NSTP Finals Acts

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NAME: Mercury A.

Candelaria SCORE: ______

COURSE & BLOCK: BSN 2-3 DATE: 01/26/23




DIRECTIONS: Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided before the

Global Warming 1. It is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system observed since the pre-
industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning,
which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere.

Floods 2. One of the primary causes of environmental degradation in a country could be


Effects of Climate Change 3. Warmer Oceans, Rising Oceans, Shrinking Glaciers and Rising
Global Temps are considered as the _________.

La Nina 4. It is also known as the cold phase.

El Nino 5. It is also known as the warm phase.

Ozone Layer 6. It is a region of Earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun’s ultraviolet

Climate Change 7. This describes a change in the average conditions — such as temperature and
rainfall — in a region over a long period of time.

As a member of this generation, how can you contribute to the betterment of the state of
our environment? Do you think the damage in the Earth is still reversible? How? EXPLAIN

The first thing I can do to contribute in this generation, as a nursing student who is often
thirsty during my duty I always bring my tumbler. I no longer purchase anything in single-use
plastic bottles and carry a reusable water bottle in one’s replacement. This way, whenever I want
a drink, I can simply refill my bottle in the dispenser rather than purchasing and discarding a few
bottles throughout the day. I am aware that there are instances when I must use bottles, but I am
also aware that I can lessen the waste generated by plastic bottles. In addition to the possibility of
toxic chemicals in plastic, stainless steel is also the much more environmentally friendly choice
because it can be used and recycled much more frequently. I may use water bottle for many,
many years because it can be recycled and reused numerous times and lasts much longer than
plastic can.

Furthermore, the systems that keep us alive have been harmed by people in different
ways. We have degraded the quality of the air and water, littered the land, the oceans, and rivers
with plastic and other waste, and devastated animal and plant habitats. We are not able to turn
back the hands of time and recreate the pristine, untainted environment of the past. The world is
badly impacted by the yearly construction of so many factories and infrastructures. The issue is
that its self-healing mechanisms are incredibly inefficient. The problems facing humanity are
more pressing, but the Earth will be fine. Though it might take a very long time, the Earth will
undoubtedly heal.

While global warming cannot be stopped overnight, it can be slowed and its effects can
be limited by lowering observed warming of gases that warm the planet. The greatest place to
begin is with everyone doing their share to stop further damage from occurring.
NAME: Mercury A. Candelaria SCORE:______

COURSE & BLOCK: BSN 2-3 DATE: 1/26/23




DIRECTIONS: Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided before the

Values_ 1. These are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work.

Post Conventional Satge: Adulthood 2. This stage is where the people internalize the values, they
have imbibed in the first two stages without fear.

_Pre- Conditional Stage: Youth 3. This stage is the phase wherein children comply with the values of
those who assert power on them (parents, teachers, nuns, and priests).

Fatalism 4. Jun tried all his efforts to make the business work, but nothing’s changed. He got
tired trying afterwards because he thinks that no matter what he does, luck isn’t really on his

Infinite Responsibility: Utang na Loob 5. Auntie Rosa helped Amanda to finish her studies. In
return, Amanda now takes all the finances for Auntie Rosa’s medicines.

Conventional Stage: Youth 6. During this stage, adolescence identify with their peers, idols and
teachers due to interpersonal communication.

Utang na Loob: Infinite Responsibility 7. It is the unending gratitude, but this is not enough
because the responsibility to others does not end since pagpapakatao has no limits, same with
Utang na Loob: Infinite Responsibility 8. This portrays our true identity based on our concern
and response to others.

Bayanihan: Team Spirit 9. This denotes camaraderie among the people in the community and
connotes helping one another in time of need.

Social Acceptance 10. It refers to the way of life of Filipinos to be recognized or acknowledged
by their fellowmen and social groups.


What is your understanding about the quotation, “To know yourself, you must sacrifice
the illusion that you already do.”? Explain briefly but clearly.

Abandon the perception of control if you want legitimate control, and let life have you
instead. However, it does. The truth is that nothing can be controlled because everything in life is
an appearance of who we are. Simply be and take it all in. Whatever it is, it is. Accepting the
possibility that you may not be as self-aware as you believe is a good place to start if you want to
improve your life.

Furthermore, as we become older, we run into various circumstances that can transform
our outlook on life. For instance, despite my youth, I have always yearned to be a doctor. Due to
a certain circumstance, though, my thoughts eventually began to wander to other dreams. If that's
the case, we can't say that we already know who we are; instead, we should give up on that
notion and pursue adventure. Enjoy the moment and the future that lies ahead of us.

But regardless of all of this, I think that one of the greatest things knows oneself because
you know who you are as a person regardless of what others may think of you
NAME: _Mercury A. Candelaria SCORE: _______

COURSE & BLOCK: BSN 2-3 DATE: 1/26/23




DIRECTIONS: Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided before the

Leadership 1. is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal
and captures the essentials of being able and prepared to inspire others.

Compassion 2. One of the qualities of a leader is to think of how others are feeling.

Democratic 3. This leadership style is a form of leadership where decision making is shared with
members of a group.

Forgiveness 4. One of the qualities of a leader is to accept shortcomings of others without anger;
gives people a second chance.

Laissez- Faire 5. This leadership style is a hands-off style of leadership.

Loyalty 6. One of the qualities of a leader is to stay true to friends and family or team members
through difficult times.

Pacesetter 7. A leadership style wherein the leader set a very high goals and standards to get
things done better and faster.

Determination 8. One of the qualities of a leader is to focus on goals and works hard to achieve
Transactional 9. A style of leadership in which punishments and incentives are used to motivate

Fairness 10. One of the qualities of a leader is to treat people fairly and advocates for their rights;
doesn’t let personal feelings bias decisions.


DIRECTIONS: ESSAY. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Do you consider yourself as a leader? If yes, what leadership style growth tactics do you
prefer to implement to your group? If no, why not?

Democratic Leadership
Yes. My leadership style is Democratic. I apply democratic leadership because I
believe it to be the most successful form of leadership that anyone can adopt. Everyone
feels like they have some degree of influence over the work they are being asked to
complete each day, which frequently results in a higher level of productivity, greater
participation from the group, and broadens. Democratic leaders are concerned with
including their team in decision-making. When their experience and skills are applied to a
solution, they desire their immediate supervisor to feel that they have something to gain
from it. While enabling each individual to make an educated, engaged decision about
what is achievable, it gives the team the chance to seek feedback from others.
I make sure every activity is a group choice as a democratic leader. This means
that in my role as a group leader, I should serve as a guide, serve as a communicator
between group members, and make sure that a positive, respected atmosphere is upheld.
Since it encourages a sense of participation, influence, and freedom, I should adopt
leadership approaches because they normally do a better of fostering work performance.
In all words, leadership is a behavior rather than an office or position that one has.
2. Being exposed to several leadership styles amongst your groups formed in school, say,
when you were still in the basic education (JHS/SHS), what type of leadership have you
found most unpleasant? What experience have you had to consider it to be so?

Pacesetting Leadership
I've experience pacesetting leadership previously, which focuses on the leader
setting the group's pace by adopting a "Do as I do" attitude. Now.” mentality. We all keep
an eye on the person setting the pace to see how quickly and well they work. This
leadership style may be effective in the short term, but because one of my classmates
consistently takes control in our group, we fear that it will be damaging to our long-term
All of the group's members would benefit from a different leadership approach.
For me, each person has unique qualities and abilities. However, if a member falls short
of expectations, our leader in this style will always belittle them. The fact that our entire
group feels like it is headed into stress is one of the main issues. During, our case study, it
was extremely difficult to work for a leader who adopted this approach. Due to pressure
from our leader, we neglect our productivity as a group in an effort to keep up with our
leader. As a result, we experience unable to live up to our leader's high expectations,
which can result in our low self-esteem and feelings of failure.
If we were given the responsibility of becoming the leader, we would need to
understand that each member has widely different levels of capability. Knowing one's
abilities and flaws is one of the initial and most crucial elements in developing one's
leadership abilities.
NAME: Mercury A. Candelaria SCORE: _____

COURSE & BLOCK: BSN 2-3 DATE: 1/26/23





1. If given the chance, what products/ services are you willing to start-up? Explain why.

It goes without saying that the internet has altered the way we live, conduct business, and
shop. Everyone now has access to the Internet, but especially those who don't want to work for a
boss. There is no denying that women love to shop, therefore having an online store for women's
clothing and accessories have many advantages.

I already have a personal page and a tiny online business since I enjoy shopping. Since
women can now easily search and buy online without having to visit each store separately to
make their selections, online shopping has made it easier for women to do so. It seems more
practical to me as well. In my opinion, its more practical. Every time I go to an event, I just look
for a dress in my shop. Additionally, I make more money this way without making significant

Men, as much as women, favor online shopping. I may target a larger audience and
improve my earnings considerably by choosing a fashion clothes business that offers items for
both men and women. In a nutshell, the aspect that individuals appreciate the most about online
shopping is that they just go online, shop, and receive whatever they ordered at their doorsteps.

Create a scenario or situation that would best fit the Entrepreneurship theories below:

A. Sociological-Based Theory
-In this idea, the social facets of entrepreneurship are addressed. An entrepreneur
may have a successful business that meets every customer's expectations if they take
into account all the social factors, including social taboos, conventions, tradition, and
other religious beliefs.
SCENARIO: Mr. Wang is looking to start a business. He intends to open a
sizable grocery store in Makati. However, he discovered that there was an
accident in front of the probable land that he wanted to buy while he searched
for the location. Because he thinks it will be terrible luck for his business, he
quickly cancels his plan. He made a decision to go to his grocery shop the
following morning, but his friend Mr. Wy wanted to credit all of the items in
his cart even though he is the one who serves as the cashier. As a business
owner, Mr. Wang believes in bad luck whereas he thinks that having a low-
paying first customer in the morning will have an impact on how much
money the company makes that day.

B. Opportunity-Based Theory
- When entrepreneurs believe there is a chance to reallocate resources from current,
ineffective arrangements to more exciting opportunities, they choose to launch a new
company or expand in a new product-market.
SCENARIO: Mrs. Reyes is the owner of a reputable company that produces
foods like chicken oil and tinapa. In the Philippines, her items are well-liked
on the market. As the business's owner, she recognizes an opportunity when
many OFW want Filipino goods that are unavailable elsewhere. She made an
urgent strategy to associate with a company overseas for simple product
shipping. As the years pass, her well-known company is steadily growing
over the globe as she searches for new markets to expand her business.

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