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Possible Questions

1. What was the main purpose of your study?

Our main purpose of this study was to find out if the religious education has any positive or negative
impact on the student’s behaviour

2. After conducting the study, was it beneficial?

Before we conducted this study we made sure that others would benefit from this. After conducting
and gaining the appropriate data, we indeed concluded that it is not only beneficial to the student and
researchers but also teachers, schools and the parents. Still, our main priority was the students, self-
realization was their biggest benefit here, with this they can further enhance their self. Additionally, it
engages them more in their spiritual aspect, also helping them emotionally, personally, and socially

3. Are you satisfied of results of the study?

Yes, it answered our questions in “the problem”

4.To you, what was the most important aspect of this study?

For us, it’s teamwork and cooperation. Without each members cooperation, this thesis would be
impossible and challenging.

5.Why did you choose the Grade 8 students?

After consideration, we concluded that grade 8 student’s were the perfect respondents. Also why we
chose them was because they have experience already but not too much that they can realize if it has
good affect on them. Since Grade 7 are only starting out learning religion and some came from schools
who doesn’t teach RELED.

6. Why did you specifically choose this topic?

We embarked on this study as we are in a religious school. To know if there is a big difference with
the students behaviour who’s equipped with the religion subject and to the students who don’t,
positively and negatively. With this research, we can recommend parents to enroll into religious schools
because us researchers, from this study can conclude that it can have a positive impact on their children

7.Why did you choose HFNS to conduct this study in

Because it was easily accessible

8.Why do you think your study was necessary

Since not a lot of researchers embark on this study, we wanted to be the ones to do it. Also we want
the student’s to really grasp how the RELED subject is changing their behaviour. From this study they
can realize how their behaviour was affected by it when answering our questionnaires.

Important Details:


-DepEd Order (DO) No. 49 S. 2009

It is the declared policy of the State in conformity with the mandate of the Constitution, to encourage
and promote the teaching of religion to children in public elementary and high schools

-DepEd Order (DO) No. 32 S. 2013

In compliance with this Constitutional mandate, schools superintendents are enjoined to ask their
principals to: to pursuant on rights of citizens to freedom of religion and non-discrimination on the basis
of sex, religion creed or color, all schools should strive these rights of students are protected and

Table with the highest mean- 2.2 Emotional Behavior

Second highest table- 2.3 Social Behavior

Lowest table- 2.1 Personal behavior

CONCLUSION OF OURR STUDY- Religious Education plays a significant role, it helps to equip students

the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values to support their life

journey and enable them to participate in their communities and in the world as

informed, respectful, responsible and caring members of society.

Practice of Religious Education Theory - religion education is seen as (simply) an instrument of social
progress or academic knowledge social scientific appropriations can be seen as entirely satisfactory,
serving pedagogical as well as socio-political needs

Religious Education and the Public Sphere Theory - It states that Religious education bring the students
to action and that they do this through bringing to attend, towards an intellectual humility and then to
discernment. It brings to a discussion of what it might mean for religious education curricula if bringing
the child to action were the organizing principle.

SCRIPT FOR THESIS DEFENSE Introduction: JOMS: Does religious education have a positive or negative
impact on students' behavior? Numerous research have been conducted on religious education
throughout history, and we, as one of them, sought to understand how religious education affected
students' behavior. A pleasant morning to the panelists I am Jomari Ricafort, and here are my co-
members: Ms. Sophia Cassandri Escalera, Mr. John Rovic Lanzaderas, Mr. Jan Marlou Pala, and Mr. Kin
Clark Perez.  Today we will be discussing the research that we have done the "GRADE 8 BEHAVIOR:

TUBIGON, BOHOL INC. SCHOOL YEAR: 2022-2023" SOPHIA: Now it is fair to wonder why we have
chosen this particular topic to deal with, and here is the answer. We embarked on this study as we
are in a religious school. To know if there is a big difference with the students behaviour who’s equipped
with the religion subject and to the students who don’t, positively and negatively. With this research, we
can recommend parents to enroll into religious schools because us researchers, from this study can
conclude that it can have a positive impact on their children behaviour. PHIA: So let me give the floor to
mister Jomari Ricafort for the introduction. JOMARI: The family, through the attitudes and models
promoted, plays an important role in sharing fundamental human values with the student (love, respect,
honesty, altruism, kindness, tolerance). Holy Family of Nazareth School, through dedicated professional
teachers and sisters, promote and develop the student's character and behavior, exposing them to be a

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