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Subject : Subject code : Tutorial:


1) If the probability that a satellite launching a rocket will explode during lift-off or have
its guidance system fail in flight are 0.0002 and 0.0005, respectively, find the
probabilities that such a rocket will
a) Not explode during lift-off; [Ans: 0.9998]
b) Explode during lift-off or have its guidance system fail in flight;
[Ans: 0.0007]
c) Neither explode during lift-off nor have its guidance system fail in flight.
[Ans: 0.9993]

2) A biased coin, where the probability to obtain a head is 0.4, is tossed for 3 times. Find
the probability that
a) you obtain at least one head; [Ans: 0.784]
b) you obtain at most 1 tails; [Ans: 0.352]
c) you will not obtain exactly 2 heads; [Ans: 0.712]
d) you will not obtain at least 2 tails; [Ans: 0.352]

3) If 6 bullets, of which 3 are blanks, are randomly inserted into a gun, what is the
probability that the first 3 bullets fired will be all blanks? [Ans: 1/20]

4) A circuit system is given as follows. Assume the components fail independently.

a) What is the probability that the entire system works? [Ans: 0.75112]
b) Given that the system works, what is the probability that the component A is
not working? [Ans: 0.2045]
c) It is known that the system does not work. What is the probability that the
component A also does not work? [Ans: 0.588]
5) Engineers in charge of maintaining our nuclear fleet must continually check for the
corrosion inside the pipes that are part of the cooling systems. The inside condition of
the pipes cannot be observed directly but a nondestructive test can give an indication
of possible corrosion. This test is not infallibel. The test has probability 0.7 of
detecting corrosion when it is present but it also has probability 0.2 of falsely
indicating internal corrision. Suppose the probability that any section of pipe has
internal corrosion is 0.1.
a) Determine the probability that a section of pipe has internal corrision, give n
that the test indicates its presence. [Ans: 0.28]
b) Determine the probability that a section of pipe has internal corrosion, given
that the test is negative. [Ans: 0.04]

6) A large industrial firm uses three local motels to provide overnight accommodations
for its clients. From the past experience it is known that 20% of the clients are
assigned rooms at the Ramada Inn, 50% at the Sheraton, and 30% at the Lakeview
Motor Lodge. If the plumbing is faulty in 5% of the rooms at the Ramada Inn, in 4%
of the rooms at Sheraton, and in 8% of the rooms at the Lakeview Motor Lodge, what
is the probability that
a) A client will be assigned a room with faulty plumbing? [Ans: 0.054]
b) A person with a room having faulty plumbing was assigned accommodations
at the Lakeview Motor Lodge? [Ans: 4/9]

7) Four technicians regularly make repairs when breakdowns occur on an automated

production line. Janet, who services 20% of the breakdowns, makes an imcomplete
repair 1 time in 20; Tom, who services 60% of the breakdowns, makes an incomplete
repair 1 time in 10; Georgia, who services 15% of the breakdowns, makes an
incomplete repair 1 time in 10; and Peter, who services 5% of the breakdowns, makes
an incomplete repair 1 time in 20. For the next problem with the production line
diagnosed as being due to an initial repair that was incomplete, find the probability
that this initial repair was made by
a) Janet [Ans: 0.114]
b) Tom [Ans: 0.686]

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