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Numericals on Amplitude Modulation

Q.1 A modulating signal of frequency 5 kilo Hertz and peak voltage of 6 volt is used
to modulate a career of frequency of 10 megahertz and peak voltage of
10 volt . Determine 1. modulation index 2. frequency of LSB and USB 3.
amplitude of  LSB and USB.

Q.2 For amplitude modulated wave the maximum amplitude is found to be 10 volt
while the minimum amplitude is found to be 6 volt determine the modulation index in
percentage and amplitude of original career frequency

Q.3 The equation of AM wave is e= 100[1 + 0.6 sin(6280t)] sin (2  × 10 6t). calculate
1. modulation index 2. frequency of carrier wave 3.frequency of modulating wave for
frequency of LSB and USB.

Q.4 Find total modulated power, side power and net modulation index for
the the AM signal expressed in volts Y= 10 cos (.2  × 10 6t) + 5 cos (2  × 10 6t) cos
(2  × 10 3t) + 2 cos (2  × 10 6t) cos (4  × 10 3t).

Q.5 An amplitude modulated amplifier has radio frequency output of 50 Watt at

100% modulation index with internal loss in modulator of 10 watt. Find out 1. what is
the unwanted career power. 2. What power output is required from the the modulator
baseband signal. 3. if the percentage modulation is reduced to 75% how much
output is needed from modulator baseband signal.

Q.6 The modulation index of an amplitude modulated wave is changed from 0 to 1.

The transmitted power is increased by how much?

Q.7 The most suitable method for detecting a modulated signal is?
Y= (2.5 + 5 cos (2  × 10 3t)) cos (2  × 10 6t)

Q.8 The antenna current of an amplitude modulated broadcast transmitter modulated

to a depth of 40% by an audio sine wave of 11ampere. It is increased to
12 ampere as a result of simultaneous modulation by another audio sine wave. find
the modulation index due to this second sine wave.

Q.9 Determine efficiency  and the percentage of of the total power carried by side
band of amplitude modulated wave for the tone modulation, when m = 1, 0.5 and

Q.10 Calculate power saving by DSC-SC for modulating index 100% and 50%

Q.11 The amplitude modulated wave form is e(t)= Ac (1+ Ka m(t))cos (2p × 10 6t) to an ideal
envelope detector. The maximum amplitude of k0 m(t) is greater than 1 what could be the
detector output.

Q.12 A message signal m(t) = cos (2ooop t) + 4 cos (4000p t) modulates the carrier ec(t) = cos
(2p × 10 6t) where fc= 1MHz to produce an amplitude modulated signal for demodulating the
generated AM signal using an envelope detector that time constant RC of the detector circuit
should be?

Q.13 Suppose that the modulating signal is m(t) = 2cos (2p fmt) and the carrier signal is ec (t) =
Ac cos (2p fct).which of the following is a conventional amplitude modulated signal without over
1. e(t) = Ac m(t) cos (2p fct)
2. e(t) = Ac [1+m(t) cos (2p fct)]
3. e(t) = Ac cos (2p fct) + (Ac/4) m(t) cos (2p fct)
4. e(t) = Ac cos (2p fmt) cos (2p fct) + Ac sin (2p fmt) sin (2p fct)

14 1Mhz sinusoidal carrier is amplitude modulated by a symmetrical square wave of

period 100 microsecond. which of the following frequencies will not be present in the
modulated signal
(i) 990 khz 1(ii) 1010 khz (iii)1020 khz (iv)1030 khz

15. Message signal given by m(t)= 0.5 cos 1t -0.5 Sin 2t is amplitude modulated
with a carrier of frequency c to generate S(t)= [1+ m(t)] Cos ct. what is the power
efficiency achieved by this modulation scheme?

16. Calculate the percentage power saving for the DSB-SC signal. if the AM wave is
modulated to a depth of hundred percent and 50%

17. Calculate the percentage power saving for the SSB signal if the AM wave is
modulated to a depth of 100% and 50%.

18. DSB SC signal is to be generated with a carrier frequency fc of 1 mhz using a

nonlinear device with the input output characteristic of v0 = a0 vi + a01vi3 . The output of
non linear device can be filtered by an appropriate bandpass filter let vi = A’c cos
(2 fc’t) + m(t). what will be the value of fc’in megahertz.

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