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To all the dear sisters and brothers of

3rd Sem,
Time is moving forward. You are changing
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All the best for your upcoming Semester
Team Voculs
B.A.LL.B (5 years) Semester - 3rd SUGGESTION 2022

All the Non Law and Law Papers
We are launching our new project C R A S H C O U R S E for
this upcoming examination.
• All the answers of all the Suggestive Questions of all the topic
of all the subjects will be provided.
• We are going to give you five online classes to explain and
discuss the answers to these chapter wise questions of each
chapter of each subjects in details.

To get all this things and to know about this in details join in


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B.A.LL.B (5 years) Semester - 3rd SUGGESTION 2022

Political Obligation:
1) (a) What is Political Obligation? (6)
(b) Discuss the limitations of Politics Obligation. (8/10)
(c) Examine the different theory on the different grounds of political
obligation? (8/10)
(d) Discuss the views of T.H. Green, Laski on Political Obligation. (10)
2) (a) Discuss Jeremy Bentham’s contribution to Utilitarianism. (8)
(b) How did J.S. Mill modify Bentham Utilitarianism? (8)
(c) What is meant by Utilitarianism? (8)
(d) Discuss the basic principal of Utilitarianism. (8)
3) (a) Discuss the concept of “Punishment” as viewed by the Political
thinkers Or Discuss different theories of Punishment. (10)
(b)What are the different types/forms of Punishment? (6/8)
(c) Do you think that Capital Punishment should be abolished totally?
Justify your answer. (8/16)
4) (a) What is Liberalism?(4/6) Discuss the basic elements (8) and principals
of Liberalism.(8)
(b)Write a note on Modern Theory (8) and Classical Theory of
Liberalism. (8)
(c) Distinguish between Modern and Classical Liberalism. (8)
5) (a) Concept and meaning of Socialism (8) State the different types and
characteristics of Socialism. (4+4)
(b) Discuss the merits and demerits of Socialism. (10)
(c) Critically analyze the Theory of “Scientific Socialism” (8)
(d) Write a note on Democratic Socialism. (8)

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B.A.LL.B (5 years) Semester - 3rd SUGGESTION 2022

Social Problem:
1) What do you understand by Social Problem and elaborate the
characteristics of Social Problems. Elaborate different approaches
explaining different social problem. (6+10)
2) What is Illiteracy? (2/4) Analyze the different cause of illiteracy in India.
(8) Give suggestions on how we can overcome the problem of illiteracy in
India. (6/8)
3) (a) What are different types of Unemployment in India? Discuss the
different consequences of Unemployment on our society. (4/6+8/10)
(b) How the problems of Unemployment in India can be solved? (8/10)
(c) Write a note on Unemployment. (16)
Child and Bonded Labor:
4) (a) What do you understand by the term “Child Labor”? What is the main
cause of Child Labor in our society? How the problems of child labor can
be eradicated? (4/6 + 6/8 + 6/8)
(b) Who can be regarded as ‘Bonded Labor’? Give few examples; discuss
the reason behind this problem. How can this problem be eradicated?
(4/6 + 6/8 + 6/8)
Prostitution and AIDS :
5) (a)What are sources of transmission of HIV? Discuss the remedial
measures for preventing HIV and AIDS. (8+8)
(b) What is Prostitution? What do you mean by HIV and AIDS? (6+10)

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B.A.LL.B (5 years) Semester - 3rd SUGGESTION 2022

1) (a) State and explain law of demand? What is price elasticity of demand?
Discuss the factor effecting price elasticity of demand? ( 4+4+8)
(b)Discuss different kinds of price elasticity of demand? Difference
between change in demand and change in quantity demanded? Show
that the value of price elasticity varies from zero infinity on a straight line
demand curve. (8+ 4+4)
Theory of Distribution:
2) (a) Distinguish between money wages and real wages. Discuss the
marginal productivity theory of wages? Illustrated the peculiarity of the
labor supply curve with diagram( 8+8+8)
(b)Discuss the role of the trade union in rising wages (6)
Law of variable proportional:
3) (a) State and explain the law of variable proportions. Distinguish between
Law of variable proportions and law of return to scale ?(10+6)
(b)What do you mean by Economics of scale?(6)
4) (a) Define interest. Discuss the Liquidity preference theory of interest.
Discuss the causes of difference in the rate of interest?( (4+6+6)
(b) Difference between gross interest and net interest. What elements
included in gross interest? Briefly discuss the Liquidity preference theory
of interest. (2+4+6+8)
Cost analysis:
5) (a) Differentiate between fixed cost and variable cost. Show the
relationship between average cost and marginal cost. Why short -run
average cost curves U shaped? ( 4+4+8)
(b) Distinguish between explicit cost and implicit cost? Explain the shapes
of average cost, Average variable cost and average fixed cost curves.
Prove that marginal cost depends only on variable cost. (4+6+4)

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B.A.LL.B (5 years) Semester - 3rd SUGGESTION 2022

The idea of Law:
1) (a) Discuss the function (4/8), objectives (4/8) and purpose (4/8) of Law.
(b) What are the definition of Law/ concept of Law as given by different
Jurists or can the term Law be precisely defined? (8)
2) Distinguish between : (4+4+4+4)
(a) Civil and Criminal Law.
(b) Public and Private Law.
(c) Substantive Law and Procedural Law.
(d) Statutory Law and Non – Statutory Law.
(e) Municipal Law and International Law.
Basic Sources of Law:
3) (a) What do you mean by Sources of Law? (8)
(b) Discuss the Precedent (8) Custom (8) and Legislation (8) as a Source
of Law.
(c) Define Custom(8) and discuss different kinds of Customs(8)
(d) Distinguish between :
(i) Precedent and Legislation
(ii) Custom and Usage.
(iii) Supreme and Subordinate Legislation.
Family of Law:
4) (a) Discuss English Common law system(8) and its relevance in India(8)
(b) Explain the Romano Germanic System under the Family of Laws.(16)
(c)Trace the Evolution and development of Common Law System.(8)
(d) Explain American system of Law.
Concept of Interpretation
5) (a) What do you mean by ‘Interpretation’? (6)
(b) Discuss the various rules of interpretations/ Literal Rule, Golden
Rule, Mischief Rule with the help of decided cases. (10)
(c) Differentiate between Interpretation and Construction. (10)
(a) Elucidate objects and purposes of Interpretation. (16)
(b) What do you understand by Harmonious Construction? (6)
Case Study
6) (a) Air India vs. Nargesh Mirza, AIR 1981 C 1829 (16)
(b)D.K. Basu vs. State of West Bengal (1997) SCC 417 (16)
(c) Vishakha vs. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1997 SC 3014 (16)

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B.A.LL.B (5 years) Semester - 3rd SUGGESTION 2022

1) (a) Define Tort. What are the essentials of Tort? [8]
(b) Is it 'Law of Tort' or 'Law of Torts'? [8]
No fault Liability:
2) (a) Discuss the doctrine of 'Absolute Liability' with decided Case laws.
(b) Discuss the doctrine of 'Strict Liability' with decided Case laws. [16]
Vicarious Liability:
3) (a) What is 'Vicarious Liability'? [6]
(b) Discuss the Vicarious Liability of the Master for the acts done by the
Servant during the course of employment. [10] Or,
"A master is answerable for every such wrong of a servant as committed in
the course of Service" (Salmond) -Discuss with Case Laws. [16]
i) Damnum Sine Injuria. [8]
ii) Injuria Sine Damnum. [8]
iii) Volenti non-fit injuria. [8]
i) Tort and Crime
ii) Tort and Breach of contract
iii) False imprisonment and Malicious Prosecution
iv) Assault and Battery
v) Libel and Slander
6) (a) Define Defamation. [4]
(b) What are the conditions for Defamation? [6]
(c) Discuss the defenses for Defamation. [6
7) (a) Define Nuisance.
(b) Distinguish between 'Public Nuisance' and 'Private Nuisance'.
(c) Discuss the defenses for Nuisance. [4+6+6]

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