Topic-Nationalism in India: Practice Questions - HISTORY

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Practice questions – HISTORY


Q1. Discuss the movement against talukdars led by Baba Ramchandra. (include what the
movement was about, steps taken during this movement).

Q2. What was the opinion of Mahatma Gandhi on the participation of women in CDM. (Include
that women had only symbolic presence in the Civil Disobedience Movement).

Q3. Why did Lord Irwin offer a dominion status for India ( background of Simon Commission)

Q4. What was the condition of plantation workers in Assam ? (Inland Emigration Act)

Q5. Elaborate the various aspirations of groups which participated in NCM and CDM . ( mention
the different aspirations of people like why did rich peasants or poor peasants participate ).

Q1. How was language used as a weapon of national resistance in Poland ? ( 3.1)

Q2. What were the objectives of Treaty of Vienna ? (2.3)

Q3. What do you understand by allegories ? How were female allegories used to personify a
nation in France and Germany ?

Q4. Discuss the revolution led by liberals (educated middle class) in Europe in the year 1848. (3.3)

Q5. Trace the process of German unification.

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