Ronda, Aeleu Joverz - Science, Technology, and Society - Gec 7 - Assignment 30

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In a short-sized word document, answer the following question incurring gene therapy:

Should people be allowed to use gene therapy to enhance basic human traits such as height,
intelligence, and or athletic ability?

- Gene therapy modifications are a contentious concept and I am still undecided if bestow
this on myself. While it might prevent a particular genetic illness from running in a
family, it could also have unanticipated long-term repercussions or impact a fetus's
growth in unexpected ways. People who would benefit from germline gene therapy
cannot decide whether to get the treatment because they have not yet been born. Some
countries are concerned about these ethical issues. The government prohibits the use of
federal funds for human germline gene therapy research. On many occasions,
competitive sports also forestall this type of modification, because this leads to
disadvantages for individuals.

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