Worksheet UHV

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Universal Human Values

Dr. Anju Singh

Project File Questions

Exercise 1 to 4 are part of CA exams. Kindly also include the worksheet given earlier in the
Exercise 1
1.1. Share an instance of your personal interaction where you could see that the other had the right
intention but was lacking competence. What was your participation in the interaction – did you
help the other?
1.2. Share one fight/opposition you remember you had with someone, even a stranger, where now
you can look back and see that it was a result of doubting the intention of the other (e.g. even a
smile or a laugh hurts us if we have a doubt on the intention). What did you do with the other?
How do you feel about the other now?

Exercise 2
2.1. How many persons, in your family and friends, do you have trust on intention (natural
acceptance) – unconditional, continuous? You always make effort to improve mutual competence
(your own competence as well as the competence of the other) rather than getting irritated, angry
or having a feeling of opposition (even for a moment).
2.2. In case you get angry/irritated: - Do you feel happy when you get angry? And when you
express your anger? - What is the outcome when you express your anger? Is it mutual happiness?
- What is the reason for your anger? Is it the other or you?

Exercise 3
3.1. List out 5 instances where you have done over evaluation and under/otherwise evaluation of
the other/yourself. What would have been the right evaluation in that situation, as you are now
able to see?
3.2. Share what you have understood about response. Analyse your interaction in the last 1 week.
How many of these interactions are reaction and how many are response? Take one instance of
reaction and one instance of response and share it in detail
3.3. Share your understanding about excellence and about being special. Where do you now want
to put your effort for – to be special or to be excellent?

Exercise 4
4.1.. Are you special, unique, different from the others or similar to others? Do you tend to compete
or collaborate with your classmates? When are you more at ease?
4.2. What is naturally acceptable – to differentiate or to relate, to be complimentary? − Other
students (including those from other states, other countries than your own) − Faculty – Staff

Exercise 5
5.1. Make a list of people that you take inspiration from. Can you see that they are living in
harmony or making effort to do so? Can you see the feeling you have for them? Can you see that
they are helping others to live in harmony? What would you like to learn from them? What effort
do you need to make?

Dr. Anju Singh

Assistant Professor, IIS (deemed to be University),Jaipur
Universal Human Values
Dr. Anju Singh

Exercise 6

1. What are the 3 key problems you see around yourself at each of the 4 levels – individual, family,
society and nature/existence?
2. What are the possible solutions you can think of for each of the problems identified earlier?

Exercise 7
7.1. Today, there is struggle, competition… terrorism and war. The frustration leads to many
problems like alcoholism. Make a list of these problems. Are these natural phenomena or due to
lack of understanding in human being? What can be done to address to the problems about it in
your hostel?
7.2. List the avenues of participating meaningfully in the society, right where you are. E.g. in your
family, in the hostel, in the institution, in the community around you. Include related clubs and
schemes like Shiksha Sopan, NSS and SPIC-MACAY. Articulate your commitment.

Exercise 8
Create a Vision Board of yourself for next 3 years. The vision Board should be on a board or A3
size sheet or chart.

Dr. Anju Singh

Assistant Professor, IIS (deemed to be University),Jaipur

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