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Perspective (Employee) Problems Solution

Hr Trainning to give demo, to motivate,
Hr Sop To make a proper a sop because to know the c
Hr Guidence what to do or what to d
Hr Grooming Style to fixed thire Uniform and Proper well Groom with nee
Hr Job Security to give a side of activity like packaging, to give
Hr Leave Policy if 1 person enroll 2 nd person to inemployee
to extend copmay thenleaveg
if 1 person enroll 2 nd person to in copmay then g
Hr to give them free helth care seervice for thire
if 1 person enroll 2 ndfamily
personmembers, to give
to in copmay thenprig
Hr Benificial programmes if 1 person enroll 2 nd person to oninmonthly
then g
Hr word to mouth marketing
Hr Seminar to organised a seminar
To Tie up withtowrds them to
Gvt hospital andcreate awaren
as data any
Hr To Tie up with Gvt hospital and as data any
Hr Job Opportunity for those who's perfoance is good at 6

Perspective (Employee) Problems Solution
Mis Application make a app for live upadtes of employee and
Mis informtion to all details of employe ex adhar card, reside
Mis unique id to individual check employee per
Mis various tools of mis attendence mis , sala
Mis customer purpose
Mis company serv details various servic list like Nursing, Helth Care, M
Mis availiblity of workers example like ola cabs we can checek a near cabs as same to m
Mis customer details age , add, mail id, conatct
Mis toll free number to complain against emp
Mis Rating scale they can give us feedback for e
ive demo, to motivate, to visit
because to know the comapany ruls and guidlines
what to do or what to don't
er well Groom with needy equipments like msak, senitizer
like packaging, to give work on hourly bases job
son to inemployee
extend copmay thenleavegive some reward to 1 person
son to in copmay then give some reward to 1 person
y members,
son to give
to in copmay thenprizes
give or finicial
some benefits
reward to 1 for higher perfomance of person
son tooninmonthly
then give some reward to 1 person

spital to create
and awareness
as data anylys toabout theiratcompany
give job hospital and work
ospital and as data anylys to give job at hospital
s perfoance is good at 6 months to 1 year

dtes of employee and can check their working hrs
e ex adhar card, residental proof, mobile phn etc
al check employee performance data
attendence mis , salary,

Nursing, Helth Care, Medical Check Up with price

ear cabs as same to make a employee availiblity of thire near place

, add, mail id, conatct info etc
complain against empolyee

give us feedback for employe work

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