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Role of Homoeopathy in management of lifestyle disorders

The multi-factorial causations for lifestyle disorders include changes in lifestyle, abundance of
food, lack of physical activity, smoking, stress, ageing etc.
The term LIFESTYLE by itself means a disease acquired depending on the lifestyle one leads.
This is encouraging in a way that if a person takes a step towards changing his/her lifestyle the
burden of the disease is greatly reduced. Lifestyle Diseases are due to inappropriate
relationship of people with their environment. The onset of such diseases is insidious and may
take years to develop.
Homoeopathy is an important modality which can help in curing Lifestyle disorders and play a
significant role in delaying the occurrence of lifestyle diseases and also in management of the
same. Homoeopathy treats patients through a holistic approach and considers individualistic
characteristic of one person along with the disease symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are
prescribed on the basis of symptom similarity of THE DRUG and THE PATIENT. This needs an
extensive interaction between the Doctor and the Patient which we call CASE TAKING. If a
correct Homeopathic medicine is selected considering physical and mental makeup of the
person, it significantly delays the lifestyle disorders.
When a person is affected with any kind of disease, his immunity is usually broken down
because of the inappropriate relationship of a man with his surrounding environment, following
unhealthy life style, irregular eating habits, etc. If the susceptibility of the patient is lowered
because of any of the cause mentioned above he is prone to suffer from various diseases.
Homoeopathy is a therapeutic method which augments body’s own defense system if a correct
similimum is prescribed.

Cardio vascular diseases

The drugs which act on the smooth muscles to dilate the blood vessels to increase the blood
flow to heart Muscles are Cactus. Grandiflorus, Amyl Nitrosum and Strophanthus. The effects of
stress can be removed by homoeopathic Medicines like Ignatia, Nat-mur, staphisagria, Nux-
vomica, colocynthis, opium, hyoscyamus, stramonium, pulsatilla and by counselling.

Obesity is defined as an abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to an enlargement of fat
cell size (hypertrophic obesity) or an increase in fat cell numbers (hyperplasic obesity) or
combination of both. Genetic factors and Environmental factors are the major causes for
Obesity. The major aetiological factors for obesity are PCOD, Hypothyroidism, Hormonal
imbalance in females and other life style factors.

Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Type II Diabetes is no longer an adult disease. Until recently, it almost occurred only in people
above 45 years of age. In early detected cases it can be completely cured with constitutional
miasmatic treatment. Insulin resistance can be prevented by insulin resistant drug Insulinum.
Medicines are also available to decrease Diabetic induced Atherosclerosis. Oral Hypoglycemic
herbal products available in homoeopathy which do not have any side effect or after effect are
Cephalandra indica and Syzygium Jambolanum, Gymnema sylvestra, Jonosia Asoka, Grindilia.
The scope of homeopathy in skin complications due to diabetes mellitus is also very good.

Hypertension is defined as increased Systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A research study of
Pharmacological evaluation of homoeopathic medicines was undertaken adopted. With Central
Drug Research Institute (CDRI) and the results proved that the drug – LYCOPODIUM 30C
reduces the value of diastolic, systolic and arterial blood pressure and regulates heart beat.
The benefit of homeopathy is that when a person takes a right remedy, not only the disease
being targeted Is cured but the overall immunity of the person is also boosted and their
tendency to other disease is also Reduced. The goal of HOMOEOPATHIC Medicine is to promote
health, to preserve health, to restore the Health when it is impaired and to minimize the
suffering and distress.

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