Sociology Reflection 1

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Reflection 1

Kim Marin

Seneca College

SLL 307 KFF: Sociology: A Practical Approach

Professor Solmaz Ryan

September 25, 2021


Reflection 1

Would you blame a dog for not having an owner? Or for not having his own

doghouse and tell them that it's their fault why there are problems with strays? I know

it's quite a stretch for an analogy. Still, they surely did not ask to be abandoned, same

with the homeless people who are experiencing hostility from almost everyone and

taking the blame for a social issue. People in power blatantly hold powerless people

liable for the problems they have little control over. The people in charge should see the

bigger picture and realize that homelessness is not only a personal obstacle, especially

when it is now a prevalent issue within society. The problem of homelessness is

undoubtedly a controversial topic. Two people could easily have two different

perspectives about homeless people. I remember our first trip downtown, we passed by

this street with tents, and we were confused at first, then my cousin started picking up

her pace. She told me she was scared and said that we should never pass that street

again. But I don't see it that way. It might be easy for her to judge these people

because she's unaware that several factors influence these individuals, such as

unemployment, low wages, poverty and mental illness, to name a few. These are large-

scale problems that affect the individuals in our society and require large-scale solutions

and policies led by the government. So, these individuals are not to blame for a social

problem caused by society.

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