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Neo- classical school:-

Neo classical school of criminology developed as a compromised between classical and

positivist school of criminology. Before neo classical school all offenders were treated same
no matter what is their age , mental condition etc. This was unjust because child and insane
person does not have same understanding to distinguish between right and wrong.

 Neo- classical school rejected the free will theory and focused on the nature of crime more
than individual. Neo classical school of criminologist distinguish between the first offender
and habitual offender. Criminologist of Neo- Classical school believe in scientific evidence to
determine a just punishment for crimes.

Socialistic School:-
Karl Marx was the founder of socialistic school of thought.One of the major causes of crime
according to Karl Marx and Engle was class struggle, which is a product of capitalism. I.e.
Rich and Poor.

                The rich becomes richer and poor become poorer. This give rise to the class
struggle. The people who are belonging to poor community, when they suffer poverty and
unemployment then they commit crime to feed themselves to fulfill their bare necessities.


Economic aspects alone are not responsible for the causation of crime. Many persons commit
crimes under the sudden provocation or under some other compelling conditions who are
done through financially well to do.

 White-collar criminals are exceptions to the above general prepositions of this school.
 Economic aspect is one of the factor of crime but it is alone is not the whole factor of

Sociological School:-
Sociological school was emerged in the 20 th century and thus school thought is whenever a
person is commit crime just because of the external factors as no person is born criminal and
this school rejected the born criminal concept. As criminal behavior is learnt and conditioned
by the social environment.

          The main causes of crime as

 Poverty
 Bad association
 Broken family environment

          This school explains that society plays a very important role in causation of crime as
poverty also influence the person to commit a crime as when a person is not able to meet their
basic needs then he will commit the crime. Social factors influence a person to commit the
crime. Social factors influence a person to commit a crime.


Social learning theory:- This theory says that people learn criminal behavior from the people
around them

Social conflict theory: – This theory says that class warfare is responsible for the crime.

Pre-Classical School

The demonological school is another term for the pre-classical school. With the supremacy of
the catholic religion in Europe during the 17th century,   There were few scientific
explanations for the causes of offence at the time, and the idea of a criminal act was
ambiguous and uncertain.

As a consequence, spirits, inner demons, as well as unidentified energy were invoked to

explain illegal acts. The core idea was that a man commits a criminal act due to the influence
of an exterior power which is beyond person’s control and comprehension. God’s wrath was
thought to be used to penalise the wrongdoers. The violators were pursued through fights and
rock pelting, with the belief that if the wrongdoer was innocent, no injury would be done.

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