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Some interesting math problems

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Departman za računarske nauke, PMF Niš

Let u, v and w be vectors in R3 .

1. • Prove that u, v and w are linearly independent if and only if u.(v ∧
w) 6= 0.
• Establish the identity

u ∧ (w ∧ v) = (u.v)w − (u.w)v.

2. Find coefficients α, β and γ such that

r = αv ∧ w + βw ∧ u + γu ∧ v.

The problem states that we should find x that solves the following equation

2x2 + 4x − 6 = 0 . (1)

We take the standard algorithm for solving equations of the form ax2 + bx + c
and apply it to (1). This gives us
s 2
2 2 6
x= ± + (2)
2·2 2·2 2
=1±2 (3)

So the solutions are x = 3 and x = −1.

Table 1: Interferometer
Experiment Theory
Beams P+1 P0 P−1 P+1 P0 P−1
|1ix , |0ix , |−1ix

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