Тема 6. Синтаксические трансформации. Задание для самостоятельной работы 1

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Тема 6. Синтаксические трансформации.

Задание для самостоятельной работы 1.

Членение высказываний при переводе

Задание 1. Переведите следующие предложения с английского

1. If anything, it will be in their interests to follow this course.
2. Other researchers, however, remained adamant that there are few if any
gender differences in management.
3. When a hearing is finished, the committee decides what report, if any, it
will make to the House on the measure.
4. Though this thesis sounds admirably democratic in principle, most people
believe that it would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for them to
attain unity and real democracy.
5. Over a period I have asked my bronchial friends who smoke, what advice,
if any, their doctor has given them in this matter.
5. The universities have shown few if any signs of a willingness to change.
6. Brian rarely, if ever, goes to bed before 3 am.
7. Their policies have changed little, if at all, since the last election.
8. The snow was now two feet deep, making it difficult, if not impossible, to
get the car out.
9. It's a really fast car, if a little expensive.

Объединение высказываний при переводе

1) Наличие тесной смысловой связи между двумя высказываниями

Demand for oil is 12 percent higher than it was a decade ago. Gas demand is
30 percent higher. – За последнее десятилетие спрос на нефть и газ увеличился
на 12 и 30 процентов соответственно.
Yet at the moment consumers and government seem to be in denial. They
refuse to accept their own responsibility. – Однако и потребители, и
правительство, судя по всему, не готовы нести свою долю ответственности.
2) Свертывание придаточного предложения в словосочетание с
отглагольным существительным
There are many things we do not know. – Многое нам не известно.
The United States entered the war April 16, 1917, two-and-one-half years
after the hostilities began. – Соединенные Штаты вступили в войну 16 апреля
1917 года, спустя два с половиной года после начала боевых действий.
When all the mergers are completed, the four largest companies will account
for no more than 12 percent of world oil supply. – Даже после завершения
слияний на долю четырех крупнейших компаний будет приходиться лишь 12
процентов мировых поставок нефти.

Задание 2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. A recent national survey of 107,804 adults by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention found that more than two-thirds of Americans – 64 percent
of men and 78 percent of women – are either dieting to lose weight or watching
what they eat to prevent themselves from gaining weight.
2. The contents of the treaty have been recently published, it being no longer
necessary to keep them secret.
3. The peaceful demonstration at the big Ford plant in Dearborn was broken
up, with four workers killed and fifty wounded.
4. Only the Russian Bolsheviks opposed the war consistently with the left-
wing socialists in many countries also offering various degrees of resistance.
5. As the hunger marchers moved along Pennsylvania Avenue they were
flanked by two solid rows of policemen, most of them club in hand.
6. We sped northward with the high Rocky Mountains peaks far off to the
7. We had two enemy agents arrested, whose role was to create panic by
spreading false rumours about the approach of the Germans.
8. In World War II Great Britain lost about 350,000 killed and missing and
had her towns and factories blitzed.
9. These speeches were designed to obscure the issues by inflaming public
opinion and stampeding Congress into repressive action.
10. The General Executive cannot give his mind to every detail of factory
management, but he can get the things done.
11. No suitable opportunity offering, he was dragooned by family and
friends into an assistant-professorship at Harvard.
12. The Tory government would have the British people believe that the US
missiles would strengthen the country's security.
13. The fear of lightning is a particularly distressing infirmity for the reason
that it takes the sand out of a person to an extent which no other fear can, and it
can't be shamed out of a person.

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