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N t rgrt"n Fortn'l Pentaksiran Sumatif 3

Paper 1: Readinu

ffie trT:&w
Questions 1 -8
Read the tert carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
For eqch question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Friendship means a lot to the majority HiAfdhal,

of people. Real friends share endless. Peter and I plan to go to watch the new
love and concern with us while the bad movie, 'The Unstoppable Train', tomorrow at
company ruins our happiness and life. As the cinema near our school. The online review
teenagerc spend most of their time with has it that the movie is very interesting, and it
their friends, it is important for them to deseryes a five-star rating. The show time is
recognise and distinguish between the 7:15 p.m. Let me know if you would like to join us.
good and the bad company.

1. What is the consequence of friends with

negative influence?
3. From the message above, we know that
Johnson's main message is to
A They help us recognise and distinguish
between the good and the bad company.
A inviteAfdhal to watch the movie together.
B They ruin our happiness and life.
B tell Afdhal about the new movie, The
Unstoppable Train.
C They share endless love and concem with
C let Afdhal know that Peter and he are
going to the cinema near their school.

Welcoming the Year of the Rat

Penang Tech Sdn. Bhd.
loin us at the Chinese New
We Are Hiring:
Year celebration!
Admin Officer
Date:27/U2023 Requirements:
Venue: Paramount Shopping
. Good interpersonal communication skills.
Centre, Sungai Petani
. Able to use Words and Excel.
. Proficient in Malay and English.
Time: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

2. From the notice above, we know that

4. Which of the statements below is incorrect?
A the celebration will be held for 5 hours. A The vacancy available is an admin officer.

B the celebration will last for two days. B The candidate must be proficient in
English on1y.
C all guests will get to enjoy traditional C The employer is Penang Tech Sdn. Bhd.
Malaysian food and drinks for free.

O Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. s3-2

'pLlA',ups !6uepd ueilqloued
o s-€s

Jo ]lq?q eql e^eq lou op sluepnls elel tr J
'ueed eql .rerro Smseercur sr lrqeq Supeer
gll^\ sluepqs elelu Jo reqrunu erll fl ?V'/Lry
Surpeer qlllv\ sluepn1s eleruJo reqrunu oql ir oJJoruol nol{ aag
'luoujeuJnol opuo^
ueql req8rq,tltuslsrsuoc sl )lqsg Surpeer Iepl pnuue 6utuordn eq1 s|
epue6e uleu eql 'llpq lootlls eq1 ur .uld ; o1
gll^{ Euepqs el€rueJ Jo reqrunu erlJ v 'rx'p O L ruoJl st Durlaau eqf /v\oJJourol Du[eeuJ
dlceJJosrr sr,&\oleq suorsnlcuoc eqlJo rlcrq^A .g P Sr eJsql 1eq1 no,{ uJJolut o} e)tl plno/vr I

*sluepnls 'uolpqs tH
0 6ur1aa6 qnll opuom)ee1 pahnS

OZ uor';reu6@raLu-re rxoJl
o, tuol 0I
z@ OL
08 'en8eel eq1 serdncco lerll €urqJ ruo4t
Durpeeg Io llqeH sluopnls .(1rsre,rnm,(po eq1 sl dlrsre,uun enq8ursl 3
'qcee en8eel orll q serlrsJelrun
'3urrpo1c o.&] elerl eoro) pue erode8qs qlog g
rleql qBnorqt serlrleuosred enbrun 'en8eel eq1 ur ,$lsreruun
Jreql .&{oqs o1 auoX;a,te s,rolle uou{suJ J euo qlrl\ .&1unoc dpo eq1 sr uedel y
'{l:ee elceilocw sr,^doloq slueIuel€}s erllJo qcrrl!\ .s
-o]-u,^Aop puB elqeproJi}€ sl uorqs€J fl
'uorqseJ ,(olue uec sleporuedns,
8uqoo1-poo8 puu eldoed.(q11ee,u {luo V rc1depe)

euorqsuJ Jo plro,l.r eql;o eldoad Buoruu (nyys)

Surpuelsrspunsrur uoruruoo orl] sr ler{A\ .t eoJoy ,{;u61 ueanlunIrl6un g OL

eoro) ,{ysrenru6l JeuonEN Inoas o

'sluqno rno q8notql
Ienprlrpur uedel o,{1o1 1o Ilrstenrul eqg
mo sserdxe ol snJo euo ,tre,te s,/v\olp lI .qpee

-ol-u^.op pu? elqeprose eq uec uoqssc Jeleq 6uoy

eu!Lic Ouog 1o ,(1rstearu61 osautL1C L
Suor,tr € sr srgl '1ceg u1 'qepouuedns snorueJ
Jo rlcrr eql roJ dpo sr uoqse3 leq] {uH} erode6u g',{lrstenru
erodeburg qcel 6ue,{ue
lecr 6o1 ou o
o1 puel e1doe4 'suerunq go se1,$s Burssup 51

eqt seop os sdolerrep uorlesrTrarc ueunq eulLlo ,{lrsrenrul 6ur1e3 I

eql sy ',Qelcos Jno ur luepodu4 sr uorgssC eulLlc 6uoy 6uog 1o Ilrslenruq n
I6o;ouqcel pue ocuotcs
'srnoq o^\] roJ ploq sI Surleeru eqi Pulqc ;o Illslenrul 6uoy 6uog
'8ur1saur eql ur ]ueureuJno] opuo,,lt{eeJ
f e

arodeDurg erodeburg ;o,firslenru6 leuotleN Z

Surruocdn eql ssnosrp o1 Suro8 ere .(aqt B eulqc Ilrsrenru6l enqDu;s1 t
ueeq seq Surleeru eql roJ orutl eq] v
uoreqs uuoJul o] sluu,lrr IeW ry,1reue eqt uI .9

e .raeuns uulqetued I u.ro1 qs;18ug

English Fornr. 1 Pentaksiran Sumatif 3

Questions 9 to 16
Read the text belo** qnd correct the underlined errors.
For eqch question, v;rite the correct word in the space provided.


An Indian restaurant grabs the headlines recently as it is (0) build at the site of
an ancient cemetery (9) on Ahmadabad. Ironically, the restaurant is named New Lucky
Restaurant, which is contrary (10) with the traditional inausprcious label attached to a
cemetery. Rather than (11) removed the graves to make \\,ay fbr his restaurant, Krishnan
Kutti, the owner of the restaurant, chooses to preserve the coffins and (12) placing tables
around thern. The owner believes that the graveyard brings good lr"rck apart fiom giving
people a unique experience. The cafe (13) have now become a popular place for both
young and old to hang out. Around a dozen (14) grave lie inside the restaurant and have
been sealed off by iron grills. Every (15) mornings, before the shutter of the restarrant is
(16) pulls up, waiters would spend some time wiping the gravestones and decorating them
with fresh flowers as a sign of respect to the dead.


0 built






@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 53 ,1

L \-__

'ptlg 'ups 6uepd ueyqoued

a s-gs

esouq] oqt Jo se{ueu oql Sursooqc Jo poqleLu eqJ

E7 610zq rorodue eqlJo erueu eqJ

LL IBApseJ erll Sulmp Jo.(€uI s.u,rol erllJo uorlrsod eqJ

JoJodrue eseurqc erllJo eloJ eql JoJ seleprpuBJ

'02 le^rlseJ
aq] SurJnp UnJlarCI Jo slueprseJ aql ,(q rrro.4 seqlolJ oqJ

'6r I€ArlseJ orll Jo ree{ Surusis eqJ

'8I pelergeloc sr Is^rlseJ erll oJeq,^& u^{o} eqJ
Is^rlseJ rrsuuec Isrceds erll Jo erueu eqJ

' ilDds atlt ut .laorsu7 ,uotlsanb LpDa

tnol alLttt ng
tanLSuD 4)Da tof $at aqt ruo.('roqunu B JolpuB spJo,{r. aeJrll uBrI} oJoru ou asooq)
alqry SmALol t o/- aqt aqldw o)

lz ot LI suopseno

leer ur re]ured
s sI eq su 'Jolured e sueoLtl qrlq.{\ ',.Je1e141,, pJO,r\ UuurJec aql uloJJ etlluu esoufl{J srq se)e}
'016r or 096l ruo4 peuSra: o_rl,r'erg-re1-e141 ro'tedtug'ecuelsu, rog .sqol+eql uou setuuu
eseulqJ Jleqi ale] ue13o sroredttro eseurq] s,unJlelq 'sree,(
61 rog uorlrsod eql Sururnial uoeq
pBr.l oq,r 'rq-3uuno11-oy :o;edul ';e1nr ]uoJJns eq] eleJqele3 0]
slee;ls eql 0] rool sugr.rrreD
000'0I punore '610z u|uu8eq uorlrperl er{} osurs s;oredue Isro^es p,q seq unJ}erc
'{ee,& eql roJ utJBpueu
let.tedut u€ Jo snlels eql ol pele8elar st ro,(eur s.u,^Ao] oqJ 'slueprsoJ u,,taol eq1 Buoue urorg
uesoqc sr roredrua eq1 .(11euor1rpu"r1 xllecrroqduleru,.JoJodrue eseulq),, e ol
u,rol JreqlJo;e,u.od
Sururs,toS eq] JoAo pueq pue setunlsoc eseulq3 ur dn ssarp ,(eqr .rg1rlseJ .,j1
leuorlrper] aurrnq
..'sseurqJ usrJe^eg,, Suruocsq ,(q fllunuue I€ArlseJ eql Su4erqeleJ ueeq e^eq unJlorcS0 eldoed
aq] '8261 acurs 'eseurqJ suJn] unJlerc ,uosuas
Jo u^10l eloq,t\ eql o^4seJ eql auunc
'lBArtrrEJ oseurrlS uerJeAeg
- IB^rlseJ ppo flrreurpJouJlxe,unJ}arc
ue Surlerqalec JoJ u,4aou)_llo,1\
sr UI seleJs eq} Jo euo 'euu,teg ur u,\\ol e .JeAe,r\oH .serged
Ilelus pl,u
setunlsoc sSuerls JoJ snou€J e:e ,(ueurreg punoJu plsq saperud
1n,or-ec 1*p1pnr1

',2 ot lI suot$anb tail.suD puD ,l4olaq

ryat atfi pDay

N e ;AeunS uustelued 1ulo1 qslBug

English Form 1 Pentaksiran Sumatif 3

Read the terl below and answer qttestions 25 to 34.

I was born in a secluded village on a mountain. To make a living, my parents


...,,,..;',11'1yfunt'aniOhe,*kfufutAff0dii m,y. brothe; left the house with a few Pieces

,,;,,,wain1 L.Clatheat"':i-eto e' da,vlh' illg :ngxt dqY.,,He1 , a note on my pillow; 'Sister, You
are smarter than I am. You should get into the university. I will find a job and send

I got married when I was 27 years old. During the wedding reception, the
master of ceremonies asked me, "Who is the one person you respect and love
the most?'Without thinking much, I answered, "My brother". All guests turned their
attention to me. With a lump in my throat, I went on to tell everyone a story Brother


@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. s3-6

'pr.l?'ups !6uepd ueltqlouad @ t_ES

lstl"ncw g1l

3u11ee; ou 3ur,re11 '79

ltltotu 1l

perq.(1eure4xg 'gg
ltl.tout 1)

'papur.o"td acnds aqt ut .taMSuDtno{ aytu 'uousanb q)Da Jol

'ryat ary ruo"{ptottr e qili\L t\oPq alqot ary aqa1duto3

,g ol €g suopsens

'uo4dece.r Sulppe,ra. req SutmP
qceads Sur,tour ,(1desp s.Joqln€ eq] o] SuruelslT rege peIJ,

se./( lsolu oql

lt1"mu.t 1)
pelcedser pue polol eqs uosred eql leql euodJele plol roqlne oq] 'uoqdecer Surppert eql SutmC 'I€

ltl.uttu 1)
1e 8ur1ro,tr f,q eJII dlrs.relrun req ]noq8norlp roqln€ eq1 pepoddns JegloJq s.roqlne eqJ '0€

'nopd Jeq uo
l:1,ntu y)
reqlorq req ,(q Uel elou oql peor aqs uaq,^^ rorlln€ eqJ '62

lt1,ncru 1)
se^{ eq esneceq ,(lrsrelun eq} q ,(pqs pue ecuegc eq} ezles o} Jetl}oJq Jeq pe{s? Jog}n€ orlJ '82

lryow 1l 'sre8elm eql uro+ ,(euour pe.taorroq

,r(lrsre,trun o1 JeqloJq Jeq puB Joglne eq] puos o1 ,(euour q8noue esI€J o1 rcpfi VI'LZ 1)
lnoqe 8ur.(uo.,lt
s8^\ JeqleJ srq o]
leql . aerD[ eq esneceg serpn]s srg enu4uoc ]u€l\ ]ou plp Jeg]oJq s(Jotl]ne eqJ, '92

lt1.toru yl IeeJ o] roq luB^\ ]ou

plp orl osnereq looqcs o18uq1e.aa. ere,,r,r,.(aql ueq.^.\ {ceq uo Joq,(ue: oi pesn roq}orq s.roqlns oqJ '92

.paprtotd acods aql ut tattsltD tnot alu,tt'uorysanb q)Da Jol ,DMSUD q)Da
rc! Nat aql wot! nqlunu B Jo/pue spJo,tL eaJql ugql aJolu ou asooll) '(t\oPq suottsanb aql Dtutsu7
ZE ol 9Z suollsan}

ru.ro3 qs;13u9
N e lnewns uers\elued I

English Form 1 Penlaksiran Sumatif 3


Questions 35 to 40
the article'
You are going to read anarticle about a catastrophe' Six sentences have been removedfrom
There are two extra sentences which you
Choosefrom the sentences (A- H) to fit each gap (35 - 40).
(A - H) on Your answer sheet'
do not need to use. For each question, mark the cowect answer
at an old photo in
A whiff of melancholic nostalgia surged up inside me when I looked
Everyone, including Thomas and I, smiled happily in the photo
the album. (3s)
we were all eager to exPlore all that this incredible world had
to offer after our graduation the
next year. ' :

However, our peaceful life came to a sudden halt and our hopes
for a better future were
shattered with the arrival of the notorious lmperial Japanese
Army. Rumours of Japanese atrocities

were flying around even before the troops set their foot in
Johor Bharu' (36)

Nonetheless, Thomas and his family refused to leave the

town as they were unable to make a
living somewhere else.
Johor Bharu turned into a living hell with the arrival of the
Imperial Japanese Army. One

day, a group of Japanese soldiers raided my school when

the students, including Thomas, were

studying in classrooms (37) While they were ransacking all over the place, some
(38) Feeling angry
Japanese soldiers touched my female classmates repuguantly
everyone, including Thomas
the Japanese soldiers surrounded the whole school and killed
their minds after witnessing the
Two of my classmates survived the massacre, but they had lost
brutality. (40) Ihopethatsuchacatastrophewillnotrepeatitselfforever

behind and took refuge

A Worried about our safety, Father decided to leave our family business
in a remote pineapple plantation near Kota Tinggi
B My famil v and I had to Bahrr AS all the buildings ln the town were demo li shed
1e ave J,ohor

by the mercile SS b ombing of the Imperial J apanese Army

behaviour, Thomas stood up to the soldiers and asked them

to stoP their
C Enraged by this
unsavoury behaviour.
D Thomas and his familY Planned to seek refuge in a church
in another town

E It was a clas S photo taken ln 1 940 before the S econd World War broke out.
our house and
F My family and I had lost almost everything in the war - our family business,
our loved ones.
and teachers had been
G I went back to my school, only to find out that all of my classmates
were hiding ins ide the scho ol.
H The soldiers recel ved a tip- off tha t some resistance members

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. s3-8

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