Chapter 1 - Away From The Kingdom

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The Great Lion and the Woman

Chapter 1 – Away from the Kingdom

Once in the time of 1884, A Great king named Wilson the Second, Ruled the people of Saudi Arabia.
The kingdom was given the name Colombia and was filled with joy and pleasure. The king was happy
and had a lot of power. Two smiling daughters were born to the Queen. The king seemed excited at first
but later frustrated. The king didn’t want to look after two daughters while ruling seven countries of
Saudi Arabia. After a lot of thinking, the king decided to give away their child to a trustworthy and
honest person. They found a perfect person in Oman, by the name of Gilgomern. He was a person who
was respected and loved by the people of Oman. He worked as a doctor who treated ill patients and
children. He’s won several awards in doctoring competitions which were available back then. The king
gave him their two daughters alongside 28,000,000 Saudi Rials. Gilgomern seemed surprised at first and
felt that he was lucky. The king gave him their lovely daughters, thinking that Gilgomern would look
after them like his own children. Gilgomern was called by the name of Gil, as it is short and easy to
pronounce. His cottage was a good service, but he decided to buy a mansion for him and his daughters
to live in. He built that mansion with the help of some masons who were friends with him for a long
time. He built it in Muscat, so his daughters would be respected by the people of the country. We were
not Princesses now; we were village girls. He raised his daughters for a good 7 years. The younger
daughter was 5 and was named Amelia. The older daughter was 7 and was named Diana. They were
raised with wealth and knowledge. Gil dared not to let his daughters near the deep dark forest of
Muscat, because a Great lion famous for its strength had killed thousands before the 17s, and is lying in
a small hut in the forest of Muscat. Amelia often asked why Gil would not let them go and explore the
forest? But Gil did not answer except the answer “You need to get older before you search and explore
the forest”. But one thing that I knew when I grew up was, even a strong soldier who won several wars,
died at the hands of the Great lion named Zuba. Diana was way different from what I’ve heard. She likes
to stay at home playing chess or sit on the couch lying and resting. Cambridge college was the school
which Diana and also, I, Amelia went to. I got better grades than Diana which made My “father” happy,
and Diana got grades that were way far from mine and made our “father” very disappointed. He didn’t
treat us differently except I would get my allowance when I was 18 and Diana didn’t. He was afraid that
She would do mischievous activities with it, But He was confident of me because I didn’t do any minor
sins, in my early childhood. Because of that Diana was jealous of me and didn’t like me near our “father”
at all! My father often told her “Don’t be jealous of your sister!” but she kept on bringing the habit.
Chapter 2 – At the Festival and into the
There was a festival which came by the name “FestiVista” we were thrilled to go to the festival until our
father stopped us with a warning “Don’t even think about going near people that you haven’t met” and
let us roam free around the festival. Hundreds of thousands of people came all around the world. There
were lots of festivals that were happening now and there. With the allowance money that our “father”
gave me, we moved about to get some sweets off the checklist. When we came across a shop titled
“Sweets & Cakes – Since 1626” We thought it would be the perfect place to buy some chocolate. The
shop owner asked “What are these 28-year-old girls doin’ in the middle of a shop?” he said. “I’m 22 and
She’s 20. Not correct but close!” Diana said. I whispered to Diana “DIANA. Don’t you remember our
father said not to communicate with strangers?” “He doesn’t know who strangers are,” she said.
“Umm… Can we have some White chocolate?” She said in a gasp. “How much?” said the shopkeeper,
firmly. “2 pounds will do,” I said confidently. Then Diana bothered my opinion and said “I think 5 pounds
is enough.” “Fine….” I said Unhappily. We had only 20 Saudi Rials in my pockets. And it costs over 10!
Unwilling to get scolded by my older sister when I put in the necessary amount, I was not happy. Then,
the shopkeeper said to follow him. I Refused. But Diana anyways followed him. I was reminded about
the father’s warning, over and over again. But Diana kept Ignoring me and following the stranger like it
was a journey for 1,000,000 Saudi Rials. It became dawn. Wolves from the deep dark forest started
howling, at the moon. I was scared, as the stranger is letting us into the middle of the woods. Then, a
roar of a lion came in our direction; I froze like stone. But Diana kept walking like it was no Biggy.
Suddenly, the stranger disappeared into Dust! We were Terrified. Diana also started regretting herself
following the stranger. I was shaking and scared, Not knowing the creatures who lie in the forest. We
were so far down in the forest; we didn’t know the route to freedom. Before leaving us, the stranger
took our pocket money like it was his. Suddenly a Lion came creeping towards us; It was almost like it
was wounded, and it was. Its leg was cut off. It could barely even move. “Food...” it said in a whispering
voice. We both were shocked that it could talk. I gave some leftover meat that our father gave us before
the event. The meat was in my basket. I paused for a moment to get the meat, but it roared at me. In a
way that gave Diana the thought of running. When I was giving the meat, it tried to bite me! Thinking I
was trying to hurt it. So, I threw the meat to the ground and it seemed happy to eat it. “WHY ARE YOU
HELPING IT??” said Diana furiously. “It seemed it could use some food” I replied calmly. “When it eats
food, it gets energy and it’ll eventually KILL US!” said Diana in the same manner. “I think it’s a loyal lion.
It won’t.” I said Not knowing the long story of Zimba. Its pet wolf came and howled calmly. I became
calm, while Diana began to RUN; It was too late for me to stop her. It was me, a leg-less lion and a
menacing wolf, In the deep dark forest of Oman. It told me to follow him. but I followed him. I couldn’t
refuse, thinking it will eat me, And I could not move fast, thinking it was a trap. So, I followed like a
turtle. Suddenly I saw a cave nearby, and it was huge. The suspicious wolf also followed us which made
me think curiously “Was this a trap?”
Chapter 3 – Out from the woods and into
the cave I fall!
After the thought came to my head of following the Lion, it led me into a cave; a large one. When I
explored the cave, I saw lots of meat; That was the meat of the soldiers and deers that the lion had
killed. It was terrifying to see the dead bodies lying around in the huge cave. The dead bodies were
covered with blood and they were on stone spikes. The lion led me to a separate corridor that had
pictures of the lion, I thought the lion drew them because the lion could speak! The lion said to me “Call
me Zimba. That’ll do” There was no escape so I followed the lions’ rules and hoped for the best. So, I
said “Yes Zimba” “Cook me some Meat. Or I’ll CHOP YOU DOWN WITH MY SHARP CLAWS!” Said the lion
curious to see whether I would follow his rules. I cooked the meat of a deer that was lying in the cave. I
gave the well-done venison to Zimba; cooking the meat with a match in the matchbox which was lying in
my bag. Seeing as there was no surface to keep it except a piece of stone. He ripped the meat with his
canines and ate it; feeling very satisfied. I spoke up bravely and said “Who are you? And why did you
bring me here?” “I’m a lion who’s won several wars with brave soldiers. A witch cut my leg, as you can
see. I was a prince in the kingdom parosmia.” “I brought You here—Wait I need to finish my meal.” He
said in a hungry tone. And then it finished its meal; He said “brrr. I have never eaten cooked venison
before; I ate it raw. The cooked meat seems pretty nice!” “Anyways I brought you here because I
wanted a servant to do my work; I have no leg. So, it’s hard doing this work alone, I thought you would
be a perfect servant,” said Zimba. I finally understood what Zimba was talking about. He was trying to
make me a servant of his own and trying to kill me later! I didn’t want that. I was planning to be his
servant and stall for a little and look for an escape! The second task he gave me was to massage his
hands! I did it as he intended me to do. And the tasks he gave me went on for a while.

7 Weeks Later….
I thought I’ve had enough of this. So, I began my journey to look for an escape route in the cave. I had
no idea what was my father thinking. He could be thinking I ran away, I am trapped, or even that I was
dead! When I was exploring around the cave a little bit, I saw a bright light of ray shining through my
eyes. “Bingo!” I spoke; Quietly. The lion and the wolf were asleep; There was no way that I was getting
caught! I grappled up the outer surface of the cave and tried to climb. It’s foolish of me to think that the
lion had small ears. But when I even tried to grapple out of the cave, The lion stopped me. It gave a
warning “If you ever try to think about getting out of this cave!” “If you dared, I’ll Kill you like stepping
on a bug!” Said Zimba Roaring with anger. I said to myself “OH COMEON, Do I have to stay here until he
is dead?!”

Chapter 4 – Coming across a beautiful

Another day, more work to do. I was tired of doing Zimba’s work. I wanted to escape this cave instantly.
I got permission from Zimba to leave the cave,

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