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PPP for 1º B

CLASS 1 Lesson Objective: Students will be able to learn about art, artists and the tools they use in a written and spoken way,
using present and past simple.

WHAT TO TEACH Skill, language function, language system

Topic of the lesson:

Language Language function Grammar Pronunciation Lexis

Skill (Structure + exponent)
emphasized /drɔː/ draw
Reading Andy likes to draw /peɪnt/ paint
different things.
Writing /ˈstjuːdɪəʊ/ studio
Subj+ verb+ C
Speaking /skuhlp·chuh/ sculpture
She liked to draw birds
/brʌʃ/ brush
Subj+ verb in past
/tuːls/ tools
participle+ C
/ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ enjoy
/kleɪ/ clay
Previous Knowledge: present simple

Anticipated difficulties: difference between work and job, studio and study, words like brushes, clay, tools, sell, enjoy.

Possible solutions: explain students the difference and show them the meaning of the words.


Stage What the teacher what the students do Types of interactions Timing and
does and says and say (T - S / S - S / Ss - SS) Materials

The teacher will T- S whiteboard

write 2 sentences
LEAD- IN Students have to (5 minutes)
on the whiteboard,
give their opinions.
one will be written
in present simple
and one will be
written in past
The sentences will
be about famous
artists and famous
Then, the teacher
will ask students
what they think the
sentences are

PRESENTATION Now the teacher T- S whiteboard

talks about two
Students write the (8 minutes)
artists, one that is
words in their
active and one that
is not active
anymore, here the
teacher will explain
some words that
will be seen in the
texts in the
following activity.

The teacher will T- S whiteboard

ask a student to
PRACTICE Answer the worksheet
drive the
worksheets to their (12 minutes)
classmates while
the teacher gives
out the
The teacher will
read the text
aloud, in english
and then in
The teacher will
give students eight
minutes to answer
the questions
When time is
finished the
teacher will write
the answers on the
whiteboard to
make sure

For this activity the Ss- Ss Printed images

teacher will give an
PRODUCTION Students have to notebooks
image with an
artwork to each (10 minutes)
pair that worked “When I look at
together in the this artwork I
previous activity. feel_________.”
Every couple has
to answer the
Students have to
questions that the
teacher writes on
the whiteboard. “This artwork was
created by using
Students will have
(clay, pencils,
ten minutes to
paper, paints,
create the
How do you feel
when you look at
this artwork?
What tools do you
think were used to
create this

CLOSE-UP To close up the Students have to S- S printed images

teacher will ask show their
(15 minutes)
students to create artworks.
an art gallery
inside the
They have to put
the images in the
walls and read
their sentences
aloud besides their

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