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Business or commerce is the activity of buying and selling goods or services with
the aim of making a profit. In economics, business is an organization that sells
goods or services to consumers or other businesses for a profit.
Profits in business are not necessarily money. It can be a benefit in any form
which is acknowledged by the business (entity) involved in the business
2. Story of the KFC Restaurants, at 15 he lost his father at 16 he dropped out of
school at 17 he wa fired from 4 jobs, at 18 he got married and became a railroad
conductor, at 19 he became a father to a little girl at 20 his wife left him and took
their 1 years old baby daughter with her, at 22 he joined the army, applied to law
school and faced rejection afer rejection from school and the jobs he was at he
then became a insurance salesman and he get any other fail and rejection. Feeling
like a total failure he decided to be commit suicide he sat under a tree writing his
suicide letter. But he realize there was so much he hadn’t done yet, that he could
do do like no one else, Actually he could do it better then everyone else that was
a cooking, cooking the best chicken anyone had ever tasted.
Moral value the story, “ Believe in the quality of what you do and in yourself no
matter how many times you get rejected, make a difference and enchance
people’s live “
“Don’t give up its never too old to dream”
3. Every day My little sister wakes up at 05.00 am and then She takes a shower.
Sometimes she eats chocolate and cookies after She has Subuh prayer.
At 6.30 she has a breakfast After that she prepare her study in elementary
school by class online and finished at 11.30 am and then she eats luch after
dzuhur prayer. At 1.00 pm she get islami study at madrasah Diniyah Awaliyah by
class online too until 4 pm.
In the afternoon after ashar prayer, she usually play with her friend just play little
girl game.
At 6 pm after clean up herself , she prepare for magrib prayer and eat dinner at
6.30 pm. And she watches her favorite cartoon series or just chillout with my
family or sometimes she did her homework after Isya prayer.
And finally In the evening at 08. 30 pm she goes to bed.
4. My name is Dinda Syifa Mahroja I’m 20 years old I’m from Subang West Java,
now I live with my aunty at Perum Patra Indah Rinjani Street Cilacap and I work
as a staff admin at Migas Muhammadiyah Vocational High School. But now I
live alone at boarding house because its near from my work.
My hobbies are listening music watching movie or korean drama and reading a
book but actually my hobbies just sleep hehe Lol:v My activty just around at
work and now I get study at STIEM Cilacap I join to Accounting Class by class
online and I very excited about that.
I want to be ‘just being me’ and I hope I can lovemyself accept myself completely
and I hope no more insecure about things can make my mental breakdown.

But now I can healing myself slowly.

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