate itemsets, and count the actual support for these
candidate itemsets during the pass over the data. At the end of the pass, we
determine which of the candidate itemsets are actually large (frequent), and
they become the seed for the next pass. Therefore, L1 is used to find L2, the
set of frequent 2-itemsets, which is used to find L3, and so on, until no more
frequent k-itemsets can be found (Rao & Guptha, 2012).

2.4 Related Works

Based on thorough search and findings on the internet, a few existing online
shopping systems had been analyzed and identified.

2.4.1 Taobao

E-commerce has grown quickly in China in recent years. Forecasting ECS
has a significant impact on inventory, ordering, and logistics methods, hence
it is critical for e-commerce businesses to estimate ECS accurately (Zhou &
Piramuthu, 2011). In research from Wei, Geng, Ying and Shuaipeng (2014)
used a structural time series model and Taobao search data to estimate
clothing sales volume on Taobao. In this study, they studied a real-time
prediction technique of clothing sales volume utilizing a structural time series
model and internet search data. Based on online keyword searches, word
frequency, and other indicators, as well as commodity classification, we
projected the e-commerce transaction volume.

2.4.2 Amazon

Li et al. (2018) conducted study on Amazon's sales forecasts. On Amazon's

historical data, the writers used exponential smoothing. Sales are forecasted
using ARIMA models and time series decomposition. They discovered that
the ARIMA forecast is the best and the exponential smoothing forecast is the
worst. In terms of machine learning, Yu Miao (2015) developed an extreme
learning prediction machine (ELM) neural network, taking seasons,
categories, holidays, and other forecasting aspects of apparel sales in the
medium term used a neural network with backpropagation (BP) to forecast
sales online.

2.4.3 Alibaba

In research from Shen et al. (2019) found that Alibaba's 11.11 Global
Shopping Festival, held on November 11th, is one of the world's largest 24-
hour online shopping events. It has grown from a 24-hour sales event to a 23-
day global shopping and entertainment extravaganza, with a $30.8 billion
GMV in 2018. Throughout the 22-day pre-sale period, many interactive
promotion events are held. Alibaba and its brand partners push customers to
fill their shopping baskets before November 11th. Multiple sales forecasting
activities, such as GMV, Sales Volume (SV), Best Selling Products (BSP),
and Sale Slot (SS), are important to both Alibaba and sellers. The GMV is a
phrase used in online retail to describe the total dollar value of products sold
through a specific marketplace over a specific time period (Shen et al., 2019).

It is a critical evaluation metric for the Global Shopping Festival. Alibaba

may change promotion events during the festival based on the GMV forecast
(Shen et al., 2019). The SV displays the number of one specific item that will
be sold on November 11th. Sellers can optimize inventories based on the SV
projection. The BSP denotes item popularity, while the SS denotes the
ranking of each item's market share. Furthermore, it can introduce user
attributes or activity features to anticipate if a user would buy an item or
participate in an activity during the festival. Based on the forecasts, Alibaba
may be able to optimize efforts and improve customized recommendations in
online promotion.

2.5 Comparison between Taobao, Amazon and Alibaba

Many e-commerce giants, such as Amazon (AMZN) and Alibaba (BABA),

have risen to prominence in the market solely through their online presence.
While Amazon and Alibaba both have significant traits that distinguish them
as primarily e-commerce enterprises, their respective business strategies are
vastly different. Amazon is a big retailer of both new and used items, and
Alibaba acts as a go-between for customers and sellers. In comparison,
Amazon forecasts sales using ARIMA models and time series decomposition.
While Alibaba employed time series forecasting, they determined that the
ARIMA prediction is the best and the exponential smoothing forecast is the
worst. Time series forecasting is the practise of predicting future values of a
time series based on past values using a statistical model. Taobao, on the
other hand, used a structural time series model to estimate garment sales
volume on Taobao. Compared to Nor Idaman Collection system, it used
classification decision tree to make the forecasting.

2.6 Prediction System

A prediction system is a method of forecasting future outcomes based on data

modelling (Ali, 2022). It's one of the best ways for a company to predict its
future and plan accordingly. While not perfect, this approach has a high
accuracy rate, which is why it is so widely employed. A predictive model is
not fixed, it is evaluated or altered on a regular basis to account for changes
in the underlying data. To put it another way, it's not a one-and-done
prediction. Predictive models create assumptions based on what has occurred
in the past and what is now occurring. If fresh evidence demonstrates that
what is happening now has changed, the impact on the expected future
outcome must also be revised. A software company, for example, could
compare historical sales data against marketing expenditures across several
locations to build a model for future income based on the influence of
marketing spend.

On the web, there has been an increase in the quantity of work on prediction
models. Previously, web-log-based inference was focused on prediction
models that make best guesses about the user's forthcoming actions based on
their prior ones (Canada, 2000). Much research has been conducted on
recommendation and pre-sending systems. Recommendation systems rely on
a prediction model to generate inferences about users' interests and then
provide recommendations based on those assumptions. The WebWatcher
(Joachims et al., 1997) and Letzia systems are two examples. Pre-sending
systems take a step further, focusing on using predictions to transmit
documents ahead of time. When pre-sending is done appropriately, accurate

prediction might potentially cut users' access times and reduce network

2.6.1 Prediction for Sales Forecasting

A sales forecast is an estimate of future revenue from sales (Bishop, 2022).

Sales projections are often based on historical data, industry trends, and the
current sales pipeline state. The sales forecast is used by businesses to
estimate weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual sales totals (Bishop, 2022).
Forecasting sales can have a big impact on a company's success and
profitability. Inaccurate forecasts are likely to result in stock-outs or
overstock inventory, causing companies to lose money. Accurate forecasts
are especially crucial in retail and consumer-oriented companies like the
electronics and fashion industries. When it comes to making accurate
estimates, businesses face a number of challenges. They must, for example,
develop production plans without having exact knowledge of future demand.
This is important because the majority of production plants are located in
Asian countries, and hence the time-to-market is longer than the selling
period of fashionable products. As a result, accurate forecasts are essential
since successful product development is challenging (Fissahn, 2001). Other
factors, such as changing weather conditions, holidays, public events, and the
overall economic situation, might also have an impact on future demand
(Thomassey, 2010).

Furthermore, fashion products are typically changed for the following season,
therefore there is a significant paucity of historical sales data (Beheshti-Kashi
et al., 2015). To summarize, fashion companies frequently confront
considerable obstacles in terms of exact forecasting due to short product life
cycles, high variability in items, and demand uncertainty. Statistical
approaches such as exponential smoothing, ARIMA, Box & Jenkins model,
regression models, or Holt-Winters model are frequently used for sales

forecasting. Newer approaches employ advanced techniques such as neural
networks and data mining tools.

2.6.2 Prediction for Stock Management

Stock management forecasting is a technique for predicting inventory levels

in the future (Morrow, 2020). It also aids in the tracking of sales and demand,
allowing you to better manage your purchase orders. It is an excellent
inventory management solution that can boost your company's revenue while
reducing unneeded costs.

2.6.3 Prediction for Marketing Strategies

The advancement of information and communication technology in recent

decades has given fresh life to enterprise marketing. For example, bar code
technology and the rise of internet commerce both significantly improve
corporate productivity. As a result, firm executives are beginning to grapple
with massive amounts of data. Data is growing at a breakneck pace, maybe
1000 times faster than it was five years ago (Harvey, 2017). The facts,
however, and business profitability are not directly proportionate.
Unfortunately, the human brain cannot handle such a large amount of
information. Meanwhile, data mining technology is becoming theoretically
quite mature.

Marketing based on data mining can typically provide the customer with sales
promotions based on his prior purchase records. It should be noted that data
mining is application-focused. There are numerous common uses in banking,
insurance, traffic systems, retail, and other commercial fields. In general, data
mining technologies can handle problems such as market analysis, such as
Database Marketing, customer segmentation and categorization, profile
analysis, and cross-selling.

Furthermore, they are used for Churn Analysis, Credit Scoring, and Fraud
Detection. Figure 2.6 clearly and completely depicts the relationship between
application and data mining strategies (Du, 2006).

Figure 2.6 Application of Data Mining for Marketing

(Source: Du,2006)

The basic process of data mining in marketing show as follows:

a) Gather rudimentary data. It comprises personal information (such as age,
gender, hobbies, background, profession, address, postcode, and income),
previous purchase history, and customer relationships. The preparation of
raw data is critical for picking new clients.
b) Develop a specific model. This model may make use of a variety of
classic data mining technologies as well as innovations from other fields.
However, the difficulty that those technologies should answer is
determining the best or acceptable market plan while working with a
limited data source, limited time, and limited budget. The three limitations
are crucial to the modelling algorithm.
c) Finally, using the model, use testing data to obtain each pattern or

Figure 2.7 Schematics for DM Application in Marketing
(Source: Du,2006)

2.7 Discussion

This section will discuss about the summarization of comparison technique

between Decision Tree, ANN, Naïve Bayes and Apriori Algorithm. Based on
study, the result show that the most suitable data mining technique for
clothing sales prediction is Naïve Bayes. Being stylish is a trend in today's
society. Price, type of cloth, and size, as well as traditional characteristics
such as season and material, all have an impact on apparel and fashion sales.
The sellers must then select relevant characteristics that are consistent with
the specific condition of their establishments in order to enhance sales and
keep as little inventory as feasible. To predict clothing sales, this study
Simple probabilistic classifiers with a strong independent assumption
between the features. It may be inferred that the primary goal of the preceding
study is just to develop an effective model that would assist fashion industry
sellers in reducing avoidable company losses. The benefit of the Naive Bayes
is Applications include image classification, fraud detection, web mining, and
text classification. The most fundamental data mining technique. However, it

has some drawbacks. Due to the independence assumption, the Naive Bayes
model is frequently incorrect and unrealistic.

2.8 Summary

This chapter focused on the developer's completed literature reviews. All of

the information in this chapter was gathered from secondary sources such as
papers, journals, and e-books, as well as personal discussions with
stakeholders. All of the resources are reliable and appropriate for the project.
This chapter has given you a better understanding of E-commerce and sales

3 Methodology

This chapter will outline the methods that will be followed in this project. This
chapter will go over each phase's activities and deliverables in order to meet the
project's goals. This chapter will also cover the tools required for this project, which
will comprise hardware and software.

3.1 Overview of The Methodology

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process for developing

software in an orderly manner. SDLC offers developers a framework to help
them design the system. The modified waterfall method will be used to
construct this project. A modified waterfall is a part of the System
Development Life Cycle that involves working on each step of the modified
waterfall. The Nor Idaman Collection system of Project Development
Methodology consists of four stages, which are Requirement Gathering,
System Analysis, System Design, and Implementation. Table 3.1 shows the
information for each step, which includes the various activities being carried
out during the proposed system's development process. Before the project can
be carried out, the activities associated with designing the project should be
well organized.

3.2 Methodology Phases

Each phase contains certain activities that must be completed in order for the
following step to be completed and the objectives to be met. Based on Table
3.1, all phases involved in the development of Nor Idaman Collection system
will be discussed.

Table 3.1 Methodology phases used for the project
Phases Activities Deliverables Objectives
Gathering a) Conduct an a) Get To gather
requirement interview with information on and analyzed
stakeholder the current data
business regarding
process, Nor Idaman
problem Collection
description, System
and project
b) Reading journals b) The problem
and publications statement,
to get information scope, and
significance are
Analysis a) Analyze the a) Use Case
requirements Diagram
gathered during (UCD)
the interview
b) Create a b) Activity
requirement Diagram,
diagram that Domain Class
represents the Diagram
requirements (DCD),
analysis. Sequence
c) Conducting a c) Software
requirement Requirement
analysis. Specification
d) Preprocessing of d) Preprocess
data (data clean, sales data.
and data
e) Analyze sales e) Sales
data using Data forecasting
Mining analyzed data.
Design a) Design a a) Storyboard To design
storyboard of the the prototype
proposed system system for
b) Design database b) Entity Nor Idaman
Relationship Collection
Diagram System
(ERD) based on
c) Design flow of c) Multilayer analyzed
the system sequence data.
d) Document the d) Software
system design Design
Implementation a) Create a database a) Database table To develop a
table prototype
b) Code prototype b) Prototype of system for
system with the system sales
embedded sales prediction by
forecasting using data
analysis data mining.
c) Establish c) Promotion
marketing page for Nor
strategies Idaman

3.3 Requirement Gathering

The need is a representation of the framework activity to be developed.

During this phase, all data from stakeholders has been gathered. Several
actions have been carried out in this phase to collect needed data. First, an
interview with the stakeholder, Puan Nurfaizah, was conducted to get
additional information about their workflow. The interview was conducted
via Whatsapp. Table 3.2 displays the interview questions used during the
interview as well as the answers to each question.

Table 3.2 Interview question and answer

No. Interview Question Answer
1. What is the customer's current business Customers will contact the admin via WhatsApp
process for making an online purchase? to make a purchase, using the phone number
provided on the business's
Facebook page.
2. Where did the stakeholder save all of All customer and order details are documented
the customer's order details as well as in the logbook or paper form
the customer's personal information?
3. What platform do they use to take The platform that has been used is WhatsApp,
customer orders for online purchases? where customers usually get the number via a
posted on our Facebook page.
4. Did you have a problem when using Yes, we have a slow response to reply to
WhatsApp as your main platform? customer questions, especially regarding the
availability of the product.
5. Have you ever experienced Yes, since we spent more time
difficulty looking for customer orders Scrolling through WhatsApp looking for the
and detail? customer order.
6. Have you ever had a customer cancel Yes, because we sometimes receive a large
their order? number of orders and it takes time to respond to
all customers via WhatsApp.
7. Did you have a problem with sales Yes, because we have a lack of knowledge on
prediction? sales prediction.
8. Do you have a problem when you want Yes, we sometimes restock a large number of
to add new stock or restock? products, especially around the Raya
celebration, and this has resulted in loss if the
product is not really sold out.

3.4 Analysis

The second phase is data analysis. Following the collection of requirements,

the requirements must be examined to verify that the data gathered is reliable
and relevant to the development of this project. After gathering all of the
requirements, data analysis is produced based on the interview session with
Puan Nurfaizah and analyzing their problem. As a consequence of the study,
the diagram activity that demonstrates the analysis of requirements such as
Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Domain Class Diagram, and Sequence
Diagram has been developed. All requirements will be defined in the
Software Requirements Specification (SRS). A use case diagram is created
based on figure 3.1. Nor Idaman Collection system features 15 use cases that
are used by two actors which are the administrator and the customer. Figure
3.1 shows the system user and the use case associated with the individual
user. Each use case has its own description that describes the system's flow.

Figure 3.8 Use Case Diagram

According to the use case diagram in Figure 3.1, this system includes two
actors outside the system boundary: the client and the administrator.
Customers can create an account, modify an account, view an account, add an
order, edit an order, view order, and delete an order. The admin use case can
create an account, update an account, view an account, view an order, add
sales, edit sales, view sales, predict sales, and generate a graph.

In analysis phase, data preprocessing will be conducted. Data preprocessing

is a data mining approach that converts raw data from many sources into
cleaner information that is more suitable for work. In other words, it is a
preliminary phase that organises, sorts, and merges all available information.
Raw data may have missing or inconsistent numbers, as well as redundant
information. The most typical issues discovered with raw data can be
classified into three categories which are missing data noisy data and
inconsistent data. There are a few steps that involve in data preprocessing
which are data cleaning, data integration, and data reduction.

3.5 Design

The third phase of the Waterfall model that will be used is the design phase.
The design phase is concerned with the design of the system. The diagram
created in phase one will be used for the advanced design during this phase.
Firstly, a storyboard is used to describe the system's interface. Additionally,
screen design must be used to give effective input flows to the information
system. This stage, however, comprises the construction of a database to store
data for the system. After designing the database, it is necessary to build the
system flow, from which the multilayer sequence diagram will be generated.
Finally, the database will be designed in database mode, and all system
design documents in Software Design Documents (SDD) will be
documented. The process of designing the user interface must follow the
suitable aspect that follows the business rules. Figure 3.2 and 3.3 below
display the storyboard of the system interface for the Nor Idaman Collection
system. The designing of the storyboard process is using framer software.

a) Admin storyboard

Here's figure 3.2 show an admin storyboard, which is a medium-fidelity

prototype depicting admin interactions. It shows the application's navigation
as well as key elements such as the field, button, and text. Create account,
add purchase, view purchase, manage purchase, edit account, view account,
predict sales, generate graph, and manage product are the uses for each use
case. All of these use cases are based on project issues.

Figure 3.9 Storyboard for admin
b) Customer storyboard

The following is a storyboard for the customer, which is a medium-fidelity

prototype depicting admin interactions. It shows the application's navigation
as well as key elements such as the field, button, and text. Create account,
add purchase, view purchase, manage purchase, edit account, and view
account are the uses for each use case. All of these use cases are based on
project issues.

Figure 3.10 Storyboard for customer

3.6 Implementation

The final phase in the waterfall methodology involved in this project is

implementation. Before proceeding with implementation, developers must
ensure that critical information from Software Design Document (SDD) is

sufficient and reliable. The system is created based on the requirements and
designs created during the first and second stages. Following that, the system
will be coded across all platforms in this phase. Table 3.5 shows the hardware
required for this project while Table 3.6 shows the software needed for this
project. Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection System Using Data
Mining Analysis will be developed for the web-based system using Android
Studio. Oracle was chosen as the database for Nor Idaman Collection System.
The user interface would be designed first, with reference to the design from
the design phase, in the order of implementation operations. The database and
backend of the system will be developed concurrently after the user interface.

Table 3.3 Hardware Specification

Hardware Specifications
Intel® Core i7-8650u 8th gen up to 4.20Ghz

Memory Space (RAM) 8GB

System Type 64bit OS

Table 3.4 Software Specification

Software Description

Microsoft Word 2019 To document all the necessary information and

write a report
Microsoft Excel 2016 Analysis of data.
XLSTAT Analysis of data
Draw io To sketch and create diagrams
Visual Studio Code To write code for this project's system
Windows 11 64-bit operating system

The software requirements for the project are shown in Table 3.4. Every piece
of software is necessary and crucial to the project's success. Every piece of
used software serves a crucial purpose in aiding project development. The
topic and documentation are analysed using Microsoft Word. The data
gathered is examined using XLSTAT and Microsoft Excel. The development
of data visualization is presented in this phase. The system’s forecast sales
will be developed using Google Charts. Finally, the implementation step will
debug and refine the system to ensure that it is operating as planned. The
completed system will be deliverable during this phase at the end of this

3.7 Summary

The Waterfall approach is being used for the project development process in
order to meet the project objectives. Except for the testing and maintenance
stages, all phases of the waterfall approach are implemented. The waterfall
model begins with data collection and data pre-processing, and all
requirements are defined in the Software Requirement Specification (SRS).
The second phase involves data analysis in order to create a management
system. The third phase is design, which includes the system storyboard,
database design, and other architectural designs. The Software Design
Document (SDD) will contain all design diagrams. The final step of this
project is implementation, which includes numerous tasks such as the
programming language that will be utilized in this project's development and
the platform for the database system. Hardware and software are also

4 Results and Findings

Based on the approach that was previously covered in chapter 3 of the project, this
chapter discusses analysis and findings. It includes a discussion of each development
phase as well as the deliverable that was completed. This chapter reflects the goal
and objective.

4.1 Result of Gathering data and analyzing requirement

The activity in this phase is to collect information from stakeholders.

Conducting an interview and collecting data on sales and workflow are
activities to obtain the information needed to develop the Sales Prediction for
Nor Idaman Collection System using data mining analysis.

4.1.1 Result of Conducting an interview

Gathering requirements for this system is critical in order to create a system

that will satisfy stakeholders. During this activity, a stakeholder will be
identified, interview questions will be prepared, and an interview will take
place. The interview session is conducted using a qualitative data collection
method among the developer and the stakeholder, who are both directly
involved in managing the current process. Puan Nurfaizah, the owner of the
boutique, has been identified as a stakeholder. Thus, the interview with Puan
Nurfaizah was conducted via WhatsApp in order to obtain all information
about the current process as well as other information. Table 4.1 summarises
the main questions and answers from the stakeholders

Table 4.5 Interview question and the requirement
No. Interview Question Answer

1. What is the customer's current business Customers will contact the admin via WhatsApp
process for making an online purchase? to make a purchase, using the phone number
provided on the business's
Facebook page.

2. Where did the stakeholder save all of the All customer and order details are documented in
customer's order details as well as the the logbook or paper form
customer's personal information?

3. What platform do they use to take customer The platform that has been used is WhatsApp,
orders for online purchases? where customers usually get the number via a
posted on our Facebook page.
4. Did you have a problem when using Yes, we have a slow response to reply to
WhatsApp as your main platform? customer questions, especially regarding the
availability of the product.

5. Have you ever experienced Yes, since we spent more time Scrolling through
difficulty looking for customer orders and WhatsApp looking for the customer order.

6. Have you ever had a customer cancel their Yes, because we sometimes receive a large
order? number of orders and it takes time to respond to
all customers via WhatsApp.

7. Did you have a problem with sales Yes, because we have a lack of knowledge on
prediction? sales prediction.

8. Do you have a problem when you want to Yes, we sometimes restock a large number of
add new stock or restock? products, especially around the Raya celebration,
and this has resulted in loss if the product is not
really sold out.

4.2 Analysis Phase

Following the interview, all of the responses to the questions are analyzed,
and the requirements for Sales Prediction for the Nor Idaman Collection
system are obtained using naive Bayes. The requirements that have been
analyzed are shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.6 Analyzed Requirement
No. Answer Output
1. Customers will contact the admin via Information
WhatsApp to make a purchase, using the a. Current business process
phone number provided on the business's
Facebook page.
2. All customer and order details are Information
documented in the logbook or paper a. Current business process
form b. Use case identified: view
3. The platform that has been used is Information
WhatsApp, where customers usually get a. Current business process
the number via a link b. Create web-based system
posted on our Facebook page.
4. Yes, we have a slow response to reply to a. Use case identified: view
customer questions, especially regarding product, add purchase
the availability of the product.
5. Yes, since we spent more time Information
Scrolling through WhatsApp looking for a. Problem statement
the customer order.
6. Yes, because we sometimes receive a Information
large number of orders and it takes time a. Problem statement
to respond to all customers via b. Use case identified: view
WhatsApp. purchase
7. Yes, because we have a lack of Information
knowledge of sales prediction. a. Problem statement
b. Use case identified: predict sales
8. Yes, we sometimes restock a large Information
number of products, especially around a. Problem statement
the Raya celebration, and this has b. Use case identified: sales
resulted in loss if the product is not prediction and generate the graph
really sold out.

4.2.1 Use Case Diagram

According to the diagram, there are ten use cases that meet the requirements
of the stakeholder and user for this system. This system has two actors: the
admin, who administers the system, and the customer, who is the system's
user. The main application of this system is sales prediction, where it can
assist administrators in generating the best forecast for the future.

Figure 4.11 Use Case Diagram

Create account customer

Customer can create their account before making purchase

Add purchase
Customers can add to cart to order their item and the admin also can add
purchases for the customer who walk-in

View purchase
Admin and customer can view their purchase after the purchase has been

Manage purchase
Admins and customers can manage their purchases by deleting or editing the
add-to-cart purchase.

Create account admin

Admin can create their account before login to the system

Edit Account
Customer and admin can edit their account details

View account
Customer and admin can view their account details

Predict sales
The system itself will produce the result of predicted sales after making the

Generate graph
Following the analysis, the system will generate the predicted sales result.

Manage product
Admin has the ability to add new products to the system. Admin can also
choose to view, edit, or delete that product's data.

4.2.2 Activity Diagram

Figure 4.2 depicts the activity diagram for creating a prediction. The system
will display predicted sales menus. After that, the user must select the year
and then predict sales. It will display the year dropdown menu. Following
that, it will display the prediction data. Next, click the promotion button, and
the product combination for promotion will be displayed.

Figure 4.12 Activity diagram for predict sale

4.2.3 Domain Class Diagram

The figure 4.3 represents the domain class for the Nor Idaman Collection
Sales Prediction using data mining analysis. The domain class is made up of
seven (7) tables which are customer, admin, product, purchases, predict sales,
and generate graph.

Figure 4.13 Domain Class Diagram

4.2.4 System Sequence Diagram

The System Sequence Diagram (SSD) has been created to represent the entire
interaction between the actor and the system. The system sequence diagram
for the sales prediction is shown in the figure below.

Figure 4.14 System Sequence Diagram for Predict Sales

Figure 4.4 shows it can be seen that the system sequence diagram for the
domain use case. The software requirement specification (SRS) is being
used to compile and document all of the requirements gathered. The
requirements for additional references are critical documents when
developing the system. All required diagrams were placed within the SRS
and are included in the document's Appendix section.

4.2.5 Data preprocessing

Data pre-processing entails a few activities that must be carried out, such as
data cleaning and data integration. After selecting the necessary and
appropriate data, the selected data must be cleaned to ensure that it is free of
outliers and dirty data, such as missing or incomplete data. The data collected
from stakeholders is reviewed one by one in a Microsoft Excel file to identify
any missing or incomplete information.

After selecting the necessary and appropriate data, the selected data must be
cleaned to ensure that it is free of outliers and dirty data, such as missing or
incomplete data. The data collected from stakeholders is reviewed one by one
in a Microsoft Excel file to identify any missing or incomplete information.
To identify the sales of each product, the data that has already been cleaned
of unused and unnecessary data must be integrated and merged into a single
coherent table. The total number of products ordered by the customer will be
recorded and merged into the table to determine the total number of sales for
each product.

Figure 4.15 Result of cleaned data

Figure 4.5 shows the products that the customer ordered in January 2020.
The information required for this project is customer purchase information
in order to determine which products have the highest sales based on the
attributes that will be used in the project when analyzing using the Naïve
Bayes technique. According to the stakeholder, including customer
information such as name, phone number, and address violates the
customers' privacy. As a result, information such as the purchase date,
product purchased by the customer, quantity, price, and total payment are
required to calculate based on the attributes used in the project.

Figure 4.16 Data integration

Figure 4.6 show the results of data integration, which is merged into a single
table to identify product sales. The purchase date is required to calculate the
value of weekdays and weekends. The purchased product is required to
determine which product and price the customers purchased on that specific
day, which corresponded to the attribute’s weekday and weekend. The sales
revenue is used to calculate the class label for that particular day. The value
of the sales revenue can be calculated by multiplying the product price by
the quantity of the product ordered. All of these processes will then emerge
and be integrated into a single coherent table, as shown in Figure 4.6 above.

Each product purchased by a customer is recorded and transformed into a

single table of data transformation into alphabetic value. The value in the
table needed to be transformed into a more mining-friendly format. The
sales revenue value of the class label is converted into the alphabetical
values of High, Medium, and Low.

Figure 4.17 Data transformation

Figure 4.7 depicts the result of data transformation from the data integration
table into one table of alphabetic value data set. To facilitate mining, the
value of the class label, which is the sales revenue for each product ordered,
is converted into an alphabetical value of High, Medium, and Low using

4.3 Design Phase

The figure below shows the main task use case storyboard for the Nor Idaman
Collection System. Before designing the user interface, it is necessary to
create a storyboard. The table depicts the admin's storyboard. The admin and
customer page.

Figure 4.18 Login admin storyboard

Figure 4.8 above show the storyboard for the admin to login. Admin need to
insert the email and password before login to the system.

Figure 4.19 View product

Figure 4.9 above show the view product page. Admin can view all the
product list that has been added here.

Figure 4.20 Add product

Figure 4.10 above show the add product page for admin. Admin need to
insert details of product together with the product image. After that admin
need to click submit button.

Figure 4.21 View purchase

Figure 4.11 is the storyboard page for the view purchase. Admin can view the
purchase list of the customer purchases.

Figure 4.22 Predict sales

Figure 4.12 above show the predict sales for admin. User can predict the
future outcome sales here. There are a few

Figure 4.23 Generate graph

The figure 4.13 show the generate graph page. After make a prediction it will
generate graph and will show the high and lowest sales demand.

Figure 4.24 Add purchase

Figure 4.14 above show customer add purchase. Customer can click button
add to cart to make a purchase. Customer also can choose the quantity of the
item customer want.

Figure 4.25 Delete purchase

Figure 4.15 above show the delete purchase cart which is if customer want to
change mind, customer can click dustbin button to remove it from the cart.

4.3.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram

The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection by using Data Mining Analysis consists of 7 tables which are
Admin, Customer, Product, Purchase,Payment, Predict Sales, and Graph. The
figure shows all the primary keys and foreign keys with the related tables.

Figure 4.26 Entity Relationship Diagram

4.3.2 Multilayer Sequence Diagram

The three-layer architecture is then depicted using a Multilayer Sequence

Diagram (MLSD). The multilayer system sequence diagram for the predict
sales is shown in Figure 4.17.

Figure 4.27 Multilayer sequence diagram for predict sales

4.4 Implementation Phase

Implementation is the final stage of the waterfall methodology used in this

project. This phase is primarily concerned with the activity in which the
developer must develop the system.

Basically, the fully functional system is where the interface and system
functions are developed so that the customer and admin can use the system
without any problems and the system can be connected to the database. The
systems are then coded using the earlier documentation, which included the
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and the Software Design
Document (SDD). Activities in this phase must be completed successfully in
order to achieve objective three. The following sections go over the
programming process.

4.4.1 User Interface of The System

This section depicts the system's user interface before delving into the Use
Case Diagram for Nor Idaman Collection Sales Prediction Using Data
Mining Analysis. The user interface is critical because it serves as a bridge
between the user and the system. The system's interface was designed using
the storyboards that were created.

a) Create an account customer

Figure 4.18 below is the interface of the system for the create account
customer. Customer need to login first before make a purchase.

Fill in the

Click to register

Figure 4.28 Create an account customer

Figure 4.18 above shows the interface for creating an account customer. This
page only can be accessed by the customer to create their account. In other to
register their account, customers need to fill in all the required information
which then saved into the database. The requirement that user need to register
is name, email, password and also confirmation of the password. After finish
fill in customer need to click button register to submit the registration.

b) Add purchase

Figure 4.19 is a add purchase interface for the customer and admin. User or
admin can view all the product that have in the system and click buy now to
make a purchase.

Click buy now
to purchase

Figure 4.29 Add purchase

Figure 4.19 above shows the interface for add purchases. Customers and
admins can use this page to buy the product. User needs to select which
product their likes and insert the size of the clothes, quantity of the item, and

c) View Purchase

Figure 4.20 below show the interface of view purchase. Customer can view
all the purchase history here.

Figure 4.30 Customer view purchase

The figure 4.20 above shows a customer's page which is view purchase.
Customers can view and manage their purchases at the same time, which
includes the button details and customer can directly click button payment to

Figure 4.21 show the view purchase for the admin. Admin can view all the
purchases that has been made by the customer.

Figure 4.31 Admin view purchase

The figure 4.21 above shows an admin page view purchase. It will display a
list of purchased customer sales. Admin can view and manage their purchases
at the same time, which includes the ability to edit or delete the product.

d) Manage Purchase

The figure 4.22 below show the interface for the customer and admin manage
purchase. Admin or customer can choose either want to delete the purchase
cart or edit the purchase cart.

User can click here if
want to edit quantity

Delete purchase
Figure 4.32 Manage Purchase

Figure 4.22 show customer and admin also can manage the purchase. Admin
and customer can edit or delete purchase, which means if customer or admin
wants to delete the selected product it can be done while if admin and
customer want to edit purchase that has been added to cart, it can edit may
change the quantity of the product.

e) Create account admin

Figure 4.23 is the interface for the admin to login account. The email and
password for the admin has been assign.

Fill in the details

Click button sign

in to login

Figure 4.33 Create Account Admin

Figure 4.23 shows the create account admin interface. To log in into the
system, the admin must enter his or her email address and password before
make any task.

f) Edit account

Figure 4.24 below show the edit account page for the customer.

Fill in the details

to edit

Click button

Figure 4.34 Edit account customer

Figure 4.24 show customer can edit the profile account and also the password
based on the information that they have fill in before.

Figure 4.25 below show the edit account page for the admin.

Click here to edit


Figure 4.35 Edit account admin

Figure 4.25 show’s that admin can edit their profile account which is their
name and also email. Admin can just click button edit to edit their details.

g) View account

Figure 4.26 below show the view account customer. After login customer can
directly view the profile account.

Figure 4.36 View account customer

After registering, the customer can view their profiles. Customer must click
"Account" and then "Profile" in order to view the profile. The system will
then show their data following that.

Figure 4.37 View account admin

After registering, the admin can view their profiles. Adminn must click
"Account" in order to view the profile. The system will then show their data
following that.

h) Manage product

i. Add Product

Here is the interface for the manage product which is add new
product. Only admin can add new product

Figure 4.38 Add Product

Figure 4.28 above show the add product page for admin to add their
product. Admin need to fill all the details before create product. The
details are name of the product, description, price, category color and
also upload the image.

ii. View Product

After finish create product, admin will be bringing to the view page
where admin can see that all the details created before successful or

Figure 4.39 View Product

Figure 4.29 show the view product page. Admin can view all the
product that have in the system here. It will display the product id,
product image, product name, product price, product category and
also product price.

iii. Edit or delete product

Figure 4.30 will show the page for the admin to delete or edit the
product. Admin can choose either want to edit detail or image and
also delete button for delete product.

Figure 4.40 Add and delete product

After create product, admin will be bringing to the product page. Admin can
choose either want to edit image or edit details. To edit details admin can edit
all the details that has been inserted before this. For delete, admin just click
button delete after that it will delete the selected product.

i) Predict sales

Below is the interface for the predict sales in admin page.

Figure 4.41 Predict Sales

Figure 4.31 depicts the prediction system's rule set for sales data. The user
can choose whether to Add New Sales, Predict, Promote, Update, or Delete
product information on this page.

To insert new sales

Figure 4.42 Add new predict sales

Figure 4.32 show the prediction system's Add New Rule page. The user can
enter information about new rules to be stored in the database's table rules.
The following product information must be entered: year, product price,
product name, weekday and weekend.

Predicted product and rule

Probability for each class

Result class

Figure 4.43 Information page for prediction

Figure 4.33 depicts the Information page when a stakeholder wants to predict
a product to determine which class it belongs to. The selected value is
displayed along with the probability of each class to determine which class
has the highest probability. Finally, the product suggestion is displayed based
on the class. If the product falls into the High sales category, it is
recommended that it be increased in the next restock. If the product falls into
the Low sales category, it is recommended for promotion.

Product that need to

be combine

Suitable product to
be combine

Suggested combo price for


Figure 4.44 Promotion Page

The Promotion page in the prediction system is depicted in Figure 4.34. This
page will show the products that can be combined to promote them. The
product combined has the same value as the weekday and weekend with the
specific product. If the product chosen falls into the Low sales category, the
product that can be combined falls into the High sales category. If, on the
other hand, the product chosen belongs to the High sales class, the product
that can be combined belongs to the Low sales class. In the case of the
Medium sales class, the product that can be combined is the product itself.

j) Generate graph

Figure 4.45 Generate graph
Figure 4.35 shows a comparison of posterior probabilities in graph for high
and low sales. According to the posterior probabilities calculated and
illustrated in Figure 4.35, the sample in purple belongs to the Low sales class.
Finally, the sample colour in green belongs to the Low sales class, as
illustrated by the posterior probabilities in Figure 4.35. After determining and
comparing all posterior probabilities to determine the product class, the class
can be combined. This is to ensure that the products in the store can be
cleared. The products can be combined based on the appropriate class that can
be combined to increase sales.

4.5 Summary

This chapter's summary describes the results and findings made during the
development of the project's system, from requirement gathering and analysis
to system design and implementation. This chapter describes the deliverables
from each activity. It displays the results of all activities that were
successfully completed, and it will be useful information in the future for
understanding how the system works.

5 Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter concludes a summary of Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
Using Naive Bayes. This chapter will discuss the project's limitations as well as the

5.1 Conclusion

The goal of this project is to provide a system that can predict sales for Nor
Idaman Collection in order to fulfill stakeholders’ requirements. The project
has been completed successfully by demonstrating the achievement of all
three objectives. The objectives that have been accomplished are:

a) To gather and analyzed data regarding Nor Idaman Collection System.

b) To design the prototype system for Nor Idaman Collection System based on
analyzed data.
c) To develop a system for sales prediction by using data mining to ease the

5.1.1 Objective 1: To gather and analyzed data regarding Nor
Idaman Collection System

This goal was met through the completion of three activities. The first activity
in the requirement-gathering phase was to prepare a set of questions for the
interview session with the owner boutique. The interview was conducted via
WhatsApp, and all responses were recorded. The interview data was
gathered, and the procedures and details for the boutique problem were
identified. Following the completion of the requirement-gathering phase, the
collected data was analyzed and transformed into the deliverable, the Use
Case Diagram. The diagram was built based on the information gathered in
the following activity. It eventually leads to the creation of other deliverables
such as the Activity Diagram, Domain Class Diagram, and Sequence System
Diagram. All deliverables from these activities were recorded in SRS.

5.1.2 Objective 2: To design the prototype system for the Nor

Idaman Collection System based on analyzed data

This goal was more concerned with system design, including the user
interface storyboard, database, and system architecture. The user interface
storyboard, Entity Relationship Diagram, Multilayer Sequence Diagram, and
Software Design Document (SDD) are the deliverables for all activities
during the design phase. This section focuses on design, including the
creation of an interface and a database. The interface is built with HTML and
CSS (Hypertext Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets) (CSS). The
system was designed based on the requirements of the stakeholders, and the
full design interface of the system was successfully created.

5.1.3 Objective 3: To develop a system for sales prediction by using

data mining to ease the stakeholder

This goal was met after all design activities were completed. The third
objective was completed prior to the development's implementation phase.
The database was created in order to implement the system. The following
activity was developing the system, which resulted in the prototype before the
overall appearance of the system itself. A marketing strategy was established
after the prediction code was completed. The third objective was met by
completing all of the deliverables. When adding the feature of sales
prediction, a few implications will be obtained that may benefit the
stakeholder. This project will assist stakeholders by estimating sales of new
fashion products through sales prediction. This system can assist stakeholders
in increasing the accuracy of their sales forecasting and marketing strategies.

5.2 Project Limitation

There are some limitations in the development of this project, although the
objective of this project has been achieved.

a) The first limitation was that the system did not include a payment
gateway. Customers can only make cash payments during the business
process using the current system, or they can upload proof of receipt
payment. Due to this factor, the business process cannot supervise the
entire customer purchase experience.
b) The system's second limitation is the lack of a feature for rating and
reviewing products. Customers will sometimes look at reviews to gain
trust before making a purchase. Customers will look at other people's
reviews when they share their experiences with this system, as well as
their ideas, opinions, and feedback.
c) The third limitation is that customers did not receive any updates
regarding the location of their products, new products arriving in the
store, or other information. Furthermore, it does not have an alert when
the web has a discount promotion and does not notify the customer.

Information cannot be delivered to customers without push notifications,
causing stakeholders to miss out on marketing opportunities.

5.3 Recommendation for Future Enhancement

Finally, before concluding this report, there are several recommendations for
future enhancements to this project, which include the addition of new
features, such as:

a) Payment gateway
To make the system more practical and useful, as we move toward a
cashless society, online payment for the Nor Idaman Collection System
should be implemented. Customers can pay online through a payment
gateway. A payment gateway is useful in e-commerce because it
facilitates the transfer of transaction information between a payment
portal and a front-end processor or bank.

b) Rating and Review

In the future, this web application's shop module section could include
rating and review tools that allow users to provide feedback and honest
opinions about the clothes. The administrator must approve a review
before it can be made public. Customer reviews are important because
they can be shared based on their experiences, ideas, opinions, feedback,
and so on about the brand, its products and services, value for money,
and many other factors.

c) Push notification
Push notifications are preferred for increasing user awareness. Prior to
the issue being alerted about, notifications can be sent via browser or
mobile device. By incorporating web push notification features, users can
stay informed and engaged with the system. Push notifications can be

added to the system to keep in touch with customers on a regular basis.
Push notifications, on the other hand, are ideal for things like invoices,
shipment information, and new products in store, among other things,
and this project can be improved further by incorporating alerts if there
are discounts and offers features that notify the user when boutiques have
special offers.

5.4 Summary

It is stated in this chapter that the project's three objectives were met
successfully. The project's recommendations and limitations were also clearly
stated. Some recommendations can be used as a guideline for future
enhancements to the system. As a result, the limitations that arise as a result of
the project can be used to improve the system and make it more efficient in the



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Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Software Requirements Specification for Sales

Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection System
by Using Naïve Bayes


Supervisor Name:
Madam Nur Suhailayani Binti Suhaimi

Prepared by:
Nur Intan Syafiqah bt Sanusi

Version: 2.0

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Version Primary Author(s) Description of Version Date Completed
1.0 Nur Intan Syafiqah Information about the revision. This table does 15/06/2022
Bt Sanusi not need to be filled in whenever a document is
touched, only when the version is being upgraded.
2.1 Nur Intan Syafiqah Information about the revision. This table does 10/01/2023
Bt Sanusi not need to be filled in whenever a document is
touched, only when the version is being upgraded.

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

1 Overall Description

1.1 Product Perspective

Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection Using Nave Bayes is a newly
developed system that facilitates customer service and the company
environment by replacing the existing manual logbook system. Customers no
longer need to contact WhatsApp admin; instead, they can purchase the service
through the provided system. This system was designed with GUI features to
improve the user interface and make it more flexible for the customer to use.
Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection Using Naïve Bayes is a cross-
platform system that is implemented as a web-based prediction application.

This system will be designed and trained for use by online sellers who are
unfamiliar with the computerized system. Since this system requires
knowledge of data extraction, the prediction will be made using a suitable data
mining technique. As a result, users can access this system from any device,
including PCs and mobile phones. This system will have two interfaces: one
for the customer and one for the administrator. The system's services and
system functionality will be embedded in the application so that the user can
make reservations in the application in a seamless manner. In addition, all the
user's data of this system will be automatically stored in the database under the
web server which is implemented as illimitable as shown in Figure 2.1.

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Figure 1.46 Block Diagram of SPFNICS

1.2 Product Functionality

Customers will be able to easily purchase their desired clothes using the Nor
Idaman Collection System. The results will show whether the requested time is
still available or has already been sold out. Customers will also need to create
or edit an account if they still do not have one before place a purchase.
Customers will also learn about the Nor Idaman Collection location, such as its
hours of operation, or clothes that are available. Not only that, this prediction
system will be built on a web-based architecture. The stakeholder can access
the prediction system. The stakeholder can add product information to the
existing record. Essentially, it will contain basic product information as well as
customer transaction records.

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
1.2.1 Customer

This system provides the functionality for customer to place an purchase,

must be provided the following functionality:

● Register, view and edit account

● Add, view, edit and delete purchase

1.2.2 Admin

This system provides the functionality for admin to manage customer as

provided in the below:
● View account details
● View customer account
● Add, view, and edit sales
● Manage product

1.3 Users and Characteristics

Users Characteristics Limitations Frequently Use Access

Admin Edit account, view High High Frequency They have
account, view access to the
purchase, predict system by
sales, and generate logging into
graph their account
and can
sales, and
also manage
Lastly access
to the

Customer Register account High Medium They can

and manage Frequency access the
purhase registered
user’s area
by entering
their email

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
able to edit
and view
and also

1.4 Operating Environment

Item Description
Operating System Windows 11
Hardware Platform Nor Idaman Collection system can support all
the devices since it is a cross platform which is
a web-based system. Examples of hardware
include mobile phones and PCs.

Database MySQL
Language PHP, CSS, JS
Web Browser This purchase system is accessible in any web
browser such as Internet Explorer, Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.

1.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

Item Constrains
Design 1. Software
a) Lacking funds to invest in software
b) Limited knowledge and experience of how
to use software which are unfamiliar with.
c) Development tools are unstable
d) Unstable network or internet connection

2. Hardware
a) Limited facilities to work on certain
Implementation 1. During system testing, unexpected mistakes and
difficulties occur.
2. Changes in the appearance and functionality of
user interfaces.
Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
Schedule and Resource 1. Expect to complete this SRS document before
week 14, with interruptions owing to other courses'
demands on time.

1.6 User Documentation

User documentation used is user guideline where it will be delivered along

with the system. Therefore, Nor Idaman Collection System assists the user
guideline which is it will be provided via online platform. This user guideline
should guide the customer to a good understanding on how to use the system
easily. Through these guidelines, users can have a big picture of the system
flows and understand in detail each feature implemented in the system.

1.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

Assumptions, dependencies and constraints arise of this boutique system are

described as below:

1. The system assumes that purchase made by a customer needs to be viewed

again to avoid any circumstances that might occur later and the view
purchase also serves as a proof or evidence of the customer’s purchase
details. Due to this, a server needs to upgrade from time to time in purchase
for customers to experience an excellent system. Therefore, the third-party
who is admin performs an important role to keep a track in system
improvement for example hiring a specialist to monitor the server operation.

2. Delete purchase features are really crucial because it affects both parties
which are customers and also the company itself. These assumptions
emphasize that cancellation in the purchase section will create an availability
service slot for other customers to place their purchases. These features also
bring constraints to the company where they can avoid unwanted loss
regarding service purchases.

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
3. SPFNICS is attainable through the Internet and to ensure it is accessible,
assuming that the end-user requires an Internet connection. Other than that,
the user also must use the latest version of the operating system.

4. In completing this project, some constraints occurred e.g. difficulties to

understand the requirements of the stakeholder and documentation
requirements because of the pandemic outbreak and poor internet connection.
However, we assumed that all the requirements implemented in this project
meet the user specifications and needs.

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
2 System Features

2.1 Use Case Diagram

Figure 2.47 Use Case Diagram

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
2.2 Use Case Description
2.2.1 Use Case Id & Name

Use Case ID: UC101 & UC102

Use Case Name: Create account
Created By: Intan Syafiqah Last Updated By: Intan Syafiqah
Date Created: 12/6/2022 Date Created: 10/1/2023

Actor: Admin and Customer

Description: Admin and customer can view their account details

Preconditions: Actors login to the system

Post conditions: System display account information

Priority: Low

Normal Course of Events: Actor System

1. Actor login the system and  1.1 System access to the 

click Profile section  selected account 
1.2 System prompt for view 

2. Actor view for   2.1 System display the  

account/each account account information

Exceptions: Minor bugs due to system maintenance, system overload and bad gateway
can lead the admin to not let them view their purchase details. The
system’s website displays an error popup to the admin to re-login at
another time when the system is fixed and the state is left where the data is
submitted in the first place when the add purchase feature takes place.
Notes and Issues: -

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Use Case ID: UC103

Use Case Name: Edit account
Created By: Intan Syafiqah Last Updated By: Intan Syafiqah
Date Created: 29/6/2022 Date Created: 10/1/2023

Actor: Customer and admin

Description: This use case occurs when actors wish to change their profile information

Preconditions: All users must log in to the system first.

PoPostconditions Edit details are saved in the system.

Priority: High

Normal Course of Events: Actor System

1. Actor login to the system 1.1 System displays the

2. The actor edit account.
2.1 The system validates the
information entered by the
3. The actor confirms that the actor.
information is correct.
3.1 The system prompts the
actor for confirmation.

2.1 The system updates the

actor’s detail account to
the repository and informs
the actor that the
information was updated
Exceptions: The system indicates the fields that were entered
incorrectly and prompts the actor to make the necessary
Notes and Issues: -

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Use Case ID: UC104

Use Case Name: View account
Created By: Intan Syafiqah Last Updated By: Intan Syafiqah
Date Created: 12/6/2022 Date Created: 10/1/2023

Actor: Customer and Admin

Description: Admin can view customer accounts, and customer can view their own
Preconditions: Actors login to the system

Post conditions: System display account information

Priority: Low

Normal Course of Events: Actor System

1. Click the profile section 1.1 System access to the

selected account

1.2 System prompt for


2. Actor view for 2.1 System display the

account/each account account information

Exceptions: The system may display wrong information about the account
Notes and Issues: -

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Use Case ID: UC201

Use Case Name: Add purchase
Created By: Intan Syafiqah Last Updated By: Intan Syafiqah
Date Created: 12/6/2022 Date Created: 10/1/2023

Actor: Customer and Admin

Description: Customer or admin can add to cart to purchase their item

Preconditions: Customers or admin must login into the system first.

Post conditions: Customer’s or admin purchase is saved in the system.

Priority: High

Normal Course of Events: Actor System

1. Customer or admin adds 1.1 System creates purchase

purchase cart to the system slot

2. Customers or admin select

their purchase details. 2.1 System prompts customers
to their
designated address

2.2 System receives purchase

and verify

2.3 Display purchase details.

Exceptions: N/A
Notes and Issues: -

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Use Case ID: UC202

Use Case Name: View purchase
Created By: Intan Syafiqah Last Updated By: Intan Syafiqah
Date Created: 12/6/2022 Date Created: 10/1/2023

Actor: Admin and Customer

Description: Admin and customer can check other details

Preconditions: Admin and customer must login into the system first.

Post conditions: System update the purchase details.

Priority: High

Normal Course of Events: Actor System

1. Admin or customer choose 1.1 System access to the

and selects one or more of selected purchase
their purchase 1.2 System prompt for admin

2. Admin or customer view

purchase detail and 2.1 System show the purchase
reassure detail
the purchase
2.1 System prompts the
admin to save their
purchase detail
3. Admin or customer save
the purchase details as
proof or evidence.

Exceptions: Minor bugs due to system maintenance, system overload and bad gateway
can lead the admin to not let them view their purchase details. The
system’s website displays an error popup to the admin to re-login at
another time when the system is fixed and the state is left where the data is
submitted in the first place when the add purchase feature takes place.
Notes and Issues: -

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Use Case ID: UC203

Use Case Name: Edit purchase
Created By: Intan Syafiqah Last Updated By: Intan Syafiqah
Date Created: 12/6/2022 Date Created: 10/1/2023

Actor: Customer and Admin

Description: Customer or admin can manage their purchase cart

Preconditions: Customer or admin must login into the system first.

Post conditions: All data will be saved in the system

Priority: Medium

Normal Course of Events: Actor System

1. Customer manage for each 1.1 System prompt customer

purchase slot or admin to manage their
purchase editing

2.1 System applied changes

2. Customers manage and
purchase for each item verify

2.2 Display the latest purchase


Exceptions: N/A
Notes and Issues: -

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
Use Case ID: UC301
Use Case Name: Manage Product
Created By: Intan Syafiqah Last Updated By: Intan Syafiqah
Date Created: 12/6/2022 Date Created: 10/1/2023

Actor: Admin

Description: The admin login into the system to manage the product.

Preconditions: The admin needs to save the data of each product in the system. Admin
must log in first
Postconditions: All data will be saved in the system.

Priority: High

Normal Course of Events: Actor System

1. Admin can add a new 1.1 The system

product into the system.  prompts the admin
to fill in the new
product details. 

1.2 The system updates

the new product. 

1.3 System prompts the

product detail 

2.1 System access to

the selected
2. Admin view and select
each product.   2.2 System prompt to
edit or delete. 

3.1 The system access to

the choice (edit or

2.2 System verifies

applied change and
displays information.

Exceptions: -
Notes and Issues: -

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Use Case ID: UC401

Use Case Name: Predict Sales
Created By: Intan Syafiqah Last Updated By: Intan Syafiqah
Date Created: 12/6/2022 Date Created: 10/1/2023
Actor: Admin

Description: Admin can predict the created rule.

Preconditions: The rule data must be created and saved in the system. Details about the
rules must be entered into the system.
Post conditions: The rule can be predicted

Priority: High

Normal Course of Events: Actor System

1. The admins express a 1.1 System access to the

desire to predict the selected page
created rule.

2. Admin enters "Product" 2.1 System displays the menu

and selects "Predict of the product.
Product" from the menu.
2.3 System displays the rule
information and predicts

3. Admin click the Predict 3.1 System displays the

button. predicted rule.

4. Admin clicks the 4.1 The system display the

Promotion button. combination product for

Exceptions: -
Notes and Issues: -

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
3 Other Non-functional Requirements

3.1 Performance Requirements

The Software Development Life Cycle is used to develop a web page of Sales
Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection Using Naïve Bayes. Start with
requirement collection, then move on to analysis, design, and implementation.
The prediction system is built using the Knowledge Discovery of Databases
(KDD) approach, which consists of seven steps: data selection, data cleaning,
data integration, data transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, and data
visualization. The database must be adaptable and convenient as data is entered
and will continue to grow as the user performs actions.

The entire development process will take one semester or six months. The
system requires a compatible database size as the amount of sales data
increases over time to ensure that the database can hold all of the sales data.
Aside from that, the system's reaction time must be less than two seconds.

A real-time system is one that responds to any input data within a finite and
specified time frame, ensuring that accurate logical outcomes are produced.
The validity of the procedure can be determined not only by the logical
outcome but also by the time it took to complete it. The validity of the
procedure can be determined not only by the logical outcome but also by the
time it took to complete it. The system is harmed by a delay in response time to
the procedure.

 The system can support 1000 users including customers and admin
 The linking operation in the system must be at a maximum of 10
seconds otherwise the users detect the system’s delay
 The purchase has been made must limit the maximum of 10 seconds
to receive at admin

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
3.2 Safety and Security Requirements

The word "safety and security needs" is one that must be considered in the
system. Individual users and organizations are protected by safety and security
rules designed to keep them safe from attacks or data thieves. The activities to
prevent and safeguard the system from aspects that can harm the user, system,
organization's privacy, and assets were the emphasis of the safety and security
standards. Data policy, data authentication, and notifications will secure this
 Admin can see purchase record.
 Personal passwords are never viewable by other users or at any other
 Only the user(customer) account can update their personal data.
 All data will be encrypted.

3.3 Software Quality Attributes

These software quality standards are concerned with how well a system
operates when its
architecture is modified.

1. Availability Requirements: Any requirement that concerns the periods of

operating times.
 The system maintenance is available from 11.00 pm to 2.00 am. it
is to avoid the system process during work hours.
 The sale page for the admin will be available 2 hours after work
hours and close after the end of 2 hour

2. Maintainability Requirements: Ease which problem in the system can be

found and fixed.
 The developer must repair and modify following the time that has
been set
Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes
 In the development process, these system sections and services
should retest many times before establishing the final product.

 if the system has been approached by the hacker, the developer

must take the action to shut down the system immediately

3. Correctness and Reliability Requirements: Collecting the right

 The system will display a popup if the user enters the wrong
password or username
 Validation message for the customer to cancel the purchase

4. Flexibility Requirement: measures how easy it is to add new capabilities

to the product. You might refer to it as augmentation, extensibility,
extendibility, or expandability.
 The system is always up to date from time to time
 The developer must modify the interface every year
 Instead of a mobile system, the computer base system can be
developed and use the same database

5. Interoperability Requirements: The extent to which the system is able to

share information and services.
 This system must be able to support local communications, personal
data, and security

6. Portability Requirements: How this system environment can be

supported by other software and hardware.
 Compatible with any phone
 support by IOS, Android, and windows

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes


1. Business Activity Diagram

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

2. Class Diagram

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

3. System Sequence Diagram


Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes


Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes

Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes


Software Requirements Specification for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection
by Using Naïve Bayes



Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor
Idaman Collection System by using Naïve Bayes


Group: M3CS2666B

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Prepared By:


Table of Contents
1 Introduction...........................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose..............................................................................................................1

1.2 Scope..................................................................................................................1

1.3 References..........................................................................................................2

1.4 Document Structure...........................................................................................3

1.5 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations........................................................4

1.6 System Overview...............................................................................................6

2 System Architecture..............................................................................................8
2.1 Architectural Description...................................................................................8

2.2 Block Diagram...................................................................................................8

2.3 Network Diagram..............................................................................................9

2.4 Design Rationale..............................................................................................10

2.5 Domain Class Diagram....................................................................................11

2.6 Design Class Diagram.....................................................................................11

3 Data Design........................................................................................................12
3.1 Database Description.......................................................................................12

3.2 Data Dictionary................................................................................................13

4 Package Diagram................................................................................................17
4.1 Package Diagram.............................................................................................17

4.1.1 Package Functions 17

4.1.2 Package Content 18
5 Class Description................................................................................................21
5.1 Class ID & NAME...........................................................................................21

5.1.1 Class Attributes & Methods 22

6 Human Interface Design (Screens).....................................................................26
6.1 Overview of the User Interface........................................................................26

6.1.1 Categories’ Functionality 26

6.1.2 Screen Images 27
7 Traceability Requirements Matrix......................................................................33
7.1 Register Account.............................................................................................35

7.1.1 Detail Class Diagram 35

7.1.2 Multilayer Register Account 35
7.2 Login................................................................................................................36

7.2.1 Detail Class Diagram 36

7.2.2 Multilayer Login 36
7.3 Edit Account....................................................................................................37

7.3.1 Detail Class Diagram 37

7.3.2 Multilayer Edit Account 37
7.4 View Account..................................................................................................38

7.4.1 Detail Class Diagram 38

7.4.2 Multilayer View Account 38
7.5 Add Purchase...................................................................................................39

7.5.1 Detail Class Diagram 39

7.5.2 Multilayer Add Purchase 39
7.6 Edit Purchase...................................................................................................40

7.6.1 Detail Class Diagram 40

7.6.2 Multilayer Edit Purchase 40
7.7 View Purchase.................................................................................................40

7.7.1 Detail Class Diagram 40

7.7.2 Multilayer View Purchase 41
7.8 Manage product...............................................................................................42

7.8.1 Detail Class Diagram 42

7.8.2 Multilayer Manage product 42

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The architecture and system design of "Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by Using Naïve Bayes" is described in this SDD. The goal
of this paper is to explain the requirements for the "Sales Prediction for Nor
Idaman Collection System by Using Naïve Bayes" website, which will allow
users to make a purchase and make sales predictions. It will clarify the
objective and complete the declaration for the system's development. The
documents that have been presented contain all of the web-based application's
specs, including security. It will also cover the system's limitations, interface,
and interactions with other applications, such as the system interface.

1.2 Scope

The "Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection System by Using Naïve
Bayes" is a systematized purchase website that allows users to make a
purchase, make sales predictions, etc. Users should be able to use the
programmed for free in purchase to help them manage their tasks more
effectively. The technology will improve the efficiency of the boutique
administration. The existing system is one that is based on paper. It's too
sluggish and can't give you information about your current customers. The
system's goals are to eliminate erroneous data computation, such as
underestimation for boutique sales, make it easier for consumers to make a
purchase with just a single tap, and manage personnel across several
locations. This document contains both functional and non-functional
requirements statements. Furthermore, the website requires access to the
internet in order to save data received from users as soon as possible. All
system data is stored in a database that is accessible via a web server. The
website may also display and edit summary and comprehensive information
on users for administrators to read and change.

The system's objective is to make business regulation easier, particularly for

the business owner operating the business and the customers putting

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

purchases. This system offers a variety of product and sizes that can be
submitted, changed, and deleted. With the implementation of log in, the
system ensures security. Not only that, but another goal of developing this
prediction system is to make the process of predicting sales easier in order to
increase incoming sales. The user's time spent predicting sales information
will be reduced by using this prediction system. Furthermore, the boutique
system has the ability to simplify tasks. Customers' purchases can only be
viewed in the system if they use the admin page to log in. Admin may also
look at the design of clothes that the consumer likes. It will help admin be
more methodical and organized when working if it contains qualities like
these. The total sales for the day will be calculated automatically by this

1.3 References

John W. Satzinger, R. B. (2015). System Analysis and Design in a Changing

World - Course technology. Retrieved May 11, 2021, from

Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) - Case Study of any project.

(2021). Retrieved July 25, 2021, from C# Corner: https://www.c-

What is Activity Diagram? - Guide to Implement Activity Diagram. (2021).

Retrieved February 17, 2022, from Visual Paradigm:

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

1.4 Document Structure

The purpose of this document's structure is to describe the Sales Prediction

for Nor Idaman Collection by Using Naïve Bayes through the creation of a
design document. This system document design will assist each member of
this project in understanding how this system works and will make it easier
for them to construct this system. Below is a list of the chapters and their

Section 1 is an introductory section in which it describes the system in

depth, for example, the goal, scope, document structure, and so on. This
enables a straightforward description of what the system is all about.

The second component is a system architecture that describes design

elements in the design rationale, domain class diagram, and design class
diagram. It is a conceptual model that defines the structure's behavior and
provides further information about the Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection by Using Naïve Bayes

Section 3 is a data design section that includes information on the

database description and data dictionary. Data design depicts the many types
of data contained in the system, their connections, and the various ways in
which data may be categorized or organized. A data model is a blueprint or
road plan that allows for a more in-depth comprehension of the stored data.

Section 4 is about the package diagram that is included in this system.

Package diagrams are structural diagrams that demonstrate how various
model elements are organized and arranged in the form of packages. A
package is a collection of connected UML components including diagrams,
documents, classes, or even other packages.

Section 5 deals with the class description.

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Section 6 delves into human interface design and how it might be

optimized for user efficiency and simplicity of use. It is the method used by
designers to create interfaces in software or digital devices with an emphasis
on aesthetics or style. Designers strive to design interfaces that are both easy
to use and enjoyable for users. UI design relates to graphical user interfaces
and other types of user interfaces.

Section 7 is a matrix of traceability requirements. A requirements

traceability matrix is a document that shows how requirements relate to other
artifacts. It is used to demonstrate that requirements have been met. It also
frequently records requirements, tests, test results, and difficulties.

Section 8 contains the appendices.

1.5 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations


Domain Class Diagram A way to describe and model real world

entities and the relationships between

Design Class Diagram To show the different objects in a

system, their attributes, their operations
and the relationships among them


Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by Using Naïve Bayes

SDD Software Design Document

UCD (e.g. UC001) Use Case Diagram

HCI Human Computer Interaction

DoCD Domain Class Diagram

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

etc (et cetera) Used at the end of a list to indicate that
further, similar items are included.
e.g. (exempli gratia) Typically used to introduce one or more
examples of something mentioned
previously in the sentence and can be used
interchangeably with “for example” or
“such as.”

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

1.6 System Overview

Figure 1.48 Use Case

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Table 1.7 Use Case Details

Use Case ID Use Case Name Description

UC101 Create Account Customer Customer register their own


UC102 Create Account Admin Customer register their own


UC103 Edit Account Edit admin account and

Manage Purchase customer account
Customer and admin can
manage their purchases.
U104 View Account Admin and customer can
view their account

UC201 Add Purchase Customers make can easily

place their purchase.
UC202 View Purchase Customers and admin can
double-check their purchase
UC203 Edit purchase Admin or customer can edit
Predict Sales their purchases

UC301 Manage product The admin login into the

Generate Graph system to manage the

UC401 Predict Sales The admin can automatically

predict the sales.

U402 Generate graph To visualizes past data over a

specific period and includes a
trendline that continues past
the current data to show
predicted changes in the

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

2 System Architecture

2.1 Architectural Description

The architectural description tells us what components of the system need. The
component design effort builds those components in conformance to the
architecture and specification
 The data and transactions have been monitored by the system
 The stakeholder can define their scope in the system

2.2 Block Diagram

Figure 2.49 Block Diagram

A block diagram is a system diagram in which the main pieces or functions

are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the blocks'
relationships. They are extensively used in engineering, particularly in
hardware design, electronic design, software design, and process flow
diagrams. To reach the server or localhost, the user must launch a browser

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

with an internet connection. Furthermore, it will direct to the system. The

information can be obtained from the database.

2.3 Network Diagram

Figure 2.50 Network Diagram

A computer network diagram is a diagram that shows the nodes and

connections between them in a computer network or, more broadly, any
telecommunications network. Diagrams of computer networks are a
significant aspect of network documentation.

2.4 Design Rationale

A design rationale is a written record of the reasons for decisions taken during
the creation of a system or product. The goal of design rationale is to give the
political, collaborative process of addressing wicked problems a structure
based on arguments.

Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Design verification - the goal is to use the rationale in purchase to verify that
the design meets the requirements and the designer’s intent. This verification
can occur at any point in the design process.
● Ensure Data integrity and accuracy

● Data manipulation easily

Design maintenance to figure out what decisions were made during the
design process in purchase to pinpoint the root of design issues or to highlight
where adjustments should be made in purchase to improve the design The
designer can avoid making a choice that has already been rejected by keeping
track of the alternatives that have been rejected.

● The system design always on maintenance from time to time

● The version will be updated after the maintenance

Design Communication: Both after and throughout the design process, the
inclusion of justification improves the design. This information can be made
available to people affected by the design to both provide them insight into
the design and allow them to provide input into the process by recording the
design choices and the rationale behind them.

● Referring to the HCI (human computer interaction) before develop

● Limitation of using the jargon word in the system

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

2.5 Domain Class Diagram

Figure 2.51 Domain Class Diagram

DoCD is conceptual classes, linkages between conceptual classes, and

attributes of a conceptual class are all included in a domain model. "A
conceptual class is an idea, entity, or object informally." A class diagram is
used to represent the model. There are 6 classes with its attribute which are
Admins, Customers, Sales, Purchases, Purchase items, Accounts, and
Products but admin inherit graph and can predict sales.

2.6 Design Class Diagram

In an application, a design class diagram (DCD) depicts the specifications for

software classes and interfaces (for example, Java interfaces). NBBS have 5
Classes with its attributes, 5 handlers and 5 view forms.

11 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Figure 2.52 Design Class Diagram

3 Data Design

3.1 Database Description

The database used in this system is known as the Nor Idaman Collection.
There are six relations or tables that have relations to each other within the
Nor Idaman Collection database. This system includes the tables admins,
customer, products, purchase items, and purchase.

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

3.2 Data Dictionary


Attribute Description Type Additional Type Default M U

Name Information Value
only 1
adminID integer - Y Y
Admin_passwor owner varchar Max = 255 - Y N
d password

Admin_email Owner varchar Max = 255 - Y N

before login


Attribute Description Type Additional Type Default M U

Name Information Value
Cust_id integer Auto increment - Y Y
Name of the varchar Max = 255 - Y N
Cust_name customers

customer varchar Max = 255 - Y N

cust_password password for
Email of the varchar Max = 255 - Y N
cust_email customers

Attribute Description Type Additional Type Default M U
Name Information Value
ID purchase that
Purchase_id has been made integer Auto Increment - Y Y
by customer
purchase_price Customer name varchar Max = 225 - Y N
Purchase_status Customer need varchar Max = 10 - Y N
to choose their
size before
13 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

User_name Quantity of integer Max=100 - Y N
product that
customer want
User_phone User phone integer Max=11 - Y N
number before
User_city User city to varchar Max=255 - Y N
deliver their
User_address User address varchar Max=255 - Y N
Purchase_date Customer datetime - - - -
purchase date
custID Person who integer foreign key refers - Y N
makes a from table customer

Purchase Items

Attribute Description Type Additional Type Default M U

Name Information Value
ID purchase item
that has been
item_id integer Auto Increment - Y Y
made by
purchase_id ID purchase that integer Foreign key from the - Y N
has been made table purchase
by customer
product_id Product id varchar Foreign key from the - Y N
table products

14 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

product_name Product must varchar Foreign key from the - Y N

have name table products
product_image Product must varchar foreign key refers - Y N
have image from table products

product_price Product must decimal foreign key refers from - Y N

have price table products

purchase_quantity Product must integer Max= 100 - Y N

have unit

Attribute Description Type Additional Type Default M U
Name Information Value

Product id for
Product_id int Auto increment - Y Y
each product

Product_name Product must varchar Max = 100 - Y N

have name
Product_category The category of varchar Max = 100 - Y N
each product
Product_descriptio Description of varchar Max =255 - Y N
n the product
Product_image The product varchar Max=255 - Y N
must have an
Product_price Product must decimal - - Y N
have price
Product_color The product Varchar Max=100 - Y N

15 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

must have color

4 Package Diagram

4.1 Package Diagram

Figure 4.53 Package Diagram

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

4.1.1 Package Functions

These are structural diagrams used to show Nor Idaman Collection System
and arrangement of various model elements in the form of these packages.

Table 4.8 Package Functions


View Layer  To display form for users

(SDD_SPFNICS_100)  Displays data for users

 Accepts input data from user
 Users edits and validates input data

Domain Layer  Process business rules

(SDD_SPFNICS_200)  Represents Nor Idaman Collection business model

 Standardized objects to be used in view layer
Data Access Layer  Behind the scenes for the other layers

(SDD_SPFNICS_300)  Establish connection of database

 Maintain connection of database
 Can be accessed by the developer

4.1.2 Package Content

Table 4.9 Package Content


View Layer SDD_SPFNICS_101 loginAdminForm

SDD_SPFNICS_102 updateAdminForm

SDD_SPFNICS_103 signUpForm

SDD_SPFNICS_104 loginCustomerForm

17 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

SDD_SPFNICS_105 deleteCustomerForm

SDD_SPFNICS_106 updateCustomerForm

SDD_SPFNICS_107 viewCustomerForm

SDD_SPFNICS_108 addProductForm

SDD_SPFNICS_109 viewProductForm

SDD_SPFNICS_110 deleteProductForm

SDD_SPFNICS_111 updateProductForm

SDD_SPFNICS_112 addPurchaseCustForm

SDD_SPFNICS_113 addPurchaseAdminForm

SDD_SPFNICS_114 updatePurchaseCustForm

SDD_SPFNICS_115 updatePurchaseAdminForm

SDD_SPFNICS_116 viewPurchaseCustForm

SDD_SPFNICS_117 viewPurchaseAdminForm

Domain Layer SDD_SPFNICS_201 AdminController



SDD_SPFNICS_203 ProductController

SDD_SPFNICS_204 Product

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

SDD_SPFNICS_205 CustomerController

SDD_SPFNICS_206 Customer

SDD_SPFNICS_207 PurchaseController

SDD_SPFNICS_208 Purchase

Data Access Layer SDD_SPFNICS_301 Admin


SDD_SPFNICS_302 Purchase

SDD_SPFNICS_303 Product

SDD_SPFNICS_304 Customer

SDD_SPFNICS_305 PurchaseItem

19 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

5 Class Description

5.1 Class ID & NAME

Table 5.10 Class Description

SDD_SPFNICS_101 loginForm(admin)
SDD_SPFNICS_102 updateAdminForm
SDD_SPFNICS_103 signupForm
SDD_SPFNICS_104 loginCustomerForm
SDD_SPFNICS_105 DeleteCustomerForm
SDD_SPFNICS_106 updateCustomerForm
SDD_SPFNICS_107 viewCustomerForm
SDD_SPFNICS_108 addProductForm
SDD_SPFNICS_109 viewProductForm
SDD_SPFNICS_110 updateProductForm
SDD_SPFNICS_111 deleteProductForm
SDD_SPFNICS_112 addPurchaseCustForm
SDD_SPFNICS_113 addPurchaseAdminForm
SDD_SPFNICS_114 updatePurchaseCustForm
SDD_SPFNICS_115 updatePurchaseAdminForm
SDD_SPFNICS_116 viewPurchaseCustForm
SDD_SPFNICS_117 viewPurchaseAdminForm

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

5.1.1 Class Attributes & Methods



Cust_id Primary key for customers

Cust_name Customer’s full name

Cust_email Customer’s email for login

Cust_password Customer’s password for login


Signup () Create new customer

login () Customer login to the system

updateCust () Customer update their details



Admin_id Primary key for admins

Admin_password Admin’s password for login

Admin_username Admin’s username for login


login () Admin login to the system

UpdateAdmin () Update admin details

21 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes



item_id Primary key for purchases items

purchase_id Foreign key from table purchase

product_name Foreign key from table product

product_image Foreign key from table product

product_price Foreign key from table product

purchase_quantity Quantity of the clothes purchase

purchase_date The purchases date


addPurchaseCust() add new purchase

addPurchaseAdmin() Add new purchase

updatePurchaseCust() Customer update purchase details

updatePurchaseAdmin() Admin update purchase details

viewPurchaseCust() Customer view the purchase

viewPurchaseAdmin() Admin view the purchase


22 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes


ID purchase that has been made by


purchase_price Customer name

Purchase_status Customer need to choose their size before

confirm purchase

User_name Quantity of product that customer want

User_phone User phone number before purchase

User_city User city to deliver their items

User_address User address information

Purchase_date Customer purchase date

custID Person who makes a purchase


addPurchaseCust() add new purchase

addPurchaseAdmin() Add new purchase

updatePurchaseCust() Customer update purchase details

updatePurchaseAdmin() Admin update purchase details

viewPurchaseCust() Customer view the purchase

viewPurchaseAdmin() Admin view the purchase



23 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

product_id product id that

product_name Product must have name

product_category The category of each product

product_description Description of the product

product_image The product must have an image

product_price Product must have price

product_color The product must have color


addProduct() add new design

ViewProduct() Display design details

UpdatProduct() Update design details

deleteProduct(productD) Delete design

24 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

6 Human Interface Design (Screens)

6.1 Overview of the User Interface

Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman Collection System by Using Naïve

Bayes is a platform that allows users to manage their hair service easily
and effectively. This website is organized into two categories –
customers and administrators. Firstly, users should determine their role
either as customers or admin. Once they click to the respective roles,
users must first login into the system, and if they do not have an account
yet, they are required to register account first. After that, users are
presented with an interface that corresponds to their respective

6.1.1 Categories’ Functionality

a) Customer

This system provides the functionality for customer to purchase their

desired clothes as provided in the below:
Account: Register, view and edit
Purchase: Add, view and edit

b) Admin

This system provides the functionality for admin to manage overall

action taken in the system, as provided in the below:
Account (Admin): View and edit
Product: Manage product (add, edit, delete, view)
Purchase: Add, view, and edit

25 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

6.1.2 Screen Images Homepage Interface

Figure 6.54 Homepage Customer Interface

Figure 6.55 Customer Login

26 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Figure 6.56 Customer Register

Figure 6.57 Customer view product

Figure 6.5 Customer add product

27 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Figure 6.58 Manage purchase Admin Interface

Figure 6.6 Admin login

Figure 6.7 Admin add product

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Figure 6.8 Manage product

Figure 6.9 Admin view purchase

Figure 6.10 Admin predict sales page

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Figure 6.11 Add new predict sales

Figure 6.12 Information page prediction

Figure 6.13 Promotion page

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection System by using Naïve Bayes

Figure 6.14 Admin predict sales graph

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Collection System by using Naïve Bayes
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

7 Traceability Requirements Matrix


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5
UC100 UC101




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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

UC200 UC201



UC300 UC301

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

7.1 Register Account

7.1.1 Detail Class Diagram

7.1.2 Multilayer Register Account

a) Customer

35 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

7.2 Login

7.2.1 Detail Class Diagram

7.2.2 Multilayer Login

a) Admin

36 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

b) Customer

7.3 Edit Account

7.3.1 Detail Class Diagram

7.3.2 Multilayer Edit Account

a) Customer

b) Admin
37 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

7.4 View Account

7.4.1 Detail Class Diagram

7.4.2 Multilayer View Account

a) Customer

b) Admin

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

7.5 Add Purchase

7.5.1 Detail Class Diagram

7.5.2 Multilayer Add Purchase

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

7.6 Edit Purchase

7.6.1 Detail Class Diagram

7.6.2 Multilayer Edit Purchase

7.7 View Purchase

7.7.1 Detail Class Diagram

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Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

7.7.2 Multilayer View Purchase

a) Admin

b) Customer

41 | P a g e
Software Design Document for Sales Prediction for Nor Idaman
Collection Systems by using Naïve Bayes

7.8 Manage product

7.8.1 Detail Class Diagram

7.8.2 Multilayer Manage product

42 | P a g e

12/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2020 2 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 320
12/5/2020 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
13/5/2020 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
13/5/2020 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
13/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
14/5/2020 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
14/5/2020 1 70.00 BAJUKURUNGPESAK YES NO 70
14/5/2020 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 160
15/5/2020 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
15/5/2020 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU NO YES 300
16/5/2020 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
16/5/2020 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
17/5/2020 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
17/5/2020 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
17/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
17/5/2020 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
18/5/2020 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
18/5/2020 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
18/5/2020 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 200
18/5/2020 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
19/5/2020 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
20/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
20/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
20/5/2020 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
21/5/2020 3 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 450
21/5/2020 2 150.00 JUBAHMODEN YES NO 300
21/5/2020 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
21/5/2020 3 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
21/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
21/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
21/5/2020 2 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 320
21/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
21/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
22/5/2020 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
22/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
22/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
22/5/2020 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
22/5/2020 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
22/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
22/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
22/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
22/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
22/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
23/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
23/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
23/5/2020 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
23/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
23/5/2020 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
23/5/2020 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
23/5/2020 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL NO YES 160
23/4/2021 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 300
24/4/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
25/4/2021 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
26/4/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
26/4/2021 3 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 450
26/4/2021 2 150.00 JUBAHMODEN YES NO 300
27/4/2021 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
28/4/2021 3 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
28/4/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
29/4/2021 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
29/4/2021 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 160
29/4/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
29/4/2021 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 160
29/4/2021 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 160
29/4/2021 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 160
29/4/2021 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
29/4/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
29/4/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
30/4/2021 1 70.00 BAJUKURUNGPESAK NO YES 70
30/4/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 160
30/4/2021 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL NO YES 150
30/4/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
30/4/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
30/4/2021 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL NO YES 150
30/4/2021 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
30/4/2021 1 150.00 JUBAHMODEN NO YES 130
1/5/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
1/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
2/5/2021 1 150.00 JUBAHMODEN YES NO 130
2/5/2021 5 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 750
2/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
2/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
2/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
2/5/2021 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
2/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
2/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
2/5/2021 2 70.00 BAJUKURUNGPESAK YES NO 70
3/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
3/5/2021 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
3/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
3/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
4/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
4/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
4/5/2021 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 300
4/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
4/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
5/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
5/5/2021 1 150.00 JUBAHMODEN YES NO 130
5/5/2021 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 300
5/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO I50
5/5/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
5/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
5/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
5/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
5/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
6/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
6/5/2021 2 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 300
6/5/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
6/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
6/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
6/5/2021 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 300
6/5/2021 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
6/5/2021 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
6/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
6/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
6/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
6/5/2021 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 300
6/5/2021 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 300
7/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
7/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
7/5/2021 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
7/5/2021 2 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL NO YES 300
7/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
7/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
7/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
7/5/2021 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
7/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
7/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
8/5/2021 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
8/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
9/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
9/5/2021 2 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 300
10/5/2021 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
10/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
10/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
10/5/2021 2 70.00 BAJUKURUNGPESAK YES NO 70
10/5/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
10/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
10/5/2021 3 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 450
10/5/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
10/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
11/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
11/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
11/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
11/5/2021 1 150.00 JUBAHMODEN YES NO 130
11/5/2021 1 70.00 BAJUKURUNGPESAK YES NO 70
11/5/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 120
11/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
12/5/2021 1 70.00 BAJUKURUNGPESAK YES NO 70
12/5/2021 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 150
3/4/2022 2 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 400
3/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 150
3/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 120
3/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
3/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
5/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
5/4/2022 1 70.00 BAJUKURUNGPESAK YES NO 70
5/4/2022 1 160.00 BAJUKURUNGBABYDOLL YES NO 150
7/4/2022 5 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 300
8/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
8/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
9/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
9/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
9/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
9/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
10/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
10/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
10/4/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 200
10/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
11/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
11/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
11/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
11/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
11/4/2022 2 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 400
12/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
13/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
13/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
13/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
13/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
14/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
15/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
15/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
15/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
15/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
15/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
15/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
15/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
15/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
16/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
16/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
16/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
16/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
16/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
16/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
16/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
16/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
16/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
16/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
16/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
16/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
16/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
16/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
17/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
17/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
17/4/2022 5 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 750
17/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
17/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
17/4/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 200
17/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
17/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
18/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
18/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
18/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
18/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
19/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
19/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
19/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
19/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
20/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
20/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
20/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
20/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
20/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
21/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
21/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
21/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
21/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
21/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
21/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
21/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
21/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
21/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
21/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
21/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
21/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
22/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
22/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
22/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
22/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
22/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
22/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
22/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
22/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
23/5/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU NO YES 150
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 200
23/5/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
23/5/2022 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 300
23/5/2022 2 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 400
23/5/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 200
23/5/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 200
23/5/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
23/5/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 2 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 120
23/5/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
23/5/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
23/5/2022 3 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 300
23/5/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU NO YES 150
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU NO YES 150
23/5/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU NO YES 150
23/5/2022 3 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 300
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 2 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 240
23/5/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
23/5/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
23/5/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
23/5/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
24/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 300
24/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
24/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
24/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
24/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
24/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 200
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
25/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
25/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
25/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
25/4/2022 3 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 300
25/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
25/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
25/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
25/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
25/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
25/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
25/4/2022 2 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 120
25/4/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 200
25/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
25/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
26/4/2022 2 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 120
26/4/2022 2 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 240
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
26/4/2022 2 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 400
26/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
26/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
26/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
26/4/2022 2 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 120
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 2 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 240
26/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU YES NO 200
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
26/4/2022 2 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 240
26/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
26/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
27/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 3 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 300
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
27/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
27/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
27/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
27/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 150
27/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
27/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
27/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
27/4/2022 2 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
27/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
28/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
28/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
28/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
28/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
28/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
28/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON YES NO 60
28/4/2022 5 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 500
28/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK YES NO 120
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA YES NO 100
28/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
28/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU YES NO 150
28/4/2022 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN YES NO 300
28/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA YES NO 150
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 300
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 60
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 200
29/4/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 200
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 2 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 300
29/4/2022 2 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU NO YES 150
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 2 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 400
29/4/2022 1 200.00 BAJUKURUNGMODENBATU NO YES 200
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
29/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
29/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
29/4/2022 2 60.00 BAJUKURUNGCOTTON NO YES 120
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
29/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGMODEN NO YES 150
30/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
30/4/2022 1 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 100
30/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
30/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
30/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
30/4/2022 2 100.00 BAJUKURUNGBIASA NO YES 200
30/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
30/4/2022 1 120.00 BAJUKURUNGPENDEK NO YES 120
30/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
30/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKEBAYA NO YES 150
30/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU NO YES 150
30/4/2022 1 150.00 BAJUKURUNGRIAU NO YES 150

Activities Deliverables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Prepare an Interview

Conduct Interview and

interview and survey
questionnaire data

Analyze the List of

interview and requiremens
survey data from

Construct Use Case

requirement Diagram,
diagram Domain Class
Document SRS

Design the Package
system’s diagram,
diagram design class
diagram and
Design the ERD
Design Storyboard

Document SDD
the design


Develop the

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