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College of Fine Arts, Architecture & Design


Arch’l Design 6 – Major Plate No 2 by: Ar. Mela

EASTPORTRANS - East Portal Multi-Modal Transport Terminal - Group of 3 members

Statement of the Problem:

The mass public transportation composed of buses, jeepneys, taxis, Grab, and the phenomenal
shuttle vans or UV Express Services are causing problems to the traffic flow in Metro Manila. One of
the solution to this problem is to limit the number of buses entering Metro Manila. The government
have identified three (3) control points for the provincial buses; The Northrail Multi-modal Terminal,
the South Park and Ride Terminal, and the East Portal Multi-Modal Transport Terminal
(theoretical names).

The problem calls for the design of a transport terminal for vehicles coming and going to the
Eastern Side of Metro Manila. The Facility will cater to five (5) Bus companies that will dispatch two
(2) buses every hour. In addition to five (8) jeepneys, five (8) U Express vans. Taxis and Grab are not
allowed to enter the facility but will be assigned a space to pick up passengers.
The EASTPORTRANS will be supported by a wide range of retail facilities, lounging areas,
dining concessions in addition to the basic components such as offices, hygiene rooms, the
concourse, parking, and security. Provisions for pandemic situation should be highly considered.

Project Objectives:
1. To redevelop / design a new UP Diliman Terminal w/ Shopping Arcade that should express the
Community’s desire for excellent public service.
2. To design Building(s) that can maximize space. Ratio of spaces shall be as follows:
a. 60% of the GFA shall consist of rentable areas,
b. 40% of the GFA shall be the common areas like lobbies, hallways, stairways and others.
3. To incorporate all utility elements that are necessary for the delivery of services.

The Site:
The Project Site is a rectangular lot, with a two hundred meter (200.0 m) wide frontage
facing the 14 m RROW the south side. The depth is one hundred meters (100.m). The west side is
a ten meter one-way road going southwards and at the east side is another ten meter road one way
going northwards.

Drawing Requirements:
Concept Board w/ Site Analysis – Sheet #1
2 - Exterior Perspectives nts (1 viewed from the Southeast angle @ 2nd floor Level height, 1 viewed at
Northwest @ normal view - Sheet #2
Site Development Plan (Scale 1:500 mts), 2 Highlight Interior Perspectives nts - Sheet #3
Ground Floor Plan on Site (Scale 1: 300 mts) - Sheet 4
Other Floor Plans - succeeding sheets
4 sides Building Elevations of each structures (Scale 1:300 mts) - succeeding sheets
2 Sections per Structure (Scale 1: 300 mts) - succeeding sheets
Research - 4 Chapters (Thesis Writing Format). APA standard of citation, short bond paper, arial font
10, 1.5-spaced, justified and portrait orientation, 1inch margin on all sides, with title page, table
of contents and bibliography.

Research must include:

Architectural Space Program and Room Data Sheet
Related studies on Green Architecture, Disaster Resiliency, Pandemic Adaptability, etc.
Building Code Requirements

20x30 Snow white paper on all sheets, black cartolina back and front cover.
Manual Drafting, inked, mixed-media fully rendered

number of sheets shall depend on the students

the work shall be done in groups of 3 members and will be graded accordingly with their performance
as group on the research, design process (Planning and Design), design presentation, and quality of
final output. The Group’s creativity, critical thinking and professionalism will be highly valued.

Submission Dates:
Research: April 4, 2023
Plates and all other requirements will be presented and submitted on APRIL 18, 2023


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