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Genuine U.S.

Government Conspiracies Against Its Own People

Dr. Nick Begich Author brother of Nicholas Begich a U.S. politician
who was a member of the House of Representatives explains the
harmful effects of HAARP a gov't operation.

Agent Orange was a type of early chemtrail that is harmful.

The Church Hearings by the Senate Select Committee of the 70s

showed the world the harms of MK Ultra in the 50s.
Almost everyone person tied to the JFK assassination was CIA.

The US Department of the Treasury poisoned alcohol during

Prohibition — and people died.

More than 100 million Americans received a polio vaccine

contaminated with a potentially cancer-causing virus.

Parts of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, which led to US intervention in

Vietnam, never happened.

Government is using technology to violate privacy.

The CIA Used Weather Modification as a Weapon.

23 Mind Control patents starting in the 50s with a hypnotic inducer –


Be wary of conspiracy theories as many are false, but many are true.

Government works to never be openly nefarious.

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