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Файл: 101- Test Your English Vocabulary in Use.

Elementary_McCarthy, O'Dell_2010


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< Предыдущая 23 / 30 Следующая >

Test 13
13.1 1 armchair; sofa

2. carpet 7 remote control

3. 1K'okshelf switch

9 coffee table

5 curtains marksl


marks•: I for correct name and 1 for correct

13.3 close/shut 2 turrdswitch; off 3 watch 4 relax 14

Test 14
14.1 a hairdre«er

2. a secretary icould also be an +

ad'üinistrative assistanx or linforrnall
assissaat — see also 14.2 no. 5

3. a farmer

4. a doctor

5. an engmecr

6. a mechanic a waiter Irn.ale or female) /


8. a nurse

9. a teacher to a shop assistant (10 marks)


14.2 mechanic

2 farmer

4 teacher

S secretary lor perso•taj assrstant or I informal PA

or assistant'

6 shop assistant cngmccr

8 doctor nurses

10 waiters 'male or female) / waitresses (female)

110 marks}

14.3 1 False: a bus driver drives a bus.


False: a librarian works in a library- A person who

works in a bookshop is shop assistant or (the
person who owns it) a bookseller.

4. a traffic warden checks parked cars,

5. True

6. False; you can say have interesting or I

have an interesting jab.

7. True

8. False: you would say a teacher,

False: a person who repairs cars is called a


10 True (10 marks)

Test 15
15.1 geography

2. art

3. biology

4. physical education / PE

5. maths, mathematgcs

6. history information
/ IT

8 physics

10 chemistry (10 marks)

1 5.2 1 Ohp-b
2. board — i or f

3. ruler — d

4. notebook — g

5. pencil — c

6. rubber — i cassette — k

8 drawing pin — e

10 pencil sharpener — h 110 marks)

15.3 1 doing 3 write S doing 1' pass; fail reading

learn 6 ends/finishes; take/do 8 teaches

00 marks)

Test 16
16.1 keyboard 3 mobile phone S telephone letter 4
letter box 6 screen marks)

16.2 I address message 3 online 4 mouse 5

CD/disk 110 marks: 2 each)

rest bur EneEeh btabu,lary E.ite•rrterttary 73

16.3 Hello.

2. Hi, can I speak to Ken?'

3. He's not here right now. Who's calling? 4

It's Joanna. Could you give him a

5. Yeah.

6. Could you tell him I called and I'll call

back later. 7 Okay, l ill tell him.

8. Thanks.

9. No problem. Bye.

0 Bye, NO marksj

16.4 1 Where are our holiday photos?

2. What is address?

3. Can I make a (phone) call?

4. What is the date on letter? What is the /

On what date was the letter written? marks}

Test 17

17.1 1 travellerk cheques 6 your luggage

J a phrasebook

3. currency 8 postcards \ emails / text


4. a package holiday 9 a rucksack (or


5. nightlife 10 a ferry markS

17.2 1 a large comfortable bus 4 a•CtOSS

2. they look at your passport 5 in a


3. a special visa (5 marks)

1. 7.3 1 had 6 food 11 go

2. flew nightlife 12 flight

3. ferry 8 speak 13 car

9 phrasebook 14 rgavelleNs cheques

5 by 10 going 15 currency IIS marks)

Test 1B

18.1 1 a butcher/ a butcherk 5 a chemist / a

chemistts \ a pharmacy a baker / a bakeös

3 a gift shop


18.2 1 electrical products electricals

2. furniture

3. cosmetiCS beauty

•1 toys

5. childrenswear clothes clothing/ clothes

6. ladieswearfwomenswear or

7. sports (equipment)

8. menswear men's clothes / men's

Clothing IS marksl

18.3 1 IXtSTOMEX: The shop assistant said I could

change it if I kept the receipt. 2 CUSTOMER:
Where can I pay for this, please?

SHOP ASSISTANr: YOU eart pay at that cash desk

/ cash rcgi'ter over there.

(till counter is also possible)

3. SHOP ASSISTANT" Can I help you,


CTXSTOF-,IE'Z Yes, how much does this har cost?

MIC)" ASSISTANT: Oh, leth see. Here we are —


Test bur English 'hcobulory Use Elementary

3. (In a small

CUSTOMER; Can I pay by credit card?

Sorry, sir, we dani have a machine. Oh
Can I write a cheqac?
'WAITER : No, I'm sorry, sir, cash only. This is ius
small café.
5 I like this sweater. Shall I buy it?

Why you it on first and see how it looks on

you? Yes, maybe I should.

6 IThe customer has iusr bought a scarf)

SHOP ASSISTANT: There you are, madam. 625,

and herebs your cha*ge, SS. Shall I put it in a
{carrier) bag for you?

NO, thanks, I'll put it on. It's today!

7 C.Iß I bought this jacket yesterday, It's big fa

Do you a smaller size?
have it
19.1 S lift 7 bill 9h
key Itele)phone
4 luggage 6 8 receptvon 10
19.2 3 sign 5 7 9 change
ave have order
2 6 get 8 10 check out
19.3 5 a double room
bill g re

2. the lifr 10

3. a. key

4. a single room

Test 20
1. snack 4 list
2. rare; medium; well-done 5 starters desser

3 soft 6 order

20.3 new pct{atco 3 fruit salad

salmon fillet 4 apple pie green salad and fruit Pie

arc a so (4 marks)

Test 21

21.1 Do you go running? 6 you go racing? 2 DO

you go 7 Do you go snowboarding? 3 Do you
play baseball? a Do you play rugby?

4. DO you play tab e tennis,ž 9 Do you

play basketballï

5. you go kayaking? 10 go

(10 markse h for the sport and h for the right verb
—go or play)

21.2 a swimmmg pool iudo, karage (2 marks)

2. a pitch 7 horse racing

3. a basketball courr 8 \ table badminton

4. g motor racing

5. a sports cenrrc

bur EngfiSh LIS e 75

21.3 Skiing— because all rhe mhers are done ordin


2 — because al] the others use other things to help

the person go faster 'they use a boat or a horse or a
can, \ Sailing— it is on water and all the others are
done on land, Badmmtort — because all the
Others use balls. / Baseball — because all the
Others nets. / Volleyball — because all the others
aced a racqueflhar,

4. RI'gby — because all the Others use

round balls. / Table tennis— because all
the others are team

5. American football — because all the

Others are played on a court. / Tennis —
becanse all the others are team sports.

110 1 for the correct sport, 1 for a correct reason)

Test 22

22.1 1 science fiction b comedy

2 cartoon we•slern
thriller 8 action
4 horror 9 romantic comedy or love story
5 musical

22.2 Wh:afi on ot the cinema

2. relax and watch DVDs

3. I was boxed. / was br.ring was boring'

means you made peoplc bored!)

4. to Cinema

5. I enjoyed it very much

6. fillt'l TV (12 marks: 2 each}

22.3 action

2. cartoon

3. science fiction

4. comedy

S romantic comedy/love

6. horror

7. western (sometimes also called cowboy

thriller {sometimes also called
detective markS

Test 23

23.1 1 True

2. False She is playing a computer game,

3. False He watching a on TV.

4. False: She is gardening,

5. True

6. False: He is listening ro his MP3 player,

', 10 1 fir correctly label[ing each sentence true or

false; I for correcting each of the four false

23.2 1 having Il phone 5 grown watch g stay

2 had 4 6 use B calk 10 download

(10 marksl

23.3 1 Grandfather always has a sleep after lunch. /

After lunch Grandfather always has a sleep.

2 1 ike reading books about famous people. 1

usually listen to the radio •n rny can 4 My favourite
films arc musicals.

5 My mother has a lat Of novels, (10 marks}

76 Test roar English iri

< Предыдущая 23 / 30 Следующая >

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык

101- Test Your English Vocabulary in Use. 174

Elementary_McCarthy, O'Dell_2010 -94p.docx

English Vocabulry in Use Elementary (1).docx 321

Документ Microsoft Word.docx 20

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