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Specification from 1st September 2021

Learner Evidence Record

Level 1 Qualification in Sports
Leadership (SL1)
Learner name

Centre name

Course number

Tutor name

SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022 1
A Letter from SLQ Sports Leaders - Becoming a Sports Leader

Dear Learner,

Welcome to the Level 1 Sports Leadership qualification. We are excited

to have you on this journey with us. This qualification will give you the
opportunity to develop skills for your future whether that is in sport,
education or employment.

This Learner Evidence Record (LER) is yours to keep. It will help you
record your learning and track the progress you make. It is an important
document as you will need to have it all completed to achieve the

Your role as a Sports Leader is so important, as well as developing

your own skills, this qualification will prepare you to lead fun, safe and
inclusive sport activities for others in your community and we hope you
enjoy it. We would love to hear how you get on with the qualification.
You can share your experiences with us via social media using the

Good luck and best wishes,

The SLQ Sports Leaders Team

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About this qualification
Below is an overview of some key things you need to know about your qualification.

What do I have to lead?

We want to make the qualification as practical as possible, and we know some of the best learning happens when you
have a go! To achieve this qualification, you will be asked to demonstrate your leadership. This involves leading at
least 1 hour of activities. You can always do more if you chose to!

Where can I lead?

Your 1 hour demonstration of leadership needs to be within your community. This includes:
• Your education environment, for example school, or an extra-curricular club
• Social setting
• Home environment
• Digitally, for example leading a session online
• Your local community, for example a sport or youth club.

What can I lead on completion of this qualification?

Once qualified you will be able to assist in leading sport/physical activity sessions under direct supervision.

As a Level 1 Sports Leader, you will be supported and guided at all times by your Tutor/Assessor or person in charge
of the organisation you are leading in. They will be required to advise you on risk assessment during your sessions
and the interventions you are required to put in place to meet safety guidance.

Where can I learn more?

If you want to learn more, you have access to four Learner Support Challenges. The learner support challenges
focus on a range of topics to further your knowledge and skills. They are identified through this LER as ‘Power Up’
opportunities. Your Tutor/Assessor can provide you will access to these. They could be used as additional or home
learning if you so wish.

Keep an eye out for images like this one, which tell you when you can power up your skills with a Learner Support
Challenge. Tick them off when you have completed them.

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Your Learner Evidence Record
Your Learner Evidence Record (LER) gives you a template and guidance for everything you need
to do to complete this Sports Leaders qualification.
Your Tutor will guide you through the LER as you go through the course but here is an overview of what to expect.

Your LER – How it works:

Your Tutor will take
Your Tutor will direct
Your Tutor will assess
The most important
you through a number you to tasks and your work in this LER action for you is to realise
of lessons and practical activities you need to and any observations what you have developed
activities where complete. Guidance of your practical tasks through the course and how
you will learn and for all you need to you are required to you go on to use it in the
experience leadership complete is in this LER. do. The assessment future. All sections include
in a sport and physical This includes your 1 decisions and useful tools to reflect on
activity context. hour demonstration feedback will be your experience and
of leadership. given in here too. plan how you can use
it to benefit you.

Section 1 Gaining Life Skills Through Leadership

An introduction to the skills you will need to develop and the behaviours you will need to show to become a Sports

Section 2 Evidence Your Learning, Experience and Assessment (MANDATORY)
Worksheets, planning templates and your leadership log to complete. Your Tutor will use this to track your progress
and assess your achievements throughout the course.

Section 3 Making The Most Of Your Skills

A final reflection on what life skills you have developed and how you will use them in the future.

What you will get out of the course

This course will take you on a journey to gain life skills that will improve your:
Ability to communicate with others
Self-esteem and confidence in your own ability
Ability to work with others as part of a team
Skills needed to manage your own work and personal development
Ability to identify problems and what to do to problem solve
Ability to adapt your skills to meet the needs of the environment

In achieving all these through this course you will be better prepared for your next steps in education and/or getting
a job. So, let’s get started…

What happens to your data - Go to to find out more.

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Section 1

Gaining Life Skills

Through Leadership
This course will take you on a journey to gain life skills. Through showing a set of behaviours,
you will develop 5 essential skills that will help you progress in other areas of interest to you.

The 5 life skills

Communication Self-belief Teamwork Self- Problem solving


What this Your ability to Building confidence Enabling you to Taking Understanding
means to you listen and share in your own ability work with others responsibility for the problem and
information your actions and finding solutions
doing things to the
best of your ability
Behaviours Appropriate Confidence Encouraging Commitment Awareness
shown on this communication Enthusiasm Flexibility Organised Contributor
course Body language Positive attitude Honesty Responsible Idea maker
Demonstration Self-awareness Reliable Self-control
Listening Respect
Understandable Trustworthy

Showing these behaviours on this course is great. The more impactful thing will be to be able to tell others about
what you have done and what it means for you and your future. Complete Task 1.3 to rate your skills at the start and
end of the course.

The focus behaviours on this course are important to you because you can use them to:
1. Make your skills more effective
2. Make you stand out from the crowd
3. Become more employable

In Tasks 1.1 to 1.3 of your Learner Evidence Record you will Review and Action. After the course you will Reflect,
Transfer and Apply.

Before the Course: After the Course:

Reflect Apply
Describe where
your skills are What skills have Where will you try
before this course you shown? your skills out?
Transfer e.g. job application
Action Where else
What are you can you use
going to do to your skills?
improve your skills?
Think about the
focus behaviours
you can show

6 SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022

Section 2 LEARNERS complete the BLUE Sections

TUTORS complete the GREEN Sections

Evidence Your Learning,

Experience and Assessment (MANDATORY)
You are required to complete all Tasks within this section to complete the course. This covers both
the Evidence and Assessment stages of ‘Your LER – How it works’ guidance in the introduction.

It is important that the work within this section is your own and that your Tutor can assess all of your work and
practical activities.

Here is what you and your Tutor need to complete:

Evidence – what tasks do you need to do? Assessment – what your Tutor will do
Practical Observation Form
Task 1.1 – Leadership skills and behaviours
For Task 1.1 and 2.1
Task 1.2 – Using leadership skills and
behaviours in other environments
Complete assessment boxes for Task 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
Task 1.3 – Reflecting on the leadership skills
you have used
Task 2.1 – Plan, assist in leading and review
sport/physical activities (2 separate plans Complete assessment box for Task 2.1

Task 2.2 – Leadership Log Sign off your Leadership Log

All done? All done?

Learner Authenticity Statement

Only complete this statement once all of Section 2 is completed

By signing this, you and your Tutor are confirming that:

1. All work within this Learner Evidence Record is your own

2. The Tutor/Assessor has observed you demonstrating the tasks that have been assessed in the
practical observation form(s)
3. You have completed the 1 hour demonstration of leadership required to complete this course

Your signature Date

Report on learner
performance and
progression throughout
the course


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Practical Observation Form
To be completed by the Tutor/Assessor(s)

Assessment Criteria (AC)/Action Date Notes on observation and feedback to learner (MANDATORY)
required AC met

Task 1.1 – Leadership skills and behaviours

Demonstrate the development of at

least 2 of their leadership skills

Task 2.1 – Plan, assist in leading and review sport/physical activities

Assist in leading at least 2 x 10 minutes

sport/physical activities

Use at least 2 different verbal

communication methods

Use at least 2 different non-verbal

communication methods

Demonstrate active listening on at least

1 occasion

Use at least 2 motivational methods

Show effective organisation on at least

1 occasion

Adapt in line with the participants

needs on at least 1 occasion

Final comments and feedback for learner

Feedback to learner

Further areas/opportunities
for development

Tutor/Assessor signature Date

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Task 1.1
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Leadership skills and behaviours

There are 5 skills that can be thought of as the key skills that you’ll need as a Sports Leader. Each key skill will have certain behaviours that make it happen
successfully. In the table below you must outline why these key skills and associated behaviours are important for a Sports Leader.
Key skill Outline why this key skill is needed as a Sports Leader Associated Pick 2 behaviours and outline why they are needed as a
behaviours Sports Leader
Helps us connect and build relationships with our - Appropriate 1) Demonstration - If somebody doesn’t understand
something you are able to show them in a way
audience. Communicating the right point is important - Listening them will.
Communication so that the audience can interpret the message the - Body language
2) Listening - If somebody wants to contribute something
way you want. - Demonstration
relevant you can take in what they have said and
- Understandable expand upon it.
1) Enthusiasm - Displaying enthusiasm can often
Allows you to be confident in yourself and challenge - Confidence motivate who you are leading and make teaching
obstacles. Having good self-belief also sets a good - Positive attitude more fun.
Self-belief example to others. - Self awareness 2) Positive Attitude - Helps deal with problems directly and
- Enthusiasm achieve goals quicker.

- Reliable 1) Reliable - Helps people count on them if they need

Being able to work with others well is vital for solving - Respect something and builds relationship.
problems. Team work includes being able to listen to - Honesty
Teamwork others ideas but also express your own. Honesty - Builds relationships, helps show venerability
- Flexibility 2)
- Encouraging and you can apologise when necessary without being
- Trustworthy judged.
1) Organised - Helps to stay on top of things and not let stress
It is needed to boost productivity and performance.
- Commitment build.
Helps you stay motivated and helps you support your
- Self control
Self-management own well-being.
- Organised 2) Responsible - Helps you respond to situations
- Responsible professionally while also being able to perform given
tasks efficiently.
When unexpected problems arise you need to be able 1) Awareness - You can better manage stress, make better
to tackle them quickly in order to continue carrying out - Idea maker decisions and influence others to as well.
Problem solving what was intended to happen. - Awareness
- Contributor 2)
Idea maker - Opens opportunities to problem solving,
achieving goals and also inspiring others to do the same.

Skills: A skill is something that you can Behaviours: What you need to show to make your
do e.g. communicating with others skills more effective, e.g. being confident
Task 1.2

Using leadership skills and behaviours in other environments

In the table below you must outline how the key skills and identified behaviours might be useful in other areas of your life, away from your
sports leadership.

Key skills and behaviours Outline the positive impact these may have on other areas of life
Communication – being understood by others and Can help us understand people and situations that happen on
listening to what they have to say a regular basis.
Can predict how motivated you feel, how you feel about yourself, and the amount of
Self-belief – being confident and having a positive attitude
effort you put into achieving your goals.
When problems arise if you can work well as a team a solution can be worked out
Teamwork – being reliable and respectful to other people
quicker. Also helps to build relationships with those around you.
Self-management – showing commitment and being well Allow you to maximise your productivity, improve workplace performance, and efficiently
organised achieve goals.
Problem solving – having ideas and sharing them with Helps build resilience and boost creativity. Also, enables us to spot other similar
others problems in the future.

In the table below you must outline the main responsibilities, and say how the key skills and behaviours will be needed to fulfil the
identified roles.

Role Responsibilities Key skills Behaviours

SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022

Enforces the rules of games, maintains the Communication, problem solving Listening, understandable, contributor and confident
safety of the players. Also is a time keeper. and self belief.

In investigating related incidents and Problem solving and self-belief Positive attitude and idea maker
Safety Officer advising management.

Makes sure that the game being played Self-management and communication Organised, responsible,
Scorer/Timekeeper is played for the exact amount of time. understandable and listening

Self-management, teamwork, self-belief and Enthusiasm, encouraging, trustworthy,

To make sure their players are ready to compete
Manager communication demonstration and commitment
and to represent the team they are managing.
Listening, understandable, positive attitude,
Planning, organising and delivering an Communication, self-belief, teamwork, self-
Coach enthusiastic, responsible, commitment, trustworthy
appropriate range of sports activities management and problem solving.
and encouraging.
Task 1.3
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Reflecting on the leadership skills you have used

In order to improve anything, it is important to think about where you are now, where you would like to be and how you plan to get
there. Use the table below to rate your current key skills as a Sports Leader, then consider how these skills might be improved. You
can reflect back at the end of your course to see how successful this development plan was and how much improvement there has
been in your key skills.

Key skills Score at start What will you do on the course that will help you Score at end of How successful was your development plan?
of course* improve these key skills? course*
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Try to be clear when giving instructions as well as
It went well as I think my listening skills have been improved.
x listening more and being more understanding. x

I need to tell myself I can do it and carry a more positive After leading certain lessons with younger year groups I
x mental attitude. x have developed a lot more confidence and think I can do it

Listen to others idea while also making sure mine are As a group I worked well with others and recieving
Teamwork x x positive feedback to my suggestions

Stay organised and on top of things When leading sessions I stuck with my plan and the lessons
Self-management x x stayed fairly organised with slight improvisation.

Try to come to the answer efficiently

When problems arose due to improvisation I was able to
Problem solving x x
continue with what I was doing.

* 1=Low and 4=High

Mandatory for the Tutor/Assessor (T/A) to Defer Date Pass Comments by the T/A supporting the assessment decisions against all
complete (if required) Date Tasks. If an assessment decision is deferred, the T/A must detail additional
requirements set and achieved by the learner.
Task 1.1
Task 1.2
Task 1.3
Signature Date
Task 2.1
Plan, assist in leading and review
sport/physical activities

Session Plans - to be completed by the learner

You are required to complete plans for at least 2 x 10 minute sport/physical activities. These plans must include both a
‘warm up’ and ‘main activity’. You will only be required to lead 1 activity from each plan - so a warm up or a main activity.

Session Plan 1
Date of session Time and duration Participants (who, number, age/ability, etc.)
11/10/22 130pm - 2:40pm 1hr 10mins Y3/Y4 B Group

Focus/aim of session Topic/sport/activity

Practice shooting Netball

Key safety guidance for this session Who is responsible for managing the safety guidance?
(i.e. your supervisor)
Make sure the activities aren’t dangerous and the kids
Ms Yuen
are sensible

Facilities/working space/environment Equipment list

Sports Hall - Kellett Two Netball Hoops
School Two Netballs

Purpose of Name and description of activity Adaptation

activity Use written descriptions and/or diagrams Suggest 1 change to make each activity more/
less challenging
Introduction and Bulldogs - One tagger in the middle of the hall For bulldogs we would make it so
warm up has to tag everybody else. If you are tagged that if you are tagged you have to
you join the tagger. - Game developed to join arms with the tagger.
become harder.
Ramp Warmup - Raise heart rates, For raising heart rates an potentiating we
activate muscles, mobilise joints and would do simple activities such as a race
potentiate through different games. or duck duck goose.

Main session Golden Child - Spilt into two teams, Make the area which you have to race around
larger to make it easier for the other team trying
one team to shoot.
has to race around an outline of
cones but if the
other team scores with a netball
they have to
stay where they are. However at
the end, the racing team will pick a
Sgolden child who runs after and Text
opicks up anybody who was tagged.
oIts about
whoever can score the most points.

12 SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022

Session Plan 1
Purpose of Name and description of activity Adaptation
activity Use written descriptions and/or diagrams Suggest 1 change to make each activity more/
less challenging

Cool down and Shooting Drills - Split into two groups.

close Each group Instead of being given two
takes it in turn to be either a passer, passers to choose from
attacker or only one is allowed.
receiver. The goal of the attacker is to
pass to either of the passers and then find
space near the hoop and
ask for a pass back. Then, near the hoop,
take a shot and hope to score.
Other things to Make sure to keep everybody interested and happy.
aware of

Review of the activity you led

What went well? How did you review the activity?
At the end of the lesson we quickly
We kept everybody interested and recapped each activity asking students
happy. what the purpose.

What needs more work? What will you change for next time?

When we explain different activities instead of In the RAMP warmup, make sure each activity
making fully involves each student.
sure every student understands, make sure that a
few understand and let them learn from their

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Task 2.1
Plan, assist in leading and review sport/physical activities

Session Plan Template

Session Plan 2
Date of session Time and duration Participants (who, number, age/ability, etc.)
13/10/22 1:50pm - 2:40pm Y5/6 Football B Team

Focus/aim of session Topic/sport/activity

Improving Passing Football

Key safety guidance for this session Who is responsible for managing the safety guidance?
(i.e. your supervisor)
Make sure drills are safe, avoid heat exhaustion, Mr Rigby
lots of water breaks.

Facilities/working space/environment Equipment list

Stanley Ho Pitches Footballs, cones, goals and bibs

Purpose of Name and description of activity Adaptation

activity Use written descriptions and/or diagrams Suggest 1 change to make each activity more/
less challenging

Introduction and Ramp Warmup Two kicks one bounce

warm up Keepy Ups With Bounces One Touch
Catch before bounce

Main session 4v4 Rondo

Conditioned Games

14 SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022

Session Plan 2
Purpose of Name and description of activity Adaptation
activity Use written descriptions and/or diagrams Suggest 1 change to make each activity more/
less challenging

Cool down and


Other things to
aware of

Review of the activity you led

What went well? How did you review the activity?

What needs more work? What will you change for next time?

Mandatory for the Tutor/ Defer Date Pass Comments by the T/A supporting the assessment
Assessor (T/A) to complete (If required) Date decisions against all Tasks. If an assessment decision is
deferred, the T/A must detail additional requirements
set and achieved by the learner.

Task 2.1

Signature Date

SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022 15

Task 2.2 Leadership Log – Complete at least of 1 hour of demonstration of leadership in

sport/physical activity. Copy this page if you need more space.

Plan, assist in leading and review sport/

physical activities

Learner name Centre Course number

Date Location/ Description of leadership experience Length of Witness – only required if Tutor/Assessor is not able to
Organisation (Provide details of what activities you led, the participants session(s) witness the demonstration of leadership
involved and your role/s in this)
Witness name and role Witness signature
SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022

Tutor/Assessor signature
To confirm the 1 hour demonstration has been completed by the learner
Section 3

Making The Most Of Your Skills

Complete once you have completed all of Section 2

The 5 life skills

Communication Self-belief Teamwork Self- Problem solving


What this Your ability to Building confidence Enabling you to Taking Understanding
means to you listen and share in your own ability work with others responsibility for the problem and
information your actions and finding solutions
doing things to the
best of your ability
Behaviours Appropriate Confidence Encouraging Commitment Awareness
shown on this communication Enthusiasm Flexibility Organised Contributor
course Body language Positive attitude Honesty Responsible Idea maker
Demonstration Self-awareness Reliable Self-control
Listening Respect
Understandable Trustworthy

During this course, you will have shown many of the behaviours and gained a set of life skills that will make you
more effective in what you do. It is now important that you shout about your achievements and be ready to use them
in future applications and interviews for jobs, education and university. You can use the statements from Section 3 to
tell people about the 5 life skills you have developed.

Before the Course: After the Course:

Review Apply
Describe where Where will you try
What skills have
your skills are your skills out?
you shown?
before this course e.g. job application
Where else
What are you

can you use
going to do to
your skills?
improve your skills?
Think about the
focus behaviours
you can show

SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022 17

Use the space below to think about your achievements on the course, how you have developed your skills, where you can use these

skills and where you can apply them

Your experience Reflect Transfer Apply

Describe your achievements on What skills have you developed What does this experience How has this impacted your Where will you try your
this course. This should be in through this experience? mean to you? community (e.g. your school/ skills out?
relation to the goals you set in e.g. Communication, Self-belief, college) or the groups you have e.g. job application
your development plan in Task 1.3 Teamwork, Self-management or worked with?
Problem solving.
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Learner signature Date


SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022 19

What next?
You will shortly receive a qualification certificate from Sports Leaders if you have passed all the assessment for this
course and you have completed the 1 hour demonstration of leadership.

If you have gone the extra mile in your course and really demonstrated commitment and dedication to your role as a
Sports Leader, your Tutor may give you an additional recognition certificate.

I’m now a qualified Sports Leader…

So what?
Through this course you have developed your:

Communication Self-belief Teamwork

Skills Skills Skills
Shown that you can Shown confidence in Worked effectively as
communicate to your abilities part of a team
and groups

Self-management Problem Solving Helping To Keep

Skills Skills People Safe
Do things to the Understand the Ability to adapt to the
best of your ability problem and help environment
find solutions

Which means you have become:

More active in your More confident in your

More employable
community abilities
More focussed on your own Someone who stands out from
More valuable to others
development the crowd

Why not follow us on social media

and share your #LearnerJourney:
20 SL0922 Issue 5 09/22 | © Sports Leaders 2022

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