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1st Scene: ( Birth of Jesus)

Narrator: This is a summary of the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus.
We all know the story of a virgin who was told by the angel Gabriel that she shall give
birth to a Son named Jesus that shall save people from their sins.
According to Luke 2: 1-20 and Matthew 2 : 1-11 it starts to a town of Nazareth where
Mary and Joseph were,but not until Mary saw the vision and conceived by the Holy
Ghost and that’s where they went to Bethlehem because of the kings decree to conduct
a census since Joseph belongs to that land which is of the tribe of David. They had
also seek for a place to rest since Mary was in labor until they found a little barn and
there Mary gave birth to baby Jesus in a Manger.

2nd scenario: Baptism of Jesus


Why baptism? What’s that all about? Just look at this stuff! Where else would you go?
This stuff is life. No water, no life. Before the world was formed, what was there on the
surface of the earth? Water. Before you were born, what were you swimming around in?
a kind of water. And when you were born, what came out with you? A lot of stuff. OK.
But water. What grows plants? What do fish swim in? What forms the clouds and the
rain? I think you get the point.
So I walk these people down to the river, and I immerse them in this water. And, like the
first time they came out of their mothers’ wombs, they come out of the river. Only the
difference is this - the first time you are born you don’t have a choice. When you are
grown up, you come out of the water because you want a new life. You don’t just want
to be born. You want to be born again.
All these people come to the river, because they want a new life. and they bring their
children, because they want the blessing for them, too, and because they are going to
be better parents for their kids.
But you know, while all that was going on, that day at the river, I knew that there was
something else about to happen. I could feel it in my bones. I could hear it from my God.
Another was coming, one who was closer to God than I would ever be. One who would
make this baptism seem like nothing. One who could really change people’s lives. One
who would bless people not only with water but with the Holy spirit. With fire from
And that was the day it happened. I saw him, coming down out of the crowd, walking
towards me. I knew who he was. It was my cousin Jesus. That much I knew. But until
that moment I hadn’t put it all together.
Do you ever have mystical experiences? I’ve had lots of them. I had one. Right then and
there. He came into the river and asked me to baptize him.
“Are you crazy? I know who you are! You’re the one who should be baptizing me! You
are no sinner! You are nothing like the rest of these people! Put me under the water.
Then Jesus looked me in the eye and said. “Let it be so now. For it is proper for us in
this way to fulfill all righteousness.” I knew what he meant. This was not between him
and me. This was between us and God. And right now we needed to step aside and let
God work.
And so I did it. I put Jesus under the water. And then when he came up the most
remarkable thing happened. A good thing. Not scary. But wonderful. Comforting.
The heavens opened up. Like the clouds parted. And this dove comes down. This
sacred messenger. I know the dove was the sign of the Holy Spirit. It came down and
rested on his shoulder. And stayed there. And then the same heavens that had sent the
dove spoke. And the voice said this: “This is my son, the beloved, with whom I am well
Sometimes the Spirit speaks to you. Gives you a sacred name. Grants you a special
blessing. That’s what happened that day.
I don’t care what religion you belong to. When the Spirit calls you, in your dreams or out
loud in front of people, in prayers or through angels or sacred messengers. When the
Spirit calls you, it is your naming. It is the beginning of your new life. The spirit gives you
what you must do with your life.
I wonder, in your time, do you still baptize people? Is that what this is for? Are people
named and blessed? Are they called by God? And when they are, do you stand up and
cheer? You should, you know! Cheer because this is a very sacred thing that is going
on - right there in that water.
You should cheer because the Holy spirit is here. She is hovering around this room.
She is resting on you now. You should cheer because Jesus was baptized. Because he
found the blessing and power of the spirit to begin his ministry.
And you should pray - that the Spirit would touch people here today and give them the
wisdom to walk the faithful path, and that means you. Peace.


Key Scripture

Luke 8:43-48:
“Now there was a woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve
years; and though she had spent all she had on physicians, no one could cure
her. She came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his clothes, and
immediately her hemorrhage stopped. Then Jesus asked, ‘Who touched me?’
When all denied it, Peter said, ‘Master, the crowds surround you and press in on
you.’ But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me; for I noticed that power had gone
out from me.’ When the woman saw that she could not remain hidden, she came
trembling; and falling down before him, she declared in the presence of all the
people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. He
said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.’”

SCENE : a large crowd is gathering around Jesus and is pressing in on many sides.
From this large crowd, our woman enters the scene by touching the hem of Jesus’s
cloak. She is healed. Power leaves Jesus.

NARRATOR: This bleeding woman’s story interacts with all of our stories because we,
like her, have been in need of healing at some point or another. We have been outcasts
or have felt abandoned by our communities or our friends. We have been in need of a
merciful touch by God and by the body of Christ incarnate in our sisters and brothers
here with us. Think of a time when you felt like you were at your end. Think of that
space and ask God to show you where Jesus was in that space. What was he like?
What did he refer to you as?
These stories are not telling us that we will always be healed, but rather, what it looks
like to reach out to Jesus in times of pain and heartache, isolation and loneliness, in
order to receive the gift of truth: you are beloved and known intimately by your creator.

4rth scenario:
(Jesus enters and walks about slowly, then sits on a rock and seems to be thinking or
praying. Satan enters and begins to make his way around the stage looking at Jesus all
the while. Jesus does not pay attention or acknowledge his presence. If you have other
demons who are dancing around to the eerie music… just add that in where you want it.
It might be good to have them between each temptation as Jesus is being transported
to each new location.)

SATAN: (Lines should be spoken slowly, with much feeling and with a lot of pauses
between lines as he waits for a reaction.) Jesus. (With sarcasm) Aren’t we the holy
one? Fasting and praying here in this wilderness for all this time! My, my! Most
impressive. I don’t know how you do it. What has it been now, 40 days? That’s a long
time to go without any food. A very long time. (Pause) Hungry? (Pause) I think perhaps
‘starved’ might be the more appropriate word. What do you think? You have that feeling
in the pit of your stomach…that emptiness…that longing for something nourishing…
something tasty. You know what I’m talking about. You are feeling it right now. You are
thinking about how nice it would be to have something to eat. (Stares at Jesus who has
still not acknowledged him) Oh…you are the strong one, aren’t you? I know who you
are, Jesus. Jesus Christ….son of Mary…..son of Joseph…born in Bethlehem…raised in
Nazareth …. a carpenter by trade. You see? I know who you are. So….I guess the
question is…do you know who I am? (Jesus is still not looking at him) Oh…of course
you do. You claim to be the Son of God….so that must mean that you know everything!
Well, if you are the Son of God…then you can take care of this little hunger problem,
can’t you? I know you’re hungry. You have denied yourself for 40 days! That ought to be
long enough! No one expects any more of you! It is time to eat now. So…if you ARE the
Son of God… then command that these stones become bread. (Pause) Warm… fresh
baked bread. (Picks up a rock about the size of a loaf of bread) Can’t you smell it? Can’t
you taste it? BREAD! Just tell it to become bread! IF you are the Son of God… won’t it
obey you? Then you can EAT!

JESUS: (Rising looks once at Satan and starts to walk away in the other direction.) It is
written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the
mouth of God.’

SATAN: (Looking rather disturbed at the quoting of scripture. He crosses over to Jesus
and grabs him by the shoulders from behind and begins to spin him around. Not sure
how you want to stage this… if just using the imagination of the audience and through
the lines… they are now pantomiming that they are standing on the pinnacle of the
temple. –Perhaps the front edge of the stage. This might be a good place to have music
and the dancing demons.) Here, Jesus! I don’t think you are taking me seriously!! See
what I can do! I have transported you to the top of the temple! We are on the very
pinnacle! It is rather frightening up here, isn’t it? Don’t be afraid…I have you. I am
holding on tight, and I won’t let go. It is a long drop isn’t it? But you probably aren’t
frightened, are you? I suppose nothing frightens you. After all, you’re the Son of God…
aren’t you? You have nothing to fear. If you fall…THEY will catch you. Now THAT would
be something to see! What a display of power! What a thrilling spectacle! You should do
it! I would love to see that! Show me how important you are! IF you are the Son of
God…IF YOU ARE!! Then…throw yourself down from here! (Mocking Him) For it is
written…’He will give His angels charge concerning you to guard you’ and ‘On their
hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.’

JESUS: (Calmly and firmly) On the other hand…it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord
your God to the test.’

SATAN: (Mumbling) The Lord my…. Come with me! (He takes him by the arm and
spins him around to a higher position and stops and waves his arm out over the lands
far below. This could be another time of music and demons.) Look! From this mountain
top you can see it all! All the kingdoms of the world! Look there!…and there! Isn’t it
majestic? Look at the mountains! Look at the seas! The rivers and the valleys! The
forests and the deserts! It is all so glorious! Those magnificent cities! All the lands and
kingdoms in all their splendor! Isn’t it marvelous? Have you ever seen anything so
glorious? Oh! It’s breathtaking! I’m speechless! You have to admit that this is the
greatest of all beauty. And it’s all mine! It has been handed over to me! (Pause) Jesus…
I will give you all this domain and its glory…because I can give it to whomever I wish.
That’s right. I choose to give it all to you. I want you to have it. All of this, I will give
you… (Pause) if you fall down and worship me! Yes! Therefore… (Over the top) if you
worship before me, it shall all be yours!

JESUS: Be gone, Satan! (Satan is thrown back from Jesus by an invisible force) For it is
written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only!’

SATAN: I’ll go. But you have not seen the last of me!


5th Scenario:

Characters: Narrator, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Judas, Apostles

Setting: In a line of desks, a large table, or in a row on the floor sit Jesus and the
Twelve Apostles including Peter, John, and Judas who sit closest to Jesus. In
front of Jesus is a large piece of paper cut into a circle. This is the bread. Also,
there is a large chalice (cup) in front of him as well.

Narrator: When it was evening, Jesus took his place at the table with the Twelve

Jesus: Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.

Apostles: [Each Apostle will state this line one after another.] Surely not I, Lord?

Jesus: The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me.

Judas: Surely not I, Rabbi?

Jesus: You have said so.

Narrator: Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after giving thanks and blessing it he
broke it, gave it to his disciples.

[Jesus picks up the paper and tears it into pieces and passes one to each of the
Apostles and disciples sitting there.]

Jesus: Take this all of you and eat it. This is my body, which is given for you. Do
this in memory of me.

[The Apostles and disciples eat the bread.]

Narrator: Then Jesus picked up the cup and gave thanks.

Jesus: This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood,
which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of

Narrator: The disciples began to argue about which of them was the greatest.

James: I’m the greatest.

John: No, I’m the greatest.

Apostles: [Each Apostle will state this line one after another.] No, I’m the greatest.

Jesus: The greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader
like one who serves. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one
who serves? Is it not the one at the table? But I am among you as one who

Narrator: The apostles were all very sad for arguing with one another.
Jesus: You will all become deserters because of me this night; for it is written, “I
will strike the shepherd, and the flock will be scattered.” But after I am raised up, I
will go ahead of you to Galilee.

Peter: I will never desert you.

Jesus: Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the cock crows, you will deny me
three times.

Peter: I will not deny you.

Apostles: [One after another] I will not deny you.

6th scenario:

Narrator: Matt 26:30-56 Mark 14:26-52 Luke 22:31-53 John 18:1-11 Synopsis Jesus
goes to a quiet place with some of his disciples and prays about the terrible day
to come. He believes that they will kill him. Judas, accompanied by soldiers,
comes to find him and Jesus is arrested.

Narrator: Following the Passover meal, Jesus and his disciples walk out of the
city to the Mount of Olives, and into the Garden of Gethsemane, which is where
we join them. Jesus knows what is going to happen to him, and he is worried and
afraid . . .

Peter: “What’s the matter, Jesus? You look sad – that’s not like you”

Jesus: “Ah, my friend, this will be a hard night for me and for all of you. I will be
betrayed into the hands of the priests, and you will all desert me”

Peter: “Not me, Lord! I will never desert you. Even if I have to die for it I will stand
by your side!”
Jesus: “Oh, Peter, Peter, so impetuous! But I tell you, this very night, before the
cock crows in the morning, you will deny three times that you know me!”

Peter: “No, no, not possible. I will never, never disown you” Other disciples:
“Neither will I” “Not me – I’ll stay with you” “We won’t leave you, Jesus”

Peter: “I’ve got a sword here. They’ll never take you while I am alive!”

John: “I’ve got one too. Jesus, do you think two swords is enough?”

Jesus: (wearily) “Yes, I’m sure that’s all we will need. But you need to pray
earnestly that you won’t lose courage and fall victims to temptation. Wait here,
watch and pray while I go over there by myself for a while.” (Jesus moves off to
the side and kneels down.)

While Jesus was praying for a while, He found His disciples were asleep and he
woke them up and told them to pray.
(The disciples start on their knees, but shortly afterwards one by one fall asleep
again) Jesus: “Father, give me the strength to endure the suffering that is
coming, if it is really your will that I should go through with it” (once again, puts
his face into this hands and prays quietly) (comes back and once again finds
them sleeping) Jesus: “Thomas! Andrew! Peter! Why are you not praying? Don’t
you understand what is happening? The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Pray for strength to endure what is coming” (Jesus goes off for the third time and
prays again)

(The disciples start on their knees, but shortly afterwards one by one fall asleep
again) Jesus: “Father, give me the strength to endure the suffering that is
coming, if it is really your will that I should go through with it” (once again, puts
his face into this hands and prays quietly) (comes back and once again finds
them sleeping) Jesus: “Thomas! Andrew! Peter! Why are you not praying? Don’t
you understand what is happening? The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Pray for strength to endure what is coming” (Jesus goes off for the third time and
prays again)
Narrator: The soldiers are taking Jesus to the house of Caiaphas, the High Priest,
where he will be tried for blasphemy. Judas is with the group of soldiers, keeping well
away from Jesus. Peter and a couple of other disciples follow at a safe distance. Let us
follow them and watch what happens there . . .

Narrator: Here we are, at the house of Caiaphas, the High Priest, the most important
religious leader in Israel. The house is very big and grand, as befits Caiaphas’s status,
and the household includes many servants, both inside and in the courtyard
surrounding it.

At last Caiaphas has Jesus where he wants him – captured, bound and on his own.
Accompanied by the Scribes and the Elders, he can now interrogate Jesus and prove
that he is a blasphemer. To that end, Caiaphas has engaged the services of several
people who have been paid to give evidence against Jesus. Peter has followed Jesus at
a distance, and is now waiting anxiously to see what will happen. Judas is also there,
hovering in the background. As Jesus’s trial before Caiaphas begins, Judas is beginning
to realise just what he has done . . .

Fast forward: Jesus has walked to the place of execution, where he is nailed to the
cross and dies. The Roman Centurion realises that he is the Son of God. Script
Narrator: Jesus is now at the place called Golgotha, which means The Place of the
Skull. Jesus is the third person to be executed today – there are already two bandits
who were crucified earlier. It was traditional for the soldiers to take and keep the
clothing of prisoners before crucifying them, so Jesus will be stripped and his
garments shared out . . . (The centurion, with a couple more soldiers, is standing
nearby supervising. There is also a group of priests. Separately, John the disciple,
Mary Jesus’s mother and several other women followers are standing. The centurion
doesn’t do anything, but watches all the exchanges up to Jesus’s death very carefully
and slightly anxiously) Soldier 1: (dragging Jesus’s robe off him) “Get your arms up!”
(he pulls the robe over Jesus’s head. The crown comes off and the soldier puts it to
one side as they remove his other garments. The garments are piled to one side for
the moment)

Jesus: (quietly, but obviously in pain) “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they

Jesus: (looking down at his mother and John, who have come closer) “Mother, here is
your son” (to John) “John, here is your mother” (Mary is weeping and John puts his arm
round her shoulders) Jesus: (weakly) “Eloi, eloi, lema sabachthani? My God, my God,
why have you forsaken me?”

And that same moment ,Jesus said, “it is finished” and finally gave up the


Jesus was arrested, tried, and found guilty of claiming to be a king. His body
was hung on a cross between two thieves. After his death, Jesus’ body was
wrapped in linen cloth and placed in a tomb with a large stone rolled across
the opening. On the third day, an early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene
and another Mary came to the tomb and found it empty. Sitting on the rolled-
away stone was an angel of the Lord who told them not to be afraid because
Jesus had risen. As the women left to tell the disciples, Jesus Christ met
them and showed them his nail-pierced hands.

The Old and the New Testaments speak of the truth of Jesus being raised
from death - Jesus testified of his resurrection before He died on the cross
and his disciples witnessed his body after the resurrection.

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