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Stone Rock Village, Catalunan Grande, Davao City
A.Y. 2022 – 2023



STUDENTS NAME: Daniel Philip S. Sotes Crs & Yr : BSED-English 1st year college


A. Instructions: Answer the following question.

1. Why do you say that an instructional material is well-developed/designed?
-Instructional material is well developed and designed because it takes creativity,
hardwork, time and ideas of a teacher in order to develop it. It is well developed and
designed by a teacher because students needs participation and engagement in class
work in order for students to be effectively engaged and motivated in learning a
course. I believe that one instructional material should be engaging that results
students to know and answer quizzes and test from a given material and get good
scores and grades. Furthermore, one instructional material should take into account of
strengths and weaknesses of students. This means that instructional material should be
challenging, appropriate, and follow a proper types of material on different level of
education stage. Different for elementary, high school, and college level.

B. Instructions: Based on the ideas of experts on the evaluation of instructional materials, as a

prospective teacher, identify 3 important characteristics of an instructional material that you need to
consider that will help in the attainment of meaningful language learning. Rank them according to
priority then give reasons for the first and the last characteristics to consider. In other words, how do
we know that the instructional materials are worthy of utilization?

Intended learning outcomes

instructional ma

Instructional Content

1st:The first characteristic of an instructional material that the teachers should
consider that will help in the attainment of meaningful language learning
should be rely on ‘intended learning outcomes’ because this reminds every
teacher on what should be the learning outcomes of students after they
participate or learn the subjects they are studying. They must encourage the
students to learn their lessons in order for the students to meet the desired
learning outcomes.
2nd:The second characteristic of an instructional material that the teachers
should consider that will help in the attainment of meaningful language learning
is the instructional content. In teaching a subject, this is very important because
the content of the instructional material should be related to the topic prior to
the given subject. The content must be specific and easy to understand. It should
be colorful, big enough in size to be seen by farthest students in the classroom
who are in the back of the class and the instructional content must be attractive
putting some appropriate images and examples as serving ideas.
3rd: The third characteristic of an instructional material that the teachers should
consider that will help in the attainment of meaningful language learning is the
durability of the instructional material. Visual aids should be durable because it
is the creativity, resourcefulness, money spent and hard work of the teachers and
it should last for a long time that’s why teachers reuse them.

-Instructional materials are worthy of utilization when the topic, type of

material, and learning outcomes are well organized and planned. It is worthy of
utilization by having well-formed sized, colorful and beautiful images that is big
enough in size to be seen by students which are pleasing that catches the students
attention for them to participate in class, and by having instructional material
content that has the full information and examples of the given topic on the
subject. Thus, students will have their own ideas, and have their minds widen
that lead them to build learning strategies.

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