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Making for IA&D

SKETCHBOOK 2022- 2023

Mariam Mohamed Osama

The Knowledge Hub Universities - Coventry University KH4006 ADD _ School of Design and Media _ 2022/2023
General Instructions
1. Follow the guides applied and DON’T delete them. To hide/
unhide the ruler guides, use the shortcut [ W ] on your keyboard.

2. You can also add ruler guides throughout your sketchbook to

keep your images and textboxes aligned.

3. Align your images and make sure to scan them properly.

Enhance your images if needed using Photoshop.

4. For your sketches; make sure to scan them neatly before

importing them to Photoshop. Remove their backgrounds and
convert them to PNGs (File>Save As>PNG).

5. Make sure to turn off LAYER 2 to remove the comments

textboxes below each page before submitting!

6. MAKE SURE to delete this page before exporting your file to


First page should have an image of yourself. Don’t write your name on this page. Trace your
image and scan it properly. You can use photoshop to remove the background and convert it
to PNG.
Reduced Abstracted
Original Reduction of female standing figure

Original Reduction of male standing figure Insert caption here

Original Reduction of female seated figure

Original Reduction of male seated figure Insert caption here

Read Brief “Death of a stickman”. Experiment with reducing different

figures in your sketchbook. Even though the figures can be reduced
to just outlines, it is preferable to use the figure right after the black
Group composition Group composition
Alt.01 Alt.02

Abstraction by lines Abstraction by lines

Reducing lines Reducing lines

Testing alternatives Testing alternatives

Make sure that all your images are aligned, and that all of them are scanned properly. Read
Brief “Death of a stickman”. Experiment with reducing different figures in your sketchbook.
Even though the figures can be reduced to just outlines, it is preferable to use the figure right
after the black silhouette. Draw a figure on Canson paper and cut it out, take creative photos
with everyday objects. Keep the Canson figures to use later in your models.
Abstraction by shapes
Abstracted lines

Extruded walls

Group Composition


Circulation determines openings

Abstracting by lines Openings

Final output
Final output top view

Final output front view

Alternative 1

Selected Composition

Alternative 2

Alternative 3 Abstraction 1

Capture 3 different frames from your stop motion video to use as your composition
alternatives. Then, choose the best composition for the initial stage of your Suprematism
Poster to begin abstracting. Always start your process on a transparent sheet, then trace it
onto a paper. Make sure you ink neatly before scanning the paper, then use Photoshop to
remove background and export as PNG before importing to Indesign.
Reduction 2 Abstraction 1

Reduction 3 Abstraction 2

Capture 3 different scenes from your stop motion video to use as your composition
alternatives. Then, chose the best composition for the initial stage of your Suprematism
Poster to begin abstracting. Always start your process on a transparent sheet, then trace it
onto a paper. Make sure you ink neatly before scanning the paper, then use Photoshop to
remove background and export as PNG before importing to Indesign.
Abstraction 02

Stick only to these colors [yellow, red, white & black]. You can use photoshop to remove
the background and convert your photo to a PNG. Make sure to animate your suprematism
poster using Artivive.
Square Cube

Rectangle Cuboid

Circle Arch

Abstraction 02

Diagonal Line Staircase

Prepare the shapes and stick them to your mold Unfold your mold and remove the shapes carefully

Add your mixture You can sand your model for a better quality

Align and organise your photos in your sketchbook. Document each step of your physical
modeling making process. Make sure all the images are taken from the same angle using a
tripod, and showing your A3 grid paper underneath. You should also document the process
through a Timelapse video and include it in your sketchbook through a QR code.
Process Timelapse Video

Final Output

Align and organise your photos in your sketchbook. Document each step of your physical
modeling making process. Make sure all the images are taken from the same angle using a
tripod, and showing your A3 grid paper underneath. You should also document the process
through a Timelapse video and include it in your sketchbook through a QR code.
Final Output Final Output

In groups of 10, try stacking your models to create different compositions. Make sure to
document them against a white wall from interesting angles. Be very careful when stacking
your models, you won’t be able to submit them broken!
Process Timelapse Video

Final Output

In groups of 10, try stacking your models to create different compositions. Make sure to
document them against a white wall from interesting angles. Be very careful when stacking
your models, you won’t be able to submit them broken!
Modular Layer 1

Modular Layer 2

Process Timelapse Video

Modular Layer 3

Final Modularity Model

Align and organise printed photos in your sketchbook. Document your physical modeling
process showing the layers of your Modularity Model. Make sure all the images are taken from
the same angle using a tripod, and showing your A3 grid paper underneath. You should also
document the process through a Timelapse video and include it in your sketchbook through a
QR code. Make sure to also capture top view images of every layer to enter the competition.
Final Modularity Model

Capture your model in a clear shot with good lighting showing interesting shadows. Neatly
remove the background of your images on Photoshop using ‘Magic Wand’ tool. Don’t forget to
export it as ‘.PNG’, so the image remains without a background. Always make sure all images is
centralized between the margins of your page.
Final Modularity Model Final Modularity Model
Scale 1:1 Scale 1:1

Document the process of assembling your 1:1 Modularity Model. Enhance image lighting if
needed through Photoshop before importing into InDesign.
Final Modularity Model

Capture images of the 1:1 Installation from interesting angles, showing the human scale.
Choose minimum 2 shots of the model. Images can be landscape or portrait.
Final Modularity Model
Scale 1:1

Capture images of the 1:1 Installation from interesting angles, showing the human scale.
Choose minimum 2 shots of the model. Images can be landscape or portrait.
Challenge Statement
In what way can we design a space inspired by Waves?

Heirarchy Smooth Intersections

Fluidity Overlap Repetition

Ideatoons Varying the Words

Make sure to scan your sketches properly, and to convert them to PNGs.
Group Collage Alt. 1

Show your trials of your group collages to show the process of your design. Make sure to
animate it using Artivive!
Group Collage Alt. 2

Show your trials of your group collages to show the process of your design. Make sure to
animate it using Artivive!
Individual Collage Alt. 1 Individual Collage Alt. 2

Also show your trials of your individual collages to show the process of your design. Make sure
to animate it using Artivive!
Diorama ‘Connectivity’ Alt. 1 Diorama ‘Lightness’ Alt. 2

Sketch out different alternatives neatly into your sketchbook with different keywords to ex-
press each design. Make sure to include the shape of your form inwards (not just the first
layer). Don’t forget to include bonhomme figures to indicate the scale.
Diorama ‘Infinite’ Alt. 3 Diorama ‘Smoothness’ Alt. 4

Sketch out different alternatives neatly into your sketchbook with different keywords to
express each design. Make sure to include the shape of your form inwards (not just the first
layer). Don’t forget to include bonhomme figures to indicate the scale.
Diorama ‘Parasite’ Alt. 5 Diorama ‘Pixels’ Alt. 6

Sketch out different alternatives neatly into your sketchbook with different keywords to
express each design. Make sure to include the shape of your form inwards (not just the first
layer). Don’t forget to include bonhomme/human figures to indicate the scale.
Physical Model Shot Physical Model Shot

Take a frontal image of your physical model. Your model MUST include bonhommes and make
sure to keep a clear white background to your shots.
Form Generation

Make sure your form generation process of your Diorama is always captured from the exact
same angle.
Group Composition

Costume Design Diorama Photomontage

Diorama Photomontage Diorama Photomontage
Animated GIF

Animate your frontal image of your Diorama physical model using Artivive. Your model MUST
include bonhommes and make sure to keep a clear white background to your shots.
Diorama Plan View Diorama Section View

Make sure that all drawings are aligned and the same scale.

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