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Name: Kim Ivan R.

Sumagaysay Date: 04/02/23

Teacher: Catherine De Loyola

Drawing conclusion, author's purpose and figurative language are all tools that help readers
better interpret and understand a text. Drawing conclusion is the process of forming an opinion
or inference based on the clues and evidence present in the text. This could include drawing a
conclusion based on facts, opinions, or inferences. The author's purpose is to inform, persuade,
or entertain the reader. This is typically done by providing factual information, making logical
arguments, or using figurative language to create an emotional connection with the reader.
Figurative language is a type of language used to describe or explain something indirectly. This
could include metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech.

Drawing conclusion is the most important tool for understanding a text. It helps readers
understand the main idea, identify underlying themes, and make connections between related
topics. This is done by considering the facts and evidence in the text, as well as the author's
purpose and how it fits in with the overall story or message. By drawing conclusions, readers
can gain a better understanding of the text, which can help them form an opinion or make a
decision about the topic.

The author's purpose is also important in that it helps readers understand the text and what the
author is trying to achieve. By understanding the author's purpose, readers can better interpret
the text and draw conclusions. Additionally, by knowing the author's purpose, readers can
identify the type of text they are reading, whether it is informational, persuasive, or entertaining.

Figurative language is also useful in helping readers interpret a text. Metaphors, similes, and
other figures of speech are used to create an emotional connection with the reader and to make
the text more interesting. They can also be used to make a point or to explain a concept in a
more meaningful way. By using figurative language, readers can better understand the text and
draw conclusions about the topic.

Drawing conclusion, author's purpose, and figurative language are all important tools for
understanding a text. By using these tools, readers can better interpret and understand a text,
gain a better understanding of the author's purpose, and draw conclusions about the topic.

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