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~The ousiders~

Scene one:-
Narrator: The two gangs of
Oklahoma have always been against one another.
Ponyboy Curtis, third amongst his brothers belongs
to the group “geasers” with his brothers, Darry and
Sodapop, Dally and Johnny. On the other side are
the “socs” known very well for their wealth or
atleast their family’s. At the most critical time of the
rumble, Dally manages to show up.

Paul: hold up, hold it-

Darry: (receives a punch from paul)
Dally: comes running and jumps on paul.
Ponyboy [to Dally]: I thought you were at the
Dally: well I ain’t now.
Ponyboy: how?
Dally: talked the nurse into it. Don’t ya know a
rumble ain’t a rumble unless I’m in it?
[Ponyboy gets kicked by a sock but finds a way to
wrap his hands around around his neck to make
him suffocate a little]
[Ponyboy is bruised]
Someone: they are running look at them bastards
Darry: we won. We beat the socs.
Dally [to ponyboy, grabbing his shirt]: Come on!
We are going to see Johnny.
[Ponyboy stumbles to get up]
Dally: Hurry! He was getting worst when I left. He
wants to see you.
Scene 2:-
Narrator: due to the explosion at the
Church, Johnny was severely injured and now is
fighting for his life. Dally and Ponyboy rush to the
hospital to see their beloved friend.
“Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour away.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay”
Dally: Johnny Cade. Johnny!
Johnny[opening his eyes]:Hey.
Dally: We won. We beat the socs, we stomped the,
we chased em outta our territory.
Johnny[in his bleak and weak voice]:
Useless…..fighting’s no good.
Dally: they’re still writing editorials in the paper
‘bout you bein’ and hero and all. We are proud of
you, buddy.
Johnny: Ponnyboy.
[ponyboy gets closer]
Johnny: remember that poem, Ponyboy. I believe,
the poem meant that when you’re a kid,
everything’s gold. Like gold, like the way you dig
sunsets. Keep it that way, tis’ a good way to be. Stay
Gold Ponyboy, Stay gold.
[Johnny dies]
Dally[swallowing his own saliva, choking a little on
his word while pushing back the dead 14-year old’s
hair]: could never keep that hair back. That’s what
you get for tryin’ to help people, you little punk,
that’s what you get. [Slams his fist to the wall]
Dammit Johnny! [Slams again]
Oh, dammit Johnny! Please…don’t..die.
Scene 3:-
Narrator: traumatized because of the boy’s
death, Dally tore himself down and reached a
breaking point, finally getting what he always

Sodapop: Ponyboy, you look tired, sit down

[Darry comes closer to his brother]
Ponyboy: Don’t touch me!
[The Phone rings]
Darry[after listening]: twas dally. He’s robbed a
grocery store and got the cops after him. Needs us
to hide him. He’ll be here in a minute.
Scene 4:-
[everyone, running towards dally]
[Dally raises his gun]
[Everyone, visibly concerned, trying to understand
the situation]
[the gun goes off and Dally kills himself, falls to the
[Ponyboy falls to the ground on his knees and sobs
with heavy breaths]
Sodapop: …easy, Ponyboy, there’s nothin we
coulda’ done
Ponyboy[swallowing air by his mouth to confirm
the existence of his breathing heart]: EASY?!!! How
in the world am I to take it easy? Nothing’s easy!!!
….we’ve lost 2 of our own, how’s it easy.
[Sodapop pulls Ponyboy in for a hug, holding on to
his shoulders and he cries]
Ponyboy[pulling away from his brother’s
embrace): why you Dally Winson? [swallows hard]
you wanted to be dead, and you always got what
you wanted, huh?

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