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Xavier’s High School

Sector 49, Gurgaon
Chapter 8- Body Movements
Date: 08.08.2021 Grade: VI Subject: Science

NCERT EXERCISE: (first 3 questions are just for reference, not to be done in notebook)

1. Fill in the blanks:

a) Joints of the bones help in the movement of the body.
b) A combination of bones and cartilages form the skeleton of the body.
c) The bones at the elbow are joined by a hinge joint.
d) The contraction of the muscles pulls the bones during movement.

2. Indicate True/False:
a) The movement and locomotion of all the animals is exactly the same. – False.
b) The cartilages are harder than the bone. - False.
c) The finger bones do not have joints. - False.
d) The fore arm has two bones. – True
e) Cockroaches have an outer skeleton. – True

3. Match the following:

UPPER JAW - is an immovable Jaw.
FISH – Have fins on the body. Have a streamlined body.
RIBS – Protect the heart.
SNAIL – shows very slow movement. Has an outer skeleton.
Cockroach – Can fly in the air. Has an outer skeleton.

Short Definitions:

1. Backbone: The backbone is made of small ring-shaped bones called vertebrae. 33 small bones in a
child or 26 bones in an adult of the backbone join together to form a strong column called the vertebral
column/spine. It protects the delicate spinal cord.

2. Rib Cage: At the back are the vertebrae ,12 pairs of curved and thin bones called the ribs form a rib
cage which protects the heart and the lungs. Ten of them are also attached by cartilage to the breast
bone (Sternum) at the front.

3. Floating Ribs: Out of 12 pairs of ribs, two ribs are free or the two lowest pairs of ribs are only attached
to the spine at the back and not in the front. These are called floating ribs.

4. Cartilage: The ends of bones forming a joint is lined with a layer of tough and elastic tissue called
cartilage. It is an elastic tissue found in many parts of the body like nose and pinna of the ear.
5. Tendons: The muscles are attached to the bones by strong fibers called Tendons.

6. Ligaments: Ligaments are connective tissues which connect two bones at the joints.

7. Ball and Socket Joint: In this joint rounded end of one bone is fixed into the socket of another bone
like the shoulder joint. This joint allows maximum movement in all the directions.

8. Gliding Joints: A joint in which small bones glide over each other and allow movements in different
directions like our wrist joint.

9. Hinge Joint: A joint that allows only back and forth movement only in one direction like the hinges
of the door. It is present at elbow and our knee joint.

10. Pivot joint: The joint where our neck joins with the head is called is called Pivot joint. It allows
forward, backward, right and left turn of the head.


1. Answer the following:

a) What is a ball and socket joint?
When the rounded end of one bone fits in the cavity (hollow space) of other bone and allows
movement in all directions. Such a bone is called as the ball and socket joint. Example- Shoulder joint

b) Which of the skull bones are movable?

Lower jaw.

c) Why can our elbow not move backwards?

Because elbow has hinge joint which allows movement only in one direction.

2. What are the ways by which we can know the shape of the skeleton?
We can know the shape of the skeleton by:
i) Touching and feeling it through our hands.
ii) By X-ray images.

3. Name different parts of the skeleton system.

The human skeleton system has following important parts:
a) Skull (b) Backbone (c) Rib Cage (d) Fore Limb (arms)
(d) Hind Limbs (Legs) (e) Girdles (Shoulder and pelvic Girdle)

4. What are the functions of the skeletal system?

Functions of skeletal system are:
i) It gives and maintains a specific shape of our body.
ii) It forms a rigid framework and supports the weight of our body.
iii) It protects a number of delicate organs present in our body.
iv) It provides a base for the attachment of the muscles and allows the movement of various body
v) It acts as storage of minerals like calcium and phosphorous
vi) Yellow marrow is important for fat storage.
vii) Red bone marrow is involved in production of blood cells.

5. Which all bones are present in the Fore limbs and Hind limbs? (Diagrams are for
reference not to be drawn in notebook)
Fore limbs Hind limbs
1. Humerus in upper arm 1. Femur (thigh bone)
2. Ulna and Radius in lower arm 2. Patella (Knee Cap)
3.Carpals (8 bones) and metacarpals 3. Tibia and fibula (in Lower leg)
(5 Bones) in Wrist 4. Ankle bones (tarsals-7 bones) and
4. Phalanges (14 Bones) in Fingers. metatarsals (5 bones)
In total 30 in each forelimb. 5. Phalanges (14 bones) in Toes
In total 30 bones in each hind limb.

6. How do the muscles work? (Diagrams are for reference not to

be drawn in notebook)
Muscles work in pairs. When one of them contracts, the bone is pulled
in that direction. The other muscle of the pair relaxes. To move the
bone in the opposite direction, the relaxed muscle contracts to pull the
bone towards its original position, while the first relaxes. A muscle can
only pull. It cannot push. Thus, two muscles have to work together to
move a bone.

Extra Questions
1. How does an earthworm move?
Earthworms do not have bones and has a tube-like segmented body.
It has muscles which help to extend and shorten the body.
It has tiny hair-like projections or bristles called setae on the underside of its body.
The slimy substance, called mucus secreted by the body helps the earthworm in its movement.
During the movement, it first extends the front part of the body by keeping the rear part fixed to the
Then it fixes the front part and releases the rear end.It shortens the body and pulls the rear end forward.
Thus, by repeating such muscular expansions and contractions, the earthworm moves.
2.How do birds fly?
Their bones are hollow and light, which makes their body light in weight.
They have streamlined bodies that cut the air current while flying.
They have strong shoulder bones and powerful chest muscles which help them in flapping their wings
during flight.
The bony parts of the forelimbs are modified into wings which help them to fly.
The hind limbs are used for walking and perching.

3.How does a snail move?

A rounded structure called shell is the outer skeleton(exoskeleton) of the snail but it is not made up of
Snails have a large, flat foot made up of strong muscles. The foot produces a slimy substance called
mucus which reduces the friction between the foot and the ground surface.
A trail of mucus is left behind when the snail crawls.

4.How does a fish move in water?

The streamlined shape of the fish offers least resistance to water.
The skeleton of fish is covered with muscles which make the front part of the body to curve to one
side and the tail part swings towards the opposite side.
This gives a jerk to the body and pushes it forward. Series of such jerks make fish swim ahead.
The fins on body help in movement, maintaining the balance of the body and to change direction
while swimming.
The tail fin acts like a rudder that helps the fish to change its direction while swimming.

5.How does a cockroach move?

Their body is covered with hard outer skeleton (exoskeleton).
Cockroaches have three pairs of jointed legs and strong muscles to pull these legs.
This enables them to walk or run.
Their feet have tiny claws that help them climb on walls.
They have two pairs of wings but can fly only short distances. The breast muscles move the wings,
when the cockroach flies.
Cockroaches have a pair of antennae to smell things and a pair of cerci that can detect even very
slight movement.

6.How does a snake move?

Snakes have a long flexible backbone.
They have thin muscles which are interconnected and also connect the ribs, skin and backbone.
Each vertebra is connected to a pair of ribs and also connected to the belly scales at the bottom.
While moving, the body of snake curves into s-shaped loops.
Loop of the body gives snake a forward push by pressing against the ground.
Since it has many loops so there are each loop gives it a push so snakes move very fast.

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