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Vocabulary Unit 4

Name: Luis Machado.

Date: Monday, November 28th 2022.

Word Form Definition Translation

1 Maybe not Adv Perhaps, perchance Tal vez no
2 No, wait v Wait for, wait around, expect No, espera
3 One adj Alone, lonely, all alone Uno, una
4 Dessert n Sweet, arters. Postre
5 Beans n Fruit of this plant, edible and in the form Frijoles
of an elongated, narrow and flattened
6 Only adv Just, alone, merely, solely Solamente
7 Lamb n Young sheep that is one or two years old. Cordero
8 Try n Intent, attemp. Probar
9 Recipes n Prescription Receta
10 Bake v Cooking, burning. Hornear
11 Butter n Fat extracted from the adipose tissues Manteca
that surround the viscera of certain
animals, especially pigs.
12 Anything Pron Whatever, whatsover. Cualquier cosa
13 Wrong Adj Incorrect, inaccurate, improper. Incorrecto.
14 Try out v Test, taste, try Probar
15 Salad n Dish that is prepared by mixing different Ensalada
foods, raw or cooked, mainly chopped
vegetables, and is served cold or
lukewarm, and seasoned or seasoned
with a sauce.

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