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A Division of the Set Point Technology Group

We are ready
for more soot
by John S Evans, B. Sc.
and Neil Robinson, B. Sc. Hons This, however, does not mean we do
not have a problem on our hands that

et Ready for More Soot’ is needs to be dealt with. The major and
the title of an article writ- most effective way of dealing with
ten by Drew Troyer of the exhaust emissions is through engine
Noria Corporation for publication in redesign. In effect, we are going to put
Practising Oil Analysis. It deals in the pollutants in the oil instead of the
part with the effect that current and atmosphere. South Africa buys nearly
proposed environmental legislation all its diesel engines and equipment
Emissions would have on the performance of that is powered by them from coun-
engine lubricants. This Technical Bul-
are dealt letin takes a close look at soot, why it
tries that have very strict environ-
mental legislation so we are subject
with is a problem, why is it becoming more to the engine technology of America,
of a problem and how to measure its England, Germany and Japan.
through presence in oil.
engine Both the Montreal and (more recently)
One of the two major pollutants that
need to be reduced is soot, a particu-
design. Kyoto protocols dictate that exhaust late consisting of almost pure carbon
emissions from internal combustion resulting from the incomplete com-
engines must be reduced and target bustion of any hydrocarbon fuel. In
levels and dates for meeting these lev- an ideal world the burning of petrol
els are stipulated. Various countries or diesel would produce nothing but
around the world also have their own water and carbon dioxide. In the real
legislation regulating exhaust emis- world, petrol and diesel are not pure
sion and pollution levels. Although compounds and no combustion proc-
South Africa has recently become a ess is 100% efficient. The end result is
signatory of the Kyoto protocol, it is soot, which is what turns diesel engine
not subject to the environmental legis- oil black within a very short period of
lation of other countries. time.

Wearcheck Africa is an





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registered company.


The other major pollutant is a family of and injection timing retarded with a
gases known as nitrogen oxides, usu- subsequent increase in the production
ally referred to as NOx, which results of soot. This has led to more soot being
from chemical reactions in the com- generated in the combustion process,
bustion chamber. NOx is linked to the more soot that now has to end up in the
formation of acid rain and the deple- oil instead of the environment.
tion of the ozone layer, whilst soot and
other particulate emissions can cause a One recent development in engine
wide range of pulmonary and respira- design that reduces particulate emis-
tory health problems. sions is Exhaust Gas Recirculation,
better known as EGR. Engines de-
Unfortunately, with recent engine signed to meet the most restrictive
technology, the steps taken to reduce of environmental regulations employ
one would increase the other and vice EGR whereby a certain percentage of
versa. An increase in engine combus- the exhaust gases are sent back to the
tion temperature would ensure more combustion chamber creating a multi-
efficient combustion and reduce the pass opportunity for the soot to end up
amount of soot generated but would in the oil. An EGR valve regulates how
increase the amount of NOx produced. much of the exhaust is recirculated,
Likewise a reduction in combustion typically 10 - 20% under load and
temperatures coupled with the timing about 70% at idle.
being retarded would reduce the NOx
Pollutants levels but increase soot levels and ex-
haust smoke.
So what effect does this extra soot
loading have on the oil and, in turn,
now the engine? The most obvious effect
The American EPA (Environmental that soot has on the oil is to increase
end up Protection Association) has imposed its viscosity, that is, high soot concen-
standards that will reduce NOx emis- trations reduce the ability of the oil to
in the oil. sions in 2004 by 50% compared with flow easily. This results in increased
1998 and to decrease particulate matter wear on start up (where the majority
by 43 000 tons per annum. The engine of engine wear takes place), increased
technology is available to achieve this friction and operating temperature, and
but where will all that soot go? Cor- a reduction in fuel economy. Unrelated
rect, in the oil. to an increase in viscosity, the likeli-
hood of dispersancy failure, fouling
Soot particles are vanishingly small and deposits is also increased. So,
when they are generated in the com- high soot concentrations cause plenty
bustion process. Typically they are of problems for both the oil and the
nearly spherical in shape and are be- engine.
tween 1/100th and 1/20th of a micron
in diameter (10 - 50 nanometers). EGR technology is relatively new to
Through various physical processes South Africa but it is not the only as-
these particles agglomerate or stick pect of engine design that needs to be
together and the average soot ‘group’ considered in terms of soot levels in the
is about 0.078 micron in size which is oil. Fuel injection timing, combustion
well below the filtration level of most chamber design, ring position, engine
standard engine oil filters. Engine oil type, scavenge efficiency, air cleaner
contains chemicals called dispersants restriction, air/fuel ratio, low compres-
that help keep a certain amount of this sion, excessive idling, lugging, etc.,
soot in suspension and the rest of it can and will affect the amount of soot
‘disappears’ out the exhaust pipe and ending up in the oil.
into the atmosphere.
All this legislation and new engine
In order to reduce NOx levels, combus- technology has made it necessary for
tion temperatures have been reduced the oil companies to formulate new

engine lubricants and to do this far frared analysis (FTIR). This method
more quickly than has been done in the has been chosen over others because
past. Oils can be formulated with more of its speed, cost, accuracy and ease
dispersants, which are chemicals that of operation in a condition monitoring
keep soot in suspension to retard vis- application.
cosity increase and stop deposits form-
ing on engine parts. However, there is There has, however, been one problem
a limit to how much of an additive can with the way in which Wearcheck ex-
be put in an oil before other properties presses soot contamination levels. The
become affected. It must also be re- number reported is merely an index,
membered that additives are sacrificial it is not a measurement in grams per
in that once they have done their job, millilitre or % by mass which many
that’s it, they cannot be regenerated to people are a lot more comfortable
do that job a second time. Synthetic with. The reason for the soot index
and severely hydrotreated oils (API is historical and comes from certain
base oil groups II, III and IV) all show laboratory equipment manufacturers, a
a resistance to thickening (viscosity particular engine manufacturer and the
increase) under conditions of high soot United States military.
loading so this may also be used to
control the problem. Because increased soot levels in en-
gine oils dramatically affect all the
It is interesting to note that most peo- players, engine manufacturers and oil
Soot ple tend to think of soot, carbon black,
exhaust smoke, that ‘stuff’ around a
formulators alike, Wearcheck has de-
veloped a soot reading that everyone
can be candlewick or whatever you want to is intuitively comfortable with and
call it, as being ‘soft and crumbly’. It’s that is soot by percentage mass. This
more not! Soot is harder and more abrasive does not mean that the soot index is in
than dirt. In fact, carbon in its other any way inaccurate; in fact the method
abrasive form, although not strictly related, is currently employed by Wearcheck has
what diamonds consist of. been put to the ASTM (American So-
than dirt. ciety of Testing and Materials) for rati-
A recent study showed that as long as fication as an internationally accepted
the dispersancy of the oil was okay and method for the FTIR analysis of used
the soot was kept in suspension, then lubricating oil.
there did not appear to be any system-
atic link between soot concentration INSTRUMENT
and engine wear rate. What did appear CALIBRATION
significant was that when the soot load-
ing of the oil exceeded the oil’s ability As mentioned earlier Wearcheck has
to carry that amount of soot, then wear historically provided the soot load-
rates did increase. ing of a sample as a soot index. This
number is derived from the FTIR
All this means that being able to meas- spectrum. This instrument relies on
ure the amount of soot in a used engine the absorbance of infrared light by the
oil, is now more vitally important species of interest. i.e. sulphate, NOx,
than ever before. There are a number etc. However, soot doesn’t absorb
of ways that soot concentration can infrared light, it disperses it. This has
be measured in used oils - the blot- the effect of raising the baseline of the
ter method, the insolubles test, light FTIR trace. Because of this, soot is
extinction measurement, thermogravi- measured by the decrease in the trans-
metric analysis and infrared analysis. mittance of infrared light at 2000cm-1.
Wearcheck has always measured soot This wavelength was chosen, as there
levels, either by blotter method or, are no other absorbing species in this
since 1990, by Fourier Transform In- area (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Soot wave length

Although the soot index is a useful first stage involves heating the sample
indicator of the soot loading of oil it is under an inert atmosphere such as
effectively a dimensionless number. It nitrogen up to 600°C. At this point it
was therefore decided to investigate the is assumed any oil and additives will
relationship between the Wearcheck be vaporised. The gas is then switched
Soot is soot index and the actual percentage to air and the temperature raised to
measured by mass of the soot in oil. 750°C. It is at this stage that every-
thing combustible, i.e. soot, will burn
in The generally accepted method to off. All that remains at the end of the
determine this is ASTM E1131-98, a process is ash and non-combustibles,
percentage very costly and time-consuming proc- bearing in mind that soot is essentially
ess. Essentially a very small sample of pure carbon and will burn to produce
mass. oil, typically 20 milligrams, is placed only carbon dioxide gas.
on a very sensitive balance, in an
enclosed furnace. The sample is then The weight loss versus temperature/
heated at a controlled rate in stages and time profile (Figure 2) is then exam-
the change in the weight recorded. The ined and the percentage soot calcu-

In order to get the correlation data that

was needed, two centres of excellence
were approached, the Department of
Polymer Chemistry at the University
of Stellenbosch and The Cummins Test
Delta Y = 93.6892 % Centre (CTC) in the United States, and
a set of samples was sent to each.
These samples were analysed in du-
Weight %

plicate by thermogravimetric analysis

(TGA). Additionally CTC ran the sam-
Soot = Delta Y = 5.0221 % ples through their FTIR instrument and
these results were also compared.
Residue 1.0 % The results are shown overleaf in fig-
ures 3 and 4, and on page 6 in figure
Time (min)
Figure 2: Soot percentage As can be seen from the results there

Figure 3: Comparison of soot index: Stellenbosch TGA vs Wearcheck FTIR

results were
matched by
two external

Figure 4: Comparison of soot index: Cummins TGA vs Wearcheck FTIR

was an excellent and linear relation- run in duplicate in order to produce

ship between the Wearcheck soot reliable results.
index and the mass % soot in the oil.
It was especially pleasing that both ex- This confirms that using FTIR for the
ternal test laboratories returned nearly routine analysis and determination of
identical relationships. soot loading of used engine oils is a
sound practice and that Wearcheck is
Additionally it can be seen in Figure also able to offer a fast and low cost %
5 that there is excellent agreement soot by mass that is traceable to ASTM
between the FTIR instrument at the E1131-98. However, due to the nature
Cummins test centre and that of the of the method, which relies on infrared
Wearcheck instrument. radiation passing through the sample,
once the soot content reaches a level
Other than cost and ease of application, where this is compromised, the results
the FTIR method has also been shown will become unreliable. This is gener-
to be more reproducible than the TGA ally when the soot loading reaches
method, which requires samples to be about 8%.

Figure 5: FTIR comparison: Cummins vs Wearcheck

References: Copies of previous Technical Bulletins

can be accessed on Wearcheck’s web
1. Simultaneous Reduction of Soot site:
and NOx in Diesel Engines by Homo-
geneous Catalysis of Platinum Group Readers who would prefer to receive
Metals. R. M. Montano, J. Robinson, J. future issues of Wearcheck Technical
W. Haskew and C. D. Schively. Bulletin and Monitor via e-mail
instead of in printed form, please
2. The Effect of EGR on Diesel En- e-mail a request to:
gine Wear. A. J. Dennis, C. P. Garner,
D. H. C. Taylor. Publications are welcome to repro-
duce this article or extracts from it,
3. Overview of Engine Combustion providing the Wearcheck Division of
Research at Sandia National Laborato- Set Point Technology is acknowledged.
ries. R. W. Carling, G. Singh.
Produced by the
4. Get Ready for More Soot. D. Troy- Wearcheck Division of
YOUR Set Point Technology
Method for Compositional Analysis 9 Le Mans Place, Westmead
Wearcheck’s handy
P.O. Box 15108, Westmead, 3608.
sampling kits are by Thermography. Tel: (031) 700-5460
designed to keep Fax: (031) 700-5471
together customised E-mail:
equipment needed Many thanks to Dr McAuley of the
for taking oil samples. GAUTENG
University of Stellenbosch and David 25 San Croy Office Park,
This plastic tool box
Stehouwer of the Cummins Test Cen- Die Agora Road
contains a sample
extraction pump, an
tre in the United States. (off Brabazon Road), Croydon.
additional length of P.O. Box 284, Isando, 1600
tubing, an instruction Tel: (011) 392-6322
Fax: (011) 392-6340
manual, a Wearcheck
pen and other John Evans is the diagnostic man-
sampling tools. ager: mobile equipment and Neil
Robinson is technical manager for INTERNET SITES :
Product code:
the Wearcheck Division of Set Point
WSK (Sampling Kit)
Felicity Howden Public Relations 1/2003 Partners in Publishing Pro-Print

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