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English for Purposive Communication

MODULE 1-Communication Processes Principles and Ethics

Enabling Assessment

Name: Fritz Tiongco Date: _____________

Course/Year/Section: BOM23 Score: ____________

Part 1: One-hundred-word summary

Number of words: _100__

In her Ted talk, Sherry Turkle makes the case that technology has a significant impact
on how we humans communicate with one another nowadays. It brings up a number of
insightful points about how technology is affecting individuals today as well as earlier
and future generations. She makes several points that are related to the notion that
using technology while online causes you to detach from reality and your physical self
which is a negative impact. She comments how everywhere you are in today’s society
people are always linked in some form and are using their phones to communicate.

Part 2: Two-hundred-word Analysis

Number of words: _185__
People nowadays are relying on their phones more and more instead of other people,
this is becoming a significant issue in our culture. We frequently simply listen to what
we want to listen to rather than giving people the complete attention that we as humans
require to build relationships. Humans have developed a high level of technological
sensitivity, making us psychologically susceptible to its effects. This generation's
technological advancements have made it simple to customize discussions and even the
dynamics of interpersonal interactions. Real human effect is typically lacking. When we
hide behind internet communication, we not only miss out on genuine human
connection but also the opportunity to fully experience those around us. such as texting
while attending funerals, lectures, at a red signal, or presentations.. What unusual
things—which could seem to be the norm—will they be doing with their phone? Our
dependence on our phones to stay attached to our hands is making it impossible for us
to live comfortably. Because individuals are relying on their phones more and more
instead of other people, this is becoming a significant issue in our culture.

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