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Subject : Subject code : Tutorial:


1. Which of the f ollowing results in qualitative data and which results in quantitative data?
(a) Measuring in liters the petrol tank capacity of cars
(b) Counting the number of cars that pass through a toll-booth
(c) Counting the number of red cars, white cars and blue cars in the large parking site
(d) Respondents asked if they pref er to have white hair, black hair, or brown hair
(e) T-shirts classif ied into large, medium or small
(f ) Types of hair cream used by students in school

2. The data shown are the total compensation(in millions of dollars) f or the 50 top -paid CEOs f or a
recent year.

17.5 18.0 36.8 31.7 31.7

17.3 24.3 47.7 38.5 17.0
23.7 16.5 25.1 17.4 18.0
37.6 19.7 21.4 28.6 21.6
19.3 20.0 16.9 25.2 19.8
25.0 17.2 20.4 20.1 29.1
19.1 25.2 23.2 25.9 24.0
41.7 24.0 16.8 26.8 31.4
16.9 17.2 24.1 35.2 19.1
22.9 18.2 25.4 35.4 25.5

(a) Compute the mean and median of total compensation.

(b) Identif y the shape of the distribution based on the mean and the median.
(c) Compute the range, sample variance and sample standard deviation.

3. The f ollowing data represent the number of live multiple delivery births in 2001 f or women aged 15-
49 years old.

Age Number of Multiple Births

15 – 19 66
20 – 24 411
25 – 29 1653
30 – 34 2926
35 – 39 1813
40 – 44 356
45 – 49 96

(a) Find the mean and standard deviation aged.

(b) Draw a f requency histogram f or the data to verif y that the data are bell shaped.
(c) Draw an ogive f or the data

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