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Kristalyn Joy Cabrera

12 Piety(STEM)
A water molecule is made up of two
hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom.
Each end of a water molecule has a slight
electric charge. A molecule that has
electrically charged areas is called a polar
This uneven distribution of charges across a
molecule making one end and positive (H) and
the other negative (O) is called polarity. The
positive hydrogen ends of one water molecule
attract the negative oxygen ends of nearby water
molecules causing them to stick together weak
magnets. This attraction causes water molecules
to form temporary bonds that break easily. They
are called hydrogen bonds
Cohesion: Hydrogen Bonds Make Water

Water has an amazing ability to adhere (stick) to

itself and to other substances. The property of
cohesion describes the ability of water molecules
to be attracted to other water molecules, which
allows water to be a "sticky" liquid.
Hydrogen bonds are attractions of electrostatic
force caused by the difference in charge between
slightly positive hydrogen ions and other, slightly
negative ions. In the case of water, hydrogen bonds
form between neighboring hydrogen and oxygen
atoms of adjacent water molecules. The attraction
between individual water molecules creates a bond
known as a hydrogen bond
Many of water’s unusual properties occur
because of the attraction among its polar
molecules. The properties of water include
cohesion, adhesion, capillary action, surface
tension, the ability to dissolve many
substances, and high specific heat.
The tender for water molecules to form weak bond stick to
each other is called cohesion

A special example of cohesion is surface tension

Adhesion is the tendency of water to stick to other substances. You
see adhesion at work when you add water to a graduated cylinder.

At the surface, water creeps up slightly at the sides of the cylinder, forming
a curved surface called a meniscus

A concave meniscus occurs when the particles of the

liquid are more strongly attracted to the container
(adhesion) than to each other (cohesion), causing the
liquid to climb the walls of the container. While a
convex meniscus occurs when the particles in the liquid
have a stringer attraction to each other than to the
material of the container.
Both adhesion and cohesion allow water to move in
one continuous column from plant’s to it’s leaves. This
upward movement called capillary action, the result of
both adhesion to the sides of the glass and cohesion of
the water molecules to each other. Capillary action is
combined force of attraction among water molecules
and with the molecules and with the molecules of
surrounding materials causing a liquid to climb upward
against the force of gravity.
A solution is mixture that forms when one
substance dissolves another. The substance that
does the dissolving is called the solvent. Water is
called the universal solvent because it can
dissolve more substances than any other know
substance. The main property of water that
makes it such a good solvent is its polarity.
• Water dissolves more substances than any other
• The bent molecule shape makes it polar. It gives
the oxygen atom a partial negative charge and the
hydrogen atoms partial positive charges.
• The partial charges attract parts of polar
molecules to dissolve them.
• Water does not dissolve nonpolar molecules.
Specific heat is the amount of heat needed
to increase the temperature of 1 kg of a
substance by 1 C. Compared to other
substances, water requires a lot of heat is
joule per kilogram per degree Celsius. The
specific heat of water is very high-4,184 J/kg .
Therefore, takes a long time to heat up or
cool down.

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