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1. I will be shocked, scared, and disgusted. I would be scared because of the terrorist attacks.

I am
shocked that child marriage still happens and I am disgusted with people who do sinful things
like rape and molestation. I feel pity for people who got raped and molested.
2. No, I will not forgive the person who sinned against me and did these things to me. If I was
raped or molested or sold for marriage by another human who well knows what they are doing
is sinful then I will not forgive them nor I am in the place to forgive them fully, only God has the
right to forgive someone fully and when I say I am not in the place to forgive them it doesn’t
mean I forgive them and that what they did is not sinful or bad at all. If they have sinned, they
must be punished.

Activity 2

1. I have taken care of a sick loved one of mine. There isn’t anything difficult when I am taking care
of the sick, the only hardest thing you will experience is seeing your loved one squirming from
the pain, seeing them hurt.
2. Yes, I have experienced sickness in my life. The difficulties I have encountered are mostly how
painful my body or a part of my body is when I am sick and how the people around me are
worried about me.

Activity 3

10 or 15 years from now, I would honestly think I'll see myself as a successful accountant, have all the
things I need, have already given back the favor I owe my parents, and build many charities across the
country. Giving everything that my family needs and wants, especially when it comes to my brothers.
Spoiling them is the only thing I want to do when I successfully have a job. I honestly have no intention
of being in a relationship or getting married to someone. I am not into it and I do not like it, I do not
have a problem with staying alone for the rest of my life, and for me, it is rather calming and peaceful
that is why I want it. Since the word peaceful is something that I haven’t been through my whole
childhood or rather my whole life as I have a very problematic family. I have the will to live as a single
person, I do not know if it is a sin but it is my full intention when I grow up. Though I want a peaceful life
without marrying someone, it doesn’t mean I don’t want children. So rather than birthing another
human being out of me, I have an intention to adopt children from across the world. To give them a
chance to live their lives to the fullest, I will support them physically, mentally, and financially. That is
the vocation I want to attain, to be single until I die but to have children that I will be adopting to give
them a chance or a will to do whatever they want in their lives. I promised myself I would not let them
go through all the bad things I have been through and might go through in my life and to treat them as
my own. I do not fully well know how many I want to adopt but it doesn’t matter, I’ll just see in the
future then. My only vocation is to spoil my soon-to-be children and give them everything they want and
need. “Why?” you ask, that is because that is what I want. I came from a family that is not poor but not
rich, we are in the middle class. I have a very problematic family that caused me not to enjoy my
childhood, I won’t say I have trauma but it is traumatic to see a complete family that has a broken
connection, we either fight every single day, we either talk bad against each other, we either hold
grudges against each other but don’t worry we also have a good bonding that will probably last a day.
This right here is the reason I do not want to marry anyone and have a child of my own. I mean my
choices still might change but I don’t want a marriage to have a family, and I don’t want a family that has
zero connection to each family member and all they do is destroy each other. I will say my parents try
hard and their best to get me through school and are waiting for me to graduate college but they aren’t
perfect in parenting either, I don’t want to be a bad parent to my children or to have a partner that has
no respect and knowledge about how a child’s brain work. I do not want to traumatize and make myself
feel bad, that is the reason I do not want marriage. But again my choices might still change.

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