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add_namespace = afghanistan

#The Afghan Civil War

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.1
title = afghanistan.1.t
desc = afghanistan.1.d
picture = GFX_report_event_afghani_civil_war

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
set_global_flag = the_afghan_civil_war

option = { #Side with the Taliban

name = afghanistan.1.o1
add_popularity = {
ideology = conservative
popularity = 0.4
start_civil_war = {
ideology = conservative
size = 0.6
states = { 837 824 }
capital = 837

ai_chance = {
factor = 100

option = { #Side with the Northern Alliance

name = afghanistan.1.o2
set_politics = {
ruling_party = conservative
elections_allowed = yes
start_civil_war = {
ideology = islamist
size = 0.4
states = { 267 415 }
capital = 267

ai_chance = {
factor = 0

#American Focus Tree: Support the Afghan Forces

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.2
title = afghanistan.2.t
desc = afghanistan.2.d
picture = GFX_report_event_america_and_afghanistan
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = afghanistan.2.o1
army_experience = 15

option = {
name = afghanistan.2.o2
air_experience = 15

#American Focus Tree: Support the Afghan Government

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.3
title = afghanistan.3.t
desc = afghanistan.3.d
picture = GFX_report_event_america_and_afghanistan

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = afghanistan.3.o1
add_political_power = 100

option = {
name = afghanistan.3.o2
add_stability = 0.1

option = {
name = afghanistan.3.o3
add_stability = 0.05

#American Focus Tree: Afghan Army Reform

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.4
title = afghanistan.4.t
desc = afghanistan.4.d
picture = GFX_report_event_america_and_afghanistan

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #The help is appreciated.

name = afghanistan.4.o1
army_experience = 15

option = { #We shall maximize our efforts.

name = afghanistan.4.o2
army_experience = 40
add_political_power = -30
#American Focus Tree: Afghan Executive Support
country_event = {
id = afghanistan.5
title = afghanistan.5.t
desc = afghanistan.5.d
picture = GFX_report_event_america_and_afghanistan

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = afghanistan.5.o1
add_political_power = 80
add_stability = 0.02

#American Focus Tree: Afghan Air Force Reform

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.6
title = afghanistan.6.t
desc = afghanistan.6.d
picture = GFX_report_event_america_and_afghanistan

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = afghanistan.6.o1
air_experience = 20

#American Focus Tree: Afghan Judiciary Reform

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.7
title = afghanistan.7.t
desc = afghanistan.7.d
picture = GFX_report_event_america_and_afghanistan

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = afghanistan.7.o1
add_stability = 0.03

#American Focus Tree: Restoration of Sovereignity

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.8
title = afghanistan.8.t
desc = afghanistan.8.d
picture = GFX_report_event_america_and_afghanistan

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = afghanistan.8.o1
effect_tooltip = {
USA = {
set_autonomy = { target = AFG autonomy_state =
autonomy_free }

#American Focus Tree: Operation Freedom's Sentinel

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.9
title = afghanistan.9.t
desc = afghanistan.9.d
picture = GFX_report_event_america_and_afghanistan

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = afghanistan.9.o1
add_political_power = 75
add_stability = 0.02

#The Karzai Administration

country_event = {
id = afghanistan.10
title = afghanistan.10.t
desc = afghanistan.10.d
picture = GFX_report_event_hamid_karzai

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = afghanistan.10.o1
add_political_power = 100
add_stability = 0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = conservative
popularity = 0.6
add_popularity = {
ideology = islamist
popularity = 0.26
add_popularity = {
ideology = social_liberal
popularity = 0.09
add_popularity = {
ideology = communist
popularity = 0.05
fourth_estate_conservative_increase = yes
fourth_estate_islamist_increase = yes
fourth_estate_social_liberal_increase = yes
fourth_estate_communist_increase = yes
remove_ideas = partially_recognized_state

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