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Plus one English Revision Test Series 2022

TEST 02 FHET Malappuram. Maximum Score: 40.

Time: 1.15 Hour

Cool off Time: 10


General Instructions to Candidates:

. There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes in addition to the writing

time of 1.15 hour.

. Use the ‘cool-off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your

. Read the questions carefully before answering.

Write answers to the specific number of questions as instructed.

(Questions. 1- 8) Answer any All questions. Each carries 1 score.


There is no armour against Fate

Death lays his icy hands on Kings

1. What does ‘Fate’ refer to?

2.Identify the figure of speech in the second line.

I approached the mother’s bedside.The ring was in my hand.Wishing her

a good morning I said ‘ Mrs.Clifford your son is alive .He is well’.

3. Who is ‘I’ referred to here?

4.Name the ‘son’ mentioned here.

He seemed to them to link up the past with the future and to make the dismal
present appear just as a stepping-stone to that of future of life and hope…

5. Who linked up the past with the future?

6. Pick out the word that means ‘gloomy’ from the excerpt.

7.What ,according to James Shelley, can survive death?Write your

answer in one sentence.

8. Correct the following sentence:

The apples kept in the bag is bought from Kashmir.

(Questions 9 to 13) Answer any 3 questions. Each carries 2 score.


9.Gandhiji dreamt of an India where there can be no ‘curse of intoxicating drinks

and drugs.’

What can we do to tackle the menace of ‘the drinks and drugs’? Write
your suggestions in two sentences.

10.Edit the following sentence. There are two errors

One of the character in the story The Price of Flowers is present everywhere
though he is behind the curtain. There is a lot of instances in the story.

11..Change into indirect speech.

Gupta:Please play the violin for me,I am very fond of the violin.

Maggie:The way I play is not at all worth listening to.

12.What was the two-fold action involved in Gandhiji’s exhortation?

13.Justify the suitability of the title of the poem DEATH THE
LEVELLER .Write two sentences.

(Questions 14 to 16) Answer any 2 questions. Each carries 4 score.


14. Gandhi had a dream of India .What is your dream of India?

You participate in a Group Discussion on topic India in my dream. What

would you say in the discussion.Prepare the script of your

15. I want work that will make me use my head,brain work.Like the work of a

It is about Maggie's dream of her profession. What kind of profession

do you like?Write your answer in a paragraph.


Only the actions of thee just

Smell sweet and blossom in their dust

What is the message of the poem Death the Leveller? Write your
answer in a paragraph elaborating the lines given above.

(Questions 17 to 19) Answer any 2 questions. Each carries 5 score.


17. Gupta writes a letter to her sister who is living in India about Maggie and her
mother.Prepare the letter for Gupta.

18. Women will enjoy the same right as men…This is the India of my dream.
Do you think Gandhiji's thoughts of women empowerment have come true? Write a letter to
the editor of an English daily expressing your concern over the issue.

19. ‘Please buy flowers with this shilling when you go and lay them on my
brother’s grave for me’ What traits of Maggie are evident here? Sketch
the character of Maggie in a paragraph.

(Questions 20 & 21) Answer any one question. Each carries 8 score

20.Write an article on the relevance of Gandhian thoughts in the

modern world.



Am I next? Am I the next one to go?

The deaths recently of people I know.

A cliff edge there. And beyond is below.

Me then, up here, will be nowhere on snow.

It is fate, of course, Inevitable.

That at some point be my turn to be next

The loss I face then, inestimable.

Not outside it; my direct interest.

I am saddened. Feel saddened and bereft.

Not superficial self-pity. Deeper

Advance grief. Nothing of me will be left

I cannot swerve meeting the grim reaper

So, for this shock ahead I have sorrow.

I know it will be my turn tomorrow.

Now prepare an appreciation of the poem focusing on its theme, message,

relevance and figures of speech.
Plus one English Revision Test Series 2022

TEST 02 FHET Malappuram.

Answer Key/Sample Answers



3.Mr.Gupta/The narrator pu



7.Our good actions can survive death/any appropriate answer.


8.The apples kept in the bag are brought from Kashmir.

9.I suggest that we should enforce severe punishment for those involved in
drug trafficking .

What about giving continuous awareness to people on the harmful effects of

drinks and drugs?

10.One of the characters, There are a lot of instances

11.Mr. Gupta requested Maggie to play violin. He added that he was very
fond of the violin.

12. Gandhiji’s two fold action was:

(1) to challenge and resist foreign rule and

(2)to fight against the social evils inside the country like
untouchability,minority problems etc.

13. All have to succumb to the inevitability of death irrespective of their

position or status in society. The title implies that death treats everyone

14. Dear Friends, I too have dreams about my country. I dream of India
winning the football World Cup. I dream of an India where women can walk
safely on the streets regardless of time. I dream of an India where public
places are spotlessly clean as private places., an India that is free from
corruption,from pilfering and swindling resources.

15. I am fond of doing work that requires artistic skill and aesthetic sense. I
love to work as an art director in the Film industry. It is a challenging job.

But it is worth doing as it is rewarding, both mentally and financially. In
addition, it gives us a lot of popularity, much more than from any other job.
To be recognised as an artist is my passion and I work hard to realise it.

16. Good actions are more important than family status and power in

society. Worldly glories are transient or temporary. It is important to focus


on doing virtue rather than making worldly achievements like power and

wealth. Just people are the real heroes, whose actions smell sweet forever.
In our life, we should strive for justice and goodness.


Apartment no. 14,

G.K Street,

August, 24, 1910.

My dear Geethu,
How is it going, dear? I'm writing this letter to tell you about a person
whom I met a few weeks ago. Can you guess why? When I saw her I
remembered you, my little sister.
It was on a Saturday that I saw her. Oh! I forgot to tell her name - Maggie.
She is a loving daughter , who cares very much for her mother. She works
hard and is thrifty enough to have meals only on Saturdays. I went to her
home and felt their deep family bonding. I don't know how to help them
reduce their anxiety about her brother from whom there is no news.

Next week I'm going there once again. I'll tell you more after that,
Geethu.Till then bye.

Your loving brother


Gupta. pu




Daffodil villa

11 th October 2022


The Editor,
The Hindu.


Subject: Women empowerment: still a mirage

I am writing this letter to express my concern over a serious issue. I would
like to draw the attention of the public to the age-old topic of women
empowerment. Even after 70 years of independence, women empowerment
remains a dream. The issue is being debated and discussed all over India. Still
women are deprived of their rights and equal opportunities. We should work
hard to realise the dream of our Father of Nation. I am sure, women never
enjoy the same rights as men. Atrocities against women are increasing day by
day. They are exploited even in domestic circles. They are denied equal
opportunities everywhere. Are they free to travel with safety and security? Do
they have the right to higher education? Are they safe at the workplace? It is
high time we worked hard to do something in this regard. The authorities

concerned should implement strict laws for women empowerment. Let’s hope

we can build a nation where women are free and safe. Kindly publish this
through the appropriate columns of your esteemed daily.

Yours truly,


Maya. .

19. Maggie is the most touching character in the story The Price of Flowers.

The teenage girl wins the heart of the readers from the beginning to the end of
the story. Her simplicity, innocence and concern for her old widowed mother
strike us to the core. Her concern for her missing brother also captures the
attention of the readers. Maggie is ambitious and hard working. She worked
as a typist and dreamt of a career like that of a secretary. She played violin
well. She was anxious about her mother. Her mother, Mrs. Clifford, used to
sell cakes to support her family. Like her mother, she was also haunted by the
thoughts of her brother Frank. There had been no news of Frank for long. She
was very nostalgic about her brother Frank. She gave a shilling to Mr. Gupta
for buying flowers to be kept on the grave of her brother. She is a symbol of
love, innocence and dedication. Her humility in dealing with others is
marvellous. Her seriousness tinged with innocence for facing the challenges of
life is praiseworthy. To conclude, Maggie is simply superb.

20. Relevance of Gandhian Thoughts in the Modern World.

Gandhian principles assume a special significance in the modern world where
everything is measured in terms of money and pomposity. Relevance of
Gandhian principles is increasing in such a ‘fast developing world’. What he
stood for years back is still relevant in the modern times. Gandhiji upheld the

principles of women empowerment: ‘Women will enjoy the same right as men.
This is the India of my dreams.’ Shall we be able to build such an India where

women are given equal opportunities? It is a question to be debated at length.


A lot is to be done in this regard. At present we are ashamed of hearing about


the cruelty and atrocities against women and children. There are many

challenges for them.


Gandhiji also emphasised the need for communal harmony. He dreamt

of ‘an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony.’ Have we
been doing anything to ensure communal harmony? Nothing is being done.
Gandhiji stressed the need of value-based education. Have we succeeded
in making our educational system value based ? It is a reality that we failed to
frame an education policy which is apt for our new generation. He upheld the
principles of ahimsa and non-violence. He also stressed the importance of
truthfulness and fearlessness in life. He strongly stood against the social evils
like caste system.
Constant vigil should be kept to cherish the Gandhian principles. We
should promote them among our children. Government should make sure that
Gandhian values are included in the school curriculum. Stern steps should be
taken in this regard. Let’s work hard for a better society.

Appreciation of the Poem Am I Next

The poem' Am I next ' is written by an unknown poet.The poem paints a

grim picture of death.The poet says that death is inevitable.
The poem is set in a situation where the poet anticipates death. Death is
unavoidable and inevitable.He paints a grim picture of death.He was upset

by the loss of people around him.The poet is in love with his life.It is very

striking that the turn of death may come at any time.The theme of the poem
is very relevant.

The poet has used many poetic devices.They make the poem very

effective.The poetic devices enhance the beauty of the poem.The rhyme


scheme used in the poem makes it a melodious one.The poet has used

simple language.

We can read the poem from different angles.The poem reminds us of the
reality of death.

(Prepared by Team English Malappuram for 1FHET Care)

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