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PL-S 2 Pin

Compact Fluorescent Lamps

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Definition Features and Benefits

The PL S (PL Shot) 2 p n ar.rp consists of t\,ro sma d amete. Features Benelits
I Lrorescent tubes br dged together to form a compact, s ng e H gh Lamp Eff cacy Lower energy costs
ended f Lrorescent lamp. PL S anips ofter an energy saving, ong (up to 69 LPW)
ie a ternat ve to lncandescenl amps. I0,000 HoLrr Fated Avg. L fe Redlced nra ntena rce costs
Description Tr chromat c Phosphors Exce en1 co or rendeT fg
(CR 82)
PL S amps are availab e n a var e1y of wattages to rep ace
15 throLrgh 60 watl ncandescent amps whl e consLrm ng as tt e Offe.ed n 2700K, 3500K, Cho ce ol warm, neutra or
as one quaater the energy. These amps Lrt lze rare eafih 4100K & 5000K Chromatct es coo tones 10 evoke a mood
tr chromat c phosphors to prodLrce high qLra ty gh1 'rv th exce ent or enhance the des red
co or render ng propert es and are ava lab e n waTrn, neLrtra and arnb ance
coo co or temperatures The 2 p n amp base ncorporates an ntegra Starter in Base Enab es Lrse of sma choke
ntegra starter which enab es the use of very corrpacl, choke ba asts for attract ve, com
ba asts pact Lrm na res and incan
descent retrof t appJ cai ons

PL S arnps aTe an exce ent cho ce foa genera ight ng, task
Ight ng and secu. ty ghtlng nbothcomllrerca and residentla
env Tonments TheV are deal for recessed and surface mo!nted
down ghts, , ,a lwashers, pendant um na res, wa I sconces, desk
amps, tab e arnps and exlt s gns.

Philips Lighting Company Philips Lighting
200 Franklin Square Drive I P.O. Box 6800 601 Milner Avenue
Somerset, NJ 08875-6800 Scarborough, Ontario M1B 1M8
A D v s on of Nofth Amer can Ph I ps Corporation
Pr nred in USA 4/93 P 3544
A Dlvs on of Ph lps E ectrof cs L mited

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PL-S 2 Pin Compact Fluorescent Lamps
Electrical, Technical and Ordering Data tsublect 10 change wirhout nor ce)

std Overa Avg Co or Co or l/lin

Numbe. Order fg Length Temp Re.der ng Start,ng
otv (Kevnl (cR ) Iemp 1'F)
33233 PL S 5W27 5 c23 cFr5w /G23t21 4 t" 10.000 250 210 0 140

342568 PLS7W27 G23 CFITW lG23/27 60 5 /. 10,000 400 0.180 45 2700 a2

306639 PLS7W27 G23 cFI7WtG23t21 50 5 /. 10 000 400 335 0 180 4a 21OA
32780-9 7W35
PL-S l G23 cFT7WG23/35 5 /. 10 000 400 335 0.180 45 350Q a2
33A699 PLS7W41 G23 cFT7WG23/4r 60 5't. r0 000 400 0 180 45 4100
36809,2 7W4l
PL S G23 cFT7W/G23/41 50 5 /. 10 000 400 335 0 r80 45 4100
333a49 PLS7W50 I c23 cFT7WG23/50 60 5'/. l0 000 4AO

342516 Pt S9W27 9 G23 CFI9\r"ttC23l21 60 6,/. r0 000 600 500 0 180 59 27AA 82
306654 PLS9W27 I G23 CFI9V'1lG23l2l 50 6',/, r0.000 600 500 0 1E0 59 21AA 82 l5'F
327866 PLS9W35 I G23 CFT9WG23/35 60 6 t. 10,000 600 500 0 rE0 59 3500 a2 t5"F
33870-7 PL.S 9W4l 9 G23 CFT9WG23/41 60 6',/. 10,000 600 500 0 r80 59 4t0Q a2
36810 0 PL S 9W/41 9 823 CFT9WG23/41 50 6 /, r0.00Q 600 500 0 180 59 4100 a2 I5"F
333856 PLS9W50 I G23 CFT9WG23/50 60 6| 10,000 59 5000 I5.F
342544 PL S r3W27 t3 GX23 CFT]3WGX23/27 60 1.1 .. 10,000 900 750 0 285 60 21OA
30667 0 PtS 13vlt21 r3 GX23 CFT]3WGX23/27 50 l tt 10,000 900 154 0.285 60 27AA 82
321442 PL S 13W35 13 GX23 CFTl3WGX23/35 60 1.1. r0.000 900 75Q 0 285 60 3500
307835 PLSl3w4l 13 GX23 CFT]3WGX23/4] 60 1J. 10,000 900 154 0.285 60 4t00 82
368118 PLSr3w4l 13 GX23 CFTl3WGX23/41 50 7't. r0.000 900 750 o 245 41AA a2
333864 PLSr3W50 t3 GX23 CFT]3WGX23/50 60 l.t, 10,000 0 285 60 5000

Rat.d averaqe rle based on slan&rd t€s condlons \rih am.s rlrned cffaid resraned i
'D€sqr umensareapproi.rar€ umeis al409o oi raled aleraoe fet4000rrourel

PLS5V! ast Usage w rlr orher ba aslsw ,es!( ish.rleiea ehpandba ast le

<D PL-S 2 Pin Lamp Specification

Lamps sha Ibe Ph ips PL S 2 p n
amps having:
. Color renderlng lndex of B2
base (G23 or GX23)
. ColoT temperatLrre of l2lAjK,
3500K, 4100K. 5000K)
. Nomina Wattage (5, 7, 9, 13)
. TLrbes connected by bridge weld for
optima tlrerma characteristlcs

Lamp Dimensions: lnches (mm)

PL-S 5W PL.S 7W PL-S 9W PL-S 13W
A 2.6 (66) 3 7 (95t 5.0 (127) 5.9 (150)
B 3.2182) 4411111 5.6(143) 6.5(165)
c 4 r (104) 5 2 (133) 6.5 (1 65) 7.4 (188)
D 1 1 (2Bt 11(29 1.1 (28) 1.1 l2a)
<E > E 1 3 (34) r 3 (34) 1.3 (s4) r.3 (34)


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